Reading Lesson Plan

Reading Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Jennica Castle
Living World (Biology)
Special Ed
 Students will describe how blood is pumped through the heart.
 Students will trace the pathway of blood through the left and the right sides of the heart.
Reading Standard:
Materials Needed:
 Biology an Everyday Experience textbook.
 Copies of an unlabeled heart
 Overhead copy of the unlabeled heart diagram
 Colored pencils
Reading Strategy:
 The class will discuss the objectives before reading the text as a class. Review prior
knowledge of the material and make predictions about the heart and circulation. The class
will review and define terms that may be familiar to the students (vein, artery, valve, and
Anticipatory Set:
 Have the students take pulse for one minute while resting. Put their rates on the board and
note the wide variation seen within the class. Talk about pulse rate and how it is a reflection
of a heartbeat.
 Before reading have students look through lesson in chapter by looking at pictures, titles, key
words and topic sentences. Have them write down 5 questions that they might have.
 Read the text aloud as a class. Stop at the end of each mini lesson to discuss as a class.
Guided Practice:
 On overhead projector trace the steps of blood in the heart. Have students label in order and
color the appropriate color (blue for deoxygenated blood and red for oxygenated blood.)
Independent Practice:
 Have the students answer their own questions (they wrote these during the lesson)
 Discuss the questions they had before reading and discuss their answers that they found after
 Make predictions about the heart. (Why is one side more muscular than the other? What
happens when the coronary arteries are blocked?) This will be tomorrows lesson…..
Reading Fact Sheet:
Examples of Reading Strategies:
 Graphic Organizers
 Frayer Model
 Concept Mapping
 Definition Web
 Venn Diagram
 Prior Knowledge
 Context Clues
Story Boards
Free Write Response
Fluency Skills
Interpretation Through Drama, Music, Art, Dance
Blooms Taxonomy (highest level of understanding to lowest level)
*Notes: This is not a comprehensive list, but a condensed list to assist you with your Reading
Lesson Plan.
Comprehension 
Verbs: Assess, judge, value, compare, recommend, determine
Skills: What is the opinion of, In your view, Why do you think that…)
Sample Activity: Write a letter to … advising on changes needed at …
Verbs: Assemble, compose, create, design, predict, plan, purpose
Skills: Pretend, suppose, What if, Imagine …
Sample Activity: Invent a machine to do a specific task
Verbs: Calculate, criticize, distinguish, diagram, investigate, solve
Skills: Why, outline, what is similar/different, what caused…
Sample Activity: Make a flow chart to show the critical stages
Verbs: Interpret, classify, schedule, illustrate, practice, operate
Skills: Show how, translate, demonstrate …
Sample Activity: Make a scrapbook about the areas of study
Verbs: Discuss, identify, report, restate, translate, outline
Skills: In your own words, explain, tell about, describe…
Sample Activity: Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events
Verbs: Define, list, locate, name, recall
Skills: Who, what, where, when, point out
Sample Activity: Make a facts chart
 For a complete list of the Reading Standards please visit the following website: