Appendix 1: Senior Management Objectives 2012 -13 onwards Lead Officers on the following cross cutting strategic agendas are: Community Planning, Partnerships and Organisational Design Community Planning - Engagement Regeneration Economy Enforcement Sustainability Financial Strategy Change Programme and Efficiency Bob Jack Linda Kinney Janice Hewitt Kevin Robertson Tony Cain Les Goodfellow Willie Watson John Risk Contents Summary of Administration Key Priorities, Stirling Council Improvement and Strategic Priorities Senior Manager Bob Jack, Chief Executive Janice Hewitt, Assistant Chief Executive (Care, Health and Wellbeing) Linda Kinney, Assistant Chief Executive (Learning, Empowerment and Citizenship) Kevin Robertson, Head of Economy, Planning and Regulation John Risk, Head of Assets and Support Bob Gil, Head of Corporate Projects Les Goodfellow, Head of Environment Belinda Greer, Head of Shared Education Services Tony Cain, Head of Housing and Customer Service Willie Watson, Head of Governance and Resources Val de Souza, Acting Head of Shared Social Services D:\533576394.doc Page 2 4 5 7 10 13 16 18 20 23 26 29 Page 1 of 31 Council Priorities 2012/13 Administration Key Priorities Code Description Portfolio Holder Management Team Lead AKP_A Building a Community Planning Partnership that is democratically led with an engaged community and works towards positive outcomes for Stirling Cllr McChord Linda Kinney AKP_B Increased focus on early intervention to help families in need Cllr McChord Janice Hewitt AKP_C Regenerate our most in need communities to deliver a full range of positive social, environmental and economic Cllr McChord outcomes Janice Hewitt AKP_D Improve the outcomes for the lowest performing 20 per cent of children in nurseries and schools Cllr Berrill Belinda Greer AKP_E Provide additional nursery and out of school care places throughout the Stirling area to support working families Cllr Berrill Belinda Greer AKP_F Be a good corporate parent Cllr Brisley Janice Hewitt AKP_G Improving care for our vulnerable people at home Cllr Brisley Val de Souza AKP_H Promote opportunities and support access to physical activity and sport for all Cllr Brisley Belinda Greer AKP_I Ensure enforcement action is taken across all areas of Council activity and make full use of Council policy to combat anti-social behaviour Cllr Boyd Tony Cain AKP_J Develop advice services that are fit to support people through the current round of welfare changes by establishing an integrated service with voluntary sector leadership Cllr Boyd Tony Cain AKP_K Examining and delivering on more opportunities for improved models of service delivery Cllr Boyd Bob Jack AKP_L Adopt a pragmatic approach to sustainability that protects and enhances the local environment Cllr Gibson Les Goodfellow AKP_M Make resurfacing roads, paths and pavements the service priority across the whole Stirling area Cllr Gibson Les Goodfellow AKP_N Build more socially rented housing Cllr Weir Tony Cain AKP_O Deliver and improve upon access to and speed of internet access across the Stirling area Cllr Benny Kevin Robertson AKP_P Streamline business support under the leadership of the business community Cllr Benny Kevin Robertson AKP_Q Pursue a diverse high wage economy that delivers local jobs for people across Stirling and a procurement policy that supports this Cllr Benny Kevin Robertson AKP_R Our financial strategy will reflect the current economic challenges by saving £24M whilst ensuring the delivery of quality services Cllr Benny Willie Watson D:\533576394.doc Page 2 of 31 Council Improvement Priorities Code Description Portfolio Holder Management Team Lead SCIP01 Continue to identify and release efficiency savings through the council’s budget workstreams, service review and options appraisal Cllr Benny John Risk * SCIP02 Strengthen partnership working Cllr McChord Linda Kinney SCIP03 Further develop financial management arrangements Cllr Benny Willie Watson SCIP04 Further develop performance management arrangements Cllr Boyd Bill Scott * SCIP05 Improve the council’s approach to equality and diversity Cllr Boyd Tony Cain * SCIP06 Continue the implementation of corporate asset management Cllr Benny John Risk SCIP07 Fully deploy the People Strategy Cllr Boyd John Risk SCIP08 Make best use of information & communications technology Cllr Boyd John Risk * SCIP09 Fully deploy the Customer Service Strategy Cllr Boyd Tony Cain * SCIP11 Improve key areas of Social Services performance Cllr Brisley Val de Souza SCIP12 Improve key areas of Housing Services performance Cllr Weir Tony Cain Council Strategic Priorities (ie. Priorities not covered by Administration Key Priorities or Council Improvement Plan) Code Description Portfolio Holder Management Team Lead CSP 1 Shared services Cllr Boyd Bob Jack CSP 2 Economic strategy Cllr Benny Kevin Robertson CSP 3 Effective Council and partnership governance arrangements Cllr McChord Cllr Boyd Bob Jack Willie Watson CSP 4 Local Development Plan Cllr Gibson Kevin Robertson CSP 5 30-year Housing Business Plan Cllr Weir Tony Cain Key: AKP = Administration Key Priorities SCIP = Stirling Council Improvement Plan Priorities CSP = Additional/ new/ emerging strategic priorities * = Supported by all Heads of Service through the Operational Management and Continuous Improvement objectives D:\533576394.doc Page 3 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Chief Executive Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Performance Indicators / Milestones Due Date Resources 31 Mar 2014 All services Head of Assets and Support re Change Programme Senior Management Objectives developed and implemented to agreed timescales SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 1 All Ensure alignment of senior management capacity to progress delivery of Serving Stirling priorities while ensuring delivery of the Council’s Change Programme, and the effective and efficient management of all Council Services 2 AKP_A Lead the building of a Community Planning partnership that is 2 May 2013 democratically led with an engaged community and works toward positive outcomes for Stirling All services and Community Planning Partners; Assistant Chief Executive, Linda Kinney Single Outcome Agreement for Stirling 2013-2023 agreed by Council May 2013 and thereafter by all CPP partners 3 AKP_R Lead the development and implementation of the financial strategy to reflect the current economic challenges by saving £24M whilst ensuring the delivery of quality services All services Proposals for balanced budget for 2013/14 and 2014/15 submitted to Council 4 CSP1 (AKP_D) (AKP_E) (AKP_F) (AKP_G) Lead and ensure successful integration of Stirling’s Education and Social Review: Service with those of Clackmannanshire Council 31 Mar 2013 Education and Social Services Positive progress reported to committee in line with agreed reporting arrangements 5 CSP 3 (AKP_Q) Implement revised governance arrangements to ensure all Council Review: Services and arms length bodies work together and with key partners and 31 Mar 2013 stakeholders to maximise economic benefit Head of Economy Planning Positive progress reported to and Regulation committee in line with agreed Arms length organisations reporting arrangements 6 AKP_K Lead the review of current methods of service delivery to improve effectiveness and efficiency Review: 31 Mar 2013 All services Positive progress reported to committee in line with agreed reporting arrangements 31 Mar 2013 All services Positive progress reported to committee in line with agreed reporting arrangements 31 Mar 2013 All services Positive progress reported to committee in line with agreed reporting arrangements 28 Feb 2013 27 Feb 2014 COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 7 Ensure delivery of the Council Improvement Plan 2012-15 including addressing areas of uncertainty and concern in the Assurance and Improvement Plan 2012-15 OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 8 D:\533576394.doc Ensure the delivery of effective operational management and continuous improvement of council services Page 4 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Assistant Chief Executive (Care, Health and Wellbeing) Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Apr 2013 Council Services Head of Housing and Customer Service Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 9 AKP_J Lead and co-ordinate the Councils response to welfare reform changes Establish and chair Corporate Response Group 10 AKP_B AKP_C (ADP_A) (AKP_D) (AKP_E) (AKP_F) (AKP_R) Lead and advance the development of a whole Council strategic framework for action for Children, Young People and Families in need. This will include the following key areas for development: Milestones to Community Planning Sep 2014 Partners Social Services Lead the deployment of a business analytics tool into the Protection Hub at Larbert Jan 2013 Develop tool to identify families and implement effective intervention model for families most in need Jun 2014 Lead the Councils approach to corporate parenting From Jan 2013 Feb 2013 – Feb 2015 Lead the Forth Valley wide response to the Children’s Collaborative 11 AKP_A CSP 3 (AKP_G) D:\533576394.doc Lead and advance the integration of Health and Social Care Services; final integration dependent on legislation during 2015 Jan 2013 Dec 2015 Analysis of key affected groups Key messages agreed Key events and papers to Council Integrated service response finalised Family intervention model deployed with top 80 families; cost & intervention analysis; intervention review; family contracts deployed Business analytics deployed; practitioners able to intervene at an earlier stage Corporate Parenting Action Plan Implemented Learning Set Workshop reports Social Services NHS Forth Valley Develop proposals for partnership board for voluntary integrated service in advance of Act Agreement on service integration: mental health; older people; learning disability; children Council papers with options to progress Page 5 of 31 12 13 AKP_G (AKP_A) (AKP_K) (AKP_R) (SCP06) Lead and ensure progress on the Care Village. AKP_H Leading the development of the Council’s relationship with Active Stirling including the renewal of the current contract. Outline business case submitted to Scottish Government Apr 2013 Social Services Jul 2013 Community Planning Partners Apr 2014 Active Stirling Education Assets & Support Social Service Positive progress reports via Liaison Group and annual reviews Monitoring and review of performance through Liaison Group Achieve final sign-off on new contract Complete the Project Brief for submission to HubCo Commence the Masterplan for the former Stirling Royal site; and To agree a partnership protocol for the period up to contract close COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 14 SCIP01 AKP_K AKP_R Contribute to the development and implementation of corporate improvement and change processes. This includes actively supporting the work of Change Board to identify improvements and efficiency savings that will achieve a targeted £9m reduction by 2014 Progress report each cycle Council Services Identification of potential savings areas Detailed scoping document for consideration by Council 15 SCIP09 Lead on the development of and ensure implementation of the Councils customer service strategy Apr 2013 Council Services Head of Housing and Customer Service Channel Shift report and Council wide performance Reports OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 16 Advise, coach, guide and challenge as required designated link Heads of 31 Mar 2013 Service to support them in carrying out their responsibilities and to improve working between and among service departments in achieving strategic and operational goals / targets. Council Services 360 degree feedback Alignment of Service Plans and delivery 17 Contribute to the delivery and updating of Serving Stirling key priorities and other strategic priorities with elected members and the Council Management Team. Review the contributions of Heads of Service and ensure their contributions are aligned with each other and Stirling Council’s overall strategic objectives. 31 Mar 2013 Council Services Annual input to strategic plan Commentary on Head of Service inputs 18 Actively create and support the conditions for effective and collective leadership to thrive and demonstrate agreed Leadership behaviours in practice. 31 Mar 2013 Council Service Leaders Collective leadership visible and having positive impact across the organisation. D:\533576394.doc Page 6 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Assistant Chief Executive (Learning, Empowerment and Citizenship) Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 19 AKP_A Lead and advance the development of a whole council strategic framework for Citizen and Community Participation and Engagement This will include three key areas for development. Whole authority approach to volunteering that is aligned with our leadership and change priorities Overarching Model framework to support local community engagement and partnership Building an effective Community Planning Partnership Milestones to Community Planning Sep 2014 Partners Communities and citizens Complete the Development of a whole authority model of volunteering by Dec 2012 Implement the strategy and actions set out in the whole authority model of volunteering, Jan 2013-Dec 2013 Introduce the Stirling Volunteer privilege card, Mar 2013-To be confirmed - 2013 Complete the Development of the overarching Engagement and Participation Framework by Feb 2013 Implement the key actions set out in the engagement plan, Mar 2013-Apr 2014 Scope out and undertake a pathfinder review of community councils, Jan 2013-Jun 2013 Review, remodel in line with government guidance and processes the Community Planning Partnership organization and operation, Dec 2012-Apr 2013 Long Term Objectives Evidence of impact on the levels and quality of engagement with citizens and communities Ongoing: review in Jun 2014 D:\533576394.doc Page 7 of 31 Quality of relationships with individuals and local communities Ongoing: review in Aug 2014 Increased civic pride, interest and actions Ongoing: review Sep 2014 20 AKP_B (AKP_C) Lead the mainstreaming / future funding of the Big Noise Initiative in Stirling to support social transformation and regeneration in Raploch Apr 2013 Big Noise Initiative Raploch community Service Agreement with Sistema Scotland and Funding package in place by Apr 2013 Evidence of impact of initiative Ongoing: review in Aug 2014 21 AKP_Q (SCIP02) Lead a review of the Strategic Learning Alliance (involving Stirling University, Forth Valley College, Scottish Skills Council and Stirling Council) to ensure the partnership is effective and capable of delivering relevant and integrated opportunities for lifelong learning across Stirling and supporting jobs and the local economy Sept 2013 Alliance members Education Service Complete review of Alliance by September 2013 Aligned programmes and shared support approaches for more integrated lifelong learning and skills development by Apr 2013 Council Services Identification of potential savings areas Detailed scoping document for consideration by Council COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 22 SCIP01 AKP_K AKP_R Contribute to the development and implementation of corporate improvement and change processes. This includes actively supporting the work of Change Board to identify improvements and efficiency savings that will achieve a targeted £9m reduction by 2014 Progress report each cycle 23 SCIP07 Leading and supporting the Corporate Management Leadership Programme and to ensure alignment with council priorities and agreed behaviours set out in the leadership framework Ongoing Agreed Programme in place Evidence of more corporate leadership values and behaviours being demonstrated in practice OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 24 Advise, coach, guide and challenge as required designated link Heads of 31 Mar 2013 Service to support them in carrying out their responsibilities and to improve working between and among service departments in achieving strategic and operational goals / targets. Council Services 360 degree feedback Alignment of Service Plans and delivery 25 Contribute to the delivery and updating of Serving Stirling key priorities and other strategic priorities with elected members and the Council Management Team. Review the contributions of Heads of Service and ensure their contributions are aligned with each other and Stirling Council’s overall strategic objectives. Council Services Annual input to strategic plan Commentary on Head of Service inputs D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 Page 8 of 31 26 Actively create and support the conditions for effective and collective leadership to thrive and demonstrate agreed Leadership behaviours in practice. 31 Mar 2013 Council Service Leaders Collective leadership visible and having positive impact across the organisation. 27 Review the implementation and impact of the Communications Strategy and function to ensure the effective communication of the administration and council messages and the effective engagement with citizens, communities, groups and organisations that impact and influence the work of the council Jun 2014 Council Chief Executive’s Office Agreement on a future delivery model of the communications function by Jan 2013 Alignment with the approach and priorities set out in the overarching engagement and participation framework by Jun 2014 Evidence of effective citizens and community engagement with the council by Jun 2014 D:\533576394.doc Page 9 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Economy, Planning and Regulation Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 28 29 AKP_K AKP_I Review current methods of service delivery to improve effectiveness and efficiency in areas of: Economic Support & Tourism and City Centre Management Cultural Services Regulatory Services Ensure enforcement action is taken across all areas of service activity: 30 31 AKP_O AKP_P 31 Mar 2013 Develop internet connectivity strategy for Stirling, including baselining by Spring 2013 31 Mar 2013 Deliver Council target over next 2/3 years – target of 80% of premises’ access to high-speed broadband 31 Mar 2015 Complete reviews of: Economic Support & Tourism and City Centre Management Cultural Services Regulatory Services Service Managers Complete review of enforcement policies and procedures PIs to be developed to reflect enforcement activities Economic Support & Tourism Service Manager Broadband Lead Officer Consultant 80% of premises access to high speed broadband Economic Support & Tourism Service Manager BT&T Officers Consultant Complete review Implement new service delivery model Implement new business network Planning, Building Standards, Licensing, Environmental Health and Trading Standards Deliver and improve upon access to and speed of internet access across the Stirling area: Streamline business support under the leadership of the business community: D:\533576394.doc 30 Mar 2013 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2014 Service Managers BT&T Officers Finance officers Review of economic development and business support 31 Mar 2013 30 Jun 2013 Develop and implement new integrated delivery model for business support Consult on and launch new business network to facilitate local economic links and promote economic growth 30 Jun 2013 Review function of Stirling Economic Partnership and integrate with above 30 Jun 2013 Develop PIs to reflect local economic factors Page 10 of 31 32 AKP_Q Pursue a diverse high wage economy that delivers local jobs for people across Stirling: Complete implementation of current Stirling Economic Partnership’s 31 Mar 2013 Action Plan 31 Sep 2013 Review of Stirling Economic Strategy 2009-13 Open for Business 33 CSP 2 CSP 4 AKP_Q Development and adoption of City Centre Strategy and Action Plan Development, co-ordination and delivery of Stirling 2014 programme of key events Marketing Partnership for Stirling: - Implementation of Marketing Partnership - Development of Marketing Plan 31 Mar 2013 31 Dec 2014 31 Dec 2012 31 Mar 2013 Stirling Local Development Plan (LDP): 35 31 Sep 2013 Deliver key priorities in Stirling Economic Partnership’s Economic Strategy Action Plan: 34 Develop action plan including action to support the development of a diverse high wage economy that delivers local jobs across Stirling Submission of Proposed LDP and representations to Scottish Government reporter for examination Adoption of LDP 30 May 2013 Develop strategy and action plan for increasing youth employment City Centre Manager Economic Support & Tourism Manager / Team 2014 Steering & Coordinating Groups and Partners Stirling Economic Partnership Private Sector Partner Agencies Chief Planning Officer Planning Policy Team 30 Jun 2014 Youth Employment: Stirling Economic Partnership Economic Support & Tourism Service Manager Economic Support Team 30 Jun 2013 Complete current Stirling Economic Partnership Action Plan Complete review of Economic Strategy Prepare re-focused action plan Adoption of City Centre Strategy and Action Plan Delivery of Stirling 2014 programme and economic benefits Establish Marketing Partnership Develop Marketing Plan Submission of Proposed LDP to Scottish Government reporter Adoption of LDP Economic Support & Tourism Manager / Team Stirling Economic Partnership Skills Development Scotland Develop strategy and action plan No. of Council training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT & CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 36 SCIP01 Control financial expenditure against budget to achieve agreed savings targets and financial results 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers Finance Officers Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved 37 SCIP04 Develop outcome focused service performance frameworks that consider 31 Mar 2013 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions Service Managers % improvement actions on target; no Performance Indicators Is on Covalent D:\533576394.doc Page 11 of 31 38 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers % Service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale 39 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers % PRDs completed; year to date absence 40 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 graduate trainees) provided by the service Service Managers No. of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined 41 SCIP05 Support the Council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations Service Managers Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes 42 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2013 of resources and minimising energy consumption Council’s electricity & gas use 43 CSP 3 Manage Service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 Page 12 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Assets and Support Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 44 AKP_K Carry out research across the UK Public Sector to identify where and 31 Mar 2013 how services (including support services) are organised and delivered more effectively and efficiently. Prioritisation of services to be researched will be based on Solace Benchmarking Information. Results of research and recommendations for change to be reported to Council Management Team in the first instance. Change Support; Council Services; The Improvement Service Reports to Management Team Residents Survey 45 AKP_L AKP_R Ensure reduced energy use in buildings through energy awareness raising, improvements in efficiency and appropriate investment in renewables. 31 Mar 2013 Energy Officers within Strategic Asset Management CAM004.01 electricity use CAM004.02 electricity use CAM005.01 gas use CAM005.02 gas use Return on Investment in renewables 46 AKP_K AKP_R CSP 1 Ensure efficient and effective support services and infrastructure are delivered to the Stirling and Clackmannanshire Council Education and Social Services Shared Services. 31 Mar 2013 Assets & Support Service Review meetings with Shared Services, HoS and Customer Satisfaction Survey 47 AKP_Q Lead the work to increase the number of training places (eg. trainees, apprenticeships, graduate trainees) across the organization 31 Mar 2013 All services No. of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 48 SCIP01 Communication of the key messages across the Council to influence culture change to support the Management Initiative which aims to ensure that managers focus on costs (rather than primarily on budgets) 31 Mar 2013 Organisational Development Change Support Uptake of cost-focused approach by budget holders (can be quantified) Number of Unit Cost indicators on Services Balanced Scorecards 49 SCIP01 Ensure that the Council’s Change Programme is well managed, well supported and delivered on target 31 Mar 2013 Change Support Change Programme monitored through Programme Board. BTT045 Project Governance Index BTT046 Change Programme Savings Project to be achieved BTT047 Budget work streams D:\533576394.doc Page 13 of 31 green or amber status 50 SCIP06 Ensure that a Property Asset Management Plan dealing with usability, suitability, condition and accessibility is developed and guides the management of the Council’s properties 28 Feb 2013 Strategic Asset Management Report to Executive Jan 2013 Budget meeting Feb 2013 CAM_SPI003 accessibility CAM_SPI008.01 condition CAM_SPI008.02 suitability 51 SCIP06 Ensure that the Council’s School Estate is assessed, together with Education Services, and reported on to Council in order to inform the investment/capital programme for the next 5 years 28 Feb 2013 Strategic Asset Management Report to Education Committee Jan 2013 Budget meeting Feb 2013 52 SCIP07 Ensure that the Personal Review and Development (PRD) process is implemented across the Council and that employees and management development is supported 31 Mar 2013 Organisational Development HR013 PRDS completed 53 SCIP07 Lead the drive to improve employee attendance across the Council 31 Mar 2013 HR Absence Performance Indicators – monthly performance information HR001.01 employee absence HR002.01 teacher absence 54 SCIP07 Ensure that Management Team receives regular reports on Council 31 Mar 2013 expenditure on employee learning and development; that more use is made of effective learning including e-Learning and review after period of time; and that Organisational Development implement the return on (training and development) investment system, which aims to report on the added value of the investment Organisational Development Results of examinations at end of e-Learning and/or training AS_HRPI03 Investment in Learning and Development AS_HRSI01 cost of learning and development 55 SCIP07 Ensure the implementation of more effective, flexible and local employee engagement techniques; and support better communication with our employees 31 Mar 2013 Organisational Development Research Communications Employee Surveys and subsequent actions. 56 SCIP08 Ensure the implementation of the Council’s ICT Strategy, including supporting flexible working and exploiting opportunities to support the Shared Services 31 Mar 2013 IT Teams ICT Strategy Implementation Plan Also potentially: CAM003, property costs AS_ICTSI04, remote access AS_ICTSI02.users per workstation OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 57 SCIP01 Control financial expenditure against budget to achieve agreed savings targets and financial results 31 Mar 2013 58 AKP_K Review current methods of service delivery to improve effectiveness and 31 Mar 2013 D:\533576394.doc Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved Page 14 of 31 efficiency 59 SCIP04 Develop outcome-focused service performance frameworks that consider 31 Mar 2013 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions % improvement actions on target; no. PIs on Covalent 60 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints 31 Mar 2013 % Service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale 61 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 31 Mar 2013 % PRDs completed; year to date absence 62 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 graduate trainees) provided by the service No. of training places per 1,000 employees 63 SCIP05 Support the Council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes 64 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2013 of resources and minimising energy consumption Council’s electricity & gas use 65 CSP 3 Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 Page 15 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Corporate Projects Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Performance Indicators / Milestones Due Date Resources 30 Jun 2013 All services especially Assets & Support Working with Planning, Roads and Transport and Strategic Asset Management All Stirling Council employees to vacate New Viewforth & Drummond House by end of June 2013 Operating costs of New Viewforth removed; target savings of £417k each year from 2014/5 onwards 30 Jun 2013 Strategic Asset Management; Landlord Services; Office Facilities Management Services CAM003 Property costs per square metre AS_EMSI05 Space use efficiency Ensure production of an outline Business Case for the design and build of a sustainable Care Village and submit to Scottish Government, within affordability levels approved by Council Jul 2013 Ensure production of the full Business Case for the design and build of the jointly developed Care Village which provides value for money, and submit to Scottish Government Jul 2014 Outline business case approved and submitted to Scottish Government Full business case approved and submitted to Scottish Government Complete all pre-construction contract finalisation and proceed to ‘commencement of construction’ Jan 2015 Shared Services - Social Services, Stirling Council Finance, Stirling Council Legal, NHS Forth Valley, Forth Valley College, East Central Scotland Ltd (HubCo), Stratagem Consultants SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 66 SCIPO1 Big Move SCIPO6 Advance the proposals for the demolition of New Viewforth and the redevelopment of the site in accordance with the masterplan AKP_R (SCIPO8) 67 SCIP06 Big Move 68 AKP_G SCIPO6 (AKP_R) D:\533576394.doc Lead the implementation of the Office Review Care Village Commencement of construction Page 16 of 31 69 70 AKP_C AKP_N SCIPO6 AKP_Q Raploch Regeneration Develop proposals which will support Raploch Urban Regeneration Company (RURC) and Community Enterprise to secure their financial position and become more self-financing 30 Jun 2013 Coordinate progress of recommencement of development on site 4a (Glendevon Drive) which will provide 47 housing units through Stirling Council and Forth Valley Housing Association Sep 2013 Complete variation of Development Agreement with Raploch URC and Raploch URC landholdings Mar 2013 Revisit the masterplan, which was approved by Scottish Government in 2005, to establish if the core objectives still target the vision for the area Sep 2013 Progress delivery of 150 bedroom 4 star hotel with conference facilities at Forthside to deliver value for money and in accordance with heads of terms as approved by Council May 2014 In tandem with the hotel build, complete the formation of New City Square at Forthside on time and within budget Easter 2014 Stirling Development Agency AKP_Q (SCIPO2) In conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer, ensure Stirling Council’s 31 Dec 2013 position is protected in negotiations with Lloyds Banking Group and Valad Property Group to secure future business arrangements for Stirling Development Agency (SDA) Nov 2012 Completion of ARDA (amended and restated development agreement) variation and ensure resulting receipts from Forthside Crescent and Burghmuir Road received by the Council D:\533576394.doc Milestones as per objectives Stirling Council Housing, Forth Housing Association, Raploch URC Partnership with Raploch URC Community Development Planning & Raploch URC plus masterplanning consultants Forthside Delivery of Scotland’s fist National Conservation Centre (in the former Dec 2015 Engine Shed at Forthside) for training young people in traditional building skills 71 Raploch Urban Regeneration Company (URC), Community Enterprise Stirling Council Finance, Stirling Council Legal and private sector Stirling Council Roads & Transport, Stirling Council Planning Historic Scotland Forth Valley College Milestones as per objectives Stirling Council Finance, Milestones as per objectives Stirling Council Legal, SDA Stirling Council Strategic Asset Management, Stirling Council Finance, VALAD, SDA Page 17 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Environment Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Performance Indicators / Milestones Due Date Resources Ensure enforcement action is taken in relation to environmental issues including litter, waste and parking 31 Mar 2013 Relevant managers Existing performance information to be made available via Covalent Complete long-term trend analysis 31 Mar 2015 Review current methods of service delivery to improve effectiveness and efficiency: 31 Mar 2013 Land & Waste Managers Performance Indicators will be reviewed to reflect outcomes of Best Value review 31 Mar 2013 All services To be developed with Environment and Housing Committee SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 72 73 AKP_I AKP_K (CIP06) Continue to develop alternative service model for Breadalbane Implementation of the Waste Service Best Value review 74 AKP_L Lead and coordinate the Council’s approach to sustainability 75 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2014 of resources and minimizing energy consumption in relation to Fleet (and longer Management term) Fleet Management Services Council’s electricity, gas, petrol & diesel use 76 AKP M Lead on review of Roads Maintenance to ensure that resurfacing roads, paths & pavements are the service priority across the Stirling area 31 Mar 2013 Head of Service and Service Managers New PIs will be developed for each element of the Roads Asset Management Plan 77 AKP A AKP C AKP H Develop open space opportunities to: Open Space Land Services and Roads Strategy 2012 Improvement & –17; Strategic Development Action Plan 31 Mar 2014 (and longer term) Engage communities to enhance service delivery, volunteering and local employment Improve and develop use of Crown Estate Lands at King’s Park Improve poor environments where there is identified need Improve accessibility and provide opportunities for physical activity 78 AKP L Adopt a pragmatic approach to sustainability that protects and enhances the local environment though: Draft local Flood Risk Management Plan 79 Council strategy D:\533576394.doc Seek external validation for Environment Services Management System, focusing on: carbon reduction; climate change and hydrocarbon energy use reduction 2015/2016 31 Mar 2014 (and longer term) Review City Transport Programme, following adoption of LDP 31 Mar 2013 Open Space Strategy establishes a range of quantity and quality benchmarks for types of open space, so trends over time can be monitored Relevant managers Approval of local Flood Risk Management Plan will be in winter 2015 PIs will be established to monitor the impact of ISO 14001 initiatives on Service practices Relevant managers Existing Performance Indicator to be reported via Covalent Page 18 of 31 OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT & CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 80 SCIP01 Control financial expenditure against budget to achieve agreed savings targets and financial results 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers & Service Accountancy support Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved 81 SCIP04 Develop the Service’s Improvement Action Plan, incorporating the PSIF areas for improvement 31 Mar 2013 Relevant Service Managers % improvement actions on target; no. Performance Indicators on Covalent 82 SCIP05 Support the council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes 83 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 31 Mar 2013 Service Managers & % PRDs completed; year to date Human Resources Support absence Officers 84 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 graduate trainees) provided by the service 85 SCIP04 SCIP09 Develop outcome focused service performance frameworks that consider 31 Mar 2014 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking (and longer comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions: term – see Services Extend Business Management System and its scope to additional Road Map) areas of service delivery, specifically Land Services Service Managers & Business Management Systems Officers TBC 86 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints: Service Managers % service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale 31 Mar 2013 No. of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined Clarify and publicise service standards in relation to roads and land services and set targets for standards that are responsive to public expectations Contribute to the development of corporate administration system management: Lagan, time recording and costing 87 CSP 3 D:\533576394.doc Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans. Page 19 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Education Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 88 AKP_K CSP 1 Review current methods of service delivery to improve outcomes, effectiveness and efficiency through the shared Education Service Reform Plan and Change Programme workstream 31 Mar 2014 Senior Leadership Team; Link Officers; Headteachers; CPP Partners Service and Business Plan measures (Covalent) 89 AKP_D (AKP_F) AKP _B Improve outcomes for the lowest performing 20% of children in nurseries and schools through an approach that is responsive to the needs of children which allows them to progress positively: 31 Mar 2014 Partners: Skills Development Scotland; Active Stirling; Social Care; Forth Valley College; Central Scotland Police; NHS Forth Valley Reports to Education Committees Range of measures (no / % of lowest performing 20%) to be developed to include: Implementation of Curriculum for Excellence: skills for life; employability skills; resilience; self esteem Implementation of GIRFEC1 (Getting It Right For Every Child) principles Further developing Learning Communities through effective partnership working AKP_E Review present options for the use of current nursery and out-of-school provision to provide additional places to support working families, and to: Looked after children & young people’s attainment, exclusions & attendance Participation in programmes such as Duke of Edinburgh; Sports Leadership; Activity Agreements and wider achievement Increasing engagement with children, young people and parents 90 Improvement targets for attainment and positive & sustained destinations 31 Mar 2014 Establish baseline via review; including level / nature of Administration priorities Enable more efficient ways of providing the service including review of uptake, fees and cost to the Council Prepare for the anticipated provisions in the Children and Young People’s Bill, including an increase in pre-school early years hours and childcare provision to support employment 91 1 AKP_H Develop strategic links with Active Stirling and wider partnership working to provide opportunities and support access to physical activity and sport Renew Active Stirling contract on a basis to promote improved social, economic and wellbeing outcomes 31 Mar 2014 Regular Senior Management Team meetings with Active Stirling School of Sport at Wallace High School Positive progress reports via Liaison Group and annual reviews Measures of participation and wider outcomes to be developed GIRFEC – a national approach to implement a consistent way for people to work with all children and young people; has a focus on positive outcomes D:\533576394.doc Page 20 of 31 92 AKP_Q In conjunction with partners, ensure positive destinations for all school leavers across Stirling 31 Mar 2014 Council services; Measures to reflect destinations on Community Planning a school by school basis partners – More Choices More Chances Action Plan (Employability & Skills Partnership) 93 AKP_ B AKP_ C Continue to support the success of Big Noise Raploch 31 Mar 2014 Sistema Scotland Qualitative & quantitative measures to be developed with Sistema Scotland 31 Mar 2014 Budget workstream; budget consultative group Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved Quarterly reports to Education Committees (Stirling & Clacks) % improvement actions on target; no of Performance Indicators on Covalent Ongoing Link Officers Complaints Officer % service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale 31 Mar 2014 Leadership Development Programmes, Council and Service specific % PRDs completed; year to date absence (Education target not including teachers to be met) OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT & CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 94 SCIP01 Control financial expenditure against budget to achieve agreed savings targets and financial results 95 SCIP04 Develop outcome-focused service performance frameworks that consider Ongoing customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions Quarterly reports to Education Committees Undertake PSIF to identify improvements 96 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints Quality assurance via link officers, Scottish Qualification Authority, external scrutiny Implementation of 2-stage complaint process Questionnaires to parents and via Stirling Sounding Board 97 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 98 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 graduate trainees) provided by the service 99 SCIP05 Support the council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations Promoting Rights Respecting Schools, Children and Young Carers’ Rights, Equalities; strategic guidance, Anti-Bullying Policy and Multi Agency Hate Response Strategy D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2014 No. of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined Link Officer (Child Protection and Children’s Rights) Link Officer (Strategic Equalities) Rights respecting schools Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes Page 21 of 31 100 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2014 of resources and minimising energy consumption: new schools and adaptations/modifications across the school estate; raising young people’s awareness of energy through Curriculum for Excellence and encouraging schools engagement with the ECO programme. Measures of schools’ energy use; school by school Measures to capture this aspect of pupils’ learning 101 CSP 3 Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans. D:\533576394.doc Page 22 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Housing and Customer Service Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 102 AKP-F Contribute to being a good corporate parent by ensuring that looked after 31 Mar 2013 young people leaving care have access to appropriate accommodation and by working with partners to ensure that looked after young people leaving care have appropriate support to sustain their tenancies in line with the agreed Corporate Parenting Strategy Social Care and other Community Planning Partnership Corporate Parenting partners including Police & NHS Reduce number of looked after young people placed in temporary accommodation from existing baseline Reduction in tenancy problems and improvement in tenancy sustainment; measures to be developed 103 AKP_I Lead the coordination and delivery of enforcement action across Council services 31 March 2013 Housing Service Environment Service Economy, Planning and Regulation To be confirmed in liaison with the Administration 104 AKP_I Leading the delivery of enforcement action related to anti-social behaviour and tenancy conditions enforcement 31 Mar 2013 105 AKP_J SCIP01 Lead the development of advice services that are fit to support people through the current round of welfare changes by establishing an integrated service with voluntary sector leadership. 31 Mar 2013 D:\533576394.doc Deliver revised advice service configuration by Apr 2013 Single team established by 31 Mar 2013 Policy Framework finalised 31 Mar 2013 Priorities for action agreed 31 Mar 2013 Key Partners – Citizens Advice Scotland, Citizens Advice Stirling, Shelter Voluntary Sector advice partnership established 31 Mar 2013 Savings of £100,000 Service Specification finalised by 31 Mar 2013 Partnership to develop and agree subsequent performance management framework Page 23 of 31 106 AKP-K SCP09 Contribute to the examination and delivery of more opportunities for improved models of service delivery through development of the channel shift agenda 107 AKP_N 108 CSP 5 31 Mar 2013 All services 31 Mar 2015 Key Partners – Scottish Programme delivered on time and Government, Rural Stirling on budget Housing Association, Gorth 75 houses built Housing Association, National Parks, Raploch Urban Regeneration Company 31 Dec 2013 Scottish Housing Regulator Business plan developed and agreed Tenants and Tenant Groups Plan to include performance targets in relation to investment, debt and service development 31 Apr 2012 All services Channel shift and customer contact modernisation 5 year implementation strategy in place by Mar 2013 Lead the building of more socially rented housing Deliver agreed socially rented housing build programme by March 2015 New opportunities for the development of socially rented housing considered and developed Undertake a comprehensive review of the 30-year Housing Business Plan in conjunction with tenants and other key stakeholders Strategy developed and agreed Performance framework related to channel shift developed to cover number of service users using different channels, increased customer satisfaction, reduced front end costs COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 109 SCIP05 Lead the improvement of the council’s approach to equality and diversity 110 SCIP12 Lead the development and implementation of a coherent corporate framework for the mainstreaming of 2010 Equalities Act obligations Lead the improvement of key areas of Housing Services performance Address concerns raised by Scottish Housing Regulator around the ability of the Council to accurately report on progress in meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standard obligations Show sustained improved performance in relation to property re-let times and tenants’ rent arrears Framework developed, agreed and implemented in line with statutory obligations Development of the framework to involve development of equality outcomes against which future performance will be measured 20% of house condition surveys completed by Mar 2013 Full survey complete by end Dec 2013 Property re-let times Current tenants’ rent arrears Scottish Housing Quality Standard compliance 111 SCIOP09 Lead the delivery of the Councils customer service strategy D:\533576394.doc Lead the implementation of the Corporate Customer Service 31 Mar 2013 All services Corporate and service standards developed and monitored, Page 24 of 31 strategy and related performance framework OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 112 SCIP01 Control financial expenditure against budget to achieve agreed savings targets and financial results 113 SCIP04 Develop outcome focused service performance frameworks that consider 31 Mar 2013 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions % improvement actions on target; no PIs on Covalent 114 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints 31 Mar 2013 % service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale 115 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 31 Mar 2013 % PRDs completed; year to date absence Number of training places per Head of Service (Housing and Customer Service target 10%) 116 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (e.g. traineeships, apprenticeships, graduate trainees) provided by the service 31 Mar 2014 No. of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined 117 SCIP05 Support the council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations 31 Mar 2013 Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes 118 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2013 of resources and minimising energy consumption Council’s electricity & gas use 119 CSP 3 Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans. D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved Page 25 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Governance and Resources Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Due Date Resources Performance Indicators / Milestones SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 120 AKP_R Ensure the Council delivers a Balanced Budget 28 Feb 2013 All Services - 27 Feb 2014 Accounting Services FIN001 Projected budget variance FIN002 Revenue budget – final variance FIN003 Capital Programme spend Council & Finance Committee meetings 121 AKP_R Deliver the agreed Treasury Management Strategy for 2012/13 and 2013/14 31 Mar 2013 Accounting Services - 31 Mar 2014 FIN003 Capital Programme spend 122 (AKP_C) (AKP_J) Support the Council and other Services in delivering and monitoring the 01 Apr 2013 Revenues & Benefits implementation of the Welfare Reform Act 2012 including the introduction - 31 Mar 2014 of the Local Council Tax Support scheme and Scottish Welfare Fund REV001 to REV_SPI006 performance indicators related to processing of benefit claims, payment accuracy, Council Tax collection. 123 AKP_R SCP01 Lead the Cost of Employment Budget Workstream to provide a financial package of options for Council to consider Members’ Briefings Council 124 AKP_Q Review the Council’s procurement processes to ensure that opportunities 01 Mar 2013 All Services for local businesses are maximised, delivering local jobs for people - 31 Mar 2014 Procurement across Stirling Oversee the implementation of the new Request for Quotation (RFQ) documentation and processes improving opportunities for local businesses Support local companies/employers to improve their chances of winning public sector contracts Number and value of contracts (as a % of total contracts) with local businesses Revised RFQ documentation implemented Support for Supplier Development Programme workshops (or equivalent) 125 SCIP 3 Continue to develop Council decision-making structures and ensure that sound arrangements are in place for Governance and the management of Resources 31 Mar 2014 Governance Annual Governance Statement 126 CSP 3 Lead on Resilience and Risk arrangements including working with partners in the Strategic Coordinating Group and chairing the Council’s Incident Response Team 31 Mar 2014 Resilience & Risk Percentage of up to date emergency management plans in place D:\533576394.doc 28/02/2013 Cost of Employment team Page 26 of 31 127 CSP 3 Support the Central Scotland Police and Central Scotland Fire & Rescue in their transition to the Scottish Police Services and the Scottish Fire & Rescue Services including dealing with the financial arrangements and implementing new governance arrangements Lead on the development of Local Policing and Fire & Rescue plans on behalf of the Council 31 Mar 2014 Accounting Services Governance Closure of Police Accounts Approval of local Police and Fire and Rescue plans COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 128 SCIP03 SCIP01 AKP_R Deliver the agreed General Fund Financial Strategy for 2012-17 by supporting services to develop policy and efficiency saving options 28 Feb 2013 27 Feb 2014 All Services Accounting Services Business Transformation & Technology FIN001 Projected variance FIN002 Revenue budget final variance BTT046 Change Programme savings projected to be achieved Change Programme Board 129 SCIP01 Lead the Cost Focus workstream, delivering efficiencies through improved focus on cost, is supported in changing the culture of the organisation from budget management to cost management 31 Mar 2014 Cost Focus project team Change Programme Board Uptake of cost focused approach by budget holders (can be quantified) Number of Unit Cost indicators on Services Balanced Scorecards 130 SCIP01 SCP06 Support the Asset Utilisation workstream to deliver a new electronic file plan and retention rules for Stirling Council 31 Mar 2014 Records Management Monitored through Council Management Team Total number/size of electronic files on the corporate network, etc OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 131 SCIP01 Ensure effective management of service budget to achieve agreed savings targets 31 Mar 2014 132 AKP_K Review current methods of service delivery to improve effectiveness and efficiency 31 Mar 2013 133 SCIP04 Develop outcome focused service performance frameworks that consider 31 Mar 2013 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions % improvement actions on target; number of PIs on Covalent 134 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints % Service standards achieved; % complaints responses within timescale D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved Page 27 of 31 135 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, PRD meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback. 136 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 graduate trainees) provided by the service 137 SCIP05 Support the Council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and promote good relations 138 AKP_L Contribute to sustainable development by ensuring the most effective use 31 Mar 2013 of resources and minimising energy consumption Council’s electricity & gas use 139 CSP 3 Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans D:\533576394.doc 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2013 % PRDs completed; year to date absence All Services Number of training places per 1,000 employees; target to be determined Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes Page 28 of 31 Senior Management Objectives: Head of Social Services Ref Linked Priority Objective Description Performance Indicators / Milestones Due Date Resources Nov 2013 Asst Chief Exec Janice Evidenced progress against Hewitt Corporate Action Plan Childcare Senior Mgt Team Head of Social Services SERVING STIRLING KEY PRIORITIES AND OTHER STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 140 AKP_F Implement Social Care aspects of Corporate Parenting strategy 141 AKP_G Improving care for our vulnerable people at home The development of a clear adult and childcare strategy incorporating business, service, financial and performance requirements Development of clear service priorities influencing service resource and effort. These should be based on risk, cost and reputation Jun 2013 Mar 2013 Development of priorities with NHS Forth Valley to establish where collaborative advantage can be gained and further integration of value Jul 2013 Develop a proposal with Health to lead the service into Health and Social Care integration Sep 2013 142 CSP 1 (ADP_A) (AKP_K) D:\533576394.doc Asst Head of Social Services Social Service Mgt Team Business Support Mgt Joint Mgt team NHS Education for Scotland/Scottish Social Services Council Action learning sets Head of Service High level work plan & vision to both Adult and Childcare Service Clear outline of priorities and identify associated risks Paper outlining priorities, collaborative advantage and partnerships priorities. Full proposal with partnership endorsement Take forward Shared Services agenda Identify direction and depth of integration within shared services following stock take Dec 2013 Establish model and associated project plan clearly outlining intent and timescales Aug 2013 Develop proposal to manage current challenges more efficiently until long term vision achieved Feb 2013 Review and maximising management team maximising capacity and ensuring appropriate development and support Mar 2013 Partnership Board Report endorsed by Clacks & Stirling Council explicitly outlining intent Partnership Board Report endorsed by Clacks & Stirling Council explicitly outlining Asst Head of Service intent Head of Service/Asst Head Report endorsed by Clacks & Stirling Council explicitly outlining of Service intent Report to Partnership Board outlining intent Page 29 of 31 COUNCIL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 143 SCIP11 Improve key areas of Social Services performance in relation to: Financial management Staff morale and engagement Approaches to self-evaluation Child Protection Services Aug 2013 Jul 2013 Jul 2013 Professional Development Unit Assistant Head of Strategy Multiagency Continuous Improvement Group/ Child Protection Committee Practice development The continuing roll out of GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) evidencing improved use and embedding of practice principles Aug 2013 A comprehensive review of services for individuals with a learning disability Nov 2013 Development of a more comprehensive approach to Adult Support and Protection, raising its profile both internally and externally Aug 2013 Integrated Child Service Planning Asst Head of Service Adult Care Team Strategy/ Assessment & Care Management Evidenced improvement in morale & engagement Completion of Public Sector Improvement Framework (PSIF) programme for all services Embed Child Protection Performance Framework & outcomes focused model Complete Child Protection Multiagency Group Self assessment programme Evidence of use & adherence within practice Full review of internal & external priorities with consultation & recommendations Comprehensive Project Plan OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT & CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 144 SCIP01 Ensure effective management of service budget to achieve agreed savings targets through budget workstream Establishment of a four year financial and service development plan for both Adult Care and Childcare. This will outline actions required to achieve efficiencies, reduce overspend and stabilise the budget whilst supporting service outcomes 31 Mar 2014 Projected variance as % of budget; % savings achieved 4 yr financial plan outlining short term and long term activities offering transparent scrutiny Mar 2013 Management Team & Finance 145 SCIP04 Develop outcome focused service performance frameworks that consider Mar 2013 customer, cost, people & processes, with appropriate benchmarking comparisons & targets, leading to defined improvement actions Strategy Corporate Performance Services 146 SCIP09 Implement the Customer Service Strategy including developing & monitoring service standards and gathering & analysing customer feedback & complaints Ongoing In progress remains in draft % Service standards achieved; % format complaints responses within timescale 147 SCIP07 Implement the People Strategy through rigorous attendance management, workforce planning, Performance Review and Development (PRD) meetings and provision of learning opportunities, to include leadership development and 360° feedback 31 Mar 2013 Management Team HR Support 148 AKP_Q Increase the number of training places (eg. traineeships, apprenticeships, 31 Mar 2014 D:\533576394.doc % improvement actions on target; no. Performance Indicators on Covalent % PRDs completed; year to date absence Adult care absence strategy Reduction in absence - % days lost No. of training places per 1,000 Page 30 of 31 graduate trainees) provided by the service employees; target to be determined 149 SCIP05 Support the Council in meeting its responsibilities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations 31 Mar 2013 Allocated actions are delivered to achieve the Council’s published equality outcomes 150 SCP 3 Manage service risks and resilience planning effectively and contribute to 31 Mar 2013 the management of corporate risks and resilience planning and incidence response Effective risk registers in place at service and corporate level and risks effectively managed Resilience plans in place Incidents responded to effectively in line with agreed plans D:\533576394.doc Page 31 of 31