Federal Work-Study Program Job Description/ Departmental Questionnaire for Undergraduate Students 2-8600 Ecology & Evolution 5245 Tel. #:______________ Office/Department:___________________________________________ Zip:________ Supervisor/Contact:___________________________ Title:______________ # of Students Requested: _____ Requested Period of Employment: Put an x in one or both boxes… q 7/1/98 - 9/2/98 (Summer) q 9/3/98 - 5/26/99 (Academic Year) Hourly Wage:______ 420015 Budget Acc’t. #: ______________ (Must be included) 1. Please circle the category which best describes the nature of the work to be performed by a student in this position: Project-Related Clerical Project Coordinator Tutor Computer Programmer Lab/Research Ass’t. Library Ass’t. Other (specify): ____________________________ Trainer/Supervisor Publications Ass’t. Please provide complete and detailed information to questions asked below: 2. List below the basic duties and responsibilities of each position, indicating with an “E” those that are considered essential (i.e., those responsibilities that are critical for successful completion of the job) and the approximate percentage of time required for each. E % A. _________________________________________________________ _________ _________ B. _________________________________________________________ _________ _________ C. _________________________________________________________ _________ _________ D. _________________________________________________________ _________ _________ E. _________________________________________________________ _________ _________ 3. Qualifications, skills or experience required: 4. Describe the importance of this position for the department and/or university: Please mail this form to: The Office of Financial Aid & Student Employment, 230 Administration Bldg., Z=0851 OFFICE USE ONLY: Department Allocation: _____________ Student(s) Priority Code: ________