Curriculum Vital

C. V
Personal details:
Name: Mustafa Odeh helal jwaifell
Place and date of birth: Amman - 1st of august 1960
Nationality: Jordanian
Address: Jordan: Amman
Mobile: 00962-79-6976851
Personal web page:
Personal Group Page:
Interests: Learning Object, Electronic Learning,
Learning at Distance and CBT
1- Master in Educational Technology. The University of Jordan, 1992.
2- Educational Rehabilitation Diploma. The University of Jordan, 19987.
3- License of Higher Postal Studies. Syria, 1982.
Employment history:
1- Teacher at Ministry of Education, Jordan1984-1994.
2- Head of vocational and educational supervision at the Ministry of Education, Jordan,
3- Teacher of teaching aids at the military schools in United Arab Emirates, 1994-1997.
4- Technical production officer at the Air Force and the Air Defense of the United Arab
Emirates, 1997- to date.
5- Assistant Lecturer, Ajman University of Science and Technology, United Arab
Emirates, 2001-2005.
6- Assistant Lecturer, Al-Hussein University, Jordan, 2005-2006
7- Instructor , Al-Hussein University, Jordan, 2005-TD
In-service training:
1- BASIC language programming course, Computer City, Jordan, 1989.
2- Learning disabilities, Princess Tharwat College, Jordan, 1993.
3- The active use of educational technology, UAE University, UAE, 1996.
4- Other training workshops.
Professional experience:
1- Teaching aids trainer, Educational Training Center, Ministry of Education, Jordan.
2- Designing programs and training materials at the Educational Training Center for
teacher Training, Jordan.
3- A trainer and designer for training programs and materials, the Educational Training
Center for Teacher Training, United Arab Emirates.
4- Taught the following courses for BSc. students at Ajman University:
A. Courses Taught in Arabic Language:
1) Introduction to Educational Technology.
2) Audio-visual Aids.
3) Teaching Aids Production 1.
4) Teaching Aids Production 2.
5) Education and Computer.
6) Audio-visual Media.
7) Educational Technology Studies.
8) Web Page Design
9) Child and Computer
10) Educational Computer applications
B. Courses Taught in English Language:
1) Teaching and learning at Distance
2) Learning Resources Center
3) Designing and development of individual learning systems
4) Computer and Training
5) WebPages Design
6) Educational learning resources
Computer skills:
2. Programming Languages: BASIC – HTML - Visual basic
3. Editing Programs: Macromedia : Flash Author ware, and Director, Photoshop ,
Print shop multimedia organizer ,Adobe Photo deluxe..etc
4. Minitab (Package for statistical analyses)
5. Win. QSB (Package for operation researches)
6. SPSS (Package for statistical analyses)
10. Front Page – Dream Weaver
Approved and published work:
1- Holy Quran Learning Program (on CD using Visual Basic Language)
2- The Air Force Secondary School Logo. The school is run by the Air Force and the Air
Defiance of the United Arab Emirates.
3- A training program entitled The Computer Use in Education, for the Educational
Training Center, Ministry of Education, Jordan.
4- Designing the Air Force Secondary School Building in the United Arab Emirates as
well as: classrooms technological needs, school computer network, closed T.V circuit,
electronic library and multimedia classrooms.
5- A Model of Implementing eLearning Systems in Arab World, Towards Investing
Educational an Psychological Sciences at the light of new demands of this Era,
Damascus University ,September (25-27), 2009. Syria
6- The Use of Models and Authoring Computerized Systems in Instructional Systematic
Design, Arab Foundation of Science and Technology, Fifth Conference, Morocco. 2008
7- “E-Learning Objects Metadata-Enabled Educational Systems, Enhancing Blended
learning” LINC Conference, Amman, Dubai 2007
8- Supervision and Practice According to the Practical Education Supervisors and their
Students Respectively at King Hussein Bin Talal University. Journal of Mota
University . 2010
9- The Effectiveness of Instructional Computer Program on Third Primary-Social CourseStudents in Ma'an, AlNajah University Journal, 2010
10- Obstacles Facing Primary Schools' Administrators in South Counties in Jordan,
Education Collage Journal, AlAzhar University, Second Part, Issue 136(2), August.
Egypt. 2008
Research and achievements:
1- MSc. Thesis entitled: Evaluation Of Educational Computer Programs in Jordan, 1992.
2- Developing a model for evaluating ready-made Educational Computer programs.
3- Preparing a training program entitled: Educational Computer for training teachers of
the Ministry of Education in Jordan.
4- Preparing a training program entitled: Individualized Learning, for training teachers of
the Ministry of Education in United Arab Emirates.
5- Designing, programming and producing teaching materials in Financial Mathematics,
as a requirement for learning by computer as part of my MSc. Course.
6- Designing, Programming and producing an educational computer program in Physics
in English for the Air Force Secondary School in the United Arab Emirates.
7- Designing educational computer program for learning the Holy Quran on CD.
8- Designing and programming computer presentations for the following university
Educational Technology
Learning resources center.
Audio Visual Aids
Learning at Distance
Production 1
Production 2
9- Designing and programming lectures using power point for various subjects and levels.
10- Designing a school building through the educational technology needs as well as
designing other facilities such as laps, halls and classrooms.
11- Designing and producing teaching programs using educational multimedia.
12- Designing and producing various teaching aids for secondary education in the United
Arab Emirates such as:
Videos, educational posters models ……etc.
13- Organizing the First, second and the third Air Force Educational Fair, representing the
Air Force Secondary School in the United Arab Emirates.
14- Designing Logos for the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates.
15- Designing learning/teaching environments using school computer network and smart