Irene McCormack Catholic College Society & Environment Department 2014/15 Year 11 Economics ATAR Programme Student: ____________________________________ Teachers: Mr Swindells Miss Maher Text: Parry & Kemp, Tactic 2015. WACE Study Guide : ECONOMICS Academic Associates Useful Websites: (search for appropriate terms) (economic notes) ETAWA The Economics ATAR course is designed to facilitate achievement of the following outcomes. Outcome 1 – Economic inquiry Students use economic information and data to communicate an understanding of economic events, issues and decisions. In achieving this outcome, students: locate, select and organise economic information and data analyse and interpret economic information and data use economic terms, concepts and models to communicate an understanding of economic events, issues and decisions. Outcome 2 – The operation of the economy Students understand that economic forces influence the operation of the economy and are affected by the decisions of consumers and businesses. In achieving this outcome, students: understand how domestic and international economic forces influence the operation of the economy understand the choices, trade-offs and effects of economic decisions made at the local, national and international levels. Outcome 3 – Economic policy and action Students understand that the policies and actions of the government and other authorities affect the operation of the economy. In achieving this outcome, students: understand why economic policies and actions are required to manage the economy understand how policy options are used to address domestic and international economic problems and issues understand the effects of economic policies and actions of government and other authorities at the local, national and international level. Week Economic Knowledge (Topics) Spring Term Unit 1 - MICROECONOMICS INTRO ECONOMICS & MICROECONOMICS Week 2-3 What is economics and the economic problem Economics of the real world Economic terms we know Concept of Opportunity Cost and the PPC Model Resources Resources Text /Main_Page search on relevant terms Text Spring Term Markets the characteristics of a market economy Week 4 the distinction between product and factor markets the distinction between competitive and non-competitive markets Qu’s (search for appropriate terms) Demand, supply and equilibrium Spring Term Week 5 the law of demand the relationship between individual and market demand schedules and curves factors affecting demand: price income population tastes and preferences prices of substitutes and complements expected future prices the effect of changes in price on quantity demanded i.e. expansion or contraction of demand the effect of changes in non-price factors on quantity demanded i.e. increase or decrease in demand the law of supply the relationship between individual and market supply schedules and curves factors affecting supply price costs of production factors of production expected future prices number of suppliers technology Text Qu’s Assessments (approx.) Spring Term Week 6 the effect of changes in price on quantity supplied i.e. expansion or contraction of supply Text the effect of changes in non-price factors on quantity supplied i.e. increase or decrease in supply Qu’s MARKET EQUILIBRIUM (Class notes on S&D Mkt. Pe & Qe) Spring Term the concept of market equilibrium the effect of changes in demand and supply on market equilibrium the concepts of market clearing, shortages and surpluses how the price mechanism clears market surpluses and shortages Revision of term to date PPC Model Market Model Week 7 Spring Term Week 8 Elasticity the concept, and measurement, of price elasticity of demand determinants of price elasticity of demand the distinction between goods that are price elastic and price inelastic in demand the link between price elasticity of demand and total revenue Text Qu’s Micro Ass #1 Mkt’s & Prices. Short Ans. 5% Text Qu’s /Main_Page search on relevant terms (search for appropriate terms) (check in Unit 3) Spring Term Week 7 Spring Term the concept, and measurement, of income elasticity of demand the behaviour of normal goods and inferior goods in response to changes in income How to write an economics essay REVISION & ASSESSMENT PREPARATION Week 8 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Set aside at least 2 study sessions prior to returning in February: Ensure your Term 1 file is well orgainised Ensure your Term 1 notes are complete and thoroughly revised Text Qu’s Text Qu’s Micro Ass #2 Mkt’s Ped Long Ans. 10% Summer Term Week 1 Th&Fri Revision of Spring Term What is economics , eco.problem, scarcity, fundamental questions PPC Market D & S Price mechanism / clearing / equilibrium Price Elasticity of D Go through text book and program to allocate pages and review key concepts Summer Term Week 2 Revision of Spring Term What is economics , eco.problem, scarcity, fundamental questions PPC Model Market D & S Model Price mechanism / clearing / equilibrium Price Elasticity of D / defn / measures / Factors affecting / normal and inferiors G’s & S’s Review questions from text Go through text book and program to allocate pages and review key concepts Summer Term the concept of cross elasticity of demand the significance of substitute and complementary goods in relation to price, income and cross elasticities of demand Week 3 the concept of price elasticity of supply the distinction between goods that are price elastic and price inelastic in supply determinants of price elasticity of supply the significance of price and income elasticity for consumers, business and government Text Qu’s (search for appropriate terms) Text Summer Market efficiency Term Week 4 the concept of efficiency the benefits to consumers as market participants, applying marginal benefit and consumer surplus the benefits to producers as market participants, applying marginal cost and producer surplus the efficiency of market equilibrium i.e. maximising total surplus Qu’s /Deadweight_loss and other related terms (search for appropriate terms) Summer Economic modelling of CS / PS / TS Term Assessment Preparation: Elasticity and Efficiency topics Week 5 Chapt 6: Text Pp125-136 Qu’s p.144 Micro Ass #3 Efficiency & Equity Short Ans. 7% Text Summer Market failure and government policies Term Week 6 the concept of market failure the distinction between a competitive and an imperfect market how under and overproduction in a market can result in a deadweight loss Qu’s /Market_failure gov/coastal/economi cs/index.htm (search for appropriate terms) Summer Market power Term Week 7 the concept of market power barriers to entry in a market how market power can influence market efficiency i.e. a deadweight loss the role of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in ensuring market efficiency policy options to influence market power, including regulation/deregulation and legislation Summer Externalities Term Week 8 the distinction between positive and negative externalities how an externality can influence market efficiency i.e. a deadweight loss policy options to correct for externalities, including the use of taxes and subsidies Summer Public goods and common resources Term Week 9 the distinction between public goods and common resources why public goods suffer from the free rider effect why common resources suffer from the tragedy of the commons policy options to reduce market failure associated with public goods and common resources Summer Equity Term Week 9 the concept of equity (fairness) the relationship between equity and efficiency policy options to promote equity ACADEMIC ASSOCIATES Qu’s Pp.120-149 Chapter 7 of Text pp155 -162 Qu’s Pp174-175 Text pp162-174 Qu’s Pp175-180 Text Qu’s Distribute 3 long answer questions to be prepared Summer Effects of government policies Term Week 10 the distinction between price ceilings and price floors the effects of price ceilings and price floors using consumer and producer surplus the effects of a tax on a market the effects of a subsidy on a market Pre-prepared essay questions EASTER HOLIDAYS / STUDY FOR SEMESTER ONE EXAMS Set aside at least 4 study sessions prior to returning for Semester One Exams: Ensure your Semester 1 file is well orgainised Ensure your Semester 1 notes are complete and thoroughly revised Practice exam style questions Autumn Term Micro Ass #4 Mkt failure & policy Long Ans. 7% Revision Assessment #4 – prepared essay (1 of the 3) Week 1 Autumn Term Revision Micro Ass #5 Unit Test Short Ans. 7% Assessment #5 Preparation Week 2 Autumn Term Revision Examination Preparation Week 4 Autumn Term SEMESTER 1 EXAMS Sem 1 Micro Exam 12% Weeks 5&6 Autumn Term Week 7 REVIEW SEM 1 EXAM INTRODUCE UNIT 2 – MACROECONOMICS Macroeconomic activity the concept of macroeconomics and its relevance the distinction between macroeconomics and microeconomics the concept of the circular flow of income Text Qu’s Autumn Term the concepts of total spending, total output and total income and the relationship between them Text the concepts of equilibrium, leakages and injections in the circular flow of income Qu’s the effect of changes in leakages and injections on the level of equilibrium in the circular flow of income model Week 8 Autumn Term Week 9 Autumn Term the components of aggregate expenditure consumption investment government spending net exports Text Qu’s factors affecting each of the components of aggregate expenditure REVIEW QU’S REVISION Week 10 Autumn Term ASSESSMENT #1 PREPARARTION MACRO Ass #1 Macro-Eco Activity Long Ans. 7% REVISION ASSESSMENT #1 Week 11 Enjoy your break Notes sorted & revised Winter Term The business cycle the concept of the business cycle Week 1 the phases of the business cycle, and the characteristics of each phase Winter Term indicators of economic activity leading indicators, including share prices, building loan approvals, new employment vacancies, business and consumer confidence, and stock/inventory levels coincident indicators, including retail sales, and new car registrations lagging indicators, including unemployment rates/levels and inflation rate Week 2 Text Qu’s Text Qu’s Winter Term Week 3 Winter Term Week 4 Winter Term Week 5 Winter Term Week 6 Winter Term Week 7 Winter Term Week 8 Winter Term Week 9 Economic growth the concept, and measurement, of economic growth the distinction between nominal gross domestic product (GDP), real GDP, and real GDP per capita GDP as a measure of economic growth determinants of economic growth the costs and benefits of economic growth Text Qu’s Text 2B Ass #2 Grow Long Ans. Ass #2 Preparartion Qu’s 7% Inflation Text Revision the concept, and measurement, of inflation the distinction between headline and underlying inflation types of inflation demand pull cost push Qu’s the costs of inflation and the benefits of low inflation Review Link between economic growth and inflation Unemployment the concepts of unemployment, full employment, the natural rate of unemployment, the participation rate and underemployment the measurement of unemployment types and causes of unemployment, including cyclical, structural and frictional the effects of unemployment the implications of full employment for the economy the possible short-term trade-off between unemployment and inflation Balance of payments composition and direction of Australia’s trade the concept of the balance of payments the general structure of the current account, and the capital and financial account ACADEMIC ASSOCIATES 2A Rev Qu’s Pp. 120-149 2B Ass #3 Growth / Inf / Unm Short Ans. 7% Winter Term Week 10 the distinction between the current account and the capital and financial account the relationship between the current account and the capital and financial account Distribute prepared essay questions 2 or 3 for Ass #4 Income distribution Spring Term the concepts of income and wealth how the Lorenz curve represents inequality in the distribution of income and wealth The public sector the role of the government in a modified market economy regulation of business enterprises stabilising the business cycle redistributing income through taxation and spending the provision of goods and services the size of the government sector in the Australian economy currently, over time, and relative to other economies the size and composition of government revenue and spending in Australia at the Commonwealth, state and local government levels Week 1 Spring Term Taxation the distinction between direct/indirect taxation progressive/regressive/proportional taxation taxes on income/expenditure Week 2 types of Commonwealth taxes, including personal and income tax, goods and services tax, company tax, capital gains tax, fringe benefits tax, mineral resources rent tax, carbon tax and excise duty Winter Term the concepts of equity, efficiency and simplicity in the context of Australia’s taxation system Economic objectives Week 3 the economic objectives of the Australian Government sustainable economic growth low unemployment (full employment) low inflation (price stability) a more equitable distribution of income the efficient allocation of resources Macroeconomic performance trends in, and influences on, Australia’s recent (the last ten years) economic performance using a range of economic indicators, including inflation, unemployment, economic growth and the current account balance the impact of recent (the last ten years) domestic and international events on the performance of the Australian economy Macro Ass #4 Role of Govt Long Ans. 7% Revision for Macroeconomics (Unit 2) 2B Ass #5 3B Unit Test Short Ans. 7% Winter Term Week 4 Revision for Microeconomics (Unit 1) Winter Term Week 5 Winter Term SEMESTER TWO EXAMS Sem 2 Exam 2A 6% 2B 12% Week 9 18% Irene McCormack Catholic College Society & Environment Department 2014/15 Year 11 Economics ATAR Assessment Schedule NAME: _____________________________________________________ ATAR Weighting Types of assessment Data interpretation / Short response 30% Data interpretation/Short answer An answer of less than 150 words that can include discuss, explain or analyse an economic concept, event or issue. Formats can include: multiple-choice questions, calculations and/or short answer questions that can require a definition, description, explanation or application of economic concepts, theories and/or models. Typically questions require students to interpret real or hypothetical economic data or information, such as graphs, tables, text or cartoons. Typically tasks are a combination of these formats. At least two data interpretation/short answer tasks should be administered under test conditions. Extended response / Long responses 40% The question can require a description, discussion, explanation and/or analysis of an economic concept, event or issue, and the application of economic theories and/or models. The question can include stimulus material. Formats can include: an essay, a sectionalised long answer, an investigation and/or a response to a scenario or a case study. At least two extended answer tasks should be administered under test conditions. Assessment Weight Micro Ass #1 Mkt’s & Prices. 5% Micro Ass #3 Efficiency & Equity 5% Micro Ass #5 2A Unit Test 5% Macro Ass #3 Unm / Glob / Y dis 7.5% Macro Ass #5 3B Unit Test 7.5% Micro Ass #2 Mkt’s Ped 10% Micro Ass #4 Mkt failure & policy 10% Macro Ass #1 Macro-Eco Activity 6% Macro Ass #2 Grow & Inf 7% Macro Ass #4 Role of Govt 7% Raw score: /50 /50 /50 /50 /50 /20 /20 /20 /20 /20 Examination 30% A combination of both short answer and long answer items. Types of questions can include multiple-choice, data interpretation questions (based on text, graphic, tables, cartoons etc.) and extended answers (essays and sectionalised long answers which can be based on stimulus material). Conducted at the end of each semester and/or unit. In preparation for Unit 3 and Unit 4, the examination should reflect the examination design brief included in the ATAR Year 12 syllabus for this course. 100% Sem 1 Exam Micro 12% 12% /100 Sem 2 Exam Micro 3% Macro 15% 18% /100 Student Result: