Assessing Vital Functions Accurately

- , Assessing Vital Functions Accurately
A.S.T.E. Handbook Committee , Tool Engineers Handbook
AAPT Committee on Apparatus , Teaching Physics Safely: Some Practical Guidelines
in Seven Areas of Common Concern in Physics Classrooms
Aaseng, Nathan , Black Inventors
Abarbanel, Henry D. I. , Analysis of Observed Chaotic Data
Abarbanel, Henry D. , Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics For Physicists
Abbot, Charles Greeley , The Sun and the Welfare of Man
Abbot, Charles Greeley , Great Inventions
Abbot, Charles Greeley , Great Inventions
Abbott, Ira H. , Theory of Wing Sections: Including a Summary of Airfoil Data
Abbott, Shirley , The National Museum of American History
Abdullaev, F. , Optical Solitons
Abdullaev, Fatkhulla , Theory of Solitons in Inhomogenous Media
Abdullaev, S. S. , Chaos and Dynamics of Rays in Waveguide Media
Abel, Peter , Assembler For the IBM PC and PC-XT
Abell, Martha L. , Differential Equns With Mathematica
Abelloff, Martin D. , Clinical Oncology
Abelson, Harold , Turtle Geometry
Aben, Hillar , Integrated Photoelasticity
Aberley, Doug (ed.) , Futures By Design: the Practice of Ecological Planning
Abernathy, Bruce , The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement
Abernethy, Ken , Exploring Macintosh: Concepts in Visually Oriented Computing
Aboufadel, Edward , Discovering Wavelets
Abragam, A. , Principles of Nuclear Magnetism
Abragam, A. , Principles of Nuclear Magnetism
Abragam, A. , Time Reversal: an Autobiography
Abragam, A. , Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions
Abragam, A. , Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions
Abragam, A. , Nuclear Magnetism: Order and Disorder
Abraham, Farid F. , An Introduction to Computer Simulation in Applied Science
Abraham, Norman , Interaction of Matter & Energy: Inquiry in Physical Science
Abraham, Ralph , Chaos, GAIA, Eros: a Chaos Pioneer Uncovers the Three Great
Streams of History
Abraham, Ralph A. , Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems: a Visual Introduction
in 2 Dimensions
Abraham, Ralph H. , Dynamics: The Geometry of Behavior Part 1: Periodic Behavior
Abraham, Ralph H. , Dynamics: The Geometry of Behavior Part 2: Chaotic Behavior
Abraham, Ralph H. , Dynamics: The Geometry of Behavior Part 3: Global Behavior
Abraham, Ralph H. , Dynamics: The Geometry of Behavior Part 4: Bifurcation
Abraham, Ralph , Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications
Abraham, Ralph , Foundations of Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Abraham, Ralph , Trialogues at the Edge of the West: Chaos, Creativity, and the
Resacralization of the World
Abramowitz, Milton, ed. , Handbook of Mathematical Functions With Formulas,
Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, 9th Printing With Corrections
Abramson, Nils , Light in Flight
Abrikosov, A. A. , Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics
Abrikosov, A. A. , Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics
Abu-mostafa, Yaser S. , Complexity in Information Theory
Aburdene, Maruice F. , Computer Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Acher, Kate , The Works: Anatomy of a City
Acheson, D. J. , Elementary Fluid Dynamics
Achieser, N. I. , Theory of Approximation
Ackenhusen, John G. , Real-time Signal Processing
Acker, Agnes , Astronomical Methods and Calculations
Acker, W. L. , Basic Procedures For Soil Sampling and Core Drilling
Ackerman, Diane , Natural History of the Senses
Ackerman, Diane , A Natural History of Love
Ackerman, Eugene , Biophysical Science, 2nd ed.
Ackerman, Eugene , Biophysical Science
Ackerman, James S. , Distance Points: Essays in Theory and Renaissance Art and
Ackerman, Jennifer G. (ed.) , The Curious Naturalist
Ackermann, Jürgen , Sampled-Data Control Systems: Analysis and Synthesis, Robust
System Design
Acquaah, George , Horticulture: Principles and Practice
Acton, Forman S. , Numerical Methods That Work
Aczel, Amir D. , The Riddle of the Compass
Aczel, Amir D. , Pendulum: Leon Foucault and the Triumph of Science
Ad Hoc Committee on the Fundamentals of Amorphous Semiconductors , Fundamentals
of Amorphous Semiconductors
Adair, Robert K. , The Physics of Baseball, 2nd ed.
Adam, Neil Kensington , The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, 3rd ed.
Adam, Neil Kensington , The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, 3rd ed.
Adam, Stephen F. , Microwave Theory and Applications
Adamatsky, Andrew , Artificial Life Models in Software
Adami, Christoph , Introduction to Artificial Life
Adams, Colin C. , The Knot Book: an Elemerntary Intriduction to the Mathematical
Theory of Knots
Adams, Frank Dawson , The Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences
Adams, George F. , Landforms
Adams, J. Alan , Computer-aided Heat Transfer Analysis
Adams, J. Michael , Printing Technology, 3rd ed.
Adams, James L. , Flying Buttresses, Entropy, and O-Rings
Adams, John A. S. , The Natural Radiation Environment
Adams, Lee , Supercharged Graphics: a Programmer's Source Code Toolbox
Adams, Robert McC. , Paths of Fire: an Anthropologist's Inquiry into Western
Adams, Roger S. P. , The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids, 10th ed.
Adams, Steven G. , Maple Talk
Adams, Walter , The Structure of American Industry, 8th ed.
Adams, Wm. Mansfield , Earthquakes: an Introduction to Observational Seismology
Adamson, Arthur W. , Understanding Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Addison, Paul S. , Fractals and Chaos: an Illustrated Course
Adkins, C. J. , Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 3rd ed.
Adler, Isidore , X-ray Emission Spectrography in Geology
Adler, R. B. , Introduction to Semiconductor Physics
Adler, Ronald , Introduction to General Relativity, 2nd ed.
Adobe , Electronic Publishing Guide: the Essential Resource For Electronic
Adobe Systems Incorporated , Postcript Language Reference, 3rd ed.
Adobe Systems Incorporated , Adobe GoLive CS, Rev. ed.
Adrosko, Rita A. , Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing
Advanced Information Systems Inc. , Oracle Unleashed: Design, Develop and
Administer Oracle Applications and Databases
Agar, Alan W. , Principles and Practice of Electron Microscope Operation
Agarwal, B. K. , Statistical Mechanics
Agarwal, Govind P. , Nonlinear Fiber Optics
Agarwal, Govind P. , Long-Wavelength Semiconductor Lasers
Agarwal, J. K. , Notes on Nonlinear Sytems
Agassi, Joseph , Faraday As a Natural Philosopher
Agnew, William F. , Neural Prostheses: Fundamental Studies
Agricola, Georgius , Den Natura Fossilium 9textbook of Minerology)
Agricola, Georgius , De Re Metallica
Agullo Miguel , Lego Mindstorms Masterpieces: Building and Programming Advanced
Aherne, William A. , Morphometry
Ahl, David , Basic Computer Adventures: 10 Treks and Travels Through Time and
Ahlfors, Lars V. , Complex Analysis: an Introduction to the Theory of Analytic
Functions of One Complex Variable, 3rd ed.
Ahlstrand, Alan (ed.) , Ortho's Home Improvement Encyclopedia
Ahmad, Anees (ed.) , Optomechanical Engineering Handbook
Ahmed, Kulsum , Renewable Energy Technologies: a Review Off the Status and Costs
of Selected Technologies
Aho, Alfred V. , Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
Ahrendt, William R. , Servomechanism Practice
Ahrens, C. Donald , Meteorology Today, 5th Ed.: an Introduction to Weather,
Climate, and the Environment
Ahrens, C. Donald , Meteorology Today, 2nd Ed.: an Introduction to Weather,
Climate, and the Environment
Ahrens, C. Donald , Meteorology Today, 5th Ed..: an Introduction to Weather,
Climate, and the Environment
Ahrens, L. H. , Distribution of Elements in Our Planet
AIA Research Corporation , A Survey of Passive Solar Buildings
Aidley, David J. , The Physiology of Excitable Cells, 3rd ed.
Aidley, David J. , Ion Channels: Molecules in Action
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute , Refrigeration and Airconditioning
Airco Temescal , Physical Vapor Deposition
Aisenbrey, A. J., Jr. , Design of Small Canal Structures 1974
Aitchison, I. J. R. , Gauge Theories in Particle Physics
Aitken, Hugh G. J. , Syntony and Spark: the Origins of Radio
Aitken, M. J. , Physics and Archaeology, 2nd ed.
Aiton, E. J. , The Vortex Theory of Planetary Motions
Akaike, Hirotugu , The Practice of Time Series Analysis
Akesson, Elizabeth J. , Core Textbook of Anatomy, 2nd ed.
Akhmanov, S. A. , Problems of Nonlinear Optics: Electromagnetic Waves in
Nonlinear Dispersive Media
Aki, Keiiti , Quantitatively Seismology: Theory and Methods, Vol. 1
Aki, Keiiti , Quantitatively Seismology: Theory and Methods, Vol. 2
Akivis, M. A. , An Introduction to Linear Algebra & Tensors
Akl, Selim G. , The Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms
Aklonis, John J. , Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity
Al'pert, Ya. L. , Space Plasma Vol. 2: Flow, Waves, and Oscillations
Al-Khafaji, Amir Wadi , Numerical Methods in Engineering Practice
Alabuzhev, P. , Vibration Protecting and Measuring Systems With Quasi-zero
Aladin Books , The Book of Natural Disasters
Aladin Books , Science Through the Microscope
Alazraki, Naomi P. , Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine, 2nd ed.
Albers, Donald J. , Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews
Albers, Donald J. , More Mathematical People: Contemporary Conversations
Albers, Vernon M. , Underwater Acoustics Handbook
Albers, Vernon M. , Underwater Acoustics Handbook II
Albert, David Z. , Quantum Mechanics and Experience
Albert, David Z. , Time and Chance
Alberts, Bruce , Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd ed.
Alcamo, I. Edward , Fundamentals of Microbiology, 4th ed.
Alcamo, I. Edward , Fundamentals of Microbiology, 5th ed.
Alden, John L. , Design of Industrial Exhaust Systems
Alder, Bernie (ed) , Methods in Computational Physics, Vol. 4 Applications in
Alder, Bernie (ed) , Methods in Computational Physics, Vol. 3 Fundamental
Methods in Hydrodynamics
Alder, Bernie (ed) , Methods in Computational Physics, Vol. 7 Astrophysics
Alder, Ken , The Measure of All Things: the Seven-year Odyssey and Hidden Error
That Transformed the World
Aldorf, J. , Mine Openings: Stability and Support
Aldridge, Bill G. , Energy Sources and Natural Fuels, Vol. 2
Aldridge, Susan , The Thread of Life: the Story of Genes and Genetic Engineering
Aldridge, Susan , Magic Molecules: How Drugs Work
Aleksander, Igor , An Introduction to Neural Computing
Aleksandrov, A. D. , Mathematics: Its Content, Methods, and Meaning
Alekseeva, T. V. , Machines For Earthmoving Work: Theory and Calculations, 3rd
Alerich, Walter N. , Electrical Construction Wiring
Alerich, Walter N. , Electricity 3: Power Generation and Delivery, 6th ed.
Alessi, Alberto , The Dream Factory: Alessi Since 1921
Alexander, Christopher , The Timeless Way of Being
Alexander, Christopher , A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
Alexander, Christopher , The Oregon Experiment
Alexander, Gordon , Biology 8th Ed.
/College Outline Series/
Alexander, J. M. , Manufacturing Properties of Materials
Alexander, R. McNeill , Exploring Biomechanics: Animals in Motion
Alexander, R. McNeill , Principles of Animal Locomotion
Alexander, R. McNeill , Dynamics of Dinsoaurs and Other Extinct Giants
Alexander, R. McNeill , Bones: the Unity of Form and Function
Alexander, R. McNeill , The Human Machine: How the Body Works
Alexandridis, Nikitas A. , Microprocessor System Design Concepts
Alexandroff, Paul , Elementary Concepts of Topology
Alexandrov, Yu. A. , Fundamental Properties of the Neutron
Alexuyades, Vasilios , Mathematical Modeling of Melting and Freezing Processes
Alford, L. P. , Production Handbook
Alger, Raymond S. , Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Techniques and Applications
Alic, Margaret , Hypatia's Heritage
Alison, Malcolm , Understanding Cancer: From Basic Science to Clinical Practice
Allan, Chris , Fast Jets: a Pilot's Eye View
Allard, Frederick C. , Fiber Optics Handbook For Engineers and Scientists
Allen, C. W. , Astrophysical Quantities, 3rd ed.
Allen, Daniel K. , On Macintosh Programming: Advanced Techniques
Allen, David A. , Infrared: the New Astronomy
Allen, Edward , How Buildings Work: the Natu Order of Architecture
Allen, G. , Statistical Mechanics and Spectroscopy
Allen, Harry C. , Molecular Vib-rotors: the Theory and Interpretation of High
Resolution Infrared Spectra
Allen, John , Biosphere 2: the Human Experiment
Allen, John , Biosphere 2: the Human Experiment
Allen, John E. , Aerodynamics: the Science of Air in Motion, 2nd ed.
Allen, John Eliot , Cataclysms of the Columbia
Allen, M. J. , Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems - 2
Allen, M. P. , Computer Simulation of Liquids
Allen, Myron B., III , Numerical Analysis For Applied Science
Allen, Oliver E. , Atmosphere
Allen, Oliver E. , Atmosphere
Allen, P. W. , Use of Rubber in Engineering
Allen, Richard Hinkley , Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning
Allen, Richard J. , Cryogenics
Allen, Thomas O. , Production Operations, Vol. 2: Well Completions, Workover,
and Stimulation, 2nd ed.
Allen, W. D. , Neutron Detection
Aller, Lawrence H. , Astrophysics: The Atmospheres of the Sun and Stars
Aller, Lawrence H. , Atoms, Stars and Nebulae, 3rd ed.
Alley, Peter , ResEdit Complete
Alligood, Kathleen T. , Chaos: an Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Allison, John , Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices
Allison, Wade , Fundamental Physics For Probing and Imaging
Allman, M. , Geological Laboratory Techniques
Allphin, Willard , Primer of Lamps and Lighting, 3rd ed.
Allsopp, Dennis , Introduction to Biodeterioration
Allworth, S. T. , Introduction to Real-time Software Design, 2nd ed.
Almeida Oscar , The Complete Library of Metal Working, Blacksmithing & Soldering
Alon, Uri , An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological
Alonso, Marcello (ed.) , Organization and Change in Complex Systems
Alpert, Nelson L. , IR Theory and Practice of Infrared Spectroscopy
Als-Nielsen, Jens , Elements of Modern X-ray Physics
Alt, David D. , Roadside Geology of Northern California
Alt, David D. , Roadside Geology of Oregon
Alt, Fred (ed.) , Marine Sciences Instrumentation, V. 4
Alth, Max , Making Plastic Pipe Furniture
Althouse, Andrew D. , Modern Electric and Gas Refrigeration
Althouse, Andrew D. , Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Alting, Leo , Manufacturing Engineering Processes
Altintas, Yusuf , Manufacturing Automation: Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine
Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design
Altman, Roberta , The Complete Book of Home Environmental Hazards
Altmann, Simon L. , Icons and Symmetries
Altshuler, Alan Anderson , The Future of the Automobile: the Report of MIT's
International Automobile Program
Aluminum Association , Aluminum Weldor's Training Manual & Exercises
Aluminum Company of America , Alcoa Handbook of Design Stresses For Aluminum
Aluminum Company of America , Alcoa Structural Handbook: a Design Manual For
Aluminum Company of America , Alcoa Aluminum Handbook
Alusik, John , Illustrated Handbook of General Science Teaching Aids
Alves, Ronald , Living With Energy
Alvino, William M. , Plastics For Electronics: Materials, Properties, and Design
Alward, Ron , Low Cost Passive Solar Greenhouses: a Design and Constuction Guide
Amadore Kane, Suzanne , Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine
Amann, Markus-Christian , Tunable Laser Diodes
Amato, Carol J. , Inside Out: the Wonders of Modern Technology
Amato, Ivan , Stuff: the Materials the World is Made of
Amato, Joseph A. , Dust: a History of the Small & the Invisible
Amatrol , Basic Pneumatics Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed.
Amazigo, John C. , Advanced Calculus: and Its Applications to the Engineering
and Physical Sciences
Ambartsumyan, V. A. , ed. , Theoretical Astrophysics
Ambron, Sueann (ed.) , Learning With Interactive Multimedia: Developing and
Using Multimedia Tools in Education
Ambrose, E. R. , Heat Pumps and Electric Heating: Residential, Commercial,
Industrial Year-round Air Conditioning
Ambrose, James , Building Structures, 2nd ed.
Amdahl, Kenn , There Are No Electrons: Electronics For Earthlings
Amdur, I. , Chemical Kinetics: Principles and Selected Topics
Amelinckx, S. , The Direct Observation of Dislocations
Amerasekera, E. Ajith , Failure Mechanisms in Semiconductor Devices, 2nd ed.
American Association for the Advancement of Science , Science For All Americans:
a Project 2061 Report on Literacy Goals in Science, Mathematics, and Technology
American Association for the Advancement of Science: Project 2061 , Science For
All Americans
American Association for the Advancement of Science: Project 2061 , Benchmarks
For Science Literacy
American Cancer Society , Understanding Radiation Theraphy: a Guide to Patients
and Families
American Cancer Society , After Diagnosis: a Guide For Patients and Families
American Chain Association: Engineering Steel Chain Division , Engineering Steel
Chains: Applications Handbook
American Chemical Society , ChemCom: Chemistry in the Community
American College of Sports Medicine , ACSM's Guidelines For Exercise Testing and
Prescription, 6th ed.
American Concrete Pipe Association , Concrete Pipe Technology: a Presentation
of Historical and Current State-of-the-art Design and Installation Methodology
American Concrete Pipe Association , Concrete Pipe Design Manual
American Cyanamid Company , Unitane Pigments Handbook: Unitane Titanium Dioxide
Pigments: Their Properties and Industrial Applications
American Dental Association , Guide to Dental Materials and Devices, 8th ed.
American Electrician , Electrical Designs
American Geological Institute , Glossary of Geology and Related Sciences
American Geological Institute , Investigating the Earth: Teacher's Manual, 4th
American Geophysical Union , SEASAT Speacial Issue II: Scientific Results
American Heart Association , Heartbook: a Guide to Prevention and Treatment of
Cardiovascular Diseases
American Heart Association , Textbook of Advanced Cardiac Life Support
American Institute of Physics , Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in
Science and Industry
American Institute of Physics , American Institute of Physics Handbook, 3rd ed.
American Institute of Physics , American Institute of Physics Handbook, 3rd ed.
American Institute of Steel Construction , Manual of Steel Construction, 8th ed.
American Institute of Steel Construction , Steel Construction, 5th ed.
American Institute of Steel Construction , Structural Steel Detailing, 2nd ed.
American Institute of Steel Construction , Load & Resistance Factor Design
American Institute of Steel Construction , Load & Resistance Factor Design
American Metal Market , Metal Statistics 1986: the Purchasing Guide of the Metal
American Physical Therapy Association , Design of Research and Analysis of Data
in the Clinic: an Introductory Manual For Clinical Research
American Radio Relay League , The ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual:
Antennas, Components, and Design
American Radio Relay League , The ARRL Antenna Book, 13th ed.
American Red Cross , American Red Cross CPR: Basic Life Support For the
Professional Rescuer
American Society for Engineering Education: urban engineering study committee ,
Interdisciplinary Research Topics in Urban Engineering
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 1 Properties and
Selection of Metals
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 2: Heat Treating,
Cleaning and Finishing
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 5: Forging and
Casting, Part B: Melting and Casting
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 6: Welding and
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 8: Metallography,
Structures and Phase Diagrams
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 9: Fractography and
Atlas of Fractographs
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 8th Ed.: Vol. 10: Failure
Analysis and Prevention
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 9th Ed.: Vol. 4 Heat Treating
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 9th Ed.: Vol. 7: Powder
American Society for Metals , Metals Handbook, 9th Ed.: Vol. 8: Mechanical
American Society for Metals , Source Book on Copper and Copper Alloys
American Society for Metals , Source Book on Stainless Steels
American Society for Metals , ASM Metals Reference Book, 2nd ed.
American Society for Surgery of the Hand , The Hand: Examination and Diagnosis
American Society for Testing and Materials , Selected ASTM Engineering Standards
For Use in College Curricula
American Society for Testing and Materials Committee D-13 , ASTM Standards on
Textile Materials (with Related Information)
American Society for Testing and Materials Committee D-2 , ASTM Standards on
Petroleum Products and Lubricants (with Related Information)
American Society for Testing and Materials Committee E-20 , Manual on the Use of
Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement
American Society of Civil Engineers , Rock Engineering For Foundations and
Slopes (Proceedings, Boulder, CO. August 15-18, 1976)
American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers , Heating Ventilating Air
Conditioning Guide 1953
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers ,
1977 AHRAE Handbook & Product Directory: Fundamentals
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers ,
1995 AHRAE Handbook: HVAC Applications, SI Edition
American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers , Handbook of Industrial
American Solar Energy Society , Passive Systems
American Solar Energy Society , Engineering
American Water Works Association , Introduction to Water Distribution:
Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations, V. 3
American Water Works Association , Water Quality & Treatment, 3rd Ed.: a
Handbook of Public Water Supplies
American Water Works Association , Recommended Practice For Backflow Prevention
and Cross-connection Control
American Waterways Operators , Big Load Afloat: U.S. Domestic Water
Transportation Resources
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 1: Fundamentals of
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 2: Welding
Processes: Gas, Arc, and Resistance
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 3A: Welding,
Cutting and Related Processes
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 3B: Welding,
Cutting and Related Processes
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 4: Metals and
Their Weldability
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 6th ed., Section 5: Applications of
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 7th ed., Volume 3: Resistance and
Solid-state Welding and Other Joining Processes
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 8th ed., Vol. 1: Welding Technology
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 8th ed. Vol. 2: Welding Processes
American Welding Society , Welding Handbook, 8th ed. Vol. 3: Materials and
Applications - Part 1
Ames Research Staff , Equations, Tables, and Charts For Compressible Flow
Ames, Joseph S. , A. Manual of Experiments in Physics: Laboratory Instruction
For College Classes
Ames, Joseph Sweetman , Theoretical Mechanics: an Introduction to Mathematical
Ames, William F. , Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations, 3rd ed.
Amick, Charles L. , Fluorescent Lighting Manual
Amir-Moez, A. R. , Elements of Linear Spaces
Amiss, John M. , Machinery'2 Handbook Guide to the Use of Tables and Formulas:
23rd Edition Companion
Amit, Daniel J. , Field Theory, the Renormalization Group, and Critical
Phenomenarevised 2nd ed.
Amit, Daniel J. , Modeling Brain Function: the World of Attractor Neyral
Ammeraal, Leendert , Interactive 3D Computer Graphics
Amon, Rene , Steel Design For Engineers and Architects
Amos, Martyn , Cellular Computing
Amos, S. W. , Principles of Transistor Circuits, 8th ed.
Amos, Stan , Principles of Transistor Circuits, 9th ed.
Amos, Stan , Principles of Transistor Circuits, 9th ed.
Amrein, Werner , Scattering Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Amrhein, James E. , Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook: Clay and Concrete
Masonry, 4th ed.
Amundson, Neal R. , Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering: Matrices and
Their Application
Analog Devices , Mixed-Signal Processing Design Seminar
Analog Devices , High Speed Design Techniques
Anand, D. K. , Introduction to Control Systems, 3rd ed.
Anbar, M. , Clinical Biophysics
Anceau, Francois , The Architecture of Microprocessors
Andeen, Gerry B. (ed.) , Robot Design Handbook
Andereck, C. David , Ordered and Turbulent Patterns in Taylor-Couette Flow
Andersen, C. A. (ed.) , Microprobe Analysis
Anderson, A. (ed.) , The Raman Effect, Vol. 1: Principles
Anderson, B. Jeffrey (ed.) , Natural Orbital Environment Guidelines For Use in
Aerospace Vehicle Development
Anderson, B. W. , Gem Testing
Anderson, Basil , The Spectroscope and Gemmology
Anderson, Bette Roda , Weather in the West
Anderson, Bette Roda , Weather and the West: From the Midcontinent to the
Anderson, Brian D. O. , Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods
Anderson, Brian D. O. , Optimal Filtering
Anderson, Bruce , Solar Energy: Fundamentals in Building Design
Anderson, Bruce , The Solar Home Book: Heating, Colling, and Designing With the
Anderson, Bruce , Passive Solar Energy: the Homeowners Guide to Natural Heating
and Cooling
Anderson, Douglas M. , Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary,
6th ed.
Anderson, Edwin P. , Audel Home Appliance Servicing
Anderson, Edwin P. , Electric Motors
Anderson, Edwin P. , Refrigeration: Home and Commercial, 4th ed.
Anderson, Edwin P. , Questions and Answers For Electricians Examinations
Anderson, Elmer E. , Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics
Anderson, G. M. , Thermodynamics of Natural Systems
Anderson, Gail , The Unix C Shell Field Guide
Anderson, H. Emerson , Electronic Organs
Anderson, Herbert L. (ed) , A Physicist's Desk Reference: the Second Edition of
Physics Vade Mecum
Anderson, Herbert L. (ed) , Physics Vade Mecum
Anderson, J. C. , Materials Science, 3rd ed.
Anderson, James A. , Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research
Anderson, John D. , Gasdynamic Lasers: an Introduction
Anderson, John D., Jr. , Introduction to Flight, 2nd ed.
Anderson, John D., Jr. , Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective,
2nd ed.
Anderson, Kenneth N. , Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary,
4th ed.
Anderson, Norman , Instrumentation For Process Measurement and Control, 2nd ed.
Anderson, P. W. , Concepts in Solids
Anderson, P. W. , Basic Notions in Condensed Matter Physics
Anderson, Paul M. , Power System Control and Stability, Rev. Printing
Anderson, Paul , Advanced C Tips and Techniques
Anderson, Stanley T. , Advanced Electrocardiography
Anderson, W. D. , Designing With TTL Integrated Circuits
Andrade e Silva, J. , Quanta
Andrade, E. N. da C. , The Structure of the Atom
Andreev, A. V. , Cooperative Effects in Optics: Superradiance and Phase
Andreeva, L. E. , Elastic Elements in Instruments
Andrew, E. R. , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Andrewes, William J. H. (ed.) , The Quest For Longitude
Andrews, A. T. , Electrophoresis: Theory, Techniques, and Biochemical and
Clinical Applications, 2nd ed.
Andrews, Alan , ABC's of Telemetry
Andrews, Frank C. , Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Andrews, J. T. , Glacial Systems: an Approach to Glaciers and Their Environments
Andrews, John N. , Basic Experiements With Radioisotopes: For Courses in
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Andrews, Larry C. , Laser Beam Propagation Through Random Media
Andrews, Mark , Programmer's Guide to MPW: Vol. I Exploring the Macintosh
Programmer's Workshop
Andrews, Michael J. , The Transducer Project Book
Andronikashvili, E. L. , Reflections on Liquid Helium
Andronov, A. A. , Theory of Oscillators
Andronow, A. A. , Theory of Oscillations
Ang, Alfredo H-S. , Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design,
Vol. 1: Basic Principles
Angeles, Jorge , Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods,
and Algorithms
Angelici, Robert J. , Synthesis and Techniques in Organic Chemistry
Angell, Ian , High-resolution Computer Graphics Using C
Angell, Marcia , Science on Trial: the Clash of Medical Evidence and the Law in
the Breast Implant Case
Angelo, E. James, Jr. , Electronics: BJTs, FETs, and Microcircuits
Angelo, E. James, Jr. , Pole Zero Patterns in the Analysis and Design of Loworder Systems
Angermeyer, John , MS-DOS Developer's Guide
Angermeyer, John , MS-DOS Developer's Guide, 2nd ed.
Angrist, Stanley W. , Direct Energy Conversion, 4th ed.
Angrist, Stanley W. , Order and Chaos: Laws of Energy and Entropy
Anholt, Robert , Electrical and Themral Characterization of MESFETs, HEMTs, and
Anishchenko, V. S. , Dynamical Chaos in Physical Systems - Experimental
Investigation of Self-oscillating Circuits
Anishchenko, V. S. , Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems:
Tutorial and Modern Developments
Anner, george E. , Elementary Nonlinear Electronic Circuits
Annino, Raymond , Scientific and Engineering Applications With Personal
Anno, J. N. , The Mechanics of Liquid Jets
Anson, Susan , Profiles in Renewable Enegy: Case Studies of Successful Utility
Sector Projects
Antebi, Elizabeth , The Electronic Epoch
Anthony, D. M. , Engineering Metrology
Antognetti, Paolo (ed.) , Power Integrated Circuits: Physics, Design, and
Antognetti, Paolo , Semiconductor Device Modeling With Spice
Anton, Howard , Elementary Linear Algebra, 2nd ed.
Antonakos, James L. , The 68000 Microprocessor: Hardware and Software Principles
and Applications
Antonelli, Andrew , Waves and Optics Simulations: the Consortium For Upper-level
Physics Software
Antoniades, Anthony C. , Poetics of Architecture: Theory of Design
Antoniades, Anthony C. , Architecture and Allied Design: an Environmental Design
Perspective, 2nd ed.
Anusavice, Kenneth J. (ed.) , Phillips' Science of Dental Materials, 11th ed.
Apel, J. R. , Principles of Ocean Physics
Apostol, Tom M. , Mathematical Analysis: a Modern Approach to Advanced Calculus
Apostol, Tom M. , Mathematical Analysis: a Modern Approach to Advanced Calculus,
2nd ed.
Apostol,T.M. , Calculus, Vol.1, 2nd Ed.: One-variable Calculus With an
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Apostol,T.M. , Calculus, Vol.2, 2nd Ed.: Multi-variable Calculus and Linear
Algebra, With Applications to Differential Equations and Probability
Apple Computer, Inc. , 3D Graphics Programming With Quickdraw 3D
Apple Computer, Inc. , Hypercard Stack Design Guidelines
Apple Computer, Inc. , Technical Introduction to the Macintosh Family
Apple Computer, Inc. , Programmer's Introduction to the Macintosh Family
Apple Computer, Inc. , Macintosh Family Hardware Reference
Apple Computer, Inc. , Inside Macintosh Vol. 5
Apple Computer, Inc. , Inside Macintosh Vol. 4
Apple Computer, Inc. , Inside Macintosh Vol. 3
Apple Computer, Inc. , Inside Macintosh Vol. 2
Apple Computer, Inc. , Inside Macintosh Vol. 1
Apple Computer, Inc. , Human Interface Guidelines: the Apple Desktop Interface
Apple, James M. , Plant Layout and Material Handling, 3rd ed.
Appleby, A. J. , Fuel Cell Handbook
Appleman, Philip (ed.) , Darwin: a Norton Crticial Edition
Arah, Tom , Web Type Expert
Arbel, Arie F. , Analog Signal Processing and Instrumentation
Arbuckle, J. Gordon, Schroeder, Stanley W. , Environmental Law For Nonlawyers,
2nd ed.
Arbuckle, W. S. , Ice Cream, 4th ed.
Arem, Joel E. , Man-made Crystals
Arfken, George , Mathematical Methods For Physicists, 3rd ed.
Arfken, George B. , University Physics, 2nd ed.
Argence, Emile , Theory of Waveguides and Cavity Resonators
Aris, Rutherford , Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Dynamics
Aris, Rutherford , Mathematical Modeling Techniques
Aris, Rutherford , Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering: Vol. 2 First
Order Partial Differential Equations With Applications
Aris, Rutherford , Patterns and Dynamics in Reactive Media
Armenakas, Anthony E. , Modern Structural Analysis: the Matrix Method Approach
Armenti, Angelo, Jr. (ed.) , The Physics of Sports
Armitage, Angus , The World of Copernicus (original Title: Sun, Stand Thou
Armstead, H. Christopher H. , Geothermal Energy: Its Past, Present and Future
Contributions to the Energy Needs of Man
Armstrong, Betsy R. , The Avalanche Book
Armstrong, Neil , First on the Moon
Armstrong, Robert E. , Closed-Circuit TV Installation, Maintenance & Repair
Arnell, R. D. , Tribology: Principles and Design Applications
Arnett, David , Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis: an Investigation of the History
of Matter, From the Big Bang to the Present
Arnett, W. David , Nucleosynthesis: Challenges and New Developments
Arnheim, Rudolf , Art and Visual Perception: a Psychology of the Creative Eye,
the New Version
Arni, Arnold , Grundkurs Chemie
Arnold, H. J. P. , Astrophotography: an Introduction
Arnold, Ken , The Java Programming Language, 3rd ed.
Arnold, Ludwig , Stochastic Differential Equations
Arnold, R. N. , Gyrodynamics
Arnold, Richard L. , Scene Technology, 2nd ed.
Arnold, V. I. , Ordinary Differential Equations
Arnold, V. I. , Mathematical Methods in Classical Mechanics
Arnold, V. I. , Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential
Arnold, V. I. , Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential
Equations, 2nd ed.
Arnold, V. I. , Catastrophe Theory
Arnold, V. I. (ed.) , Dynamical Systems VI
Arnold, V. I. , Ergodic Problems of Classical Mechanics
Aron, Joel D. , The Program Development Process: the Individual Programmer
Arons, Arnold B. , A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching
Arons, Arnold B. , Science & Ideas
Aronson, Billy , Scientific Goofs: Adventures Along the Crooked Trail to Truth
Aronson, Larry , HTML Manual of Style
Aronson, Milton H. , One Hundred Electronic Circuits, Vol. 1: Circuits 1-100
Arrieta, R. T. , From the Atacama to Makalu: a Journey to Extreme Environments
on Earth and Beyond
Arrowood, Janet C. , Living With Wildfires: Preention, Preparation, and Recovery
Arrowsmith, D. K. , An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Arrowsmith, D. K. , Ordinary Differential Equations
Arscott, F. M. , Periodic Differential Equations: an Introduction to Mathieu,
Lamé, and Allied Functions
Arsenault, H. H. , Optical Processing and Computing
Artwick, Bruce A. , Applied Concepts in Microcomputer Graphics
Asada, Haruhiko , Direct-drive Robots: Theory and Practice
Asbury, Stephen , Perl 5 How-To, 2nd ed.
Ascher, Marcia , Ethnomathematics: a Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas
Aschner, F. S. , Planning Fundamentals of Thermal Power Plants
Asendorf, Christoph , Batteries of Life: on the History of Things and Their
Perception in Modernity
Asfahl, C. Ray , Robots and Manufacturing Automation
Ash, Carol , The Probability Tutoring Book: an Intuitive Course For Engineers
and Scientists (and Everyone Else!)
Ashall, Frank , Remarkable Discoveries
Ashar, Kanu G. , Magnetic Disk Drive Technology: Heads, Media, Channel,
Interfaces, and Integration
Ashbaugh, Brian L. , Planning a Nature Center, 2nd ed.
Ashby, M. F. , Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
Ashby, Michael F. , Engineering Materials: an Introduction to Their Properties
and Applications
Ashby, Michael F. , Engineering Materials: an Introduction to Microstructures,
Processing and Design
Ashcroft, Frances , Life at the Extremes: the Science of Survival
Ashcroft, Frances , Life at the Extremes: the Science of Survival
Ashcroft, Neil W. , Solid State Physics
Ashenden, Peter J. , The Designer's Guide to VHDL, 2nd ed.
Asher, R. C. , Ultrasonic Sensors For Chemical and Process Plant
Ashford, K. S. , Mechanical Technology, V.2
Ashley, Holt , Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies
Asian Productivity Organization , Energy Management in Selected Asian Countries
Asimov, Isaac , Understanding Physics: 1.motion, Sound, & Heat 2. Light,
Magnetism, and Electricity 3. the Electron, Proton, & Neutron
Asimov, Isaac , Asimov's Guide to Science
Asimov, Isaac , Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos: the Growth and Future of
Human Knowledge
Asimov, Isaac , Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology
Asimov, Isaac , Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts: 3000 of the Most Interesting,
Entertaining, Fascinating, Unbelievbable, Unusual and Fantastic Facts
Asimov, Isaac , Satellites in Outer Space
Askeland, Donald R. , The Science and Engineering of Materials, 2nd ed.
ASQC Chemical and Process Industries Division - Chemical Interest Committee ,
Specifications For the Chemical and Process Industries: a Manual For Development
and Use
Asquith, Goerge B. , Log Analysis By Microcomputer
Asser, Stuart , Microcomputer Servicing: Practical Systems and Troubleshooting
Association for Computing Machinery , ACM Turing Award Lectures: the First
Twenty Years 1966-1985
Astbury, N. E. , Industrial Magnetic Testing
Aston, James , Wrought Iron: Its Manufacture Characteristics and Applications,
2nd ed.
Astrom, B. T. , Manufacturing of Polymer Composites
Astrom, K. , PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning
Astrom, K. , Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers
Astrom, Karl J. , Computer Controlled Systems: Theory and Design
Atkin, R. H. , Mathematics and Wave Mechanics
Atkins, K. R. , Liquid Helium
Atkins, P. W. , The Periodic Kingdom: a Journey into the Land of the Chemical
Atkins, P. W. , Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Atkins, P. W. , Molecules
Atkins, P. W. , Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Atkins, P. W. , Quanta: a Handbook of Concepts, 2nd ed.
Atkins, P. W. , The Second Law
Atkinson, A. D. S. , Fluorescent Lighting
Atkinson, Barry Kean , Fracture Mechanics of Rock
Atkinson, E. (transl.) , Ganot's Physics: Elementary Treatise on Physics,
Experimental and Applied, 13th ed.
Atkinson, John , An Introduction to the Mechanics of Soils and Foundations
Atkinson, Richard C. , An Introduction to Mathematical Learning Theory
Atkinson, William Illsey , Nanocosm: Nanotechnology and the Big Changes Coming
From the Inconceivably Small
Atkinson, William Illsey , Nanocosm: Nantoechnology and the Big Changes Coming
From the Inconceivably Small
Atlas, Ronald M. , Microorganisms in Our World
Atlas, Ronald M. , Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd ed.
Attenborough, David , The Private Lives of Plants
Attura, George M. , Magnetic Amplifier Engineering
Attwood, David , Soft X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation: Principles and
Attwood, Stephen S. , Electric and Magnetic Fields, 3rd ed.
Attwood, Stephen S. , Electric and Magnetic Fields, 2nd ed.
Auciello, Orlando , Plasma Diagnostics, Vol. 1: Discharge Parameters and
Audesirk, Teresa , Biology: Life on Earth, 5th ed.
Audoin, Claude , The Measurement of Time: Time, Frequency, and the Atomic Clock
Audretsch, Jurgen (ed.) , Entangled World: the Fascination of Quantum
Information and Computation
Audsley, George Ashdown , The Art of Organ-building, Vol. 1
Audsley, George Ashdown , The Art of Organ-building, Vol. 2
Auger, Raymond W. , The Relay Guide: a Compendium of Electromechanical Relays
Marketed in the United States
Aughton, Peter , Newton's Apple: Isaac Netwon and the English Scientific
Augousti, A. T. (ed.) , Sensors and Their Applications VII
Augustyn, Jim , The Solar Cat Book
Auld, B. A. , Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids, Vol. I, 2nd ed.
Auld, B. A. , Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids, Vol. II, 2nd ed.
Auleytner, J. , X-ray Methods in the Study of Defects in Single Crystals
Austen, Brian M. , Protein Targeting and Secretion
Austerlitz, Howard , Data Acquisition Techniques Using Personal Computers
Ausubel, F. M., et al. (eds.) , Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, 2nd Ed.: a
Compendium of Methods From Current Protocols in Molecular Biology
Automotive Editorial Department , Chilton's CB Handbook: Guide to Choosing,
Installing & Operatiing Citizens Band Radio
Autorenkollektiv , Rauchwarenhersellung Und Pelzkonfektion
Auyang, Sunny Y. , Foundations of Complex-System Theories in Economics,
Evolutionary Biology, and Statistical Physics
Auyang, Sunny Y. , Engineering - an Endless Frontier
Auyang, Sunny Y. , How is Quantum Field Theory Possible?
Avallone, Eugene A. , Marks' Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers, 9th ed.
Avantek , Designing With Modular Amplifiers: Microwave Components Applications,
3rd ed.
Avduyevsky, V. S. (ed.) , Scientific Foundations of Space Manufacturing
Aveni, Anthony , Empires of Time: Calendars, Clocks, and Cultures
Averkieva, Julia , Kwakiutl String Figures
Avery, James K. , Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology: a Clinical
Avery, James K. , Oral Development and Histology, 3rd ed.
Awcock, G. W. , Applied Image Processing
Axelrod, Karen , Watch It Made in the U.S.A.: a Visitor's Guide to the Companies
That Make Your Favorite Products
Axelson, Jan , Making Printed Circuit Boards
Ayala, Kenneth J. , The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming, and
Ayensu, Edward S. , The Rhythms of Life
Aylesworth, Thomas G. , It Works Like This: a Collection of Machines From Nature
and Science Magazine
Aymar, Gordon C. , Bird Flight
Ayres, Frank, Jr. , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Differential and
Integral Calculus
Ayres, Frank, Jr. , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Matrices
Azaroff, Leonid V. , Physics Over Easy: Breakfasts With Beth and Physics
Azaroff, Leonid V. (ed.) , X-ray Spectroscopy
Azaroff, Leonid V. , Electronic Processes in Materials
Azaroff, Leonid V. , X-Ray Diffraction
Aziz, Michael J. , Fundamentals of Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal
Azzam, R. M. A. , Ellipsometry and Polarized Light
Babcock & Wilsox , Steam: Its Generationa nd Use, 39th ed.
Bach, Maurice J. , The Design of the UNIX Operating System
Bachman, C. H. , Techniques in Experimental Electronics
Bachmann, Emil , Vermessungskunde Fur Ingenieure Und Techiker
Bachor, Hans -A. , A Guide to Experiments in Quantum Optics
Bacon, D. H. , Mechanical Technology, 3rd ed.
Bacon, Harold R. , Aerospace: the Challenge, 3rd ed.
Bacon, M. D. , Data Transmission
Bacq, Z. M. , Fundamentals of Radiobiology
bader, M. J. , Images in Weather Forecasting: a Practical Guide For Interpreting
Satellite and Radar Imagery
Badgley, Peter C. , Oceans From Space
Badham, Paul (ed.) , Ethics on the Frontiers of Human Existance
Badii, Remo , Complexity: Hierarchical Structures and Scaling in Physics
Badiru, Adedeji B. , Project Management For Research: a Guide For Engineering
and Science
Badler, Norman I. , Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control, and Animation of
Articulated Figures
Baeck, Henry S. , Practical Servomechanism Design
Baer, Steve , Sunspots: Collected Facts and Solar Fiction
Baert, Luc , Digital Audio and Compact Disc Technology, 2nd ed.
Baeseler, Frank , Scanning and Image Processing For the PC
Baev, Konstantin , Biological Neural Networks: the Hierarchical Concept of Brain
Baggott, Jim , The Meaning of Quantum Theory
Baggott, Jim , The Meaning of Quantum Theory
Baggott, Jim , Perfect Symmetry: the Accidental Discovery of
Bagnall, K. W. , Lanthanides and Actinides
Bagnold, R. A. , The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes
Bahcall, John N. , Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics
Baher, H. , Analog & Digital Signal Processing, 2nd ed.
Bahill, A. Terry , Bioengineering: Biomedical, Medical, and Clinical Engineering
Bai, Chunli , Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Its Application
Bai-lin, Hao , Chaos
Bailey, C. H. , The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Sound: 50 Modern Experiments
Bailey, David , Radio Engineering and Telemetry For Industry
Bailey, James , After Thought: the Computer Challenge to Human Intelligence
Bailey, James E. , Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd ed.
Bailey, M. E. , The Origin of Comets
Bailey, Ronald H. , Glacier
Bailey, Ronald H. , Glacier
Baillie, Caroline , Navigating the Materials World: a Guide to Understanding
Materials Behavior
Baillie, G. H. , Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers, 7th ed.
Bainchina, Paul , Builder's Guide to New Materials and Techniques
Baines, H. , The Science of Photography, 3rd ed.
Bainov, D. D. , Oscillation Theory For Neutral Differential Equations With Delay
Bains, WIlliam , Biotechnology From A to Z, 2nd ed.
Bair, Edward J. , Experimental Chemistry
Baird, D. C. , Experimentation: an Introduction to Measurement Theory and
Experiment Design, 3rd ed.
Baird, D. C. , Experimentation: an Introduction to Measurement Theory and
Experiment Design
Baird, Daryl E. , The Extruder Book
Baird, Donald G. , Polymer Processing: Principles and Design
Baird, Robert M. , Animal Experimentation: the Moral Issues
Bajaj, Chandrajit , Data Visualization Techniques
Bajpai, A. C. , Numerical Methods For Engineers and Scientists: a Students'
Course Book
Bak, Borge , Elementary Introduction to Molecular Spectra
Bak, Per , How Nature Works: the Science of Self-organized Criticality
Bak, Thor A. , Vectors, Tensors, and Groups
Bakalov, Bojko , Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors
Baker, A. J. , Finite Element Computational Fluid Mechanics
Baker, Bevan B. , The Mathematical Theory of Huygen's Principle
Baker, D. , Physical Design of Electronic Systems Vol. I: Design Technology
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Baker, D. , Physical Design of Electronic Systems Vol. III: Integrated Device
and Connection Technology
Baker, D. , Physical Design of Electronic Systems Vol. IV: Design Process
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Baker, Donald G. , Monomode Fiber-optic Design: With Local-area and Long-haul
Network Application
Baker, Eric , Great Inventions, Good Intentions: an Illustrated History of
American Design Patents
Baker, G. L. , Chaotic Dynamics: an Introduction
Baker, G. L. , Chaotic Dynamics: an Introduction, 2nd ed.
Baker, G. L. , Chaotic Dynamics: an Introduction, 2nd ed.
Baker, George A., Jr. , Padé Approximants, Part 1: Basic Theory
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Baker, Gregory L. , The Pendulum: a Case Study in Physics
Baker, H. Dean , Temperature Measurement in Engineering, Vol. 1 - Deals With
Thermocouple Techniques For Measuring Temperatures
Baker, H. Dean , Temperature Measurement in Engineering, Vol. 2 - Deals With
Various Methods of Measuring Low and Very High Temperatures in Liquids, Gases,
Flames and Solid Bodies
Baker, Jeff , Windoes CE Application Programing: Developing Applications For the
Handheld PC
Baker, Jeffrey J. W. , Matter, Energy, Life
Baker, Jeremy , Tolstoy's Bicycle
Baker, Louis , C Tools For Scientists and Engineers
Baker, Louis , C Mathematical Function Handbook
Baker, R. , New and Improved: Inventors and Inventions That Have Changed the
Modern World
Baker, Robert H. , Astronomy: an Introduction
Baker, Roger C. , Flow Measurement Handbook: Industrial Designs, Operating
Principles, Performance, and Applications
Baker, Ron , A Primer of Offshore Operations, 2nd ed.
Baker, Thomas Richard , Weather in the Lab: Simulate Nature's Phenomena
Baker, Wendy , Earth: a Creative, Hands-on Approach to Science
Bakish, Robert (ed.) , Introductionto Electron Beam Technology
Bakken Library and Museum , Sparks and Shocks: Experiments Form the Golden Age
of Static Electricity
Balakrishnan, V. K. , Introductory Discrete Mathematics
Balanis, Constantine A. , Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics
Balanis, Constantine A. , Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design
Baldwin, Ed , Riding Machines For Kids
Baldwin, Neil , Edison: Inventing the Century
Baldwin, Stephen A. (ed.) , Membrane Transport: a Practical Approach
Balescu, Radu , Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Balian, Roger , Ill-condensed Matter (Les Houches 1978 - Session XXXI)
Balick, Michael J. , Plant's, People, and Culture: the Science of Ethnobotany
Baliga, B. Jayant , Power Semiconductor Devices
Balkanski, M. , Semiconductor Physics and Applications
Ball, John E. , Carpenters & Builders Library, No. 1: Tools - Square - Joinery,
4th ed.
Ball, John E. , Carpenters & Builders Library, No.2: Builders Math - Plans Specifications, 4th ed.
Ball, John E. , Carpenters & Builders Library, No. 3: Layouts - Foundations Framing, 4th ed.
Ball, John E. , Carpenters & Builders Library, No. 4: Millwork - Power Tools Painting, 4th ed.
Ball, Kay A. , Lasers: the Perioperative Challenge
Ball, Max w. , Possible Future Petroleum Provinces of North America
Ball, Philip , Designing the Molecular World: Chemistry at the Frontier
Ball, Philip , The Self-made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in Nature
Ball, Philip , Made to Measure: New Materials For the 21st Century
Ball, Philip , Life's Matrix: a Biography of Water
Ball, Philip , Stories of the Invisible: a Guided Tour of Molecules
Ball, Philip , Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color
Ball, Philip , Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another
Ball, Stuart R. , Debugging Embedded Microprocessor Systems
Ballard, Scott T. , How to Be Your Own Architect: a Residential Design Handbook
Ballenger, John Jacob , Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head, & Neck
Ballhausen, C. J. , Molecular Orbital Theory
Ballhausen, Carl J. , Inroduction to Ligand Field Theory
Ballinger, Philip W. , Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic
Procedures, 6th ed., Vol. 1
Ballinger, Philip W. , Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic
Procedures, 6th ed., Vol. 2
Ballinger, Philip W. , Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic
Procedures, 6th ed., Vol. 3
Ballou, Glen, ed. , Handbook For Sound Engineers: the New Audio Encyclopedia
Bamberg, Paul , A Course in Mathematics For Students of Physics 1
Bamberg, Paul , A Course in Mathematics For Students of Physics 2
Banchoff, Thomas F. , Beyond the Third Dimension: Geometry, Computer Graphics,
and Higher Dimensions
Banham, Reyner , Theory and Design in the First Machine Age
Banker, Gary , Culturing Nerve Cells
Banks, D. D. , Industrial Hydraulic Systems: an Introduction
Banks, Robert B. , Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, and Other Adventures in
Applied Mathematics
Bann, David , The Print Production Handbook
Bannister, A. , Surveying, 5th ed.
Bannister, Kenneth E. , Lubrication For Industry
Banzhaf, Robert A. , Screen Process Printing
Bar-Shalom, Yaakov , Tracking and Data Association
Bar-Shalom, Yaakov , Esimtaiton and Tracking: Principles, Techniques, and
Bar-Yam, Yaneer , Dynamics of Complex Systems
Barabasi, A. -L. , Fractal Concepts in Surface Growth
Barabasi, Albert-Laslo , Linked: the New Science of Networks
Barakat and Chamberlin Inc. , Rate Design: Traditional and Innovative Approaches
Barakat, N. , Interferometry of Fibrous Materials
Barash, David P. , The Survival Game: How Game Theory Explains the Bioloby of
Cooperation and Competition
Barbato, James P. , Atmospheres: a View of the Gaseous Envelopes Surrounding
Members of Our Solar System
Barber, D. J. , An Introduction to the Properties of Condensed Matter
Barber, Kelvin , The Plastic Modeller's Compendium
Barbour, R. , Glassblowing For Laboratory Technicians, 2nd ed.
Barbour, Richard T. , Pyrotechnics in Industry
Bard, Allen J. , Chemical Equilibrium
Bard, Allen J. , Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications
Bard, Allen J. , Electroanalytical Chemistry V. 20
Bard, Jonathan , Morphogenesis: the Cellular and Molecular Processes of
Developmental Anatomy
Bard, Jonathan , Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
Barden, William, Jr. , The Z80 Microcomputer Handbook
Bardet, Jean-Pierre , Experimental Soil Mechanics
Bardou, Francois , Levy Statistics and Laser Cooling: How Rare Events Bring
Atoms to Rest
Barenblatt, G. I. , Scaling, Self-similarity, and Intermediate Asymptotics
Barenblatt,G. I. , Scaling
Barer, R. D. , Why Metals Fail
Barford, N. C. , Experimental Measurements: Precision, Error and Truth
Barger, A. , Classical Mechanics: a Modern Perspective
Barger, M. Susan , The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth Century Technology and Modern
Barger, Vernon D. , Collider Physics
Barke, Richard , Science, Technology, and Public Policy
Barker, A. J. , Introduction to Metamorphic Textures and Microstructures
Barker, Derek C. , Minnie and Hspice For Analogue Circuit Simulation
Barker, Forest , Communications Electronics: Systems, Circuits, and Devices
Barker, J. A. , Lattice Theories of the Liquid State
Barker, Kathy , At the Bench: a Laboratory Navigator
Barker, Kathy , At the Helm: a Laboratory Navigator
Barley, Stephen R. , Between Craft and Science: Technical Work in U.S. Settings
Barlow, H. M. , Radio Surface Waves
Barlow, Horace , Images and Understanding
Barna, Arpad , Operational Amplifiers
Barna, Arpad , Operational Amplifiers, 2nd ed.
Barnaal, Dennis , Analog Electronics For Scientific Application
Barnacle, H. E. , Mechanics of Machines, Vol. 1
Barnacle, H. E. , Mechanics of Machines, Vol. 2
Barnard, J. A. , Flame and Combustion, 2nd ed
Barnard, R. D. , Thermoelectricity in Metals and Alloys
Barnard, Robert L. , Intrusion Detection Systems, 2nd ed.
Barnes, Frank S. (ed.) , Laser Theory
Barnes, H. A. , An Introduction to Rheology
Barnes, John W. , Basic Geological Mapping
Barnes, K. R. , The Optical Transfer Function
Barnes, R. S. K. (ed.) , The Diversity of Living Organisms
Barnett, Vic , Outliers in Statistical Data
Barney, George C. , Intelligent Instrumentation: Microprocessor Applications in
Measurment and Control
Barnham, Jerry N. , Mechanical Kinesiology
Barnsley, Michael , Fractals Everywhere
Barnsley, Michael F. , Superfractals: Patterns of Nature
Barnsley, Michael F. , Fractal Image Compression
Barnwell, R. W. , Natural Laminar Flow and Laminar Flow Control
Baron, Cynthia L. , Designing a Digital Portfolio
Barondes, Samuel H. , Molecules and Mental Illness
Barr, Avron , The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. I
Barr, Avron , The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. II
Barr, Avron , The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. III
Barr, George , Science Research Experiments For Young People
Barr, Randolph R. , The Automobile Electrical System
Barr, Stephen , Experiments in Topology
Barr, W. E. , Scientific and Industrial Glassblowing and Laboratory Techniques
Barras, R. C. (ed.) , Instrumetnation For Monitoring Air Quality: Symposium,
Boulder, CO, 14-16 Aug 1973
Barrass, Robert , Scientists Must Write: a Guide to Better Writing For
Scientists, Engineers, and Students
Barrat, Jean-Louis , Basic Concepts For Simple and Complex Liquids
Barratt, Krome , Logic & Design in Art, Science & Mathematics
Barrett, Edward (ed.) , Sociomedia: Multimedia, Hypermedia, and the Social
Construction of Knowledge
Barrett, Edward (ed.) , Text, ConText, and Hypertext: Writing With and For the
Barrett, Eric C. , Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing, 3rd ed.
Barrett, Eric C. , Environmental Remote Sensing: Applications and Achievements
Barron, L. D. , Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity
Barron, Randall , Cryogenic Systems
Barrow, Gordon M. , Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Barrow, Gordon M. , Molecular Spectroscopy
Barrow, Gordon M. , The Structure of Molecules
Barrow, John D. , The Artful Universe
Barrow, John D. , Impossibility: the Limits of Science and the Science of Limits
Barrow, John D. , The Constants of Nature: From Alpha to Omega - the Numbers
That Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe
Barrow, John D. , The Anthropic Cosmological Principle
Barry, B. Austin , Construction Measurements, 2nd ed.
Barry, B. Austin , Errors in Practical Measurement in Science, Engineering, and
Barry, J. M. , An Ntroduction to the Structure of Biological Molecules
Barry, Roger G. , Mountain Weather and Climate
Barry, Roger G. , Atmosphere Weather and Climate, 4th ed
Barsoum, Michel , Fundamentals of Ceramics
Bartels, Richard H. , An Introduction to Splines For Use in Computer Graphics
and Geometric Modeling
Bartholomew, James R. , THe Formation of Science in Japan
Bartle, Robert C. , The Elements of Real Analysis, 2nd ed.
Bartlett, Bruce , Practical Recording Techniques: the Step-by-step Approach to
Professional Audio Recording, 2nd ed.
Bartlett, Eugene R. , Electronic Measurements & Testing
Bartlett, Eugene R. , Cable Communications: Building the Information
Bartlett, M. S. , An Introduction to Stochastic Processes: With Special
Reference to Methods and Applications, 3rd ed.
Bartlett, M. S. , Stochastic Population Models in Ecology & Epidemiology
Bartley, William Warren (ed.) , Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic
Barton, David K. , Handbook of Radar Measurement
Barton, G. , Elements of Green's Functions and Propagation: Potentials,
Diffusion, and Waves
Bartusiak, Marcia , Thursday's Universe
Barut, A. O. , Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles
Barwell, F. T. , Automation and Control in Transport
Barwise, Jon , Turing's World 3.0 For the Macintosh: an Introduction to
Computability Theory
Basak, Amitava , Analogue Electronic Circuits and Systems
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and Updated
Bascom, Willard , A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea: Hte Story of the Mohole
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Basolo, Fred , Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions: A Study of Metal Complexes in
Solution, 2nd ed.
Bass, H. G. , Introduction to Engineering Measurements
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on Geological History
Basu, Subhash C. , Liposome Methods and Protocols
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the Basis of Maxwell's Equations
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Engineers, 8th ed.
Bausch & Lomb Inc. , Facts About Telescopic Sights, 6th Ed.: a Manual of
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Sights, Their Performance and Dependability
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Strategies in Scientific Research
Beck, A. E. , Physical Principles of Exploration Methods, 2nd ed.
Beck, A. H. W. , Velocity-modulated Thermionic Tubes
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Beck, C. E. , The First Fifty Years of the Diesel Engine in America
Beck, C. , Thermodynamics of Chaotic Systems: an Introduction
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Beck, William S. (ed.) , Hematology
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Experiments in Pascal
Becker, Neril , Mechanical Man
Becker, Richard , The Theory of Heat, 2nd ed.
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Beckurts, K. H. , Neutron Physics
Beckwith, Thomas G. , Mechanical Measurements, 3rd ed.
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Bednar, Henry H. , Pressure Vessel Design Handbook
Bee, M. , Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
Beebe, Reta , Jupiter: the Giant Planet, 2nd ed.
Beek, W. J. , Transport Phenomena
Beeler, Nelson F. , Experiments With a Microscope
Beer, David , A Guide to Writing As an Engineer
Beer, Ferdinand P. , Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics, 4th ed.
Beer, Ferdinand P. , Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Dynamics, 4th ed.
Beer, Tom , Atmospheric Waves
Beerens, A. C. J. , Measuring Methods and Devices in Electronics
Beery, Pauline G. , Stuff: the Story of Materials in the Service of Man
Beeston, B. E. P. , Electron Diffraction and Optical Diffraction Techniques
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Begunov, B. N. , Optical Instrumentation: Theory and Design
Behling, Sophia , Solar Power: the Evolution of Sustainable Architecture
Behrman, Daniel , Solar Energy: the Awakening Science
Behrndt, Klaus H. , Vacuum Microbalance Techniques
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Films and Solids
Beiser, Arthur , Concepts of Modern Physics, 2nd ed.
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Beiser, Arthur , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Applied Physics
Beiser, Germaine , The Story of the Earth's Magnetic Field
Beiser, Leo , Holographic Scanning
Beitz, W. , Dubbel Handbook of Mechanical Engineering
Bejan, Adrian , Convective Heat Transfer
Bejan, Adrian , Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd ed.
Bejan, Adrian , Shape and Structure From Engineering to Nature
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Belbruno, Edward , Capture Dynamics and Chaotic Motions in Celestial Mechanics:
With Applications Ot the Construction of Low Energy Transfers
Belinfante, F. J. , A Survey of Hidden-Variable Theories
Belinfante, F. J. , A Survey of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: With Applications
and Computational Methods
Belk, J. A. , Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis of Metals
Bell Telephone Laboratories , Transmission Systems For Communications, 5th ed.
Bell, D. A. , Electrical Noise
Bell, David , Solutions Manual to Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3rd ed.
Bell, David A. , Solid State Pulse Circuits, 3rd ed.
Bell, Douglas , The Essence of Program Design
Bell, Goerge I. , Computers and DNA
Bell, J. S. , Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics
Bell, Raymond M. , A Definitive Study of Your Future in Physics, Rev. ed.
Bellman, Richard , Perturbation Techniques in Mathematics, Engineering & Physics
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Scenographic Approach
Bello, Mark , The Smithsonian Institution, a World of Discovery: an Exploration
of Behind-the-scenes Research in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities
Belloni, Mario , Physlet Quantum Physics: an Interactive Introduction
Belove, Charles , Handbook of Modern Electronics and Electrical Enigneering
Belsterling, Charles A. , Fluid Systems Design
Beltrami, Edward , Mathematics For Dynamic Modeling
Belyakov, V. A. , Diffraction Optics of Complex-structured Periodic Media
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Bendat, Julius S. , Engineering Applications of Correlation and Spectral Anlysis
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Bendow, Bernard , Theory of Light Scattering in Condensed Matter
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Benedek, G. , Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
Benedek, George , Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology:
Mechanics, 2nd. ed.
Benedek, George , Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology:
Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd. ed.
Benedek, George , Physics With Illustrative Examples From Medicine and Biology:
Statistical Physics, 2nd. ed.
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Measurements, 3rd ed.
Benedict, William S. , Line Parameters For the 1.9 and 6.3 Micron Water Vapor
Benenson, Walter , Handbook of Physics
Benfatto, Giuseppe , Renormalization Group
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Developments and Controversies
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Bennett, H. (ed.) , The Chemical Formulary: a Condensed Collection of Valuable,
Timely, Practical Formulae For Making Thousands of Products in All Fields of
Industry, Vol. 1
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the Computer
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Benninghoven, A. , Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Basic Concepts, Instrumental
Aspects, Applications and Trends
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Design and Application
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Mathematics in Chemistry
Bent, Henry A. , The Second Law: an Introduction to Classical and Statistical
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and Our Lives
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Physics, Vol. 4)
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Components: a Guide For Engineers, Designers, Draftsmen, and Technicians
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Berger, M. , Geometry II.
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Molecular Biophysics
Berggren, J. L. , Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam
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Berlin, Howard M. , The Boobubook Reference Series 4: the Design of Operational
Amplifier Circuits With Experiments
Berlin, Howard M. , Design of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits With Experiments
Berlin, Howard M. , Experiments in Electronic Devices, 3rd ed.
Berlin, Isaiah , Concepts and Categories: Philosophical Essays
Berlinski, David , On Systems Analysis: an Essay Concerning the Limitations of
Some Mathematical Methods in the Social, Political, and Biological Sciences
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Berman, R. , Thermal Conduction in Solids
Berman, William , How to Dissect
Bernal, Ivan , Symmetry: a Stereoscopic Guide For Chemists
Bernal, J. D. , A History of Classical Physics: From Antiquity to the Quantum
Bernard, Cicero Henry , Laboratory Experiments in College Physics, 2nd ed.
Bernard, Claude , An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine
Berne, Bruce J. , Statistical Mechanics Part B: Time-dependent Processes
Berne, Bruce J. (ed.) , Statistical Mechanics Part A: Equilibrium Techniques
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Biology,and Physics
Berne, Robert M. , Physiology, 3rd ed.
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Vol. I the Heart
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the World Wide Web By Its Inventor
Bernheim, R. A. , Optical Pumping: an Introduction
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Bernussou, J. , Point Mapping Stability
Berry, Brian J. L. , Spatial Analysis: a Reader in Statistical Geography
Berry, J. , Introductory Mathematics Through Science Applications
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Berry, Michael V. , The Diffraction of Light By Ultrasound
Berry, Michael , Dynamical Chaos
Berry, R. Stephen , Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed.
Berry, Richard , Build Your Own Telescope: Complete Plans For Five High-quality
Telescopes That Anyone Can Build
Berry, Robert W. , Thin Film Technology
Berryman, Jack W. , Sport and Exercise Science: Essays in the History of Sports
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Berthon, S. , The Shape of the World: the Mapping and Discovery of the Earth
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Bertsch, George F. , The Practitioner's Shell Model
Berube, David M. , Nano-Hype: the Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz
Besancon, Robert M. , The Encylcopedia of Physics, 3rd ed.
Best, Roland E. , Phase-locked Loops
Besterfield, Dale H. , Technical Sketching: For Engineers, Technologists, and
Technicians, 2nd ed.
Bethe, Hans , Elementary Nuclear Theory
Bethe, Hans A. , Intermediate Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Bethe, Hans A. , Elementary Nuclear Theory, 2nd ed.
Bethe, Hans A. , Quantum Mechanics of One- and Two- Electron Atoms
Bethlehem Steel , Closed Die Forgings... Their Design and Application
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Bett, K. E. , Thermodynamics For Chemical Engineers
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Betts, David S. , An Introduction to Millikelvin Technology
Betz, C. E. , Principles of Penetrants, 2nd ed.
Beukers, Adriaan , Lightness
Beuter, Anne , Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine
Bevensee, Robert M. , Maximum Entropy Solutions to Scientific Problems
Bever, Michael B. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering,
Vol. 1
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Vol. 2
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Vol. 3
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Vol. 4
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Vol. 5
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Vol. 6
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Vol. 7
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Vol. 8
Beveridge, Gordon S. G. , Optimization: Theory and Practice
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Beveridge, W. I. B. , Seeds of Discovery: the Logic, Illogic, Serendipity, and
Sheer Chance of Scientific Discovery
Bevington, Philip R. , Data Reduction and Error Analysis For the Physical
Bevington, Philip R. , Data Reduction and Error Analysis For the Physical
Sciences, 2nd ed.
Bevlin, Marjorie Elliott , Design Through Discovery: the Elements and
Principles, 2nd ed.
Bewley, L. V. , Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems
Bewley, L. V. , Two-dimenstional Fields in Electrical Engineering
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Microelectronics Design and Manufacturing
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Bhateja, Chander , Grinding: Theory, Techniques and Troubleshooting
Bhatia, A. B. , Ultrasonic Absorption: an Introduction to the Theory of Sound
Absorption and Dispersion in Gases, Liquids, and Solids
Bhatia, A. B. , Mechanics of Deformable Media
Bhatnagar, S. S. , Physical Principles and Applications of Magnetochemistry
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Bhattacharya, R. N. , Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions
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Bhushan, Bharat (ed.) , Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology
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Processes and Methods of Analysis
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Practice, 3rd ed.
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Biddle, Wayne , A Field Guide to the Invisible
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Funktionentheorie, 4th. ed
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Bigelow, Stephen J. , Understanding Telephone Electronics
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Bikales, Norbert M. (ed) , Adhesion and Bonding
Bikerman, J. J. , The Science of Adhesive Joints, 2nd ed.
Bikerman, J. J. , Foams
Billiet, Wlater E. , Automotive Suspensions, Steering, Alignment and Brakes, 5th
Billings, Henry , Bridges
Billings, Keith H. , Handbook of Switchmode Power Supplies
Billings, Marland P. , Structural Geology, 2nd ed.
Billington, David P. , The Tower and the Bridge: the New Art of Structural
Billington, Douglas S. , Radiation Damage in Solids
Billington, E. W. , The Physics of Deformation and Flow
Billington, Roy , Applied Reliability Assessment in Electric Power Systems
Billmeyer, Fred W., Jr. , Principles of Color Technology
Binder, K. (ed.) , Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics
Binder, K. , Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: an Introduction
Binder, R. C. , Mechanics of the Roller Chain Drive
Bingelis, Tony , The Sportplane Builder: Aircraft Construction Methods
Bingelis, Tony , The Sportplane Builder: Aircraft Construction Methods
Binkley, Sue , The Clockwork Sparrow: Time, Clocks, and Calendars in Biological
Binkley, Sue A. , Endrocrinology
Binmore, K. G. , The Foundations of Analysis: A Straightforward Introduction
Book 2: Topological Ideas
Binney, J. J. , The Theory of Critical Phenomena: an Introduction to the
Renormalization Group
Binney, James , Galactic Dynamics
Binswanger, Harry , The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study , Biological Science, Molecules to Man
(Blue Version)
Birchon, D. , Optical Microscope Technique
Bird, G. A. , Molecular Gas Dynamics
Bird, G. A. , Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows
Bird, J. O. , Higher Electrical Technology, 2nd ed.
Bird, R. Byron , Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids: Vol. I Fluid Mechanics
Bird, R. Byron , Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids: Vol. I Fluid Mechanics
Bird, R. Byron , Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids: Vol. II Kinetic Theory
Bird, R. Byron , Transport Phenomena
Bird, Richard J. , Chaos and Life: Complexity and Order in Evolution and Thought
Birdsall, Derek , The Technology of Man
Birdsall, Stephen S. , Regional Landscapes of the United States and Canada, 2nd
Birdwell , Basic Electric Logging Manual
Birkeland, Peter W. , Pedology, Weathering, and Geomorphological Research
Birkerts, Sven , The Gutenberg Elegies: the Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age
Birkhoff, Garrett , Hydrodynamics: a Study of Logic, Fact and Similitude
Birkhoff, Garrett , Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd ed.
Birkhoff, Garrett , Jets, Wakes, and Cavities
Birkhoff, George David , Relativity and Modern Physics
Birks, J. B. , Scintillation Counters
Birman, Paul , Power Supply Handbook
Birrell, N. D. , A Practical Hjandbook For Software Development
Birsic, Rudolph J. , More About Geothermal Steam: Or the Hottest Energy Prospect
Bishop, Alan W. , The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test
Bishop, Albert B. , Introduction to Discrete Linear Controls: Theory and
Bishop, Carl Whiting , Man For the Farthest Past
Bishop, Cynthia , Science Fair Project Index: 1985-1989 For Grades K-8
Bishop, Morris , Blaise Pascal
Bishop, Owen , Understanding Amplifiers
Bishop, Owen , Essential Analog Electronics
Bishop, Owen , Yardsticks of the Universe
Bishop, R. E. D. , Vibration
Bishop, R. E. D. , Vibration, 2nd ed.
Bishop, R. L. , Tensor Analysis on Manifolds
Bishop, Tom , Gold: the Way to Roadside Riches
Bisplinghoff, Raymond L. , Principles of Aeroelasticity
Bissell, Allen , Shipboard Damage Control
Bissell, C. C. , Digital Signal Transmission
Bitter, Francis , Magnets: the Education of a Physicist
Bitter, Francis , Magnets: the Education of a Physicist
Bitter, Francis , Currents, Fields, and Particles
Bixby, William , Great Experimenters
Bjarklev, Anders , Photonic Crystal Fires
Bjelkhagen, H. I. , Silver-Halide Recording Materials For Holography and Their
Bjorken, James D. , Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Bjorken, James D. , Relativistic Quantum Fields
Blacharksi, Dan , Maximum Bandwidth: a Serious Guide to High-speed Networking
Blachman, Nelson M. , Noise and Its Effect on Communication
Black, Jonathan , Biological Performance of Materials: Fundamentals of
Black, N. Henry , A Laboratory Manual in Physics: to Accompany Black and Davis'
"practical physics"
Black, Newton Henry , Elementary Practical Physics
Black, Newton Henry , Elementary Practical Physics, revised ed.
Black, Paul H. , Machine Design
Black, Stephen , Man and Motor Cars: an Ergonomic Study
Black, William C. , Creek Craft: the Art of Flyfishing Smaller Streams
Blackburn, Graham , Illustrated Housebuilding
Blackburn, J. Lewis , Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications
Blackburn, James A. , Modern Instrumentation For Scientists and Engineers
Blackman, R. B. , The Measurement of Power Spectra: From the Point of View of
Communications Engineering
Blackmore, D. R. , Fule Economy of the Gasoline Engine: Fuel, Lubricant, and
Other Effects
Blackwell, David , Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions
Blackwood, O. H. , An Outline of Atomic Physics, 2nd ed.
Blaedel, W. J. , Elementary Quantitative Analysis: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed.
Blagoveshchensky, S. N. , Theory of Ship Motions, Vol. 2
Blahut, Richard E. , Fast Algorithms For Digital Signal Processing
Blair, David , Ripples on a Cosmic Sea: the Search For Gravitational Waves
Blaizot, Jean-Paul , Quantum Theory of Finite Systems
Blake, Alexander (ed.) , Handbook of Mechanics, Materials, and Structures
Blake, L. S. (ed) , Civil Engineer's Reference Book, 3rd ed.
Blake, Peter , The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Vander Rohe, Frank Lloyd
Blake, Roy , Wireless Communication Technology
Blakemore, Colin , Mechanics of the Mind
Blakemore, J. S. , Semiconductor Statistics
Blakemore, J. S. , Solid State Physics, 2nd ed.
Blaker, Alfred A. , Handbook of Scientific Photography
Blanchard, Alain , Phase-locked Loops: Application to Coherent Receiver Design
Blanchard, Benjamin S. , Logistics Engineering and Management
Blanchard, Duncan C. , From Raindrops to Volcanoes: Adventures With Sea Surface
Blanchard, Paul C. , Differential Equations, 2nd ed.
Bland, D. R. , Wave Theory and Applications
Blandamer, Michael J. , Chemical Equilibria in Solution: Dependence of Rate and
Equilibrium Constants on Temperature and Pressure
Blanding, Sharon L. , What Makes a Boomerang Come Back: the Science of Sports
Blanford, Percy W. , Practical Blacksmithing and Metalworking, 2nd ed.
Blank, David A. , Introduction to Naval Engineering, 2nd ed.
Blaser, Werner , Art of Engineering
Blass, William E. , Deconvolution of Absorption Spectra
Blatner, David , The Joy of π
Blatt, Frank J. , Physics of Electronic Conduction in Solids
Blatt, Harvey , Origin of Sedimentary Rocks, 2nd ed.
Blatt, John M. , Theory of Superconductivity
Blatt, John M. , Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Blau, Henry H. , Radiative Transfer From Solid Materials
Blau, Peter J. , Microindentation Techniques in Materials Science and
Blauert, Jens , Spatial Hearing
Blazek, Antonin , Thermal Analysis
Blazek, Dean , Neon: the Next Generation
Bleaney, B. I. , Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 1, 3rd ed.
Bleaney, B. I. , Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. 2, 3rd ed.
Bleich, Alan Ralph , The Story of X-rays: From Rontgen to Isotopes
Bleistein, Norman , Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals
Blesser, William B. , A Systems Approach to Biomedicine
Bleuler, E. (ed.) , Electronic Methods
Bleuler, E. (ed.) , Electronic Methods, 2nd ed., Part A
Bleuler, E. (ed.) , Electronic Methods, 2nd ed., Part B
Bleuler, Ernst , Experimental Nucleonics
Bleuler, Ernst , Experimental Nucleonics
Blevins, R. D. , Formulas For Natural Frequency and Mode Shape
Blevins, Robert D. , Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook
Blevins, Robert D. , Flow Induced Vibration
Blicher, Adolph , Thyristor Physics
Blin-Stolye, Roger J. , Eureka! Physics of Particles, Matter and the Universe
Blin-Stoyle, R. J. , Nuclear and Particle Physics
Blin-Stoyle, R. J. , Turning Points in Physics
Blitz, Jack , Fundamentals of Ultrasonics, 2nd ed.
Blitz, Jack , Fundamentals of Ultrasonics
Blitz, Jack , Ultrasonics: Methods and Applications
Blitz, Jack , Electrical and Magnetic Methods of Nondestructive Testing
Bloch, Heinz P. , A Practical Guide to Compressor Technology
Bloch, Heinz P. , Improving Machinery Reliability (Pracitical Machinery
Management For Process Plants, Vol. 1), 2nd ed.
Bloch, Heinz P. , Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting (Pracitical
Machinery Management For Process Plants, Vol. 2)
Bloch, S. C. , Spreadsheet Analysis For Engineers and Scientists
Block, Eugene , Fingerprinting: Magic Weapon Against Crime
Blodgett, Omer W. , Design of Welded Structures
Blodgett, Omer W. , Design of Weldments
Bloembergen, N. , Nonlinear Optics
Bloembergen, N. , Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation
Blood, D. C. , Veterinary Medicine, 4th ed.
Bloom, Arnold L. , Gas Lasers
Bloom, Arthur L. , The Surface of the Earth
Bloomfield, Louis , How Everything Works: Making Physics Out of the Ordinary
Bloomfield, Louis A. , How Things Work: the Physics of Everyday Life
Bloomfield, Peter , Fourier Analysis of Time Series: an Introduction
Bloss, F. Donald , An Introduction to the Methods of Optical Crystallography
Blotter, P. Thomas , Introduction to Engineering
Bluestein, Howard B. , Tornado Alley: Monster Storms of the Great Plains
Bluhm, Andreas , Light! The Industrial Age 1750-1900 Art & Science, Technology &
Blum, Harold F. , Time's Arrow and Evolution, 3rd ed.
Blum, Joseph J. , Introduction to Analog Computation
Blum, W. , Particle Detection With Drift Chambers
Blum, Werner , Modelling, Applications and Applied Problem Solving: Teaching
Mathematics in a Real Context
Bluman, G. W. , Symmetries and Differential Equations
Blumberg, Mark S. , Body Heat: Temperature and Life on Earth
Blumberg, Ruth , Liquid-liquid Extraction
Blumberg, Stanley A. , Edward Teller: Giant of the Golden Age of Physics
Blumenfeld, L. A. , Electron Spin Resonance in Chemistry
Blumenthal, Joseph , The Printed Book in America
Blumich, Brnhard , NMR Imaging of Materials
Boal, David , Mechanics of the Cell
Boardman, A. D. , Physics Programs: 4. Applied Physics
Boas, Marie , The Scientific Renaissance 1450-1630
Boas, Mary L. , Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, 2nd ed.
Boas, Ralph P., Jr. , A Primer of Real Functions
Bobbitt, James M. , Thin Layer Chromotography
Bock, R. K. , Data Analysis Techniques For High-energy Physics Experiments
Bock, R. K. , The Data Analysis Breifbook
Bockus, Bill , Designer's Notebook
Bodanis, David , The Secret House: 24 Hours in the Strange and Unexpected World
in Which We Spend Our Nights and Days
Bodanis, David , The Secret Family: Twenty-four Hours Inside the Mysterious
World of Our Minds and Bodies
Bodansky, David , Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices, and Prospects
Bodansky, David (ed.) , Indoor Radon and Its Hazards
Bodig, Jozsef , Mechanics of Wood and Wood Composites
Bodnar, George H. , Accounting Information Systems, 6th ed.
Bodnar, George H. , Accounting Information Systems, 5th ed.
Boehm, George A. W. , Science in the Service of Mankind: the Battelle Story
Boenig, Herman V. , Plasma Science and Technology
Böer, Karl W. , Survey of Semiconductor Physics: Electrons and Other Particles
in Bulk Semiconductors
Böer, Karl W. , Advances in Solar Energy, Vol. 7
Böer, Karl W. , Advances in Solar Energy, Vol. 1
Boerner, Hermann , Representations of Groups: With Special Consideration For the
Needs of Modern Physics
Bogaevski, V. N. , Algebraic Methods in Nonlinear Perturbation Theory
Bogatin, Eric , Signal Integrity - Simplified
Bogitsh, Burton J. , Human Parasitology
Bogoliubov, N. N. , Introduction to the Thoery of Quantized Fields, 3rd ed.
Bogolubov, N. N. , Introduction to Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Bohannan, Paul , How Culture Works
Bohlman, K. J. , Control Systems Technology
Bohm, David , Quantum Theory
Bohm, David , Causality and Chance in Modern Physics
Bohm, David , On Dialogue
Bohn, Ralph C. , Energy Technology: Power and Transportation
Bohr, Aage , Nuclear Structure, Vol.1: Single Particle Motion
Bohr, Aage , Nuclear Structure, Vol.2: Nuclear Deformations
Bohr, Tomas , Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence
Bohren, Craig , What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks? More Experiments in
Atmospheric Physics
Bohren, Craig , Clouds in a Glass of Beer: Simple Experiments in Atmospheric
Bohren, Craig F. , Absorption and Scattering of Light By Small Particles
Boissonat, J.-D. , Algothmic Geometry
Bol, Marsha , American Indians and the Natural World
Bold, Harold C. , Morphology of Plants and Fungi, 4th ed.
Boldea, I. , Linear Electric Actuators and Generators
Boldt, David H. (ed.) , Update on Hemostasis
Boley, Forrest I. , Plasmas - Laboratory and Cosmic
Bollag, Daniel M. , Protein Methods, 2nd ed.
Bolles, Edmund Blair (ed.) , Galileo's Commandment: 2500 Years of Great Science
Bolluyt, James E. , Design Modling With Pro/Engineer
Bolotin,V.V. , The Dynamic Stability of Elastic Systems
Bolt, Brian , Mathematics Meets Technology
Bolt, Bruce A. , Inside the Earth: Evidence From Earthquakes
Bolt, Bruce A. , Earthquakes: a Primer
Bolt, Bruce A. (ed.) , Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Bolt, Bruce A. , Geological Hazards: Earthquakes, Tsunamics, Volcanoes,
Avalanches, Landslides, Floods, 2nd ed.
Bolton, T. , Geographythrough Fieldwork
Bolton, W. , Mechatronics; Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Bolton, W. , Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems
Bolton, W. , Engineering Science
Boltzman, Ludwig , Lectures on Gas Theory
Bomar, George W. , Texas Weather
Bonabeau, Eric , Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems
Bond, Bob , Small Boat Sailing
Bond, Carl E. , Biology of Fishes
Bond, Courtney C. J. , Surveyors of Canada
Bond, Donald C. , Improved Oil Recovery
Bond, Gary , XCMD's For Hypercard
Bond, John W. , Atomic Theory of Gas Dynamics
Bond, Richard G. , Handbook of Environmental Control, Vol. 1: Air Pollution
Bond, Victor R. , Modern Astrodynamics: Fundamentals and Perturbation Methods
Bondarik, G. K. , Dynamic and Static Sounding of Soils in Engineering Geology
Bondi, A. , Physical Properties of Molecular Crystals, Liquids, and Glasses
Bondi, H. , Cosmology, 2nd ed.
Bone, Jesse F. , Animal Anatomy and Physiology, 2nd ed.
Bone, Neil , Meteors
Bone, Neil , Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae and Other Transient Phenomena
Bonham- Carter, Graeme F. , Geographic Information Systems For Geoscientists:
Modelling With GIS
Bonis, L. J. , Fundamental Phenomena in the Materials Sciences, Vol. 4: Fracture
of Metals, Polymers, and Glasses
Bonner, James , The Molecular Biology of Development
Bonner, John T. , The Cellular Slime Molds, 2nd ed.
Bonner, John Tyler , First Signals: the Evolution of Multicellular Development
Bonner, John Tyler , On Development: the Biology of Form
Bonner, John Tyler , The Scale of Nature: a Panoramic View of the Sciences
Bonnere, John Tyler , Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales
Bonney, E. A. , Aerodynamics Propulsion Structures
Booch, Grady , Software Engineering With Ada, 2nd ed.
Boon, E. Milton , Circuit Theory of Elctron Devices
Boon, Jean Pierre , Molecular Hydrodynamics
Boone, Bradley G. , Signal Processing Using Optics: Fundamentals, Devices,
Architectures, and Applications
Booth, J. E. , Principles of Textile Testing, 2nd Ed.: an Introduction to
Physical Methods of Testing Textile Fibres, Yarns, and Fabrics
Booth, Kathryn , The Essence of Optoelectronics
Booth, Vernon , Communication in Science: Writing a Scientific Paper and
Speaking at Scientific Meetings, 2nd ed.
Boothroyd, Geoffrey , Assembly Automation and Product Design
Borbely, Anne-Marie , Distributed Generation: the Power Paradigm For the New
Borden, Robert S. , Couse in Advanced Calculus
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso , On the Movement of Animals
Borg, S. F. , Matrix-tensor Methods in Continuum Mechanics
Borgenakke, Claus , Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
Borissov, M. (ed.) , Nonlinear Phenomena in Solids - Modern Topics
Borkate, Martin , Hysteresis and Phase Transitions
Borman, Gary L. , Combustion Engineering
Born, M. , Problems of Atomic Dynamics
Born, M. , Atomic Physics
Born, M. , Atomic Physics, 8th ed.
Born, Max , Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Born, Max , My Life & My Views
Born, Max , Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices
Born, Max , Principles of Optics, 5th ed
Borner, Gerhard , The Early Universe: Facts and Fiction, 3rd ed.
Boron, Walter F. , Medical Physiology: a Cellular and Molecular Approach
Borovik-Romanov, A. S. (ed) , Low Temperature Physics
Borowitz, Sidney , Farewell to Fossil Fuels: Reviewing America's Energy Policy
Borrebaeck, Carl A. K. , Antibody Engineering, 2nd ed.
Borst, Arno , The Ordering of Time: From the Ancient Computus to the Mnodern
Bortolloti, Dan , Hope in Hell: Inside the World of Doctors Without Borders
Borwick, John , Louspeaker and Headphone Handbook, 2nd ed.
Borysenko, Myrin , Functional Histology, 3rd ed.
Bose, B. K. (ed.) , Modern Power Electronics: Evolution, Technology, and
Bose, Keith W. , Aviation Electronics, 4th ed.
Boslough, John , Stpehen Hawking's Universe: an Introduction to the Most
Remarkable Scientis of Our Time
Bossomaier, Terry R. J. , Complex Systems
Bossomaier, Terry , Patterns in the Sand: Computers, Complexity, and Everyday
Bosstick, Maurice , Patterns in the Sand: an Exploration in Mathematics
Bostock, Geoff , FPGAs and Programmable LSI: a Designer's Handbook
Boston, Orlan William , Engineering Shop Practise, Vol.1
Boston, Orlan William , Engineering Shop Practise, Vol.2
Boston-Cambridge branch of the american association of scientific workers ,
Science From Shipboard
Boswell, Thom , The Kaleidoscope Book: a Spectrum of Specacular Scopes to Make
Bosworth, R. C. L. , Transport Processes in Applied Chemistry: the Flow of
Physical Properties in Chemical Reactors
Bothamley, Jennifer , Dictionary of Theories
Botkin, Daniel , Forces of Change: a New View of Nature
Bottone, S. R. , Electrical Instrument-making For Amateurs
Bouche, Brieuc , A Master Carver's Legacy: Essentials of Wood Carving Techniques
Boucher, Paul E. , Fundamentals of Photography, 3rd ed.
Boulton, Alan A. , Neuromethods 8: Imaging and Correlative Physicochemical
Bouma, Brett E. , Handbook of Optical Coherence Tomography
Boumphrey, Geoffrey , Engines and How They Work
Bourbaki, N. , Elements De Mathematique XII: Livre IV Fonctions D'une Variable
Reele (theorie Elementaire)
Bourg, David M. , Physics For Game Developers
Bourne, John R. , Laboratory Minicomputing
Bourne, Philip E. , Structural Bioinformatics
Bourne, Russell , Invention in America: With Images From the Library of Congress
Bourne, S. R. , The Unix System
Bourriau, Janine (ed.) , Understanding Catastrophe
Boutet, Terry S. , Controlling Air Movement: a Manula For Architects and
Boutin, Henry , Molecular Spectroscopy With Neutrons
Bouwhuis, G. , Principles of Optical Disc Systems
Bova, Ben , The Beauty of Light
Bova, Ben , Immortality: How Science is Extending Your Life Span - and Changing
the World
Bovik, Al (ed.) , Handbook of Image & Video Image Processing
Bovin, Murray , Silversmithing and Art Metal: For Schools, Tradesment, Craftsmen
Bovin, Murray , Centrifugal Or Lost Wax Jewelry Casting
Bowden, Leonard W. , Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol. II: Interpretations and
Bowditch, Nathaniel , Waves, Wind and Weather
Bowditch, Nathaniel , Marine Weather
Bowditch, William A. , Welding Technology Fundamentals
Bowdle, T. Andrew , Cardiac Output
Bowen, B. A. , VLSI Systems Design For Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 1: Signal
Processing and Signal Processors
Bowen, H. J. M. , Radioactivation Analysis
Bowen, John , A Ship Modelmaker's Manual
Bowen, N. L. , The Evolution of Igneous Rocks
Bowen, T. J. , An Introduction to Ultracentrifugation
Bower, Carol E. , The Basic Marine Aquarium: a Simplified, Modern Approach to
the Care of Saltwater Fishes
Bower, D. I. , The Vibrational Spectroscopy of Polymers
Bower, James M. , Computation Modeling of Generic and Biochemical Networks
Bowers, BRian , Lengthening the Day: a History of Lighting Technology
Bowers, Richar L. , Numerical Modeling in Applied Physics and Astrophysics
Bowes, William H. , Mechanics of Engineering Materials
Bowick, Chris , RF Circuit Design
Bowker, Geoffrey C. , Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences
Bowler, M. G. , Femotphysics: a Short Course on Particle Physics
Bowles, Joseph E. , Foundation Analysis and Design
Bowling, Anne , 2003 Novel and Short Story Writer's Market
Bowman, Frank , Introduction to Bessel Functions
Bowman, J. J. , Electromagnetic and Acoustic Scattering By Simple Shapes,
revised Printing
Bowyer, Kevin W. , Empirical Evaluation Techniques in Computer Vision
Box, George E. , Time Series Analysis Forecasting and Control
Box, Harry C. , Set Lighting Technician's Handbook, 2nd Ed.: Film Lighting
Equipment, Practice, and Electrical Distribution
Boxleitner, Warren , Electrostatic Discharge and Electronic Equipment: a
Practical Guide For Designing to Prevent ESD Problems
Boyce, C. O. L. , Novo's Handbook of Practical Biotechnology, 2nd ed.
Boyce, Meherwan P. , Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook
Boyce, William E. , Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, 4th ed.
Boyd, Margaret A. , The Craft Supply Source Book, 3rd ed.
Boyd, R. L. F. , Space Physics: the Study of Plasmas in Space
Boyd, Robert W. , Radiometry and the Detection of Optical Radiation
Boyd, Waldo T. , Fiber Optics: Communications, Experiments & Projects
Boyen, John L. , Thermal Energy Recovery, 2nd ed.
Boyer, Carl B. , The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development
Boyer, Howard E. , Practical Heat Treating
Boyer, Rodney F. , Modern Experimental Biochemistry, 2nd ed.
Boyko, Vladimir S. , Reversible Crystal Plasticity
Boyle, Godfrey (ed.) , Renewable Energy: Power For a Sustainable Future
Boyle, H. B. , Transducer Handbook: Users Directory of Electrical Transducers
Boynton, Robert S. , Chemistry and Technology of Lime and Limestone, 2nd ed.
Boys, C. V. , Soap Bubbles: Their Colours and the Forces Which Mold Them
Boys, C. V. , Soap Bubbles: Their Colours and the Forces Which Mold Them
Bozic, S. M. , Digital and Kalman Filtering:
Bozorth, Richard M. , Ferromagnetism
Braae, R. , Matrix Algebra For Electrical Engineers
Braasch, Gary , Photgraphing the Patterns of Nature, revised and Updated
Braasch, Gary , Photgraphing the Patterns of Nature, revised and Updated
Braben, Donald , To Be a Scientist: the Spirit of Adventure in Science and
Bracey, R. J. , The Technique of Optical Instrument Design
Brackenbury, John , Insects in Flight
Bradbury, L. J. S. (ed.) , Turbulent Shear Flows 4
Bradbury, Savile , Introduction to Light Microscopy
Braddick, H. J. J. , The Physics of Experimental Method, 2nd ed.
Braddick, H. J. J. , The Physics of Experimental Method, 2nd ed.
Braddick, H. J. J. , The Physics of Experimental Method
Braddick, H. J. J. , Vibrations, Waves and Diffraction
Bradley, C. C. , High Pressure Methods in Solid State Research
Bradley, D. , The Hydrocylclone
Bradley, David , Basic Electrical Power and Machines
Bradley, Fennimore N. , Materials For Magnetic Functions
Bradshaw, P. , Experimental Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Bradshaw, P. , An Introduction to Turbulence and Its Measurement
Bradshaw, P. (ed) , Turbulence, 2nd ed.
Brady, George S. , Materials Handbook, 12th ed.
Brady, Marion , Idea and Action in World Cultures
Brady, Nyle C. , The Nature and Properties of Soils, 8th ed.
Brady, Nyle C. , The Nature and Properties of Soils, 11th ed.
Brady, P. R. (ed.) , Finishing and Wool Fabric Properties: a Quide to the Theory
and Practice of Finishing Woven Wool Fabrics
Braga, Newton C. , Robotics, Mechatronics, and Artificial Intelligence:
Experimental Circuit Blocks For Designers
Bragdon, Allen D. , Ingenious Inventions of Domsetic Utility
Bragg, Gordon M. , Principles of Experimentation and Measurement
Bragg, Sir Lawrence , The Crystalline State: a General Survey
Bragg, Sir Lawrence , The Development of X-ray Analysis
Bragg, Sir William , Concerning the Nature of Things
Bragg, Sir William , The Universe of Light
Bragg, Sir William , The World of Sound
Braginsky, V. B. , Quantum Measurement
Braginsky, V. B. , Measurement of Weak Forces in Physics Experiments
Braginsky, V. B. , Systems With Small Dissipation
Brahtz, John F. (ed.) , Ocean Engineering: System Planning and Design
Brain, Marshall , How Stuff Works
Brainerd, John W. , The Nature Observer's Handbook
Braithwaite, R. B. , Scientific ExplanationL a Study of the Function of Theory,
Probability and Law in Science
Braker, William , Effects of Exposure to Toxic Gases - First Aid and Medical
Bramer,T. P. C. , Basic Vibration Control
Bramson, Mikael A. , Infrared Radiation: a Handbook For Applications
Bramwell, A. R. S. , Helicopter Dynamics
Branan, Carl , The Process Engineer's Pocket Handbook
Brancazio, Peter J. , Infrared Astronomy
Brand, Stewart , The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT
Brand, Stewart , How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built
Brand, Stewart , The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility, the Ideas
Behind the World's Slowest Computer
Branden, Carl , Introduction to Protein Structure, 2nd ed.
Brandenburg, Wayne C. , Introduction to Television Servicing
Brandon, David , Joining Processes: an Introduction
Brandreth, Gyles , Your Vital Statistics: the Ultimate Book About the Average
Human Being
Brandrup, J. , Polymer Handbook, 2nd ed.
Brandstatter, J. J. , An Introduction to Waves, Rays and Radiation in Plasma
Brandt, Daniel A. , Metallurgy: Fundamentals
Brandt, John C. , Introduction to Comets
Brandt, John C. , New Horizons in Astronomy
Brandt, Siegmund , Data Analysis: Statistical and Computational Methods For
Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed.
Brandt, Siegmund , Statistical and Computational Methods in Data Analysis, 2nd
Brandt, Siegmund , Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh, 2nd ed.
Brandt, Siegmund , The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Brandt, Siegmund , The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed.
Brandwein, Paul F. , Teaching High School Science: a Book of Methods
Branover, Herman , Turbulence and Structures: Chaos, Fluctuations, and Helical
Self-organization in Nature and the Laboratory
Brans, Yves W. , Physiological Monitoring and Instrument Diagnosis in Perinatal
and Neonatal Medicine
Branscomb, Anne W. , Toward a Law of Global Communication Networks
Bransden, B. H. , Physics of Atoms and Molecules
Branson, Richard D. , Respiratory Care Equipment
Brant, Bob , Build Your Own Electric Vehicle
Brant, Bob , Build Your Own Macintosh and Save a Bundle
Bras, Rafael L. , Random Functions and Hydrology
Bratley, Paul , A Guide to Simulation, 2nd ed.
Bratos, S. , Liquid Matter: Proceedings of the First Liquid Matter Conference of
the European Physical Society, Lyon, France, 7-11 July 1990
Brau, Charles A. , Free-electron Physics
Brauer, Fred , The Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Braun, Ernest , Living Water
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Braun, Robert D. , Inroduction to Chemical Analysis
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Brekhovskikh, Leonid M. , Waves in Layered Media
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Brice, J. C. , Crystal Growth Processes
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Economic Development From 1880 to 1947
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Brignell, John , Intelligent Sensor Systems, Rev. ed.
Brill, R. (ed.) , Advances in Structure Research By Diffraction Methods, Vol. 1
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Brillouin, L. , Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures: Electric Filters and
Crystal Lattices, 2nd ed.
Brillouin, L. , Wave Propagation and Group Velocity
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Brillouin, Leon , Science and Information Theory, 2nd ed.
Brindley, Keith , Sensors and Transducers
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Brink, James , Computer Architecture and VAX Assembly Language Programming
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Brociner, Victor , Acoustics For the Sound Contractor
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Twenty-first Century
Brockwell, Peter J. , Time Series: Theory and Methods, 2nd ed.
Brodie, Ivor , The Physics of Microfabrication
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Brodsky, M. H. (ed.) , Amorphous Semiconductors, 2nd ed.
Brody, Laura , Plugged In: the Definitive Guide to the 20 Best Kitchen
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Bronowski, J. , The Ascent of Man
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Bronwell, Arthur B. , Theory and Application of Microwaves
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Bronzino, Joseph D. , Medical Technology and Society: an Interdisciplinary
Brooker, Geoffrey , Modern Classical Optics
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Brooks, Richard R. , Multi-sensor Fusion: Fundamentals and Applications With
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Brophy, Jere H. , The Structure and Properties of Materials, Vol. II:
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Brostow, Witold , Science of Materials
Brotherton, M. , Capacitors: Their Use in Electronic Circuits
Brotherton, M. , The 12 Volt Bible Fopr Boats, 2nd ed.
Brothwell, Don , Science in Archeology: a Comprehensive Survey of Progress and
Research, 2nd ed.
Brothwell, Don , Science in Archeology: a Comprehensive Survey of Progress and
Brout, Robert H. , Phase Transitions
Brouwer, Willem , Matrix Methods in Optical Instrument Design
Browder, Leon W. , Developmental Biology: a Comprehensive Synthesis, Vol. 2 the
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Brown, Aubrey I. , Introduction to Heat Transfer, 3rd ed.
Brown, B. H. , Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Brown, Bob , Electronic Hobbyist's IC Projects Handbook
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Brown, Curtis M. , Evidence and Procedures For Boundary Location, 2nd ed.
Brown, D. , Models in Biology: Methematics, Statistyics and Computing
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Brown, Earle B . , Modern Optics
Brown, Foster Lloyd , Statistical Concepts: a Basic Program, 2nd ed.
Brown, G. C. , The Inaccessible Earth: an Integrate View of Its Structure and
Composition, 2nd ed.
Brown, G. C. , Bioenergetics: a Practical Approach
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Brown, G. I. , The Big Bang: a History of Explosives
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Brown, Henry T. , 507 Mechanical Movements
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Brown, James , Advanced Machining Technology Handbook
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Natural Sciences
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Present Information
Brown, Julian , The Quest For the Quantum Computer
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Brown, Marty , Power Supply Cookbook
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Brown, Stephen I. , The Art of Problem Posing, 2nd ed.
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Brown, Vinson , Building Your Own Nature Museum For Study and Pleasure
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Brownlee, K. A. , Statistical Theory and Methodology in Science and Egnieering
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Brush, S. G. , Statistical Mechanics and the Atomic Theory of Matter
Brush, Stephen G. , Kinetic Theory, Vol.1 : the Nature of Gases and Heat
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Transport Equation For Moderately Dense Gases
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Scientific Revolution, 1800-1950
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bs, Keith , The Resourceful Physics Teacher: 600 Ideas For Creative Teaching
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Experiment in the Early Nineteenth Century
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Bud, Robert , Inventing the Modern World: Technology Since 1750
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Budnick, J. I., ed. , Dynamical Aspects of Critical Phenomena
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Bunch, Bryan , Reality's Mirror: Exploring the Mathematics of Symmetry
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Burger, R. M. , Fundamentals of Silicon Integrated Device Technology, Vol. 1:
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Rolling of Ships
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Carburetor Possible - and Other Journeys Through Knowledge
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and Health in the United States
Burnham, Robert Jr. , Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide to the
Universe Beyond the Solar Sytem, Vol.1 Andromeda Through Cetus
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Universe Beyond the Solar Sytem, Vol.2 Chamaeleon Through Orion
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Universe Beyond the Solar Sytem, Vol.3 Pavo Through Vulpecula
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Burnside, W. , Theory of Groups of Finite Order, 2nd ed.
Burr, Arthur H. , Mechanical Analysis and Design, 2nd ed.
Burr-Brown , Applications Handbookj
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Burton, E. F. , Phenomena at the Temperature of Liquid Helium
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Burton, T. D. , Introduction to Dynamic Systems Analysis
Bury, Karl , Statistical Distributions in Engineering
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Busch, Akiko , The Art of the Architectural Model
Busch, Ted , Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, 2nd ed.
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Associated Techniques
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and Protection, 5th ed.
Bushong, Stewart C. , Radiologic Science For Technologists: Physics, Biology,
and Protection, 3rd ed.
Butcher, P. N. , The Elements of Nonlinear Optics
Butkov, Eugene , Mathematical Physics
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Byerly, Perry , Seismology
Byerly, William Elwood , An Introduction to the Use of Generalized Coordinates
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Byers, Horace Robert , General Meteorology, 4th ed.
Byers, Horace Robert , Elements of Cloud Physics
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Byrd, Eldon A. , How Things Work: a Practical Guide For Teaching Scientific and
Technical Principles
Byrne, J. , Neutrons, Nuclei, and Matter: an Exploration of the Physics of Slow
Byrne, John H. , From Molecules to Networks: an Introduction to Cellular and
Molecular Neuroscience
Byron, Frederick W., Jr. , Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics
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Cadden, John J. , Science and Literature: a Reader
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Cadle, Richard D. , The Measurement of Airborned Particles
Cadoff, Irving B. , Thermoelectric Materials and Devices
Cadogan, Peter , From Quarks to Quasars: Notes on the Scale of the Universe
Cady, Walter Guyton , Piezoelectricity, Vol. 1: an Introduction to the Thoery
and Applications of Electromechanical Phenomena in Crystals (new revised Ed.)
Cady, Walter Guyton , Piezoelectricity, Vol. 2: an Introduction to the Thoery
and Applications of Electromechanical Phenomena in Crystals (new revised Ed.)
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Cagle, Charles V. , Adhesive Bonding: Techniques and Applications
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Cahn, Robert N. , The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics
Cahn, Robert W. , Artifice and Artefacts: 100 Essays in Materials Science
Caianiello, E. R. , Lectures on the Many-body Problem
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Cairns, John, Jr. , Rehabilitating Damaged Ecosystems, Vol. I
Cairns, John, Jr. , Biological Methods For the Assessment of Water Quality
Cairns, R. A. , Gneration and Application of High Power Microwaves
Cairo, J. M. , Mosby's Respiratory Care Equipment, 6th ed.
Cakmak, A. S. , Computational and Applied Mathematics For Engineering Analysis
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Calder, Nigel , The Key to the Universe: a Report on the New Physics
Calder, Nigel , Timescale: an Atlas of the Fourth Dimension
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Calder, Nigel , Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: How to Maintain,
Repair, and Improve Your Boat's Essential Systems, 2nd ed.
Calder, Nigel , The Weather Machine: How Our Weather Works and Why It is
Calder, Ritchie , The Evolution of the Machine
Caldwell, Dennis J. , The Theory of Optical Activity
Calhoun, George , Digital Cellular Radio
Calinger, Ronald , Classics of Mathematics
Callaghan, Paul T. , Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
Callaway, Joseph , Energy Band Theory
Callen, Herbert B. , Thermodynamics: an Introduction to the Physical Theories of
Equilibrium Thermostatics and Irreversible Thermodynamics
Callen, Herbert B. , Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, 2nd
Calsmer,F.H. , An Introduction to Technology: Labcraft Technician Manual
Calvert, Jack G. , Photochemistry
Calvin, Melvin , Chemical Evolution: Molecular Evolution Towards the Origin of
Living Systems on the Earth and Elsewhere
Camacho, E. F. , Model Predictive Control
Camatini, Ezio , Progress in Electro-Optics: Reviews of Recent Developments
Camazine, Scott , Self-Organization in Biological Systems
Çambel, Ali Bulent , Applied Chaos Theory
Çambel, Ali Bulent , Plasma Physics and Magnetofluidmechanics
Cambel, Ali Bulent , Real Gases
Cambel, Ali Bulent , Gas Dynamics
Cameron, A. G. W. , Interstellar Communication: a Collection of Reprints and
Original Contributions
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Cameron, Derek , Advanced Oscilloscope Handbook: For Technicians and Engineers
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Inventor F. G. Cottrell
Cameron, James N. , The Respiratory Physiology of Animals
Cameron, Nigel , Power: the Story of China Light
Camille Dreyfus Laboratory , Collected Papers
Camina, A. R. , Mathematics For Seismic Data Prcoessing and Interpretation
Cammaert, A. B. , Ice Interaction With Offshore Structures
Campbell, D. , Polymer Characterization: Physical Techniques
Campbell, David G. , Islands in Space and Time
Campbell, David K. , Nonlinear Science: the Next Decade
Campbell, Donald P. , Process Dynamics: Dynamic Behavior of the Production
Campbell, Ian M. , Introduction to Synthetic Polymers
Campbell, James B. , Intoduction to Remote Sensing
Campbell, Jeremy , The Improbable Machine: What Upheavals in Artifical
Intelligence Research Reveal About How the Mind Really Works
Campbell, Jeremy , Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life
Campbell, Joe , The RS-232 Solution
Campbell, Neil A. ,
Campbell, Norman , What is Science?
Campbell, Paul D. Q. , Plastic Component Design
Campbell, Peter , Permanent Magnet Materials and Their Application
Campbell, R. Gordon , Foundations of Fluid Flow Theory
Campbell, R. W. , Tops and Gyroscopes
Campbell, Robert , Theorie Generale De L'Equation De Mathieu
Campbell, Stephen A. , The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic
Campbell, Stephen K. , Flaws and Fallacies in Statistical Thinking
Campbell, Stu , The Undergroundhouse Book
Campbell, Tim , The Do-it-yourself Weather Book
Canby, Thomas Y. , Our Changing Earth
Cancellieri, Giovanni , Measurement of Optical Fibers and Devices: Theory and
Candler, C. , Modern Interferometers
Candler, C. , Practical Spectroscopy
Candler, Chris , Atomic Spectra and the Vector Model, 2nd ed.
Caney, Steven , Steven Caney's Invention Book
Cann, Alan J. , Principles of Molecular Virology, 3rd ed.
Cannon, Don L. , Understanding Solid-state Electronics - Vol. II
Cannon, Don L. , Understanding Communications Systems
Cannon, Don L. , Understanding Microprocessors
Cannon, James S. , Harnessing Hydrogen: the Key to Sustainable Transportation
Cannon, Robert H., Jr. , Dynamics of Physical Systems
Cantor, B. , Aerospace Materials
Cantor, Charles R. , Biophysical Chemistry: Part I the Conformation of
Biological Macromolecules
Cantor, G. N. , Conceptions of Ether: Studies in the History of Ether Theories
Cantor, Georg , Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite
Cantwell, Brian J. , Introduction to Symmetry Analysis
Canuto, C. , Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Caplan, S. Roy , Bioenergetics and Linear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
Cardarelli, Francois , Materials Handbook: a Concise Desktop Reference
Carden, Frank , Telemetry Systems Design
Carelman, Jacques , Catalgo of Fantastic Things
Carelse, X. F. , Making Science Laboratory Equipment: a Manual For Students and
Teachers in Developing Countires
Careri, Giorgio , Order and Disorder in Matter
Careri,G. (ed.) , Liquid Helium
Carey, Graham , Finite Elements: Vol. 2 A Second Course
Carey, John (ed.) , The Faber Book of Science: Scientists and Writers
Illuminate Natural Phenomena From Fossils to Fractals
Carey, Katherine W. , Ensuring Intensive Care
Carey, R. , Magnetic Domains and Techniques For Their Observation
Carey, Van P. , Statistical Thermophysics and Miscroscale Thermophysics
Carleson, Lennart , Complex Dynamics
Carleton, N. (ed.) , Astrophysics, Part A: Optical and Infrared
Carlin, Benson , Ultrasonics
Carlin, Herbert J. , Wideband Circuit Design
Carlowicz, Michael J. , Storms From the Sun: the Emerging Science of Space
Carlson, A. Bruce , Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications, 2nd ed.
Carlson, Glenn E. , Captain Carlson's Air Plane Talk: Working the ATC System,
2nd ed.
Carlson, Reinhold A. , Understanding Building Automation Systems
Carlson, Richard , 2020 Visions: Long View of a Changing World
Carlson, Shawn (Ed.) , The Amateur Biologist: Featuring Projects From the
Popular Scientific American "The Amateur Scientist" Column
Carlson, T. N. , Mid-latitude Weather Systems
Carlson, Thomas A. , Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopy
Carmak, J. E. , Wind Engineering: Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, Vol. 1
Carmak, J. E. , Wind Engineering: Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference, Fort Collins, CO, July 1979, Vol. 2
Carmichael, RObert D. , Mathematical Tables and Formulas
Carmody, John , Residential Windows: a Guid to New Technologies and Energy
Carnahan, Brice , Applied Numerical Methods
Carnap, Rudolph , Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications
Carnap, Rudolph , An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
Carnap, Rudolph , Philosophical Foundations of Physics: an Introduction to the
Philosophy of Science
Caro, Paul , Water
Caron, Wilfred N. , Antenna Impedance Matching
Carpenter, Chris , Flightwise, Volume 2: Aircraft Stability and Control
Carr, J. , Applications of Centre Manifold Theory
Carr, Joseph J. , Data Acquisition and Control: Micromcomputer Applications For
Scientists and Engineers
Carr, Joseph J. , Secrets of RF Circuit Design, 2nd ed.
Carr, Joseph J. , Radioscience Observing, Vol. 1
Carr, Joseph J. , Secrets of RF Circuit Design
Carr, Joseph J. , Mastering Radio Frequency Circuits Through Projects and
Carr, Joseph J. , Mastering Solid-state Amplifiers
Carr, Joseph J. , Microcomputer Interfacing: A/D and D/A
Carr, Joseph J. , Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Carr, Joseph J. , How to Design and Build Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
Carr, Joseph J. , How to Design and Build Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
Carr, Joseph J. , The Art of Science: a Practical Guide to Experiments,
Observations, and Handling Data
Carr, Joseph J. , IC User's Casebook
Carr, Joseph J. , Practical Antenna Handbook, 2nd ed.
Carr, Joseph J. , Servicing Medical & Biolectronic Equipment
Carr, Joseph J. , Microwave & Wireless Communications Technology
Carr, Joseph J. , Digital Interfacing With an Analog World
Carr, Joseph J. , Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology
Carr, Josph J. , DC Power Supplies: a Technicians Guide
Carra, Joseph S. , International Perspectives on Municipal Solid Wastes and
Sanitary Landfilling
Carrier Air Conditioning Company , Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design
Carrier Air Conditioning Company , Carrier System Design Manual Part 2: Air
Carrier Air Conditioning Company , Carrier System Design Manual Part 3: Piping
Carroll, Dorothy , Rock Weathering
Carroll, John M. , Simulation Using Personal Computers
Carroll, John M. , Transistor Circuits and Applications
Carroll, John S. , Home Study Darkroom Course
Carroll, Lewis , Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll: Symbolic Logic /
Game of Logic
Carroll, Sean B. , Endless Forms Most Beautiful: the New Science of Evo Devo
Carrow, Robert , Energy Systems
Carslaw, H. S. , Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Series and Integrals, 3rd
Carslaw, H. S. , Conduction of Heat in Solids
Carslaw, H. S. , Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics
Carson, Rachel L. , The Sea Around Us
Carson, Rachel L. , Under the Sea Wind
Carson, Rachel L. , The Sea Around Us, Special ed.
Carson, Ralph S. , High Frequency Amplifiers
Cartan, Élie , The Theory of Spinors
Cartan, Henri , Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One Or Several
Complex Variables
Carter, Dan , How to Make Biodiesel
Carter, G. Clifford (ed.) , Coherence an Time Delay Estimation: an Applied
Tutorial For Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Engineers
Carter, G. , Ion Implantation of Semiconductors
Carter, Martin R. (ed.) , Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis
Carter, Roger W. , Simple Groups of Lie Type
Cartwright, Mark , Fourier Methods: For Mathematicians, Scientists, and
Cartwright, Nancy , How the Laws of Physics Lie
Cary, Howard B. , Modern Welding Technology
Casasnet, D. (ed.) , Optical Data Processing: Applications
Casati, G. , Quantum Chaos: Between Order and Disorder
Casdagli, Martin , Nonlinear Modeling and Forcasting
Case, K. M. , Linear Transport Theory
Casey, James , Theoretical, Experimental, and Numerical Contributions to the
Mechanics of Fluids and Solids: a Collection of Papers in Honor of Paul M.
Cash, Mel , Pocket Atlas of the Moving Body: For All Students of Human Biology,
Medicine, Sports and Physical Theraphy
Cash, Terry , 175 More Science Experiments to Amuse and Amaze Your Friends
Casimir, H. B. G. , Magnetism and Very Low Temperatures
Caspar, Max , Kepler: 1571-1630
Casper, Barry M. , Revolutions in Physics
Caspers, W. J. , Theory of Spin Relaxation
Cass, T. , Immobilized Biomolecules in Analysis: a Practical Approach
Cassand, J. , Seismic Filtering
Cassidy, John , The Boomerang Book
Cassidy, John , The Book of Knots
Cassirer, Ernst , Substance and Function & Einsteins Theory of Relativity
Cast Iron Pipe Research Association , Handbook: Ductile Iron Pipe, Cast Iron
Pipe, 4th ed.
Castellan, Gilbert W. , Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed
Castellan, Gilbert W. , Physical Chemistry,3rd ed
Casti, John L. , Five Golden Rules: Great Theories of 20th Century Mathematics and Why They Matter
Casti, John L. , Nonlinear System Theory
Casti, John L. , Paradigms Lost: Images of Man in the Mirror of Science
Casti, John L. , Reality Rules I.: Picturing the World in Mathematics
Casti, John L. , Reality Rules II.: Picturing the World in Mathematics - the
Casti, John L. , Searching For Certainty: What Scientists Can Know About the
Casti, John L. , Alternate Realities: Mathematical Models of Nature and Man
Casti, John L. , Complexification: Explaining a Paradoxical World Through the
Science of Surprise
Casti, John L. , Would-be Worlds: How Simulation is Changing the Frontiers of
Casti, John L. , Boundaries and Barriers: on the Limits to Scientific Knowledge
Castle, Jack, Jr. , Science By Degrees: Temperature From Zero to Zero
Castleman, Kenneth R. , Digital Image Processing
Castrigiano, Domenico P. L. , Catastrophe Theory
Caswell, Albert Edward , Experimental Physics: a Laboratory Manual
Catcott, E. J. (ed.) , Feline Medicine and Surgery: a Text and Reference Work,
2nd ed.
Catcott, E. J. , Equine Medicine and Surgery: a Text and Reference Work, 2nd ed.
Catedra, Manuel F. , The CG-FFT Method: Application of Signal Processing
Techniques to Electromagnetics
Cates, M. E. , Soft and Fragile Ematter: Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability
and Flow
Cathey, W. T. , Optical Information Processing and Holography
Catsoulis, John , Designing Embedded Hardware, 2nd ed.
Cattell, Raymond B. (ed.) , Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
Cattermole, K. W. , Principles of Pulse Code Modulation
Caudill, Maureen , Naturally Intelligent Systems
Caudill, Maureen , Understanding Neural Networks - Computer Explorations, Volume
1: Basic Networks
Caudill, Maureen , Understanding Neural Networks - Computer Explorations, Volume
2: Advanced Networks
Caufield, Catherine , Multiple Exposures: Chronicles of the Radiation Age
Cavanagh, A. L. , Laboratory Problems in Physics
Cavuoto, James , Guide to Desktop Publishing
Cebeci, Tuncer , An Engineering Approach to the Calculation of Aerodynamic Flows
Cebeci, Tuncer , Physical and Computational Aspects of Convective Heat Transfer
Celanese Corporation of America , Selected Technical Papers
Celnikier, L. M. , Basics of Cosmic Structures
Cember, Herman , Introduction to Health Physics
Cember, Herman , Introduction to Health Physics, 2nd ed.
Centre National de la Rescherche Scientifique , La Physique Des Forces
Electrostatiques Et Leurs Applications - Grenoble 27 Septembre - 1 Octobre 1960
Cercignani, Carlo , The Boltzmann Equation and Its Applications
Cercignani, Carlo , The Mathemaical Theory of Dilute Gases
Cercignani, Carlo , Scaling Limits and Models in Physical Processes
Cernasov, Andrei , Digital Video Electronics With 12 Complete Projects
Cernasov, Andrei , Digital Video Electronics: With 12 Complete Projects
Cerni, Todd Andrew , Determination of the Absorption of Solar Radiation By
Atmospheric Aerosols: Application of the Diffuse Radiation Method (PhD Thesis,
Univ. of Arizona)
Cernica, John N. , Strength of Materials, 2nd ed.
Ceruzzi, Paul E. , Beyond the Limits: Flight Enters the Computer Age
Ceruzzi, Paul E. , A History of Modern Computing, 2nd ed.
Cerver, Francisco Asensio , Commercial Space: Shops, Malls and Boutiques
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Ceschino, F. , Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems
Cetron, Marvin , Probable Tomorrows: How Science and Technology Will Transform
Our Lives in the Next Twenty Years
Cgle, Malcolm W. , A Pilot's Meteorology, 3rd ed.
Chae, Soo Bong , Lebesgue Integration
Chaffee, C. David , The Rewiring of America: the Fiber Optics Revolution
Chaffee, E. L. , Physical Laboratory Manual
Chaffin, Don B. , Occupational Biomechanics, 3rd ed.
Chai, Hi-Dong , Electromechanical Motion Devices
Chaikin, P. M. , Principles of Condensed Matter Physics
Chaitin, G. J. , Algorithmic Information Theory
Chaitin, Gregory J. , Exploring Randomness
Chaitow, Leon , Multidisciplinary Approaches to Breathing Pattern Disorders
Chakrabarti, S. K. , Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures
Chakraborty, T. , The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Properties of an
Incompressible Quantum Fluid
Challoner, Jack , Energy
Chalmers, Alan , Practical Parrellel Rendering
Chalmers, Bruce , The Physical Examination of Metals, 2nd ed.
Chambers, A. , Basic Vacuum Technology
Chambers, John M. , Graphical Methods For Data Analyisis
Chambers, Mark L. , Hewlett-Packard Official Printer Handbook
Chambers, Robert , Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research
Champness, P. E. , Electron Diffraction in the Transmission Electron Microscope
Chan, Patrick , The Java Classs Linraries, 2nd ed., Vol. 1
Chance, Britton , Waveforms
Chance, Britton , Electronic Time Measurements
Chancey, C. C. , The Jahn-Teller Effect in C60 and Other Icosahedral Complexes
Chandebois, Rosine , Automation in Animal Development
Chandler, David , Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics
Chandler, Maurice , Ceramics in the Modern World: Man's First Technology Comes
of Age
Chandler, William U. , Energy Efficiency: a New Agenda
Chandra, Ramesh , Introductory Physics of Nuclear Medicine, 4th ed.
Chandrasekhar, B. S. , Why Things Are the Way They Are
Chandrasekhar, S. , Newton's Principia For the Common Reader
Chandrasekhar, S. , Stellar Structure: an Introduction to the Study of
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Chandrasekhar, S. , Radiative Transfer
Chandrasekhar, S. , Plasma Physics
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Statistical, and Hydromagentic Problems in Physics and Astronomy
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Structure and Stellar Atmospheres
Chandrasekhar,S. , Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability
Chang, C. Y. , GaAs High-Speed Devices: Physics, Technology, and Circuit
Chang, Donald C. , Guide to Electroporation and Electrofusion
Chang, Hsu , Magnetic-bubble Memory Technology
Chang, K. W. , Nonlinear Singular Perturbation Phenomena: Theory and Application
Chang, Kern K. N. , Parametric and Tunnel Diodes
Chang, Paul K. , Separation of Flow
Chang, S. J. , Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Chanlett, Emil T. , Environmental Protection
Channell, David F. , The Vital Machine: a Study of Technology and Organic Life
Chapelle, Howard I. , The Search For Speed Under Sail, 1700-1855
Chaplin, Jack W. , Metal Manufacturing Technology
Chapman , Piloting: Seamanship and Small Boat Handling, 51st ed.
Chapman, Charles F. , Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling
Chapman, Charles F. , Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling
Chapman, Clark R. , Cosmic Catastrophes
Chapman, D. , The Structure of Lipids By Spectroscopic and X-ray Techniques
Chapman, Duane , Energy Resources and Energy Corporations
Chapman, J. N. , Quantitative Electron Microscopy
Chapman, Jospeh A. , Wild Mammals of North America: Biogoy, Management,
Chapman, Orville L. , Organic Photochemistry, Vol. 2
Chapman, Orville L. , Organic Photochemistry, Vol. 3
Chapman, R. L. , Calibration and Air Monitoring
Chapman, Richard E. , Physics For Geologists
Chapman, Stephen J. , Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 2nd ed.
Chapman, Sydney , The Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform Gases, 3rd ed.
Chapman, Sydney , The Mathematical Theory of Nonuniform Gases, 2nd ed.
Chappell, Alan (ed.) , Optoelectronics: Theory and Practice
Chapra, Steven C. , Introduction to Computing For Engineers, 2nd ed.
Charbeneau, G. T. , Principles and Practice of Operative Dentistry
Charkey, Edward S. , Electromechaincal System Components
Charles, Jeffrey R. , Practical Astrophotography
Charles, Philip A. , Exploring the X-ray Universe
Charry, Raymond , General Plastics: Projects and Procedures
Charschan, S. S. (ed.) , Lasers in Industry
Chartrand, Gary , Introduction to Graph Theory
Chase, Agnes , Old and New Plant Lore: a Symposium
Chase, Carl A. , Introduction to Nautical Science
Chase, Grafton D. , Radioisotope Methodology
Chase, Grafton D. , Principles of Radioisotope Methodology, 3rd ed.
Chasis, David A. , Plastic Piping Systems, 2nd ed.
chastain, Larry , Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance
Chastel, Andre , The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci
Chaston, Peter R. , Weather Maps, 2nd ed.
Chatani, Masahiro , Origamic Architecture
Chatfield, C. , The Analysis of Time Series, An Introduction, 2nd ed.
Chatterjee, Samprit , Regression Analysis By Example, 2nd ed.
Chauvin, Rény , The World of Ants: a Science-fiction Universe
Chavarria, Joaquim , The Big Book of Ceramics
Chawla, Krishnan K. , Composite Materials: Science and Engineering, 2nd ed.
Chayen, J. , Practical Histochemistry
Checkland,Peter , Systems Thinking, Systems Practice: Includes a 30-year
Chedd, Graham , Sound: From Communications to Noise Pollution
Cheers, Gordon , Anatomica: the Complete Home Medical Reference
Chemical Rubber Company , CRC Handbook of Chemsitry and Physics, 74th ed. 19931994
Chemical Rubber Company , Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 52nd ed.
Chemical Rubber Company , Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 52nd ed.
Chemin, JEan-Yves , Perfect Incompressible Fluids
Chemla, D. S. (ed.) , Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Molecules and
Crystals, Vol. 2
Chen, C. Julian , Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Chen, Chi-Tsong , One-dimensional Digital Signal Processing
Chen, Ching-chih , Scientific and Technical Information Sources, 2nd ed.
Chen, F. H. , Foundations on Expansive Soils
Chen, Francis F. , Introduction to Plasma Physics
Chen, Francis F. , Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 1:
Plasma Physics, 2nd ed.
Chen, Guanrong (ed.) , Controlling Chaos and Bifurcations in Engineering Systems
Chen, Guanrong , Linear Stochastic Control Systems
Chen, H. S. , Space Remote Sensing Systems: an Introduction
Chen, Yushu , Bifurcation and Chaos in Engineering
Cheng, David C. , Elementary Particle Physics: An Introduction
Cheng, David K. , Field and Wave Electromagnetics
Cheng, Hung , Expanding Protons: Scattering at High Energies
Cheng, P. C. , Energy in Physics and Chemistry
Cheng, P. C. , X-ray Microscopy: Instrumental and Biological Applications
Cheo, Peter K. , Fiber Optics: Devices and Systems
Cherbit, G. (ed.) , Fractals: Non-integral Dimensions and Applications
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1: Flow
Phenomena and Measurment
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 4:
Solids and Gas-solids Flows
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 7:
Rhology and Non-Newtonian Flows
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9:
Polymer Flow Engineering
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Supplement
1: Applied Mathematics in Fluid Dynamics
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Supplement
2: Advances in Multiphase Flow
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, Supplement
3: Advances in Flow Dynamics
Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. (ed.) , Instrumentation For Complex Fluid Flows
Cheremisinoff, Paul N. (ed.) , Air Pollution Control and Design For Industry
Cheremisinoff, Paul N. , Pollution Engineering Practice Handbook
Chernicoff, Stanley , Geology, 2nd ed.
Chernicoff, Stephen , Macintosh Revealed, Vol. 4: Expanding the Toolbox
Chernicoff, Stephen , Macintosh Revealed: Vol. 3 Mastering the Toolbox, Includes
Version 4.0
Chernicoff, Stephen , Macintosh Revealed: Vol. 2 Programming the Toolbox, 2nd
Chernicoff, Stephen , Macintosh Revealed: Vol. 1 Unlocking the Toolbox, 2nd ed.
Chernoff, Herman , Elementary Decision Theory
Chesmond, C. J. , Control System Technology
Chesser, Al H. , Transportation and Energy: Energy Crisis Requires Expansion of
Chester, D. K. , Mount Etna: the Anatomy of a Volcano
Chester, David , Volcanoes and Society
Chestnut, Harold , Servomechanisms and Regulating System Design, Vol. I
Chestnut, Harold , Servomechanisms and Regulating System Design, Vol. II
Chetty, P. R. L. , Satellite Technology and Its Applications
Chevray, Rene , Topics in Fluid Mechanics
Chew, Weng Cho , Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media
Chiang, Alpha C. , Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics
Chiang, Chun , Collected Scientific Papers of Dr. Chun Chiang
Chiang, H. H. , Basic Nuclear Electronics
Chiang, Hai Hung , Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation
Chichester, Page , The National Wildlife Federation Book of Family Nature
Activities: 50 Simple Projects and Activities in the Natural World
Chick, Anne , The Graphic Designer's GreenbooK: Environmental Concenrs of the
Design and Paint Industries
Chidambaram, M. , Nonlinear Process Control
Chieco, P. , Image Cytometry
Chigrinov, V. G. , Liquid Crystal Devices: Physics and Applications
Chikazumi, Soshin , Physics of Magnetism
Child, M. S. , Molecular Collision Theory
Childers, Donald G. , Modern Spectrum Analysis
Childs, Dara , Turbomachinery Rotordynamics: Phenomena, Modeling, & Analysis
Childs, Peter R. N. , Mechanical Design
Childs, T. H. C. , Metal Machining: Theory and Applications
Chilton , Chilton's Guide to Small Engine Repair: Up to 6 Hp
Chilton, J. A. , Special Polymers For Electronics & Optoelectronics
Chilton, J. A. , Special Polymers For Electronics & Optoelectronics
Chilver, A. H. (ed.) , Thinwalled Structures: a Collection of Paers on the
Stability and Strength of Thin-walled Sructural Members and Frames
Chin, Wilson C. , Borehole Flow Modeling in Horizontal, Deviated, and Vertical
Chinese National Committee on Large Dams , Large Dams in China: History,
Achievement, Prospect
Ching, Francis D. K. , Building Construction Illustrated, 2nd ed.
Ching, Francis D. K. , Architecture: Form, Space & Order
Ching, Francis D. K. , A Visual Dictionary of Architecture
Chiogioji, Melvin H. , Industrial Energy Conservation
Chirlian, Paul M. , Basic Network Theory
Chirlian, Paul M. , Pascal
Chirlian, Paul M. , Electronics
Chironis, Nicholis P. , Mechanisms & Mechanical Devices Sourcebook
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Chivers, Ian , Introducting Fortan 95: With Coverage of ISO TR 15580 and TR
Choate, Mark S. , REALbasic Cross-platform Development
Choate, Sharr , Creative Casting: Jewelry, Silverware, Sculpture
Choate, Sharr , Creative Gold- and Silversmithing: Jewelry, Decorative
Chobotov, Vladimir A. , Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control
Chopey, Nicholas P, , Handbook of Chemical Engineering Calculations, 2nd ed.
Chopra, Anil K. , Dynamics of Structures: a Primer
Chopra, Kasturi L. , Thin Film Phenomena
Choquard, Philippe , The Anharmonic Crystal
Choquet-Bruhat, Yvonne , Analysis, Manifolds, and Physics, revised ed.
Chorin, A. J. , A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Chorin, Alexandre J. , Vorticity and Turbulence
Chorley, Richard J. , Introduction to Physical Hydrology
Chorley, Richard J. , Geomorphology
Chorlton, Windsor , Ice Ages
Chorlton, Windsor , Ice Ages
Chossat, Pascal , The Couette-Taylor Problem
Chou, Jack , Hazardous Gas Monitors
Choudhuri, Arnab Rai , The Physics of Fluids and Plasmas: an Introduction For
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Chow, Shui-Nee , Normal Forms and Birfurcations of Planar Vector Fields
Chow, Tai L. , Mathematical Methods For Physicists: a Concise Introduction
Chow, William , Cost Reduction in Product Design
Chowdhury, Debashish , Spin Glasses and Other Frustrated Systems
Chretien, M. , Statistical Physics, Phase Transitions, and Superfluidity
Chretien, M. , Atomic Physics and Astrophysics
Christakos, George , Random Field Models in Earth Sciences
Christensen, Daphne (ed.) , Chicago Public Works: a History
Christensen, Douglas A. , Ultrasonic Bioinstrumentation
Christensen, Larry B. , Experimental Methodology, 5th ed.
Christensen, Richard M. , Mechanics of Composite Materials
Christian, Wolfgang , Physlets: Teaching Physics With Interactive Curricular
Christiansen, W. N. , Radio Telescopes, 2nd ed.
Christianson, David , Timepieces: Masterpieces of Chronometry
Christianson, L. L. , Design in Agricultural Engineering
Christofides, Panagiotis D. , Nonlinear and Robust Control of PDE Systems:
Methods and Applications to Transport-reaction Processes
Christopherson, Robert W. , Geosystems: an Introduction to Physical Geography
Christopulos, Christos , An Introduction to Applied Electromagnetism
Christroffersen, Ralph E. , Basic Principles and Techniques of Molecular Quantum
Chryssolouris, George , Manufacturing Systems: Theory & Practice
Chu, Benjamin , Molecular Forces: Based on the Baker Lectures of Peter J. W.
Chu, Benjamin , Laser Light Scattering
Chua, C. K. , Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications, 2nd ed.
Chuang, Shun Lien , Physics of Optoelectronic Devices
Chudy, Harry T. , The Complete Guide to Automotive Refinishing
Chugani, Mahesh L. , LabVIEW Signal Processing
Chui, C. K. , Linear Systems and Optimal Control
Chui, C. K. , Topics in Multivariate Approximation
Chui, Charles K. , An Introduction to Wavelets
Chui, Charles K. , Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Chuley, J. C. , Interfacing to Microprocessors
Chung, T. J. , Finite Element Analysis in Fluid Dynamics
Church, James C. , Practical Plumbing Design Guide
Churchill, E. RIchard , Amazing Science Experiments With Everyday Materials
Churchill, E. Richard , 730 Easy Science Experiments With Everyday Materials
Churchill, Ruel V. , Operational Mathematics, 2nd ed.
Churchill, Ruel V. , Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 2nd ed.
Churchill, Ruel V. , Complex Variables and Applications, 3rd ed.
Churchill, Stuart Winston , Viscous Flows: the Practical Use of Theory
Chuse, Robert , Pressure Vessels: the ASME Code Simplified, 5th ed.
Cianchi, Marco , Leonardo Da Vinci's Machines
Ciba Foundation , Energy Transformation in Biological Systems
Cioffari, Bernard , Experiments in College Physics
Cios, Krzysztof , Data Mining Methods For Knowledge Discovery
Cir-kit Concepts Inc. , Tape Wire Intruction Book
Cir-kit Concepts Inc. , Round Wire Instruction Book
Cisco Systems Inc. , Cisco CCIE Fundamentals: Network Design and Case Studies
Cladis, P. E. , Spatio-temporal Patterns in Nonequilibrium Complex Systems
Cladis, P. E. , Spatio-temporal Patterns in Nonequilibrium Complex Systems
Claerbout, Jon F. , Fundamentals of Geophysical Data Processing: With
Applications Ot Petroleum Prospecting
Claerbout, Jon F. , Imaging the Earht's Interior
Clague, Kevin , Lego Software Power Tools With LDraw, MLCad, and LPub
Clague, Kevin , 10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Dark Side Robots, Transports, and
Clancy, L. J. , Aerodynamics
Clancy, Paul , Looking For Life, Searching the Solar System
Clansky, Kenneth B. (ed.) , Chemical Guide to the OSHA Hazard Communication
Clark, A. D. , Zoom Lenses
Clark, Andrew , Pocket Guide to Minerals
Clark, Champ , Flood
Clark, Champ , Flood
Clark, David P. , Molecular Biology Made Simple and Fun
Clark, David , Newton's Tyranny: the Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of
Stephen Gray and John Flamstead
Clark, Dennis , Programming and Customizing the OOPic Microcontroller
Clark, Dennis , Building Robot Drive Trains
Clark, Donald S. , Engineering Materials and Processes, 3rd ed.
Clark, George B. , Principles of Rock Fragmentation
Clark, George L. , The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy
Clark, George L. (ed.) , The Encyclopedia of Microscopy
Clark, H. , Solid State Physics: an Introduction to Tis Theory
Clark, John O. E. (ed.) , A Visual Guide to the Human Body: a Comprehensive
Atlas of the Structures of the Human Body
Clark, Nancy , Ventilation: a Practical Guide For Artists, Craftspeople, and
Others in the Arts
Clark, Paul , Design: a Crash Course
Clark, Paul , Design: a Crash Course
Clark, Stephen , Toolies: the Official Handbook of Engineers and Applied
Clark, Stuart , Towards the Edge of the Universe: a Review of Modern Cosmology
Clark, Sydney P., Jr. (ed.) , Handbook of Physical Constants, Rev. ed.
Clark, Thomas H. , The Geological Evolution of North America: a Regional
Approach to Historical Geology
Clark, Tim , A Handbook of Computational Chemistry: a Practical Guide to
Chemical Structure and Energy Calculations
Clark, William H., II , Retrofitting For Energy Conservation
Clarke, Adele E. , The Right Tools For the Job
Clarke, Arthur C. , July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century
Clarke, Arthur C. , The Promise of Space
Clarke, C. , The Science of Ice Cream
Clarke, Donald (ed.) , The Encyclopedia of How It Works: From Abacus to Zoom
Clarke, Donald (ed.) , The Encyclopedia of How It's Made: From Antibiotics to
Clarke, L. J. , Surface Crystallography: an Introduction to Low Energy Electron
Clarkson, Peter M. , Signal Processing Methods For Audio, Images and
Claus, R. O. , Fiber Optic Sensor-based Smart Materials and Structures
Clauser, Henry R. (ed.) , Encyclopdia of Materials, Parts and Finishes
Clausing, Donald J. , The Aviator's Guide to Modern Navigation
Clauss, Francis J. , Solid Lubricants and Self-lubricating Solids
Clausse, Roger , The Clouds
Claverie, Jean-Michel , Bioinformatics For Dummies
Clay, Clarence S. , Acoustical Oceanography: Principles and Applications
Clayson, James , Visual Modeling With LOGO
Clayton, Peter , The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Clayton, Rodereick K. , Photosynthesis: Physical Mechanicisms and Chemical
Clements, Alan , Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Hardware, Software, and
Clements, Alan (ed) , 68000 Sourcebook
Cleminshaw, Douglas , Design in Plastics: Successful Product Design in Plastics
Cleveland, William S. , The Elements of Graphing Data
Cliffe, Roger W. , Woodworker's Handbook
Clifford, Goerge , Modern Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
Clifford, Martin , Basic Electricity and Beginning Electronics
Clifford, Martin , The Camcorder: Use, Care, and Repair
Clifford, Martin , Electric/Electronic Motor Data Handbook
Clifford, Martin , Microphones, 2nd ed.
Clift, Elayne , But Do They Have Field Experience!
Clift, R. , Bubbles, Drops, and Particles
Cline, Ben E. , An Introduction to Automated Data Acquisition
Clinical Skillbuilders , Respiratory Support
Clodd, Edward , Thoms Henry Huxley
Close, F. E. , An Introduction to Quarks and Partons
Close, Frank , The Particle Explosion
Cloud, Gary , Optical Methods in Engineering Analysis
Clutton, Cecil , Watches
Clutton-Brock, Juliet , Dog
Clyde, James E. , Construction Foreman's Job Guide
Clymer, Floyd , Henry's Wonderful Model T 1908-1927
Clyne, T. W. , An Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites
Coad, Peter , Object-Oriented Design
Coad, Peter , Object-Oriented Analysis, 2nd ed.
Coan, James S. , Basic Microsoft BASIC For the Macintosh
Coats, Callum , Living Energies: an Exposition of Concpets Related to the
Theories of Viktor Schauberger
Cobb, Stephen , TOPS: the IBM/Macintosh Connection
Cobbold, Richard S. C. , Theory and Applications of Field-effect Transistors
Cobine, James Dillon , Gaseous Conductors: Theory and Engineering Applications
Cochin, Ira , Analysis and Design of Dynamic Systems
Cochran, James A. , Applied Mathematics: Principles, Techniques, and
Cochran, James A. , Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Cockrum, E. Lendell , Introduction to Mammalogy
Cocozza, Joseph A. , Astrophotography Near City Lights
Codd, E. F. , Cellular Automata
Coddington, E. A. , An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Coddington, Earl A. , Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Coe, Lewis , The Telegraph: a Histor of Morse's Invention and Its Predecessors
in the United States
Coe, Michael D. , Breaking the Maya Code
Coe, Michael D. , The Maya, 5th ed.
Coekin, J. A. , High-speed Pulse Techniques
Coes, L., Jr. , Abrasives
Coffeen, J. A. , Interpreting Seismic Data
Coffeen, J. A. , Seismic Exploration Fundamentals: the Use of Seismic Techniques
in Finding Oil
Coffey, D. J. , Dolphins, Whales, and Porpoises
Coffron, James W. , Programming the 8086/8088
Cogdell, J. R. , Foundations of Electric Power
Cogdell, J. R. , An Introduction to Circuits and Electronics
Coggeshall, John , PHP 5 Unleashced
Coggins, Frank W. , Clocks: Construction, Maintenance & Repair
Coggon, Christopher , The Space Transportation Systems Reference
Cogoli, John E. , Photo-offset Fundamentals, 4th ed.
Cohen, Alan J. , Audio Technology Fundamentals
Cohen, Daniel , Marbling on Fabric
Cohen, E. Richard , The Physics Quick Reference Guide
Cohen, H. Floris , The Scientific Revolution: a Historiographical Inquiry
Cohen, H. , Gas Turbine Theory, 3rd ed.
Cohen, I. Bernard , Science and the Founding Fathers: Science in the Political
Thought of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams & James Madison
Cohen, J. B. , Diffraction Methods in Materials Science
Cohen, Jack , The Collapse of Chaos: Discovering Simplicity in a Complex World
Cohen, Jacob , Applied Multiple Regression/correlation Analysis For the
Behavioral Sciences
Cohen, Leah Hager , Glass, Paper, Beans: Revelations on the Nature and Value of
Ordinary Things
Cohen, Leon , Time-frequency Analysis
Cohen, Morrel , Superconductivity in Science and Technology
Cohen, Morrel (ed.) , Superconductors in Science and Technology
Cohen, Nathan , Gavity's Lens: Views of Cosmology
Cohen, Sandee , InDesignCS For Macinosh & Windows
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude , Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 1
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude , Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 2
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude , Photons and Atoms: Introduction to Quantum
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude , Atom-photon Interactions: Basic Processes and
Cohen-Tannoudji, Gilles , Universal Constants in Physics
Cohn, P. M. , Solid Geometry
Cohoon, James P. , C++ Program Design: an Introduction to Programming and
Object-oriented Design
Coiffet, Phillipe , Robot Technology, Vol. 1: Modelling and Control
Coiffet, Phillipe , An Introduction to Robot Technology
Colby, C. B. , Plastic Magic: the Material of a Million Uses
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press , The Molecular Genetics of Cancer
Coldren, Larry A. , Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
Coldwell, RObert L. , The Theory and Operation of Spectral Analysis Using ROBFIT
Cole, Franklin , Introduction to Meteorology, 2nd ed.
Cole, G. H. A. , Fluid Dynamics
Cole, G. H. A. , An Introduction to the Statistical Theory of Classical Simple
Dense Fluids
Cole, G. H. A. , Thermal Power Cycles
Cole, K. C. , Order in the Universe: the Shape of Relative Motion
Cole, Rex Vicat , The Artistic Anatomy of Trees: Their Structure & Treatment in
Cole, Robert H. , Underwater Explosions
Colella, Vanessa Stevens , Adventures in Modeling: Exploring Complex, Dynamic
Systems With StarLogo
Coleman, B. D. , Viscometric Flows of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Coleman, Derek , Object-oriented Development: the Fusion Method
Coleman, Hugh W. , Experimentation and Uncertainy Analysis For Engineers
Coleman, Norman , Understanding Cancer: a Patient's Guide to Diagnosis,
Prognosis, and Treatment
Coleman, R. V. , Solid State Physics
Coleman, Richard M. , Wide Awake at 3:00 A.M.: By Choice Or By Change
Coleman, William B. , Molecular Diagnostics For the Clinical Laboratorian
Coles, Clarence W. , Glenn's Complete Bicycle Manual: Selection, Maintenance,
Coles, John , Archeology By Experiment
Colgate, Stephen , Colgate's Basic Sailing Theory
Colinvaux, Paul , Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare
Collacot, Ralph A. , Vibration Monitoring and Diagnosis: Techniques For Costeffective Plant Maintenance
Collado-Vides, Julio , Gene Regulation and Metabolism: Postgenomic Computational
Collet, Pierre , Iterated Maps on the Interval As Dynamical Systems
Collet, Pierre , Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems
Collier, Graham , Form, Space, Vision: Discovering Design Through Drawing
Collier, John G. , Introduction to Nuclear Power
Collier, John G. , Convective Boiling and Condensation
Collier, Robert J. , Optical Holography (student Edition)
Collin, Robert E. , Foundations For Microwave Engineering
Collin, Robert E. , Field Theory of Guided Waves
Collings, Peter J. , Liquid Crystals: Nature's Delicate Phase of Matter
Collings, Peter J. , Handbook of Liquid Crystal Research
Collingwood, R. G. , The Idea of Nature
Collins, A. Frederick , Design & Construction of Induction Coils
Collins, Harry , The Golem: What Everyone Should Know About Science
Collins, Harry , The Golem at Large: What You Should Know About Technology
Collins, Malcolm F. , Magnetic Critical Scattering
Collins, Maurice , Eccentric Contraptions
Collins, Michael , Mission to Mars: an Astronaut's Vision of Our Future in Space
Collins, P. D. B. , Particle Physics and Cosmology
Collins, Richard L. , Thunderstorms and Airplanes
Collins, Royal Eugene , Flow of Fluids Through Porous Materials
Collins, T. H. , Analog Electronics Handbook
Collinson, David W. , Methods in Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism
Colodny, Robert G. (ed.) , Frontiers of Science and Philosophy
Colton, Raymond H. , Understanding Voice Problems: a Physiolgoical Perspective
For Diagnosis and Treatment
Colwell, Morris A. , Electronic Components
Comar, Philippe , Images of the Body
Combes, J. M. (ed.) , Wavelets: Time-frequency Methods and Phase Space, 2nd ed.
Comings, Edward W. , High Press
Committee on Analysis of Research Directions and Needs in U.S. Manufacturing ,
The Competitive Edge: Research Priorities For U.S. Manufacturing
Committee on Ground Water Cleanup Alternatives - Water Science & Technology
Board - Board on Radioactive Waste Management - Commission on Geosciences,
Environment and Resources , Alternatives For Ground Water Cleanup
Committee on Industrial Ventilation , Industrial Ventilation, 20th Ed.: a Manual
of Recommended Practice, 1988
Committee on Remote Sensing for Agricultural Purposes, Agricultural Board,
National Research Council , Remote Sensing: With Special Reference to
Agriculture and Forestry
Companion, Audrey L. , Chemical Bonding
Compressed Gas Association, Inc. , Handbook of Compressed Gases, 3rd ed.
Compton, Arthur H. , X-Rays and Electrons
Compton, Arthur H. , X-rays in Theory and Experiment, 2nd ed.
Compton, Peter , Troubleshooting Marine Diesels
Compton, Robert R. , Manual of Field Geology
Comrie, Bernard , The Atlas of Languages: the Origin and Development of
Languages Throughout the World
Comstock, John P. (ed.) , Principles of Naval Architecture
Conant, James B. , Science and Common Sense
Conant, James Bryant , Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science, Vol. 1
Conant, James Bryant , Harvard Case Histories in Experimental Science, Vol. 2
Condon, Anne , Computational Models of Games
Condon, E. U. (ed.) , Handbook of Physics, 2nd ed.
Condon, E. U. , Quantum Mechanics
Condon, E. U. , Atomic Structure
Condon, E. U. , The Theory of Atomic Spectra
Conley, Peter L. , Space Vehicle Mechanisms: Elements of Successful Design
Conn, P. Michael (ed.) , Electrophysiology and Microinjections
Connelly, Edward F. , Machine Tool Reconditioning and Applications of Hand
Connolly, T. F. , Bibliography of Magnetic Materials and Tabulation of Magnetic
Transition Temperatures
Connor, F. R. , Signals, 2nd ed.
Conover, Mary Boudreau , Understanding Electrocardiography: Arrhythmias and the
12-lead ECG, 6th ed.
Conover, W. J. , Practical Nonparametric Statistics, 2nd ed.
Conrad, James M. , Stiquito Controlled! Making a Truly Autonomous Robot
Conrad, James M. , Stiquito For Beginners: an Introduction to Robotics
Conrad, James M. , Stiquito: Advanced Experiments With a Simple and Inexpensive
Conrady, A. E. , Applied Optics and Optical Design, Part One
Conrady, A. E. , Applied Optics and Optical Design, Part Two
Conran, Terence , Terence Contran on Design
Considine, D. M. , ed. , Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 8th ed., A-I
Considine, D. M. , ed. , Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 8th ed., J-Z
Considine, D. M. , ed. , Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 5th ed.
Considine, Douglas M. , Energy Technology Handbook
Considine, Douglas M. (editor-in-chief) , Process Instruments and Controls
Handbook, 4th ed.
Considine, Douglas M. (editor-in-chief) , Process Instruments and Controls
Handbook, 3rd ed.
Considine, Douglas M. , Handbook of Applied Instrumentation
Constable, W. G. , The Painter's Workshop
Constantin, P. , Integral Manifolds and Inertial Manifolds For Dissipative
Partial Differential Equations
Constantin, Peter , Navier-Stokes Equations
Conte, S. D. , Elementary Numerical Analysis, an Algorithmic Approach, 2nd ed
Conti, Flavio , The Grand Tour: New Technqiues
Contopoulos, George , Order and Chaos in Dynamical Astronomy
Converse, Jim , Beginning Blacksmithing With Projects
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association , Belt Conveyors For Bulk
Materials, 2nd ed.
Conway, John H. , On Numbers and Games, 2nd ed.
Conway, Steve , Logging Practices, Rev. ed.
Conybeare, C. E. B. , Lithostratigraphic Analysis of Sedimentary Basins
Cook, A. H. , Celestial Masers
Cook, A. H. , Physics of the Earth and Planets
Cook, Albert M. , Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice
Cook, David M. , The Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
Cook, Diane , Hot Spots: America's Volvanic Landscape
Cook, Donald A. , The Life and Death of Starts
Cook, Earle Ferguson , Man, Energy, Society
Cook, Gary , Photovoltaics Fundamentals
Cook, James L. , Conversion Factors
Cook, John Philip , Construction Sealants and Adhesives
Cook, M. V. , Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics and Control
Cook, Nigel P. , Introductory DC/AC Electronics, 2nd ed.
Cook, Peter A. , Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Cook, Theodore Andrea , The Curves of Life
Cooke, Nelson M. , Mathematics For Electricians and Radiomen
Cooke, Nelson M. , Mathematics For Electricians and Radiomen
Cooke, Robert , Improving on Nature: the Brave New World of Genetic Engineering
Cooke, T. G. , The Blue Book of Crime: Science of Crime Detection, 15th ed.
Cooley, R. H. , Complete Metalworking Manual
Coolidge, Julian Lowell , The Mathematics of Great Amateurs
Coombes, Kevin R. , Differntial Equations With Maple, 2nd ed.
Coombs, Clyde F., Jr. (ed.) , Electronic Instrumentation Handbook, 2nd ed.
Coombs, Clyde F., Jr. (ed.) , Printed Circuits Handbook, 3rd ed.
Coombs, Clyde F., Jr. (ed.) , Printed Circuits Handbook, 4th ed.
Coombs, S. , The Mechanosensory Lateral Line: Neurobiology and Evolution
Cooper, B. E. , Statistics For Experimentalists
Cooper, C. David , Air Pollution Control: a Design Approach
Cooper, Dan , Enrico Fermi and the Revolutions of Modern Physics
Cooper, Geoffrey M. , Oncogenes, 2nd ed.
Cooper, Geoffrey M. ,
Cooper, George R. , Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis
Cooper, George R. , Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis, 3rd ed.
Cooper, Goeffrey M. , The Cell: a Molecular Approach
Cooper, Herbert J. (ed.) , Scientific Instruments
Cooper, Herbert J. (ed.) , Scientific Instruments
Cooper, Herbert J. (ed.) , Scientific Instruments, Vol. I
Cooper, Herbert J. (ed.) , Scientific Instruments, Vol. II
Cooper, Jack R. , The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology, 6th ed.
Cooper, James W. , The Laboratory Microcomputer
Cooper, Necia Grant (ed) , From Cardinals to Chaos: Reflections on the Life and
Legacy of Stanislaw Ulam
Cooper, R. , Rehabilitation Engineering: Applied to Mobility and Manipulation
Cooper, W. A. , Getting the Measure of the Starts
Cope, Dwight W. , Plastics
Cope, Kenneth L. , American Machinist's Tools: an Illistrated Directory of
Cope, Kenneth L. , Makers of American Machinist's Tools: an Historical Directory
of Makers and Their Tools
Cope, Peter , the Digtal Photgrapher's Pocket Encycopedia
Copeland, B. Jack , The Essential Turing: the Ideas That Gave Birth to the
Computer Age
Copi, Irving M. , Introduction to Logic, 3rd ed.
Coplien, James O. , Advanced C++: Programming Styles and Idioms
Coppens, Philip , X-ray Charge Densities and Chemical Bonding
Copper Development Association , Copper in Instrumentation
Coppin, Briggite , The Compass: Steering Towards the New World
Corben, H. C. , Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed.
Corbin, David R. , Handbook of Bullet Swaging, No. 7
Corbin, David R. , Rediscover Swaging, 2nd ed.
Corduneanu, C. , Integral Equations and the Stability of Feedback Systems
Corey, E. J. , The Logic of Chemical Synthesis
Cork, James M. , Heat, 2nd ed.
Corkill, P. A. , Structure and Architectural Design, 2nd ed.
Corkill, P. A. , Structure and Architectural Design, 3rd ed.
Corliss, Clark Edward , Patten's Human Embryology: Elements of Clinical
Cormen, Thomas H. , Introduction to Algorithms
Corney, Alan , Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy
Cornish, E. H. , Materials and the Designer
Cornwell, John (ed.) , Nature's ImaginationL the Frontiers of Scientific Vision
Corones, James P. , Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems
Corrington, Julian D. , Working With the Microscope
Corson, Dale , Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Cortassa, S. , An Introduction to Metabolic and Cellular Engineering
Cosgrief, Robert Lien , Nonlinear Control Systems
Cosslett, V. E. , Modern Microscopy: Or Seeing the Very Small
Cote, Arthur E. , Fire Protection Handbook, 16th ed.
Cotes, J. E. , Lung Function: Assessment and Application in Medicine, 3rd ed.
Cottam, M. G. , Introduction to Surface and Superlattice Excitations
Cotterill, Rodney , The Cambridge Guide to the Material World
Cotterill, Rodney , Biophysics: an Introduction
Cottet, Georges-Henri , Vortex Methods: Theory and Practice
Cotton, F. Albert , Chemical Applications of Group Theory
Cotton, F. Albert , Advanced??? Inorganic Chemistry
Cotton, F. Albert , Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: a Comprehensive Text, 3rd ed
Cotton, F. Albert , Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Cottrell, A. H. , Dislocations and Plastic Flow in Crystals
Cottrell, T. L. , The Strength of Chemical Bonds
Couch II, Leon W. , Digital and Anlog Communication Systems, 3rd ed.
Coughanowr, Donald R. , Process Systems Analysis and Control
Coughlan, G. D. , The Ideas of Particle Physics: an Introduction For Scientists,
2nd ed.
Coughlin, Robert F. , Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, 2nd
Coughlin, Robert F. , Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, 3rd
Coughlin, Robert F. , Introductory Operational Amplifiers and Linear IC's:
Theory and Experimentation
Coulson, C. A. , Waves: a Mathematical Account of the Common Types of Wave
Motion, 7th ed.
Coulson, C. A. , Electricity, 2nd ed.
Coulson, C. A. , Waves: a Mathematical Approach to the Common Types of Wave
Motion, 2nd ed.
Coulson, J. M. , Chemical Engineering, Vol.2,3rd ed (SI Units):Unit Operations
Coulson, J. M. , Chemical Engineering, Vol.1, 3rd ed (SI Units): Fluid Flow,
Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer
Courant, R. , Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol.2
Courant, R. , Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol.1, 2nd ed.
Courant, R. , Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves
Courant, R. , Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol.2: Partial Differential
Courant, R. , Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol.1
Courant, R. , Methoden Der Mathematischen Physik, Band I.
Courant, R. , Methoden Der Mathematischen Physik, Band II.
Courant, Richard , Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Vol. 1
Cousins, Norman , Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived By the Patient: Reflections
on Healing and Regeneration
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves , Octopus and Squid: the Soft Intelligence
Couteau, Paul , Observing Visual Double Stars
Coutts, Russell , Challenge 2000: the Race to Win the America's Cup
Coutts, Russell , Challenge 200: the Race to Win the America's Cup
Coveney, Peter , The Arrow of Time: a Voyage Through Science to Solve Time's
Greatest Mystery
Coveney, Peter , Frontiers of Complexity: the Search For Order in a Chaotic
Covington, Michael , Astrophotography For the Amateur
Cowan, C. Wesley , The Origins of Agriculture: an International Perspective
Cowan, E. W. , Basic Electrodynamics
Cowan, George W. , Complexity: Metaphors, Models, and Reality
Cowen, David L. , Pharmacy: an Illustrated History
Cowie, J. M. G. , Polymers: Chemsitry & Physics of Modern Materials, 2nd ed.
Cowin, Stephen C. , Tissue Mechanics
Cowles Book Company , Cowles New, Enlarged Encyclopedia of Science, Industry and
Cowley, John M. , Diffraction Physics, 2nd revised ed.
Cowling, T. G. , Magnetohydrodynamics
Cox, A. J. , Modern Honing Practice0-85333-017-4
Cox, Allan (ed.) , Plate Tectonics and Geomagnetic Reversals
Cox, Allan , Review of Paleomagnetism
Cox, Arthur , A System of Optical Design
Cox, I. J. , Autonomous Robot Vehicles
Cox, J. P. , Theory of Stellar Pulsation
Cox, James D. , Moss' Radiation Oncology: Rationale, Technique, Results, 7th ed.
Cox, Kenneth E. , Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications, V. IV Utilization
of Hydrogen
Cox, Kenneth E. , Hydrogen: Its Technology and Implications, V. V Implications
of Hydrogen Energy
Cox, R. N. , Elements of Hypersonic Aerodynamics
Cox, Richard A. , Technician's Guide to Programmable Controllers, 3rd ed.
Cox , Fuzzy Logic CD-ROM Library: The Fuzzy Systems Handbook / Fuzzy Logic, a
Practical Approach / Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications / Fuzzy Sets and Thier
Application to Cognitive and Decission Processes
Coyle, John J. , Transportation, 4th ed.
Coyle, John J. , Transportation, 4th ed.
Coyne Electrical amd Television-Radio School , New Radio-television Picutre
Patterns and Diagrams Explained: an Instruction and Reference Book on Radio and
Coyne, Gary S. , The Laboratory Handbook of Materials, Equipment, & Techniques
Coyne, John (ed.) , The Penland School of Crafts Book of Jewelry Making
Cracknell, A. P. , Introduction to Remote Sensing
Cracknell, A. P. , Physical Processes in the Coastal Zone: Computer-modeling and
Remote Sensing
Craig, Edwin C. , Electronics Via Waveform Analysis
Craig, Edwin C. , Laboratory Manual For Electronics Via Waveform Analysis
Craig, R. F. , Soil Mechanics, 4th ed.
Craig, Richard A. , The Edge of Space: Exploring the Ipper Atmosphere
Craik, A. D. D. , Wave Interactions and Fluid Flows
Craine, J. Ffynlo , Microcomputers in Engineering and Science
Craine, J. H. , Ship Modelmaking Hints & Tips, 2nd ed.
Cramer, Christopher J. , Structure and Reactivity in Aqueous Solution:
Characterization of Chemical and Biological Systems
Cramer, Gail L. , Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, 5th ed.
Cramer, Harald , Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Cramer, William A. , Energy Transduction in Biological Membranes: a Textbook of
Crampton, C. Gregory , Land of Living Rock: the Grand Canyon and the High
Plateaus: Arizona, Utah, Nevada
Crandall, B. C. , Nanotechnology: Research and Perspectives
Crandall, E. R. , Hydrometers and Hydrometry
Crandall, Michael G. , Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Crandall, Richard E. , Projects in Scientific Computation
Crandall. Stephen H. , Random Vibration in Mechanical Systems
Crane, H. Richard , How Things Work
Crank, J. , The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd ed.
Crary, Jonathan , Techniques of the Observer: on Vision and Modernity in the
Nineteenth Century
Crary, Selden B. , Power System Stability, Vol. 1: Steady State Stability
Craven, Goerge F. , Evanescent Mode Microwave Components
Cravens, Thomas E. , Physics of Solar System Plasmas
Crawford Jr., Frank S. , Waves (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol.3)
Crawford, John H. , Programming the 80386
Crawford, John T., III. , Open Pit Mine Planning and Design
Crawford, William P. , Mariner's Weather
Craybeal, Jack D. , Molecular Spectroscopy
Creaazza, G. , Advanced Problems in Bridge Construction
Crease, Robert P. , The Prism and the Pendulum:the Ten Most Beautiful
Experiments in Science
Crease, Robert P. , The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in 20th
Century Physics
Crecraft, D. I. , Electronics
Crede, Charles E. , Shock and Vibration Concepts in Engineering Design
Cremer, L. , Structure-borne Sound: Structural Vibrations and Sound Radiation at
Audio Frequencies, 2nd ed.
Cremer, Lothar , The Physics of the Violin
Cremer, Lothar , Principles and Applications of Room Acoustics, Vol. 1
Cremer, Lothar , Principles and Applications of Room Acoustics, Vol. 2
Crenshaw, R. S. , Naval Shiphandling, 4th ed.
Crenshaw, R. S. , Naval Shiphandling
Crescent Books , Encyclopedia of the Horse
Creswell, Clifford , Spectral Analysis of Organic Compounds, 2nd ed
Creswick, R. J. , Introduction to Renormalization Group Methods in Physics
Crew, Henry , The Rise of Modern Physics: a Popular Sketch
Crichton, Michael , Electronic Life: How to Think About Computers
Crick, Edward V. , Methods of Engineering: Design and Measurement of Work
Crick, Francis , The Astonishing Hypothesis: the Scientific Search For the Soul
Crighton, D. G. , Modern Methods in Analytical Acoustics: Lecture Notes
Criminale, W. P. , Theory and Computation in Hydrodynamic Stability
Cripps, Steve C. , RF Power Amplifiers For Wireless Communications
Crisp, John , Introduction to Fiber Optics
Cristescu, N. , Dynamic Plasticity
Critchfield, Howard J. , General Climatology, 3rd ed.
Critchley, J. P. , Heat-resistant Polymers: Technologically Useful Materials
Croall, Stephen , Nuclear Power For Beginners
Croall, Stephen , Ecology For Beginners
Crochiere, Ronald E. , Multirate Digital Signal Processing
Croft, A. J. , Cryogenic Laboratory Equipment
Croft, Terrell , American Electricians' Handbook, 13th ed.
Cromer, Alan , Physics in Sicence and Industry
Cromer, Alan H. , Physics For the Life Sciences
Crompton, John , The Life of the Spider
Crompton, T. R. , Small Batteries, Vol. 1: Secondary Cells
Crompton, T. R. , Small Batteries, Vol. 2: Primary Cells
Cromwell, Leslie , Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements
Cromwell, Leslie , Medical Instrumentation For Health Care
Cromwell, LEslie , Medical Instrumentation For Health Care
Crone, D. R. , Elementary Photogrammetry
Cronin, Jeremiah A. , Graduate Problems in Physics
Cronin, N. J. , Microwave and Optical Waveguides
Croome, Derek J. (ed.) , Noise and the Design of Buildings and Services
Cropper, W. H. , The Quantum Physicists and an Introduction To Their Physics
Cropper, William H. , Mathematica Computer Programs For Physical Chemistry
Crosby, Alfred W. , The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society,
Crosignani, Bruno , Statistical Properties of Scattered Light
Cross, Nigel , Engineering Design Methods
Croswell, Ken , Planet Quest: the Epic Discovery of Alien Solar Systems
Crouch, James E. , Functional Human Anatomy
Crowder, Richard , Electric Drives and Electromechanical Systems
Crowder, Richard M. , Electric Drives and Their Controls
Crowder, William , Seashore Life Between the Tides
Crowe, Angela , Mathematics For Biologists
Crowell, Richard H. , Introduction to Knot Theory
Crowhurst, Norman H. , Audi Measurements: a Comprehensive Guide For Checkin
Quality in Audio Reproduction Equipment
Crowle, Alfred J. , Immunodiffusion
Crowther, Carroll L. , Load Testing of Deep Foundations: the Planning, Design,
Andconduct of Pile Load Tests
Crowther, J. G. , Nuclear Energy in Industry
Crowther, J. G. , The Cavendish Laboratory 1874-1974
Crowther, Richard L. , Affordable Passive Solar Homes
Croxton, Clive A. , Liquid State Physics - a Statistical Mechanical Introduction
Cruise, A. M. , Principles of Space Instrument Design
Crump, Thomas , A Brief History of Science: As Seen Through the Development of
Scientific Instruments
Crutchfield, James P. , Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Interplay of
Selection, Accident, Neutrality, and Function
Cruz, José B., Jr. , Feedback Systems
Cruz, José B., Jr. (ed.) , System Sensitivity Analysis
Cruz, José B. , Signals in Linear Circuits
Csanady, G. T. , Air-Sea Interaction: Laws and Mechanisms
CSELT , Optical Fiber Communication
Csillag, Andras , Anatomy of the Living Human: Atlas of Medical Imaging
Csorba, Illes P. , Image Tubes
Cubberly, William H. , Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook, Desk Edition
Cuff, Yvonne Hutchinson , Ceramic Technology For Potters and Sculptors
Cuffaro, Daniel F. , Process, Materials and Measurements: All the Materials
Industrial Designers Need to Know but Can Never Find
Cukier, Daniel , Coping With Radiation Therapy, 3rd ed.
Cullen, A. L. (ed.) , Modern Radio Science
Cullen, Allan H. , Rivers in Harness: the Story of Dams
Cullen, B. R. , Human Retorviruses
Cullen, Charles G. , Matrices and Linear Transformations, 2nd ed.
Culling, C. F. A. , Cellular Pathology Technique, 4th ed.
Cullity, B. D. , Elements of X-ray Diffraction, 2nd ed.
Culshwa, Brian , Smart Structures and Materials
Culver, Charles A. , Theory and Applications of Electricity and Magnetism
Culver, Roger B. , An Introduction to Experimental Astronomy, Preliminary
Culver, Roger B. , An Introduction to Experimental Astronomy, Preliminary
Cumming, Bryan J. , Programming the Macintosh in C
Cumming, Neil , Security: a Guide to Security System Design and Equipment
Selection and Installation
Cummins, H. Z. , Photon Correlation and Light Beating Spectroscopy
Cummins, Harold , Finger Prints, Palms and Soles: an Introduction to
Cumpsty, Nicholas , Jet Propulsion
Cunningham, Alice J. , Introduction to Bioanalytical Sensors
Cunningham, John E. , Cable Television, 2nd ed.
Cunningham, William P. , Environmental Encyclopedia
Curie, Eve , Madam Curie
Curie, Marie , Radioactive Substances
Curran, S. C. , Luminesceence and the Scintillation Counter
Curran, R. C. , Color Atlas of Histopathology, 2nd ed.
Curray, Joseph R. , Geology of Continental Margins: Short Course, June 12, 1977
Currie, I. G. , Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids
Curry, C. , Wave Optics: Interference and Diffraction
Curry, Haskell B. , Foundations of Mathematical Logic
Curry, Renwick E. , Estimation and Control With Quantized Measurements
Curry, Thomas S., III , Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
Curtin, Dennis , The Darkroom Handbook
Curtis, Anthony R. (ed.) , Space Satellite Handbook, 3rd ed.
Curtis, Thomas Stanley , High Frequency Apparatus
Cusack, N. E. , THe Physics of Structurally Disordered Matter: an Introduction
Cusak, N. , The Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Solids: an Introductory
Cussler, E. L. , Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems
Cuthbertson, Paul , Electronics Constructors Guide
Cutmore, Max , Collecting & Repairing Clocks and Watches
Cutting, Theodore A. , Manual of Spectroscopy
Cvancara, Alan M. , A Field Manual For the Amateur Geologist: Tools and
Activities For Exploring Our Planet
Cvancara, Alan M. , Exploring Nature in Winter: a Guide to Activities,
Adventures, and Projects For the Winter Naturalist
Cvitanovich, P. , Universality in Chaos
Cyrulnik, Boris , The Dawn of Meaning
Czepulkowski, B. , Analyzing Chromosomes
D'Abro, A. , The Evolution of Scientific Thought: From Newton to Einstein, 2nd
D'Abro, A. , The Rise of the New Physics: Its Mathematical and Physical
Theories, Vol. 1
D'Abro, A. , The Rise of the New Physics: Its Mathematical and Physical
Theories, Vol. 2
d'Arbeloff, Natalie , Designing With Natural Forms
D'Azzo, John J. , Linear Control System Analysis and Design, 2nd ed.
d'Estaing, Valérie-Anne Giscard , The World Almanac Book of Inventions: Over
2000 Inventions That Chanced Our World
D'Isa, Frank , Mechanics of Metals
da Cruz, Frank , Kermit: a File Transfer Protocol
Da Silva, Wilson , A Guide to Modern Science: Science and Technology in Today's
Dacie, Sir John V. , Practical Hematology, 6th ed.
Dack, Michael R. J., ed. , Solutions and Solubilities, Part 2
Daconta, Michael C. , Java For C/C++ Programmers
Dagan, Gedeon , Flow and Transport in Porous Formations
Dagnall, R. H. , Optical Alignment: a Guide to Techniques Based Upon the Use of
the Rank Taylor Hobson Micro-alignment Telescope and Its Accessories
Dagostino, Frank R. , Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Contruction and
Architecture, 2nd ed.
Dahl, Poul , Introduction to Electron and Ion Optics
Dahlberg, Eric Charles , Applied Hydrodynamics in Petroleum Exploration, 2nd ed.
Dahleh, Munther A. , Control of Uncertain Systems: a Linear Programming Approach
Dahlquist, Germund , Numerical Methods
Dahmen, Wolfgang , Multiscale Wavelet Methods For Partial Differential Equations
Dahneke, Barton E. (ed.) , Measurement of Suspended Particles By Quasi-elastic
Light Scattering
Dainty, J. C. , Current Trends in Optics
Dake, L. P. , Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
Dale, Henry , The Industrial Revolution
Dale, Nell , Pascal Plus Data Structures, Algorithms, and Advanced Programming
Dale, Rodney , Timekeeping
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Daley, Richard F. , Build Your Own Customized Telescope
Dally, James W. , Experimental Stress Analysis, 3rd ed.
Dally, James W. , Introduction to Engineering Design, Book 3: Postal Scales
Dally, William J. , Digital Systems Engineering
Dalven, Richard , Math For Physics
Dalven, Richard , Introduction to Applied Solid State Physics: Topics in the
Applications of Semiconductors, Superconductors, Ferromagnetism, ..., 2nd ed.
Daly, Herman E. , Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics
Daly, James C. (ed.) , Fiber Optics
Daly, Reginald Aldworth , Strength and Structure of the Earth
Damasio, Antonio , The Feeling of What Happens
Damon, Thomas D. , Introduction to Space: the Science of Spaceflight, 3rd ed.
Damper, R. I. , Introduction to Discrete-time Signals and Systems
Dana, Edward Salisbury , Minearls and How to Study Them
Danby, J. M. A. , Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics, 2nd ed. revised and
Danen, G. W. A., ed. , Shell Flow Meter Engineering Handbook, 2nd ed.
Dangelmayr, Gerhard , Dynamics of Nonlinear Waves in Dissipative Systems:
Reduction, Bifurcation, and Stability
Daniel, James W. , Computation and Theory in Ordinary Differential Equations
Daniel, Wayne W. , Biostatistics: a Foundation For Analysis in the Health
Sciences, 4th ed.
Daniels, Farrington , Mathematical Preparation For Physical Chemistry
Daniels, Farrington , Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed.
Daniels, Farrington , Experimental Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed.
Daniels, Farrington , Experimental Physical Chemistry
Daniels, George , Watchmaking
Daniels, Harold R. (ed.) , Mechanical Press Handbook, 3rd ed.
Danon, J. , Lectures on the Mössbauer Effect
Dantzig, Tobias , Henri Poincaré: Critic of Crisis - Reflections on His Universe
of Discourse
Darack, Arthur , How to Repair and Care For Home Appliances
Darlow, Mark S. , Balancing of High-speed Machinery
Darnell, Peter A. , Software Engineering in C
Darnell, Peter A. , Software Engineering in C
Darnell, Wayne L. , Radar Cross Section and Optical Radiation From the
Trailblazer IIa 9° Half-angle Blunt Nose Cone During Hypersonic Reentry
Darovik, Gloria Oblouk , Hemodynamic Monitorin: Invasive and Noninvasive
Clinical Application, 2nd ed.
Darrow Karl K. , The Renaissance of Physics
Darrow, Ken , Appropriate Technology Handbook, 2nd ed.
Darton, Mike , The Macmillan Dictionary of Measurement
Darwin, George Howard , Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System
Daryanani, Gobind , Principles of Active Network Synthesis and Design
Das, Biman , Mathematics For College Physics
Das, P. , Lasers and Optical Engineering
Dasgupta, Subrata , Technology and Creativity
Dash, Mike , The Limit: Engineering on the Boundaries of Science
Dashefsky, H. Steven , Environmental Science
Dassios, Goerge , Low Frequency Scattering
Date, C. J. , Database: a Primer
Date, C. J. , An Introduction to Database Systems, Vol. 2
Date, C. J. , An Introduction to Database Systems, Vol.1, 3rd ed.
Datta, Supriyo , Quantum Phenomena
Datta, Supriyo , Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems
Daube, Jasper R. , Medical Neurosciences: an Approach to Anatomy, Pahtology, and
Physiology By Systems and Levels, 2nd ed.
Daubechies, Ingrid , Ten Lectures on Wavelets
Daudel, Raymond , The Realm of Molecules
Daugherty, Robert L. , Fluid Mechanics: With Engineering Applications, 7th ed.
Daune, Michel , Molecular Biophysics: Structures in Motion
Davenport, Joseph, III , The Boom Town: Problems and Promises in the Energy
Davenport, T. C. (ed.) , The Rheology of Lubricants
Davenport, Wilbur B., Jr. , An Introduction to the Theory of Random Signals and
Davey, Andrew , Detail: Exceptional Japanes Product Design
David, Yadin , Medical Technology Management
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 1 Fundamentals
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 2 Materials
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 3 Fabrication of Non-Metals
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 4: Physical and Chemical
Fabrication Techniques
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering, Vol. 5: Joining Techniques
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering, Vol. 6: Mechanical Design
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 7: Electrical Design
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 8: Surface Treatment
Davidson, A. , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol 10: Forming Processes
Davidson, A. (ed.) , Handbook of Precision Engineering Vol. 11: Production
Davidson, Eric H. , The Regulatory Genome: Gene Regulatory Networks in
Development and Evolution
Davidson, Ernest Roy , Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Chemistry
Davidson, Frank P. , Macroengineering: Global Infrastructure Solutions
Davidson, Homer L. , The Illustrated Home Electronics Fix-it Book, 2nd ed.
Davidson, Homer L. , Microwave Oven Repair, 3rd ed.
Davidson, Homer L. , Troubleshooting and Repairing Solid-state TVs, 2nd ed.
Davidson, Homer L. , Troubleshooting and Repairing Compact Disc Players, 2nd ed.
Davidson, Homer L. , Radio Receiver Projects You Can Build
Davidson, Homer L. , Troubleshooting and Repairing Audio Equipment, 2nd ed.
Davidson, Homer L. , Consumer Electronics Component Handbook
Davidson, Homer L. , Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook
Davidson, J. F. , Fluidised Particles
Davidson, Joel , The New Solar Electric Home: the Photovoltaics How-to Handbook
Davidson, Keay , Twister: the Science of Tornadoes and the Making of an
Adventure Movie
Davidson, Norman , Statistical Mechanics
Davidson, P. A. , An Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics
Davidson, Ralph H. , Insect Pests of Farm, Garden & Orchard, 7th ed.
Davidson, Ronald C. , Theory of Nonneutral Plasmas
Davidson, Ronald C. , Methods in Nonlinear Plasma Theory
Davidson, Ronald C. , Mathematical Methods For Introductory Physics With
Calculus, 3rd ed.
Davidson, Ronald C. , Mathematical Preparation For General Physics With Calculus
Davidson, Ronald C. , Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams in High Energy
Davies, A. C. , Welding, Vol. 1: Welding Science and Technology, 10th ed.
Davies, A. C. , Welding, Vol. 2: the Practice of Welding, 10th ed.
Davies, Brian , Exploring Chaos: Theory and Experiment
Davies, Colin , High Tech Architecture
Davies, E. R. , Electronics, Noise and Signal Recovery
Davies, Gomer L. , Magnetic Tape Instrumentation
Davies, J. K. , Space Exploration
Davies, J. T. , Turbulence Phenomena: an Introduction to the Eddy Transfer of
Momentum, Mass, and Heat, Particularly at Interfaces
Davies, Jamie A. , Mechanisms of Morphogenesis: the Creation of Biological Form
Davies, John , Radio Engineer's Pocket Book
Davies, John H. , The Physics of Low Dimensional Semiconductors: an Introduction
Davies, Kenneth , Ionospheric Radio Propagation
Davies, Owen L. (ed.) , Designa nd Analysis of Industrial Experiments, 2nd ed.
Davies, P. C. W. , The Physics of Time Asymmetry
Davies, P. C. W. , The Forces of Nature, 2nd ed.
Davies, P. C. W. , The Accidental Universe
Davies, P. C. W. , The Search For Gravity Waves
Davies, P. C. W. , Superstrings: a Theory of Everything?
Davies, Paul , The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of
the Universe
Davies, Paul , The Fifth Mircacle: the Search For the Origin and Meaning of
Davies, Paul (ed.) , The New Physics
Davis, A. H. , Modern Acoustics
Davis, Calvin Victor , Handbook of Applied Hydraulics
Davis, Charles G. , Ship Models: How to Build Them
Davis, Charles G. , The Ship Model Builder's Assistant
Davis, Christopher C. , Lasers and Electro-optics: Fundamentals and Engineering
Davis, Don , Sound System Engineering, 2nd ed.
Davis, Graham , Web Animation Expert
Davis, Harold T. , Introduction to Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations
Davis, Helen Miles , Scientific Instruments You Can Make
Davis, J. L. , Wave Propagation in Solids and Fluids
Davis, J. L. , Wave Propagation in Electromagnetic Media
Davis, Jan , Engineering in Emergencies: a Practical Guide For Relief Workers
Davis, Joan E. , Neurologic Critical Care
Davis, John C. , Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology
Davis, Julian L. , Finite Difference Methods in Dynamics of Continuous Media
Davis, Kenneth S. , Water: the Mirror of Science
Davis, Leonard G. , Basic Methods in Molecular Biology
Davis, Martin , Computability and Unsolvability
Davis, Martin , A First Course in Functional Analysis
Davis, P.J. , No Way, the Nature of the Impossible
Davis, Philip J. , The Lore of Large Numbers
Davis, Philip J. , Spirals: From Theodorus to Chaos
Davis, Philip J. , Interpolation and Approximation
Davis, Philip J. , The Mathematical Experience
Davis, Richard A., Jr. , The Evolving Coast
Davis, Richard A., Jr. , Depositional Systems: a Genetic Approach to Sedimentary
Davis, Sam (ed.) , The Form of Housing
Davis, Sydney A. , Electromechanical Components For Servomechanisms
Davis, Thomas W. , Experimentation With Microprocessor Applications
Davis, Tim D. , Adventitious Root Formation in Cuttings
Davis, W. Alan , Radio Frequency Circuit Design
Davis, W. O. , Gears For Small Mechanisms, 2nd ed.
Davis, William R. , Classical Fields, Particles, and the Theory of Relativity
Davis, William S. , Operating Systems: As Sytematic View, 3rd ed.
Davison, B. , Neutron Transport Theory
Davison, Sydney G. , Basc Theory of Surface States
Dawes, Christopher , Laser Welding
Dawes, Clinton J. , Biological Techniques For Transmission and Scanning Electron
Dawkins, Richard , Climbing Mount Improbable
Dawson, J. K. , Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Reactors, Vol. 1: Gas-cooled
Dawson, J. K. , Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Reactors, Vol. 2: Water-cooled
Dawson, J. K. , Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Reactors, Vol. 3: Miscellaneous
Dawson, Peter H. , Quadrupole Mass Spectromtery and Its Applications
Dawson, Virginia P. , Taming Liquid Hydrogent: the Centaur Upper State Rocket
Day, David A. , Construction Equipment Guide, 2nd ed.
Day, Peter , Bicycling to Utopia: Essays on Science and Technology From the
Royal Institution
Day, R. E. , Exercises in Electrical and Magnetic Measurement
Day, Robert A. , How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 3rd ed.
Dayton, Linnea , Photoshop 4 Wow! Book
de Alfaro, V. , Potential Scattering
de Blij, H. J. , Nature on the Rampage
De Blij, H. J. , Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts, 10th ed.
de Blij, Harm J. , Geography: Regions and Concepts, 5th ed.
de Boer, J. , Studies in Statistical Mechanics, Vol. 1
de Bono, Edward (ed.) , Eureke! An Illustrated History of Inventions From the
Wheel to the Computer
de Boor, Carl , A Practical Guide to Splines
De Broglie, L. , Non-linear Wave Mechanics: a Causal Interpretation
de Broglie, L. , Physics and Microphysics
De Broglie, Louis , Revolution in Physics: a Non-mathematical Survey of Quanta
De Broglie, Louis , Revolution in Physics: a Non-mathematical Survey of Quanta
de Bruijn, N. G. , Asymptotic Methods in Analysis, 3rd ed.
de Bruijn, N. G. , Asymptotic Methods in Analysis
De Carle, Donald , Horology
De Carle, Donald , Clock and Watch Repairing, 2nd ed.
De Carle, Donald , Practical Clock Repairing
De Carle, Donald , Practical Watch Repairing, 3rd ed.
De Carle, Donald , Complicated Watches and Their Repair
De Carle, Donald , The Watchmaker's and Model Engineer's Lathe: a User's Manual,
4th ed.
de Certaines, J. D. , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Biology and Medicine:
Functional and Pathological Tissue Characterization
De Cogan, Donard , Solid State Devices: a Quantum Physics Approach
De Duve, Christian , Blueprint For a Cell: the Nature and Origins of Life
de Duve, Christian , A Guided Tour of the Living Cell, V. 2
de Duve, Christian , A Guided Tour of the Living Cell, V. 1
de Felice, F. , Relativity on Curved Manifolds
De Fornel, F. , Evanescent Waves From Newtonian Optics to Atomic Optics
de Garmo, E. Paul , Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 5th ed.
De Garmo, E. Paul , Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 6th ed.
de Gennes, P. G. , Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys
de Gennes, P. G. , The Physics of Liquid Crystals
de Gennes, P. G. , The Physics of Liquid Crystals, 2nd ed.
de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles , Fragile Objects: Soft Matter, Hard Science, and the
Thrill of Discovery
De Grasse Tyson, Neil , Universe Down to Earth
de Groot, S. R. , Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
de Groot, S. R. , Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics
De Hoffman, E. , Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications
De Jong, Marvin L. , Mathematica For Calculus-based Physics
De Kunffy, Charles , Training Strategies For Dressage Rider
De La Flow, Mike , The Digital Biomedical Illustration Handbook
De Lorenzi, Otto (ed.) , Combustion Engineering: a Refernce Book on Fuel Burning
and Steam Generation
De Old, Alan R. , Space Travel: a Technological Frontier
de Pian, Louis , Linear Active Network Theory
de Podesta, Michael , Understanding the Properties of Matter
De Renzo, D. J. , Advanced Composite Materials: Products and Manufacturers
de Sa, A. , Principles of Electronic Instrumentation
de Sa, A. , Electronics For Scientists: Physical Principles With Applications to
de Santillana, Giorgio , The Crime of Galileo
de Sauzmarez, Maurice , Basic Design: the Dynamics of Visual Form
De Wolf, David A. , Basics of Electron Optics
Dean, John (ed.) , Lange's Handbook of Chemistry, 14th ed.
Dean, John A. , Analytical Chemisry Handbook
Dean, Kenneth J. , Physics and Chemistry of Baking
Dean, Robert G. , Water Wave Mechanics For Engineers and Scientists
Dean, Robert G. , Water Wave Mechanics For Engineers and Scientists
Deane, Leslie D. , TV Servicing Guide: Arranged By Trouble Symptoms
Deans, Stanley R. , The Radon Transform and Some of Its Applications
Dearholt, Donald W. , Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
Dearnaley, G. , Semiconductor Counters For Nuclear Radiations
Deasy, C. M. , Design For Human Affairs
Debenedetti, Pablo G. , Metastable Liquids: Concepts and Principles
DeBenedetti, Sergio , Nuclear Interactions
Debo, Harvey V. , Construction Superintendent's Job Guide
Deboo, Gordon J. , Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices: Theory and
Application, 2nd ed.
December, John , Presenting Java: an Introduction to Java and Hot Java
December, John , The World Wide Web Unleashed
Decker, Karl-Heinz , Maschinenen-Elemente - Aufgaben
Decker, Rick , The Analytical Enginer: an Introduction to Computer Science Using
Decker, Robert W. , Mountains of Fire: the Nature of Volcanoes
Decker, Robert W. , Volcanoes, 3rd ed.
DeCusatis, Casimer (ed.) , Handbook of Applied Photometry
DeCusatis, Casimer , Fiber Optic Essentials
Deeba, Elias , Interactive Linear Algebra With Maple V
Deepak, Adarsh (ed.) , Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding
Defant, Albert , Ebb and Flow: the Tides of Earth, Air, and Water
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , Image Understanding Workshop
Deimel, Richard F. , Mechanics of the Gyroscope: the Dynamics of Rotation
Deitel, H. M. , An Introduction to Operating Systems
Deitel, H. M. , C: How to Program, Introducing C++ and Java, 3rd ed.
Dekker, A. J. , Solid State Physics
Dekkers, Midas , The Way of All Flesh: a Celebration of Decay
Del Toro, Vincent , Electric Machines and Power Systems
Delachet, Andre , Contemporary Geometry
Delahay, Paul , New Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry: Theory,
Instrumentation, and Applications to Analytical and Physical Chemistry
Delamare, Francois , Colors: the Story of Dyes and Pigments
Delaney, C. F. G. , Electronics For the Physicist
Delaubenfels, DFavid J. , A Geography of Plants and Animals
Delaunay, Albert , The Human Machine: Mechanisms
Delchar, T. A. , Vacuum Physics and Techniques
Delcroix, J. L. , Introduction to the Theory of Ionized Gases
Deleuze, Gilles , Bergsonism
Delgado-Barrio, G. (ed.) , Dynamical Processes in Molecular Physics
Delgado-Frias, Jose G. (ed.) , VLSI For Artificial Intelligence
Delgass, W. Nicholas , Spectroscopy in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Della Dora, J. , Computer Algebra and Parallelism
Dellow, E. L. , Methods of Science: an Introduction to Measuring and Testing For
Laymen and Students
Delmar Publishers , Fundametmntals of Pressure and Temperature Instruments
Delmonte, John , Origins of Materials and Processes
Delp, Frank , Aircraft Governors
Deltec Corporation , AC Pwer Handbook of Problems and Solution, 2nd Ed.
Delves, L. M. , Computational Methods For Integral Equations
Dem'Yanov, V. F. , Introduction to Minimax
DeMarre, Dean A. , Bioelectronic Measurements
DeMaw, Doug , W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits For Experimenters
DeMaw, M. F. "Doug" , Ferromagnetic Core Design & Application Handbook
DeMaw, M. F. "Doug" , Practical RF Design Manual
Demillo, Rob , How Weather Works
Deming, W. Edwards , Statistical Adjustment of Data
Deming, William Edwards , Some Theory of Sampling
DeMouthe, Jean Frances , Natural Materials: Sources, Properties and Uses
Dempsey, M. , The Chemist at Work
Dempsey, Paul , Troubleshooting and Repairing Diesel Engines, 2nd ed.
Dempsey, Paul , How to Repair Briggs & Stratton Engines, 3rd ed.
Demtroder, W. , Laser Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts and Instrumentation
Den Hartog, J. P. , Mechanics
Den Hartog, J. P. , Mechanical Vibrations
Den Hartog, J. P. , Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd ed.
Den Hartog, J.P. , •Strength of Materials
Den Hartog, J.P. , Advanced Strength of Materials
Denbigh, Kenneth , The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
Dence, Joseph B. , Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry
Dence, Joseph B. , Intermediate Physical Chemistry: Stationary Properties of
Chemical Systems
Dendy, P.P. , Physics For Radiologists
Dendy, R. O. (ed.) , Plasma Physics: an Introductory Course
Denes, Peter B. , The Speech Chain: the Physics and Biology of Spoken Language
Denig, Joseph , Small Sawmill Handbook
Denisse, J. F. , Plasma Waves
Denn, Morton M. , Stability of Reaction and Transport Processes
Denning, Peter J. , Beyond CalculationL the Next Fifty Years in Computing
Dennis, Ervin A. , Lithographic Technology in Transition
Dennis, Jerry , The Bird in the Waterfall: a Natural Historyu of Oceans, Rivers,
and Lakes
Dennis, Jerry , It's Raining Frogs and Fishes: Four Seasons of Natural Phenomena
and Oddities of the Sky
Denno, Khalil , Electric Protective Devices
Denny, Mark W. , Air and Water: the Biology and Physics of Life's Media
Denny, mark W. , Biology and the Mechanics of the Wave-Swept Environment
Denny, R. C. , A Dictionary of Spectroscopy
Denyer, Peter , VLSI Signal Processing: a Bit-serial Approach
Department of Marine Engineering U.S. Naval Academy , Principles of Basic
Department of the Navy , Physics of Sound in the Sea
Derbyshire, John , Unknown Quantity: a Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
Dercuher, Kenneth N. , Materials For Civil and Highway Engineers
Dereniak, E. L. , Infrared Detectors and Systems
Derenzo, Stephen E. , Interfacing: a Laboratory Approach Using the Microcomputer
For Instrumentation, Data Analysis, and Control
Derian, Jean-Claude , America's Struggle For Leadership in Technology
Derickson, Dennis , Fiber Optic Test and Measurement
Derman, Emanuel , My Life As a Quant; Feflections on Physics and Finance
Dermer, Gerald B. , The Immortal Cell: Why Cancer Reserach Fails
Derrett, D. R. , Ship Stability For Masters and Mates, 5th ed.
Derry, T. K. , A Short History of Technology: From the Earliest Times to A.D.
Derry, T. K. , A Short History of Technology: From the Earliest Times to A.D.
Derucher, Kenneth N. , Materials For Civil and Highway Engineers
Derucher, Kenneth N. , Materials For Civil and Highway Engineers
Derusso, Paul M. , State Variables For Engineers
Des Jardins, Terry , Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology: Essentials For
Respiratory Care, 2nd ed.
Des Jardins, Terry , Cliical Manifestations & Assessment of Respiratory Disease
Desai, C. S. , Mechanics of Engineering Materials
Desal, Jatin B. , New Engine & Component Design Technology
DeSanto, John A. (eds.) , Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
Desautels, Edouard J. , Assembly Language Programming For PDP11 and LSI11
Computers, An Introduction to Computer Organization
Desch, Cecil H. , The Chemistry of Solids
deShalit, Amos , Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Vol 1: Nuclear Structure
Desoer, C. A. , Notes For a Second Course on Linear Systems
Despopoulos, Agamemnon , Color Atlas of Physiology, 5th ed.
Desurvire, Emmanuel , Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers: Principles and Applications
Dettman, John W. , Mathematical Methods of Physics and Engineering, 2nd ed.
Dettman, John W. , Mathematical Methods of Physics and Engineering
Dettman, John W. , Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Deutsch, Ralph , Nonlinear Transformations of Random Processes
Deutsch, Sid , Understanding the Nervous System: an Engineering Perspective
Deutsch, Yvonne (ed.) , Science Against Crime
Devaney, Robert L. , An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Devaney, Robert L. , A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and
Devaney, Robert L. (ed.) , Chaos and Fractals: the Mathematics Behind the
Computer Graphics
DeVany, Arthur S. , Master Optical Techniques
Deve, Charles , Optical Workshop Principles
Devenport, William R. , Experiments For Industrial Electronics, 2nd ed.
Devine, Malcolm D. , Physiology of Herbicide Action
DeVita, Vincent T., Jr. , Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed.,
Vol. 1
DeVita, Vincent T., Jr. , Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 5th ed.,
Vol. 2
DeVito, Carl L. , Functional Analysis and Linear Operator Theory
DeVito, Michael J. (ed.) , Introduction to Electricity and Electronics, 2nd ed.
Devlin, Keith , Life By the Numbers
Devlin, Robert M. , Photosynthesis
Devlin, Thomas M. (ed.) , Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations
Devore, Jay L. , Probability and Statistics For Engineers and Scientists, 2nd
Devorkin, David H. , Race to the Stratosphere: Manned Scientific Ballooning in
Devreese, J. T. , Polarons and Excitons in Polar Semiconductors and Ionic
DeVries, Louis , German-English Technical and Engineering Dictionary, 2nd ed.
Dewdney, A. K. , The Turing Omnibus: 61 Excursions in Computer Science
Dewdney, A. K. , The Tinkertoy Computer and Other Machinations
Dewey, Bruce R. , Computer Graphics For Engineers and Scientists
Dewey, T. Gregory , Fractals in Molecular Biophysics
Dewitt, Bryce , Dynamical Theory of Groups and Fields
Dexter, D. L. , Excitons
Dezettel, Louis M. , Introduction to Antennas
Dhillon, B. S. , Engineering Reliability: New Techniques and Applications
Dhillon, Balbir S. , Reliability Engineering in Systems Design and Operation
Dhillon, Balbir S. , Engineering Reliability: New Techniques and Applications
Di Cera, Enrico (ed.) , Thermodynamics in Biology
Di Fiore, Mariano S. H. , Atlas of Human Histology, 4th ed.
Di Ventra, Massimiliano , Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology
Diacu, Florin , Celestial Encounters: the Origins of Chaos and Stability
Diagram Group , Comparisons
Diagram Group , Weapons: an International Encyclopedia From 5000 B.C. to 2000
A.D., Updated ed.
Diamond, Freda , The Story of Glass
Diamond, Jared , Guns, Germs, and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies
Diamond, Solomon , Information and Error: an Introduction to Statistical
Diamond, William J. , Practical Experiment Designs: For Engineers and
Scientists, 2nd ed.
Diamonstein, Barbaralee , Handmade in America: Conversations With Fourteen
DiBerardinis, Louis J. , Guidelines For Laboratory Design, 2nd Ed.: Health and
Safety Considerations
Dibner, Bern , Aleesandro Volta and the Electric Battery
DiChiara, Joseph , Urban Planning and Esign Criteria, 3rd ed.
Dick, D. A. T. , Cell Water
DIck, Neil C. , Yacht Sailing Instrumentation
Dick, Samuel , Mathematica in the Laboratory
Dickason, Vance , The Loud Speaker Design Cookbook, 5th ed.
Dickason, Vance , The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, 6th ed.
Dickenson, Terence , The Backyard Astronomer's Guide
Dickey, Parke A. , Petroleum Development Geology
Dickie, D. E. , Crane Handbook
Dickie, D. E. , Mobile Crane Manual
Dickinson, Eric , an Introduction to Food Colloids
Dickinson, William R. (ed.) , Tectonics and Sedimentation
Dickson, Mary H. , Geothermal Energy
Dickson, Paul , The Official Rules: the Definitive, Annotated Collection of
Laws, Principles, and Instructions For Dealing With the Real World
Diderot, Denis , A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry: 485
Plates Selected From L'Encyclopeie of Denis Diderot, Vol. 1
Diderot, Denis , A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry: 485
Plates Selected From L'Encyclopeie of Denis Diderot, Vol. 2
Diefenderfer, A. James , Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd ed.
Diefenderfer, A. James , Principles of Electronic Instrumentation, 3rd ed.
Diehl, George M. , Machinery Acoustics
Diels, Jean-Claude , Ultrashort Laser Pulse Phenomena: Fundamentals, Techniques,
and Applications on a Femtosecond Time Scale
Diels, K. , Leybold Vacuum Handbook
Diem, K. , Scientific Tables
Dienes, G. J. , Radiation Effects in Solids
Dieter, George E. , Mechanical Metallurgy
Dietrich, R. V. , AGI Data Sheets For Geology in the Field, Laboratory, and
Office, 2nd ed.
Dietrich, R. V. , Gems, Granites, and Gravels: Knowing and Using Rocks and
Dietrich, Richard V. , Rocks and Rock Minerals
Dietz, Albert G. H. , Dwelling House Construction, 4th ed. revised
Dietz, D. , Atomic Energy in the Coming Era
Diggle, Peter J. , Time Series: a Biostatistical Introduction
Digital Frog International , The Digital Frog 2: Frog Friendly Software For
Biology Students
Digital Signal Processing Committee , Digital Signal Processing II
Digital Signal Processing Committee (ed) , Programs For Digital Signal
Digital Signal Processing Committee , Digital Signal Processing
Dikansky, N. S. , The Physics of Intense Beams and Storage Rings
Dill, Ken A. , Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry
and Biology
Dillon, John A., Jr. , Experimental Vacuum Science and Technology
DiLorenzo, James V. , GaAs FET Principles and Technology
Dimmock, N. J. , Introduction to Modern Virology, 4th ed.
Ding, Mingzhou , Proceedings of the 4th Experimental Chaos Conference
Dinkines, Flora , Elementary Theory of Sets
Dinno, Mumtaz A. , Membrane Biophysics II: Physical Methods in the Study of
Dirac, P.A.M. , The Principles of Quantum Mechanics 4th ed.
Dirac, P.A.M. , Lectures on Quantum Field Theory
Director, Stephen W. , Introduction to Systems Theory
DiSaia, Philip J. , Clinical Gynecologic Oncology, 5th ed.
DiStefano, Jospeh J., III , Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control Systems
Ditteon, Richard , Modern Geometrical Optics
Dittman, Richard , Physics in Everyday Life
Dix, C. Hewitt , Seismic Prospecting For Oil
Dixon, Bernard , Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World
Dixon, Dougal , The Practical Geologist
Dixon, John D. , Problems in Group Theory
Dixon, R. A. , Plant Cell Culture: a Practical Approach, 2nd ed.
Dixon, Robert C. , Spread Spectrum Techniques
Dixon, S. L. , Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 3rd ed.
Dixon, W. G. , Special Relativity The Foundations of Macroscopic Physics
Dixon, W. T. , Theory and Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Spectra
Dixon, Wilfred J. , Introduction to Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed.
DK Publishing , Ultimate Visual Dictionary
Do Carmo, Manfredo P. , Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Dobbs, E. R. , Electromagnetic Waves
Dobell, Clifford (ed.) , Antony Van Leeuwenhoek and His "Little Animals"
Dobias, Bohuslav (ed.) , Coagulation and Flocculation: Theory and Applications
Dobrin, Milton B. , Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting, 3rd ed.
Dobson, Andrew P. , Conservation and Biodiversity
Dobson, F. , Air-sea Interaction: Instruments and Methods
Dodd, Annabel Z. , The Essential Guide to Telecommunications
Dodd, J. E. , The Ideas of Particle Physics
Dodd, R. K. , Solitons and Nonlinear Wave Equations
Doddannavar, Ravi , Practical Hydraulic Systems: Operationa Dn Troubleshooting
For Engineers and Technicians
Dodson, C. T. J. , Tensor Geometry: the Geometric Viewpoint and Its Uses
Dodson, Guy , Structural Studies on Molecules of Biological Interest
Dodwell, Peter C. , Visual Pattern Recognition
Doebelin, Ernest O. , Measurement Systems, revised ed.
Doebelin, Ernest O. , Measurement Systems: Application and Design, 3rd ed.
Doebelin, Ernest O. , Sytem Modeling and Response: Theoretical and Experimental
Doering, Charles R. , Applied Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations
Doherty, Paul (ed.) , Exploratorium Science Snackbook
Dohrn - Van Rossum, Gerhard , History of the Hour: Clocks and Modern Temporal
Doi, M. , The Theory of Polymer Dynamics
Doi, Masai , Introduction to Polymer Physics
Doi, Masai , Introduction to Polymer Physics
Dolan, John W. , Troubleshooting LC Systems
Dole, Malcolm , Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics
Dollinger, Malin , Everyone's Guide to Cancer Therapy: How Cancer is Diagnosed,
Treated, and Managed Day to Day
Domalski, E. S. , Thermodynamic Data For Biomass Materials and Waster Components
Domb, C., ed. , Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Vol. 5A
Dommasch, Daniel , Airplane Aerodynamics, 2nd ed.
Donachie, Matthew J., Jr. , Titanium and Titanium Alloys Source Book
Donald, Bob , Visual Basic 6 From Scratch
Donald, Bruce Randall , Algorithmic and Computational Robotics: New Directions
Donald, David , The Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft
Donaldson, Dyril , Tool Design
Donaldson, Margaret , Human Minds: an Exploration
Donath, Fred A. , Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Volume 8
Donati, Leonbattista , The Story of Robots
Donati, Silvano , Electro-optical Instrumentation: Sensing and Measuring With
Dong, Ronald Y. , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals, 2nd ed.
Doniach, S. , Green's Functions For Solid State Physicists
Donn, William L. , Meteorology, 3rd ed.
Donnan, Jack , Rain Dance to Research: the Story of Weather Control
Donnelly, R. J. , Experimental Superfluidity
Donnelly, R. J. , Quantized Vortices in Helium II
Donnelly, Russell J. , Cryogenic Science and Technology: Contributions By Leo I.
Doob, J. L. , Stochastic Processes
Doocy, E. S. , Transmission Line Reference Book: WInd-Induced Conductor Motion
Doolen, Gary (ed) , Advances in Fluid Turbulence: Proceedings of the 8th Intl.
Conf. of the Ctr. For Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos, NM, May 16-20, 1988
Doolen, Gary D. (ed.) , Lattice Gas Methods For Partial Differential Equations
Doran, D. K. , Newnes Construction Materials Pocket Book
Doremus, R. H. , Ratyes of Phase Transformations
Doremus, Robert H. , Glass Science
Dorey, A. P. , Advances in Actuators
Dorf, Richard C. , Modern Control Systems, 6th ed.
Dorf, Richard C. , Modern Control Systems, 3rd ed.
Dorf, Richard C. , Matrix Algebra: a Programmed Approach
Dorf, Richard C. (ed.) , The Engineering Handbook
Dorfman, Robert , Linear Programming and Economic Analysis
Dorgan, Charles E. , Design Guide For Cool Thermal Storage
Dorling Kindersley , The Visual Dictionary of Everyday Things
Dorling Kindersley , Science Encyclopedia, Rev. ed.
Dorn, Harold , The Geography of Science
Dorner, Dietrich , The Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in
Complex Situations
Dorner, Robert F. , Electrical Theory and Control Systems in Heating Qand Air
Conditioning Technology
Dorrington, Keith L. , Anaesthetic and Extracorporeal Gas Transfer
Dorward, Sherry , Design For Mountain Communities: a Landscape and Architectural
Doss, James D. , Engineer's Guide to High Temperature Superconductivity
Dotto, Lydia , The Ozone War; the Controversy Among Scientists, Government and
Big Business Over Our Precious Ozone Layer
Doucet, Jean-Pierre , Computer-aided Molecular Design: Theory and Applications
Dougherty, Charles M. , Electronic Technology
Dougherty, Dale , Sed and Awk
Dougherty, Edward R. , Hands-on Morphological Image Processing
Douglas, R. W. , Amorphous Materials
Douglas-Young, John , Portable Electronics Data Book
Douglas-Young, John , Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment the Right Way Without
Using Expensive Test Equipment
Douglas-Young, John , Complete Guide to Electronic Test Equipment and
Troubleshooting Techniques
Douglas-Young, John , Complete Guide to Reading Schematic Diagrams
Dove, R. C. , Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion Measurement
Doviak, Richard J. , Doppler Radar and Weather Observations
Dowbenko, George , Homegrown Holography
Dowdell, Ralph L. , General Metallography
Dowdell, Rodger B. , Flow: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry,
Vol. 1, Part 1: Flow Characteristics, ASME Fluids Engineering Conference
Dowden, R. Rosemary , Fluid Flow Measurement: a Bibliography
Dowdeswell, W. H. , The Mechanism of Evolution, Rev. 3rd ed.
Dowling, A. P. , Sound and Sources of Sound
Dowling, Edward T. , Schaum's Outline Series Theory and Problems of Mathematics
For Economics
Dowling, Patrick J. , Structural Steel Design
Downie, Patricia A. , Cahs's Textbook of Neurology For Physiotherapists
Dowson, D. , Elastro-hydrodynamic Lubrication: the Fundamentals of Roller Gear
Doyle, Alan , Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology
Doyle, James F. , Wave Propagation in Structures: an FFT-based Spectral Analysis
Doyle, Ron J. , Biofilms
Doyle, Ron J. , Microbial Growth in Biofilms: Part A Developmental and Molecular
Biological Aspects
Dr. Science (Dan Coffey) , Dr. Science's Book of Shocking Domestic Revelations
Dragenic, Ivan G. , Radiation and Radioactivity on Earth and Beyond
Dragesco, Jean , High Resolution Astrophotography
Drago, Russell S. , Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemsitry
Drain, L. E. , The Laser Doppler Technique
Drake, George R. , The Repair and Maintenance of Small Gasoline Eninges
Drake, Gordon W. (ed.) , Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Handbook
Drake, Stillman , Cause, Experiment & Science: a Galilean Dialoque Incorporating
a New English Translation of Galileo's "Bodies that stay atop water, or move in
Drake, Stillman , Glileo Galilei: Two New Sciences - Including Centers of
Gravity and Force of Percussion
Draper, Charles Stark , Instrument Engineering, Volume II: Methods For
Associating Mathematical Solutions With Common Forms
Draper, Paul , Behind Facades
Drazin, P. G. , Nonlinear Systems
Drazin, P. G. , Solitons: an Introduction
Drazin, P. G. , Hydrodynamic Stability
Dreikhausen, Margret , Aerial Perception: the Earth As Seen From Aircraft and
Spacecraft and Its Influence on Contemporary Art
Drenth, Jan , Principles of Protein X-ray Crystallography
Dresner, L. , Applications of Lie's Theory of Ordinary and Partical Differential
Dresner, L. , Applications of Lie's Theory of Ordinary and Partical Differential
Dressel, Martin , Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in
Dresser Atlas , Well Logging and Interpretation Techniques: the Course For Home
Study, 3rd ed.
Dresser Atlas , Log Interpretation Charts
Dresser, Christopher , Traditional Arts and Crafts of Japan
Dressler, David , Discovering Enzymes
Drews, Ulrich , Color Atlas of Embryology
Drexler, K .Eric , Engines of Creation: the Coming Era of Nanotechnology
Drexler, K. Eric , Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and
Dreyer, W. , The Science of Rock Mechanics, Part I: the Strength Properties of
Driesbach, Dale , Liquids and Solutions
Driscoll, Fletcher , Groundwater and Wells, 2nd ed.
Driscoll, Frederick F. , Data Acquisition and Process Control With the M68HC11
Driscoll, Walter G., ed. , Handbook of Optics
Drobot, Stefan (ed.) , Mathematical Models in Physical Sciences
Droscher, Vitus B. , The Magic of the Senses: New Discoveries in Animal
Drucker, C. (ed.) , Hand- Und Hilfsbuch Zur Ausführung Physikochemischer
Messungen, 5th ed.
Drude, Paul , The Theory of Optics
Drury, Stephen , Stepping Stones: the Making of Our Home World
Drysdale, C. V. , Electrical Measuring Instruments, Part One: General Principles
and Electrical Indicating Instruments 2nd ed
Drzewiecki, Gary M. , Analysis and Assessment of Cardiovascular Function
Du Pont de Nemours & Co. , Blaster's Handbook, 16th ed.
Du Vall, Nell , Domestic Technology: a Chronology of Developments
Duarte, Lawrence A. , The Microcontroller Beginner's Handbook, 2nd ed.
Duarte, S. R. , Electronics Assembly and Fabrication Methods, 2nd ed.
Dubey, G. K. , Thyristorized Power Controllers
Dubey, Gopal K. , Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives
Dubin, Dale , Rapid Interpretationo FEKG's, 4th ed.
Dubin, Fred S. , Energy Conservation Standards For Buidling Design, Construction
and Operation
Dubois, Jacques , Non-linear Dynamics in Geophysics
Dubos, Rene , The Dreams of Reason: Science and Utopias
Dubos, Rene , Man Adapting
Duckworth, H. E. , Mass Spectroscopy, 2nd ed.
Duda, Richard O. , Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis
Dudgeon, Dan E. , Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing
Dudley, Darle W. , Handbook of Practical Gear Design
Dudley, Robert , The Biomechanics of Insect Flight: Form, Function, Evolution
Dudley, Walter C. , Tsunami!
Duerig, T. W , Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Alloys
Duf, Jon M. , Freehand Sketching For Engineering Design
Duffett-Smith, Peter , Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator, 3rd ed.
Duffie, John A. , Solar Energy Thermal Processes
Duffy, Dean G. , Transform Methods For Solving Partial Differential Equations
Duffy, James E. , Modern Automotive Mechanics
Duffy, James E. , Modern Automotive Technology
Duffy, James E. , Auto Electricity and Electronics Technology
Dufour, Louis , Thermodynamics of Clouds
Dugan, Roger C. , Electrical Power Systems Quality
Dugas, Hermann , Bioorganic Chemistry: a Chemical Approach to Enzyme Action, 2nd
Dugas, René , A History of Mechanics
Dugdale, J. S. , Entropy and Low Temperature Physics
Dukas, Helen , Albert Einsteiin: the Human Side: New Glimpses From His Archives
Duke, C. B. , Tunneling in Solids
Duke, Charles B. (ed.) , Surface Science: the First Thirty Years
Dulbecco, Renato , The Design of Life
Dulbecco, Renato (ed.) , Encyclopediaof Human Biology, Vol. 1: A-Bo
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Dulbecco, Renato (ed.) , Encyclopediaof Human Biology, Vol. 5: Mi-Ph
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Dulbecco, Renato (ed.) , Encyclopediaof Human Biology, Vol. 7: Si-Zo
Dulbecco, Renato (ed.) , Encyclopediaof Human Biology, Vol. 8: Index
Duley, W. W. , CO2 Lasers: Effects and Applications
Duley, W. W. , UV Lasers: Effects & Applications in Materials Science
Dummer, G. W. A. , Electronic Inventions and Discoveries: Electronics From Its
Earliest Beginnings to the Present Day, 4th ed.
Dun (wrong name) , The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory
Dunbar, Robert G. , Forging New Rights in Western Waters
Duncan, Acheson, J. , Quality Control and Industrial Statistics
Duncan, Ben , High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers: For Music Performance and
Duncan, R. , eds. , The Encyclopedia of Ignorance
Duncan, T. , Advanced Physics: Materials and Mechanics
Dungan, Frank R. , Electronic Communications Systems
Dungan, Frank R. , Experiments in Electronic Communications Systems
Dunham, Bandlu Scott , Contemporar Lampworking: a Practical Guide to Shaping
Glass in the Flame, 2nd ed.
Dunham, Jeff , Solutions For F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory Rev. ed.
(Wiley 1995)
Dunham, William , Journey Through Genius: the Great Theorems of Mathematics
Dunham, William , The Mathematical Universe: an Alphabetical Journey Through the
Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities
Dunitz, Jack D. , X-Ray Analysis and the Structure of Organic Molecules
Dunlap, G. D. , Successful Celestial Navigation With H.O. 229
Dunlap, R. A. , Experimental Physics
Dunlap, Richard A. , The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
Dunlap, W. Crawford, Jr. , An Introduction to Semiconductors
Dunlop, A. , Materials Under Irradiation
Dunn, Donald A. , Models of Particles and Moving Media
Dunn, Thomas M. , Some Aspects of Crystal Field Theory
Dunnicliff, John , Geotechnical Instrumentation For Monitoring Field Performance
Dunsheath, Percy , A History of Electrical Power Industry
Dunsheath, Percy , Giants of Electricity
Dupre, Judith , Bridges: a History of the World's Most Famous and Important
Duran, Jacques , Sands, Powders, and Grains: an Introduction to the Physics of
Granular Materials
Durand, David , Stable Chaos: an Introduction to Statistical Control
Durbin, R. , Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and
Nucleic Acids
Durbin, Richard (ed.) , The Computing Neuron
Durelli, A. J. , Introduction to Photomechanics
Durig, James R. , Vibration Spectra and Structure, a Series of Advances, Vol. 2
Durig, James R. , Vibration Spectra and Structure, a Series of Advances, Vol. 3
Durney, Carl H. , Electric Circuits: Theory and Engineering Applications
Durney, Carl H. , Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics
Durrant, C. J. , The Atmosphere of the Sun
Durrant, John D. , Bases of Hearing Science
Durst, F. (ed.) , Turbulent Shear Flows 5
Durst, F. , Principles and Practice of Laser-Doppler Anemometry, 2nd ed.
Dusenbery, David B. , Life at Small Scale: the Behavior of Microbes
Dushman, Saul , Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique
Dushman, Saul , Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique, 2nd ed.
Dutton, Harry J. R. , Understanding Optical Communications
Dutton, John A, , The Ceaseless Wind: An Introduction to the Theory of
Atmospheric Motion
Dutton, Ken , The Art of Control Engineering
Duval, Clément , Inorganic Thermogravimetric Analysis, 2nd ed.
Duxbury, Alyn C. , An Introduction to the World's Oceans, 5th ed.
Dwek, Raymond A. , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (N.M.R.) in Biochemistry:
Applications to Enzyme Systems
Dwoyer, D. L. (ed) , Stability of Time Dependent and Spatially Varying Flows
Dwoyer, D. L. (ed) , Theoretical Approaches to Turbulence
Dwyer, Thomas , Basic and the Personal Computer
Dye, Daniel Sheets , Chinese Lattice Desings
Dye, Norm , Radio Frequency Transistors: Principles and Practical Applications
Dyer, Betsy Dexter , A Field Guide to Bacteria
Dyer, George C. , Naval Logistics
Dyer, John R. , Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds
Dykstra, Mary , The Amateur Zoologist: Explorations and Investigations
Dykstra, Michael J. , Biological Electron Microscopy
Dym, Clive L. , Stability Theory and Its Applications to Structural Mechanics
Dym, Clive , Engineering Design: a Project-based Approach
Dym, Joseph B. , Product Design With Plastics: a Practical Manual
Dyott, R. B. , Elliptical Fiber Waveguides
Dyson, F. , Disturbing the Universe
Dyson, F. , Imagined Worlds
Dyson, Freeman , Infinite in All Directions
Dyson, J. E. , The Physics of the Interstellar Medium, 2nd ed.
Dyson, James L. , The World of Ice
Dyson, Marianne , Space Station Science: Life in Free Fall
Eager, Bill , Using the World Wide Web: the Comprehensive Guide to Navigating
the WWW on the Internet
Eagleman, Joe R. , Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and building damage
Eakin, Richard M. , Great Scientists Speak Again
Eardley, A. J. , Structural Geology of North America
Eargle, John , The Microphone Handbook
Eargle, John , Handbook of Sound System Design
Eargle, John M. , Loudspeaker Handbook
Eargle, John M. , Handbook of Recording Engineering, 3rd ed.
Earle, Alice Morse , Sun-dials and Roses of Yesterday
Earman, John , Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and
Acausalities in Relativistic Spacetimes
Earnshaw, J. C. , The Application of Laser Light Scattering to the Study of
Biological Motion
Earnshaw, R. A. , Introductory Guide to Scientific Visualization
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute , Post-Earthquake Investigation Field
Guide: Learning From Earthquakes
Easterbrook, John J. , Principles of Geomorphology
Eastham, Derek , Atomic Physics of Lasers
Eastman Kodak Company , Photomicropahy: an Introduction to Photomicrophy With
the Microscope, 14th ed.
Eastman, Austin V. , Fundamentals of Vacuum Tubes, 2nd ed.
Eastman, Austin V. , Fundamentals of Vacuum Tubes, 3rd ed.
Eastom, Frank A. , Electric Power Apparatus
Eastom, Frank A. , Electric Power Apparatus
Easton, Robert W. , Geometric Methods For Discrete Dynamical Systems
Eastop, T. D. , Applied Thermodynamics For Engineering Technologists, 5th ed.
Eastwood, Eric , Radar Ornithology
Eaton, John K. , LabTutor: a Friendly Guide to Computer Interfacing and LabVIEW
Eatwell, John , The New Palgrave Time Series and Statistices
Eaves, Jerry L. (ed) , Principles of Modern Radar
Ebel, Hans F. , The Art of Scientific Writing: From Student Reports to
Professional Publications in Chemistry and Related Fields
Ebeling, W. , Selforganization and Turbulence in Liquids
Ebeling, Walter , The Fruited Plain: the Story of American Agriculture
Ebeling, Werner , Stochastic Dynamics of Reacting Biomolecules
Eberhart, Mark E. , Why Things Break: Understanding the World By the Way It
Comes Apart
Eberhart, Russ , Computational Intelligence PC Tools
Eberly, David H. , Game Physics
Eberly, David H. , 3D Game Engine Architecture: Engineering Real-time
Applications With Wild Magic
Ebert, Charles H. V. , Disasters: Violence of Nature, Threats By Man, 2nd ed.
Ebert, David S. , Texturing & Modeling
Eccles, John C. , The Physiology of Nerve Cells
Eccles, M. J. , Low Light Level Detectors in Astronomy
Eccli, Eugene (ed.) , Low-cost Energy Efficient Shelter For the Owner and
Eckart, Peter , Spaceflight Life Support and Biospherics
Eckert, E.R.G. , Heat and Mass Transfer
Eckert, Ernst R. G. , Measurements in Heat Transfer, 2nd ed
Eckert, Michael , Crystals, Electrons, Transistors: From Scholar's Study to
Industrial Research
Eckert, Roger , Animal Physiology: Mechanisms and Adaptations, 3rd ed.
Eckhardt, George H. , Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers: an Epic of Early
American Science, Industry, and Craftmanship
Eckhouse, Richard H. , Minicomputer Systems: Organization, Programming, and
Applications (PDP-11)
Eco, Umberto , Serendipities: Language and Lunacy
Economou, E. N. , Green's Functions in Quantum Physics, 2nd ed.
Economou, E. N. , Green's Functions in Quantum Physics
Edberg, Stephen J. , Observing Comets, Asteroids, Meteors, and the Zodiacal
Eddings, Joshua , How the Internet Works
Eddington, Arthur , The Expanding Universe
Eddington, Arthur , The Nature of the Physical World
Eddington, Sir Arthur , Space, Time, and Gravitation: an Outline of the General
Relativity Theory
Eddington, Sir Arthur , The Nature of the Physical World
Edelen, Dominic G. B. , The Structure of Field Space: an Axiomatic Formulation
of Field Physics
Edelman, Gerald M. , Topobiology: an Introduction to Molecular Embryology
Edelman, Sidney K. , Understanding Ultrasound Physics: Fundamentals and Exam
Review, 2nd ed.
Edelstein, Joan E. , Orthotics: a Comprehensive Clinical Approach
Eden, Maxwell , Kiteworks: Explorations in Kite Building & Flying
Eden, Maxwell , The Magnificent Book of Kites: Explorations in Design,
Construction, Enjoyment & Flight
Edgar, Gerald A. , Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry
Edgar, Gerald A. , Integral, Probability, and Fractal Measures
Edge, R. D. , String and Sticky Tape Experiments
Edgerton, Harold E. , Electronic Flash, Strobe
Edinger, James G. , Watching For the Wind: the Seen and Unseen Influences on
Local Weather
Edisbury, J. R. , Practical Hints on Absorption Spectrometry
Edison Electric Institute , Handbook For Electricity Metering, 9th ed.
Editions Phillipe Auzou , Big Book of Knowledg: Over 1250 Questions and Answers
on Nature, History, Science, Technology, and Culture
Editions Technip , Wave and Wind Directionality: Applications to the Design of
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Edminister, Joseph A. , Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric
Circuits, 2nd ed.
Edmonds, A. R. , Angular Momentum and Quantum Mechanics
Edmonds, Peter D. , Ultrasonics
Educational Facilities Laboratories , Total Energy
Edwards, Allen L. , An Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation
Edwards, Chris , Radiation Protection For Dental Radiographers
Edwards, Dilwyn , Guide to Mathematical Modeling
Edwards, Harold M. , Advanced Calculus: a Differential Forms Approach, 3rd ed.
Edwards, J. D. , Electrical Machines: an Introduction to Principles and
Characteristics, 2nd ed.
Edwards, Lewin A. R. , So, You Wanna Be an Embedded Engineer: the Guide to
Embedded Engineering, From Consultancy to the Corporate Ladder
Edwards, Robert D. , Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 5th ed.
Edwards, Scott , Programming and Customizing the Basic Stamp Computer, 2nd ed.
Edwards, Steven A. , The Nanotech Pioneers: Where Are They Taking Us?
Edwards, Terry , Foundations of Microstrip Circuit Design, 2nd ed.
Edwards-Shea, Linda , The Essence of Solid-state Electronics
Efron, Alexander , Exploring Sound
Efron, Uzi , Spatial Light Modulator Technology: Materials, Devices, and
Ege, Seyhan , Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity, 3rd ed.
Egelstaff, P. A. , An Introduction to the Liquid State, 2nd ed.
Egelstaff, P. A. , An Introduction to the Liquid State
Eggebrecht, Lewis C. , Interfacing to the IBM PC Personal Computer
Eggen, Arne Petter , Steel;, Structure, and Architecture: a Survey of the
Material and Its Applications
Eggins, Brian , Biosensors: an Introduction
Egorov, Yu. V. , Foundations of the Classical Theory of Partial Differential
Ehlers, J. , Statistical Models and Turbulence (Lecture Notes in Physics 12)
Ehlers, John F. , Rocket Science For Traders: Digital Signal Processing
Ehrenfest, Paul and Tatiana , The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical
Approach in Mechanics
Ehrenstein, Gerald , Biophysics
Ehrich, Frederic F. , Handbook of Rotordynamics
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Ehrlich, Robert , Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics
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Eichler, H. J. , Laser-induced Dynamic Gratings
Eigen, Manfred , Laws of the Game: How the Principles of Nature Govern Chance
Eilenberger, G. , Solitons: Mathematical Methods For Physicists
Einstein, A. , Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement
Einstein, Albert , The Meaning of Relativity: Including the Relativistic Theory
of the Non-symmetric Field, 5th ed.
Einstein, Albert , Relativity: The Special and General Theory, a Popular
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Einstein, Albert , Sidelights on Relativity
Einstein, Albert , The Evolution of Physics:the Growth of Ideas From Early
Concepts to Relativity and Quanta With a New Introduction By Dr. Infeld
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Eisenbud, Merril , Environmental Radioactivity: From Natural, Industrial, and
Military Sources, 4th ed.
Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler , Continuous Groups of Transformations
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Vibration Analysis and Troubleshooting For the Process Industries
Ejiri, H. , Gamma-ray and Electron Spectroscopy in Nuclear Physics
Ekeland, Ivar , Mathematics and the Unexpected
Ekeland, Ivar , The Broken Dice and Other Mathematical Tales of Chance
Eklund, P. C. , Graphite Intercallation Compounds: Extended Abstracts
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El-Kareh, A. B. , Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol. 1
El-Kareh, A. B. , Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol. 2
El-Sharkawai, Mohamed A. , Fundamentals of Electric Drives
El-Wakil, Sherif D. , Processes and Design For Manufacturing
Elachi, Charles , Spaceborne Radar Remote Sensing: Applications and Technqiues
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Elder, David E. , Atlas of Tumor Pathology: Melanocytic Tumors of the Skin
Elder, John , The Bowels of the Earth
Eldridge, Frank R. , Wind Machines, 2nd ed.
Electric Power Research Institute , Electricity: Today's Technologies,
Tomorrow's Alternatives
Electrical World Editorial Staff , Electrical World Directory of Electric Power
Producers, 1995, 103rd ed.
Electro-craft Corporation , Motomatic Control System Laboratory
Elenbaas, W. , Light Sources
Elgerd, Olle I. , Electric Energy Systems Theory: an Introduction
Elgerd, Olle I. , Electric Power Engineering, 2nd ed.
Elias, Hans-Georg , An Introduction to Polymer Science
Eliel, Ernest L. , Basic Organic Stereiochemistry
Eliezer, S. , The Fourth State of Matter: an Introduction to Plasma Science
Eliezer, Shalom , Fundamentals of Equations of State
Elimelech, M. , Particle Deposition & Aggregation: Measurement, Modeling, and
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Ellenbogen, Kenneth A. , Cardiac Pacing
Ellestad, Myrvin H. , Stress Testing: Principles and Practice, ed. 4
Elliot, Thomas C. , Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering, 2nd ed.
Elliott, Cecil D. , Technics and Architecture: the Development of Materials and
Systems For Buildings
Elliott, David J. , Integrated Circuit Mask Technology
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Ellis, Brian , Basic Concepts of Measurement
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Operate Model Boats, Aircraft, Cars, and Trucks
Ellis, Darwin V. , Well Logging For Earth Scientists
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and Diagnose Feedback Controllers
Ellis, R. Hobart, Jr. , Knowing the Atomic Nucleus
Ellis, Wayne, Jr. , Maple V Flight Manual: Tutorials For Calculus, Linear
Algebra, & Differential Equations
Ellis, William S. , Glass: From the First Mirror to Fiber Optics, the Story of
the Substance That Changed the World
Ellner, Stephen P. , Dynamic Models in Biology
Ellsaesser, Hugh W. (ed.) , Global 2000 Revisited
Elmasry, Mohamed I. , Digital Bipolar Integrated Circuits
Elmegreen, Debra Meloy , Galaxies & Galactic Structures
Elmore, William C. , Physics of Waves
Elonka, Steve , Standard Plant Operators' Manual, 2nd ed.
Elonka, Steve , Standard Instrumentation Questions and Answers For Productionprocess Control: Vol. I Measuring Systems
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Elsasser, Walter M. , The Physical Foundation For Biology: an Analytical Study
Elsgolts, L. , Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations
Elshabini-Riad, Aicha , Thin Film Technology Handbook
Elster, Allen D. , Magnetic Resonance Imaging: a Reference Guide
Elting, Mary , Antoworten Und Noch Mehr Antworten: Das Zweite Grosse Antwort
Elton, Raymond C. , X-Ray Lasers
Elwell, Dennis , Man-made Gemstones
Elwell, W. T. , Atomic-absorption Spectrophotmetry, 2nd ed.
Emanuel, Pericles , Introduction to Feedback Control Systems
Ember, Carol R. , Anthropology, 2nd ed.
Embree, Paul M. , C Algorithms For Real-Time DSP
Embree, Paul M. , C Language Algorithms For Digital Signal Processing
Emch, Gerard G. , Algebraic Methods in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field
Emiliani, Cesare , The Scientific Companion: Exploring the Physical World With
Facts, Figures, and Formulas
Emin, Irving , Russian-English Physics Dictionary
Emin, Irving , Russian-English Physics Dictionary
Emmeche, Claus , The Garden in the Machine: the Emerging Science of Artificial
Emmer, Michele (ed.) , The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics
Emmerich, Werner , Energy Does Matter
Emoto, Masaru , The Hidden Messages in Water
Emrich, R. J. (ed) , Fluid Dynamics, Part A
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Emsley, J. W. , High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Vol. 1
Emsley, J. W. , High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Vol. 2
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Emsley, John , The Elements, 2nd ed.
Emsley, John , Nature's Building Blocks: an A-Z Guide to the Elements
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Everyday Life
Emsley, John , The Consumer's Good Chemical Guide
Emsley, John , The Shocking History of Phosphorus: a Biography of the Devil's
Enderle, John , Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Endow, Sharyn A. , Dynamics of Cell Division
Energy Information Administration , Issues in Midterm Analysis and Forecasting
Energy Information Administration , Annual Energy Review 1995
Enge, Harald A. , Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Engel, I. , Structural Principles
Engelbert, Ernest A. , Water Scarcity: Impacts on Western Agriculture
Engelson, Morris , Spectrum Analysis: Theory and Applications
Engineering Concepts Cuuriculum Project , The Man Made World
Engineering Concepts Cuuriculum Project , The Man Made World, Part One: a Course
on the Theories and Techniques That Contribute to Our Technolgoical Civilization
Engineering News Record , Practical Construction Short-cuts
England, Gary A. , Weathering the Storm: Tornadoes, Television, and Turmoil
Englemore, Robert , Blackboard Systems
English, Carol A. , Introduction to Nuclear Cardiology
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Engstrom, Ralph W. , Photomultiplier Handbook
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Enns, Richard H. , Nonlinear Physics With Maple For Scientists and Engineers
Enoka, Roger M. , Neuromechanics of Human Movement, 3rd ed.
Enright, Paul L. , Office Spirometry: a Practical Guide to the Selection and Use
of Spirometers
Enslein, Kurt (ed.) , Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology & Medicine:
Proceedings of the 1961 Rochester Conference
Enslein, Kurt (ed.) , Data Acquisition and Processing in Biology & Medicine,
Vol. 2: Proceedings of the 1962 Rochester Conference
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Proceedings of the 1964 Rochester Conference
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Proceedings of the 1968 Rochester Conference
Entsminger, Gary , The Tao of Objects: a Beginner's Guide to Object-oriented
Environmental Systems Research Institute , Map Projections & Coordinate
Management: Concepts and Procedures
Enz, C.P. , ed. , Dynamical Critical Phenomena and Related Topics
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus , The Numberdevil: a Mathematical Adventure
Epsteibn, Bernard , Partial Differential Equations: an Introduction
Epstein, H. T. , Elementary Biophysics: Selected Topics
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Epstein, Lewis C. , Thinking Physics is Gedanken Physics, 2nd ed.
Erdelyi, A. , Asymptotic Expansions
Erdelyi, A. , ed. , Table of Integral Transforms, Vol. 1
Erdman, Arthur G. , Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis, vol. 1
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Eringen, A. Cemal , Nonlinear Theory of Continuous Media
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Erle, Schuyler , Mapping Hacks: Tips & Tools For Electronic Cartography
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Eshbach, Ovid W. (ed.) , Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd ed.
Eskinazi, Salamon , Principles of Fluid Mechanics
Espe, Werner , Materials of High Vacuum Technology, Vol. 1: Metals and
Esposito, Anthony , Fluid Power With Applications, 3rd ed.
Essick, John , Advanced LabVIEW Labs
Estermann, Immanuel (ed.) , Classical Methods
Etkin, Bernard , Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control, 2nd ed.
Ettema, R. , Hydraulic Modeling: Concepts and Practice
Etter, D. M. , Fortran 77 With Numerical Methods For Engineers and Scientists
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Etter, Paul C. , Underwater Acoustic Modeling: Principles, Techniques, and
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Supply Stores
European Solar Collector and Systems Testing Group , Non Nuclear Energies
Evans, Alvis J. , The Electronics of Sound: About Electronics That Produce Good
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For Measurement and Troubleshooting
Evans, Alvis J. , Antennas: Selection and Installation
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Evans, Colin , The Casebook of Forensic Detection: How Science Solved 100 of the
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Evans, Colin , A Question of Evidence: Fiftenn Great Forensic Controversies
Evans, Denis J. , Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids
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Evans, Martin , Model Locomotive and Marine Boilers
Evans, Ralph , An Introduction to Color
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Evans, Robley D. , The Atomic Nucleus
Evans, William F. , Communication in the Animal World
Evanson, A. Edward , Automotive Test Equipment You Can Build
Eve, . S. , Applied Geophysics: in the Search For Minerals, 4th ed.
Eveleigh, David J. , Bogs, Baths & Basins
Everard, Jeremy , Fundamental of RF Circuit Design With Low Noise Oscillators
Everest, F. Alton , The Master Handbook of Acoustics, 2nd ed.
Everett, D. H. , Basic Principles of Colloid Science
Everett, H. R. , Sensors For Mobile Robots: Theory and Application
Everitt, William Littell , Communication Engineering, 2nd ed.
Eves, Howard , An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, 5th ed.
Eves, Howard , Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics, 3rd ed.
Eves, Howard W. , Functions of a Complex Variable, Volume One
Ewen, Dale , Physics For Technical Education
Exner, Jurgen H. , Detoxification of Hazardous Waste
Exploratorium , Exploratorium: Robots
Exploratorium , Exploratorium: Exploring Networks
Eyges, Leonard , The Classical Electromagnetic Field
Eyman, Earl , Modeling, Simulation, and Control
Eyring, H. , Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 11
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Eyring, Henry , Physical Chemistry: an Advanced Treatise: Vol. 10 Solid State
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Ezekiel, Mordecai , Methods of Correlation and Regression Analysis: Linear and