List of Experts_Details - The EU in the new economic complex

Pasquale Commedatore
Name and Surname: Pasquale Commendatore (University of Naples ‘Federico II’)
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Department of Economics, University of Naples ‘Federico II’
Address: Via Mezzocannone 16, I-80134
Phone: +39 081 253 7449
Fax: +39 081 675014
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: YES - C
Publications (three to five):
Commendatore P., Michetti E., Pinto A., (2010), ‘Multiple equilibria and endogenous cycles in a
non-linear harrodian growth model’ in Skiadas C.H. and I. Dimotikalis, Chaotics Systems: Theory
and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore.
Salvadori N., Commendatore P., Tamberi M. (a cura di) (2009), Geography and Structural Change
in Economic Development: Theory and Empirics, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England.
Commendatore P., Salvadori N., Tamberi M. (2009), ‘Introduction’, in Salvadori N.,
Commendatore P., Tamberi M. (ed.), Geography and Structural Change in Economic Development:
Theory and Empirics, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England.
Commendatore P., Palmisani C. (2009) ‘The Pasinetti-Solow growth model with optimal saving
behaviour: a local bifurcation analysis’ in Skiadas C.H., Dimotikalis I., Skiadas C. (ed.) Topics on
Chaotic Systems: Selected Papers from CHAOS 2008 International Conference, World Scientific,
Singapore, pp. 87-95.
Commendatore P., Currie M. (2008), ‘The cobweb, borrowing and financial crises’, Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization, 66(3-4), pp. 625-640.
Short presentation (individual):
Pasquale Commendatore is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’,
Italy. His works are published, or accepted for publication, in International Journals such as Oxford
Economic Papers; Cambridge Journal of Economics; Review of Political Economy;
Metroeconomica; Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences; Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization; Spatial Economic Analysis; Economie Internationale, Cahiers
d'Economie politique, Computational Economics. His fields of specialisation are: Geographical
Economics, Economic Dynamics, Theories of Economic Growth and Income Distribution. He has
also contributed in books by Edward Elgar Publishing (Cheltenham, UK), World Scientific
(Singapore), MacMillan Reference (Detroit, USA), Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Germany) and coedited in 2009 (with N. Salvadori and M. Tamberi) the book ‘Geography and Structural Change in
Economic Development: Theory and Empirics’, published by Edward Elgar. He is member of the
Scientific Board of CICSE (Inter-University Centre for Growth and Development) and local
coordinator of a Project funded by the Italian Ministry of University (PRIN) starting in October
2011 on “Structural Change and Spatial Analysis” . He has a long standing research collaboration
with Ingrid Kubin and Carlo Panico which are participating to the Action: in addition, ongoing
research contacts and exchanges (STMs, common participation with research groups, referring,
discussion and co-authoring papers) with the following Cost participants: Anna Agliari, Ilaria
Foroni, Irina Shusko, Serena Sordi, Luis Miguel Varela, Gian Italo Bischi, Laura Gardini; less
frequent but proficuous contacts have been made with the following participants: Steven Brakman,
Cars Hommes, Barkley Rosser.
Short presentation (institution): CICSE
The CICSE (Inter-University Center on Growth and Economic Development) has been founded in
2007 by the Economics Departments of the Universities of Pisa, Napoli “Federico II”, Siena,
Padova, Catania, Milano Sacro Cuore e Politecnica delle Marche. The Center is dedicated to:
promote and coordinate specific research programs on economic growth and development,
economic dynamics, structural change and economic geography; divulgate the results of research
groups formed by the affiliates to the Center in organized international conferences; organize
periodic workshops and public lectures for postgraduate students and scholars. The members of the
Center have a long experience of team work in research projects financed by the Italian Ministry of
Education and Research on themes such as: “economic growth: social and institutional dynamics”,
“Heterogeneous Sectors, Growth and. Technological Progress, “structural change and economic
growth”. The Center organize the “CICSE Lectures on Growth and Development” delivered by
internationally renowned scholars working on economic growth or economic development such as
Stephen J. Turnovsky (University of Washington), Oded Galor (Brown University) and David de la
Croix. Extended versions of the lectures are published by Cambridge University Press in a
dedicated Series.
Gian Italo Bischi
Name and Surname: Gian-Italo Bischi
Title: Prof.
Institution: University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
Address: via Saffi n.42, I-61029 Urbino
Phone: (+39) 0722 305510 (secretary) (+39) 0722 305553 (direct) (+39)
333 1866284 (mobile)
Fax: (+39) 0722 305541
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: YES - WGL
Publications (three to five):
Bischi, G.I. and R. Marimon «Global Stability of Inflation Target
Policies with Adaptive Agents», Macroeconomic Dynamics vol. 5 n.2, pp.
148-179 (2001).
Bischi, G.I., H. Dawid and M. Kopel «Gaining the Competitive Edge Using Internal and External
Spillovers: A Dynamic Analysis», Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 27 (2003) pp.
Bischi, G.I., H. Dawid and M. Kopel «Spillover Effects and the Evolution of Firm Clusters» Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 50, pp.47-75 (2003).
Bischi, G.I. and F. Lamantia «A Competition Game with Knowledge Accumulation and Spillovers»
International Game Theory Review Vol. 6, No. 3 (September 2004) pp. 323-342.
Bischi, G.I., A.K. Naimzada and L. Sbragia “Oligopoly Games with Local
Monopolistic Approximation ” Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, vol. 62 (2007) pp. 371-388
Short presentation (individual):
Gian Italo Bischi is full professor of applied mathematics at the Department of Economics, Society
and Politics (DESP) of the University of Urbino (Italy). He is author of about 100 international
publications (with citation index h=14) dealing with mathematical methods, ranging from
dynamical systems, game theory, optimization methods, applied to model economic, social and
ecological systems. He has a long lasting collaboration with Laura Gardini, Anna Agliari, Roberto
Dieci, Ugo Merlone and Fabio Lamantia about such mathematical methods and modelling, however
the interdisciplinary approach of his research led him to collaborate with economists and social
scientists, such as Michael Kopel (marketing, oligopolies) Herbert Dawid (evolutionary approach to
the formation of industrial clusters) Gervasio Antonelli (fisheries), Ramon Marimon (monetary
policies), Ahmad Naimzada (economies with expectations and learning). He is co-organizer (with
Laura Gardini) of the international meeting MDEF (Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza) that
takes place every two years in Urbino since 2000, and co-organizer (with Michael Kopel) of NED
(Nonlinear Economic Dynamics) that takes place every two years, since 2001, in different countries
(Odense, Tokyo. Urbino, Bielefeld, Jonkoping, Cartagena).
Short presentation (institution):
Laura Gardini
Name and Surname: Laura Gardini
Title: Prof
Affiliation: University of Urbino (Italy)”Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society and Politics
Address: via Saffi n.42, I-61029 Urbino
Phone: (Univ. Department) (+39) 0722 305510 (Univ. direct) (+39) 0722 305568
Fax: (+39) 0722 305541
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Bischi, G.I., L. Gardini and M. Kopel «Analysis of Global Bifurcations in a Market Share
Attraction Model», Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 24, pp. 855-879 (2000).
L. Gardini, I.Sushko and A. Naimzada, “Growing Throwgh Chaotic Intervals”, Journal of
Economic Theory, Jet 143,2008, 541-557.
F. Tramontana, L.Gardini and T.Puu, "Cournot Duopoly when Firms Operate Multiple Production
Plants", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , 33(1), 2009, 250-265
L.Gardini, C.Hommes, F.Tramontana and R. de Vilder, "Forward and backward dynamics in
implicitly defined overlapping generations models", Journal of Economic Behavior &
Organization, 71(2), 2009, 110-129;
I. Sushko, L. Gardini and T. Puu. Regular and Chaotic Growth in a Hicksian Floor/Ceiling Model.
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 75 (2010), 77-94.
Short presentation (individual):
Laura Gardini is full professor of applied mathematics at the Department of Economics, Society and
Politics (DESP) of the University of Urbino (Italy). She is an expert of dynamical systems and in
the study of models applied to economics and social sciences, with more than 170 international
publications (citation index h=15). She has a long lasting collaboration with Carl Chiarella, Tonu
Puu, Iryna Suhko and was the supervisor of several scholars, some of which are now quite well
known (Gian Italo Bischi, Anna Agliari, Roberto Dieci, Ilaria Foroni, Fabio Tramontana). She
worked in collaboration with several scientists (besides those cited above, Cars Hommes, Barkley
Rosser, Tony He, Frank Westerhoff, Ingrid Kubin, Michael Kopel, and many others). She is
member of the Scientific Committee of SICC (Italian Society of Chaos and Complexity), and
Associate Editor in the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation, Economics Research International. Several times National Coordinator of
Projects of Relevant Interest of the Italian Ministry of University (PRIN), or Local Coordinator
(PRIN and FIRB). She co-organizes (with Gian Italo Bischi) the international meeting MDEF
(Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza) that takes place every two years in Urbino since 2000.
Short presentation (institution):
Carlo Panico
Name and Surname: Carlo Panico
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Department of Economics, University of Naples ‘Federico II’
Address: Via Mezzocannone 16, I-80134
Phone: +39 081 2534652
Fax: +39 081 675014
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Panico C. and Suarez Vazquez M., 2008, A scheme to coordinate monetary and fiscal policy in the
Euro area, in Ferreiro J., Fontana G., eds., Fiscal policy in the European Union, Routledge, London.
Panico C. and Suarez Vazquez M., 2008, Policy coordination in the Euro Area, Studi Economici, 96
(3), 5-31.
Commendatore P., Panico C. and Pinto A., 2009, Government spending, effective demand,
distribution and growth: a dynamic analysis, in Salvadori N., eds, Institutional and Social Dynamics
of Growth and Distribution, Elgar, Aldershot, pp. 117-37.
Panico C. and Purificato F., 2010, European policy reactions to the financial crisis, Studi
Economici, LXV, Nuova Serie, 100, 191-218.
Commendatore P., Panico C. and Pinto A., 2011, The influence of different forms of Government
spending on distribution and growth, Metroeconomica, 62 (1), 1-23.
Short presentation (individual):
Carlo Panico is Professor of Political Economics at the University Federico II of Naples. He has a
well established research and publication record in macroeconomic analysis, monetary theory,
theory of growth and distribution, with a focus on the effects of monetary and financial events on
growth and distribution. He has experience with interdisciplinary collaboration (externally funded
research projects with scientists in law); and he has a long lasting research collaboration with
Pasquale Commendatore, the proposer of the Action; in addition, he spent research periods at the
University of Cambridge, Nice, Bremen, Graz, Santiago de Compostela, New School for Social
Research of New York, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. He has published articles on
scientific journal, like Economic Journal, Cambridge Journal of Economics, etc., monographies and
edited books with Macmillan and Elgar.
Short presentation (institution): CICSE
Roberto Dieci
Name and Surname: Roberto Dieci
Title: Associate Prof.
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali (MatemateS),
Università degli Studi di Bologna, Viale Q. Filopanti, 5, I-40126 Bologna, Italy
Address: Università degli Studi di Bologna, Facoltà di Economia del Polo di Rimini, Via D.
Angherà, 22, I-47900 Rimini, Italy
Phone: (+39) 0541-434140
Fax: (+39) 0541-434120
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
DIECI R., WESTERHOFF F (2010). Interacting cobweb markets. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC
BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, vol. 75, 461-481.
DIECI R., WESTERHOFF F. (2010). Heterogeneous speculators, endogenous fluctuations and
interacting markets: A model of stock prices and exchange rates. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC
DYNAMICS & CONTROL, vol. 34, 743 – 764.
CHIARELLA C., DIECI R., HE X.-H. (2007). Heterogeneous expectations and
speculative behavior in a dynamic multi-asset framework. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC
BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, vol. 62, 408 – 427.
Short presentation (individual):
Full Professor of Mathematics for Finance and Economics at the Department of Mathematics for
Economics and Social Science of the University of Bologna, Italy. He has a well established
research and publication record in Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory, and its application
to models of bounded rational behaviour and 'heterogeneous agent' models in Economics and
Finance, in the last years with a focus on the dynamics of integrated markets. He has a long lasting
research collaboration with other members of the Action, such as Anna Agliari, Gian Italo Bischi,
Laura Gardini (Italy) and Frank Westerhoff (Germany). He has experience with scientific
coordination of interdisciplinary
research projects (PRIN) on "Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance", funded by the
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). He is on the editorial board
of Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences.
Short presentation (institution):
Ilaria Foroni
Name and Surname: Ilaria Foroni
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Metodi quantitativi per le scienze economiche e aziendali, Università
di Milano “Bicocca”
Address: Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8, 20126 Milano
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Foroni, I., & Agliari, A. (2011). Complex dynamics associated with the appearance/disappearance
of invariant closed curves. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81(8), 1640-1655.
Foroni, I., & Agliari, A. (2008). Complex price dynamics in a financial market with imitation.
Computational Economics, 32(1), 21-36.
Dieci, R., Foroni, I., Gardini, L., & He, X.Z. (2006). Market Mood, Adaptive Beliefs and Asset
Price Dynamics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 29(3), 520-534.
Gardini, L., Foroni, I., & Mira, C. (2004). A family of rational maps of the plane with prefocal set at
infinity. Grazer Mathematische Berichte, 346, 137-156.
Gardini, L., Foroni, I., & Mira, C. (2004). On a particular foliation associated with a polynomial
family of noninvertible maps of the plane. International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied
sciences and engineering, 14(5), 1601-1624.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Anna Agliari
Name and Surname: Anna Agliari
Title: Prof
Affiliation: Dep. Economic and Social Sciences. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Piacenza
Phone: +39 0523599191
Fax: +39 0523599303
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: No
Publications (three to five):
Agliari. A., R. Dieci, L. Gardini (2007) "Homoclinic tangle in Kaldor's like business cycle models"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 62, n.3, 324-347.
Assenza. T., Agliari. A, D. Delli Gatti, E. Santoro (2009) "Borrowing Constraints and Complex
Dynamics in an OLG Framework", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 72, pp. 656-669
Tramontana. F., L. Gardini, Agliari A. (2011) "Endogenous cycles in discontinuous growth
models", Mathematics and Computer in Simulations 81, pp. 1625-1639.
Foroni I., AA (2011) "Complex dynamics associated with the appearance/disappearance of
invariant closed curves" Mathematics and Computer in Simulations 81, pp. 1640-1655.
Cornaro A., Agliari A. (2011) "Global and local determinacy in a one-step forward-looking New
Keynesian model", Economic Modelling 28, pp. 1354-1362.
Short presentation (individual):
Laureata in Matematica con lode presso l'Università di Parma. Dal 1990 al 1998 Ricercatore in
Matematica per le Applicazioni Economiche presso la Facoltà di Economia dell'Università di
Parma. Dal 1999 al 2004 Professore Associato presso l'Istituto di Econometria e Matematica per le
Applicazioni Economiche, Finanziarie e Attuariali dell'Università Cattolica di Milano. Trasferita
nella sede di Piacenza dal 1 ottobre 2004. Dal 1 novembre 2007 Professore Straordinario presso il
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali dell'Università Cattolica, sede di Piacenza.
Membro del Collegio Docenti della Scuola di Dottorato in Politica Economica.
Ha insegnato Matematica Finanziaria a Piacenza, Matematica per le Applicazioni Economiche e
Finanziarie, a Milano, Matematica Generale, a Parma e a Milano, Teoria dei giochi, a Parma,Metodi
probabilistici, statistici e processi stocastici a Parma (facoltà di Scienze). Attualmente insegna
Matematica Generale (laurea triennale), Metodi Quantitativi (laurea specialistica) e Matematica per
l'Economia (Scuola di Dottorato in Politica Economica) a Piacenza.
Interessi di ricerca
Studio qualitativo globale di sistemi dinamici discreti ottenuti dall'iterazione di mappe
noninvertibili mediante il metodo degli "insiemi critici", introdotti da I. Gumowski e C. Mira.
Proprietà e biforcazioni globali degli insiemi invarianti in sistemi dinamici nonlineari in tempo
discreto: coesistenza di attrattori e delimitazione dei loro bacini d'attrazione, dinamiche complesse,
biforcazioni omocline e di contatto che cambiano la struttura topologica degli attrattori e/o dei loro
bacini d'attrazione.
Analisi di modelli che esibiscono fluttuazioni endogene (es. business cycle), eventualmente
coesistenti con equilibri e cicli stabili, e dei meccanismi che determinano l'apparizione di tali
Studio di mappe definite a tratti, continue o meno, e classificazione delle loro biforcazioni.
Modellistica dinamica in economia, finanza e scienze sociali: oligopolio; economie con agenti a
razionalità limitata e relativi problemi sui meccanismi di formazione delle aspettative; economie
con agenti eterogenei; modelli di business cycle e di crescita.
Short presentation (institution):
Serena Sordi
Name and Surname: Serena Sordi
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: DEPFID-Department of Political Economy, Finance and Development, University of
Address: Piazza San Francesco 7, 53100 Siena Italy
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Chiarella, C., Giansante, S., Sordi, S., Vercelli, A., 2010, “Financial fragility and interacting units:
An exercise”. In M. Faggini, C.P. Vinci (eds), Decision Theory and Choice: A Complexity
Approach. Springer, Berlin, pp. 167-176.
Sordi, S., 2010, “A disequilibrium growth cycle model with differential savings”. In S. Zambelli
(ed.), Computable, Constructive & Behavioural Economic Dynamics, pp. 331-344. Routledge,
Sordi, S., Vercelli, A., 2006, “Financial fragility and economic fluctuations”, Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 61(4), pp. 543-561.
Sordi, S., Vercelli, A., 2006, “Discretely proceeding from cycle to chaos on Goodwin’s
path”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamic 17(4), pp. 415-436.
Dieci, R., Sordi, S., Vercelli, A., 2006, “Financial fragility and global dynamics”, Chaos, Solitons
& Fractals, vol. 29, n. 3, pp. 595-610.
Short presentation (individual):
Serena Sordi is Associate Professor of Economics in the Department of Economic Policy, Finance
and Development (DEPFID) of the University of Siena. She has a well established teaching,
research and publication record in economic dynamics with a particular focus on mathematical and
simulation methods that can be used for the study of nonlinear models. In recent years she has
participated actively in the main international conferences on these topics, among which the 7th
International Conference on Nonlinear Economic Dynamics (Cartagena, Spain, June 2011), the
MDEF-Dynamical Models in Economics and Finance Conference (Urbino, Italy, September 2010),
the 16th International Conference of the Society for Computational Economics (London, UK, July
2010) , the 11th Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics
(CENDEF, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 2010) and the 18th Annual Symposium of the
Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (Novara, April 2010). She has also, over the
years, established solid research links and collaborative activities with other members of the Action,
among whom, in particular, Roberto Dieci of the University of Bologna.
Since 2005, Serena Sordi has collaborated, on a research project on financial fragility and economic
fluctuations, with Roberto Dieci (University of Bologna)
Short presentation (institution): CICSE
Ugo Merlone
Name and Surname: Ugo Merlone
Title: Associate Prof.
Affiliation: Dept. of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
Address: Corso Unione Sovietica 218 bis, 10134 TORINO (ITALY)
Phone: +39(0)11-670.5753
Fax: +39(0)11-670.5784
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Ugo Merlone, Michele Sonnessa and Pietro Terna “Horizontal and Vertical Multiple
Implementations in a Model of Industrial Districts.”, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social
Simulations, ISSN 1460-7425, vol.11 (2008), No. 2 5
Akio Matsumoto, Ferenc Szidarovszky and Ugo Merlone, “Dynamic Oligopoly with Partial
Cooperation and Antitrust Thresold”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 73
(2010), No 2, pp.259-272.
Akio Matsumoto, Ferenc Szidarovszky and Ugo Merlone, “Cartelising Groups in Dynamic
Oligopoly with Antitrust Thresold”, Australian Economic Papers, vol. 49 (2010), No 4, pp.289-300
Short presentation (individual):
Ugo Merlone is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics at the
University of Torino. He has published several papers on the oligopoly dynamics in the presence of
financial interlocks. His research has also focused on computational models of interactions between
firms and workers. On this topic he has conducted interdisciplinary research on Industrial Districts
with the Head of the Economic Department at the University of Torino. He has spent research
periods with other members of Action both in Italy and Hungary.
Short presentation (institution):
Giovanni Iuzzolino
Name and Surname: Giovanni Iuzzolino
Title: Chief of Regional Economic Research Staff – Naples Branch –
Affiliation: Bank of Italy
Address: Bank of Italy, Regional Economic Research Staff – Naples Branch –, Via M. Cervantes,
71, 80133, Naples
Phone: +039 081 7975321
Fax: 081 7975503
Nation: Italy
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Iuzzolino G. (2009), I divari territoriali di sviluppo in Italia nel confronto internazionale (Regional ,
income inequality in Italy compared to the OECD Countries) Mezzogiorno e politiche regionali,
Banca d’Italia, Roma.
Cannari L. & Giovanni Iuzzolino, 2009. "Consumer price levels in Northern and Southern
Italy," Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers) 49, Bank of Italy, Economic Research
Iuzzolino G., 2008, Segnali di discontinuità nell’economia dei distretti: evidenze statistiche dopo il
2001 (changes in Italian Industrial Districts: statistical evidence after 2001), in Reti d’impresa oltre
i distretti, Associazione italiana della produzione, Sole 24.
Iuzzolino G., 2004, Il divario Nord-Sud negli aggregati di contabilità regionale e nelle evidenze
microeconomiche (The North-Sud divide in the Aggragated regional accounting and
microeconomic data), Rivista economica del mezzogiorno, 1-2, 2004, il Mulino
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution): Regional Economic Research Staff – Naples Branch – Bank of
The regional Economic Research Staff of Naples studies the economy of South Italian regions; in
particular, focuses on the Campania. This research group collects and analyses data on the real and
monetary side of these economies, and it goes in depth of the structural peculiarities of local
economic systems; economic and financial conditions of local governments is also a main field of
interest of the research group.
Ingrid Kubin
Name and Surname: Ingrid Kubin
Title: Prof. DDr.
Affiliation: Department of Economics WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of
Economics and Business)
Address: Augasse 2-6 A-1090 Wien
Phone: +43 1 31336 4456
Fax: +43 1 31336 9209
Nation: Austria
Management Committee: YES - WGL
Publications (three to five):
Commendatore, Pasquale , Kubin, Ingrid, Petraglia, Carmelo. 2010. R&D Public Expenditure,
Knowledge Spillovers and Agglomeration: Comparative Statics and Dynamics. In: Nonlinear
Dynamics in Economics, Finance and the Social Sciences., Hrsg. Bischi, G.I., Chiarella, C.,
Gardini, L., 157-180. Berlin: Springer Verlag.*
Commendatore, Pasquale, Kubin, Ingrid.** 2009. Dynamic effects of regulation and deregulation in
goods and labour markets. Oxford Economic Papers, New Series 61 (3): 517-538. *
Commendatore, Pasquale , Kubin, Ingrid, Petraglia, Carmelo.** **2009. Footloose capital and
productive public services. In: Geography and Structural Change in Economic Development:
Theory and Empirics, Hrsg. Salvadori N., Commendatore P., Tamberi M., 01-26. Aldershot:
Edward Elgar.
Badinger, Harald, Kubin, Ingrid.** 2008. AS-AD revisited: overshooting adjustment dynamics
under naive expectations. Metroeconomica 59 (4): 574-593.
Commendatore, Pasquale, Currie, Martin, Kubin, Ingrid.** **2008. Footloose Entrepreneurs, Taxes
and Subsidies. Spatial Economic Analysis 3 (1): 115-141.*
Commendatore, Pasquale , Kubin, Ingrid, Petraglia, Carmelo**.** **2008. Productive Public
Expenditure in a New Economic Geography Model. Economie Internationale (114): 133-160. *
Commendatore, Pasquale, Currie, Martin, Kubin, Ingrid.** **2007. Chaotic Footloose Capital.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 11 (2): 267-289.
Currie, Martin, Kubin, Ingrid. **2006. Chaos in the core periphery model. **Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization 60 (2): 252-275.
Short presentation (individual):
Ingrid Kubin is head of the Institute for International Economics and Development at the WU,
Vienna University of Economics and Business. She has a well established research and publication
record in macroeconomic dynamics, in the last years with a focus on the dynamics of longterm
international / interregional development (using the New Economic Geography framework). She
has experience with interdisciplinary collaboration (externally funded research projects with
scientists in geography and in the mathematical analysis of dynamic systems, but also in
demography and in law); and she has a long lasting research collaboration with Pasquale
Commendatore, the proposer of the Action; in addition, she spent research periods at the University
of Nottingham, Amsterdam and Urbino, thus forming links with other members of the Action. She
is co-editor of the Peter Lang book series: Dynamic Economic Theory and she is on the editorial
board of Empirica-Journal of European Economics.
Short presentation (institution):
Michael Kopel
Name and Surname: Michael Kopel
Title: Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: University of Graz, Institute of Organization and Economics of Institutions
Address: Universitätsstraße 15/E4, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 316 380 7182
Fax: +43-316-380 9515
Nation: Austria
Management Committee: YES - VC
Publications (three to five):
Bischi, G.I.; H. Dawid; M. Kopel (2003): Spillover Effects and the Evolution of Firm Clusters,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 50, 47-75.
Bischi, G.I.; H. Dawid; M. Kopel (2003): Gaining the Competitive Edge Using Internal and
External Spillovers: A Dynamic Analysis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27, 21712193.
Kopel, M., C. Löffler (2008): Commitment, first-mover, and second-mover advantage, Journal of
Economics, 94(2), 143-166.
Kopel, M. (2009): Oligopoly Dynamics, in: Handbook of Research on Complexity, Chapter 6, Ed.
by J.B. Rosser, Jr., Edward Elgar.
Dawid, H., M. Kopel, P. Kort (2010), Innovation Threats and Strategic Responses in Oligopoly
Markets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 75, 203-222.
Short presentation (individual):
Michael Kopel is head of the Institute of Organization and Economics of Institutions at the
University of Graz, Austria. He has published several books and articles in leading research
journals. An important part of his work focuses on the dynamics of firms in oligopolistic markets.
He has established research cooperations (including joint publications and research proposals) with
the following countries in this COST project: Germany (Dawid, Westerhoff), Italy (Bischi,
Gardini), and Hungary (Szidarovszky). Furthermore, ongoing research contacts and exchanges
(including organizing conferences, refereeing and discussing papers, etc) exist with the following
COST partners: Germany (Heitmann), Italy (Dieci), Greece (Manasakis, Petrakis), Luxemburg
(Zou), Netherlands (Hommes, Tuinstra), Sweden (Puu), USA (Rosser). Kopel is Associate Editor of
the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Elsevier) and member of the editorial board of
the Review of Managerial Science (Springer). He is also on the scientific advisory board of the
German Economic Association of Business Administration (GEABA), and member of the
committee for the Theory of the Firm and the committee of Industrial Organization of the Verein
für Socialpolitik. Kopel has been visiting professor at Cornell University (USA), University of
Technology, Sydney (AUS), University of Tokyo (JP), University of Calabria (ITA), and the
University of Southern Denmark (DK).
Short presentation (institution):
Marcel Ausloos
Name and Surname: Marcel Ausloos
Title: Associate Professor (Dr.)
Affiliation: University of Liege
Address: GRAPES, 483/0021 rue de la Belle Jardiniere, B-4031 Angleur Liege, Belgium
Phone: + 32 4 371 43 40
Fax: (int 32) 4 371 43 40
Nation: Belgium
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Ausloos M., P. Clippe, and A. Pekalski, 2004, "Model of macroeconomic evolution in stable
regionally dependent economic fields", Physica A 337 (2004) 269-287.
Ausloos M., P. Clippe, and A. Pekalski, 2003, Simple model for the dynamics of correlations in the
evolution of economic entities under varying economic conditions", Physica A 324 (2003) 330 –
Ausloos M., P. Clippe, and A. Pekalski, "Evolution of economic entities under heterogeneous
political/environmental conditions within a Bak-Sneppen-like dynamics", Physica A 332 (2004)
Ausloos M., P. Clippe, J. Miskiewicz, and A. Pekalski, "A (reactive) lattice-gas approach to
economic cycles", Physica A 344 (2004) 1-7
Gligor M. and M. Ausloos, 2008, "Convergence and cluster structures in EU area according to
fluctuations in macroeconomic indices", Journal of Economic Integration 23 (2008) 297-330
Miskiewicz J. and M. Ausloos, 2006, ‘’An attempt to observe economy globalization: the cross
correlation distance evolution of the top 19 GDP's’’, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 17 (2006) 317-332
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution): GRAPES
GRAPES (Group for research and applications of physics in economy and sociology) aims at
multidisciplinary programs for research, development, and technology transfer in fundamental and
applied statistical physics areas. The focus is on effective collaborations with industry, universities,
and other research centers to study and develop applications for statistical physics in economy and
finance (econophysics), sociology (sociophysics), law.
Outstanding scientific research projects underpin our leadership position and provide the basis for
substantial advances. Current projects conducted in collaboration or on site include e.g. the
development of methods for the description, understanding and prediction of extreme events across
a range of natural and socio-economic phenomena. Models that are anchored in complex systems
concepts are constructed to incorporate a priori knowledge about the phenomena and to reproduce
the data-derived distribution of events. Most of such studies involve the description of non linear
dynamics processes on complex networks.
GRAPES brings expertise in various branches of the theory of nonlinear and complex systems, as
well as in the application areas envisaged. Most importantly, it has a truly interdisciplinary,
problem-oriented outlook
Nikolay Vitanov
Name and Surname: Nikolay Vitanov
Title: Full Professor, Ph. D., Dr. rer. nat, D. Sc.
Affiliation: Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Address: Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: + 359 2 979 6416
Fax: +359 2 870 74 98
Nation: Bulgaria
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Vitanov, N. K., M. Ausloos, 2011, Knowledge epidemics and other population dynamics models
for the diffusion of ideas, Chapter 3 in K. Boerner, A. Scharnhorst (Eds.) Models of science
dynamics -encounters between complexity theory and information sciences, Springer, Berlin (in
Balabanov, I., N. K. Vitanov. The economic methronome. Economic Thought Nr. 6, 3-31 (2010)
Vitanov N. K., Z., 2008, Dimitrova, S. Panchev. Social dynamics without formulas. 368 pp.
Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 2008
Vitanov N. K., K. Sakai, I. P. Jordanov, S. Managi, K. Demura. Analysis of a Japan government
intervention on the domestic agriculture market. Physica A 382, 330 -335 (2007).
Short presentation (individual):
Nikolay K. Vitanov is Vice-managing Director and Director for Science and Corporate Relations of
the Institute of Mechanics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His research is devoted to
nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear time series analysis and their applications to social and economic
problems. His works include an analysis of state regulation of agricultural market in Japan and a
study on the dynamics of competition of companies on a free market in Germany. He is author of a
book on population dynamics and its economic and social consequences as well as of a book on
social dynamics. Among his recent work is a model of ideological struggle in a country with
growing population as well as a paper on innovation investment as a factor for accelerating the
company growth
Short presentation (institution):
Herbert Dawid
Name and Surname: Herbert Dawid
Title: Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: Department of Business Administration and Economics and Institute of Mathematical
Economics, Bielefeld University, Germany
Address: P.O. Box 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +495211064843
Fax: +4952110689005
Nation: Germany
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Dawid, H., Gemkow, S., Harting, P. and M. Neugart (2011), 'Labor market integration policies and
the convergence of regions: the role of skills and technology diffusion', forthcoming in the Journal
of Evolutionary Economics.
Dawid, H., Greiner, A. and B. Zou (2010), 'Optimal Foreign Investment Dynamics in the Presence
of Technological Spillovers', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34, 3, 296-313.
Dawid, H., Gemkow, S., Harting, P., Neugart M., (2009), 'Spatial Skill Heterogeneity and Growth:
An Agent-based Policy Ananlysis', Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (4) 5.
Dawid, H. (2007), 'Evolutionary game dynamics and the analysis of agent-based imitation models:
the long run, the medium run and the importance of a global analysis', Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, 31, 2108-2133.
Bischi, G.-I.,Dawid, H. and Kopel, M. (2003),"Spillover Effects and the Evolution of Firm
Clusters", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 50, 47-75.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Frank Westerhoff
Name and Surname: Frank Westerhoff
Title: Prof. Dr.
Affiliation: University of Bamberg, Department of Economics
Address: Feldkirchenstrasse 2196045, Bamberg, Germany
Phone: +49 951 863-2634
Fax: +49 951 863-2635
Nation: Germany
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Dieci, R. and Westerhoff, F. (2010):Interacting cobweb markets. Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, Vol. 75, 461-481.
Dieci, R. and Westerhoff, F. (2010): Heterogeneous speculators, endogenous fluctuations and
interacting markets: a model of stock prices and exchange rates. Journal of Economic Dynamics
and Control, Vol. 34, 743-764
Lines, M. and Westerhoff, F. (2010): Inflation expectations and macroeconomic dynamics: the case
of rational versus extrapolative expectations. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 34,
Pellizzari, P. and Westerhoff, F. (2009): Some effects of transaction taxes under different
microstructures. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 72, 850-863.
Westerhoff, F. (2008): The use of agent-based financial market models to test the effectiveness of
regulatory policies. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and
Statistics), Vol. 228, 195-227.
Short presentation (individual):
Frank Westerhoff is Professor at the University of Bamberg and currently holds the Chair of
Economic Policy. He develops, calibrates and estimates agent-based models to investigate the
dynamics of financial markets and the macroeconomy. These models are also used to study the
effects of policy measures such as transaction taxes, central bank interventions or monetary and
fiscal policy rules. Another area involves the emergence of complex interactions between domestic
and foreign financial and goods markets. Frank Westerhoff is on the editorial boards of the Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. He
has published about 60 papers in 40 international journals with 20 co-authors, including the COST
members Laura Gardini (Universityof Urbino), Roberto Dieci (University of Torino), Martin
Hohnisch (University of Bonn) and Irina Sushko (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Short presentation (institution):
Dennis Heitmann
Name and Surname: Dennis Heitmann
Title: PhD Student and research assistant
Affiliation: Department of Economics and Business Administration, Bielefeld University
Address: P.O. Box 10 01 31, 33501 Room V8 – 151, Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49-521-106 4867
Fax: +49-521-106 89005
Nation: Germany
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Michael Weneger
Name and Surname: Michael Weneger
Title: PhD student - Diplom-Volkswirt (Diploma in Economics)
Affiliation: Department of Economics, University of Bamberg
Address: Feldkirchenstr. 21, 96045 Bamberg, Raum F 206
Phone: +49 951 863-2750
Fax: +49 951 863-2635
Nation: Germany
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Sushko I, Wegener M, Westerhoff F, Zaklan G., 2009, Endogenous Business Cycle Dynamics
within Metzlers Inventory Model: Adding an Inventory Floor., Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life
Sci. 2009 Apr;13(2):225-35.
Wegener, Michael & Westerhoff, Frank & Zaklan, Georg, 2009. "A Metzlerian business cycle
model with nonlinear heterogeneous expectations," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 26(3),
pages 715-720, May.
Evolutionary Competition Between Prediction Rules and the Emergence of Business Cycles within
Metzler’s Inventory Model (Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Forthcoming, joint work with F.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Martin Hohnisch
Name and Surname: Martin Hohnisch
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Academy Research Center "Rationality in the Light of Experimental Economics"
University of Bonn
Address: Adenauerallee 44 D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: 0049-(0)228-737724
Nation: Germany
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Hohnisch M., S. Pittnauer, S. Solomon and D. Stauffer, 2005, Socioeconomic interaction and
swings in business confidence indicators, Physica A 345 (3-4), 646-656.
Stauffer D., M. Hohnisch and S. Pittnauer, 2006, The coevolution of individual economic
characteristics and socioeconomic networks, Physica A, 370 (2), 734-740.
Westerhoff F. und M. Hohnisch, 2007, A note on interactions-driven business cycles, Journal of
Economic Interaction and Coordination 2, 85-91.
Hohnisch M., S. Pittnauer and D. Stauffer, 2008, A percolation-based model explaining delayed
takeoff in new-product diffusion, Industrial and Corporate Change 17(5), 1001-1017.
Hohnisch M. and F. Westerhoff, 2008, Business cycle synchronization in a simple Keynesian
macro-model with socially transmitted economic sentiment and international sentiment spill-over,
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 19(3), 249-259.
Westerhoff F. and M. Hohnisch, 2010, Consumer Sentiment and Countercyclical Fiscal Policies,
International Review of Applied Economics.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Ferenc Szidarovszky
Name and Surname: Ferenc Szidarovszky
Title: professor
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of Pecs, Hungary
Address: 7624, Pecs, Ifjusag utja 6, Hungary
Phone: +36 72 503 600
Fax: 36-72-501-527
Nation: Hungary
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Bischi, G-I., C. Chiarella, M. Kopel, F. Szidarovszky. 2010, Nonlinear Oligopolies: Stability and
Bifurcations. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.
Matsumoto, A., F. Szidarovszky, 2011, Delay Differential Neoclassical Growth Model. J. of Econ.
Behavior and Organization, 78, 272-289.
Chiarella, C., F. Szidarovszky, 2009, Existence and Uniqueness in Cournot Models with Cost
Externalities. Mathematica Pannonica, 20(1), 17-25.
Szidarovszky, F., J. Zhao, 2009, The Dynamic Evolution of Industrial Clusters. CUBO, A
Mathematical Journal, 11(2), 37-55.
Okuguchi, K., F. Szidarovszky. Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Labor Managed
Cournot Oligopoly. Rivista di Politica Economica, XCVII(V-VI), 3rd Series (2008), 9-16.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Tiiu Paas
Name and Surname: Tiiu Paas
Title: Professor
Affiliation: University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Estonia
Address: Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, ESTONIA
Phone: +3725098643
Fax: fax: +3727376312
Nation: Estonia
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Paas T., Sepp J. and Scannell N.J. (2010), "Sectoral Structure and Productivity in the EU: New
Member States' Adjustment to Structural Transformation", in Marelli E. and Signorelli M. (eds.)
Economic Growth and Structural Features of Transition, London and New York, Palgrave
Macmillan, 131-149;
Paas, T, Schlitte, F Regional Income Inequality and Convergence Processes in the EU-25. Italian
Journal of Regional Science (Scienze Regionali,) Special Issue, Regional Growth Inequality and
Integration in the EU, Vol. 7, N. 2/2008, pp 29-51,
Paas, T., Tafenau, E. and Scannell, N. Gravity Equation Analysis in the Context of International
Trade: Model Specification Implications in case of the European Union Eastern European
Economics Journal (EEEJ), Vol. 46, No.5, pp 92-113, 2008.
Paas, T., Tafenau, E. Regional Integration and International Trade Clusters of the Enlarged European Union.
Europe at the Crossroads, B.R. Jones (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, 2008. pp. 67-89
Short presentation (individual):
Tiiu Paas is Professor of Econometrics at the Institute of Economics (Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration) of the University of Tartu. Research fields: Regional development, spatial
econometrics, gravity models, economic development of the Baltic Sea region, labour market
and social protection models, employment and innovations.
Short presentation (institution):
Egle Tafenau
Name and Surname: Egle Tafenau
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Estonia, University of Tartu, Faculty of Economis and Business Administration
Address: Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, ESTONIA
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Paas, T., Tafenau, E. (2011). Interactions Between Growth and Inequality: an Evergreen Question
in Theory and Empirics. Sepp, J.; Frear, D. (Eds.). The Economy and Economics after Crisis (153 169). Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Tafenau, E.; Herwartz, H.; Schneider, F. (2010). Regional estimates of the shadow economy in
Europe. International Economic Journal, 24(4), 629 - 636.
Tafenau, E. (2008). Can welfare be improved by relocating firms? The case of the constructed
capital model. University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Working
Paper Series. Tartu: Tartu University Press
Short presentation (individual):
Egle Tafenau is a young researcher at the University of Tartu. In the recent years she has focused on
the models of the new economic geography, with special attention on the effects of regional policies
on income disparities and welfare. Those issues were also considered in her Ph.D. dissertation. In
her empirical work she has dealt with the shadow economy in the regions of the EU member
Short presentation (institution):
Garri Raagmaa
Name and Surname: Garri Raagmaa
Title: Dr Associate Professor
Affiliation: University of Tartu, Department of Geography
Address: Vanemuise 46, Tartu 51014, Estonia
Phone: +372 737 5825
Fax: +372 737 5825
Nation: Estonia
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Holt-Jensen, A., Raagmaa, Garri (2010) 'Restitution of agricultural land in Estonia: Consequences
for landscape development and production', Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of
Geography, 64: 3, 129-141.
Raagmaa, G. (2010). Regional Impacts of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis in Estonia.
Gorzelak, G.; Goh, Ch. (Eds.). Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe - from Similarity to
Diversity (65 - 90). Warsaw : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Raagmaa, G.; Trasberg, V.; Burneika, D.; Krisjane, Z.; Tali, T. (2009) Rural Restructuring and
Local/Regional Governance in the Baltic States after 1990. In: Chiara Travisi and Peter
Nijkamp (Eds.) Special Issue on “Rurality and Sustainability” International Journal of Agricultural
Resources, Governance and Ecology. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 8(2), pp.180-204
Raagmaa, G. (2009) Planning theories and development practices: past dependencies contra new
ideology: Impact of planning for sustainable housing development. In: Arild Holt-Jensen and Eric
Pollock (Eds.) Urban Sustainability and Governance: New Challenges in Nordic-Baltic Housing
Policies. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 79-99
Raagmaa, G. & Kroon, K. (2005) The Future of Collective Farms' Built Social Infrastructure:
Choosing Between Central Place and Network Theories. Geografiska Annaler: Geografiska Series
B, Human Geography 87 (3), 205-224.
Short presentation (individual):
Garri Raagmaa is Associated Professor of Regional Planning at the Department of Geography of the
University of Tartu (Estonia). He's research interests are connected in broad terms with regional
development and planning. He has over 50 scientific publications about regional development and
innovation, social capital, identity formation and leadership in localities and regions as well as
about administrative and planning structures and culture. He has research contacts and he taught
spatial planning, economic geography and regional innovation systems courses at several European
universities. He has also practiced since 1992 as a regional/local development consultant, mainly
for public sector institutions. Department of Geography is working currently on the interdisciplinary
target financed research theme "Factors influencing spatial mobility of population and the impact on
the regional development".
Short presentation (institution):
Tiit Tammaru XXXXXXX
Name and Surname: Tiit Tammaru
Title: Dr.
Nation: Estonia
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Short presentation (individual):
Tiit Tammaru is senior researcher at the Department of Geography of the University of Tartu and
Director of the Centre for Estonian Diaspora Studies (University of Tartu) with a special interest in
migration studies.
Short presentation (institution):
Alan Kirman
Name and Surname: Alan Kirman
Title: Prof. Emeritus
Affiliation: Professor emeritus Université d'Aix-Marseille, Directeur d'etudes EHESS, Membre de
l'Institut Universitaire de France
Address: GREQAM, Centre de la Vieille Charité, 2 Rue de la Charité, 13002 Marseille, France
Phone: +33491140751, secretary +33491140770, portable +33612241766
Fax: +33491900227
Nation: France
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Kirman A., Oullier Olivier, and Kelso J A Scott, 2008, "The coordination dynamics of economic
decision making: a multilevel approach to social neuroeconomics". IEEE transactions on neural
systems and rehabilitation engineering 2008;16(6):557-71.
Kirman, A., David Colander, Peter Howitt, Axel Leijonhufvud, and Perry Mehrling, 2008, "Beyond
DSGE Models: Towards an Empirically-Based Macroeconomics" American Economic Review,
May 2008.
Kirman, A., Copic, Jernej; Jackson, Matthew O, "Identifying Community Structures from Network
Data via Maximum Likelihood Methods," The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics: Vol. 9 : Iss.
1 (Contributions), Article 30. 2009
Kirman, A., 2010 "The Economic Crisis is a Crisis for Economic Theory", CESifo Economic
Studies (2010) 56(4): 498-535.
Kirman, A., "The crisis in economic theory" Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 2011 - vol. 16(1),
pages 9-36
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Constantine Manasakis
Name and Surname: Constantine Manasakis
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Department of Political Science, University of Crete
Address: University Campus at Gallos, Rethymnon 74100
Phone: +302831077446
Fax: +302831077455
Nation: Greece
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
C. Manasakis, E. Mitrokostas, and E. Petrakis (2010): “Endogenous Managerial Incentive Contracts
in a Differentiated Duopoly, with and without Commitment”. Managerial and Decision Economics,
31, 531-543
C. Manasakis and E. Petrakis (2009): “Union Structure and Firms’ Incentives for Cooperative R&D
Investments”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 42, 665-693
C. Manasakis (2009): “Shareholder wealth effects from mergers and acquisitions in the Greek
banking industry”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 3, 242-256
C. Manasakis and V. Zikos (2007): “Unions’ and Firms’ Attitudes towards Research Joint
Ventures: When can the Incentives be Aligned?”, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and
Industrial Relations, 21, 135-156.
Short presentation (individual):
Constantine Manasakis is Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Crete
(09/2009). He has a promising research and publication record in industrial organization issues with
emphasis on R&D collaborations; union-oligopoly models and bargaining institutions; market
structure and competition; corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. Since 2004, he
has a research collaboration with Michael Kopel (University of Graz, Austria), a participant of the
proposed project. He has experience with interdisciplinary collaboration (externally funded research
projects with scientists in the fields of R&D and Technical Change; Renewable Energy Sources and
Internet Economics.
Short presentation (institution):
Emmanuel Petrakis
Name and Surname: Emmanuel Petrakis
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Department of Economics, University of Crete
Address: University Campus at Gallos, Rethymnon 74100
Phone: +302831077409
Fax: +302831077406
Nation: Greece
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
H. Bester and E. Petrakis (2004): “Wages and Productivity Growth in a Dynamic Monopoly”, International
Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 22(1), pp. 83-100
E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2004): “Endogenous Wage-Bargaining Institutions in Oligopolistic Industries”,
Economic Theory, 24(2004), 55-73.
E. Petrakis and M. Vlassis (2005): “The Endogenous National Minimum Wage Institution”, Journal of
Macroeconomics, 27(4), 747-762
E. Petrakis, E. Sartzetakis and A. Xepapadeas (2005): “Environmental Information Provision as a Public
Policy Instrument”, The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy: Contributions to
Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 4: No. 1, Article 14
P. Garella and E. Petrakis (2008): “Minimum Quality Standards and Consumer’s Information”, Economic
Theory, 36(2), 283-302
Short presentation (individual):
Emmanuel Petrakis is currently Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Crete
(2002 - ). He was a post-doctoral fellow at CentER, Tilburg University (1990-91), and a visiting Professor at
Erasmus University, Rotterdam (1991-92), at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (1992-1998), and at the
University of Cyprus (1998, 2002). He was Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University
of Crete (1998 -2002). He has a well established research and publication record in industrial organization
and dynamics, in the last years with a focus on dynamic competition is highly concentrated industries. His
current research interests include industrial organization issues with emphasis on R&D, adoption of new
technologies, technical change and advertising; union-oligopoly models and bargaining institutions; market
structure and industry dynamics; international trade policies and time consistency issues; environmental
policy and quality of life issues. His research has been published in journals such as the Rand Journal of
Economics, Journal of Public Economics, International Economic Review, European Economic Review,
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Labour
Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of International Economics, Economic Theory. He has a
long lasting research collaboration with Michael Kopel (University of Graz, Austria), a participant of the
proposed project. He is a member of the Econometric Society, the European Economic Association and the
European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, and the European Association of Environmental
and Resource Economists. He is Associate Editor of the European Economic Review (2002 -). He has
experience with interdisciplinary collaboration (externally funded research projects with scientists in the
fields of Environmental Economics and Policy, Industrial Organization, R&D and Technical Change,
Internet Economics, and International Trade.
Short presentation (institution):
Benteng Zou
Name and Surname: Benteng Zou
Title: Assistant Prof.
Affiliation: Centre de Recherche en Économie Appliquée (CREA) (Center for Research in
Economic Analysis), Faculté de droit, d'économie et de finance (Department of Law, Economics
and Finance), Université du Luxembourg (University of Luxemburg)
Address: Université du Luxembourg Campus Limpertsberg 162A, avenue de la Faïencerie L-1511
Phone: (+352) 46 66 44
Fax: (+352) 46 66 44 ext 633
Nation: Luxemburg
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Boucekkine, Raouf & Camacho, Carmen & Zou, Benteng, 2009. "Bridging The Gap Between
Growth Theory And The New Economic Geography: The Spatial Ramsey Model,"Macroeconomic
Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 13(01), pages 20-45, February.
Camacho, Carmen & Zou, Benteng & Briani, Maya, 2008. "On the dynamics of capital
accumulation across space," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 186(2), pages
451-465, April.
Short presentation (individual):
Benteng Zou is an assistant-professor in the faculty of law, economics and finance in the University
of Luxembourg since Feb. 2007. He holds two Ph.Ds: one in Mathematics from Peking University,
China, and one in Economics from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Before joining the
University of Luxembourg he was a post-doc researcher at the Institute of Mathematical Economics
in Bielefeld University, Germany. At the same time, he was a visiting assistant professor of
Strasbourg University, France, and Luiss University, Italy. Before starting his career in Economics,
he was a visiting assistant professor of University of Iowa, USA, after one year post-doctoral
researching in Nantes University, France.
Now, Benteng Zou specializes in macroeconomics and economics growth theory. His main research
interests are: spatial economics, foreign direct investment, optimization theory and differential
game, economic growth and environmental Kuznet curve. His researches has been presented in
international conferences in economics and published in scientific reviews such as:
Macroeconomics dynamics, European Journal of operational research, Resource and energy
economics, Economic modeling, Economics Bulletin. He teaches stochastic calculus in finance,
optimization theory, dynamic method in economics, calculus, and macroeconomics.
Short presentation (institution):
Cars Hommes
Name and Surname: Cars Hommes
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), Department of
Quantitative Economics, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam
Address: Valckenierstraat 65-67, NL - 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: ++ 31 20 525 4246
Fax: ++ 31 20 525 4254
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Hommes, C.H., Bounded Rationality and Learning in Complex Markets, (2009), In: Handbook of
Economic Complexity, Edited by J. Barkley Rosse, Jr., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, in press.
Anufriev, M. and Hommes, C.H., Evolutionary switching between forecasting heuristics: an
explanation of an asset pricing experiment, In: Schredelseker, K. and Hauser, F. (Eds.), Complexity
and Artificial Markets, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 614, Springer, pp.
Hommes, C.H. (2008), Interacting Agents in Finance, entry written for the New Palgrave
Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, edited by L. Blume and S. Durlauf, Palgrave Macmillan.
Diks, C.G.H., Hommes, C.H., Panchenko, V. and Weide, R. van der, (2008), E&F Chaos: a user
friendly software package for nonlinear economic dynamics, Computational Economics 32, 221244.
Gaunersdorfer, A. and Hommes, C.H. (2007), A Nonlinear Structural Model for Volatility
Clustering, In: G. Teyssière and A. Kirman (eds.), Long Memory in Economics, Springer, pp. 265288.
Short presentation (individual):
Cars Hommes is Professor of Economic Dynamics at the Department of Quantitative Economics,
University of Amsterdam, since 1999. He obtained his Ph-D in Mathematical Economics in 1991 at
the University of Groningen. In 1998 he obtained a prestigious Pionier-grant from the Netherlands
Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) to start the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in
Economics and Finance (CeNDEF). Cars Hommes’ research includes nonlinear dynamics,
evolutionary dynamics, behavioral economics and finance, expectations and learning, bounded
rationality and experimental economics. He is particularly well known from his influential work
with William Brock (University of Wisconsin, USA), developing a theory of heterogeneous
expectations and its applications in economics and finance. The CeNDEF group has contributed
particularly to empirical and experimental testing of the heterogeneous expectations hypothesis.
Since 2002, Cars Hommes is one of the editors of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
and is on the editorial boards of Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Nonlinear Science,
Computational Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and the Journal of
Economic Interaction and Coordination. He has published in journals such as Econometrica,
Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Mathematical Economics.
Short presentation (institution): CeNDEF
The Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), founded in 1998 by
Cars Hommes at the University of Amsterdam, is dedicated to elaborate the theoretical foundations
of boundedly rational heterogeneous agent models; to test empirically whether real economic data
would support the hypotheses underlying these models; and, making use of CREED's experimental
laboratory, to investigate experimentally what kind of decisions real economic actors take in
carefully controlled conditions.
A major area of application of these models are financial markets, where there is a fierce theoretical
debate whether or not traders act rationally, and if not, how their behaviour should be modelled.
CeNDEF has made many contributions to this debate, identifying mechanisms how competitive
boundedly rational agents can destabilise markets. Estimation procedures have been developped
that can detect periods of instability in historical time series. In laboraboratory experiments
performed by CeNDEF, it has been shown that both stabilising and unstable behaviour can develop
in a financial market, depending on nothing else but the choices of and the interaction between
economic agents. Other research topics are macro-economic models with boundedly rational agents,
ecological-economic interest conflicts, the role of information flows in markets, and complexity of
financial networks.
As the models used in almost all investigations are inherently nonlinear and dynamic, the research
performed at CeNDEF has heavy mathematical, statistical and computational components; in
particular ideas and tools from non-linear dynamics and complexity research are important to the
programme. To carry out this multi-disciplinary approach, the group has accumulated a wide
variety of mathematical, statistical and psychological expertise next to its economic core.
Florian Wagener
Name and Surname: Florian Wagener
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), Department of
Quantitative Economics, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam
Address: Valckenierstraat 65-67, NL - 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)20 525 4034
Fax: +31 (0)20 525 4254
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: YES - WGL
Publications (three to five):
Polasky, S., De Zeeuw, A. and Wagener, F.O.O., 2011, Optimal management with potential regime
shifts, to appear in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Kiseleva, T. and Wagener, F.O.O., 2010, Bifurcations of optimal vector fields in the shallow lake
model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34 (2010), 825-843
Brock, W.A., Hommes, C.H. and Wagener, F.O.O., 2009, More hedging instruments may
destabilize markets, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33:11, 1912-1928
Hommes, C.H. and Wagener, F.O.O., 2009, Complex evolutionary systems in behavioral finance,
In: Hens, T. and Schenk-Hoppé, K.R. (eds.), Handbook of financial markets: Dynamics and
evolution, Elsevier, 217-276
Diks, C.G.H., and Wagener, F.O.O., 2008, A bifurcation theory for a class of discrete time
Markovian stochastic systems, Physica D 237:24(2008), 3297-3306
Short presentation (individual):
Florian Wagener is Associate Professor of Mathematical Economics at the Department of
Quantitative Economics, University of Amsterdam, since 2006. He received a MEng in
Computational Fluid dynamics in 1993, a MSc in Mathematics in 1994 and a PhD, also in
Mathematics, in 1998, all from the University of Groningen. After staying at the University of
Warwick as a post-doc for a year, he joined the CeNDEF group in 1999. His main interest is the
application of dynamical systems theory, especially bifurcation theory, to problems from economic
dynamics and dynamic optimisation. In particular, he worked on destabilisation of stock markets
and of catastrophic regime shifts in the context of economic-ecological interest conflicts. In 1995 he
was awarded a five-year VIDI grant from the Netherlands Organization for Science (NWO) to
further his research in this field. He has published in journals such as Journal of Economic
Dynamics & Control, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Nonlinearity.
Short presentation (institution): CeNDEF
Jan Tuinstra
Name and Surname: Jan Tuinstra
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance (CeNDEF), Department of
Quantitative Economics, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam
Address: Valckenierstraat 65-67, NL - 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: ++31 20 525 4227
Fax: ++31 20 525 4349
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
- A class of evolutionary models for participation games with negative feedback, 2011.
Computational Economics 37, 267-300 (with Pietro Dindo)
- Positive expectations feedback experiments and number guessing games as models of financial
markets, 2010. Journal of Economic Psychology 31, 964-984 (with Joep Sonnemans)
- Price stability and volatility in markets with positive and negative expectations feedback: An
experimental investigation, 2009, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33, 1052-1072 (with
Peter Heemeijer, Cars Hommes and Joep Sonnemans)
- On learning equilibria, 2007, Economic Theory 30, 493-513 (with Florian Wagener)
- A computational electoral competition model with social clustering and endogenous interest
groups as information brokers, 2006, Public Choice 129, 169-187 (with Vjollca Sadiraj and Frans
van Winden)
Short presentation (individual):
Jan Tuinstra is Associate Professor of Economic Theory at the Department of Quantitative
Economics, University of Amsterdam, since 2005. He received his MSc in Econometrics from the
University of Groningen in 1995 and his PhD in Economics from the University of Amsterdam in
1999. He specializes in nonlinear economic dynamics, behavioral and experimental economics,
industrial organization and political economy and publishes extensively on these issues in a variety
of prominent academic journals. He is best known for his work on learning and evolutionary
competition in different economic environments, and 'learning to forecast' laboratory experiments,
but also works on competition policy and the impact that special interest groups have on economic
policy. He had research visits in Atlanta, Bamberg, Berlin and Maastricht and is on the editorial
board of the Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control.
Short presentation (institution): CeNDEF
Steven Brakman
Name and Surname: Steven Brakman
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: University of Groningen;International Economics&Business
Address: P.O.Box 800;Groningen;;9700AV;The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)50-3633746
Fax: +31-(0)50-3637337
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Brakman, S., and C van Marrewijk (1998, 2009), The Economics of International transfers,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, second printing.
Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk (2009), Economic Geography within and between
European nations: The role of market Potential and Density across space and Time, Journal of
Regional Science, Vol. 49, pp.777-800.
Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, C. van Marrewijk (2009), The New Introduction to Geographical
Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Brakman, S., M.Bosker, h. Garretsen, M.Schramm (2010), Adding Geography, to the new
Economic Geography: Bridgeing the gap between theory and empirics, Journal of Economic
Brakman, S. and P.A.G van Bergeijk (2010), The Gravity Model in Prospect and Retrospect,
Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming.
Short presentation (individual):
Steven Brakman is head of the Department of International Economics and Business of the faculty
of Economics of the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. He has a well established
research and publication record in International Economics (Theory of International Transfers) and
in the field of New Economic Geography, and besides publishing in the standard Journals in these
fields also wrote, with Harry Garretsen and Charles van Marrewijk, well known monographs
(published by Cambridge University Press).He has spent research periods at Yale, Princeton,
Munich, and Trinity (Cambridge, UK) thus forming links with other specialists in the field and
resulting in conferences with conference volumes published by the MIT Press, Cambridge
University Press, and special issues published by Regional Science and Urban Economics, and the
Journal of Regional Science. He is also co-editor of the Journal of Regional Science and associate
editor of Spatial Economic Analysis.
Short presentation (institution):
Charles van Marrewijk
Name and Surname: Charles van Marrewijk
Title: Prof. dr.
Affiliation: Utrecht University School of Economics
Address: Janskerkhof 12 3512 BL, Utrecht The Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 2539810
Fax: +31 30 2537373
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2009), The new introduction to geographical
economics, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 978-0-52-169803-0 and 978-0-52-187532-5; 568
Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2011), "References across the fence: measuring
the dialogue between economists and geographers," Journal of Economic Geography 11: 371-385.
Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2009), "Introduction: heterogeneity at different spatial scales,"
Journal of Regional Science 49(4): 607-615.
Brakman, S., H. Garretsen, and C. van Marrewijk (2009), "Economic geography within and
between European nations: the role of market potential and density across space and time," Journal
of Regional Science 49(4): 777-800.
Brakman, S., and C. van Marrewijk (2008), "It's a big world after all: on the economic impact of
location and distance," Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 1: 411-437.
Short presentation (individual):
Charles van Marrewijk is Director of the Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute (TKI) and
Professor of International Macroeconomics at Utrecht University School of Economics, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands. His main research areas are International Trade, Geographical
Economics, and Economic Growth & Development. He has published widely in all three fields (as
well as occasionally in other fields). He has collaborated for more than two decades with Steven
Brakman, one of the participants, particularly in the area of Geographical Economics / New
Economic Geography. Together with Harry Garretsen they published inter alia the popular Master
level textbook “The New Introduction to Geographical Economics” (Cambridge University Press),
a range of articles on the distribution of economic activity, regional economic density, regional
congestion effects, industrial location and competitiveness, and agglomeration and government
spending. The core TKI research area is ‘multidisciplinary economics’, including joint work with
geographers, historians, sociologists, and psychologists. Charles received his PhD from Purdue
University (USA) and was inter alia a visiting scholar at Yale University, Cornell University,
University of Cambridge, and University of Adelaide. He is European Editor of the Journal of
International Trade and Economic Development and Associate Editor of the Journal of Regional
Short presentation (institution): Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute
The Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute stimulates and facilitates fundamental and applied research in
the economics of markets and institutions. This includes research that crosses borders between
economics on one hand and geography, history, law, sociology and social-psychology on the other.
The institute was founded in 2003. Some 26 fellows, most of whom are associated with one or more
of the chairs at USE, participate in the institute's research and Ph.D. programmes.
Wilko Bolt
Name and Surname: Wilko Bolt
Title: Senior economist
Affiliation: Research department De Nederlandsche Bank
Address: Po Box 98 1000AB Amsterdam The Netherlands
Phone: +31205243524
Fax: +31 (0)20 524 25 00
e-mail: W.Bolt@DNB.NL
Nation: Netherlands
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Short presentation (individual):
Wilko Bolt is a Senior Economist in the research department at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) in
Amsterdam. He has a background in game theory and industrial organization and received his PhD
in economics from the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. His current research focuses on the
economics of payment systems and the theory of twosided markets and its antitrust implications. He
has published in journals such as American Economic Review, European Economic Review,
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Review of Network Economics, and Journal of
Banking and Finance. Joint with Harold Houba, he published a book ‘Credible Threats in
Negotiations: A Gametheoretic Approach’, with Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002. Recently,
CeNDEF and DNB initiated a research project titled 'Understanding financial instability through
complex systems' which is granted a subsidy by NWO---the Dutch Scientific Organization. Bolt
coordinates this project from DNB side.
Short presentation (institution):
Diana Mendes
Name and Surname: Diana Elisabeta Aldea Mendes
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Quantitative Methods, IBS – ISCTE Business School, Lisbon University
Address: Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: 00351 217903226
Fax: 00351 934380913
Nation: Portugal
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Gomes, O., V.M. Mendes, Mendes, D.A., (2011), Adaptive Learning and Central Bank
Inattentiveness in Optimal Monetary Policy, in Dynamics, Games and Science I, (editors Mauricio
Peixoto, Alberto Pinto, David Rand), Springer , ISBN: 978-3-642-11455-7 (in press).
Isfan, M., Menezes,R., Mendes, D.A., (2010), Forecasting financial time series by using artificial
neural networks, Journal of Physics, Vol. 221, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
Januário, C., Grácio, C., Mendes, D.A., e J. Duarte, (2009), Measuring and controlling the chaotic
motion of profits, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 3593-3604
Mendes, D.A., Mendes, V. M., Sousa Ramos, J. e Gomes, O., (2009), Computing Topological
Entropy in Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly Games with Homogeneous Players, Advanced Studies in
Pure Mathematics, Vol. 53, pp. 169-178.
O. Gomes, V. M. Mendes, Mendes, D.A. (2008), Bounded Rational Expectations and the Stability
of Interest Rate Policy, Physica A, Vol 387 (15), pp. 3882-3890.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Vivaldo Mendes
Name and Surname: Vivaldo Manuel Pereira Mendes
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Economics, IBS – ISCTE Business School, ISCTE – IUL
Address: Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: +351 217903226
Fax: +351 934380913
Nation: Portugal
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Gomes, O., V.M. Mendes, Mendes, D.A., (2011), Adaptive Learning and Central Bank
Inattentiveness in Optimal Monetary Policy, in Dynamics, Games and Science I, (editors Mauricio
Peixoto, Alberto Pinto, David Rand), Springer , ISBN: 978-3-642-11455-7 (in press).
Mendes, D.A., Mendes, V. M., Sousa Ramos, J. e Gomes, O., (2009), Computing Topological
Entropy in Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly Games with Homogeneous Players, Advanced Studies in
Pure Mathematics, Vol. 53, pp. 169-178.
O. Gomes, V. M. Mendes, Mendes, D.A. (2008), Bounded Rational Expectations and the Stability
of Interest Rate Policy, Physica A, Vol 387 (15), pp. 3882-3890.
Mendes, D.A., V. M. Mendes (2008), Stability Analysis of an Implicitly Defined Labor Market
Model, Physica A, Vol 387 (15), pp. 3921-3930.
Gomes, O., Mendes, Mendes, D.A., V. M. e Sousa Ramos, J., (2007), Chaotic Dynamics in Optimal
Monetary Policy, The European Physical Journal B, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 195-199.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Mikuláš Luptáčik
Name and Surname: Mikuláš Luptáčik
Title: Prof.Ing.PhD
Affiliation: Katedra Hospodárskej Politiky, Ekonomicka Univerzita Bratislava
Address: Dolnozemská Cesta 1, 85235, Bratislava
Phone: tel.: +421 02 67 291 440
Nation: Slovakia
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Jose S. Cánovas
Name and Surname: Jose Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y
Estadística, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial
Address: C/ Dr Fleming sn, 30202 Cartagena, Murcia, Spain
Phone: +34968338904
Fax: +34968338916
Nation: Spain
Management Committee: YES - WGL
Publications (three to five):
J S. Canovas, A. Guillamon, Maria del Carmen Ruiz, Using permutations to detect dependence
between time series, Physica D 240 (2011), 1199-1204.
J. S. Cánovas and D. López, Topological entropy of Cournot Puu duopoly, Discrete Dynan. Nat.
Soc. (2012), 12 pages, Article reference; 506940
J. S. Cánovas, T. Puu and M. Ruiz Marin, Detecting chaos in a duopoly model via symbolic
dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynan. Sys. Ser B 13 (2010), 269-278.
J. S. Cánovas, Feedback control in a Cournot-Theocaris oligopoly model, Nonlinear Analysis: Real
World Applications 11 (2010), 2091-2099.
J. S. Cánovas and A. Guillamón, Permutations and Time Series Analysis, Chaos; an
Interdisciplinary Journal 19 (2009), 12 pages. Article reference: 043103
Short presentation (individual):
Jose S. Cánovas is the second head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at
Technical University of Cartagena. He is an specialist in discrete dynamical systems and he has a
long experience in applications of dynamical systems to economics. In particular, he usually
collaborates with Tönu Puu in interdisciplinar studies mixing dynamical systems and economics.
He is the head of a research project, which includes Tönu Puu as a researcher, that has been
recently approved by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain (ref: MTM2011-23221).
Recently, he has been invited to join to the editorial board of a new journal, Annual Review of
Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical systems, which will be launched shortly.
Short presentation (institution):
Mariano Matilla García
Name and Surname: Mariano Matilla García
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). Departamento de Economía
Aplicada Cuantitativa, Spain.
Nation: Spain
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Matilla-García M, A non-parametric independence test, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 144, 139155, May 2008 (with Manuel Ruiz Marín).
Matilla-García M, Detection of Non-linear Structure in Time Series, Economics Letters, 105, (1), 16, 2009 (with Manuel Ruiz Marín).
Matilla-García M, A symbolic test for testing independence between time series. Journal of Times
Series Analysis, vol. 31, 76-85, 2010 (with José Miguel Rodríguez and Manuel Ruiz Marín)
Matilla-García, M and Ruiz, M. (2010). A new test for chaos and determinism based on symbolic
dynamics. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76, 600-614.
López, F. A., Matilla-García, M., Mur, J. and Marín, M. R. (2011). Four tests of independence in
spatiotemporal data. Papers in Regional Science, no. doi:
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Manuel Ruiz Marín
Name and Surname: Manuel Ruiz Marín
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Business School Department of Quantitative Methods Universidad Politécnica de
Address: Calle Real, 3 - 30.201. Cartagena. Spain
Phone: (+34) 968 32 59 01
Fax: (+34) 968 32 57 45
Nation: Spain
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Mariano Matilla y Manuel Ruiz, A non-parametric independence test using permutation entropy,
Journal of Econometrics, 144 (1), (2008), pp 139--155. A.
Mariano Matilla, Jose M. Rodríguez and Manuel Ruiz , A Symbolic Test for Testing Independence
Between Time Series, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 31 (2), (2010), pp. 86--97.
José S. Cánovas; Tönu Puu, and Manuel Ruiz, Detecting Chaos in a Duopoly Model Via
Symbolic Dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - B, 13 (2), (2010), pp269--278.
Mariano Matilla y Manuel Ruiz , A New Test for Chaos and Determinism based on Symbolic
Dynamics, (2010), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76, pp 600-614.
Fernando Ló}pez, Mariano Matilla, Jesús Mur y Manuel Ruiz, Non-Parametric Spatial
Independence Test Using Symbolic Entropy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40 2-3,
(2010), pp 106--115.
Short presentation (individual):
Manuel Ruiz is associate professor in the Department of Quantitative Methods that belongs to the
Faculty of Business and Administration at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. He is a very
active researcher in the fields of time series analysis, spatial econometrics, symbolic dynamics and
economic moddelling. He has a long lasting research collaboration with other applicants of this
Action like Tönu Puu, Mariano Matilla or José Canovas. Moreover he has organized the last
Nonlinear Economic Dynamic conference which is a forum where most of the applicants of this
Action meet and share their knowledge in different areas of the nonlinear economic dynamic
Short presentation (institution):
María Pilar Martínez-García
Name and Surname: María Pilar Martínez-García
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos, Facultad de Economía y Empresa,
Universidad de Murcia
Address: Campus de Espinardo (Murcia), 30100, Spain.
Phone: +34 968 367979
Nation: Spain
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Martínez-García, Pilar (2008) "Technological Leadership and Sustainable Growth in a Bilateral
Trade Model", with F. Cabo and G. Martín-Herrán, International Game Theory Review, 10, 1, 73100.
Martínez-García, Pilar (2005) "North-South Trade and the sustainability of Economic Growth: A
model with environmental constraints", with F. Cabo and M.P. Martín-Herrán, In Energy
and Environment, R. Loulou, J.P. Waaub and G. Zaccour (eds), Springer 2005, 1-25
Martínez-García, Pilar (2003) "The General Instability of Balanced Paths in Endogenous Growth
Models: The Role of Transversality Conditions" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27,
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution):
Luis Miguel Varela Cabo
Name and Surname: Luis Miguel Varela Cabo
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Dept. Física de la Materia Condensada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Address: Facultad de Física. Campus Vida s/n. 15872. Santiago de Compostela. Spain.
Phone: +34 881813966
Fax: +34 881814112
Nation: Spain
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
L. M. Varela, J. Carrete, R. Muñoz-Sola, J. R. Rodríguez, J. Gallego
Nonextensive statistical mechanics of ionic solutions, Physics Letters A, 370, 405-412 (2007).
J. Carrete, L. M. Varela, J. Gallego, Nonequilibrium Nanothermodynamics, Physical Review E,
77,022102 (2008).
J. Carrete, L.M. Varela, L.J. Gallego, Microcanonical equations obtained from the Tsallis entropy,
Physica A, 387, 6752-6758 (2008)
J. Pombo Romero, M. Portela Romero, J. Monteagudo Romero, C. J. Ricoy Riego, Luis M. Varela.
Modelización mecano-estadística de la demanda de medicamentos en la Comunidad Autónoma de
Galicia (Statistical mechanical modeling of prescription drug demand in the autonomous region of
Galicia (Spain)), Premios Profesor Barea a la Evaluación y Gestión de costes sanitarios. Fundación
Signo Dep. Legal M-53031- 2003, 51-62(2006).
Short presentation (individual):
"Luis M. Varela is a professor of the Condensed Matter Physics Department of the University of
Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He leads a team working on theoretical, experimental and
simulation research of complex systems. He has lead several projects in statistical mechanics of
complex ionic systems, with a well established research and publication record in statistical
mechanics of complex systems and complex networks, including statistical mechanical modeling of
the drug market using complex networks. He has also lead several contracts with Galician
regional?s government for analyzing the propagation of epidemic diseases using real transportation
networks, and in the last years he has established strong links with the group of Pasquale
Commendatore, the proposer of the Action, to use complex networks methodology to the analysis
of interregional development."
Short presentation (institution):
Tönu Puu
Name and Surname: Tönu Puu
Title: Prof. Dr
Affiliation: University of Umeå, Centre for Regional Science (CERUM)
Address: University of Umeå, S-901 87, Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46 90 786 98 19
Fax: +46 90 786 5121
Nation: Sweden
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
T. Puu, 1997, 2003, Mathematical Location and Land Use Theory; An Introduction, (SpringerVerlag, ISBN 3-540-61819-8), Second Revised and Enlarged Edition, (Springer-Verlag ISBN 3540-00931-0)
T. Puu, 2000, 2003, Attractors, Bifurcations, & Chaos - Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics,
(Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-66862-4), Second Revised and Enlarged Edition, (Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 3-540-40226-8)
F. Tramontana, L. Gardini, and T. Puu, 2010, "Mathematical properties of a combined CournotStackelberg model", Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals: 42:58-70.
T. Puu, 2010, "On time and space in economic theory" in T. Puu and A. Panchuk (Eds.), 2010,
Nonlinear Economic Dynamics (Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, ISBN 978-1-61668-7885)., 263-278.
T. Puu, 2010, "On the economics of increasing complexity", Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization 75:59-68.
Short presentation (individual):
Tönu Puu is senior professor of economics at the Centre for Regional Science (CERUM), Umeå
University, Sweden. Since 1963 he published 20 books and 130 scientific articles (including 2
books and 10 articles in 2010). He worked with spatial economics since 1980 in collaboration with
Martin J. Beckmann of Brown University (resulting in two collaborative monographs), and his own
monograph "Mathematical Location and Land Use Theory" (Springer, 2 editions). Later his
interests more focused nonlinear economic dynamics; areas such as oligopoly and business cycle
theory. Puu vistited about 50 scientific institutions in 15 countries (for periods of 1 weelk - 1 year)
in the capacity of teacher or research associate. He belonged to 12 editorial boards (including the
Annals of Regional Science, the Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban
Economics, Networks and Spatial Theory). Among the project participants he published with Laura
Gardini (11 items), Anna Agliari (4 items), Jose Cànovas (4 items), Manuel Rùiz (3 items), Iryna
Sushko (6 items + 2 coedited books), Anastasiia Panchuk (4 items + 1 coedited book), and Barkley
Rosser (1 item),
Short presentation (institution): CERUM
The Centre for Regional Science (CERUM) was established by the Swedish government in 1983
with a mission to initiate and carry out research on regional development, to carry out
multidisciplinary research projects, and to spread knowledge on research findings to various public
interests. CERUM aims for a long-term build up of competence within the following areas:
* Spatial theory (Urban, regional and rural)
* Qualitative analysis of spatial processes
* Simulation of spatial structures and dynamic processes
* GIS, spatial statistics, and data
* Spatial policy, implementation, and evaluation
Lars Westin
Name and Surname: Lars Westin
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Centre for Regional Science (CERUM), Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå University
Address: Umeå University, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46 90 7866082
Fax: +46 90 7865121
Nation: Sweden
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Westin, Lars , Edlund, Johanna, 2011, Joint facilities and the creation of social capital in the
Swedish countryside, In: Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas: Volume 6,
Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Hans Westlund, Hayeong Jeong, MARG, Graduate School of Urban
Management, Kyoto University, Japan, 71-89
Westin, Lars, 2008, Social Capital and Local Growth Within an Urban System, In: Social Capital
and Development Trends in Rural Areas, MARG, Graduate School of Urban Management, Kyoto
University, Japan, 99-109.
Kobayashi, Kiyoshi, Westin, Lars, Westlund, Hans, 2008, Social Capital and Development Trends
in Rural Areas, MARG, Kyoto University, Japan.
Short presentation (individual):
Short presentation (institution): CERUM
Börje Johansson
Name and Surname: Börje Johansson
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Department of Economics
Address: P.O. Box 1026 SE-551 11 Jönköping
Phone: +46 (0)36 10 17 45
Nation: Sweden
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Johansson, B., 2008) Innovation Ideas and Regional Characteristics – product innovations and
export entrepreneurship by firms in Swedish regions, Growth and Change, forthcoming in Vol 39,
No 2 (June 2008), (co-author M Andersson)
Johansson, B., 2008, Innovation Activities Explained by Firm Attributes and Location, Economics
of Innovation and New Technology, Vol 16, Issue 8, 2008, (co-author H. Lööf)
Johansson, B. and Karlsson, C. (2009), Knowledge and Regional Development, in R. Capello and
P. Nijkamp (eds), Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham, pp. 239-255.
Johansson, B. (2008), Transport Infrastructure Inside and Across Urban Regions: Models and
assessment methods, in The Wider Economic Benefits of Transport: Micro-, meso- and macroeconomic transport planning and investment tools, Round Table 140, Transport Research Centre,
OECD, Paris.
Andersson, Å. E. and Johansson, B. (2007) Mathematical Models in Spatial Economics, an article
for the theme of Mathematical Models in Economics in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences
(, edited by the UNESCO, Paris.
Short presentation (individual):
Börje Johansson is professor of Economics at the Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)
and guest professor at the division of Economics at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
(KTH), where he is also director of CESIS, Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation
Studies. Previously, he was director of the Centre of Regional Science and professor of Regional
economics at the University of Umeå (Sweden), was in charge of the Regional Development
Program at IIASA (Vienna, Austria) and was professor at the University of Trondheim (Norway).
He has widely published in regional science and is Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Annals of
Regional Science.
Short presentation (institution):
Martin Andersson
Name and Surname: Martin Andersson
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies (CESIS)
Address: Drottning Kristinas väg 30 KTH SE- 100 44 Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0) 36 10 17 38
Fax: +46 (0) 36 12 18 32
Nation: Sweden
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Short presentation (individual):
Martin Andersson holds a PhD in Economics from JIBS. Martin's research falls under the broad
heading of 'new economic geography (or spatial economics)' and centers on the linkages between
location, innovation and trade. During his PhD studies he participated in numerous research projects
and was also a visiting scholar at the International Development Group (IDG) at the Department of
Urban studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
After finishing his PhD Martin has held a position as a research fellow at the Economics department
and been affiliated to CeFEO (Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership) at Jönköping
International Business School. He is currently dividing his time between a position as a research
coordinator for CESIS (Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies) at the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and as a researcher for the Prosperity Institute of Scandinavia.
Short presentation (institution): CESIS
CESIS (Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies) is a research centre with the
mission to organise and carry out studies of innovation systems. The main objective is to carry out
systematic, peer-reviewed research of innovation systems, and to transform the evidence-based
findings to decision-support for innovation policy making in the Swedish society.
CESIS recently achieved the overall assessment "Outstanding at the forefront of international
research". According to the worldwide REPEC-system CESIS ranks high in terms of research
output and research impact, and is among the top 5 % institutions in the world focused on
innovation research.
United Kingdom
Spiros Bougheas
Name and Surname: Spiros Bougheas
Title: Associate Prof.
Affiliation: School of Economics, University of Nottingham,
Address: Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
Phone: 0044-115-8466108
Nation: United Kingdom
Management Committee: YES
Publications (three to five):
(2006) Trade Credit,
Bank Lending and Monetary Policy Transmission (with S. Mateut and P.
Mizen), European Economic Review 50, 603-29
(2006) Access to External Finance: Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Monetary Policy and
Firm-Specific Characteristics (with P. Mizen and C. Yalcin), Journal of Banking and Finance 30,
(2007) Trade and the Distribution of Human Capital (with R. Riezman), Journal of International
Economics 73, 421-33
(2008) A Model of the Interaction between Banking Crises and Currency Crices, (with M. Bleaney
and I. Skamnelos), Journal of International Money and Finance 27, 695-706
(2009) Corporate Trade Credit and Inventories: New Evidence of a Tradeoff from Accounts
Payable and Receivable, (with S. Mateut and P. Mizen), Journal of Banking and Finance 33, 300-7
Short presentation (individual):
Spiros Bougheas is an Associate Professor and Reader in the School of Economics at the University
of Nottingham. He is also an Internal Research Fellow of the The Leverhulme Centre for Research
on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP) and the Centre for Finance, Credit and
Macroeconomics (CFCM) both at Nottingham and an External Research Fellow of CESifo,
Munich. Both GEP and CESifo have established research programs on International trade issues
while CFCM specializes on financial and macroeconomic issues. Lately, his research has focused
on the relationship between the global financial market architecture and the patterns of international
trade. In particular, he analyzes how the type and the quality of financial institutions affect the
movements of both goods and factors of production across international borders.
Short presentation (institution):
Irina Sushko
Name and Surname: Irina Sushko Mykhailivna
Title: Dr. (Senior Scientific Researcher)
Affiliation: Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)
Address: Institute of Mathematics, NASU 3, Tereshchenkivska st., 01601 Kyiv-4 UKRAINE
Phone: +38 044 234-63-22
Fax: +38 044 235-20-10
Nation: Ukraina
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Gardini L., I. Sushko, A. Naimzada. Growing Through Chaotic Intervals. Journal of Economic
Theory 143 (2008), 541-557.
Bischi, G.-I., F. Lamantia, I. Sushko. Border Collision Bifurcations in a simple oligopoly model
with production constraints. Int. J. Appl. Math. and Statistics, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2012), 121-135.
Sushko I., L. Gardini, T. Puu. Regular and Chaotic Growth in a Hicksian Floor/Ceiling Model.
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 75 (2010), 77-94.
Brianzoni S., E. Michetti, I. Sushko. Border Collision Bifurcations of Superstable Cycles in a OneDimensional Piecewise Smooth Map. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 81, Issue 1
(2010), 52-61.
I. Sushko, L. Gardini. Degenerate Bifurcations and Border Collisions in Piecewise Smooth 1D and
2D Maps. Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 20, No. 7 (2010), 2045-2070.
Short presentation (individual):
Iryna Sushko is a Senior Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics (National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine), Visiting Research Fellow at the International Nongovernmental
Organization Kyiv Economic Institute (KEI) and Visiting Professor at the Kyiv School of
Economics (Economics Education and Research Consortium, Inc ). Scientific interests of Sushko
are in the field of the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems (with a focus on attractors,
bifurcations, routs to chaos, etc.) and its application to economics (business cycle models, growth
models, etc.). Her research experience is confirmed by more than 50 scientific publications which,
in particular, are evidence of well established interdisciplinary collaboration with the members of
the Action from University of Urbino (Laura Gardini, Gian-Italo Bischi), Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore (Anna Agliari), University of Bamberg (Frank Westerhoff, Michael Weneger),
University of Umea (Tonu Puu). As a member of the Scientific Committee of a series of the
conferences on Nonlinear Economic Dynamics, Sushko is linked to other members of the Action.
Currently she works on a research project related to a three-region new economic geography model
with Pasquale Commendatore (University of Naples ‘Federico II’), the proposer of the Action, and
Ingrid Kubin (WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien).
Short presentation (institution):
Anastasiia Panchuk
Name and Surname: Anastasiia Panchuk
Title: Dr.
Affiliation: Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)
Address: Institute of Mathematics, NASU 3, Tereshchenkivska st., 01601 Kyiv-4 UKRAINE
Phone: +38044 234 63 22
Fax: +38044 235 20 10
Nation: Ukraine
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
A. Panchuk, T. Puu, "Industry dynamics, stability of Cournot equilibrium, and renewal of capital",
In: Nonlinear Economic Dynamics, Nova Science Publishers, 2010 (pp. 239-254)
A. Panchuk, T. Puu, "Cournot equilibrium stability in a non-autonomous system modeling the
oligopoly market", Grazer Mathematische Berichte 354, pp. 201–218 (2009)
A. Panchuk, T. Puu, "Stability in a non-autonomous iterative system: An application to oligopoly",
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 58 (10), pp. 2022-2034(2009)
Short presentation (individual):
Anastasiia Panchuk is a senior scientific researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev. One of her research topics concerns a competitive
oligopoly market dynamics, on which she has several publications. The main issue focused on in
these publications is a so-called 'Theocaris problem' related to transition from oligopoly to perfect
competition. Also a new branch of such research was started recently, mainly in the field of market
competition modelling, and, in particular, the extension of the theory in the direction of financial
markets in order to better understand the mechanisms behind the recent financial crisis. A. Panchuk
has a considerable experience in interdisciplinary international collaboration. Among others, there
is a continued research project with Prof. T. Puu from CERUM, University of Umea, another
member of the Action. In addition, during the last years she had several research visits to the
Universities of Urbino and Cartagena establishing relationship with some other participants of the
current application. She is also a co-editor of the scientific papers collection “Nonlinear Dynamics
in Economics” (Nova Science Publishers, 2011).
Short presentation (institution):
Rosser, John Barkley
Name and Surname: John Barkley Rosser Jr.
Title: Prof.
Affiliation: James Madison University, USA
Address: Zane Showker Hall, Room 444, Department of Economics, MSC 0204 James Madison
University Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807, USA
Phone: +1 (540) 568-3212
Fax: +1 (540) 568-3010
Nation: USA
Management Committee: NO
Publications (three to five):
Handbook of Complexity Research_ (ed.), Edward Elgar, 2009
"Is a transdisciplinary perspective on economic complexity possible?" Journal of Economic
Behavior and Organization, 2010 75(1), 3-11
"Emerging markets and stock market bubbles: nonlinear speculation?" Emerging Markets, Finance,
and Trade, 2010 46(4), 73-91
"Post Keynesian perspectives and complex ecologic-economic dynamics," Metroeconomica, 2011
62(1), 96-121
Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: Beyond
Catastrophe and Chaos, Springer, 2011
Short presentation (individual):
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. is Professor of Economics and Kirby L. Cramer, Jr. Professor of Business
Administration at James Madison University. He is coeditor and former editor of the Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organization. As editor, he published papers by approximately half of the
participants in this proposal. In addition, he has coauthored specifically with Laura Gardini and
Ilaria Foroni of Italy, with Cars Hommes of the Netherlands, and with Tönu Puu of Sweden. He
has also coauthored with geographers, physicists, biologists, mathematicians, and people from other
disciplines. His recently published book from Springer, Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in
Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond, deals
extensively with issues of regional development.
Short presentation (institution):