Chemistry 103 (Sections 002) Summer 2009 Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Robins Office: CHE 118 Office Hours: immediately following Lecture Telephone: 895-4304 TEXT: “Basic Chemistry,” Timberlake & Timberlake, UNLV custom edition COURSE WEB PAGE: (homepage), top of page under index and campus map click on box and scroll to WebCampus. Four options will be displayed - click on “University of Nevada, Las Vegas”. The WebCampus homepage will be displayed and will require login and password. For assistance, please call the student help line – 895-0761. TEXTBOOK WEBPAGE: (use access code in your text). PURPOSE: Chemistry 103 (3 credits) is designed for students who wish to qualify for Chemistry 121. Credit is not allowed for both CHEM 103 and 110. The course does not satisfy the General Education Core Science Requirement. COREQUISITE: Enrollment in MAT 096 or placement in MAT 124 or higher. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The learning objectives of this course include mastery of the following topics: *The meaning of chemical formulas and chemical equations * Chemical calculations - stoichiometry, gases & solutions * Electronic structure of atoms * Bonding and Molecular Structure * Covalent and Ionic Compounds * Gas Laws * States of Matter * Solutions - Qualitative and Quantitative These topics are covered in Chapters 2-12 of the text. ATTENDANCE: Attendance at each class session is expected of all students. If you are unavoidably absent, it is your responsibility to determine what was covered in lecture. UNLV policies regarding attendance, academic dishonesty and classroom conduct are set forth in the UNLV Undergraduate Catalog. MATERIALS FOR CLASS: You will need an inexpensive scientific calculator for each lecture. You may NOT use any other electronic device in place of the calculator. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELLULAR PHONES DURING CLASS. Please Note: Syllabus subject to change as needed. GRADING: This course is graded on a letter grade basis only (no S/F grade). Your final grade will be based on three exams (100pts each/300 pts total), in-class quizzes (10 points), and on-line quizzes (70 points). The following grading scale will be used: A 100 - 93% A- 92 - 90% B+ 89-88% B 87-81% B- 80-79% C+ 78-77% C 76-69% C- 68-67% D+ 66-65% D 64-57% F 56-0%. TOTAL: 380 points; percentage = [(your points)/380] x 100 I will never raise the grading scale beyond the percentages shown, however, I do reserve the right to lower the scale (to the advantage of the class) at the end of the semester. HOMEWORK: Recommended problems from each chapter are available on the WebCampus site. Assignments will be due on the date announced, and the completed set will receive a "check" in the grade book. Accumulated check marks will aid in raising the grade of those students with borderline scores. The problems listed for each chapter are the minimum number of problems that should be worked in order to master the course material. QUIZZES: Two IN-CLASS quizzes worth 10 points each will be given throughout the five week period. There will be NO MAKE-UP option for “in-class” QUIZZES; however, I will drop your lowest score when computing the final grade. For MATH problems you must SHOW YOUR WORK, including set-up, units, and correct significant figures. Individual, ELECTRONIC QUIZZES (7 quizzes/10pts each) will be given on the WebCampus site throughout the semester. You must finalize your quiz answers before 11:59pm on each day the quiz is due (See quiz schedule in this syllabus). You will have access to each new quiz on the morning following the due date of the previous quiz. You may change your answers as many times as you deem necessary until the quiz is officially due. The quizzes will be graded after the specified deadline. If you do not receive a perfect score (10/10), you will have the opportunity to retake a similar quiz the following week. I will take the highest score out of the two grades if you choose to retake the quiz. These electronic quizzes should be considered learning opportunities – you may consult your book, your friends, or you may seek help during office hours. There will be NO other opportunities to make-up electronic quizzes. SEMESTER EXAMS: Three exams (includes the final exam- 100 points each) will be given during the semester (Dates are shown in the Section labeled Class Schedule) ABSOLUTELY NO MAKEUP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN! FINAL EXAMINATION: A comprehensive final examination for this course will be given on the last day of class. DISABILITY SERVICES: Learning Enhancement Services (LES) houses Disability Services, Tutoring Services, and Learning Strategies. If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact LES for coordination in your academic accommodations. LES is located in the Reynolds Student Services Complex, Suite 137. The phone number is 702 895-0866 or TDD 702 895-0652. You may also visit our web site at CHEMISTRY 103 – CLASS SCHEDULE Summer 2009 ************************************************************* Date Topic Week 1 Monday, June 1th Course Introduction, Chapter 2 Measurements nd Tuesday, June 2 Chapter 2, Measurements Wednesday, June 3rd Chapter 2 & Chapter 3, Classification of Matter th Thursday, June 4 Chapter 3 & Chapter 4, Atoms/Elements (On-line QUIZ 1: Due by 11:59pm) Friday, June 5th Chapter 4, Atoms/Elements / In-Class QUIZ 1 Week 2 Monday, June 8th Tuesday, June 9th Wednesday, June 10th Thursday, June 11th Friday, June 12th Week 3 Monday, June 15th Tuesday, June 16th Wednesday, June 17th Thursday, June 18th Friday, June 19th Week 4 Monday, June 22nd Tuesday, June 23rd Wednesday, June 24th Thursday, June 25th Friday, June 26th Week 5 Monday, June 29th Tuesday, June 30th Wednesday, July 1st Thursday, July 2nd Friday, July 3rd Chapter 4 & Chapter 5, Electronic Structure (On-line QUIZ 3/Make-up QUIZ 2) Chapter 5, Electronic Structure Chapter 5, Electronic Structure Chapter 6, Compounds introduced, Review (On-line QUIZ 5/Make-up QUIZ 4) EXAM 1 - Chapters 2 – 5 (100 points) Chapter 6 & Chapter 7, Compounds (On-line QUIZ 7/Make-up QUIZ 6) Chapter 6 & Chapter 7, Compounds Chapter 8, Chemical Quantities Chapter 8, Chemical Quantities (On-line QUIZ 9/Make-up QUIZ 8) Chapter 9, Chemical Reactions/ In-Class QUIZ 2 Chapter 9 & Chapter 10, Quantities in Reactions (On-line QUIZ 11/Make-up QUIZ 10) Chapter 10, Quantities in Reactions Chapter 10 & 11 Gases Chapter 11 Gases (On-line QUIZ 13/Make-up QUIZ 12) EXAM II (Chapters 6 – 10) (100 points) Chapter 11, Gases (On-line Make-up QUIZ 14) Chapter 12, Solutions Chapter 12, Solutions, REVIEW FINAL – cumulative (100 points) HOLIDAY