ANALYSIS RELATED QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION INTERPROFESI NURSES IN WARD PKU MUHAMMADIYAH BANTULHOSPITALS ANALISIS KUALITAS HUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI INTERPROFESI PERAWAT PELAKSANA DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PKU MUHAMMADIYAH BANTUL Dedy Zulfan Hospital Management Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta South Ring Road, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183 Email: Elsye Maria Rosa Hospital Management Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta South Ring Road, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183 Email: ABSTRACT PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul is a class C with a capacity of 126 beds. There were some complaints that there are perceived health workers in PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, which include nurses and laboratory personnel each delegate tasks in patient sampling and lack of communication between nurses and radiology staff so that patients are missed in an ultrasound examination. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of communication interprofesi nurses in ward PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this study were all nurses in inpatient medical and non-nursing personnel. The amount to 6 respondents sampled from nurses and 3 responders frompersonnel medic non-nursing. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Test the validity of the data by triangulation. The results of this study have shown that the majority of respondents stated that the implementation of nurses communication with other health workers ie laboratory, radiology and pharmacy at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul is good. On verbal and nonverbal communication nurses with other health care at PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital is clear and depend each individual type of officer. There are several factors that affect education, gender, age, attitude, emotions and workload or busyness. Relationships nurses with other health care at PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital is professional and partnership. Problems and barriers in general are caused by miscommunication and busyness or workload. Attempts have been made to build better communication by nurses, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, and institution. Conclusions and Recommendations: interprofesi nurses communication relationships with other health care workers are laboratory, radiology and pharmacy at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul still needs improvement. Keywords: Communication Interprofesi, Nurses 1 INTISARI RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul adalah Rumah Sakit kelas C dengan kapasitas 126 tempat tidur. Ada beberapa keluhan-keluhan yang dirasakan tenaga kesehatan yang terdapat di rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul antara lain berupa perawat dan petugas laboratorium saling melimpahkan tugas dalam pengambilan sampling pasien dan kurangnya komunikasi antara perawat dan petugas radiologi sehingga terdapat pasien yang terlewatkan dalam pemeriksaan USG. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui hubungan komunikasi interprofesi perawat pelaksana di instalasi rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat pelaksana di rawat inap dan tenaga medis non keperawatan. Yang dijadikan sampel berjumlah 6 responden dari perawat pelaksana dan 3 responden dari tenaga medis non keperawatan.Metode pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan pelaksanaan komunikasi perawat dengan petugas kesehatan lain yaitu laboratorium, radiologi dan farmasi di Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul sudah baik. Pada komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal perawat dengan petugas kesehatan lain di Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul sudah jelas dan tergantung tiap tipe individu petugas.Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu pendidikan, jenis kelamin, Usia, sikap, emosi dan beban kerja atau kesibukan.Hubungan perawat dengan petugas kesehatan lain di Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul adalah professional dan sejajar (kemitraan).Permasalahan dan hambatan secara umum disebabkan oleh miskomunikasi dan kesibukan atau beban kerja.Usaha-usaha membangun komunikasi telah dilakukan baik oleh perawat, laboratorium, radiologi, farmasi, maupun instansi. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Hubungan komunikasi interprofesi perawat dengan petugas kesehatan lain yaitu laboratorium, radiologi dan farmasi di Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul masih perlu perbaikan. Kata Kunci : Komunikasi Interprofesi, Perawat Pelaksana 2 INTRODUCTION The hospital is a health care institution with complex functions with dense experts and capital intensive. To carry out such a complex function, the hospital must have a human resources professionals both in technical as well as administrative medical health. One of the workers at the hospital are nurses with nursing care.1 Care nurses in the health care efforts in the hospital is one of the determinants image of the hospital, in addition to the demands of society toward nursing service quality increased along with the increasing awareness of the rights and obligations of the community. The quality of nursing services must be improved so that the health care effort to achieve optimal results.2 Nurses deal with physical illness as well as meet the psychological needs of such patients to recover confidence, foster a sense of optimism and self-confidence and feeling valued.3 Nurses who have a therapeutic communication skills not only be easy to establish a relationship of trust with the client, preventing legal problems, provide professional satisfaction in nursing services and enhancing the image of the nursing profession as well as the image of the hospital, but the most important is their knowledge to provide relief to the fellow human.4 Some form of health care services are clinical laboratory examinations, radiology services and pharmacy services are very necessary investigations physician in diagnosing, monitoring and predicting a patient's disease and treatment given. The provision of health care to patients in the hospital is the responsibility of the various health professions, especially doctors and nurses as providers of primary health care to patients. To achieve continuous quality improvement required multi-disciplinary coordination, integration programs, the active involvement of all stakeholders, communication and reporting lines are good and the presence of certain groups who are responsible for exercising their programs towards the development of a program to maintain the quality.5 PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul Yogyakarta is one of the health care facilities are hospitals and developing type C which has an Islamic background to the original destination is as a medium of propaganda in conveying the teachings of the religion of Islam through the field of health that refers to how patients can feel satisfaction given a nurse approaches Islamically. Predefined mission is to preach through quality health services with emphasis on increasing customer satisfaction and care at the dhu'afa.6 3 There were some complaints that there are perceived health workers in hospitals PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul, which include nurses and laboratory personnel each delegate tasks in patient sampling and lack of communication between nurses and radiology staff so that patients are missed in an ultrasound examination. Based on the above researchers wanted to know interprofesi nurse communication with other health care team so that researchers interested in conducting research on “analysis related quality of communication interprofesi nurses in ward PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital”. formulation of the problem of this research is analysis related quality of communication interprofesi nurses in ward PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS Types of Research The study was a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative method. This descriptive study aimed to describe (explain) interprofesi communication between nurses and other health workers are laboratory, radiology and pharmacy in RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Subjects Research 1. Population The population in this study were all nurses with the status of employees in the Inpatient Hospital PKU Bantul, which amounted to 167 medical and non-nursing personnel numbering 83 people. 2. Sample Nurse sample size determined in this study amounted to 6 nurses and medics sample size of non-nursing are 3 people that laboratory installation head, head installation inpatient pharmacy and radiology installation head. Research Variables The variable in this study is communication interprofesi nurses in ward PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul. Operational Definitions Nurses interprofesi communication is the process of delivering a message from one person to a different Other critical positions, resulting in a shared understanding that allows each participant to catch the reaction of others directly, either verbally or nonverbally, which in this case between: 4 1. Nurses and laboratory personnel: the process of communication between nurses and laboratory personnel to achieve cooperation between individuals in providing health care services in hospitals. 2. Nurses and radiology personnel: the process of communication between nurses and radiology personnel to achieve cooperation between individuals in providing health care services in hospitals. 3. Nurses and pharmacy employees: the process of communication between nurses and pharmacy employees to achieve cooperation between individuals in providing health care services in hospitals. Data Analysis Data processing is done immediately after the data collected from the field. Data transcribed in writing what it is and is equipped with field notes. Then the data was analyzed to reveal or change the raw data into a more refined data so as to provide a clearer picture through the presentation of data. In fulfilling the validity of this research, triangulation of data with the source.Triangulasi conducted in this study is to compare the results of interviews with documents related content. RESULTS 1. Implementation of Communication a. Nurse-Laboratory From interviews obtained the majority of respondents stated that nurse communication with the laboratory through face to face and via telephone. Material communication is done through face-to-face to explain the patient's room when the sampling clock and the time blood donors. The material made through telephone is an additional lab plans, ask lab results and blood samples. The material is a form of written communication laboratory examination. b. Nurse-Radiology From interviews obtained the majority of respondents stated that nurse communication with radiology through face to face and via telephone. Material communication is done through face-to-face handover of patients for radiological examinations. The material made through telephone is enrolling patients to check 5 roentgen, ultrasound or IVP and asking preparation BNO IVP patients. The material is a form of written communication radiological examination. c. Nurse-Pharmacy From interviews obtained the majority of respondents stated that nurse communication with the pharmacy via telephone. The material is carried through via telephone reconfirmation drug. Material written communications is blank recipe. 2. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication a. Nurse-Laboratory From the results obtained interviews most respondents expressed verbal and nonverbal communication with nurses and lab are clearly different depending on the type of person. b. Nurse-Radiology From the results obtained interviews most respondents expressed verbal and nonverbal communication with nurses and radiology is clearly different depending on the type of person. c. Nurse-Pharmacy From the results obtained interviews most respondents expressed verbal and nonverbal communication with the nurses and the pharmacy is clearly different depending on the type of person. 3. Factors that Affect Communication a. Nurse-Laboratory Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the factors that influence nurses in communication with the laboratory is sex, attitudes, education, age, emotions and work load. b. Nurse-Radiology Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the factors that influence the denganradiologi nurse communication is gender, attitudes, education, age and work load. c. Nurse-Pharmacy 6 Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the factors that influence nurses in communication with the pharmacy is sex, attitudes, education and work load. 4. Nurse relationships with other health workers a. Nurse-Laboratory Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the relationship with the laboratory nurse is a professional nature and parallel. b. Nurse-Radiology Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the relationship with the radiology nurse is both professional and parallel. c. Nurse-Pharmacy Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the relationship with the pharmaceutical nurse is a professional nature and parallel. 5. Problems and obstacles a. Nurse-Laboratory Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the laboratory nurse is sampling outside of the sampling time and the numbers of different blood bag with attached. b. Nurse-Radiology Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the radiology nurse is the name of the same patient, radiological examination is not timely, patient wards in radiological examinations missed due to forgetting written in the board examination schedule in radiology and patient preparation BNO IVP less in ward which is 12 hours before the test was given laxatives. c. Nurse-Pharmacy Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the pharmacy nurse is a long wait for the medication of patients and procedures are not undertaken. 6. Problem-solving efforts a. Nurse-Laboratory 7 Based on the results of the interview showed that nurses with problem solving effort is the laboratory and the laboratory to reconfirm the existence of standard operating procedures for the sampling time. b. Nurse-Radiology Based on the results of the interview showed that the problem of resolving the radiology nurse is a discussion in each unit, confirmation checks and clearance delays listed patients radiological examination. c. Nurse-Pharmacy Based on the results of the interview showed that nurses with problem solving effort is helping take pharmaceutical drugs required by the patient wards, held discussions with the relevant units and for the long term is expected to increase human resources in the pharmaceutical. Tabel 1.1. Implementation of Communication Nurse-Laboratory Perawat Laboratorium The message R1 Plan for additional lab checks Results of lab A blood sample A blood sample The Channel Via telephone Face to face Via telephone Face to face Via telephone Face to face Via telephone Face to face R2 R3 R4 R5 A blood sample Describe the patient's room when the sampling time Blood Donor Via telephone Face to face written R6 RLab A blood sample A blood sample Via telephone Face to face written Via telephone Face to face written Tabel 1.2. Implementation of Communication Nurse-Radiology Perawat – Radiologi The message R1 The Channel Check roentgen, ultrasound or BNO IVP Preparation BNO IVP Via telephone written R2 R3 Check roentgen, ultrasound or BNO IVP Handover of patients Via telephone Face to face Check roentgen, ultrasound or BNO IVP Via telephone written RRad Handover of patients Via telephone Face to face 8 Tabel 1.3. Implementation of Communication Nurse-Pharmacy Perawat Farmasi The message R1 Reconfirmation of drugs The Channel R2 Reconfir mation of drugs Via telephone written R3 Via telephone written RFar Reconfirmation of drugs Reconfirma tion of drugs Via telephone written Via telephone written Tabel 2.1. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Nurse-Laboratory Perawat Laboratorium Verbal and Nonverbal (Encoding) R1 RLab Most obvious Different people are different types of Self-explanatory Tabel 2.2. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Nurse-Radiology Perawat Radiologi Verbal and Nonverbal (encoding) R2 R3 Most obvious Different people are different types of R4 Most obvious Different people are different types of RRad Depending on the personal Selfexplanatory Tabel 2.3. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Nurse-Pharmacy Perawat Farmasi Verbal and Nonverbal (encoding) R1 R3 Sensitive RFar Most obvious Different people are different types of Self-explanatory Tabel 3.1. Factors that Affect Communication Nurse-Laboratory Perawat - Laboratorium Factors that affect communication R1 Sex Attitude Education R5 Work load RLab Age Emotion 9 Tabel 3.2. Factors that Affect Communication Nurse-Radiology Perawat Radiologi Factors that affect communication R2 R3 Sex Attitude Education Work load R6 Sex Attitude Education Work load RRad Sex Attitude Education Work load Age Tabel 3.3. Factors that Affect Communication Nurse-Pharmacy Perawat - Farmasi Factors that affect communication R3 Sex Attitude Education Work load R4 Sex Attitude Education Work load RFar Attitude Tabel 4.1. Nurse Relationship With Laboratory Perawat - Laboratorium Nurse relationship with laboratory R3 Same R4 Professional RLab Profesional Tabel 4.2. Nurse Relationship With Radiology Perawat - Radiologi Nurse relationship with radiology R3 Same R4 Professional RRad Partnership Tabel 4.3. Nurse Relationship With Pharmacy Perawat - Farmasi Nurse relationship with pharmacy R3 Same R4 Professional RFar Partnership Tabel 5.1. Problems and obstacles Nurse-Laboratory Perawat Laboratorium The problems that arise in communication R2 Taking sampling outside the sampling time R4 Number of different blood bag with attached RLab Taking sampling outside the sampling time 10 Tabel 5.2. Problems and obstacles Nurse-Radiology Perawat Radiologi The problems that arise in communication R3 R4 radiological checks were not timely R5 Patients who missed the radiological examination RRad Name of the same patient Preparation BNO IVP less patient in ward Tabel 5.3. Problems and obstacles Nurse-Pharmacy Perawat - Farmasi The problems that arise in communication R3 long wait Tabel 6.1. Problem-solving Perawat - Laboratorium Problem-solving efforts R4 Confirm reset to the laboratory SOP for sampling time R3 Checking the patient's name listed examination RFar The procedure is not undertaken RLab SOP for sampling time efforts Nurse-Radiology R5 Conduct a discussion Confirm delay inspection Tabel 6.3. Problem-solving Perawat - Farmasi Problem-solving efforts efforts Nurse-Laboratory Tabel 6.2. Problem-solving Perawat - Radiologi Problem-solving efforts R4 long wait RRad Conduct a discussion efforts Nurse-Pharmacy R4 help take the medication required by patients wards human resources needs to be added RFar Conduct a discussion 11 Nurse relationship with laboratory 1. same 2. Professional nurse The problems that arise in communication 1. Sampling outside the sampling time 2. Number of different blood bag with attached The message: 1. Plan additional lab checks 2. lab results 3. blood sample 4. Explain the patient's room when the sampling time 5. blood donor laboratory Problem-solving efforts 1. Laboratory to reconfirm 2. SOP for time sampling The channel: 1. via telephone 2. face to face 3. written Verbal and nonverbal: 1. Most of the obvious 2. Different people are different types of Factors that affect communication 1. sex 2. attitude 3. education 4. age 5. emotion 6. work load Gambar 1. Communication of Nurse-Laboratory 12 Nurse relationship with laboratory 1. same 2. Professional nurse The problems that arise in communication 1. Radiological examination is not timely 2. Ward patients who missed the radiological examination 3. The name of the same patient 4. Preparation BNO IVP less patient in ward The message: 1. Check roentgen, ultrasound or BNO IVP 2. Preparation BNO IVP 3. Patient handover Radiology Problem-solving efforts 1. Checking the patient's name listed examination 2. Conducting discussions 3. Confirmation checks delay The channel: 1. via telephone 2. face to face 3. written Verbal and nonverbal: 1. Most of the obvious 2. Different people are different types of 3. depending on personal Factors that affect communication 1. sex 2. attitude 3. education 4. age 5. work load Gambar 2. Communication of Nurse-Radiology 13 Nurse relationship with laboratory 1. same 2. Professional nurse The problems that arise in communication 1. The long wait 2. The procedure is not undertaken The message: 1. Reconfirmation of drugs pharmacy Problem-solving efforts 1. Help take the medication required by patients wards 2. Conducting discussions 3. Human Resources needs to be added The channel: 1. via telephone 2. written Verbal and nonverbal: 1. sensitive 2. Most of the obvious 3. Different people are different types of Factors that affect communication 1. sex 2. attitude 3. education 4. work load Gambar 3. Communication of Nurse-Pharmacy 14 DISCUSSION 1. Implementation of Communication Nurse communication with other health care workers such as laboratory, radiology and pharmacy still need improvement. In practice there are officers who can communicate openly, but some are not, depending on the individual officers. To make effective communication, both parties must be sensitive and open to the messages from the other side, the clarity of messages and the corresponding change in attitude.7 In the interviews it was found that nurses communication with laboratory and radiology nurse to take place through face-to-face, via telephone and in writing, with a nurse while pharmaceutical communications often through via telephone and written in accordance with the statement Nursalam (2002) is a model of communication can be in the form of written communication, direct communication, communication via telephone. From the results obtained above, the message nurse communication with laboratory are presented to explain the patient's room during hours of sampling, blood donors, plan additional lab, lab results and ask for a blood sample. the message communication with radiology nurse is delivered to the patient handover radiological examinations, enrolling patients to check roentgen, ultrasound or IVP and asking preparation BNO BNO IVP patients. While the message communication with a nurse delivered pharmaceutical drugs is reconfirmation. In the elements of communication, messages are verbal and nonverbal symbol set that contains ideas, attitudes and values communicator. Message has three components: 1) meaning, 2) the symbols used to convey meaning, and 3) the form or organization message.8 2. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication From interviews obtained most of the respondents said nurses verbal and nonverbal communication with other health care workers such as laboratory , radiology and pharmacy has a way of communicating that is not the same because of the character of each individual is different , though the clarity of the intent and content of communication in principle is clear . Verbal attitude clear , direct statement of desire , the use of the words objective and honest statement of what is perceived indicate yan assertive forms of communication , namely communication which provide a positive benefit to both health workers pihak.9 Communication verbal and nonverbal different different , it indicates kekomplekkan 15 interpersonal communication , because each person in interpersonal communication is affected differently by the intrapersonal variables.7 3. Factors that Affect Communication Communication is a complex process influenced by many factors. Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the factors that influence nurses in communication with other health care workers such as laboratory, radiology and pharmacy are gender, attitudes, education, age, emotions and workload. Factors that affect interpersonal communication is the development, perception, values, emotions, social cultural background, gender, knowledge, roles and relationships, environment, distance and ruang.7 In PKU hospital in Bantul turns there are other factors that affect workload . Workload that is too high will cause a change of one's emotions, in this case indirectly workload into factors influencing the nurses communication with health workers lainseperti laboratory, radiology and pharmacy. 4. Nurse relationships with other health workers Based on the results obtained the majority of respondents stated that the relationship of nurses with other health personnel such as laboratory, radiology and pharmacy is both professional and parallel, the communication refers to the achievement of patient outcomes, as well the time to communicate and communication has always focused on the material interests of the patient. In the professional arena, its main focus on outcomes for klien.10 Practice partnership or collaboration in the English language, in fact can not be easily defined or explained. Most definitions using the principles of planning and shared decision-making, share advice, togetherness accountability, skills and goals, as well as a shared responsibility.11 5. Problems and obstacles Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the laboratory nurse is sampling outside of the sampling time and the numbers of different blood bag with the attached. Sampling outside the sampling time most of the wards are already doing well, but there is a small yet fully implement sheds. So it becomes a problem among nurses and laboratory workers. Number of different blood bag with attached makes the nurse could not immediately take action to be taken, so this is a problem. 16 Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the radiology nurse is the name of the same patient, radiological examination is not timely, patient preparation BNO IVP less in the ward which is 12 hours before the test was given laxatives. and patients in the ward were missed due to forgetting written radiology board examination schedule in diradiologi. The same patient name makes confuse radiology patient outcomes. Radiological examinations were not timely make the patient upset and venting to the nurses because no prior notice. Ward the patient's name is not written on the board radiological examination schedule resulted in patient wards overlooked in the examination should be done at the time. These things become a problem with the radiology nurse. Based on the results obtained that the problems arising in communication with the pharmacy nurse is a long wait for the medication of patients and procedures are not undertaken. Necessary drugs can not be obtained immediately because the queue multiple drug and pharmacy staff are still very limited. Each person feel, interpret and understand things in a different way. This difference in perception if it occurs among people who interact with each other can lead to communication barriers (miscommunication). One of the other obstacles are defensive or defensive. This attitude gives the impression that the other party or censure does not have the right to provide a opini/pendapat.7 One reason for the emergence of communication problems is not enough because the message contains some information.12 6. Problem-solving efforts Based on the results of the interview showed that nurses with problem solving effort is the laboratory and the laboratory to reconfirm the existence of standard operating procedures for the sampling time. In this case can reduce the problems that arise. Reconfirm the laboratory to help to reduce the errors that occurred. In this case the nurses have effective communication by telephone in the hospital accreditation is write back, read back and repeat. The existence of standard operating procedures for the sampling time to make nurses and lab can work and not delegate duties to others. This SOP has been explained time laboratory workers routinely take samples at the appointed time. For the needs of laboratory tests outside the time of sampling and Cito, nurses and lab took samples submitted to the laboratory immediately. 17 Based on the results of the interview showed that the problem of resolving the radiology nurse is a discussion in each unit, confirmation checks and clearance delays listed radiology patients. Discussions in each unit in this case was conducted morning meetings every day and also there is a meeting kholif meetings across sectors so that it can cope with problems that arise. Confirming the delay helps the nurse to explain to the patient so that the patient can understand. Checking the patient's name is listed to reduce the radiological examination of an error or missed scheduled patient radiological examination. At the General Hospital PKU SOPs Bantul explained when taking photos do nursing then the nurse must sign the register book of radiology and took the name of the light. So that in the event of the same name can be quickly traced and repaired quickly to. Based on the interview results showed that problem-solving efforts with pharmaceutical nurse is helping take the medication required by patients for long-term wards and is expected to increase human resources in the pharmacy. Help take the medication required by patients ward is one of the nurses to the work done at this time due to the pharmacist still very limited and the number of medications that need to be resolved queue. Long-term effort is the addition of human resources in the pharmacy so that it can overcome the problems occurred. Related procedures are not undertaken by nurses, in this case there is an agreement between the nurse and the pharmacy generated from kholif meeting that, 1) there is a specific time for delivery of drugs to the ward; 2) the prescription given 1 hour before the hour of delivery; 3) prescribing Cito and drug holidays taken by nurses. One attempt to overcome the problem of communication is through communication techniques terapeutik.7 therapeutic communication techniques include active listening, acceptance of others, asked, repeating a message, clarification, focused conversation, observation, offering information, silent, assertive and make conclusions. Judging from the results of the interview, the nurse has done several therapeutic communication techniques is to repeat the message. Preparation of all hospital policies, including the completion of the procedure various problems are the responsibility of the hospital manager. This is consistent with one of the hospital manager's job is to make the support system to create an environment conducive hospital.13 18 CONCLUSION Interprofesi nurse communication relationships with other health care workers are laboratory, radiology and pharmacy at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul already baik.Pada verbal and nonverbal communication with other health care nurse at General Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul is clear and depends on each type of individual officers. There are several factors that affect education, gender, age, attitude, emotions and workload or busyness. Relationships with other health care nurse at General Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul is professional and parallel (partnership). Problems and barriers in general are caused by miscommunication and bustle or load kerja.Usaha-establish communication efforts have been made either by a nurse, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, and agencies. REFERENCES 1. 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