Established 1974

*** NOTE! This catalogue can be
downloaded from our website.
Microtraining was the first in 1974 and now has the largest collection of DVDs focused on
multicultural and competency-based COUNSELOR and THERAPIST EDUCATION.
Anti-Discrimination Training
Brief Counseling
Career Counseling
Counseling Theories
Counseling Veterans
Crisis Counseling
Cultural Identity Theory
Div. 45 Conference
Family Counseling
Grief Counseling
Group Work
Lifespan Interviews
Microskills Training
Narrative Therapy
Play Therapy
School Counseling
Sexual Orientation
Social Class
Social Justice
Stress Management
Winter Roundtable
New DVD’s
Pages 2, 4, 9, 11, 12
●See also …
● INSIDE OUT: A Comprehensive Introduction to Psychology BOXED SET
(22 Programs on 6 DVDs) #12571 on Pages 42 and 43
● And on our website … THE PSYCHOLOGY OF POWER #13069, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PREJUDICE #13498 and
PSYCHOLOGY ONLINE: Personal Implications of the Internet #12580
● Also two series (detailed descriptions of each program are available on our website)…
APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: This classic five-part series studies aspects of criminal prosecution, childcare, stress
management, eating disorders, and situational ethics through the lens of psychology. #13245
and UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY: Six programs designed to make some of psychology’s more abstract theoretical
and methodological issues accessible to students through case studies and examples that relate to everyday life
experiences. #12920
*** See also Pages 29 to 41
for Brand New and Revised DVDs
from the therapist experts…
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Microskills Solutions for Skills Courses & Workshops
Allen E. Ivey, University of South Florida, Tampa; Norma Gluckstern Packard, Former Warden, Pautuxent Prison, Maryland; Mary
Bradford Ivey, University of South Florida, Tampa, Azara Santiago-Rivera, Past-President, National Latino/a Psychological
Association and Deryl Bailey, President-Elect ACA
Designed for all courses focusing on skills, counseling theories, and multicultural issues, students will be able to complete an
entire session using only listening skills. Live demonstrations of real issues with many subtitles identify specific skills enabling
students to recognize interview behavior, practice skills in small groups, and then generalize skills to the actual interview.
Multicultural issues are infused throughout. The video is useful with all skill and theory textbooks.
Basic Attending Skills DVD live demonstrations with real issues:
1. Attending behavior and positive asset search
4. Stimulus vignettes to identify emotions
2. Questions
5. Reflection of feeling
3. Encouraging and Paraphrasing
6. Summarization
7. Conducting a full interview using only listening skills
Basic Attending Skills Text: The critical fundamentals of effective listening are presented in clear and crisp form. Each
microskill, required for listening, is defined in clearest terms. Specifics for practice are outlined with feedback sheets to ensure
mastery of each interviewing strategy. Students learn how to teach skills to others. This is a stand alone text or it can be
combined with Basic Influencing Skills for a comprehensive view of the interview.
#002 DVD: Approximately 2 1/2 hours (includes textbook, leader guide and transcripts) $299 (Also available in Spanish #003)
New and fully updated!
By Allen E. Ivey, Norma G. Packard, Mary Bradford Ivey, Kent Butler & Carlos P. Zalaquett
This is a completely new series with relevant and important options for your classroom. Students will observe the specifics of
influencing skills in reality based demonstrations with many subscripts and discussion questions.
Here is what you’ll find on the new Basic Influencing Skills DVD:
1. Listening Skills. Mary demonstrates the danger of
6. Reframing/Interpretation. Kent works with an African
listening skills that move the client in her direction. She
American client who has difficulty with her supervisor’s
then contrasts this with a positive example illustrating a
performance review in practicum. Through reframing, the
more open style for drawing out the client’s story with a
review is viewed in a more positive and useful manner.
focus on multicultural sensitivity. The client is from South
7. Feedback/Self Disclosure. Norma first shows how not to
use these important skills with a White woman. This is
2. Client Change Scale: Assessing Client Change in the
following by a session in which women’s issues are explored
Interview. A series of practice exercises show students how
with more sensitivity.
to determine if their interventions are meaningful, both in
8. Logical Consequences. Kent, working with a difficult and
the here and now of the interview and over a series of
challenging White client, shows how to deal with resistance
and help the client see the consequences of his actions.
3. Confrontation. Norma shows how to challenge a difficult
9. Directives/Psychoeducation. Mary works with an African
client through the skills of listening and confrontation. The
American male and demonstrates the skill of providing
client is a White male.
directives plus teaching some specifics around the
4. Focusing. Carlos demonstrates the power of focusing in
importance of exercise for stress management.
building client awareness of the multiple issues surrounding
10. Integration of Skills. Allen works with a Cuban-American
any client issue or problem. The client is an Africanwoman who has experienced discrimination. You will see
American female.
the woman move from a beginning understanding of
5. Reflection of Meaning/The Community Genogram. Allen
oppression to a level 4 or 5 cultural identity, where she is
uses the popular community genogram to draw out the
changing her cognitions and emotions and moving to an
social and cultural context of a Cuban-American client. By
action stance.
using the genogram, Ivey draws out several stories and helps
the client reflect on their meaning for now and the future.
DVD: 2 1/2 hours (includes textbook, leader guide, and transcript) $299.
Featuring Allen Ivey, University of South Florida, Tampa; Mary Bradford Ivey, University of South Florida, Tampa;
Norma Gluckstern-Packard, Former Warden Pautuxent Prison, Maryland; Kent Butler, University of Central Florida;
Carlos Zalaquett, University of South Florida, Tampa
CBT and Automatic Thoughts
6-Step Mindfulness Meditation
Gestalt from a CBT frame of reference
Group Meditation
Spiritual Imagery
Free Association
CBT and Thought Stopping
DVD: 2 hours $169.
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
The Obama administration has called for health coaching as central to a positive approach to physical and mental health.
Coaching skills now need to be part of every counselor and therapist’s work. Allen demonstrates the basic coaching model with a
White female client. The issues focus on life goals and a five-step model of counseling/coaching is demonstrated. The model can
be generalized for use in multiple situations. You will also find that the word coaching is more acceptable to some clients who
may shy away from counseling and therapy. #005 DVD: 25 minutes $109.
Career Counseling
CREATING MORE SATISFYING LIVES: A Live Demonstration of Happenstance Career Theory
John Krumboltz, Stanford University, Past-President, Society of Counseling Psychology
In a spontaneous and unrehearsed demonstration, Dr. Krumboltz applies Happenstance Learning Theory with a female ChineseAmerican graduate student contemplating career directions. Concepts that will enrich your students understanding of career
counseling include:
Unexpected events almost inevitably play a role in everyone’s career
Clients can create opportunities by taking appropriate actions
Counselors can encourage new experiences and allow mistakes
Dr. Krumboltz is then interviewed by a Japan Career Development Assoc. member to clarify theory and application. Many
subtitles highlight key points. #428 Approx. 40 minutes $149.
Adam Zagelbaum, Sonoma State University
Dr. Zagelbaum skillfully and sensitively counsels two preteen children in individual counseling sessions. Students will learn that
children can understand and work with basic career constructs if age-appropriate methods are used. Children are being asked to
consider career matters at an increasingly younger age and effective counseling here can help them stay in school. Students will
be able to master the Creative Career Constellation approach and see how it relates to cross-cultural, age, gender, and other
sociocultural issues. #426: Approx. 50 minutes $149. Includes leader guide & transcript
THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WORKING: Expanding our Vision to Affirm Race & Culture
David Blustein, Boston College
Dr. Blustein explores the social justice implications of the psychology of working and the role of race and culture. He presents
new perspectives for working across multiple contexts. The career development field has created a rich array of interventions
that help people make career choices, but tends to ignore certain groups and key issues. Career theory and practice have not
systematically provided an inclusive model that includes everyone that works. To redress this theory/practice gap, Blustein
presents a more inclusive approach—the psychology of working perspective. Race and culture are explored in relationship with
specific implications for research, theory, and practice. #030 Approx. 60 minutes $109.
CAREER COUNSELING: Multi-ethnic Demonstrations
Anika K. Warren, Teachers College, Columbia University
These two DVD’s present real-life examples of career counseling in action, integrating multicultural and career strategies. Dr.
Warren facilitates guided discovery through key skills such as career assessment, career visualization, and integrating results with
client background and goals. The clients are not actors. They are people who agreed to share their career concerns while they
considered their future plans. This is an ideal training DVD as each titled segment highlights specific skills, techniques, and
theories with discussion questions for classrooms and workshops.
DVD 1: Career Counseling Skills for Contextual Decision Making
Dr. Warren counsels an Asian, Vietnamese-American gay male transitioning from college to work. She shows how social, familial,
and cultural factors influence career development. Skills highlighted include: conducting an intake session; helping a client
prioritize counseling needs; career meaning making; cultural sensitivity and its intersections with career counseling practice.
Clear titles provide material for understanding and discussion. Approx 60 minutes *Includes Leader Guide
DVD 2: Career Counseling Skills for Guided Discovery and Career Assessment
The client is a college-educated African-American female who has worked for 10 years in the non-profit sector. She is considering
a career change. Dr. Warren demonstrates five career counseling skill segments that integrate multicultural issues. The DVD
closes showing how to apply career assessments using the Self-Directed Search Form R (4th Ed). Clear titles provide material for
understanding and discussion. Approx 60 minutes *Includes Leader Guide
DVD 1 - $149
DVD 2 - $149
BOTH DVD’s $249
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
New DVD’s
THE COUNSELING INTAKE PROCESS: Culturally Competent Demonstrations and Debriefings
Brent Beam, with Karolyn Sentor & Craig Woodsmall, Washington University in St. Louis
What is the counseling intake process and how can mental health practitioners make it successful for the client? In
Microtraining’s first DVD on this subject, two distinctively different approaches to the intake session are demonstrated. In the
first one, Brent Beam, works with a Trinidadian female who is experiencing sleep issues and feelings of discontent in her work
and romantic relationship. In the second demonstration, Karolyn Sentor conducts an intake session with an Asian American male
who has recently relocated to a new city and is grappling with issues of loneliness and loss of connection with family. The DVD
begins with a brief lecture on the intake process by Dr. Beam, followed by the two intake demonstrations. It wraps up with a
debriefing session led by a clinical supervisor (Craig Woodsmall, Psy.D.) and the therapists and clients. Diversity and crosscultural counseling issues are emphasized. #035 Approx. 100 minutes $169
New! NARRATIVE MEDIATION: A Story of Two Sisters and One Will
John Winslade, Cal State Bernardino
Dr. Winslade works with two sisters to re-author a relationship story that has been in conflict over their mother’s disputed will. A
conversation based on the principles of narrative mediation ensues. In the context of their preferred relationship story, the
sisters address and resolve the issues that have threatened to tear them apart. Compelling, fascinating and authentic, this video
is an excellent example of Narrative Therapy. Subtitles emphasize major points and provide clarity.
Approx 50 minutes $169
New! PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Seeking Truth, Busting Myths, and Being an Advocate
Hosted by Robbin Miller, LMHC
In a series of small group discussions taped in a studio setting, three people with disabilities speak passionately from their own
personal experiences. Viewers who use this series will:
Increase their understanding of negative stereotypes for people with disabilities.
Learn how to use proper and respectful language and terminology.
Increase understanding of the psychosocial and physical aspects of sexuality for people with disabilities.
Robbin Miller, LMHC has worked with persons with disabilities as an advocate and counselor since 1996.
DVD 1: How to Talk to Persons with Disabilities
Were you taught that “wheelchair-bound” was an acceptable term to call a person in a wheelchair? Three people with disabilities
will re-educate viewers and teach them proper terminology when interacting with persons with disabilities. They will also discuss
the history behind these derogatory terms. #456 Approx 30 minutes
DVD 2: Perceptions, Mythologies, and Stereotypes
Society often perceives perceive people with disabilities as asexual and non-social. Is this really true? This DVD reviews various
perceptions, mythologies, and stereotypes describing persons with disabilities and teaches new ways of learning positive images
of persons with disabilities. #457 Approx 30 minutes
DVD 3: Sexuality and Disability Part I - Psychosocial Aspects
Sonya Perduta, RN, draws from her personal experiences as well as those as a nurse to show how society perceives persons with
disabilities as asexual and unattractive. She provides an excellent overview of sexual development and sexual expression with
people with disabilities. #458 Approx. 30 minutes
DVD 4: Sexuality and Disability Part II - Physical Aspects
Sonya Perduta discusses how persons with disabilities can engage in sexual expression with their significant others.
#459 Approx. 30 minutes
#455 All four DVDs 2010 $89.95 each or Series $249.95
Child, Adolescent, & Brief Counseling
Two Actual Interviews with a Child
Gerald Sklare, Professor, Educational and Counseling Psychology,
University of Louisville
Initial and follow-up interviews show a real case—Kelly, age 10, is doing poorly in
school due to difficulty in concentrating following recent accidents and health
problems in his family. We see Gerald’s five-step process of setting goals, posing
the hypothetical miracle question, rating problem level, identifying successes in
handling the problem, and preparing a message to help overcome obstacles to
success. The second interview identifies behavior changes and reinforces improvements. Teachers and family report amazing
changes in a short time. Gerald’s book Brief Counseling That Works is available from Corwin Press.
An ideal DVD and system to teach brief counseling. #021 Approx. 60 minutes $149
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
BRIEF COUNSELING: Children & Adolescents
John Littrell, Colorado State University and Kirk Zinck, University of Texas-Tyler
This engaging and positive DVD is for the practitioner who desires shorter-term models of counseling and believes that counseling
can be fun, interesting, and exciting. We see Kirk working with an acting-out adolescent and her mother. Kirk skillfully blends a
caring approach with brief methods illustrating how to make a difference with difficult teens. John presents two full sessions
with an acting-out child, age eight. Through positive problem definition, the miracle question, and other brief strategies, we
learn the specifics of a practical system that works.
#013 Approx. 45 minutes Includes leader guide $149
BRIEF THERAPY IN ACTION: Anxiety, Arousal, or Anger?
Art Freeman, Past President, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy and International Association for Cognitive
The client has been misdiagnosed with anxiety, when underlying anger is the central issue. Dr. Freeman establishes a
collaborative relationship as they work on a new schema: “I must be on alert and protect myself from boundary violations.”
Here you will see how brief therapy uses the dialogue to reframe issues. Behavioral interventions and homework strategies are
illustrated. This is a superb DVD that shows how brief therapy works with complex issues.
#009 Approx. 60 minutes, $149
BRIEF COUNSELING: Solutions for Life
John Littrell with Daisy Roman
A complete interview demonstrating brief solution-oriented counseling, the microskills five-stage structure of the interview, and
the search for positive assets and strengths. John draws on his multicultural expertise in dealing with complex issues of the
interface between gender, physical ability, ethnicity/race, and socioeconomic issues. Particularly touching in this DVD is Daisy
Roman’s determination to take action leading toward more rights for the physically challenged.
#010 Approx. 50 minutes Includes transcript $149
John Littrell, Counseling and Career Development, Colorado State University
John shows us how we can teach brief counseling from a microskills framework. Students will learn how to search out positives
and solutions early in the session. They will also learn how to structure a five-stage brief interview, ask questions that make a
difference, and discover how to manage difficult clients. This DVD will work especially well with the latest edition of the Ivey &
Ivey text Intentional Interviewing and Counseling. #011 Approx. 50 minutes Includes transcript and leader guide $149
PLAY THERAPY: Basics for Beginning Students
Jennifer Baggerly, Univ. of North Texas and International Child Trauma Consultant
This DVD is the place to begin instruction in play therapy—it is upbeat and entertaining with great visuals, but also includes the
critical basics for students with many live demonstrations. Jennifer uses puppets to help communicate the rationale, principles,
and basic skills of play therapy. Each skill is demonstrated through DVD clips of play therapy sessions with culturally diverse
children. Demonstrated skills include tracking play behavior, reflecting feelings, returning responsibilty, encouragement,
facilitating understanding, and setting therapeutic limits. #028 Approx. 60 minutes Includes leader guide $149
Mary Bradford Ivey (Mary’s school counseling program was named one of the top ten in the U.S. at the Christa MacAulliffe
This best-selling DVD shows how to conduct a five-stage interview with elementary students. Mary demonstrates how to use the
community genogram and family tree to obtain cultural and contextual strengths of children. DVD subtitles highlight the key
skills and strategies Mary uses in her positive approach to counseling children. Spirituality is demonstrated as an important
strength for children.
Brief counseling methods are also important in these energetic and spontaneous short sessions. Mary
shows how to help children achieve results in a time frame children understand.
Approx. 60 minutes Includes transcript and handout. $149
Enedina and Luis Vázquez, New Mexico State University, and Mary Bradford Ivey
How can non-Latina/o’s work effectively cross-culturally? The first demonstration shows Mary working with a child who has been
racially harassed. We see an ineffective model followed by a culturally sensitive approach, including parental feedback on the
session. Enedina shows how to work with acculturation issues and helping the child build on cultural strengths. Luis’s
demonstration focuses on the acting-out child, listening and then working with cultural strengths for problem resolution. Special
attention given to working with families and providing effective translation for non-English speaking clients.
Approx. 60 minutes Includes leader guide $149
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
THE CHALLENGE OF COUNSELING TEENS: Techniques for Engaging & Connecting with
Reluctant Youth
John Sommers-Flanagan, Counselor Education, University of Montana
John demonstrates specific engagement techniques as he works with six resistant teenagers. John presents strategies such as
teen-friendly goal-setting procedures and homework assignments, methods for giving direct and powerful feedback and
interpretations, and the use of humor and self-disclosure. He works with particularly challenging issues such as anger and
destructive social behaviors. This DVD presents clients with diverse cultural backgrounds and includes clips that illustrate the
power of authenticity and spontaneity when counseling teens. #024 Approx. 60 minutes Includes leader guide $149
Therapy, and Cognitive-Behavioral
Edward Hamann, William McFarland, and Carrie Alexander-Albritton, Western Illinois University
One client, three approaches to counseling! Your students will witness theory in action with solution-focused, reality therapy,
and cognitive behavioral therapies demonstrated. The client is an adolescent female who describes problems with her parents,
lack of control in her life, and stress. See how three different therapists take the same client and work from three different
theoretical perspectives. This is an excellent DVD for use in counseling theory courses. Students will understand the how and
why of these different theoretical approaches. #029 1 hour 50 minutes $169 Includes Leader Guide
Group Counseling
Sheri Bauman, University of Arizona and Sam Steen, George Washington University
Two experienced counselors lead a six-part group counseling session with a diverse group of
5th grade students. The goal of the group is to increase members’ appreciation of cultural
diversity. Viewers will see members’ developmental level, the leaders’ choice of activities
and processing strategies, and issues surrounding the concept of “culture” within the group.
Approx 3 hour $249 Leader Guide included
Janice DeLucia-Waack, University of Buffalo; Allen Segrist; Purdue University (Emeritus) and Andy Horne,
University of Georgia
Nationally know group experts work with high school students in an actual psychoeducational group. The initial stage, goal
setting, working activities and termination are all explored. Activities focus on building self-esteem, managing anger, improving
communication skills, and resolving irrational beliefs. #615 Approx. 3 hours $249
Robert Conyne, Past-President, ASGW, and E. Robert Wilson, Past-President AAC
The national experts in systematic group work present specifics for beginning group leaders. Students will learn the process of
task group through the clear explanations of necessary leadership skills using Hill’s learning through discussion methods. Coleaders engage in the three P’s of planning, performing and processing. Your students will develop expertise in this critical style
of group leadership. #613 Approx. 2 1/4 hours $169
Rex Stockton, Past President, ASGW
Engaging and practical, this easy-to-teach series follows the life of a personal growth group for 16 weeks. Two beginning group
leaders present basic competencies at each group stage as they gain in skill and confidence. Stockton is one of the ultimate
teachers of group work. These programs work! Ideal for all group classes. Part I – Early Development, Part 2 – Transition/Working
Stage, Part 3 – Working Stage/Termination.
#600 Approx. 2 1/4 hours $169
GROUP WORK: Leading in the Here & Now
Marguerite (Peg) Carroll, Past-President ASGW
A classic. See a genuine group virtuoso at work with an actual here and now group experience. Witness a real group move
through its various stages. Leadership roles are demonstrated as the group process evolves. Dr. Carroll periodically interacts with
a group of observers to discuss key concepts of group development. These instructional timeouts offer clear discussion of theory
and rational for what is happening in the group. Ideal for all group classes. Part 1 – Initial Stage, Part 2 – Transition & Flight,
Part 3 – Group Conflict & Summation
#608 3 hours $169
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Sherlon Pack-Brown, Past-President, AMCD Linda Whittington-Clark, Private Practice; Max Parker, University of Florida,
Your students will learn: 1) diversity ethics; 2) how to integrate worldview issues into groups; 3) diversity competent group skills;
4) balancing the self-as-individual with the self-in-relation; 5) specifics of group from an Afrocentric frame. Working with a
mixed race group, this DVD shows interfacing gender and racial identities and facilitating individual and group growth.
68 minutes $149 Includes transcript with leader guide
GROUP MICROSKILLS: Encountering Diversity
Lynn Banez, Co-Developer of ASGW Diversity Principles, with Allen & Mary Bradford Ivey
Your students will learn: 1) skills and strategies with subtitles clarifying what group leaders actually do to make things happen; 2)
how to encounter difficult issues around diversity, including White privilege. Lynn leads a 5-stage session showing how
intentional use of microskills leads to personal change and multicultural awareness. Allen demonstrates issues that occur when a
White person leads a multiracial group. #261
2 hours, 24 minutes $169 Includes transcript with leader guide.
Crisis, Trauma & Grief
Kristi Kanel, California State University, Fullerton
Effective approaches to crisis are addressed in this DVD. Dr. Kanel provides crisis counseling for two clients; one, a rape
survivor, the other, a newly discharged Iraq veteran. Dr. Kanel uses the ABC model of crisis counseling to:
Develop and maintain rapport including use of basic attending skills.
Identify the nature of crisis and alter cognitions.
Provide coping skills including resolution, referral, and support. Dr. Kanel reviews crisis counseling history and
background of crisis theory.
Approx. 70 minutes $169 Includes transcript & leader guide
OVERCOMING TRAUMA: Altruism Born of Suffering
Ervin Staub, Professor of Psychology (Emeritus), University of Massachusetts
Being a victim of violence can lead to severe psychological consequences, including Post Traumatic Stress, depression and
anxiety. It can also lead to violence against others. But there ARE alternatives to these negative reactions. Dr. Staub addresses
the need to overcome trauma from a positive perspective – specifically - how victims of violence can become caring and helpful
to others, and what happens when they do. Counselors and graduate students will gain incredible insight into this concept of
“Altruism born of Suffering” and the research that Dr. Staub has conducted.
Approx. 60 minutes $149 Includes transcript
RACE-BASED TRAUMATIC STRESS: Recognition & Assessment
Robert Carter, Columbia University
Carter presents the relationship between specific types of racism and traumatic reactions. He discusses results of a study in
which he found that racism can have lasting mental health effects through direct but violent or subtle encounters. He argues
that race-related mental health issues are not disorders, rather they are logical results of the injury and insult. Students will
learn how to assess and develop treatment strategies for clients who have race-based issues. #032 Approx. 60 minutes $109
TELLING YOUR GRIEF STORY: Personal Growth through Expressions of Love
Lori Russell-Chapin, Bradley University and Douglas C. Smith, Trainer and Author
Insightful and moving, this DVD will enable students to work with and understand both their own and others grief journey.
Personal sharing of grief narratives and stories highlight this dramatic and highly useful professional presentation. Students will
encounter the meaning of loss, the critical part of story telling in the process of grieving, and surprises that grief brings. This DVD
helps us all understand the process and cope more effectively.
Approx 60 minutes Includes transcript & leader guide $149
Dr. Nancy Baron
If you want to train students or others in community work or social justice action— this is the DVD. If you want to build awareness
of what we can do to help others—this is the DVD. Master trainer Dr. Baron presents her step-by-step training of trainer’s
program. Viewers will be sensitized to the mental health consequences of populations in developing countries affected by wars,
violent conflicts, health epidemics and other disasters. Special attention is paid to taking the training to one’s home country or
community where one can provide needed interventions and support. A detailed guidebook accompanies the film to facilitate
applying this approach in training programs around the world. Vital implications for US/Canadian counselors and therapists.
#322 Approx 60 minutes Includes detailed leader guide $149
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Jennifer Baggerly, University of North Texas, and International Trauma Consultant
How can we help children recover from trauma after disasters? Dr. Baggerly worked with children in Louisiana following
Hurricane Katrina and with children in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. This live demonstration DVD presents the guiding principles
for responding to children after a disaster.
The “big 5” impacts—physiological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual
Key disaster mental health and cognitive-behavioral concepts for work with children
Basic grounding and containment skills during and following a disaster
Initial individual disaster mental health interventions
Group disaster interventions
#038 Approx 60 minutes Includes leader guide $169
Cultural Competency
MULTICULTURAL COMPETENCE: Awareness, Knowledge & Skills
Paul Pedersen
Pedersen introduces your students to practical applications for implementing the Multicultural Competencies—now fully endorsed
by ACA and APA. Pedersen summarizes the 34 competencies with a multiculturally–varied student group. All behaviors are
learned and displayed in a cultural context. Accurate assessment (AWARENESS), meaningful understanding (KNOWLEDGE) and
appropriate intervention (SKILLS) require multicultural competence if the counselor or therapist is to be a proficient
professional. #051 35 minutes $109 Includes leader guide
BOUNDARIES AND SOLIDARITY: The Importance of Being Real
Suzette L. Speight, Loyola University, Chicago
Dr. Speight explores the connections between therapy boundaries, solidarity, and being real as a clinician. She critiques the
universal conception of boundaries and suggests there is a need for a re-examination of session boundaries. Through the use of
personal case illustrations, and various research findings, Speight presents a culturally congruent view of boundaries.
Approx. 60 minutes $109
A.J. Franklin, Boston College, and Nancy Boyd-Franklin, Rutgers University
The Franklins are the nation’s leading authorities on multicultural individual and family concerns. This DVD summarizes their
professional and personal experiences as Persons of Color. Viewers will be riveted by Nancy’s presentation of the African
American family and A.J.’s discussion of personal and professional racism. We will all be inspired by their manner and ideas for
“rising above it all.” An essential DVD that will help your students and fellow professionals see People of Color in social context.
Approx. 50 minutes $109
Marie L. Miville, Chagming Duan, Roberta Nutt, and M. Carole Pistole
How can we teach the multicultural practice guidelines and competencies? This DVD shows that all aspects of diversity can be
taught and utilized in professional work (e.g., case conceptualization, research projects, supervision, etc.). It also presents the
cross-cutting Integrative Training Model (ITM) that will enable students and professionals to be culturally competent.
#573 Approx 60 minutes $109
Social Justice
Melba Vasquez, President, APA
Dr. Vasquez shows us the results of oppression and shares possibilities for action. Those of us who want to work against racism
and other forms or prejudice will be inspired and enriched. Marginalized groups, working together, can make a huge difference in
the world. Potential strategies for resolution and action helpful in both individual, group, and community practice.
Approx 60 minutes $109
THE DAILY BATTLE WITH OPPRESSION: Empowerment through Inclusion
Rosie Bingham, Past-President, Society for Counseling Psychology
While many areas of life have improved for marginalized groups, daily life remains a continuing challenge. For example, a Person
of Color still faces constant microaggressions ranging from a White woman in an elevator holding her purse, being ignored by taxi
drivers, snide comments, etc. Dr. Bingham, eminent in our profession, suffers these same indignities. She shares her experiences
in a dramatic and moving presentation. She presents recommendations for resolution and inclusion. #572 Approx 60 min. $109
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
New! Division 45 Conference
its first-ever conference outside of the APA convention in June, 2010. These four programs present some of
the ground-breaking work of this inaugural conference. Robert Sellers, Ph.D., Division 45 President
The Criterion Problem in the Measurement of Cross-Cultural Competencies
Frederick Leong, Abigail Billington, Katherine Giuca, Derald Wing Sue
While research in cross cultural competency (CCC) has come a long way, there are areas where the field could improve –
specifically in measurement and methodology. With so many inventories and competency scales, current methods suffer from a
number of issues: Disagreement over definition of CCC, format of measures, and rigorous construct validation. Improvement
recommendations include methodological and process changes, use of evidence-based practice, and clearer evaluation criteria.
Derald Wing Sue responds supporting the recommendations, but adds that the field needs to take a look at implicit vs. explicit
bias in existing research. For anyone conducting research in the area of multicultural and cross cultural counseling, this
presentation is a must--it will generate a lot of discussion. #590 Approx 90 minutes $109
Conversations on Racial and Ethnic Identity Research: Where Do We Go from Here?
Eleanor Seaton, William Cross, Stephen Quintana, Robert Sellers, and Tiffany Yip
This will be an exciting and involving DVD for your students. How do we disentangle race, ethnicity and culture while at the same
time acknowledge the intersection among these constructs? Four panelists discuss such issues as salience of race and ethnicity,
epiphanies leading to new discoveries, and the movement from one level of cultural identity to another. Special attention is
given as to how context shapes the variability of multicultural identity. The session includes extensive Q & A from audience and
meaningful exchanges of information between audience and panelists. #591 Approx 120 minutes $109
Building and Maintaining Good Working Relationships in Indigenous Communities to Promote
Optimal Mental Health and Positive Youth Development
Monica Tsethlikai, Nancy Whitesell, Lisa Rey Thomas, Allison Ball, and Billie Jo Kipp
Working with indigenous communities requires not only expertise in the fields of education and psychology, but also knowledge
of tribal law and customs. Hear about 1. Best practices for building relationships with people in the community; 2. Developing
and proposing a research plan; 3. Unique challenges in developing collaborations with tribal communities as a member of the
tribe, or as a non-tribal member; 4. Priority differences and resolution between tribe members and researchers; 5. Whether
working in tribal communities challenged one’s training and/or made one re-think research methods.
#592 Approx 90 minutes $109
Research Findings on Culture and Mental Health in Ethnic Minority Communities Using
Nationally-Representative Data
Laura Kohn-Wood, James Jackson, Norah Mulvaney-Day, & David Takeuchi
Drawing from a rich source of data taken from the NLASS (National Latino and Asian American Study), the panelists discuss a
variety of cultural and sociological findings that bring home a new and rich view of race and ethnicity. Speaker presentations
include: 1. Making Ends Meet: Financial Problems and Mental Health among Asian Americans 2. Understanding Mental Health
Services Disparities and 3.The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Immigration and Cultural Influences on the Nature and
Distribution of Health and Mental Health. All presenters discuss the importance of race and ethnicity but emphasize that it is the
context of immigration, gender, age that is even more important to our study and understandings.
#593 Approx 120 minutes $109
*Detailed descriptions of these DVDs are available. Just email us!
JOE WHITE: Inspirational Activist and Scholar #793 Approx 45 minutes $89
GEORGE ALBEE ON PREVENTION #036 Approx. 45 minutes $89
SENIOR MEN OF COLOR: Surviving Racism and Sexism - Art McDonald, Patrick Okura, Amado Padilla, and Joe White
#521 Approx. 90 minutes $89
A LIVING LEGEND: Patricia Arredondo #795 Approx. 60 minutes $89
MI CUENTO (My Story): Luis Vázquez #791 Approx. 60 minutes $89
JEWISH-AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: Norma B. Gluckstern #786 Approx. 90 minutes $89
AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN STORY: Janet E. Helms #789 Approx 90 minutes $89
AN ASIAN-AMERICAN STORY: Derald Wing Sue #788 Approx. 60 minutes $89
AFRICAN-AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: Onawumi Jean Moss #787 Approx. 75 minutes $89
EUROPEAN-AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: Growing up with Culture: Allen Ivey #794 Approx. 60 minutes $89
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Columbia University Winter Roundtables
Since 2006, Microtraining has videotaped major presentations from Columbia University’s Teachers
College Winter Roundtable. Detailed descriptions of all of these DVDs are available. Just email us!
The DVDs are $109 each.
2009 (Six DVDs)
2007 (5 DVDs)
*Infusing the Psychology Curriculum with Ethnocultural
Content: Truths, Half Truths, Anecdotes and the Role of
Critical Thinking, Joseph Trimble
*Multiculturalism in Psychology, Education, and Training, Y.
Barry Chung
*Mentoring for Multicultural and Advocacy Competencies,
Nadya A. Fouad
*Latinos and Education: The Case of Psychology, Edward
*Reading Between the Lines: Understanding Culture in
Qualitative Research, Lisa Suzuki
*Post-Obama: The Continued Relevance of Identity
Theorizing and Research, William E. Cross
*Looking Beyond Race, Looking Beyond Borders:
Explorations into the Multi-cultural Personality, Joseph
*Making Race Not Matter: Overcoming Racism and
Racialization in American Society, Pedro Noguera
I*ncorporating Race and Culture With Other Aspects of
Identity: Choices, Contexts, and Strategies, Marie L. Miville
*Boundaries and Solidarity: The Importance of Being Real,
Suzette L. Speight
*America in a Different Mirror: A Comparative Approach to
History, Ronald Takaki
2006 (8 DVDs)
*Liberation Psychology and Education: Ending “Sufferation”
and Inspiring (Neo) Freedom Conductors for the 21st
Century, Linda James Myers
*Delivering Psychological Services in the Midst of Social
Injustices, Beverly Greene
*Possible Selves and Social Identities: When and How They
Promote School Performance, Daphna Oyserman
*Empowerment and Social Justice: Values, Theory, and
Action, Isaac Prilleltensky
*Cultural Psychology and the Fostering of Agentic Behavior,
Edmund Gordon
*Social Justice in Action: Examples of Practice and Visions
of the Future, R. Toporek, L. Gerstein, G. Roysircar, and T.
*Rediscovering the Roots of Counseling Psychology:
Transforming Intellectual Commitment into Social Justice
and Community, Thomas Parham
*Psychology and Education Professionals as Social Justice
Agents: If Not Us, Then Who? Elizabeth Vera
2008 (7 DVDs)
*Personal Journeys, Professional Paths: Navigating the
Crossroads of a Research Center, Spero M. Manson
*Twenty-Five Years Later: How Big Is the Circle of Inclusion?
Rosie P. Bingham
*25 Years After “Roots of Soul:” Contemporary Issues in
Counseling Persons of Black African Ancestry, Ivory A.
*Twenty-Five Years of Critical Cultural Assessment: What’s
the Difference Now? Samuel D. Johnson, Jr.
*Asian Americanist Psychology: Rediscovering our Activist
Roots, Sumie Okazaki
*Bearing Witness: Participatory Methods for Tracking the
Veins of Injustice and Resistance, Michelle Fine
*African American Education in a Hegemonic Society:
Confronting the Challenge of Westernity, Molefi Kete
School Counseling
EQUITY-FOCUSED SCHOOL COUNSELING: Ensuring Career and College Readiness for Every Student
This is a “must have” DVD for any school counseling program that wants to ensure their students are prepared to become
effective, responsible, culturally competent, and equity-based school counselors of the 21st century. All three authors have
been using the ASCA model in their graduate counseling programs since 2002: Stuart Chen-Hayes, Lehman College of the City
University of New York; Ketrin Saud Maxwell, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Deryl Bailey, University of Georgia
Today’s school counselors need to be change agents for equity. As collaborators, advocates, and culturally competent counselors,
they need to help close achievement and opportunity gaps in K-12 schools through their school counseling programs. This DVD
demonstrates transformative school counseling by providing:
● A comprehensive understanding of the history of school counseling from the 1930’s to present-day, including the latest
equity-based new vision school counseling models that incorporate TACKLE skills as well as the ACCESS competencies.
● 12 skill-building vignettes that feature a culturally and linguistically diverse range of K-12 students, school counselors,
parents, teachers, and principals. The vignettes demonstrate key skills and competencies and show how to perform new vision
school counseling skills.
*Developed from the work of the National Center for Transforming School Counseling
#470 Approx. 2 hours Includes leader guide $169.
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
New! 2010 Columbia University Winter Roundtable
Real Threats and True Breakthroughs
Patricia Romney, Ph.D., President, Romney Associates
In her keynote address to the Winter Roundtable
conference, Dr. Romney shares her wisdom gained from her
thirty years consulting with individuals and organizations
throughout the US and Europe. The focus of Dr. Romney’s
work is change. Using her finely honed assessment skills as a
starting point for change efforts, Dr. Romney shares
powerful examples of change, inspiring viewers to take
action. #576 Approx 60 minutes $109
An Activist Legacy of Mentoring and Scholarship
Thomas Parham, Ph.D., UC-Irving - 2010 Janet E. Helms
Award recipient for Mentoring and Scholarship. Dr. Parham
uses a mountaintop as a metaphor that influenced the vision
of Dr. King’s dream, inspired biblical scripture, and framed
his own legacy of research & scholarship, mentoring, and
social activism. The address reflects Parham’s belief that
mountaintop locations provide a clarity of vision and
possibility that help people navigate their way through the
challenges and adversities in life. Parham then challenges
the audience to find their personal mountaintop, as he lays
out the six assumptions that have guided his mentoring and
scholarship activities throughout his professional career.
#585 Approx 60 minutes $109
HEALTH Lydia Buki, Ph.D., University of Illinois at
Health disparities between various populations are a critical
social justice issue, and it is imperative for psychologists to
become involved in the elimination of these disparities. To
illustrate mechanisms of disparity, Dr. Buki uses breast
cancer in Latina women as a model to demonstrate the
psychosocial, cultural, and institutional factors that
combine to produce lower survivorship rates. Dr. Buki
shows us the non-traditional roles that psychologists can
take to help combat these disparities, consistent with a
social justice perspective. #579 Approx 60 minutes $109
Experiences in Community Partnerships
Michael Mobley, Ph.D., Rutgers University
The “cultural validity of hope” is demonstrated through
three programs designed to support and promote the
empowerment of underserved and marginalized individuals,
families, communities, and organizations: (1) GEAR UP MU
REACH Project, (2) Columbia PEAK Project, and (3)
Community Engagement Committee within the Society of
Counseling Psychology. Dr. Mobley describes the application
of multiple theories including Self-Empowerment Theory
and his PEAK - Promoting Empowerment & Affirmation via
Knowledge - philosophy as a means to empowering minds
and transforming lives especially among African American
adolescents and communities. #580 Approx 60 min. $109
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Rockey Robbins, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Western Psychology has rarely listened to – and much less
integrated -- Indigenous healers’ perspectives about
psychological illness and health. In his address, Dr. Robbins
calls upon a case study with Indigenous healer White Bear to
give voice to his alternative views about diagnosis and
treatment. White Bear argues for a “mobile” in-themoment form of diagnosis and a “pause” where the mind
ceases to tyrannize and we are no longer absorbed in our
emotions. He contends that a healer can benefit from
aligning him or herself with spirits who can help us to
achieve the necessary states of anonymity and nonjudgment required for healing work. Throughout the study,
theoretical and empirical findings in the field of Psychology
are cited in an effort to support or question rather than
validate or invalidate White Bear’s mystical wisdom.
#581 Approx 60 minutes $109
A Roundtable Discussion Derald Wing Sue, Nancy BoydFranklin, Thomas Parham, and Eduardo Morales
Powerful and inspiring, these pioneers paved the way for
others with their tireless work to advance the field of
multicultural counseling and psychology. Their stories
growing up, as students, and now as teachers and
researchers will inspire and motivate!
#582 Approx 120 minutes $109
Engagement, and Open Relationships
Rebecca Toporek, Ph.D., San Francisco State University
How can we, as counselors, take social justice into action?
Dr. Toporek argues that engaging in our community is an
imperative piece toward social justice as it enhances our
ability to be culturally relevant and demonstrate integrity in
practice, research and training. Students will encounter
ways counselors and communities can combine resources,
knowledge and power to make change happen. Specific
examples show to implement community social justice
(Toporek’s own work in the San Francisco community and
APA Div 17’s “Give Back” initiative.)
#584 Approx 60 minutes $109
Relational Dimensions of Social Class Stratification
Laura Smith, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
If there is any segment of society that should be concerned
with the impact of classism and poverty, it is those within
the “helping professions”—people who have built their
careers around understanding and facilitating human
emotional well-being. In her engaging address, Dr. Smith
helps re-define social class and provides suggestions of
promising new approaches to serving poor communities that
go beyond remediation, sympathy, and charity.
#577 Approx 60 minutes $109
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Cultural and Social Identity
RACE, GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Counseling People with Multiple Cultural Identities
Oliva Espin, Professor Emerita, San Diego State University & the California School of Professional Psychology
Filled with frankness, pathos, and humor, Dr. Espin describes her life as an immigrant, a Person of Color, a Latina, a woman, a
lesbian, and as a religious person in psychology. “My own personal experiences have been shaped by the transgression of borders.
The issue has been to find room for my multiple selves. Creating a new psychotherapy with and for oppressed people is our life’s
work. Psychological theories that focus on the person rather than the social context are still used to gloss over the impact of
societal power structures on the individual.” #528 Approx. 60 minutes $109
Rita Hardiman, Originator of White Identity Theory, with
William E. Cross, Jr.
What does cultural identity theory say about White people?
Whites often forget that they, too, have a culture. Rita
Hardiman was the originator of White Identity Theory and
has stimulated much research and theorizing. William Cross
does the interviewing.
● White experience as a culture, alerting Whites to history
● Racism as a White problem
● Stages of White Identity Development
● Working with stages clinically
● Strategies to enable growth in trainees
Approx. 60 minutes $149
Present Status, and Research Findings
William E. Cross, Jr., Major Developer of the Specifics of
Cultural Identity Theory
Cultural identity theory changed the way we think about
therapy with all clients, regardless of color, gender, or
sexual orientation. William Cross’s original work with racial
identity theory has expanded and influenced all
multicultural thought. In this new DVD, we see an expanded
version of the theory.
● Definition of key stages in cultural identity development
● Issues of racism and social influence
● Important new developments informed by research
● News about new cultural identity theory information
Approx. 90 minutes $169
SHADES OF BLACK: Diversity in AfricanAmerican Identity
William E. Cross, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
African-American experience and identity is more complex
than usually conceived. The leading African-American
scholar takes us through African-American research in an
engaging and stimulating fashion.
● Diversity of identity and experience within the AfricanAmerican community
● Transforming the old idea of “self-hatred” into a new
positive reality
● Personal identity contrasted with reference group
Approx. 60 minutes $149
Present & Future Status
William E. Cross, Jr. and Bailey W. Jackson, Developed the
Specifics of Cultural Identity Theory
Cultural identity theory is changing the way we think about
counseling and therapy with all clients. Cross and Jackson
have been central in bringing these ideas to the counseling
and therapy field for many years.
● How the theory was generated independently by scholars
throughout the country
● How these theories have inspired work in other areas
● Issues of racism and social justice
Approx. 95 minutes $169
CULTURAL IDENTITY VS. ACCULTURATION: Implications for Theory, Research, & Practice
Manuel Ramirez, University of Texas, Austin
There is on-going discourse about the impact of acculturation processes on cultural identity development. Does acculturation to
the mainstream culture mean relinquishing one’s ethnic identity? Dr. Ramirez offers an historical and contemporary perspective
about the two processes for individuals of Mexican heritage. #531 45 minutes $109
Adam Zagelbaum with Vanna Som, Maria Avina, and Miguel Loeza, Sonoma State University
As our demographics change, mental health practitioners, counselors and psychologists all need to be aware of the specific needs
of immigrants. In Microtraining’s first-ever video on this topic, two scenarios are presented: school-counseling as well as
community-based scenarios that touch upon language, culture, family, education, and work-related concerns which impact the
well-being and needs of immigrant clients. Following the scenarios, three immigrants (Mexican and Asian) – all of whom are in
the counseling profession - discuss their reasons for immigrating, seeking counseling services, and moving toward a career in
counseling - with specific attention focused on how to work with and advocate for immigrant clients so that emotional needs and
social resources are met. #952
Approx. 75 minutes $169
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AT THE CORNER OF ME AND MYSELF: Voices of Multiple Social Identities
Mary Fukuyama, University of Florida, Gainesville, & Brent Beam, Washington University in St. Louis
This DVD captures the creative expressions of five performers/artists giving voice to the realities they find in multicultural
identities, sexual orientation, and other intersections of social identity and oppression. These powerful vignettes will help your
students better understand oppression and its impact on people, as well as understand how much social context defines an
individual. #332 Approx. 40 minutes $109
Lewis Schlosser, Seton Hall University
Dr. Schlosser provides insightful guidance in working with American Jewish clients. Demographics, Judaism and Jewish culture
are all covered in an interesting and enlightening lecture. Jews, Dr. Schlosser says, are a culturally distinct ethnic group. Hence,
the helping profession needs to be aware of culturally appropriate psychotherapy for members of this diverse community.
Students and professionals alike will benefit from Dr. Schlosser’s expertise.
#555 Approx. 60 minutes $109
SEX & AGING: Overcoming the Obstacles to Maintaining a Vital Sex Life
Theodore Chapin and Lori Russell-Chapin
Sexuality is a topic that is often unexplored. Sex and aging receive even less attention. In this DVD, the authors facilitate an
open forum with a panel of diverse guests. Aging, sex, cultural expectations and myths are explored in addition to physical
changes, interventions and suggestions for a vital sex life. #462 Approx. 60 minutes $149
Thomas Sweeney, Ohio University; Jane Myers, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
How can we work effectively with the aging and their families? These specific DVD’s will enable students to generalize their skills
to the aging. Ethnically and racially varied vignettes are highly useful in skills, theories, developmental, and practicum courses.
*Detailed descriptions of these programs are available. Just email us!
HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT #1021 Approx. 30 min.) $89. Trainer Guide Included
GROUP PROCEDURES WITH OLDER PEOPLE #1020 (Approx. 80 min.) $109. Trainer Guide Included
LIFESTYLE & CAREER DEVELOPMENT #1022 (Approx. 30 min.) $89. Trainer Guide Included
SOCIAL & CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS #1025 (Approx. 30 min.) $89. Trainer Guide Included
#1023 (Approx. 30 min.) $89. Trainer Guide Included
*All 5 DVD’s #1026 $299.
Anti-Racism Training for Schools & Community Agencies
Ishu Ishiyama, University of British Columbia
A.R.T. provides materials for teaching specifics of social justice and action. Active witnessing shows us how to respond on-thespot to incidents of discrimination. Participants will be able to:
Identify forms of direct and indirect oppression in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, and other key issues.
Practice and develop skills of active responding to the all-too-frequent behaviors of discrimination.
Teach others in schools, places of worship, and communities how to combat oppression.
DVD 23 vignettes present discrimination and oppression that we may encounter on the street, at the grocery store, in the
classroom, and in our own homes. Participants view the incidents, discuss effective responses, and then practice specifics of how
to act effectively to produce change.
Ancillary CDROM Detailed leader guide with A.R.T. handouts, and PowerPoints™.
FREE Building Multicultural Allies training material are included on the CDROM, authored by Carlos Zalaquett and the Iveys.
Students and community members learn the basics of diversity and how they can become a social justice advocate and ally.
DVD Approx. 40 minutes plus CDROM $169.
Breaking the Silence - The Power of Active Witnessing
Ishu Ishiyama, University of British Columbia
Packed with vignettes that showcase specific examples of direct and indirect oppression, this DVD is a must for all counselors
who wish to teach teens to combat oppression. Young actors dramatically depict discrimination, prejudice, and harassment
related to race, ethnic culture, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, appearance, ethnic accent, and age.
Excellent for school counselors.
Approx 40 minutes Includes leader guide $169
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Max Parker and Chun-Chung Choi, University of Florida, Gainesville
What could be a better way to enhance our empathy toward the culturally different than capturing their daily experiences on
campus? This DVD features 36 vignettes developed and role-played by college students based on their own experiences of feeling
marginalized. African American, Asian/Asian American, Caribbean, Gay and Lesbian, Hispanic, American Indian, and
international students are featured. Audiences not only will gain insight into the experiences that challenge culturally different
students, but will examine their own assumptions, feelings and attitudes toward them.
Approx. 60 minutes $169 Includes leader guide
Counseling and Therapy Practice
ADLERIAN EARLY RECOLLECTIONS: Live Demonstration Including DCT Assessment
Thomas Sweeney and Jane Myers, both Past-Presidents, American Counseling Association
Through the use of early recollections and the DCT assessment process by an Adlerian
practitioner, the DVD will clarify Adlerian early recollections and make the skills and
strategies immediately available to the viewer. Building on the images, emotions, and
expectations embedded in an early recollection, the client is invited to report another
situation when similar feelings were associated with the events of the experience. From
these two seemingly unrelated events, a life “rule” is derived. The process more quickly
helps both the client and counselor assess the concerns, their cognitive and emotional
origins, and at what level the client is currently “stuck” in attempting to cope with these
circumstances. #272 45 minutes $109 Includes leader guide
Jon Carlson, Past-President, International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors
Students will be better prepared to deal with issues of anger after they view this
challenging session. Adlerian theory, skills, and strategies are demonstrated with a couple
currently separated due to issues of temper control. Carlson, using a positive and hopeful
approach, draws out their stories and their strengths with Adlerian strategies including
early recollections, pattern recognition, and psychoeducation. He also illustrates a
multitheoretical style. #270
Approx. 60 minutes $149
REALITY THERAPY: Individual, Family and Group
Robert Wubbolding, Director, Center for Reality Therapy
Reality Therapy and AIDS
With great sensitivity, Robert Wubbolding helps an AIDS survivor evaluate the effectiveness of his actions as well as the
attainability of his wants. Your students will learn about reality therapy and about true empathy by watching this expert work
with such an inspiring and fascinating client. #783 Approx. 50 minutes $149
Family Counseling Using Reality Therapy
In this role-playing simulation we see a counselor employing the WDEP system (Wants, Doing, Evaluation, Planning) by asking
family members to define their wants and evaluate their own behavior and make plans for special time together. When family
members spend time with each other in a non-critical way they build a storehouse of pleasant memories and perceptions toward
each other. These serve as a solid foundation for lessening harmful feelings, solving problems and making decisions.
#782 83 minutes $149
Reality Therapy in Groups
An information-rich DVD that shows Reality Therapy’s approach to groups. We see the WDEP system (Wants, Doing, Evaluation,
Planning) through group demonstration. Wubbolding presents a plan of action with questions designed to show students how to
facilitate groups. This is a good choice for a DVD developed by a major expert—students will learn how to take Reality Therapy
into practice. #609 Approx. 2 hours $169
Reality Therapy Package - all three DVD’s $429
John Marszalek, WaldenUniversity
Dream analysis is coming again to be recognized as a major strategy in modern counseling and therapy. In two powerful and
insightful demonstrations: 1) A Hispanic man dreams about driving to work and John helps him discover how trapped he feels in
his job; 2) an African American woman dreams about an intruder. Analysis reveals that the real issue is preventing frightening
things from happening and taking more control of her life. John also demonstrates how developmental counseling and therapy
(DCT) can make dream analysis more clear and powerful.
#049 Approx. 90 minutes) $149 Includes transcript and leader guide
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
showing students strategies they can use to implement key helping theories – 5 DVDs
Jeff E. Harris, Texas Woman’s University, Jill Oliveira-Berry, Tripler Army Medical Center, Department of Psychology, Behavioral
Medicine Program
Students love their theories courses, but are often puzzled as to what to do and how strategies work. These five DVD’s show
experts demonstrating key skills and strategies. Students will be able to develop a portfolio of competence showing mastery of
Students will master 12 cognitive strategies. Two case demonstration include a
trying to develop a positive gay identity.
•Impact of Thoughts
• Irrational Thoughts
•Modifying Beliefs
• Realistic Constraints
•Self Talk
• Core beliefs
•Reinforcing Adaptive Cognitions • Brainstorming Solutions • Bibliotherapy
Approx 50 minutes $149 Includes transcript and leader guide
woman in an abusive relationship and a man
• Evaluating Evidence
• Psychoeducation
• Testing Hypotheses
14 key strategies demonstrated: Interviews focus on a lonely international student and the woman in an abusive relationship.
•Impact of Actions
• Motivation for Change • Skills Training & Rehearsal
•Reinforcement & Conditioning
• Schedules of Reinforcement
• Systemic Patterns
•Behavioral Baseline
• Assigning Homework
• Intervening Strategically
•Target Actions
• Constructing a Hierarchy • Focus on Solutions
•Active Choices
• Exposure
Approx 60 minutes $149 Includes transcript and leader guide
17 strategies enable an African-American woman to change relationship patterns and a White man to finding meaning in his
father’s death.
•Identifying Feelings
•Here-and-Now Awareness
•Positive Regard
•Impact of Feelings
•Expressing Feelings
•Freedom and Responsibility
•Integrating Self
•Existential Limitations
•Focusing Attention
Approx 60 minutes $149 Includes transcript and leader guide
16 strategies: We see how this approach can be combined with cognitive/behavior with the woman in an abusive relationship. An
African American woman examines her clinging male relationships.
• Listening to Narratives
• Relationships Themes
• Honoring Resistance
• Childhood Experiences
• Attachment Styles
• Subjective Responses
• Resolving Conflicts
• Interpreting Dreams
• New Relationships
• Free Association
• Interpersonal Interpretations
• Termination
• Working Through Past
• Therapeutic Relationship
• Modifying Interactions
• Interpersonal Losses/Disputes
Approx. 90 minutes $149 Includes transcript & leader guide
Jeff E. Harris and Winter Hamada, Ph.D., Tripler Army Medical Center
14 strategies make multicultural work clear and doable. A Latina woman is depressed as her husband has been deployed to Iraq.
An Asian-Pacific grad student deals with discrimination and anxiety.
• Viewing Clients Culturally
• Recognizing the Impact of Identity
• Integrating Spiritual Awareness
• Clarifying the Impact of Culture
• Facilitating Identity Development
• Becoming Aware of the Therapist’s
• Creating Culturally-Appropriate
• Appreciating Multiple Identities
• Highlighting Oppression and
• Reducing Cultural Biases
• Celebrating Diversity
• Illuminating Similarities and
• Exploring Societal Expectations
• Supporting Social Action
Approx. 60 minutes $149
#050 All 5 DVD’s Approx. 5 Hours $589
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Counseling and Therapy Practice
NARRATIVE THERAPY: A Process for a Postmodern World
John Winslade, Cal State Bernardino and featuring Gerald Monk, San Diego State
Dr. John Winslade conducts a therapy session with a client struggling with low self-esteem. He respectfully and collaboratively
examines the stories that inform and shape his client’s experience and listens for the history and pattern of how those stories are
constructed. After separating the stories that work from problematic stories, Winslade guides the client in authoring more
satisfying stories of strength and hope. With compassion and acceptance, Dr. Winslade provides a profound example of how to
embody narrative principles in the therapy session. He reflects upon the session with guest Dr. Gerald Monk in the Narrative
Therapy tradition of respect, reflection, and transparency.
#324 Approx 80 minutes $169
Allen E. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey, both at University of South Florida, Tampa
This award winning DVD shows how to implement developmental theory in the interview, even with the most difficult types of
clients. Students will learn how to: (1) assess client cognitive/emotional style, (2) match interventions to client meaning making
style, (3) conduct a life span interview, (4) work with a positive developmental approach to DSM-IV. Child, adolescent, and adult
examples included. The Style-Shift Inventory supports the DVD’s and shows how well one’s “theory of choice” matches one’s
actual interviewing style. #130
DCT Package Approx. 3 hours $249
Includes DVD, Instructor Guide, Developmental Therapy book, & sample Style-Shift Indicator.
Allen E. Ivey, Past-President, Society of Counseling Psychology & Patricia Taimanglo Pier, Private Practice, Guam
Students will learn specifics on how to implement a multicultural contextual approach in their interviews. In the first
demonstration, Allen works with Patricia’s Chamorro family/community genogram and we learn how family context relates to
personal development. Following a co-counseling model, Patricia then interviews Allen about his rural community background.
These positive resources serve as anchors for client problem-solving.
106 minutes $169 Includes leader guide and materials for student duplication including a 19-page chapter on theory and
practice, and student handouts.
Counseling & Therapy
Brenda Cartwright, Michael D’Andrea, and Judy Daniels, Counselor Education, University of Hawai‘i, Manoa
Students will encounter issues in cross-racial counseling and therapy. Unintentional racism, insight into client thought processes,
and practice ideas are provided in this challenging DVD. The DVD starts with a focus on developing an open relationship and
negotiating the counseling goals. The three approaches demonstrated here include:
• Psychodynamic. A unique approach to unconscious thoughts and feelings
• Existential/humanistic. Person-centered skills lead to a challenging discussion of the notion of “choice” and “responsibility”
• Cognitive behavioral. The client feels invisibility as a Black woman. The counselor uses stress management and problemsolving skills leading to empowerment and collective awareness.
Approx. 90 minutes $169 Includes leader guide
Samuel Gladding, Past-President, American Counseling Association
Dr. Sam is well known for his sense of humor, creativity, and deep caring for others. In this engaging DVD, he shares some key
secrets of his success in counseling and shows how he works with students to build interview creativity and flexibility. Students
will learn specifics to help their clients learn new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving—and you and they will have fun in the
#039 Approx. 45 minutes $149
Samuel Gladding, Past-Pres ACA, Wake Forest University; Michele Kielty Briggs, Past-President ASERVIC, James Madison University
This DVD will teach your students concepts and skills for integrating spirituality into the counseling process. Several professors of
religion are briefly interviewed to explain the breadth and depth of spirituality, including its similarities and differences to
religion. Then, Dr. Briggs provides information on the historically significant figures in counseling and spirituality and an
overview of the spiritual competencies in counseling. The DVD ends with 2 vignettes – one with Sam Gladding and one with
Michele Briggs. The viewer observes the implementation of spirituality within the counseling relationship. Concerns about envy,
meaning and identity are addressed in these interactions. Each session ends with a moderator’s help to process the sessions and
explore the impact and meaning of these therapeutic encounters for the client and clinician alike.
#336 Approx. 50 minutes $169
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Kellie Kirksey, Malone University
This presentation invites viewers to make multiculturalism an issue of the heart. Dr. Kirksey places multiculturalism in the
context of Christian responsibility and challenges the audience to do something different. This DVD is about moving “beyond
tolerance” to a place of relationship and Christian community. #337 Approx. 40 minutes $109
Jan Holden, University of North Texas and Samuel Gladding, Past-President, American Counseling Association
Clear cognitive strategies are shown here with clients representing the lifespan: adolescent, middle adult, and older adult. Your
students will see Jan Holden demonstrate her “10 steps of the cognitive counseling routine.” Her clear, live interviews show
strategies such as evaluating distorted vs. viable thinking, examining evidence, cost-benefit analysis; thought stopping; and
cognitive and behavioral rehearsal. Sam Gladding helps explain and debrief what occurs in the sessions.
#275 Approx. 60 minutes $149 Includes student workbook and leader guide
PEDERSEN’S TRIAD TRAINING MODEL: Five Vignettes of Culturally Different Counselors
Interviewing a Single Client Paul Pedersen, University of Hawaii and Jeff E. Harris, Texas Woman’s University
Five vignettes show how culturally different counselors react to the same issue.
Each counselor interviews the same female Asian American client with the pro and anti counselors observing and commenting.
• An African American female is confronted with stereotypes of Black culture and works with the client’s viewpoint.
• A male Asian American counselor is challenged with the dominant role of males.
• A Caucasian female counselor demonstrates both positive and negative effects of being from an outside cultural background.
• A Hispanic male counselor shows the importance of family in Asian & Hispanic cultures.
• A Caucasian male counselor (Paul Pedersen) demonstrates recovery skills for getting out of trouble after having said or done
something wrong.
45 minutes $109 Includes transcript & leader guide
Culturally-Competent Counseling & Therapy: Live Demonstrations
The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45) of the American Psychological
Association, with the support of Microtraining Associates, is pleased to present five DVD demonstrations with top
professionals actively engaging in the specifics of multicultural counseling and therapy (MCT). The sessions are
hosted by Patricia Arredondo & Allen Ivey.
Part I: Innovative Approaches to Counseling African Descent People
Thomas A. Parham and Adisa Ajamu (DVD #501)
African descent culture provides framework to discovering one’s spiritual destiny. Interview segments illustrate student concerns
in a graduate counseling program: 1) connecting the client to self, others, and history; 2) facilitating awareness of using energy
flow to increase these connections; and 3) setting goals, finding a healing space, and developing a support network.
Part II: Innovative Approaches to Counseling Asian-American People
Fred Leong, Gayle Iwamasa, and Derald Wing Sue (DVD #502)
Conventional therapeutic approaches are often antagonistic to Asian cultural values. We see a culturally-specific approach in
working with a Korean-American client. The DVD reveals important Asian-American differences related to: 1) symptom
expression; 2) communication style; 3) therapeutic strategies and techniques that are traditionally taboo in Euro-American
Part III: Innovative Approaches to Counseling Latina/o People
Luis Vázquez, Azara Santiago-Rivera, and Elsa Orjuela (DVD #503)
A first generation community college student is caught between two cultures: Mexican and U.S. The client is overwhelmed with
problems she confronts from her acculturated children and her traditional mother. “Dichos,” reframes, and proverbs are used as
therapeutic tools. Movement between Spanish and English facilitates emotional understanding of conflict.
Part IV: Innovative Approaches to Counseling Native-American Indian People
Art Martinez and Nora Martinez (DVD #504)
Aligning the client with destiny is the goal. The client has left the Red Road, paying insufficient attention to traditional values.
The therapist draws out alcohol and family concerns in a cultural context. Particularly helpful to the client (and to viewers) are
connections drawn between the client, family, community, and broader cultural context.
Part V: Innovative Approaches from a White American Perspective
Michael D’Andrea, Bryan Kim, and Judy Daniels (DVD #505)
A White counselor works with cultural difference. The husband of a mixed race couple has headaches and fatigue with no
physical basis. Many European-American counselors question whether or not to discuss cultural differences and this DVD provides
one innovative answer. The debriefing addresses gender issues and the differences between two cultural world views.
#500 Five 30-minute programs $109 each or Series on two DVD’s $489
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Cultural Specific Counseling
COUNSELING ARAB AMERICANS: Diversity, Treatment Goals & Interventions
Sylvia Nassar-McMillan, North Carolina State University & Julie Hakim-Larson, University of Windsor
This two-part DVD series provides both content and practical knowledge, as well as counseling vignettes to illustrate diversity
among Arab Americans, particularly in today’s post 9/11 world. Authors are leading scholars with roots in one of the largest Arab
American communities in the country.
DVD 1: Presents three modules on Arab-American demographics, Arab American culture, and sociopolitical background. Two
leading therapists in the Arab American community provide commentary on common mental health issues, typical treatment
goals, appropriate interventions, and helpful cultural knowledge. Implications for practice and resource modules complete the
program. #360
DVD 2: Presents three vignettes of a therapist working individually with an Arab American family. The family issues, treatment
goals, and interventions are explored using cultural competence. A concluding discussion explores overall issues with the family
and community systems. #362
#364 Two 60-minute programs $249 or $149 each Includes Leader Guides
Farah Ibrahim, University of Colorado, Denver
This DVD blends lecture, case vignettes, and de-briefings. In a dynamic lecture coupled with PowerPoint slides, Dr. Ibrahim
presents demographics, tenets of faith, and strategies to incorporate Islamic spiritual beliefs in the counseling process. Four
counseling vignettes include: 1. An initial interview featuring a Muslim woman with struggles of infertility and communicating
with husband; 2. An intergenerational family crisis over an adolescent; 3. A couple with contrasting interpretations of a man and
woman’s role in marriage; and 4. A Muslim woman experiencing trauma post 9/11. All vignettes are followed by a short debriefing by Dr. Ibrahim. #366 Approx 60 minutes $149
Teresa LaFromboise, Miami Nation and Stanford University, has become the best-known expert on counseling and treatment with
Native American Indians. Important implications in this DVD for Canadian Dene.
● Assumptions Native American Indians hold about counseling and therapy.
● Cultural factors which must be considered in treatment strategies.
● The Network treatment plan, valuable in all multicultural counseling and therapy.
● Provides many specifics important in all multicultural helping.
Approx. 70 minutes $109
LIBERATION PSYCHOLOGY: An On-Going Practice in American Indian Country
Eduardo Duran
How can we liberate clients in counseling and therapy practice and help them become aware of contextual issues underlying
their concerns? Dr. Duran points out that many of our clients suffer a legacy of intergenerational oppression-the soul wound. Not
just one person is injured, but a whole set of descendants, and entire communities. The intergenerational effects of the soul
wound can be found in American Indians, Asian Americans, African Americans, Latinos—and even White descendants of
immigration. Duran shows how a liberation therapy based on American Indian principles can be used widely in counseling and
#574 Approx 60 minutes $109
PERSONAL JOURNEYS, PROFESSIONAL PATHS: Navigating the Crossroads of a Research Center
Spero M. Manson, Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
How can we increase the presence of American Indians and Alaska Native in leadership roles in science? Dr. Manson describes a
highly successful postdoctoral program that prepares young AI/AN scientists for careers as independent, externally funded
agents, who work at the nexus of issues in culture, aging, and health. This is a skill-driven approach for intensively mentoring of
Native trainees without requiring relocation from their home institutions. Wide implications for education and training in
multiple settings. #565 Approx 60 minutes $109
THE HEALING ROAD: The Native American Tradition
Robert Ryan (Includes commentaries by Eduardo Duran, Teresa LaFromboise, & Derald Wing Sue)
Native American Indians have suffered violence for centuries. This DVD helps address the issues of multicultural healing. Robert
Ryan, Filmmaker and Activist (Multi tribal Community of California), provides an overview of the history of Native Americans and
includes stunning photo images with his commentary. Following this, Ryan leads a discussion with nationally known multicultural
therapists and researchers Duran, LaFromboise, and Wing Sue in a group discussion on counseling Native American Indians and
the concept of healing the of the Soul Wound.
#325 Approx 60 minutes $169. 50-page Leader Manual
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Culturally Alert Counseling/Social Class
Garrett McAuliffe, Old Dominion University
How can students work effectively with clients of varying cultural backgrounds? Culturally Alert
counseling DVD’s demonstrate the “what and how” of cultural competence. Your students will gain
specific skills and strategies that they can use immediately in the here and now of the interview. This is
the ideal series for courses that want to take multicultural theory into competent practice.
Culturally Alert Counseling:
A Demonstration of Key Practices
Working with Latino/Latina Clients
Have you often thought, “I believe in culturally alert
counseling, but what do I actually do in sessions to make it
happen?” In this first-of-a-kind DVD, counselors explicitly
demonstrate eleven specific skills for practicing culturally
alert counseling. With dramatic visual elements and clear
presentation, Dr. McAuliffe has created a powerful guide to
the next stage in multicultural counseling: What to do.
Demonstration vignettes feature clients with multiple
cultural and social identities that will inform, move, and
change the way you and your students work with clients.
#950 Approx. 60 minutes) $169 Includes Leader Guide
Working with Religious Clients
This breakthrough video illustrates key issues in the too
often-ignored area of working with religious issues. In this
session, a counselor helps a conservative Christian woman
incorporate her faith into finding a solution to her family
problems. The counselor demonstrates respect and shares
knowledge of her faith and tradition, assesses the role of
the client’s faith, and helps her clarify her religious
understandings. #712 Approx 20 minutes $109
Working with African-American Clients
An African American professional woman meets with a
White male counselor on challenges and discrimination she
faces in a new workplace. The counselor develops a trusting
relationship and helps her look to family, religion, and
family for support. Skills of acknowledging societal bias and
client advocacy are demonstrated.
#714 Approx 30 minutes $109
A Latina/o couple finds cultural sensitivity from a White
female counselor. Familismo, respeto, simpatia, and
understanding of gender roles are demonstrated. Culturally
alert counseling skills are shown—focusing on the present,
taking a problem-solving orientation, acknowledging the
family hierarchy, and adapting language appropriately.
#716 Approx 25 minutes $109
Working with Asian American Clients
An East Asian client faces family dilemmas, including duty,
maintaining harmony, as well as challenges in education and
career. The White counselor takes a solution focused
approach, shows interest in and knowledge of the client’s
culture, self-discloses, and balances the family’s place in
resolving individual concerns.
#718 Approx 20 minutes $109
Working with Gay and Lesbian Youth: A
Multi-ethnic Demonstration
“I wish I had this inspiring and practical guide in my own
counselor training. . . Our heads are in the sand and young
people are dying.” This Director of a Counseling Center
experienced two gay youth suicides in the previous year.
This DVD offers clear guidelines for multifaceted training
and includes testimonials from four lesbian and gay
individuals. Action specifics are presented in vignettes
illustrating strategies for working with Persons in the
Identity Confusion or Coming Out phase of gay identity.
#710 Approx. 80 minutes $169 Includes Leader Guide
#720 Six DVDs – see above for individual prices or ALL 6 DVD’s Approx. 4 hours $589
William Liu, Jay Greenfeld, and Derek Turesky, University of Iowa
Dr. Liu, leading researcher and developer of the Social Class World View Model (SCVM) brings us the first DVD of its kind
1. A brief summary of what social class is and how the SCVM applies to the counselor’s practice working with diverse people
varying in social class.
2. A counseling vignette demonstrating Dr. Liu’s pioneering model. The session reveals five factors to consider when processing
difficult issues that pertain to social class.
3. A reflective summary, including what social class means, and how it pertains to mental health. Viewers are asked to reflect
on their social class experiences, how it affected them, and how understanding can help guide their therapeutic work.
Approx. 50 minutes $169
Cultural Specific Counseling
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Patricia Arredondo, UW-Milwaukee
DVD 1: Counseling with Latinos in a time of growth & change. Latinos are multi-generational, inter-ethnic, immigrant, and the
fastest-growing population in the United States. The presentation promotes knowledge about Latinos through several topics:
demographics, cultural values and worldviews, personal and family identity, societal stressors, bilingualism/biliteracy,
religion/spirituality, healthcare and mental healthcare orientations, and contemporary issues. Case examples with proposed
interventions are also described. #300 Approx 60 minutes $109
DVD 2: Specifics of Practice for Counseling with Latina/os. Practical vignettes demonstrating skills—issues of acculturation,
Machismo & Marianismo, bi-lingual dilemmas, workplace problems, men working with women.
#302 Approx 70 minutes $109
Kelley and Mark Kenney, Kutztown University
This DVD presents the worldview experiences of interracial couples, multiracial individuals, and multiracial families—including
transracial adoptive families. It also makes clear suggestions for action in the interview. Six vignette live demonstrations
showcase typical issues such as: concerns and challenges faced by the multiracial population, acceptance and respect by society
and family, questions of identity, positive identity development, and navigating cultural worldview differences.
#330 72 minutes $149 Includes transcript & leader guide
Thomas Parham, UC-Irvine
This nationally pre-eminent expert shows us how to make a significant difference in working with African-Americans. Two DVD’s
for classroom and professional presentations. Parham will change the way your students interview.
DVD 1: Issues in Counseling African-American Clients.
Afrocentric theory and its implications for practice. #280 57 minutes $109
DVD 2: Managing Therapeutic Issues With African-American Clients.
Much needed specifics for clinical practice & treatment planning. #282 44 minutes $109
Donald Pope Davis, Loreto Prieto, Amy L. Reynolds, & Luis A. Vázquez
Live demonstrations of multicultural counseling and therapy exploring issues of religion, physical challenge, gender and age, and
● Explores the internal self-talk of interviewers engaging in multicultural dialogue
● Clear vignettes lead to extensive workshop and class discussion
● 50-page workbook with exercises included in purchase
#790 49 minutes $149 Includes detailed workbook
Being Black?
Janet E. Helms, Professor and Director, Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture, Boston College
Students of African and Latino descent typically score at least one standard deviation lower on standardized tests in comparison
to students of EuroAmerican heritage. If this is predictable, why continue to use these tests for high school graduation, college
admissions, and graduate school selection? In this address, Dr. Helms shows how scores on standardized tests may be adjusted to
compensate for unfair racial/cultural influences. This is a presentation that can change the way your students think about
psychological assessment. #534 60 minutes $109
RACE & ASSESSMENT: Measurement & Legal Implications
William Sedlacek, University of Maryland, College Park
Racial differences in assessment processes continue to point to the questionable efficacy of such practices. Dr. Sedlacek is
known for his emphasis on the use of non-cognitive variables rather than traditional standardized assessments. In this address,
Dr. Sedlacek discusses findings from research involving non-cognitive variables. #533 60 minutes $109
Culture and Standardized Tests: Native American Issues & Examples
Carlon Ami, University of New Mexico
Home environmental conditions, including primary language, traditional modes of teaching, socioeconomic status, and family
stability are leading contenders that contribute to the learning process, and hence, test scores. One of our most important tasks
is understanding and possibly raising test scores for minority groups. #536 Approx. 60 minutes $109
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The DERALD WING SUE Collection
Derald Wing Sue is the leading and most cited multicultural psychologist/counselor in the world. He
presents us with a definitive and exciting series on key issues in multiculturalism.
These DVD’s, plus those found on the next page, will be invaluable in classrooms.
DVD 1: Emotional Roadblocks to Counseling the Culturally Diverse
(A conversation with Drs. Mark Kiselica and Derald Wing Sue)
Emotional roadblocks often arise when issues of race, culture, ethnicity are met by
helping pro fessionals. Drs. Kiselica and Sue describe their racial/cultural awakening
as a White person and a Person of Color and share personal experiences with racism,
bigotry and bias. Dr. Kiselica courageously describes his defensive reactions to
reading the text as a doctoral student, his anger at Sue for attacking the mental
health professions as being harmful to marginalized groups, and his final painful
realization that he had inherited racist attitudes and beliefs. Dr. Sue describes early
experiences of prejudice and discrimination in childhood, lessons and insights learned
as a result of being different in a monocultural society, and the constant feeling that
current psychology did not reflect his experiential reality which led to the writing of
his best-selling book. Specific suggestions are given about what students must do to
overcome their own racist cultural conditioning in order to be a culturally competent
citizen and helping professional. #340
DVD 2: Cultural Competence in the Helping Professions
What is cultural competence? What is multicultural counseling and therapy? Is there
any difference between counseling a White client as opposed to a Black one? What
do we mean by multiculturalism? Does it include gender, sexual orientation, class,
religion and other sociodemographic groups? This DVD answers these questions and
more—students will learn key basics for practice and the deeper meanings of identity
development. #342
DVD 3: Racial Microaggressions: Impact and Implications for Counseling Practice
Is it possible for anyone to be born and raised in the United States without inheriting the racial biases of the society? How is it
possible for good, moral and decent human beings to act in ways that oppress others? Do I oppress? Derald Wing Sue presents his
most recent research on racial microaggressions; brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities,
whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults to the target
person or group. While the lecture concentrates on racial microaggressions, Sue links the phenomenon to gender and sexual
orientation microaggressions as well. Therapists who are unaware of their biases and prejudices may unintentionally engage in
microaggressions that create impasses for clients of color. #344
DVD 4: Overcoming Barriers to Effective Multicultural Counseling/Therapy
Why do people of color, Gays/Lesbians, and other marginalized groups often assert that counseling and psychotherapy are
unhelpful? And why do they underutilize traditional mental health services and prematurely terminate after only one contact
with a helping professional? Derald Wing Sue takes viewers on a journey to explore the culture-bound, class-bound and linguistic
biases of traditional forms of counseling and psychotherapy. #346
DVD 5: Multicultural Counseling/Therapy: Culturally Appropriate Intervention Strategies
Isn’t good counseling, good counseling? Do I need to change my helping style when working with clients of color? In this
engrossing presentation filled with case examples, Derald Wing Sue illustrates how a Western European approach to counseling
may lead to mistaken assessment, diagnosis and treatment of culturally diverse clients. #348
DVD 6: Racial/Cultural Identity Development: Implications for Counseling/Therapy
Sue uses his “Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model” as a conceptual framework to aid therapists in understanding their
culturally diverse clients’ attitudes and behaviors. The model defines five stages of development that oppressed people
experience as they struggle to understand themselves in terms of their own culture, the dominant culture, and the oppressive
relationship between the two cultures. Implications for counseling culturally diverse clients are given for each level of identity.
DVD 7: White Racial Identity Development: Implications for Counseling/Therapy
What does it mean to be White? Aren’t we all just human beings? As a White person, why do I feel so uncomfortable and
conflicted about racial issues? Is there really something called “White Privilege”? Derald Wing Sue describes how White racial
identity awareness is correlated with lower levels of racism and higher levels of multicultural competence. The most desirable
outcome is one in which the White person not only accepts his or her Whiteness but also defines it in a non-defensive and
nonracist manner. #352
#354 Seven 60 minute DVDs $109 each or Series $669.
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DVD #1 - The Psychology of Racism: Where Have We Gone Wrong?
In this challenging DVD, Derald Wing Sue unmasks myths of racism that have prevented us from dealing realistically with our own
complicity in the oppression of others. He provides facts, figures, research and everyday examples that are sure to cause
consternation and discomfort in all of us. In one example, Dr. Sue argues it is not the Klan, Skinheads or other White
Supremacists who pose the greatest threat to people of color, but ordinarily, well-intentioned people who believe in fairness,
equality and justice. #249
DVD #2 - What Does it Mean to be White? The Invisible Whiteness of Being
Based upon a series of interviews with White folks and People of Color, Dr. Sue asks a very straightforward question: “What Does
It Mean To Be White”? The variety of reactions are both provocative and powerful as they reveal how unaware and
uncomfortable they are in answering the question. Why do many Whites rather not think about their whiteness? Why are they
uncomfortable with the question? Why do they deny its importance in affecting their lives? #253
DVD #3 - Overcoming Personal Racism: What Can I Do?
Based upon testimony before President Clinton’s Race Advisory Board, Dr. Sue suggests what each of us can do to overcome our
personal racism. He extracts five basic principles of how one overcomes racism: (1) learn about people of color from sources
within the group, (2) learn from healthy and strong people of the culture, (3) learn from experiential reality, (4) learn from
constant vigilance of your biases and fears, and (5) learn from being committed to personal action against racism. #251
DVD #4 - Surviving Racism: A Message to People of Color
Based upon Dr. Sue’s book, Overcoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberation (Jossey-Bass), this DVD speaks directly to the
struggles, hopes, fears and strengths of people of color throughout their history to today. He asks people of color not to become
discouraged and not to let blind hatred rule their lives. Communicated from a personal perspective, Dr. Sue outlines 16 lessons
he has learned to help him survive racism, and even flourish despite its oppressive qualities. #255
#259 Four 60-minute DVDs $109 each or Series $369
Two DVD’s by Disability Expert Rhoda Olkin…
A Beginner’s Guide
This DVD focuses on the critical first session with clients with disabilities. Three
short vignettes with different therapists and clients with disabilities are used to
illustrate Disability-Affirmative Therapy (wheelchair user with speech
involvement in her cerebral palsy, blind female, ambulatory but significant
physical disability). Dr. Rhoda Olkin discusses each case, and gives highlights of
what went right (or wrong) in each instance. A teacher’s guide helps instructors
use this in class and shows how to make the video more interactive.
#460 Approx. 60 minutes $149 Closed Captioned. Includes transcript & leader guide
Taped at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit II, Dr. Olkin provides a profound and moving address on issues around
disability. Theory, experiences, and recommendations for change in our field are included.
#523 Approx. 60 minutes $109
Miguel Gallardo, Past-President - California Latino Psychological Association Jennifer Gibson, Disability Service Center, University
of California, Irvine
Students will learn multicultural specifics for connecting with, caring for, and meeting the needs of clients with disabilities. Skill
development is stressed along with communication tips for working with clients who experience disabilities. The disability
identity model and its racial/ethnic implications are important for understanding all clients. Detailed handouts are provided.
#527 Approx. 50 minutes $109
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Marriage and Family
In this groundbreaking DVD series, Betty Carter, internationally renowned therapist, teacher, and author,
shows therapists how to address gender, money, and power in clinical work with couples in crisis.
Tackles the question of male participation in family life. The couple, Neal and Kathy, have recently moved in with Neal’s newly
widowed mother. Conflicts quickly arise between Kathy and her mother-in-law, to which Neal responds by either withdrawing
entirely or “siding” with his mother. The result: a strained marriage and a tense, unhappy household. Carter demonstrates
strategies for enhancing mutual understanding and helping Neal assume a more responsible position in his relationships with his
mother and wife. #092
Approx. 25 minutes $89
Carter works with a long-term married couple as they painfully struggle to renegotiate the terms of their partnership after their
grown children have left home. Viewers receive an inside view of Carter’s strategy for working through financial inequity as the
cornerstone for building other positive changes that can enhance and enrich their marriages. #094 Approx 30 minutes $89
CLINICAL DILEMMAS IN MARRIAGE: The Search for Equal Partnership
These clinical vignettes, which portray two couples in crisis, richly illustrate Carter’s innovative approaches for:
• Conducting brief assessments using multicontextual framework, taking into account family lifecycle, family of origin, and
sociocultural factors.
• Helping two-income couples to uncover, examine, and address “hidden” issues of gender, money, and power in their
• Making appropriate, meaningful therapeutic interventions.
• Coming up with workable solutions for resolving conflict and arriving at mutually desirable arrangements in home life, work
life, and child rearing.
Approx 44 minutes $89
MOTHERS AND SONS: The Crucial Connection
Olga Silverstein
Silverstein focuses on a case study of a single mother and her teenage son. Silverstein cogently examines:
• The cultural assumption that male role models are a prerequisite for raising healthy males.
• Ways single mothers can, on their own, teach their sons all they need in order to become emotionally healthy, self-sufficient
• Cultural norms regarding “masculinity” that can actually increase the risk of health problems such as heart disease, mortality
associated with violence, and other physical and mental health issues.
Approx 32 minutes $89
Gender/Sexual Orientation
Mary Ballou, Northeastern University, Charity Tabol, Northeastern University, and Martin J. La Roche, Harvard Medical School at
the Children’s Hospital
Two dynamic and real interviews demonstrate key principles of Feminist Counseling and Cultural Therapy, their similarities and
differences. A male cultural counselor and then a female feminist therapist meet with a male Japanese client to discuss stress
management of work and educational demands on the client. The demonstration of these two progressive contemporary
developments in counseling and therapy showcase how gender, culture and power are among the many dynamics to consider. In
keeping with collaborative and egalitarian relationships of this new force, the concluding discussion includes the client and a
skilled moderator. #055 Approx 90 minutes $169 Includes Leader Guide
Ron Levant, Past-President, American Psychological Association
Men are increasingly entering therapy, which is often complicated by such common male traits as difficulties dealing with
emotions, admitting vulnerability, and being comfortable with intimacy. Dr. Levant provides an overview of scholarship,
discusses clinical practice innovations, and describes new techniques for helping men develop emotional self-awareness and
emotional empathy.
Approx 60 minutes $109
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Ronald Levant, William Liu, Doug McDonald, William Parham, Luis Vázquez
The key issues of men in society are presented in five clear and succinct presentations. Each one will stimulate considerable
discussion of both male and more general multicultural issues. Students will learn the state of the art of male psychology through
a series of well-informed and highly stimulating presentations. This DVD is ideal as an introduction to the psychology of men.
#526 Approx. 50 minutes $109
Dr. Linda Garnets, Past-Chair, American Psychological Association, Committee on Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Concerns
Taped at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit II, Dr. Garnets discusses issues around gay, lesbian, and bisexual
experience. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of theoretical and practical issues in working with these clients.
#522 Approx. 60 minutes $109
Stuart Chen-Hayes, President, NARACES Lynn Banez, Walden University, Co-author “Lesbians in Committed Relationships”
Lively and entertaining with solid scholarship concerning sexual orientation and gender identity, these are the original DVD’s
showing specifics of LBGT counseling and therapy with Multiple Cultural Identities in schools and families.
DVD 1: LBGT Youth Counseling: Awareness and Knowledge
This DVD brings basic facts and information on sexual orientation counseling. You will find absorbing demonstrations showing how
to work with exiting heterosexual identity, developing a social identity, becoming a LBGT offspring, developing LBGT intimacy,
and entering the LBGT community, with diverse clients and counselors. #700 Approx. 90 minutes
DVD 2: LBGT Youth Counseling: Skill-Building Vignettes
This DVD is oriented to the strengths of LBGT clients, enabling them to face the challenges of living in a world that targets them
for violence and multiple oppressions. The six demonstrations focus on real world issues your students will face in the near
future —an unexpected “outing,” physical threats, affirming LBGT identities, suicide attempt, sex reassignment, counseling
homophobic parents and stopping school harassment. #701 Approx. 75 minutes
#702 Two DVDs $149 each or Series $249 Both include transcript & leader guide
Anika K. Warren and Melissa Corpus, Teachers College, Columbia University
Dr. Warren provides multicultural supervision to Melissa Corpus, an advanced doctoral student in Counseling Psychology at
Teachers College, Columbia University. In the first segment, Melissa uses an integrative approach to counsel a VietnameseAmerican gay male who completed an intake with Dr. Warren a few years prior. In the second segment, the client provides an
overview of his counseling experience and describes his perceptions of effective counseling. In the third segment, Dr. Warren
integrates experiential, multicultural, practical, and theoretical techniques to provide supervision to Melissa. The final segment
consists of closing comments and analysis from Melissa and Dr. Warren. The client is not an actor. He is a person who agreed to
share his personal and professional experiences while reflecting on his future.
Approx. 75 minutes $169
FIVE APPROACHES TO SUPERVISION: Developmental, Integrated, IPR, Psychodynamic, and
Lori Russell-Chapin, Bradley University Bryan DeNure, Bromenn Regional Medical Center Addiction Recovery Center
Five major clinical supervision models and one supervisory method are presented live in this DVD: developmental, integrated,
interpersonal process recall, psychodynamic, and microskills. Portions of a graduate student’s counseling interview are shown,
and then Dr. Russell-Chapin supervises the session from these five distinct supervision approaches. The student obtains useful
feedback from each model and comes to realize that there are multiple ways to interpret the counseling interview depending on
supervisory questions and interview needs.
#800 Approx. 90 minutes $169 Includes leader guide
MICROCOUNSELING SUPERVISION: Classifying Interview Behavior
Lori Russell-Chapin and Nancy Sherman, Bradley University
A wonderful addition for your skills course and also for practicum, this DVD has many practical examples and will enable your
students to rate and classify their own interviews with precision. The Counseling Interview Rating Form (CIRF) facilitates the
evaluation process and provides a superior feedback system.
#018 DVD 45 minutes plus CDROM & 25 CIRF instruments $169
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
VETS, SUICIDE & Anti-Social
Herbert Exum and Amy Menna, University of South Florida, Tampa
The counseling profession has not given sufficient attention to returning military. Only with Iraq and Gulf Wars do we begin to
understand the needs and our responsibility. Veterans are actually members of a distinct cultural group and this DVD explains the
culture and vets’ special needs. Students will learn about post-traumatic stress, specific treatment issues, and the critical
importance of working with military families. #326 Approx 60 minutes $109
John Westefeld, President, Division 17 APA, University of Iowa
Dr. Westefeld brings us his life-time work and research on suicide prevention. He will show students information key to their
counseling and clinical practice. Viewers will:
1. See latest data on suicide and prevention.
2. Learn how to access suicidal risk.
3. Learn how to conduct a suicide intervention, including suicide prevention education, counseling a suicidal person, and major
components of suicide post-intervention.
4. View a therapist working with a suicidal client assessing risk in conjunction with developing a “no-harm” contract.
Approx. 50 minutes $169 Includes leader guide & handouts
COUNSELING THE ANTISOCIAL CLIENT: Working with Resistance & Denial
Norma Gluckstern Packard, Former Warden, Patuxent, Maryland
How can we counsel a court-referred client who places little value on reflective thinking and sees counseling as a way to avoid
prison? Dr. Packard uses traditional communication skills to hear the client’s point of view and provide consistent support. On
this base, she can challenge and confront the antisocial client. The DVD presents portions of early and late sessions and will be
valuable for anyone working with difficult clients. #060 Approx. 60 minutes $149
Counseling, Therapy & Neuroscience
Keep your students on the cutting edge. Neuroscience research not only validates what we are doing in counseling
and therapy, it also helps us select appropriate interventions. These DVD’s enhance student understanding of
empathy and relationship and demonstrate how skills and theories can be best applied in the interview.
NEUROSCIENCE & THE BRAIN: Implications for Counseling & Therapy
John J. Ratey, M.D. Harvard Medical School
Designated one of the America’s Best Physicians for seven years, Dr. Ratey takes us through the basics of neuroscience and the
brain. You will learn how clients can learn new thoughts, feelings, and behaviors due to brain plasticity and development of
neural networks. Ratey describes the “social brain” that is deeply impacted by harmful environments. He presents specifics for
improving the brain functioning of our clients. #900 2 hours $199 Includes transcript
ALZHEIMER’S BASICS FOR COUNSELORS/THERAPISTS: Definition, Assessment, and Counseling
Alizreza Atri, M.D., Ph.D. Harvard Medical School, Mass. General Hospital
Dr. Atri explains the counselor’s role in Alzheimer’s assessment and referral. Counselors will understand their centrality in
helping the patient and the family. Students will not only learn key facts, but they will be able to do informal AD assessments.
Special attention is paid to the progression of this disease and specifics for referral and action. Millions of patients and their
families are affected. Brilliant researcher, practitioner, and award-winning faculty member, Dr. Atri gives students a fascinating
and involving presentation. Useful handouts are included to facilitate follow-up. #328 Approx. 2 hours $169
COUNSELING AND NEUROSCIENCE: Implications for Microskills and Practice
Allen Ivey, EdD, ABPP, Distinguished Univ. Professor (Emeritus), U. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dr. Ivey presents brain basics to a class of counselors and therapists. Those who teach the skills course will find this video’s
attention to microskill implications for neural plasticity and the impact of a positive approach on neurons and neurotransmitters.
Social justice implications such as the poisoning of the brain from poverty and abuse are stressed. Counseling using the
microskills wellness approach can actually help the client develop new neural networks.
#904 Approx. 60 minutes $149 Includes Leader Guide, transcript
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
STRESS MANAGEMENT: Understanding & Treatment
Dr. Edna Brinkley, Psychological Consultant and Private Practice, Austin, Texas
Uncontrolled stress floods the brain with cortisol and can even destroy memories in the hippocampus. We now know that stress
management is a central strategy for mental health and personal growth. In four client interviews, Dr. Brinkley helps her clients
“take home” new learning that they can start using immediately. In this video, we learn how chronic stress affects the body, how
to identify client stressors, and how to teach clients lifestyle practices for stress reduction. Students can immediately apply what
they observe in each section of this video.
Approx. 90 minutes $169 DVD with included CDROM provides transcripts, PowerPoints™ & leader guide
***First-Ever DVD series on Counseling and Privilege
Lewis Schlosser, Seton Hall University with Julie Ancis, Georgia State University, Kathy Biesheke, Penn State University; Jane
Dewey, Seton Hall University; Pamela Foley, Seton Hall University; and Will Liu, University of Iowa
How do mental health professionals work toward multicultural competence? One place to start is to begin the process of selfawareness, particularly in the area of socially privileged identities. In this ground-breaking series, Lew Schlosser interviews
psychologists with expertise in six key areas of privilege: White, Heterosexual, Christian, Ability, Male and Social Class. In
addition to learning how to personally connect with one’s own socially privileged identities, students and professionals of all
ethnicities and races will learn how privilege manifests itself in everyday life, how it affects the therapeutic process, and how we
can take steps to dismantle privilege. Thought-provoking and insightful, this DVD is sure to spark discussion and even debate in
class. This DVD brings the power of often missed multicultural issues to the center of our practice.
#331 Six DVD Set Approx. 180 minutes $169 *Parts not sold separately
This video white paper explores the current state of American prisons and delivers alarming statistics about overcrowding,
special populations, skyrocketing costs and recidivism. Prison population of the United States is the highest in the world, 759 per
100,000 people, costing American taxpayers $68 billion a year. A brief historical summary about the psychological causes of
criminality includes discussion of the merits of biological, development, environmental and cognitive models, focusing on
Sutherland's "Differential Association" theory that has stood the test of time. Classic functions of incarceration and their rationale
are covered: incapacitation, deterrence, retribution and rehabilitation. Modern psychologists such as Stanton Samenow depict
how criminal behavior follows errant thinking and in order to reform a criminal, he must be "habilitated". Workable solutions
backed by scientific research provide a blueprint for future corrections thinking.
#13398/1777 29 minutes 2010 $189.95
This gripping three-part series enters the world of forensic psychology to illustrate how law enforcement officers and mental
health professionals get inside the criminal mind. Captivating case studies from the U.K. and the U.S. provide a real-world
context for the techniques and processes described.
TALK TO ME: The Dynamics of Hostage Negotiation
"I want doctors! I’m gonna kill doctors! I want white coats!" In 1993, gunman Damacio Torres shot up the Los Angeles County-USC
Healthcare emergency room and took two hostages. Using the Torres case as a springboard, this program explains the tricky
business of hostage negotiation while seeking to understand the mentality of hostage-taking. Psychologist Kris Mohandie, SWAT
team supervisor Lt. Michael Albanese, and former hostage Anne Tournay, all present that day, offer keen observations on the
five-hour standoff. Psychologist John Potter, of Exeter University, and Stephen Romano, of the FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit,
provide additional insights.
TO CATCH A KILLER: The Use and Abuse of Criminal Profiling
In 2001, the last piece of a serial rape/murder case that had tantalized London police for nearly 20 years finally fell into place.
In this program, retired FBI profiler Robert Ressler, LAPD psychologist Kris Mohandie, and British law enforcement professionals
discuss the history and techniques of criminal profiling within the context of the Railway Rapist crimes that terrorized greater
London during the 1980s. In addition, the sensational case of Rachel Nickell, murdered in broad daylight on Wimbledon Common
in 1992, illustrates how profiling improperly applied can hijack an investigation. Forensic psychologist Gisli Gudjonsson, of King’s
College London, provides commentary on that crime.
MAD OR BAD? Psychologically Assessing Criminal Competence
Sane or insane? Court verdicts and parole decisions alike often hinge on that single crucial question. This program explores the
intricacies of psychiatric evaluation and parole risk assessment with forensic psychologist Jeremy Coid, clinical psychologists, a
probation officer, and others. The Yorkshire Ripper serial murders, the London Nail Bomber case, the Ipswich Rapist case, the
1999 attack on a London church congregation by a naked sword-wielding man, and a parole review involving a composite serial
pedophile - a case that neatly illustrates the challenge of balancing society’s right for safety against a convict’s right to be
treated fairly - are profiled.
#9348/0635 Three 46-minute programs 2002 $169.95 each or Series $479.95
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
A comprehensive and groundbreaking series of seven DVD programs
A comprehensive and groundbreaking series dealing with the multitude and complexity of factors that arise in the
psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals, couples and families. Reflects the contributions of 27 of
the most influential and respected scholars and practitioners in the field as well as over 30 gay, lesbian and bisexual
individuals who share their stories and perspectives.
The history of mental health practice with gay,
lesbian and bisexual people is both complex and
constantly evolving. This introductory program to
the series focuses on some of the most important
historical developments from ancient times to the
present, including: Early attempts to pathologize
and change homosexuality; The influences that led
to the depathologizing of homosexuality; The
contemporary bias in psychotherapy, illustrated by
a poignant account of therapy abuse by Robert
Gentry, the nation’s first openly gay mayor;
“Conversion therapies" to repathologize
homosexuality and modern attempts to change
sexual orientation; Recent affirmative mental
health approaches; The current APA guidelines for
working with GLB clients; and, Real testimony of affirmative psychotherapy from a client after years of negative
therapy experiences. Archival film clips and interviews with the experts are used throughout to illustrate this
history of treatment approaches and mental health attitudes towards the GLB community.
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people utilize mental health services at a rate considerably higher than heterosexuals,
and over 95 percent of psychotherapists treat GLB clients in their practice. This program focuses on some of the
most salient assessment and treatment issues that clinicians should know. This video will teach you about: The
effectiveness of cognitive therapy with this population; Implications of internalized homophobia and the importance
of hypothesis testing in therapy; Assessment of presenting problems and stages of identity development for GLB
clients; and, Heterosexist bias in diagnosis of several DSM-IV-TR disorders. In the last half of the program you’ll see
an extraordinary simulation of two therapy sessions by Dr. Christine Padesky with ‘Greg’ on his coming out issues, as
well as descriptions of the therapy process and techniques being demonstrated. This award-winning segment, highly
rated by graduate school classes, is an outstanding training demonstration for both students and experienced
Until recently, the couples and family therapy literature has ignored same-sex families and few clinicians have had
training in this area. In this groundbreaking program, you will see:
*Dr. Robert Jay Green, an innovative researcher and clinician, emphasize key issues and new approaches in
providing mental health services to GLB couples, including relational ambiguity, sexual exclusivity, and development
of social support networks.
*Dr. Armand Cerbone join Dr. Green in a discussion of how internalized homophobia affects relationships.
*Dr. Richard Rodriguez discuss the importance of families of choice for GLB couples.
*Dr. Isaiah Crawford, a leading scholar on same-sex parenting, summarize research-based characteristics of GLB
family constellations, as well as provide very helpful suggestions on how therapists can provide support to GLB
Throughout this program interview clips from same-sex couples, parents and their children are used to illustrate and
personalize the important material covered by the expert presenters. This video program will enhance your
understanding of GLB relationships and families, allowing you to be more effective in conducting individual and
couples therapy with this population
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
The first educational program on the psychology of bisexuality, this video features cutting-edge research presented
by some of the leading scholars in the field. The emerging body of scientific evidence over the past 30 years
suggests a new paradigm of sexual orientation that is multidimensional, sometimes fluid, and highly individual,
allowing for a greater validation of bisexuality. In this program you’ll see:
*Three bisexual individuals, Greg, Susannah, and Skott share their insightful personal journeys.
*Dr. Fritz Klein use his famous grid to demonstrate the multivariable and fluid nature of sexual orientation.
*Dr. Sari Dworkin present various definitions, models, and types of bisexuality, as well as the developmental
challenges of bisexual identity and the bisexual coming out process.
*Dr. Ron Fox profile who bisexuals are using data from his largest-to-date demographic study.
*Dr. Mary Bradford join Dr. Fox in educating therapists on how to provide more effective and affirming mental
health services to bisexual women and bisexual men.
This program features three diverse personal coming out stories: A young African American woman who was
institutionalized when she told her parents; a retired professional Latino man who came out to his wife and children
later in life; and an affirming mother who shares the process her family went through when her teenage son came
out to them. Commentary is provided by Dr. Eli Coleman, Dr. Sari Dworkin, and Dr. Ritch Savin-Williams, noted
experts and researchers in the field.
Lesbians, gay, and bisexual people of color must manage conflicting allegiances with divergent social worlds
including their ethnic culture, the majority culture and the gay/bisexual community. This program highlights
personal accounts by GLB individuals from diverse ethnic groups, as well as commentary by Dr. Beverly Greene and
other distinguished experts. The final segment shows a reenactment of a compelling cross-cultural therapy session
by Dr. Christine Padesky with a Korean lesbian client.
Combining the voices of gay and lesbian youth with leading professionals, this program provides an insightful look at
the GLB adolescent experience. This video combines the latest research and effective treatment approaches by such
experts as Dr. Ritch Savin-Wiliams, Dr. Karla Anhalt and Teresa DeCrescenzo, and includes vital information for
working with this special population.
#13945/1745 Seven Programs 2005 $149.95 each or Series $749.95
The idea of same-sex parenting has taken a while to reach the consciousness of most North Americans. Until just a
few years ago, the majority of gays and lesbians did not even consider parenting, fearing the stigma their children
might face. But now over a full one-third of lesbian couples and roughly a quarter of gay male couples have opted to
become parents. This program captures six gay/lesbian families in their day-to-day lives. Two of these are families
by adoption, two are co-parenting families, and two are lesbian families by insemination. Man-on-the-street
interviews as well as emotional testimonials from the 15 adults and 11 children featured in this film provide a range
of perspectives on gay parenting. #12456/0635 38 minutes 2007 $149.95 *Includes PDF Guide
BEING GAY: Coming Out in the 21st Century
In the early part of the 20th century, homosexuality was considered a crime and in some places still is. By the
1950s, many regarded it as a form of mental illness. So what about today? Is 'coming out' still a difficult decision?
This program presents the accounts and stories of people who have recently taken the step of coming out.
Interviewees and experts discuss the benefits of this important transition by examining the six stages of coming to
terms with one's sexual identity. They also look at the dangers of running away from sexual self-acceptance - such
as alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide - and how finding support can greatly assist the process.
#7406/0635 20 minutes 2003 $99.95
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
In these two interviews with James Hillman, the founder of Archetypal Psychology minces no words in critiquing current
directions in psychotherapy, and shares his vision for a more creative, soulful, and imaginative approach. Hillman further probes
deeply into the psyche and underbelly of modern society, and offers some unexpected insights.
If you’re a student or professional in the field of psychology and you’ve ever wondered, "Hey, where’s the excitement and
imagination in psychology?" you’ve got a friend in James Hillman. In this fascinating interview, Dr. Hillman offers an inspiring
critique of what he calls a "very peculiar field" and passionately expresses his longing for a psychology that enjoys and respects
the psyche rather than fears and confines it. Hillman, a self-described "renegade psychologist", argues for revisioning psychology
in a way that encourages people to get curious about the psyche rather than pathologize it. He argues that the more we embrace
surprise and wonder and the less we focus on rational understanding, the more we will enjoy being alive. He speaks fervently
about the importance of imagination and dreams, while encouraging clients and therapists alike to cultivate a sense of awe.
With the current emphasis on evidence-based, quick-fix approaches to mental health, Hillman’s call to slow down, pay attention,
and make time for the soul to come out of its shell is truly radical. If you find yourself feeling heavy and dispirited about the
field and long for a more soulful and creative approach to psychotherapy, spend some time with James Hillman on this DVD and
you’re sure to feel inspired, liberated, and rejuvenated.
In this compelling interview with one of the world’s most respected psychologists and social critics, Dr. Hillman takes a critical
look at American culture, from how we relate to passersby on the street, to our response to 9/11 and Katrina, to what happens
between therapist and client in the consulting room. He delves into diverse topics such as the addiction to innocence, the value
of breakdown, the terrible oppression of being normal, and the role of elders. With his characteristic passion and fervor, Dr.
James Hillman shares his thoughts on what’s wrong with society, what we can do about it, and what really matters most.
#13897/1745 Two DVD set 129 minutes 2010 $279.95
THE ABUSED WOMAN: A Survivor Therapy Approach
Dr. Lenore Walker, EdD has worked with physically, psychologically, and sexually abused women for more than 30 years and has
developed an approach to their treatment called Survivor Therapy. In this dramatic recreation of key moments in the two-year
course of therapy with Sarah, a 36-year-old battered woman with a history of childhood sexual abuse, Walker (the recipient of
the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Contribution to Women's Health Award) illustrates the basic principles of
her approach. Combining scenes from numerous therapy sessions with commentary by Dr. Walker, this video is a valuable
teaching tool for practitioners of all orientations and experience levels.
#10867/1745 60 minutes $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
ALZHEIMER'S BASICS FOR COUNSELORS/THERAPISTS: Definition, Assessment, and Counseling
Dr. Alizreza Atri, Harvard Medical School, explains the counselor's role in Alzheimer's assessment and referral. Counselors will
understand their centrality in helping the patient and the family. Students will not only learn key facts, but they will be able to
do informal AD assessments. Special attention is paid to the progression of this disease and specifics for referral and action.
Millions of patients and their families are affected. Brilliant researcher, practitioner, and award-winning faculty member, Dr.
Atri gives students a fascinating and involving presentation. Useful handouts are included to facilitate follow-up.
#12600/1745 120 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
ADLERIAN THERAPY with Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD
Watch Jon Carlson masterfully demonstrate Adlerian Therapy in an actual therapy session in this three-part video! Adlerian
therapists aim to understand how clients fit into their worlds, and how family and cultural backgrounds shape clients and
influence their therapeutic processes and individual needs. In this video, Carlson explores with his client Gina the family values
she learned growing up, highlighting a fierce independence that became headstrong at times. Carlson then confronts her about
how this value might have contributed to the downfall of her marriage. Gina admits, "I’m tired of fixing things all the time", and
explores with Carlson possibilities for change. Host Diane Kjos introduces Dr. Carlson and facilitates an enlightening discussion on
the approach. #12749/1745 118 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
MIXED ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach with Dr. Donald Meichenbaum
Clients seeking psychotherapy frequently suffer from both anxiety and depression, making treatment particularly challenging. In
this video, internationally renowned therapist Donald Meichenbaum demonstrates a brief, effective approach for treating these
comorbid disorders. Viewers follow a dramatic recreation of key moments in his 12-session course of therapy with Anna P., a 40year-old woman who experiences recurrent bouts of panic in addition to a long history of depression. Combining footage from
numerous therapy sessions with commentary by Dr. Meichenbaum, this video will be a valuable teaching tool for practitioners of
all orientations and experience levels. #10868/1745 66 minutes $159.95 *Includes Training Manual
WHAT WORKS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY with Randall C. Wyatt, PhD, Scott Miller, PhD
What works in psychotherapy? In this interview by Randall C. Wyatt, Miller shares everything he knows about psychotherapy
outcomes. For starters, it's the therapeutic alliance that's one of the most important elements. And here's the real ticker - Miller
has found that the therapist is the determining factor, not the treatment model. This means that therapists can learn, grow and
be more effective with their clients by systematically monitoring therapy outcomes, inviting negative feedback, and asking the
simple question that so often seems too difficult for therapists to ask: "How is this working for you?" Miller warns against
manualized systems that require therapists to narrowly work in a particular model, citing research that shows that therapists are
the most effective when they are allowed to practice what they believe and are confident in. This means you don't need to
change your modality to be more effective, and, in fact, can have a meaningful evidence-based practice by adapting some of
Miller's simple tools to invite client feedback. #12757/1745 58 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Watch Dr. Philip Guerin masterfully conducting a live family therapy session, followed by an illuminating discussion about his
innovative and sophisticated approach to Bowenian Family Therapy. Pam is a 32-year-old woman who lives at home with her
parents, Adrian and Judy, and doesn’t have many friends. She clearly has some sort of developmental disability, but Adrian and
Judy don’t understand why Pam is so angry and uncommunicative. In fact, Pam says she doesn’t even understand why she
behaves the way she does. In this live family therapy session, Dr. Guerin helps this befuddled family gain more understanding and
clarity, while shining a light on the underlying anger, fear, and sadness that reside beneath the surface not only in Pam, but in
her parents as well. In this video, Philip Guerin skillfully demonstrates ways to engage a closed family system, while highlighting
several key principles of Bowenian therapy, including: establishing therapeutic safety and connection with each family member;
lowering anxiety; utilizing process questions; neutralizing dysfunctional triangles in the family system; and offering relationship
experiments. #13893/1745 117 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
See many of the world's leading experts in child therapy and counseling conduct actual sessions. This one-of-a-kind series allows
you to compare the theories and techniques of a wide range of approaches, including CBT, Gestalt, Narrative, Object Relations,
and others. Child therapy is decidedly more of an art than a science. We hear over and over again (and the latest research bears
this out) that it is the relationship that counts - and this is especially true when providing counseling with children and
adolescents. Establishing rapport is the first task at hand, and it is not always an easy one! Improve your skills in working with
this population by watching these master therapists quickly find a way to form a connection, and demonstrate a wide variety of
tools and techniques to make the therapeutic encounter come alive and address areas of concern in a single session.
*There are 11 programs in this series.
Detailed descriptions of each program are available.
*These programs are all in the same format - they start with a
discussion of the approach with the featured therapist; the
discussion is led by John Carson and co-host Don Keat.
Following the discussion there is an actual therapy session shown in its entirety (45 to 50 minutes in length). Then there is a
discussion of the therapy session, including how well the therapist felt they were able to integrate their theory and approach.
Finally the audience of therapists and students ask the featured therapists questions relating to the approach in general, and the
therapy session in specific.
*Each program includes an INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL which includes a full transcript of the child therapy session, discussion
questions, role play ideas, a reaction paper assignment, and related reading and web resources.
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
#13940/1745 Eleven programs $159.95 each or Series $1,429.95
I'D HEAR LAUGHTER: Finding Solutions for the Family
Insoo Kim Berg's unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Family Therapy.
Children and teenagers are all too often the scapegoat to a family's troubles and the impetus for a family to enter therapy. In
this video, Insoo Kim Berg shows us how to help a family come together as a whole to build on their strengths and collaborate on
solutions. Berg demonstrates her approach in two therapy sessions with a family. Judy is at wits end with her husband, Lou, who
won't help out at home and with her daughter, Sarah, who prefers to hang out with her boyfriend instead of going to school.
Sarah is sick of her mother nagging her and of the tense atmosphere at home. Lou is struggling with unemployment and admits
that the family doesn't laugh anymore. Berg uses techniques to reconnect this family so that they can build on what has brought
them together in the past and hear laughter in the home again.
*Includes English Subtitles for hearing-impaired viewers
#12748/1745 105 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
New! BECOMING A THERAPIST: Inside the Learning Curve
Now you can help your students walk into their first session with confidence! They'll
hear from new therapists what it's like to begin clinical work, which will answer
troublesome questions, anxieties and provide for fruitful group discussion. Students
training to be therapists often don't know what to expect going into their first sessions
with clients. This can ignite a quickly growing list of fears inside their heads: What if my
client doesn't like me? What if I come off as inexperienced? What if I don't know what to
say? Likewise, seasoned therapists all remember the first time they met with a client the anxiety and self-doubt were palpable. In this video, you'll hear from several
therapists that have just made it through their first internships. Specifically, you'll
learn: How it felt to meet with a client for the first time: what they were worried about
before the session, what it was like in the room, and how it felt afterwards; What was
particularly helpful during their first internship; What challenges they faced and how
they overcame them; How they developed their clinical confidence; What advice they
received that was most helpful during this challenging year in their career; and, how it
feels now to be a therapist compared to when they first began.
*With English Subtitles for hearing-impaired viewers.
#13568/1745 25 minutes 2010 $129.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
John Krumboltz's learning approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an inspiration to all therapists, regardless of orientation.
Watch him masterfully demonstrate an actual therapy session in this three-part video! John Krumboltz sees himself as a teacher
and emotional coach. He doesn't think psychotherapy needs to be a mysterious process, and instead works with clients to figure
out ways to improve behaviors and prevent problems from recurring in the future. In this video, Krumboltz helps his client Robin
give up on struggling for her mother-in-law's approval. Through a role-play telephone conversation, she learns to shift the locus
of control so she can take better care of herself in that difficult relationship - and leaves with plans to have this conversation in
real life. Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Krumboltz and facilitate an enlightening discussion on the approach. *A
detailed description of this program is available on our website.
#12751/1745 Three parts 118 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Therapists of all orientations will benefit from seeing how psychoanalytic and psychodynamic principles can be effectively
adapted to short-term therapy with clients and patients facing issues of grief, death and dying.
VOLUME ONE: A Brief Psychodynamic Approach
Over the course of four actual sessions, Milton Viederman, MD demonstrates a psychoanalytic approach to working with grief.
Paying detailed attention to the subtle nuances of the therapeutic relationship, Viederman adapts the principles of
psychoanalysis to a course of brief therapy. Pat is the primary caregiver for her dying husband and is experiencing the grief and
fear around his impending death. Forming an interpretation of Pat's core conflict and elaborating this theme throughout the
sessions, Viederman helps Pat explore the early life experiences that give meaning to her current emotional responses. He builds
rapport and trust with this open and engaging client, offering her a supportive environment in which true insight is produced. In a
poignant follow-up session, Pat reveals that the therapy was instrumental in helping her be at peace with her husband's death.
VOLUME TWO: Hospital Consultation with Medically Ill Patients
In this program, Viederman brings his psychoanalytic orientation to actual hospital consultations with cancer patients. While
many of us feel comfortable meeting clients on our own turf, we are often less certain how to navigate the therapeutic
relationship in a hospital setting with visibly ill patients. Working quickly to assess the conscious and unconscious coping
mechanisms that affect the patient's experience of illness and treatment, Viederman's main objective is to create a supportive
relationship and relive patient distress. Interspersed with illuminating commentary, Viederman skillfully demonstrates when to
probe defensive structures and when to leave them alone so as not to increase the patient's anxiety.
*See three reviews of these programs on our website!
#13770/1745 Two Volumes 2010 $279.95 *Includes Instructor's Manuals
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy
When couples come to therapy they are often combative, quick to point the finger, and about to give up on the relationship. In
this video, Insoo Kim Berg’s unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life as she demonstrates her approach with one such
couple, and in two sessions shows how effective it can be to focus a couple on their strengths and resources, moving them away
from fighting and towards collaboration and bring their mutual commitment to the relationship and family to the forefront.
#12494/1745 92 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor’s Manual
THE ANGRY COUPLE: Conflict Focused Treatment with Dr. Susan Heitler
This program dramatically recreates key moments in the six-month course of therapy with Judith and Richard, a distressed
couple whose marriage is threatened by a cycle of explosive anger and silent withdrawal. Dr. Heitler quickly reins in their anger,
cuts through the impasses that have prolonged their conflict, and uncovers the core issues that have blocked intimacy from
flourishing. Watch Dr. Heitler in action, and you'll learn how to:
* Gain control in the first session, and keep subsequent sessions safe
* Defuse anger in the therapy office, without taking sides
* Teach techniques for preventing anger escalations at home
* Convert inflammatory interactions to cooperative dialogue
* Help couples develop positive communication skills, so core issues are addressed and resolved.
THE ANGRY COUPLE offers a solid framework for students, fresh perspectives for seasoned therapists, and engaging learning for
couples looking to enhance their relationship.
#10866/1745 75 minutes $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Couples therapy is exceedingly difficult to master, and in-depth training and
experience in individual therapy unfortunately does not prepare one for the rapid
pace, potential pitfalls, and multifaceted nature of working with couples in crisis.
This exceptional series will help you whether you are new to couples therapy, or a
seasoned practitioner wishing to expand your skills. It is especially compelling to
view these leading experts translate theory into practice; although their underlying
assumptions and techniques vary widely, each manages to find unique way to engage
with the couple and begin to help them sort out the areas where they are stuck or in
conflict. This unique series showcases six leading couples therapist conducting live
sessions and then discussing their work. By viewing these practitioners actually doing
couples therapy, students and therapists-in-training will get a better sense of what
couples therapy is really like, and can have different styles to emulate.
There are six titles in this series.
Detailed descriptions of each title are available upon request:
#13885/1745 Six programs $159.95 each or Series $799.95
*Includes Instructor’s Manuals
MAKING DIVORCE WORK: A Clinical Approach to the Binuclear Family
In this compelling video, renowned therapist Constance Ahrons demonstrates her groundbreaking approach to working with
divorced families, with an emphasis on helping ex-spouses and new spouses effectively manage their shared parenting
obligations. In a time when fifty percent of American marriages end in divorce, therapists frequently encounter families
struggling with the aftermath. This video depicts a series of productive and poignant therapy sessions with an entire binuclear
family: the divorced mother and father, their two sons, and the new wife of the children's father. Dr. Ahrons aptly demonstrates
how, over time, she brings these reluctant family members together to begin forging a more agreeable, cooperative approach to
By watching this video, you’ll learn how to:
* Assist divorced couples in overcoming their resistance to meeting together to address their children's problems.
* Help binuclear families break out of unproductive patterns and explore new territory in cooperative relationships.
* Foster constructive, non-blaming conversations between ex-partners about joint child rearing issues.
* Help ex-spouses develop a long-term view in which they retain a sense of kinship in fulfilling their joint roles as parents
#13938/1745 45 minutes $159.95 *Includes Instructor’s Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
In this video of an actual cognitive therapy session, Dr. Judith Beck works with Anne to develop practical skills that will enable
her to lose weight and make enduring changes to her lifestyle. While Beck bases her approach on the core principles of Cognitive
Therapy, the tools and techniques demonstrated in this video can be integrated with many types of therapeutic styles and will be
useful to any therapist working with clients with weight issues. Clients with weight issues frequently become caught in a vicious
cycle of losing weight and gaining it back, impairing their ability to enjoy their lives fully. At the same time, many therapists
struggle with how to be helpful to these clients. This video will help therapists develop the skills required to fully utilize CBT in
these cases. *A detailed description of this program is available on our website
#13873/1745 75 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Encounter groups are at the heart of therapeutic communities. They demonstrate a break from traditional addiction counseling
techniques and have been proven to be an effective and important means for change. However, institutional demands including
increased paperwork and funding cuts have recently threatened the livelihood of encounter groups. In this series, Rod Mullen
creates a strong argument for how and why we need to keep the encounter group thriving. Illustrated with powerful and
compelling vignettes from actual encounter groups, these videos explore how encounter groups have evolved, what we can do to
improve groups and overcome pitfalls, and what the keys are to leading successful groups.
Mullen explores the evolution of encounter groups beginning with the first groups created by Synanon founder Chuck Dederich in
the 1950s. Mullen discusses the essential elements of these first groups including honesty, authenticity and mutual self-helpelements that are still core to encounter groups today. He highlights that although the brutal confrontational style of the first
groups have softened, the commitment to hold oneself and other accountable remains central. He also discusses the challenges
that face encounter groups and offers guidance on how to work within managed care systems while holding on to the traditions
that make encounter groups such an effective means for change. 65 minutes
Mullen walks us through several groups to show us what
works and what does not work when facilitating an
encounter group. He warns us of several traps
facilitators can fall into: dominating the group, getting
into power struggles, not being prepared or knowing
the group members, and leading groups that are too
large and don't go deep enough. Through numerous
vignettes, he illustrates solutions to these common
problems, and offers words of experience and wisdom
to the encounter group facilitator: know your people,
be prepared, get feedback, and listen, listen, listen!
75 minutes
Mullen discusses several key components to fostering
growth and change in groups. He first explores the
"marathon group" and how these day or weeklong
sessions can bring participants into deeper
understanding of themselves and what they need to
change. He then discusses the importance of moral growth and ways in which facilitators can lead groups that foster moral
growth by providing credible role models, healthy levels of conflict, role-reversal, and the teaching of responsibility. Finally,
Mullen discusses the prevalence of PTSD among addicts and how encounter groups offer opportunities to heal from childhood
abuse. 75 minutes
#12824/1745 Three programs 2009 $129.95 each or Series $299.95 *Includes Instructor's Manuals
This program is aimed at clinicians, therapists, trainers, supervisors/managers of group programs as well as general health
professionals and students preparing to use group therapy as a treatment modality. It provides an opportunity to observe the
process and techniques of interactive group therapy for drug and alcohol dependent persons. The purpose is to facilitate
understanding and sensitivity to group process across cultures and to demonstrate the most important function of a group leader
- directing the focus of the group through interventions that promote dynamic interaction. Using a series of seven vignettes - 13
to 32 minutes each - easily manoeuverable via these DVDs - the program follows a group through their development from the
Acquaintance Phase to the Working Phase. It details various forms of resistance that group leaders can expect to meet and offers
guidelines to bring about optimal results. DVD # 1 will contain the three programs entitled Bridging, Group Resistance and
Individual Resistance. DVD # 2 will contain four programs. Transference, Counter-Transference, Corrective Emotional Experience
and Reality Testing and Feedback. Both DVDs allow play all or selection of individual vignettes.
*A TRAINING EXCELLENCE Program - DVD #9223/2045 Two DVDs $379.95
* Includes 49-page Guide for Professional Training
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Group therapy is increasingly used in a wide variety of settings, but unfortunately many therapists receive little if any training in
this modality, and are thrown in to a group to do their best. The result is that therapists often attempt to do individual therapy
in a group setting, resulting in ineffective leadership and poor outcome. This powerful series teaches the core skills any group
therapist needs, and then shows how they can be applied to different populations and settings; they are tremendously useful for
self-study as well as teaching and training use. These are the definitive training videos by the leading authority on group therapy.
Watch Irvin Yalom skillfully lead outpatient and inpatient therapy groups, and explain what he is doing and why.
Volume One - OUTPATIENTS portrays a re-enactment of four segments of group sessions over the course of a mixed adult
psychotherapy group. Dr. Yalom provides insightful, behind-the-scene commentary regarding his interventions. You'll see how his
interpersonal model is applied, and learn techniques to
steer groups into the here-and-now so they remain
dynamic, on-track, and powerfully therapeutic. The
general principles clearly outlined her will be extremely
helpful and applicable to all therapists leading outpatient
psychotherapy groups.
Volume Two - INPATIENTS will teach you how to run
effective groups with challenging clinical populations. This
video program shows Dr. Yalom in action conducting an
entire group session in an inpatient psychiatric setting,
based on an adaptation of his Interpersonal Model of group
psychotherapy. This highly structured approach helps to
contain rather than escalate client anxiety, and can be
adapted to work with a wide range of lower to midfunctioning populations in diverse clinical settings.
The group session is presented in three main segments:
Orientation, Agenda Formation, and Agenda Filling. Dr.
Yalom provides commentary before and after each
segment, giving clear step-by-step explanations of the
specific interventions and overall structure. After viewing this program you will no longer tolerate unproductive sessions where
clients go on with lengthy monologues about problems they have discussed for years. Instead you will be eager to harness the
power of the here-and-now, helping clients to give and receive useful feedback, and develop more adaptive interpersonal skills.
This video clearly demonstrates that valuable therapeutic work can be done in a single session!
In Volume Three - AN INTERVIEW - Dr. Yalom engages in an in-depth discussion of the finer points of group therapy. He
elucidates the therapeutic factors that are at play in a well-running group, and tackles such issues as selection of group
members, dealing with dropouts, and working with a co-leader. He also discusses the early professional influences in his life that
inspired his interest in both group work and existential psychotherapy, his research on bereavement, and his concerns for the
next generation of psychotherapists.
#11740/1745 Three programs $499.95 *Includes Training Manuals
IRVIN YALOM: Live Case Consultation
Three therapists with varying levels of experience present the following cases to master clinician Irvin Yalom: SUE - 50 year old
divorced woman struggling to find meaning in her life after a failed marriage and an empty nest; PAUL - Artist with work
inhibition, yearning for more in his life; and, JEFFREY - Group therapy patient seeking help to control angry outbursts in
marriage. Dr. Yalom responds to both the clinical issues and the therapists' reactions and counter-transference, always looking
for opportunities to bring more focus into the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship. He highlights key existential themes,
interweaving ideas from writers and philosophers who have influenced his thinking, as well as clinical vignettes from his own
practice. #10870/1745 90 minutes $179.95 *Includes Training Manual
Albert Ellis and his protege, Janet Wolfe, demonstrate the tools and techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in
this gripping series of our programs.
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with clients struggling with addiction by watching the originator of the method
in an actual therapy session.
See REBT in action in an actual therapy session with a client needing help with anger management.
See REBT in action in an actual therapy session with a single mother struggling to effectively parent her teenage children.
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) from the man who developed the method in a therapy session with
Roseanne, whose husband committed suicide in front of her and her baby daughter ten years ago.
#13877/1745 Four programs 2010 $149.95 each or Series $499.95
*Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
and TRAUMA AND THE BODY: A Psychodramatic Approach
In these extremely powerful live group sessions, master clinician and psychodramatist Tian Dayton works with group participants
to confront childhood abuse, and work through trauma that they are carrying in their bodies. Dayton addresses these delicate
issues with directness and great care, employing innovative action-oriented techniques that you can use in your work with
clients, whether you are trained in psychodrama or not.
Psychodrama recreates powerful relational dynamics from
the past to bring about cathartic change in the present.
Trauma from child abuse remains trapped inside us and
continues to threaten our feelings of safety and wellbeing
through adulthood. Psychodrama allows us to safely
reinhabit the body at the point of past abuse and make
sense of the experience from an adult perspective. In this
video, Bob fears that he is passing on the legacy of abuse
from his stepfather to his four-year-old granddaughter. He
acts out scenes with his mother, stepfather and
granddaughter, playing both himself and reversing roles. In
so doing, Tian helps Bob release hidden emotions, say the
things he never got to as a child, and create new meaning
around his past and current relationships.
*English Subtitles for hearing-impaired viewers
#12903 55 minutes
TRAUMA AND THE BODY: A Psychodramatic Approach
The body remembers the trauma that the mind does not. Psychodrama provides a space for the body to speak, for somatic
memory to become conscious, and for the mind to connect and process what the body is experiencing. In this video, Travis
speaks to his wounded heart and works through his fear of dying; Sheila speaks to her mother who committed suicide and
releases anger that was locked up for many years; and Amal speaks to the birth mother she never met, confronting the belief
that she was never loved or wanted. Dayton highlights the emotion that emerges from these participants' bodies, and helps give
voice and meaning to the catharsis that emerges so that an
*English Subtitles for hearing-impaired viewers #12904 86 minutes
#12903/1745 and #12904/1745 Two programs 2009 $159.95 each *Includes Instructor's Manuals
Although sexuality is one of the greatest pleasures in life and an opportunity for gratification and fulfillment, it can be complex,
difficult, and sometimes even traumatic. Men and women are often confused about themselves as sexual beings and are
vulnerable to distorted self-perceptions and destructive internal voices that have been incorporated during their developmental
years. This compelling film explores three fundamental questions: "What is healthy sexuality?" "What is love?" and "Why do so
many men and women find it difficult to sustain closeness, sexuality and love in their intimate relationships?" Dr. Robert
Firestone describes early childhood experiences and societal influences that impact an individual's emerging sexuality. These
concepts are vividly brought to life as actual couples explore their sexual and relational dynamics, and identify destructive
thoughts and critical voices that often occur before, during or after a sexual experience. Finally, the film introduces clinicians to
Voice Therapy, a powerful approach that they can use to help clients challenge the voices that interfere with healthy sexual
relating and sustain a relationship that combines true intimacy and sexuality.
#12822/1745 54 minutes 2009 $119.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Watch Harry J. Aponte, a highly regarded therapist who worked closely with Salvador Minuchin, demonstrate his unique approach
to Structural Therapy in this compelling family therapy session. In this three-part video, Aponte discusses his approach to family
therapy, conducts a real session with this challenging family, and then offers commentary about the session. Aponte’s responses
to questions from an audience of therapists further elucidate the rationale behind his interventions. If you’ve ever struggled with
how to engage a hard-to-reach client or are curious about applying a structural approach to therapeutic work with challenging
families, this video will prove to be both inspiring and instructive.
*A detailed description of this program is available on our website.
*Note that this is the same family as in the Phil Guerin Video Bowenian Family Therapy, so it is interesting to contrast the styles
of these two master therapists.
#13894/1745 114 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Jeffrey Kottler showcases his expert skills in integrating multiple therapy approaches in an actual counseling session in this threepart video. What Jeffrey Kottler has noticed in his vast training in multiple theoretical perspectives is that all kinds of therapy
work. Good therapy is when the therapist engages the client and combines certain core ingredients including a combination of
insight and action, and cognition and affect. In this video, Kottler engages with a client who is struggling with two losses: the
ending of a romantic relationship and her children moving out. You'll be impressed by how quickly he makes a connection with
her and uses this alliance to allow his interventions to take root. Creatively pulling techniques from a variety of approaches, and
even using humor, he helps her develop a new focus on how she can bridge her loneliness by reaching out to people in new ways.
Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Kottler and facilitate a discussion on the approach.
#12752/1745 105 minutes 1997/2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Watch Allen Ivey masterfully demonstrate Integrative Therapy in an actual counseling session in this three-part counseling video.
What a treat to see this innovative therapist in action! Allen Ivey is both a developmentalist and a true integrationist. He helps
clients get to know their strengths on self, relationship and community levels by exploring stories from their pasts, borrowing
techniques from all orientations depending on the client’s needs and goals. In this video, Ivey works with Robin, who wants to
capture the strengths of her family background rather than the negative legacies that she often feels influence her behavior. Ivey
helps her explore poignant details from her past, evoking sensory details that lead Robin to own and carry with her a core
strength: "I can make an impact". Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Ivey and facilitate an enlightening discussion
with Dr. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey on the approach.
#12753/1745 105 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
JAMES BUGENTAL: Live Case Consultation
Presents a rare and invaluable opportunity to view renowned existential - humanistic psychotherapist James Bugental
demonstrate his unique group consultation style. Watch as Bugental asks seasoned psychotherapist Orah Krug to role-play her
client "Joe", allowing the case to come alive in the room. Bugental hones in on the client's resistance, and demonstrates his
mastery of bringing the subjective experience of both the therapist and the client to the forefront. Rather than assuming the role
of expert in the supervision process, Bugental helps Orah discover her own truths about where Joe is stuck, and use her
discoveries from the role-play to further deepen the therapeutic work. Then watch as the group comes together for enlightening
discussion - Bugental elucidates the critical importance of subjectivity in both psychotherapy and consultation, and explains the
therapeutic process of inner searching through personal stories and therapeutic anecdotes. Also included are four bonus tracks,
where Bugental relates inspiring, touching and often funny stories from his lifetime of
knowledge and therapeutic experience.
#12487/1745 68 minutes $169.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
INVISIBLE CHILD ABUSE with Robert Firestone, PhD
Emotional child abuse is frequently overlooked in our focus on physical and sexual
abuse, often invisible to those both outside and inside the family. However, the
damage that emotional child abuse can sustain has severe impact later in life on a
person's self-esteem, relationships, and career. In this film, actual group participants
discuss how despite their successes they continue to treat themselves the way they
were treated as children, and continually struggle with the ghosts of their childhood.
In powerful footage, men and women discuss painful incidences, and uncover the
legacy of emotional child abuse that often spans multiple generations. Featured
therapist Dr. Robert Firestone works with these group participants to give them voice
to the abuse they experienced, as well as to the child that couldn't then fight back.
*Includes a downloadable chapter by Dr. Firestone entitled, "Therapeutic Approach to
Parenting Groups"
#12820/1745 55 minutes 2009 $119.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Rogers, PhD
Watch Natalie Rogers masterfully integrate expressive arts with a client-focused
approach in an actual therapy session in this three-part video. Natalie Rogers tells us that to experience empathy is to
understand what a powerful experience it is. Combining the person-centered philosophy of her father and the expressive arts
background from her mother, Rogers uses artwork to allow her clients to go beyond words, and provides an environment that
allows each individual to tap into his or her inner resources and full potential. In this video, Rogers works with a client who feels
torn between her responsibilities as a stay at home mother and her desire for independence. Rogers helps her to express this
conflict through drawing, allowing the client to begin exploring what she wants out of her life and who she wants to become. Jon
Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Rogers and facilitate a discussion on the approach.
#12755/1745 119 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
Privilege, Reporting, and Duty to Warn
This engaging, entertaining and informative program is ideal for teaching and clinical trainings. The four lively vignettes include
incisive commentary by Stephen Feldman, a renowned expert in the fields of both law and psychology. *What's the difference
between privilege and confidentiality? *When are therapists allowed to break confidentiality and when are they required to?
*When can progress notes or confidential psychotherapy notes be subpoenaed as evidence in a trial? *How does a therapist know
when to break confidentiality to warn someone of potential danger? *What exactly does "reasonable cause to suspect" mean
when deciding whether to report child abuse? *Is failing to report child abuse an ethical violation, or is it actually a crime? This
comprehensive DVD will answer all these questions and more. You'll learn how the laws impact your practice, as you watch these
lively dramatizations of a judge and her law clerk discuss actual key cases in the creation of mental health laws including
Tarasoff and Jaffe V. Redmond. As the judge debates both sides of the argument and makes her decisions, you'll see how court
rulings became laws and how they impact clinical, ethical, legal and moral concerns.
#13903/1745 140 minutes 2008 $229.95 *Includes Instructor’s Manual
Relationships, Boundaries, Standards of Care and
A pragmatic, informative and entertaining video offering solutions to
the common ethical dilemmas that mental health practitioners face.
Ideal for classrooms, clinical trainings, and licensed clinicians
completing their CE requirement. Do you know:
*Good recordkeeping is what can help you the most if a complaint is
brought against you by your licensing board? *Ethical rules vary by
licensing board and state when it comes to such vital issues as
confidentiality and privilege? *What makes a boundary crossing a
boundary violation, and when that violation becomes unethical and
exploitive? *The different standards of care as treatment provider and evaluator? Volume II of this series addresses ethics, and
the particular concern of being investigated by one’s licensing board for an alleged violation. Specifically, these four lively
discussions between a psychologist, lawyer and journalist cover such murky matters as: bartering, boundaries, touch, selfdisclosure, gifts, multiple-member clients such as couples and families, the initiation of treatment, breaches in confidentiality,
ending treatment, electronic records, HIPAA, client debt, client suicide and a clinician’s death. Presented by Stephen Feldman,
an expert in mental health law, this video lays out simple changes all clinicians can make to protect themselves and their
practice. This is an invaluable resource that will dispel doubts and fears, enabling therapists to practice more confidently.
#13567/1745 191 minutes 2010 $229.95 *Includes Instructor’s Manual
Master therapist Jean McLendon demonstrates Satir Family Therapy in this very compelling and touching video. Watch as
McLendon, one of the foremost practitioners of Virginia Satir’s approach to family therapy, in this touching live session with
Janice, a single mother, and her eleven-year-old son, John. Learn the essence of the Satir method as McLendon elegantly
demonstrates what she calls "a model for the brave and courageous and the big-hearted souls." "I just want to stop having so
much anger inside and just stop being mean to other people," declares John at the beginning of the session. Unlike many children
who get dragged to therapy against their will by their parents, John stepped up to the plate to ask his mother if he could talk to
a counselor about his anger. In this heart-warming session, McLendon gently helps John accept the sadness underneath his anger,
as she uncovers a series of significant losses John has had to face so early in his young life. With deep care and reverence,
McLendon helps both John and his mother to embrace the vulnerable parts of themselves with tenderness and love. Viewers will
have the opportunity to watch McLendon skillfully demonstrate key aspects of the Satir approach, such as creating safety, making
contact, and validating feelings and desires. She also shows how the family mapping technique can be used as a visual tool to
help deepen the work. An added bonus is an engaging discussion after the session that sheds further light on the Satir approach
to family therapy. #13896/1745 104 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
MIND-BODY THERAPY with Ernest Rossi, PhD
Advances in neuroscience confirm the importance of the mind-body connection. Watch pioneer Ernest Rossi demonstrate a MindBody approach in an actual therapy session in this three-part video! Ernest Rossi brings to light important new research
indicating that the brain is constantly growing and changing, and, with this, the profound realization that our mind and its
responses can also change. In this video, Rossi works with Robin, who says she is constantly analyzing but doesn’t know how to
imagine. Rossi endeavors to elicit a sense of wonder in Robin, leading her in mind-body exercises that challenge her to think in
new ways. In so doing Robin uncovers a belief that she always needs to have control, as well as a previously unknown desire to
find some mental peace and quiet. Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Rossi and facilitate an enlightening discussion
on the approach. #12754/1745 117 minutes2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
The founder of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman, PhD, introduces Positive Psychotherapy. In this landmark interview by
Randall C. Wyatt, Seligman emphasizes that happiness is not just the absence of disorder, as "psychology as usual" might
contend. Rather, happiness derives from an execution of our signature strengths. Seligman demonstrates a new set of rigorously
tested interventions that lastingly increase happiness while decreasing depression. Dr. Seligman discusses his predecessors
Maslow, Rogers, and Beck, what he took from them, and what he changed. He proposes new questions like, "What was the best
experience you ever had?" And he explains how easy, enormously fun and important techniques can be grafted on to therapy with
all clients to help them live a more engaged, meaningful, and thus happier life. After watching this lively, personally revealing
conversation, you'll be eager to apply these innovative ideas to your psychotherapy practice!
#12496/1745 77 minutes 2008 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
DISORDERS: An Interview with Otto Kernberg, M.D.
Working with severe personality disorders is perhaps the most challenging task clinicians
face. And while the psychoanalytic literature offers profound insights on this topic, it also
can be quite daunting to many therapists.
In this interview, Kernberg first lays out the core principle of Object Relations theory,
and his concept of the "borderline personality organization", characterized by identity
diffusion, that underlies severe personality disorders. He walks viewers through the
Structured Interview for Personality Organization, giving therapists the opportunity to
learn a highly effective and pragmatic way to begin treatment by assessing whether
patients suffer from an underlying personality disorder. Kernberg goes on to describe his
detailed, manualized, psychoanalytic treatment protocol, explaining the four core
treatment techniques: interpretation, transference analysis, technical neutrality, and
counter-transference analysis.
Weaving in examples of his own challenging cases, such as an enraged patient who
brought in scissors to session and cut up all of his plants, Kernberg serves as a guide for
therapists who want support in understanding and managing the dynamics of the
oftentimes difficult therapeutic relationship with severely disturbed patients. He
discusses how to set limits with chronically suicidal patients, how to work with aggression
and violence, how to deal with countertransference reactions, and the essentiality of
collegial support. #13936/1745 96 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
New! OTTO KERNBERG: Live Case Consultation
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to sit in on three fascinating consultation sessions with legendary psychoanalyst, Dr. Otto
Kernberg. The clarity of his insights, and the direct and practical advice he gives, will certainly dispel many myths about
contemporary psychoanalytic practice.
1. Amy presents the case of a woman who grew up being severely sexually abused. According to Amy, "She’d be happy if she
never had sex for the rest of her life". Amy wants to be able to better help her client free herself from her victim stance and
black/white thinking.
2. Steve discusses a client he has been seeing for four months yet still feels like a stranger. Steve wonders why his client’s
conflicts with his wife, which led him into therapy in the first place, don’t come up in sessions.
3. Annie describes her work with an isolated, single man who is longing for a fully expressed sexual life, yet is caught in
masochistic and fetishistic wishes. Annie has tried to help him with his extreme sexual inhibition yet feels stuck when her
convictions clash with the approach of the 12-step group he attends.
By viewing these consultations, you’ll get a keen sense of Kernberg’s mastery of working with extremely challenging patients, as
well as his skill as a teacher and consultant. By asking a series of wisely chosen questions, he is able to quickly hone in on key
characterological aspects of the patients, as well as the dynamics of the therapist-client interactions, and then offer extremely
useful and jargon-free suggestions on how each therapist can proceed in a more effective manner.
#13937/1745 146 minutes 2010 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Watch a true master, Dr. Peter A. Levine, demonstrate a course of body-oriented trauma therapy in this extremely compelling
and in-depth video with an Iraq Veteran diagnosed with severe PTSD. Working with Ray's presenting symptoms over the course of
five sessions, Levine introduces a number of essential trauma resolution techniques that markedly improve Ray's Tourette-like
convulsions, as well as his overall pain and emotional outlook. Levine developed Somatic Experiencing® based on the premise
that trauma overwhelms the nervous system and that it needs to be addressed somatically before emotional processing is
possible. Thorough commentary by Levine, as well as an extensive interview, helps to elucidate the subtleties of his methods.
You will walk away from this video with a sound understanding of this approach to trauma work. This method can be integrated
with and add richness to a number of therapeutic modalities and can be used to treat all manner of trauma - from car accidents,
surgeries, child abuse, experiences of violence, and so on.
#13566/1745 200 minutes 2010 $249.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
This video is a must for all those working in and developing therapeutic communities in prisons! Dr. Harry Wexler walks through
the past and current research developments on the efficacy of Therapeutic Communities in prisons. A timeline from the 1950s to
present details how the model developed in prisons, and what research efforts supported that development. Wexler discusses a
breadth of topics including: the evidence that prison treatment alone is insufficient for long-term change, and the importance of
aftercare; the benefits and potential problems of manual-based treatment; the need for incentives; the importance of bridging
TC members and facilitators with their outside communities; and the promising new research of TCs in maximum-security prisons
and the potential of reducing violence among their prisoners.
#12833/1745 43 minutes 2009 $119.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
Since the 1950s therapeutic communities (TCs) have effectively treated people with the most severe cases of substance abuse.
The focus on an all encompassing community and peer support model is still thriving in TCs today. This comprehensive series
blends historical and contemporary footage from active TCs with George De Leon's expert lectures on the framework, methods
and components of an ideal TC.
De Leon lays out the framework and theory underlying a therapeutic community, including the TC approach to substance abuse
treatment and recovery. He explains that the TC is different from other treatment models in that it views substance abuse as a
disorder of the whole person, and aims to treat that whole person, not just the drug addiction. Thus, TCs create social living
situations where all aspects of a person's personality are displayed in work, formal groups and social activities, and then
addressed directly by the community. 54 minutes
De Leon explains how a therapeutic community uses its social environment to change individuals' behaviors, lifestyles and
identities. The community is the method itself: constant participation, evaluation, feedback and reinforcement of personal
responsibility are core components of daily life. 44 minutes
De Leon goes beyond theory to explain the specific operations of an ideal therapeutic community: what happens on a daily basis,
what the physical space looks like, what activities are involved, and what are the functions and roles of the staff and community
members. He emphasizes that all TCs can maximize their efficacy by enhancing and adhering to these components. 79 minutes
#12825/1745 Three programs 2009 $129.95 each or Series $299.95 *Includes Instructor's Manuals
Each of these fifteen programs provides comprehensive explanations and demonstrations from highly regarded experts in the
field. Excellent for professional development and students of psychotherapy.
ADLERIAN THERAPY with Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD #12749
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY with John Krumboltz, PhD #12751
FAMILY SYSTEMS THERAPY with Kenneth V. Hardy, PhD #12491
INTEGRATIVE COUNSELING with Jeffrey Kottler, PhD #12752
INTEGRATIVE THERAPY with Allen Ivey, EdD #12753
MIND-BODY THERAPY with Ernest Rossi, PhD #12754
MULTIMODAL THERAPY with Arnold Lazarus, PhD #12495
OBJECT RELATIONS THERAPY with Jill Savege Scharff, MD #12489
TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS with Mary Goulding, MSW #12756
FEMINIST THERAPY with Lenore Walker, EdD #12868
REALITY THERAPY with Robert E. Wubbolding, EdD #12869
COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY with Donald Meichenbaum, PhD #12819
*Detailed descriptions of each program are available
#12730/1745 Fifteen programs 2009 $159.95 each or Series $1,889.95 *Includes Instructor's Manuals
Watch Mary Goulding demonstrate Transactional Analysis and Redecision Therapy in this three-part video. You’ll be impressed by
how deeply this master takes her client in a single session! Redecision Therapy combines elements of Transactional Analysis and
Gestalt Therapy. Using positive strokes, encouragement, and bringing the past into the present, Goulding helps her clients
change paths from decisions made at a young age. She helps her client Beverly act out pivotal childhood moments, return to her
recently passed mother’s graveside for a final goodbye, and speak directly to her 12-year-old self, helping Beverly mourn losses
and open new doors for the future. Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Goulding and facilitate an enlightening discussion
on the approach. #12756/1745 123 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
This series consists of seven programs:
1. STAGES OF CHANGE FOR ADDICTIONS model with John C. Norcross
Years of research by Dr. Norcross and his colleagues have helped to identify the stages people go through in addressing and
confronting addictions. In a psychotherapy based on this model, strategies and relationship stances are matched to the individual
client's stage. See Dr. Norcross works with a client who is in early recovery from cocaine addiction and contemplating changing
his use of alcohol. #11536
***Best Seller! 2. MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING with William R. Miller
Dr. Miller demonstrates how Motivational Interviewing helps people resolve their ambivalence
about changing addictive behaviors. The therapist creates an atmosphere that is conducive to
change by expressing empathy and encouragement, rolling with resistance, and helping the
client explore the gaps between their current behaviors and the life they would like to lead. In
this video, Dr. Miller works with a client who is considering changing his alcohol use and
smoking habits. #11537
3. COGNITIVE THERAPY with Bruce S. Liese
Watch Dr. Liese demonstrate his cognitive therapy approach for addictions, as he collaborates
with the client to identify and change the thought patterns and maladaptive beliefs that relate
to addictive behaviors and lead to substance abuse. In this video, Dr. Liese works with a client
whose issues include alcohol abuse, cocaine abuse and involvement in the criminal justice
system. #11538
Psychotherapy and 12-step groups have complimentary roles in a client's process of recovery,
so illustrates expert on addictions Dr. Zweben as she focuses on the role of such groups as
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous within the therapy session. In this video, Dr.
Zweben works with a Desert Storm veteran who is currently drinking and who is considering
the possibility of contacting Alcoholics Anonymous. #11539
Harm Reduction Therapy is an innovative approach that focuses on reducing the harmful consequences of drug use. The therapist
accepts the client on his or her own terms and tries to reduce barriers to treatment. In this video, see expert on harm reduction
therapy and relapse prevention, Dr. Marlatt, work with a heroin-addicted client who is considering entry into a methadone
program. #11541
Dr. McCrady reminds us that alcohol and drug problems always exist in a context that includes families and relationships, and
that couples therapy is an important model for working with addictions. Dr. McCrady uses a behavioral approach that helps the
client change his or her addictive behaviors, helps the partner learn to respond differently, and helps the couple change the
relationship itself. In this video, Dr. McCrady works with a young couple trying to change behaviors related to alcohol and
marijuana use. #11542
Watch as Dr. Wubbolding adapts his renowned Reality Therapy approach to work with clients struggling with addictions. His
practical and systematic approach helps clients evaluate the effectiveness of current behaviors and focus on practical plans of
action for change. In the video, Dr. Wubbolding works with a client whose recovery from cocaine addiction is complicated by
depression. #11543
#11535/1745 Seven programs $159.95 each or Series $959.95 *Includes Instructor's Guides
Finally, a video that shows clinicians of all orientations how to provide effective treatment for alcoholics, without having to
choose between a 12-step versus psychotherapeutic approach! Dr. Brown demonstrates her Developmental Model in the
treatment of "Ted," a forty-eight year old manager, who initially denies that his drinking is related to problems at home and onthe-job. While skillfully fostering the therapeutic alliance, Dr. Brown gently but persistently brings alcohol into the focus of the
treatment. This video follows the course of treatment through the four stages of the Developmental Model: Drinking, Transition,
Early Recovery, and Ongoing Recovery. In a dramatic re-enactment of key moments in seven outpatient sessions over the course
of five years, we see Dr. Brown address the multitude of challenges inherent in the treatment of alcoholics. Psychotherapists and
chemical dependency counselors alike will find a wellspring of material in this program to enhance their existing skills in working
with this difficult population. #11071
This program will help viewers gain an in-depth understanding of the critical phases required to lead alcoholic clients through
their recovery. In Volume 2 of this highly acclaimed video series, Dr. Brown presents her groundbreaking research that led to the
Developmental Model, which emphasizes that sobriety is the mid-point, not the end-point in the full recovery of any alcoholic.
She then leads viewers step by step through the four phases of alcoholism recovery: Drinking, Transition, Early Recovery, Ongoing
Recovery, detailing the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional characteristics of the alcoholic at each stage. She defines key tasks
that face the therapist and client during each phase, as well as challenges for mental health practitioners and substance abuse
professionals in fulfilling these tasks. #11072
#10860/1745 Two DVDs $299.95 (or individually $229.95 and $139.95 respectively) *Includes Training Manuals
Visit our Website!!!
255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
What prevents most people from being able to sustain romantic, meaningful relationships that satisfy their needs and desires? In
this film, actual group participants identify negative thoughts or voices toward themselves and others that seriously impair their
capacity for intimate relating. Dr. Robert Firestone helps them identify and understand this negative thought process, and
challenge the self-defeating behavior patterns through the powerful technique of Voice Therapy. Voice Therapy quickly taps into
clients' core negative beliefs and combines insight with deep effect in a way that profoundly shifts clients' point of view toward
self and others to a more compassionate and realistic perspective. By verbalizing their negative thoughts in the second person,
clients are able to separate themselves from their harsh and hostile inner voices. Through the use of this technique and further
collaboration with the therapist on resisting destructive acting out and increasing positive behavior, clients gain greater levels of
intimacy in their relationships, experience a lift in their depression, and resist relapse into self-defeating behaviors.
#12823/1745 46 minutes 2009 $119.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
VOICES OF SUICIDE: Learning from Those Who Lived
This video is an invaluable resource for mental health professionals in understanding the
minds of suicidal individuals and the elements necessary for successful treatment and
recovery. Learn from three people that made highly lethal suicide attempts and survived, as
they courageously share their stories of self-destructiveness, survival, and recovery. They
reveal intimate details of their life histories that contributed to their attempts. In addition,
interviews from expert psychologists provide important insights into the relationship
between early developmental experiences and the later psychological states that lead to
suicidal behavior. Special features include a directory of resources on suicide prevention,
and information on and publications by the experts featured in this program.
Featured experts in this video include Dr. Lisa Firestone, Dr. Robert Firestone, Dr. Allan
Schore, Dr. David Jobes, Dr. Israel Orbach, and Dr. David Rudd.
#12493/1745 62 minutes 2008 $129.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
It is certainly a treat to see one of the most bold and influential psychotherapists of our
generation in an actual therapy session. Watch Albert Ellis demonstrate his signature style:
confrontative, headstrong and steadfastly rational - and remarkably effective in just one
session. Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy by watching the originator of the method in a therapy session with
Roseanne, whose husband committed suicide in front of her and her baby daughter ten years ago. Ellis immediately points out
how Roseanne uses the irrational beliefs of "condemnation" and "demandingness" to keep upsetting herself about the horrible
event. Using REBT techniques, he helps Roseanne separate herself from her actions, reframing her belief that "I did a rotten
thing/that makes me a bad person" to "I did a rotten thing/that means I made a mistake, but I am not a bad person." You'll be
impressed at how quickly Ellis's reframes take root in Roseanne, as she repeats Ellis's teachings in her own words and from her
own heart. #13156/1745 48 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
How can you know if your family member or friend may be suicidal? How do you recognize the warning signs? How can you help?
This video program for the public describes the risk factors and warning signs of suicide and offers guidelines from experts in
suicide prevention and treatment for getting troubled loved ones to the professional help they need. You'll also hear from three
individuals who have made serious suicide attempts and lived, as they share their remarkable stories of self-destructiveness,
survival, and recovery. Featured experts include Dr. Lisa Firestone, Dr. Robert Firestone and Dr. David Jobes. This is a
companion video to VOICES OF SUICIDE: Learning from those who Lived, a video for mental health professionals. There is some
duplication of content in these two videos.
#12358/1745 28 minutes 2008 $99.95 *Includes Instructor’s Manual
SUICIDE AND SELF-HARM: Helping People at Risk with Linda Gask, MD
This comprehensive video from the University of Manchester walks through all the steps necessary to effectively intervene when
a client threatens suicide or self-harm. You'll learn about assessment, crisis management, problem solving, and crisis prevention
through a variety of realistic vignettes. Knowing what to do or say can be difficult to figure out when sitting with a potentially
suicidal client. By watching clinicians work with a range of clients - including a school teacher, a teenage addict, and a paranoidpsychotic man - you'll learn how to create a quick and effective alliance with your client, and how to ask the difficult questions
that are necessary to assess suicidality and help them through their crisis. With her expert narration, Dr. Linda Gask guides you
through each key step and technique of the process from beginning to end.
#12821/1745 91 minutes 2009 $159.95 *Includes Instructor's Manual
A LIFE WORTH LIVING: Suicide Among First Nations
This program looks at the suicide issue amongst First Nations from a historical and cultural perspective and presents
positive examples of native-run prevention programs. #11699/0735 28 minutes 2006 $159.95
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
INSIDE OUT: A Comprehensive Introduction to Psychology
This series offers a comprehensive introduction to psychology that goes beyond key concepts and principles to
provide learners - and anyone interested in the study of human behavior - an up-to-date look at the evolving world
of psychological science. The 22 video lessons combine interviews with leading experts and researchers; computer
graphics and animation; and real-life case studies that tell the story of psychology from a human perspective.
●THE BECOMING YEARS: Adolescence to Older Adults
While adolescence is the time we form identity and establish independence, the adult
years are marked by important life events, and an expansion of the self. Gerontologist
James Birren and his Guided Autobiography participants are the case here,
demonstrating that social and cognitive development does not end in the elder years. As
author David Myers says, “From womb to tomb we are always in the process of
●CODES OF LIFE: Behavior Genetics
Mark Newman and Gerald Levey are identical twins, separated at birth. They share the
same genes, but were raised by different parents in different environments. Studies of
separated twins and adopted siblings are providing insight into the relative impact of
genetic and environmental influences, and the extent to which variation among
individuals can be attributed to their differing genes. As molecular geneticist Robert
Plomin explains, DNA studies are pointing to the fact not one, or five, but hundreds of
genes each contribute a small amount of the variance for any one trait.
A solitary figure walks on the beach at dawn. Although he is alert to his surroundings, his
sensory systems take in only a fraction of the energy that envelops him. That which does
reach the receptor cells is captured and converted into signals that can be recognized by
the central nervous system. The ultimate destination for these signals is the cerebral
cortex. Tom Albright, Christof Koch, Gilles Laurent, and others examine the ways sensory
receptors take in stimuli as well as how the brain processes and ultimately translates
these signals into useful information.
●DIFFERENT STROKES: Nurture and Human Diversity
If genes are the canvass, is environment the brush that strokes the color and detail of
who we are? This lesson surveys the nurture portion of the human equation by examining
the influence of the prenatal environment, peer groups, and the power of culture.
Differences in the White, Latino, Asian, and African American cultures.
●EMOTION: Distinguishing Characteristics
Emotions chart the landscape of life—the highs, the lows, and the periods in between. Paul Ekman, Dacher Keltner, Bob
Levenson, and others pre-eminent in the field examine the distinguishing characteristics of emotion and probe such long-debated
issues as: which comes first, physiological arousal or emotional experience; the relationship between thinking and emotion; the
measurement of emotion; the impact of culture and gender on emotion, even the question of what is or is not a basic emotion.
Anger, forgiveness, and happiness are explored in greater depth.
●ENDLESS QUESTIONS: Critical Thinking and Research
It’s our nature to ask questions about ourselves and the world around us. But finding answers requires more than intuition and
common sense. This lesson asks the question, Does happiness lead to good health? then probes for answers using the multiple
methods at a researcher’s disposal: case study, survey, naturalistic observation, correlational studies and controlled
The classroom avenger on a deadly rampage, couples who discover their incompatibility after marriage, recruiters seeking
applicants with a rare combination of traits—all reflect the range of issues that fall within the scope of personality. This episode
looks briefly at personality from traditional perspectives before focusing on contemporary research: the big five personality
traits, personality inventories, and Albert Bandura’s social-cognitive perspective. The program continues to probe the dimensions
of just who we are by looking at studies of the self and self-esteem with Hazel Markus, Claude Steele, and other prominent
Until recent decades, little was known about how to treat psychological disorders. People who were seriously disturbed were
hidden away or confined to institutions, and treated in ways that look appalling by today’s standards. This episode looks intently
at both psychological and biomedical therapies, and combined approaches that are proving successful in the treatment of mental
illnesses. The role of the therapist and the support of community and family are key ingredients in long-term recovery efforts.
●GOING TO EXTREMES: Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia
David Myers refers to depression as the “common cold of psychological disorders.” This episode looks at the two major categories
of mood disorders—depression and bipolar disorder—and at the cluster of psychoses known as schizophrenia. The very personal
experiences of psychologists Kay Redfield Jamison, author of The Unquiet Mind, and Stephen Hinshaw, author of The Years of
Silence are Past, adds a significant dimension to the experience and understanding of these illnesses.
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838
●A GREAT MYSTERY: States of Consciousness -
Of all the topics in psychology, there is none more vigorously
debated than consciousness. In this lesson, researchers in neuroscience debate the mystery of consciousness and investigate the
dimensions of awareness, circadian rhythms, as well as sleep and dreams. Sleep disorders are also discussed, including recent
discoveries about narcolepsy, and the canines that suffer from this mysterious disorder.
●The Growing Years: Conception of Childhood - With the microscopic union of sperm and egg, the delicate
process of human development begins. From conception to infancy and childhood, this lesson examines the physical, cognitive,
and social changes during the early stages of life. Developmental psychologists debate findings from the Yale Infant Cognition Lab
that asserts babies’ abilities to add and subtract.
●In the Driver’s Seat: Motivation - Our desire to lose weight is often no match for the pull of a cheeseburger. It’s no
wonder our minds and appetites are in a constant battle for the driver’s seat! This lesson explores multiple elements of
psychological motivation including hunger for air, eating disorders, the desire for sex, and the need to belong. Other important
topics include sexual orientation, motivation in the workplace, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow .
To construct the outside world inside our heads requires us to select, organize,
and interpret sensations, transforming them into perceptions that create meaning. With sensory overload, what slips through to
the final translation? Daniel Simons and Anne Treisman illustrate how change blindness and selective attention can impact
interpretation. Such clues as figure-ground, segmentation, and grouping; depth perception and motion allow us to decipher
sensory input with a degree of confidence. But just how the brain merges all of these various inputs into a coherent whole is a
question researchers are still struggling to answer.
●THE LEARNING MACHINE: Learning - With neurons in the brain continually associating one event with another, it’s
no wonder neuroscientist Michael Merzenich describes what’s in our head as “a learning machine.” This lesson delves into the
multiple ways humans and animals learn, with case studies on classical and operant conditioning, as well as Albert Bandura’s
work on pro-social observational learning.
●THE MAGIC OF THE MIND: The Story of Psychology - Psychology touches virtually every aspect of our lives.
Many of its current themes can be traced back to questions that have confronted scholars throughout history. But today the study
of behavior, thoughts and feelings is bolstered by new scientific tools and approaches. As a result the field is expanding in
directions that would have been unheard of just a few decades ago, providing us with new insight into the magic of the mind.
●THE MIND’S STOREHOUSE: Memory - Is memory reliable? Why is it that we remember where we were on 9/11, but
not the day before? These questions and others are tackled by leading memory researchers who discuss topics such as encoding,
storage, and retrieval of memory. Demonstrations of short term memory are also presented and renowned researcher, Elizabeth
Loftus, explains her role in debunking the phenomenon of repressed memories.
●THE MOST AMAZING MACHINE: Neuroscience and Behavior - "Everything psychological, is ultimately
biological," says author and researcher David Myers. This lesson plunges into the expanding field of neuroscience and the biology
behind behavior, exploring how areas of the brain and brain chemistry can alter mood and cognition. Pioneering researchers
discuss their role in the first split-brain surgeries, and a 20 year-old stroke survivor receives a breakthrough treatment.
●OUT OF BALANCE: Anxiety and Personality Disorders - Samuel Barondes, author of Better Than Prozac
characterizes psychological disorders as "exaggerations of what we all experience". But these disorders that fill hundreds of pages
in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - make life more challenging for our neighbor next
door and across the world. This episode looks at the incidence and symptoms of anxiety disorders, in all of their many variations,
and personality disorders.
●PEOPLE TO PEOPLE: Social Psychology - People interacting with people, individually and in groups, as friends or
sometimes foes is a fascinating, never-ending source of study material for social psychologists. This episode explores social
thinking, social influence, and social relations of both the antisocial and pro-social varieties. Why do people do what they do?
What kinds of force does a group exert? And how can cooperative efforts and improved communication begin to chip away at the
antagonisms built by years of aggression and conflict?
●THE SEARCH FOR INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence - What is intelligence? Can the standardized exams of today
actually measure it? This lesson presents several theories of intelligence, often examined by the researchers who created them.
Topics include triarchic theory, multiple intelligences, and emotional intelligence. The nature/nurture influence on intelligence
is also explored, as well as the phenomenon of stereotype threat.
●STRESSED TO THE LIMIT: Stress and Health - If a stressful day can make us sick, how does stress get under the
skin? This lesson seeks answers, exploring various topics of health psychology, including the fight-or-flight response, lymphocytes,
cytokines, heart disease, and the psychosocial lure of cigarette smoking. Cancer survivor, Cindy Lauren and her support group are
a window for discussion of important issues such as control, social support, resilience, and the search for meaning.
●THINKING AND LANGUAGE - The most concrete evidence of our ability to think is our use of language. This lesson
explores both topics. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman discusses his research in cognitive psychology, and linguist Noam Chomsky,
along with others, explains the principles of language acquisition. Susan Curtiss tells the gripping story of "Genie" - a young girl
who did not learn language due to the neglect and abuse of her parents.
Series #11170 22 separate DVDs $119.95 each or Complete Set $999.95 *Closed Captioned
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255 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone (716) 856-7631 Toll-Free (800) 466-7631 Fax (716) 856-7838