p.1 PIB Sales Call Roy Roy: Hello. Simon Lovell: Hi, Roy. This is

PIB Sales Call Roy
Roy: Hello.
Simon Lovell: Hi, Roy. This is Simon calling.
Roy: Yeah, how are you doing?
Simon: I'm good, thank you. Yeah, thanks very much for filling out this survey for us.
Roy: Yeah, no problem.
Simon: You're actually a coach, are you?
Roy: Yes, I'm a certified L one coach.
Simon: How long have you been doing that for?
Roy: I got my certifications, let's see, back in November. I've actually been doing CrossFit since
the last week of August of last year.
Simon: So nine months.
Roy: Coming up on a year. [laughs]
Simon: I've been doing it quite a bit. It's good. I just think there's a massive, gaping hole in
CrossFit for nutrition product which is pertains to CrossFit that actually talks about Paleo fit for
the 21st century and how to really get your nutrition right for your WODs.
There's so much out there that people are trying to grab so much information from different
areas. There's so much. We had so many people come back on the survey.
Yours was really interesting. Actually, what we've done is we've taken a lot of the information
from your survey to actually make sure the product is really good.
I just wanted to dig a little bit deeper into some of the bits, specifically for you, like some of your
biggest challenges. I know you said you did the 30-day challenge, and you find yourself getting a
little bit bored with the food and stuff.
Roy: I'm not a big seafood eater. I do a lot of chicken, red meat, pork, some venison.
Simon: Give me a typical day. For example, what did you have to eat yesterday?
Roy: Yesterday, my day started at 4:00 AM. First thing I do is have a...
Simon: Shit. That's early.
Roy: Yeah, I know. It's a work week for me. I do a whey protein shake with water, basically as
soon as I get out of bed, with a piece of fruit. Yesterday, it was a banana.
Once I get to work, which is usually about two or three hours later, I'll do four eggs, Canadian
bacon, sliced tomato, and, yesterday, a grapefruit.
For lunch, I had a salad with grilled chicken. I'll have the vinegar and oil dressing. Then I did an
apple before I went in to do the coaching, yesterday afternoon.
After I did my WOD, I had another low-protein shake. For supper last night, was a grilled pork
loin, with grilled zucchini and squash. That was, pretty much, my day yesterday.
Simon: It sounds like a fair day but maybe some room for improvement in there, a little bit.
Your main goal, what would you say, is it more performance or more fat loss?
Roy: I'm getting close on my fat loss. We started this with a 30-day Paleo challenge thing
[inaudible 03:28] and I wasn't big on Paleo. I did it with my wife. I leaned out so well, all within
the 30 days, or started leaning out, which I hadn't been able to do to that point, that I liked it.
I try to continue it as much as I can, really, during the week. The weekends, I tend to slip a bit
and hit the ales and stuff on the weekend.
Simon: You're just a normal guy, there. Anyone that says that they do 100 percent Paleo is
Roy: I've got to have my Guinness on the weekends. I'm sorry. [laughs] I'd like to lean out a
little more, but I'm finding that, as I'm staying on the Paleo, that I'm leaning out too much. I
would actually like to be able to put some muscle back on, so I can actually build my strength
Simon: That will come by making sure that you've got the right nutrition for your WOD, so that
in your WODs, you're putting on the right muscle, which is what a lot of the problem that people
have is. If they don't get the nutrition right, which means they don't perform, which means that
they don't gain the muscle that they want. Does that make sense?
Roy: I think so. Typically, I hit my WOD and then it's just a protein shake. That's, basically, all
I know to do, is get that protein shake in within my 30-minute window, afterwards.
Simon: You're open to help with your nutrition, then, really?
Roy: Oh, yeah.
Simon: Basically, that's really useful, was all of that. Basically, I just want to tell you what's
going to be in the product. It's not officially out yet, but I just wanted to go through and just
make sure that we've got everything covered within the modules. Hang on. Let me just page up.
Roy: The only thing I've noticed if I stay heavy on Paleo is a lack of some energy. I don't seem
to have the energy that I did before with the carbs. I found that as I got into it, I guess once my
body started learning to burn the fat when I got the carbs out...
Simon: We've just done a module on carbs. There's a massive misconception with it, just so
much wrong information out there towards it. Our system is going to be basically designed to
make sure that you can basically do Paleo, but also it gives you the unstoppable energy you
want. It's just about making tweaks to what you're doing already but really understanding exactly
what's happening.
A lot of people do Paleo, and they understand the basics. But they don't really understand the
fundamentals of what's happening within the body with the food they're eating. That's the big
problem. Instead of this being just a diet, it's basically a nutrition training system for CrossFit.
There isn't anything out there like that at the moment. There are bits and pieces of information.
It's not being delivered together properly so that you can get the energy that you want while
maintaining a lean physique and making sure that you're never hungry and you have the right
varied amount of food that keeps you interested in doing Paleo so you don't fall off the wagon.
First of all, the reason you filled out the survey is because we didn't want to put a product out and
hope that you like it. The idea of this whole process, me getting on the phone and talking with
you, is so that we can build a product to suit your needs so we've got every kind of box ticked.
This is currently what's being covered in the system. It's basically going to be 14 video training
modules. Then you'll get the audios and the downloads as well. The first module covers the
modern Paleo dilemma, so basically taking Paleo into the 21st century. It has to change. Normal
Paleo man, he didn't sit behind a computer like I am now. I'm not getting any vitamin D.
Roy: Exactly. [laughs]
Simon: Like protein shakes, they're not Paleo. It's about adjusting it, not only for the 21st
century, but for CrossFit, too. Module two is going to be "Escaping the Carb Trap," so not
getting caught up by the common Paleo carb trap and understanding your body so you can get
food at what times.
Module 2.1 is basically going to be talking about fat and how fat makes you healthy and the
misconceptions. If you're avoiding certain types of fat, then that will hamper your results. We've
got protein muscle up, which is basically covering all the types of protein and the best ones to
have and protein rotation to balance hormones which can affect fat loss and performance.
We've got energy thruster, which would be really good for you. It's about basically what to do to
get maximum energy throughout your workout. Then we've got the calorie trap, being aware of
the calorie trap which can leave you fatigued, tired, and underperforming without you even
knowing it.
We've got ultimate pre and post FOD, basically exactly what you should be consuming before
and after WODs, this is beyond protein shakes, to give you the edge and your best WOD times
ever. Then we've got the FOD box. This is basically the performance energy box.
It's going to be a box that you have throughout the day which balances your blood sugar levels.
We tell you exactly what to put in it in order to get the best results. It's basically like a grazing
box with a combination of foods. There are thousands of different combinations, so you'll never
get bored.
Module five is going to be early FOD. FOD is food of the day. Early FOD is going to be
basically everything you wanted to know about breakfast. Late FOD is all about evening meals.
Personalize your FOD, this is when you're going to be able to basically tailor it to you.
If you are going to go for more the performance and building muscle, then you can start tailoring
it more specifically to your needs. If someone wants more fat loss, then they're going to need to
tweak the diet a little bit. You can't have everything at once.
Roy: Yeah, you can't do them both exactly at the same time.
Simon: Then we've got FOD on the run which is basically how to eat meals out, meetings,
traveling, the holidays. We've got reduce your FOD time. This is sneaky tricks on planning and
preparing, reading labels, time saving, and maintaining consistency throughout the day.
Then we've got supplementing your FOD which is basically the ultimate CrossFit supplement
guide. Then we've got recipe packs, plans, and cheat sheets. It's all done for you. Does that sound
Roy: It sounds quite interesting.
Simon: Basically when that comes out, when it's released, it will probably be...you're in dollars,
aren't you? We're looking between $197 and $297 when that actually comes out for the whole
system. What I was going to let you know about, if you're interested, we've got a founding
members group.
Before the product is released, you can come in now. There are about 67 people in the group
already. Basically there will be coaching calls with Justin. It's basically a group that helps build
the product as we go along.
What would happen is if you got in today, then you would get the first module today. Then every
three days, you will get a new module to go through. You get access to Justin, so you can ask
questions, so that when the product actually comes out it's more about building the product for
you rather than waiting for the product to come out, pay a higher price, and then not be able to
tailor it completely to you.
If you want to do that, that's $97. I just thought I'd mention it. It wasn't about the call. It was just
if you want to do it now, that's a good opportunity if you want to get in now and save yourself a
bit. If you're interested, I can shoot you an email about that if you want to go ahead.
Roy: Yeah, go ahead and send me the email on that now. I'll look over it. I'm at my job today. I
can look at it this evening after I get home.
Simon: I just wanted to mention it, because a lot of people are already wanting the product. It's
going to be that price when it comes out. Because you already filled out that survey and
time...Also, what we're going to do, part of the agreement in getting that deal and price is that, if
you like the product, you give us a testimonial for us to use on the website.
Roy: I'd love to do that. I'm right in that middle age, getting ready to turn 46. I feel like I'm
losing some things, but with CrossFit, I do feel like I'm really better now than I've been in
anything I've ever done. I've done a lot. I've actually been in body building at one time.
Simon: I've gone from the [inaudible 12:44] scenario. I've been a personal trainer.
Roy: I actually switched from the Triathlon Club over to this.
Simon: It's just amazing.
Roy: It is. It really is. I'm still riding my bike. I actually ride my bike to and from the gym when
I have the opportunity, when I'm not coming from work. It gives me about a 25-mile ride if I do
it back and forth. Like I said, the Paleo has been very interesting. Like you said, the information
is just so scattered. There's so much of it out there. You don't know what really works and what
really doesn't.
Simon: One of the guys in the VIP group today just watched a carb module. I'm just reading
this off the special VIP group. He said, "I've watched both of the new modules, and I'm amazed
at how much of this I never knew about. This is the sort of thing that the government and schools
should be teaching to help us understand what we're eating. Good job, Justin." He's the guy who
creates it. "Looking forward to the next module."
He's only seen three modules, and there are going to be 14 in total. He's already got value from
just watching...I think watching the carb one will really help you. Then the one where it's about
pre and post nutrition will help. Have you been checking out the blog? Have you been reading
those in bits and pieces?
Roy: Yeah, I've been checking out some. I've got them saved in my home computer. I work
from 5:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. Then I go straight to our box and coach two
classes and do my WOD.
I'm usually 9:00 getting home and trying to shove something in real quick to eat and then go
straight to bed when I'm on my work week. I haven't had the time. I've got the video saved on
making the smoothies.
Simon: Yeah, that's a good one.
Roy: One of the other ones. I want to sit down and watch them in detail when I can. I just
haven't had the chance this week.
Simon: This is definitely a big course, but if you go through it, you'll know basically more than
anyone in your box does about nutrition. Also, you'll be able to help everyone else. It's good to
chat with you. Let me just check if I've got the right email for you. Trivadams@Gmail.com.
Roy: Yes, Trivadams@Gmail.com.
Simon: I'll shoot you an email. Basically we've got 67 at the moment, and we're looking to have
about 100 in there. If you want to get on board, just shoot us an email back. No, actually there
will be a PayPal link if you want to get on board. Then you'll get access to the modules. You can
come in and chat with us and help us make sure that the product is really for you. Cool, have a
good day.
Roy: You do the same.
Simon: I really appreciate you taking the time to do the survey. It meant a lot to us.
Roy: I appreciate you all calling. Thanks a lot.
Simon: Take care. Bye.
Roy: Bye.
Transcription by CastingWords