DISABILITY, GENDER AND THE LABOUR MARKET IN WALES Melanie K. Jones, Paul L. Latreille and Peter J. Sloane WELMERC, Department of Economics, University of Wales Swansea March 2004 ABSTRACT Wales exhibits high rates of disability and inactivity, and a higher incidence of mental health problems than other parts of Britain. Using data from the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey 2001, our results indicate that the low participation rate of the disabled in Wales is partly attributable to their having fewer qualifications; marginal effects suggest education could be a potent remedy for improving their labour market status. In terms of the pay differential between disabled and non-disabled individuals, it would appear that disabled women in Wales suffer disproportionately to disabled men. JEL Classification: I1, J2, J3 Keywords: Disability, gender, employment, wage discrimination, Wales. Acknowledgements Material from the Quarterly Labour Force Surveys is Crown Copyright, has been made available from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) through the UK Data Archive and has been used by permission. Material from the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey is also Crown Copyright and has been made available by the Welsh Assembly Government through the ONS. The ONS, the Data Archive and the Welsh Assembly Government bear no responsibility for the analysis or interpretation of the data reported here. Corresponding author: Professor Peter J. Sloane, Department of Economics, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, U.K.. Tel: +44 (0)1792 295168. Fax: +44 (0)1792 295872. E-mail: p.j.sloane@swansea.ac.uk 1. Introduction Increasing political attention has been focused on the disabled with the passing of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in 1995 and the subsequent formation of a Disability Rights Commission, alongside other policy measures such as the the Disabled Person’s Tax Credit and the New Deal for Disabled People. These measures reflect an awareness by policy-makers of the problems faced by disabled people, who constitute a substantial, important and increasing section of society. Using a broad definition of disability that includes individuals with a long-term (12 months or more) health problem covered by the DDA and/or that limits the kind or amount of work that an individual can do, and based on the autumn quarter of the 2001 Labour Force Survey (LFS), Smith and Twomey (2002) report that nearly one in five people of working age in Britain have a current disability. This figure conceals substantial regional differences, with disability rates being highest in the North West1 and in Wales (24.2% and 23.0% respectively) and lowest in the South East (16.3%) (see Sly, 1996 for an earlier discussion of inter-regional variation). In the present paper we adopt the narrower ‘work-limiting’ definition of disability (see Section 2 for details), which is generally regarded as more appropriate in research considering labour market issues. The effect of adopting this alternative definition is to reduce the ‘headline’ disability rate by around 3½ percentage points to just under 16% of the working age population2. As shown in Table 1, which also details the figures separately for males and females, substantial regional variation is again evident using the work-limiting disability measure. Thus, the incidence figure for the South East is just 13.19%, compared to 19.85% in Wales; a figure exceeded only by the North at 21.11%. The composition of disability/health problems also exhibits some variance by region as shown in Table 2 (again see Section 2 for data details), the most common disability/health problem in all regions 1 being that affecting limbs, followed by skin, breathing and organ problems. Especially noteworthy is that mental health problems are more prominent in Wales and Scotland than elsewhere, while the opposite is true in the South West. As Smith and Twomey surmise: “the reasons for regional variations in disabilities… are likely to be associated with regional variation in: the distribution of industries; the availability of, and access to healthcare and adequate housing; lifestyle and dietary behaviour; levels of education; and the age distribution of the population.” (p. 418) Whatever the cause, the consequences are profound. As can be seen in Table 3, the employment rate for the disabled across Great Britain as a whole is marginally below 40%, and just half the non-disabled rate. However, there is also substantial variation in the percentage of the disabled who are in employment, from 26.65% in Wales to 49.78% in the South-West. These differences are much more marked than differences in ILO unemployment rates. Part of the lower employment rates noted above can be attributed to differences in activity rates: while fewer than half the disabled are inactive in three regions, the figure exceeds 60% in four others, including Wales, where there are particularly high levels of economic inactivity more generally3. Previous work has indicated that high levels of disability are a contributory cause to this last phenomenon (Blackaby et al., 2003). Furthermore, even when the disabled find employment, they are disproportionately concentrated in less skilled work. This is reflected in substantial differences in relative pay between the disabled and non-disabled. As can be seen in Table 4, disabled hourly pay as a proportion of the non-disabled ranges from 82.4% in London and the South-East to 96.8% in East Anglia for the workforce as a whole. When differentiated by gender, the data confirm that earnings are typically higher for the non-disabled than for the disabled for both men and women, and as might be expected, show also that male average pay typically exceeds that of 2 females in each region. They also indicate that, generally speaking, where earnings for the non-disabled are higher relative to the Great Britain average, so too are those for the disabled, reflecting the relative tightness of regional labour markets. It is unsurpising therefore, that earnings in Wales are among the lowest in Great Britain for each of the sub-groups in Table 4, with the exception of disabled men. However, the figures for the disabled in Wales need to be treated with circumspection (along with the corresponding ratios with the non-disabled), being based on very small sample sizes (n=115 and 108 for males and females respectively) 4. More reliable estimates can however be obtained using the Welsh ‘boost’ to the LFS, as detailed below. To anticipate the results there, these latter data suggest that the hourly earnings for disabled men (women) reported in Table 5 appear somewhat high (low), and that the more conventional pattern of relative earnings noted above applies for this group also. In this paper we focus on gender differences in the effects of disability on the labour market focusing specifically on Wales, making use of the Welsh ‘boost’ to the LFS (see Section 2). Since the relative position of women within the labour market in general is inferior to that of men in terms of both occupational attainment and levels of earnings, it is possible that disabled women are at a disadvantage not only relative to the non-disabled but also relative to disabled men. Disaggregating by gender also enables us to distinguish different types of disability and identify both within- and across-group differences. As the preceding discussion indicates, the Welsh labour market is characterised by, inter alia, high rates of disability and inactivity (among both the disabled and non-disabled). These are issues of considerable concern to policy-makers, both within Wales and more widely. To the extent that issues relating to disability and the labour market in Wales are those of other parts of Great Britain ‘writ large’, it is hoped the present paper may provide insights with wide relevance. 3 The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the data to be employed in the estimation work, while section 3 discusses the estimation methodology itself. Results are presented in Section 4, first in terms of the impact of disability on labour force participation (employment), followed by earnings. The impact of different types of health problem is the subject of sub-section 4.3, while decomposition results by both gender and disability are discussed in the following sub-section. Finally, conclusions appear in Section 5. 2. The Data From March 2001 there has been a Welsh ‘boost’ to the Labour Force Survey, resulting in the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey (WLLFS) dataset (see Hastings, 2003). The main LFS is undertaken quarterly, with a 5-quarter rotation of the sample of private households; in any quarter a fifth of respondents will be having their first interview (‘Wave 1’), while a fifth will be experiencing their last prior to leaving the sample (‘Wave 5’). In contrast, the ‘boost’ is undertaken annually, with households remaining in the sample for four years. The WLLFS dataset contains households from Waves 1 and 5 of the main LFS sample for each quarter, plus the ‘booster’ sample. For the former, the overlap from year to year is 50%, while for the latter it is 75%5. The effect of boosting the sample in this manner is that while the main LFS sample covers 4,600 households in Wales per year, the WLLFS contains 21,000 in total, enabling disaggregation down to local, Unitary Authority level. To elaborate on the definition of disability discussed previously, respondents in the LFS (and the WLLFS) are asked first if they have any health problems or disabilities which would be expected to last more than a year, and second, whether these would affect either the kind or 4 amount of paid work they can do. If positive answers are given to both of these questions we classify individuals as disabled (i.e. the disability is ‘work-limiting’). A further question asks about the type of health problem/disability, split into 17 categories. Where there are multiple disabilities respondents are asked to state which of them is the main health problem/ability. Because of problems of small cell sizes, we group these 17 types of disability into five main categories (as in Table 2) in order to establish if there are significant differences among them in terms of their impact on labour market outcomes. The basic statistics on employment, unemployment and inactivity from the Welsh ‘boost’ are contained in Table 5, which also shows the figures separately for men and women. As noted previously, the substantial increase in sample size results in data that are more reliable than those for Wales contained in the main Labour Force Survey and reported in Tables 1 – 4, and suggest a slightly better outcome in terms of economic status for the disabled. Despite this improvement however, it remains the case that activity (and accordingly employment) rates for the disabled are very low, at just 36% (31%) and 29% (27%) for men and women respectively. With regard to earnings, those for disabled men appear somewhat high in the main LFS, while the reverse is true for women. For the non-disabled, the figures from the two sources are much closer, reflecting the larger sample size and hence greater reliability of the data. Finally, it should be noted that in the remainder of the paper participation is defined as the receipt by an employee of a positive wage. While this understates the degree of participation by treating the unemployed as non-participants, as well as excluding those with missing wage data, the self-employed6 and persons on government training schemes, such an approach is 5 standard in the literature, and necessitated by the nature of the data and the methodology deployed, to which we now turn. 3. Methodology We adopt the standard labour force utility maximisation model in which individuals are assumed to maximise their utility subject to budget and time constraints. Health enters the model through the budget constraint, implying a lower wage offer on account of lower productivity of disabled workers and the time constraint as illness leads to more absences and less time for work. An individual deciding whether or not to enter the labour market will compare the wage offers of potential employers with his or her reservation wage. Low participation rates may result from a combination of high reservation wages associated with certain types of disability resulting from the extra time and energy required to participate in the labour market and/or the presence of disability income transfers. Let us assume there are two types of individual, the disabled (D) and the non-disabled (N). For each of these types the wage offer equation is given by WijO j X ij vij ( j D, N ) [1] 6 where WijO represents the logarithm of the offer wage, X ij is a vector of the standard productivity related characteristics in the human capital model for individual i of type j, j is the associated rate of return, and ij the error term. In turn, the reservation wage is given by: WijR j Z ij ij ( j D, N ) [2] where WijR represents the reservation wage, the vector Z incorporates the conventional human capital variables, with the addition of variables influencing the value of time (such as the number of dependent children) and ij is the error term. The reservation wage is a latent variable, since it cannot be directly observed given the absence of a relevant question in the LFS. Rather it is represented by an indicator variable I, where I equals one if WijO WijR and zero otherwise. Thus, the probability that an individual works is: Pr WijO Wijr 0 Pr j X ij j Z ij ij vij [3] Assuming that the error terms v ij and ij are normally distributed, the employment equation may be estimated by a probit specification. 7 In estimating the wage equation given by [1] it is necessary to correct for sample selectivity, since the employed are unlikely to be a random subset of the total population in terms of their productive characteristics. Accordingly, we utilise a Heckman two-stage procedure in which the probit estimates are utilised to derive the inverse Mills ratio, which is used as an additional independent variable in the wage equation. Next, we decompose the overall difference between the earnings of the non-disabled and the disabled into explained and unexplained components, utilising a technique developed by Reimers (1983) and applied to disability using US data by Lambrinos (1981) and Baldwin and Johnson (1994), amongst others7. The difference in wage differs between non-disabled (N) and disabled (D) employees can be decomposed as: WN WD ( c N N c D D ) ( X N X D ) ˆ N ( 1 )ˆ D X N ( 1 ) X D ( ˆ N ˆ D ) [4] The left-hand side of the above equation can be interpreted as the difference in mean wage offers of employers made to non-disabled and disabled employees respectively. The first term on the right hand side of the equation represents that part of the difference in wage offers which is attributable to differences in productivity (i.e. which is non-discriminatory), while the second term represents that part of the wage difference which is unexplained (i.e. which represents the difference in coefficients between the two groups). This will however, only be discriminatory to the extent that there are no unobserved productivity differences between the two groups as a result of types and degrees of severity of disability (for which the number of health problems is included as a proxy). The term is a vector representing the relationship between the observed wage structure and the non-discriminatory norm. 8 Given the typical index number problem (see Oaxaca and Ransom, 1994) can take values varying from zero to one depending on which group is the frame of reference. In the tables below we provide several frames of reference – using the non-disabled as a base (0), the disabled (1), taking the mean of these two results (0.5), taking ratios given by the shares of the non-disabled in the working population (column 4) and finally the figure obtained from a pooled regression (*). It should be noted that were any discrimination to be eliminated, the outcome is likely to be closer to the non-disabled norm given the relative importance of this group in the total population. Identification is obtained by including a variable for the number of children in the household in the participation (employment) equation if the respondent is a head of household or his or her spouse (otherwise zero) and by including a dummy variable indicating the presence of income earner in the household apart from the respondent. Linear and quadratic terms for age are included in the employment equation, as opposed to experience in the wage equations. Six qualifications and twenty-two unitary authority dummies, together with ethnic origin, type of household tenure and number of health problems appear in both employment and wage equations. The latter also include occupational, industry, small establishment, public sector and part-time dummies, together with a dummy variable for sickness absence in the reference week and the aforementioned tenure variables. The hourly pay variable is based on usual weekly pay divided by usual hours with a variable also included to adjust for the amount of usual overtime, measured in hours. In addition to separate estimation by reported disability status, all equations are estimated separately for men and women, thereby allowing for the probability that some independent variables may have gender-specific effects. Further, we estimate employment and wage equations (for the disabled only) augmented by five health type dummies derived from the 17 main health problems, as 9 outlined earlier, in order to assess the impact of disability types. This has been found to be of considerable import in previous work in the UK, with mental health problems having especially adverse effects (see Jones et al., 2003). 4. Results Descriptive statistics for the sample used in estimation8, are contained in Table 6. Disabled men earned 89.8% of the figure for non-disabled men in our sample, with the corresponding figure for women being 90.4%. These figures are similar to those for the boosted sample as a whole (see Table 5), and in each case indicate that relative earnings for the disabled in Wales compared to the non-disabled are not substantially at variance with the rest of Britain 9. In contrast, the disabled men’s employment rate for the estimation sample was just 27.0% of that of non-disabled men, with the corresponding figure for women being 31.8%. Both of these figures are substantially lower than in the rest of Britain 10, where the disadvantage of disabled men relative to non-disabled men is likewise greater than that of disabled women relative to non-disabled women. The share of disabled and non-disabled workers in overall employment in Wales varies considerably across the 22 Welsh unitary authorities, with disabled men and women being substantially over-represented in authorities such as Neath and Port Talbot and substantially under-represented in authorities such Monmouth. To some extent, this may reflect the occupational and industrial composition of the unitary authorities, as under-and overrepresentation is reflected in these also. 10 In the case of both men and women, disabled persons in Wales are less well qualified than their non-disabled counterparts and particularly so for higher qualifications including degrees. Both disabled and non-disabled groups are less qualified than their counterparts in the rest of Britain11, which is one factor contributing to their low participation rates. Disabled persons also tend to be older (reflecting the age-related onset of many disabilities) and as expected, suffer from a larger number of health problems than the non-disabled. In both these cases the gap between the disabled and non-disabled is wider in Wales than in the rest of Britain, with the disabled in Wales also being older and having more health problems than their counterparts elsewhere in Britain. However, with the exception of disabled men, the Welsh appear to have a lower incidence of sickness absence in the reference week, which could itself be a consequence of a greater difficulty in finding work. In accordance with expectations, the disabled in Wales are several orders of magnitude more likely to have had time off during the reference week than the non-disabled. There is also evidence of differences in housing status, with a higher proportion of the disabled living in social housing or owning their own home than the non-disabled, and correspondingly fewer having a mortgage. They are also less likely to be in a household with another individual who has a source of earned income. Finally, the disabled are more likely to be employed in small firms and on a part-time basis, and typically work fewer overtime hours. 4.1 Labour Force Participation The employment probit estimates are presented in Table 7 for men and Table 8 for women. As can be seen in all cases likelihood ratio tests unambiguously reject the null hypothesis that the coefficients in each regression are jointly insignificant, while the pseudo-R2 values are also respectable. 11 On the whole, particular personal and other characteristics seem to have qualitatively similar effects on the probability of employment for both the disabled and the non-disabled and these effects are similar in Wales to the rest of Britain12. However, while qualitatively similar, Chisquared tests of parameter equality among the different comparator sub-groups unambiguously reject the null of homogeneity in each case. For disabled and non-disabled men and women, those with educational qualifications are much more likely to be in employment than those without any qualifications with a marginal effect which is much larger for the disabled, indicating the particular importance of gaining qualifications for this group13. There are, in addition, strong age effects, with positive and negative signs on the linear and quadratic terms respectively observed in all cases and conforming to the conventional pattern, though in this case the marginal effects are larger for the non-disabled. Married men, whether disabled or not are more likely to be employed than single men, while the reverse applies to non-disabled women (albeit significance is confined to the non-disabled group), perhaps reflecting traditional household roles. Likewise, the presence of dependent children has a negative effect on participation, although this effect is not significant for disabled men. The presence of an additional source of income by another household member has a positive effect on employment participation for all groups, perhaps contrary to prior expectations. It should be noted however, that this is not the conventional measure of unearned income for an individual which would be expected to reduce labour supply (see Kidd et al., 2000). Rather, it suggests that the measure reflects the increasing polarisation of households as being either multiple earner or no earner categories (see, for example, Dickens et al., 2000, Table 4). Possession of a mortgage also has a positive effect on participation, although the effects of other forms of housing tenure are somewhat mixed. 12 For the disabled (both males and females), having more than one health problem has strong negative effect on employment. Turning to the Unitary Authority dummies, these are generally insignificant for disabled men, apart from Merthyr (at the 10% level), although several are significant for non-disabled men (the omitted category being Cardiff). In contrast, 10 unitary authorities have significantly lower participation rates than Cardiff in the case of disabled women. What is perhaps noteworthy however, is that with the exception of disabled women, after controlling for a range of other factors impinging on participation, there is little evidence of an independent Unitary Authority effect consistent with the notion of ‘inactivity hotspots’. A priori this might have been anticipated in such areas as Blaenau Gwent, Ceredigion, Neath Port Talbot and Rhondda, Cynon, Taff14. 4.2 Earnings As with employment, it appears that earnings in Wales are determined in a qualitatively similar manner for disabled and non-disabled men and women (Tables 9 and 10), although parameter estimates are typically less precisely determined for the disabled, reflecting smaller sample sizes. F tests of parameter equality are rejected in all cases. Coefficient estimates are in general as expected. Thus, wages are higher for those with qualifications relative to those without qualifications for each of the sub-groups, with the coefficients generally increasing in magnitude for higher qualifications. However, the disabled do not obtain significantly higher earnings for lower qualifications compared to those without any qualifications, while for disabled women the returns to higher 13 qualifications are greater than those for non-disabled women. There are some differences in the returns to experience and tenure between the disabled and non-disabled. For men the returns to tenure are linear, but higher for the disabled, while the returns to experience are quadratic, but higher for the non-disabled. For women the returns to tenure are quadratic, but insignificant for the disabled, while for both groups the returns to experience are quadratic and initially higher for the non-disabled. The occupational group dummies are generally negative and insignificant, which is unsurprising given that managers and senior officials is the omitted category. However, in the case of the disabled, only those in professional and associate professional and technical groups do not earn significantly less that those in the omitted category. There are also fewer significant differences in earnings across industries for the disabled (likely reflecting the large number of coefficients being estimated relative to sample size). Turning to other variables in these regressions, marriage only has a significant effect on earnings for non-disabled men, while the number of health problems only impacts (negatively) on earnings for non-disabled women. Being employed in a small firm (with fewer than 20 employees) is associated with lower earnings for all sub-groups, although the effect is somewhat smaller for the disabled, while the impact of overtime is restricted to nondisabled men’s earnings. The housing tenure variables are less important determinants of earnings for the disabled relative to the non-disabled. Finally, in contrast to the case for the non-disabled, there are no significant differences in earnings across the twenty-two unitary authorities that are not captured by the included variables, although it is possible, as noted previously, that this result is influenced by small sample size. 14 4.3 Employment Participation and Earnings by Type of Health Problem In Tables 11 and 12 we repeat the preceding analysis, but focus on the disabled groups only, incorporating information for the main types of health problem. Those with each type of health problem are significantly more likely to be in employment than the omitted category of mental health, confirming the findings in Jones et al. (2003), while individuals with multiple health problems are also significantly less likely to be in paid work. Wales suffers relatively to the rest of Britain by having a higher proportion of its population subject to mental health problems as noted above (see Table 2) and also has a higher proportion with multiple health problems. Turning to the wage equations (Table 12), earnings are higher for disabled women with each of the types of disability relative to the omitted category of mental health, but for disabled men there are no significant earnings differences across types of disability15. For women at least there is, therefore, a double penalty in terms of employment and earnings for those who suffer from mental health problems. It is important however, to determine whether these differences result from genuine productivity differences, misconceptions of the nature of mental health problems and their impact on performance or pure prejudice; something beyond the scope of the present analysis. 4.4 Gender and Disability Decompositions A key feature of our analysis, given problems in interpreting subjective questions on disability, is to decompose the differences between the disabled and non-disabled and between genders. Thus we have two types of wage decomposition. The first of these 15 compares the disabled with the non-disabled separately for men and women, and of necessity excludes types of disability (Table 13). For men the raw differential is small at 0.056, compared to 0.221 for women (and 0.286 and 0.192 for men and women repectively in the rest of Britain). Further, the larger part of it is due to differences in endowments rather than differences in coefficients and using a pooled regression we can explain 96% of the differential, leaving little scope for discrimination. Yet for Welsh women, roughly half of the differential is unexplained using the pooled regression, while in the rest of Britain, 60% of the differential for both genders remains unexplained. It appears therefore, that qualifications and experience differences are the major explanations for the lower earnings of disabled men in Wales relative to their non-disabled counterparts. The results for women are consistent with discrimination being more substantial for disabled women than disabled men, assuming a similar impact from omitted types of disability variables. Table 14 provides gender wage decompositions designed to show whether the disadvantage of disabled women relative to disabled men is greater than, equal to or less than the disadvantage of non-disabled women relative to non-disabled men. In this case the raw differential is much larger in the case of the disabled and contrasts starkly with the situation in the rest of Britain, while the percentage due to coefficient differences is also greater relative to the non-disabled. Whatever the basis of comparison used, the percentage ‘unexplained’ is always greater in the disabled comparison, consistent with a discrimination story. When the type of health problem is controlled for in the gender decomposition (the lower panel of Table 14) there is 16 little change in the proportion of the wage gap explained or unexplained, indicating that there is no gender difference in the impact of types of disability on earnings. 5.0 Conclusions The proportions of the population experiencing disability is higher in Wales than elsewhere in Britain, apart from the Northern region, while labour force participation rates for the disabled are lower in Wales than in any other region. Wales suffers relatively to the rest of Britain in having the highest proportion of the disabled with mental health and multiple health problems, both of which adversely affect the probability of being in employment. In Wales the disabled have fewer qualifications and tend to be older than elsewhere in Britain. The marginal effects of qualifications are greater for the disabled, making improvements in the education of the disabled a potent remedy for improving their labour market status. For disabled women, but not men, there are significant differences in the probability of being in employment across unitary authorities after controlling for personal and household characteristics. The pay differential between non-disabled and disabled workers is lower for men in Wales than elsewhere, while the reverse is true for women. Disabled men benefit more than other groups from longer tenure, but almost all of the earnings gap between disabled and nondisabled men can be explained by differences in endowments of human capital, notably qualifications and experience. For women the pay differential is larger, and half of the difference is unexplained. Earnings for disabled women with mental health problems are significantly lower than those of disabled women with other types of disability. The pay gap 17 between men and women is substantially higher for the disabled than for the non-disabled, and a higher proportion of it is due to differences in coefficients. In general then, it would appear that in terms of earnings, disabled women in Wales suffer disproportionately to disabled men. 18 REFERENCES BALDWIN M & JOHNSON W.G. (1994) ‘Labour Market Discrimination Against Men with Disabilities’ Journal of Human Resources, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, pp 1-19 BLACKABY D., JONES M., JONES R., LATREILLE P., MURPHY P., O’LEARY N. & SLOANE P. (2003) Identifying Barriers to Economic Activity in Wales Report for the Economic Research Unit, Welsh Assembly Government DICKENS R., GREGG P. & WADSWORTH J. (2000) ‘New Labour and the Labour Market’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp 95-113 HASTINGS D. (2003) ‘Methodology for the 2001/02 Annual Local Area Labour Market Force Survey Data’ Labour Market Trends, January, pp 29-36 JONES, M.K., LATREILLE, P.L. & SLOANE, P.J. (2003) ‘Disability, Gender and the Labour Market’, Welsh Economy Labour Market Evaluation and Research Centre (WELMERC) Discussion Paper, University of Wales Swansea Department of Economics, No. 2003-10 KIDD H.P., SLOANE P.J. & FERKO I. (2000) ‘Disability in the Labour Market: An Analysis of British Males’ Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp 961-81 LAMBRINOS J. (1981) ‘Health: A Source of Bias in Labor Supply Models’ Review of Economics & Statistics, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp 206-212 OAXACA R.L. & RANSOM M. (1994) ‘On Discrimination and the Decomposition of Wage Differentials’ Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp 5-21 OFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS (ONS), DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS (DWP), DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS (DfES) & NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES (2002) Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey (LLFS) - Summary Publication 2001/02 REIMERS C.W. (1983) ‘Labor Market Discrimination against Hispanics and Black Men’ Review of Economics & Statistics, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp 570-579 SLY, F. (1996) ‘Disability and the Labour Market’ Labour Market Trends, September, pp 413-424 SMITH A. & TWOMEY B. (2002) ‘Labour Market Experience of People with Disabilities’ Labour Market Trends, August, pp 415-527 19 TABLE 1: REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF DISABILITY INCIDENCE (%) North Yorkshire & Humberside East Midlands East Anglia South East & London South West West Midlands North West Wales Scotland Great Britain Males Females All 22.96 18.55 15.05 15.24 13.29 16.00 17.31 18.96 21.25 16.95 16.46 19.24 16.24 14.48 15.45 13.09 14.00 15.88 17.17 18.42 16.76 15.28 21.11 17.41 14.77 15.34 13.19 15.01 16.60 18.05 19.85 16.85 15.87 Notes: Data from the LFS, 2001. Working age population only. 20 TABLE 2: COMPOSITION OF HEALTH PROBLEMS BY REGION (%) Main health problem North Yorks. & Humb. Limbs Sight/hearing Skin/breathing & organs Mental health Other Total 39.9 4.2 32.4 13.4 10.3 100.0 39.8 3.9 30.4 11.0 15.0 100.0 West Midlands East Anglia 39.0 4.3 29.7 12.5 14.6 100.0 40.2 5.3 30.5 12.6 13.4 100.0 South East & London 37.7 4.4 30.8 11.9 15.4 100.0 South West West Midlands North West Wales Scotland 42.0 5.2 29.2 9.9 13.8 100.0 41.8 3.3 30.8 11.8 12.3 100.0 41.2 4.0 28.9 12.9 13.6 100.0 41.4 4.1 28.9 14.3 11.5 100.0 37.7 3.3 31.5 14.3 13.3 100.0 Notes: See notes to Table 1. Samples refer to the disabled only. TABLE 3: ECONOMIC ACTIVITY & THE DISABLED Employed North Yorks. & Humb. East Midlands East Anglia South East & London South West West Midlands North West Wales Scotland Great Britain Nondisabled (1) 78.16 80.62 81.46 84.65 80.49 84.49 81.26 80.02 78.30 81.37 80.96 ILO Unemployed Disabled (2) (2) as percentage of (1) Nondisabled (3) 31.76 38.83 41.92 48.52 46.53 49.78 40.66 33.39 26.65 32.38 39.89 (40.6) (48.2) (51.5) (57.3) (57.8) (58.9) (50.0) (41.7) (34.0) (39.8) (49.3) 5.52 3.59 3.47 2.68 3.47 2.70 3.80 3.56 4.18 5.16 3.72 Notes: See notes to Table 1. 21 Inactive Disabled (4) (3) as percentage of (4) Nondisabled (5) Disabled (6) 3.39 4.59 4.77 5.24 4.33 4.80 4.68 3.63 4.38 4.94 4.40 (162.8) (78.2) (72.7) (51.1) (80.1) (56.3) (81.2) (98.1) (95.4) (104.5) (84.5) 16.32 15.79 15.06 12.67 16.04 12.81 14.94 16.42 17.52 13.47 15.32 64.86 56.58 53.30 46.24 49.14 45.41 54.65 62.98 68.97 62.68 55.71 (5) as percent age of (6) (25.2) (27.9) (28.3) (27.4) (32.6) (28.2) (27.3) (26.1) (25.4) (21.5) (27.5) TABLE 4: REGIONAL PAY BY GENDER & DISABILITY (£ p.h.) Male Disabled North Yorkshire & Humberside East Midlands East Anglia South East & London South West West Midlands North West Wales Scotland Great Britain 7.86 7.95 8.54 8.60 10.72 8.94 9.54 8.51 9.39 8.19 9.21 Nondisabled 9.17 9.36 9.78 10.17 13.19 10.27 9.87 9.86 9.28 10.03 10.88 Female Disabled pay as % of nondisabled pay 85.7 84.9 87.3 84.6 81.3 87.0 96.7 86.3 101.2 81.7 84.7 Disabled 6.66 6.37 7.12 8.85 8.11 7.21 7.16 7.91 5.78 6.74 7.40 Notes: See notes to Table 1. 22 Nondisabled 7.15 7.30 7.32 7.84 9.58 7.41 7.57 7.57 7.51 7.80 8.15 All Disabled pay as % of nondisabled pay 93.1 87.3 97.3 112.9 84.7 97.3 94.6 104.5 77.0 86.4 90.8 Disabled 7.29 7.21 7.84 8.72 9.38 8.12 8.37 8.22 7.62 7.46 8.31 Nondisabled 8.14 8.30 8.57 9.01 11.38 8.81 8.73 8.67 8.35 8.88 9.50 Disabled pay as % of nondisabled pay 89.6 86.7 91.5 96.8 82.4 92.2 95.9 94.8 91.3 84.0 87.5 TABLE 5: WELSH BOOST STATISTICS Non-disabled Men Women Total Disabled Men Women Total Employment ILO Unemployment Inactivity Pay per hour (£) 83.77 73.55 78.57 4.73 3.32 4.01 11.50 23.13 17.42 9.24 7.15 8.15 30.81 26.87 29.01 5.12 2.07 3.73 64.07 71.01 67.27 8.33 6.43 7.42 Notes: Data from the WLLFS, 2001. Working age population only. 23 TABLE 6: SUMMARY STATISTICS (MEANS) Variable Hourly Pay (£) Proportion in employment Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouth Newport Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Ill in reference week Married Age Age squared Qual1 Qual2 Male Disabled Non-disabled 8.360 9.305 0.205 0.758 0.035 0.038 0.053 0.050 0.032 0.034 0.028 0.035 0.036 0.047 0.041 0.045 0.025 0.032 0.023 0.029 0.053 0.053 0.055 0.043 0.044 0.048 0.090 0.060 0.049 0.053 0.032 0.053 0.064 0.050 0.054 0.034 0.060 0.051 0.058 0.042 0.053 0.046 0.036 0.055 0.040 0.050 0.100 0.124 0.131 0.132 0.066 0.052 0.157 0.182 0.057 0.022 0.049 0.043 0.186 0.184 0.155 0.127 0.009 0.009 0.017 0.028 0.330 0.305 0.076 0.102 0.142 0.151 0.080 0.078 0.081 0.081 0.216 0.199 0.089 0.019 0.609 0.552 48.228 37.606 2490.352 1599.370 0.044 0.127 0.067 0.143 24 Female Disabled Non-disabled 6.480 7.168 0.213 0.669 0.033 0.037 0.039 0.052 0.033 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.046 0.038 0.045 0.027 0.036 0.023 0.034 0.060 0.058 0.054 0.047 0.042 0.041 0.085 0.061 0.048 0.052 0.038 0.050 0.071 0.053 0.055 0.033 0.061 0.048 0.053 0.041 0.058 0.043 0.037 0.050 0.039 0.048 0.073 0.097 0.083 0.132 0.181 0.228 0.028 0.023 0.166 0.141 0.164 0.129 0.075 0.043 0.162 0.141 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.005 0.116 0.107 0.012 0.010 0.256 0.222 0.034 0.028 0.075 0.110 0.444 0.465 0.087 0.034 0.616 0.559 44.304 36.677 2092.733 1493.086 0.041 0.112 0.081 0.137 Qual3 Qual4 Qual5 Small firm Part-time White Tenure Tenure squared Experience Experience squared Public sector Dependent children Overtime Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No of health problems Other earner 0.248 0.090 0.142 0.280 0.117 0.991 9.278 174.998 26.816 859.131 0.259 0.413 3.759 0.294 0.300 0.319 3.151 0.392 0.286 0.174 0.122 0.248 0.066 0.987 9.025 168.154 21.371 609.009 0.236 0.649 3.860 0.117 0.198 0.607 0.209 0.674 0.110 0.184 0.133 0.355 0.503 0.986 7.432 113.842 25.174 766.793 0.381 0.638 1.813 0.320 0.237 0.361 3.129 0.458 Notes: Data from the WLLFS, 2001. Figures relate to the estimation samples used. 25 0.183 0.252 0.116 0.337 0.417 0.983 7.246 109.253 20.660 566.859 0.407 0.880 2.113 0.163 0.184 0.564 0.211 0.690 TABLE 7: MALE LABOUR FORCE PARTICIPATION PROBIT ESTIMATES Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouth Newport White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No of health problems No Obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 Disabled Coefficient t-stat -3.795 -6.37 0.901 5.94 0.848 6.63 0.530 5.91 0.438 3.68 0.515 5.05 0.119 6.53 -0.002 -7.45 0.195 2.19 -0.624 -2.39 -0.372 -1.63 -0.687 -2.45 -0.044 -0.17 -0.211 -0.87 -0.019 -0.08 0.011 0.04 -0.378 -1.35 0.226 1.00 -0.227 -1.00 -0.008 -0.03 -0.108 -0.52 0.092 0.41 -0.052 -0.21 0.006 0.03 0.406 1.80 0.150 0.68 -0.068 -0.30 0.182 0.80 0.184 0.79 0.353 1.54 0.957 2.17 -0.043 -1.04 0.433 5.84 -0.175 -1.28 0.049 0.36 0.528 4.05 -0.213 10.09 2571 -939.570 731.73 (0.000) 0.280 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** ** * ** *** *** *** Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat -5.063 -21.38 0.313 4.14 0.437 6.05 0.284 4.88 0.219 3.42 0.306 4.33 0.274 28.35 -0.003 -27.92 0.354 6.20 -0.259 -2.08 -0.155 -1.32 0.007 0.05 0.137 1.00 0.036 0.29 0.065 0.52 0.418 2.86 -0.438 -3.31 -0.159 -1.37 -0.314 -2.59 -0.084 -0.70 -0.004 -0.04 0.105 0.86 0.053 0.44 0.018 0.14 -0.090 -0.68 -0.217 -1.82 -0.178 -1.41 0.211 1.65 0.017 0.14 -0.003 -0.02 0.292 1.90 -0.062 -2.37 0.395 9.22 -0.204 -2.63 0.066 0.88 0.593 8.78 0.047 1.54 7312 -2835.161 2425.64 (0.000) 0.300 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** * * * ** *** *** *** Notes: All regressions include quarterly dummy variables. ***, ** and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. The χ2 statistic is a test that all slope coefficients are zero. Pseudo-R2 is McFadden’s measure, defined as 1 minus the ratio of the maximized log-likelihood from the regression to that from a regression including the optimal constant only (Maddala, 1983). 26 TABLE 8: FEMALE LABOUR FORCE PARTICIPATION PROBIT ESTIMATES Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouth Newport White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No of health problems No Obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 Disabled Coefficient t-stat -2.309 -4.41 0.851 5.59 0.635 5.34 0.591 5.58 0.407 4.36 0.455 4.48 0.080 3.58 -0.001 -3.85 -0.009 -0.11 -0.729 -2.87 -0.475 -2.03 -0.379 -1.61 -0.241 -1.05 -0.190 -0.83 -0.542 -2.33 -0.180 -0.74 -0.510 -1.93 -0.155 -0.74 -0.415 -1.91 -0.275 -1.22 -0.675 -3.20 -0.621 -2.73 -0.247 -1.11 -0.368 -1.79 -0.533 -2.34 -0.275 -1.31 -0.463 -2.04 -0.035 -0.17 -0.189 -0.85 -0.200 -0.89 0.394 1.33 -0.121 -2.97 0.369 4.83 -0.165 -1.20 0.082 0.58 0.384 2.89 -0.154 -7.86 2310 -975.917 443.42 (0.000) 0.185 Notes: See notes to Table 7. 27 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** * * *** *** * ** ** *** *** *** *** Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat -5.341 -25.50 0.759 12.40 0.856 15.12 0.511 10.41 0.465 10.39 0.355 6.62 0.248 25.15 -0.003 -23.16 -0.148 -3.65 -0.068 -0.69 -0.008 -0.09 0.051 0.50 0.190 1.82 0.106 1.13 0.220 2.29 0.123 1.21 -0.177 -1.75 -0.016 -0.18 0.039 0.41 0.163 1.66 0.241 2.69 0.223 2.40 0.054 0.58 0.125 1.37 0.196 1.86 0.204 2.14 0.321 3.23 0.324 3.27 0.194 2.06 0.231 2.42 0.562 4.96 -0.313 -18.09 0.353 9.59 -0.015 -0.25 0.166 2.68 0.529 9.78 -0.014 -0.63 9129 -4674.3324 2246.29 (0.000) 0.194 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * ** * * *** ** * ** *** *** ** ** *** *** *** *** *** TABLE 9: MALE SELECTIVITY CORRECTED WAGE EQUATION Constant Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouth Newport Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Ill in reference week Married Experience Experience squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Disabled Coefficient t-stat 0.448 1.19 0.005 0.03 -0.103 -0.89 -0.046 -0.30 -0.198 -1.56 0.077 0.67 0.068 0.59 0.128 0.98 0.189 1.31 -0.025 -0.24 0.020 0.18 0.142 1.26 0.138 1.35 0.165 1.53 0.095 0.82 0.126 1.24 0.060 0.55 -0.022 -0.20 0.057 0.50 0.095 0.87 0.112 1.01 -0.070 -0.66 0.023 0.29 -0.028 -0.40 -0.350 -4.24 -0.262 -3.74 -0.420 -4.36 -0.503 -5.10 -0.334 -4.81 -0.415 -5.79 -0.119 -0.63 0.283 1.87 0.037 0.40 0.017 0.16 -0.045 -0.48 -0.134 -1.33 0.026 0.27 -0.067 -0.77 -0.207 -3.56 0.059 1.26 0.018 2.70 0.000 -2.03 0.380 3.80 0.218 2.46 0.166 2.57 28 *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ** *** ** ** Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat 1.603 20.62 -0.071 -2.03 -0.075 -2.31 -0.071 -2.01 -0.067 -1.95 0.018 0.58 -0.004 -0.11 -0.084 -2.41 -0.107 -2.59 -0.110 -3.45 -0.096 -2.76 -0.039 -1.22 -0.019 -0.63 0.005 0.17 0.027 0.87 -0.062 -1.97 -0.081 -2.27 -0.039 -1.21 -0.068 -2.01 -0.007 -0.22 0.034 1.11 0.012 0.39 -0.044 -2.03 -0.153 -7.45 -0.341 -12.68 -0.347 -17.79 -0.443 -11.48 -0.377 -12.52 -0.410 -20.33 -0.476 -21.74 -0.015 -0.26 0.269 6.86 0.171 6.31 0.159 5.48 -0.017 -0.58 0.092 3.04 0.180 5.98 0.118 4.29 -0.079 -2.14 0.072 5.23 0.027 10.23 0.000 -8.72 0.390 15.36 0.249 11.09 0.164 8.68 *** ** ** ** * ** *** *** *** ** ** ** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** Qual 4 Qual 5 Small firm Part time White Tenure Tenure squared Public sector Overtime No of health problems Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Lambda No Obs RSS F (p-value) R2 0.164 0.023 -0.089 -0.042 1.083 0.018 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.039 0.061 0.136 -0.055 2.33 0.33 -2.20 -0.73 4.02 2.97 -0.77 0.00 -0.15 0.29 0.48 0.79 1.67 -0.51 528 66.920 9.77 (0.00) 0.504 ** ** *** *** * 0.097 0.088 -0.123 -0.027 0.011 0.010 0.000 0.008 0.003 -0.005 0.029 0.069 0.128 -0.026 4.71 4.15 -9.83 -1.15 0.21 5.38 -1.02 0.39 3.54 -0.67 1.05 2.81 5.42 -0.66 5541 766.264 94.09 (0.00) 0.506 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Notes: All regressions include quarterly dummy variables. ***, ** and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. RSS denotes the residual sum of squares. The F statistic is a test that all slope coefficients are zero. 29 TABLE 10: FEMALE SELECTIVITY CORRECTED WAGE EQUATION Constant Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfaen Monmouth Newport Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Ill in reference week Married Experience Experience squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Disabled Coefficient t-stat 1.403 4.97 -0.199 -1.41 0.051 0.44 0.051 0.45 0.057 0.53 -0.086 -0.83 -0.003 -0.03 -0.040 -0.36 0.070 0.53 -0.002 -0.02 0.015 0.14 -0.127 -1.18 -0.104 -0.88 -0.060 -0.47 0.036 0.35 0.111 1.14 -0.203 -1.67 -0.116 -1.17 -0.131 -1.15 -0.027 -0.30 0.002 0.02 -0.018 -0.18 0.170 1.81 0.007 0.08 -0.183 -2.50 -0.512 -4.46 -0.319 -4.03 -0.397 -4.86 -0.277 -2.81 -0.364 -4.59 0.393 1.07 0.617 1.74 0.181 1.92 0.139 0.89 0.152 1.90 0.340 3.10 0.209 2.28 0.131 1.79 -0.032 -0.58 0.008 0.20 0.029 4.43 -0.001 -4.09 0.423 3.54 0.250 2.67 0.136 1.73 30 *** * * ** *** *** *** *** *** * * * *** ** * *** *** *** *** * Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat 1.586 23.16 -0.125 -3.96 -0.081 -2.90 -0.113 -3.67 -0.082 -2.73 -0.011 -0.40 -0.091 -3.24 -0.098 -3.29 -0.119 -3.60 -0.079 -2.90 -0.096 -3.37 -0.105 -3.72 -0.084 -3.18 -0.078 -2.86 -0.064 -2.35 -0.078 -2.88 -0.081 -2.60 -0.056 -2.00 -0.045 -1.55 -0.055 -1.93 -0.049 -1.83 -0.017 -0.64 0.147 6.08 -0.068 -3.15 -0.316 -15.80 -0.471 -13.88 -0.404 -18.11 -0.420 -18.18 -0.417 -13.57 -0.497 -21.73 0.215 2.67 0.395 6.27 0.184 6.89 0.167 3.54 0.057 2.37 0.242 7.36 0.227 9.17 0.106 4.83 -0.038 -1.57 -0.005 -0.47 0.020 11.13 0.000 -11.28 0.332 13.30 0.211 9.78 0.099 5.38 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** * * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Qual 4 Qual 5 Small firm Part time White Tenure Tenure squared Public sector Overtime No of health problems Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Lambda No Obs RSS F (p-value) R2 0.082 -0.006 -0.067 0.007 -0.171 0.006 0.000 0.095 0.002 -0.074 -0.038 0.027 0.108 0.132 1.26 -0.09 -1.83 * 0.18 -1.04 0.93 0.53 1.98 ** 0.46 -0.92 -2.01 ** 0.35 1.34 1.07 493 54.709 8.05 (0.00) 0.467 Notes: See notes to Table 9. 31 0.072 0.060 -0.071 -0.011 0.016 0.016 0.000 0.096 0.001 -0.043 -0.012 -0.002 0.035 0.066 4.24 3.23 -7.13 -1.12 0.38 9.31 -3.34 6.78 0.69 -1.92 -1.66 -0.08 1.77 2.40 6105 697.359 113.90 (0.00) 0.530 *** *** *** *** *** *** * * * ** TABLE 11: DISABLED LABOUR FORCE PARTICIPATION PROBITS Male Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfean Monmouth Newport White Health 1 Health 2 Health 3 Health 5 Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No of health problems No Obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 t-stat Coefficient -4.563 -7.31 0.954 6.14 0.834 6.38 0.509 5.56 0.380 3.10 0.482 4.63 0.131 6.97 -0.002 -8.05 0.109 1.20 -0.611 -2.28 -0.372 -1.58 -0.722 -2.48 -0.067 -0.25 -0.209 -0.84 0.012 0.05 0.075 0.28 -0.448 -1.55 0.229 0.98 -0.253 -1.07 -0.037 -0.15 -0.120 -0.55 0.066 0.29 -0.102 -0.40 -0.027 -0.12 0.419 1.79 0.127 0.56 -0.059 -0.25 0.129 0.55 0.190 0.79 0.360 1.54 0.902 2.00 0.783 6.21 0.835 4.32 0.968 7.48 0.544 3.44 -0.073 -1.74 0.423 5.60 -0.173 -1.24 0.072 0.51 0.531 3.96 -0.206 -9.61 2553 -903.09657 785.58 (0.000) 0.3031 Notes: See notes to Table 7. 32 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** * ** *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** Female Coefficient t-stat -3.110 -5.65 0.835 5.33 0.626 5.16 0.538 4.99 0.393 4.12 0.455 4.41 0.095 4.13 -0.001 -4.51 -0.021 -0.25 -0.731 -2.81 -0.510 -2.13 -0.369 -1.53 -0.227 -0.96 -0.205 -0.88 -0.506 -2.11 -0.139 -0.56 -0.465 -1.72 -0.144 -0.68 -0.368 -1.64 -0.213 -0.93 -0.657 -3.02 -0.580 -2.48 -0.214 -0.94 -0.382 -1.81 -0.524 -2.24 -0.252 -1.17 -0.452 -1.94 -0.074 -0.34 -0.148 -0.65 -0.130 -0.57 0.449 1.53 0.693 5.89 0.639 3.43 0.839 6.82 0.522 3.83 -0.143 -3.39 0.324 4.18 -0.161 -1.14 0.036 0.25 0.340 2.51 -0.162 -8.08 2299 -943.984 494.17 (0.000) 0.2074 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** * *** ** * ** * *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** TABLE 12: DISABLED SELECTIVITY CORRECTED WAGE EQUATION Constant Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham Powys Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath and Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Rhondda Merthyr Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent Torfean Monmouth Newport Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Ill in reference week Married Experience Experience squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Male Coefficient t-stat 0.380 0.93 0.028 0.18 -0.090 -0.78 -0.050 -0.32 -0.179 -1.41 0.101 0.87 0.077 0.67 0.155 1.18 0.188 1.30 -0.012 -0.11 0.036 0.32 0.169 1.49 0.137 1.34 0.172 1.60 0.110 0.93 0.126 1.23 0.065 0.59 -0.014 -0.13 0.063 0.55 0.106 0.97 0.125 1.12 -0.061 -0.57 0.036 0.45 -0.030 -0.44 -0.351 -4.25 -0.250 -3.57 -0.419 -4.35 -0.509 -5.15 -0.343 -4.95 -0.413 -5.72 -0.130 -0.68 0.282 1.85 0.045 0.48 0.032 0.31 -0.048 -0.50 -0.122 -1.19 0.019 0.19 -0.070 -0.78 -0.210 -3.62 0.055 1.27 0.018 2.58 0.000 -1.95 0.381 3.84 0.216 2.56 0.159 2.57 33 *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** * *** ** ** Female Coefficient t-stat 1.217 3.62 -0.202 -1.42 0.044 0.38 0.061 0.54 0.065 0.60 -0.080 -0.76 0.014 0.11 -0.038 -0.34 0.084 0.63 0.009 0.10 0.023 0.21 -0.099 -0.93 -0.098 -0.82 -0.052 -0.42 0.045 0.45 0.097 0.99 -0.207 -1.71 -0.112 -1.13 -0.107 -0.94 -0.029 -0.31 0.023 0.23 0.006 0.06 0.172 1.83 0.017 0.19 -0.186 -2.53 -0.529 -4.61 -0.320 -4.03 -0.421 -5.12 -0.287 -2.92 -0.371 -4.67 0.403 1.10 0.602 1.70 0.200 2.12 0.144 0.91 0.172 2.14 0.334 3.03 0.221 2.37 0.137 1.87 -0.027 -0.48 -0.006 -0.14 0.031 4.52 -0.001 -4.15 0.414 3.51 0.247 2.65 0.121 1.59 *** * * ** *** *** *** *** *** * ** ** *** ** * *** *** *** *** Qual 4 Qual 5 Small firm Part-time White Tenure Tenure squared Public sector Overtime Social housing No of health problems Home owned Home mortgaged Health 1 Health 2 Health 3 Health 5 Lambda No Obs RSS F (p-value) R2 0.148 0.012 -0.093 -0.032 1.084 0.019 0.000 0.004 -0.001 0.043 0.013 0.064 0.133 0.046 0.091 0.078 -0.052 -0.060 2.19 0.18 -2.27 -0.54 4.05 3.13 -1.01 0.07 -0.25 0.52 0.64 0.82 1.65 0.46 0.76 0.73 -0.50 -0.58 524 65.720 9.22 (0.00) 0.505 Notes: See notes to Table 9. 34 ** ** *** *** * 0.082 -0.004 -0.070 0.007 -0.174 0.006 0.000 0.100 0.002 -0.075 -0.038 0.008 0.085 0.207 0.218 0.230 0.157 0.138 1.27 -0.05 -1.90 0.20 -1.05 0.81 0.62 2.08 0.34 -0.91 -1.97 0.10 1.09 2.11 1.85 2.14 1.65 1.09 490 53.890 7.58 (0.00) 0.467 * ** ** ** * ** * TABLE 13: DISABLED AND NON-DISABLED WAGE DECOMPOSITION Mean prediction non-disabled Mean prediction disabled Raw differential - due to endowments - due to coefficients - due to interaction D Unexplained Explained % unexplained % explained Differential due to selection variable Male 2.089 2.033 0.056 0.034 0.005 0.017 0 1 0.5 0.913 * 0 1 0.022 0.005 0.014 0.007 0.002 0.080 0.125 0.034 0.051 0.043 0.050 0.054 0.142 0.096 39.8 8.9 24.3 11.6 4.1 36.0 56.7 60.2 91.1 75.7 88.4 95.9 64.0 43.3 0.047 35 Female 1.813 1.592 0.221 0.142 0.125 -0.046 0.5 0.102 0.119 46.3 53.7 -0.118 0.925 0.122 0.099 55.1 44.9 * 0.110 0.111 49.8 50.2 TABLE 14: GENDER WAGE DECOMPOSITION Non-disabled Mean prediction males 2.089 Mean prediction females 1.813 Raw differential 0.276 - due to endowments 0.066 - due to coefficients 0.162 - due to interaction 0.048 D 0 1 0.5 0.476 * Unexplained 0.210 0.162 0.186 0.187 0.125 0.066 0.114 0.090 0.089 0.151 Explained % unexplained 76.1 58.8 67.4 67.9 45.2 23.9 41.2 32.6 32.1 54.8 % explained Differential due to selection variable -0.036 Mean prediction males Mean prediction females Raw differential - due to endowments - due to coefficients - due to interaction Disabled 2.033 1.592 0.441 0.059 0.273 0.109 0 1 0.5 0.517 * 0.382 0.273 0.327 0.325 0.283 0.059 0.168 0.113 0.115 0.158 86.6 61.9 74.2 73.8 64.2 13.4 38.1 25.8 26.2 35.8 -0.200 Disabled with types of health problem included 2.035 1.589 0.446 0.060 0.275 0.111 D Unexplained Explained % unexplained % explained 0 1 0.5 0.517 0.386 0.275 0.331 0.329 0.060 0.171 0.115 0.117 86.6 61.7 74.2 73.8 13.4 38.3 25.8 26.2 Differential due to selection variable -0.206 36 * 0.288 0.158 64.5 35.5 VARIABLE DEFINITIONS Dependent variables Hourly pay Gross weekly earnings divided by usual hours worked per week Employment participation Dummy variable equal to 1 if individual has a positive hourly wage, 0 else Human capital variables Experience Qual 6 Years of (potential) labour market experience (age minus school-leaving age) Years in present job Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is university degree or higher degree Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is other degree Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is A level Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is O level Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is other qualification Dummy variable, equals 1 if no qualifications (base) Industry variables Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Industry 9 and 10 Agriculture and fishing Energy and water Manufacturing Construction Distribution, hotels etc Transport communication etc Banking and finance Public administration Other (base) Occupation variables Occupation 1 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Managers and senior officials (base) Professional occupations Associate professional and technical Administrative and secretarial Skilled trades Personal service occupations Sales and customer service occupations Process, plant and machine operatives Elementary occupations Tenure Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Health variables Ill in reference week No of health problems Health 1 Health 2 Health 3 Health 4 Dummy variable, equals 1 if ill in reference week Number of health problems reported Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects limbs Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects sight/hearing Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects skin, breathing and organs Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem is mental health (base) 37 Health 5 Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem is other Housing status variables Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Private rent Dummy variable, equals 1 if renting from non-private sector Dummy variable, equals 1 if home owned outright Dummy variable, equals 1 if home mortgaged Dummy variable, equals 1 if renting from private sector (base) Other variables Age Married Dependent children Other earner White Small firm Public sector Part-time Overtime Age (years) Dummy variable denoting marital status, equals 1 if married Number of dependent children in household if head of household or spouse (0 else) Dummy variable, equals 1 if another individual in household has a labour market income Dummy variable denoting ethnic group, equals 1 if white Dummy variable denoting marital status, equals 1 if less than 20 employees in firm Dummy variable, equals 1 if individual is employed in the public sector Dummy variable, equals 1 if employed part time Amount of usual overtime (hours) 1 The absence of a similarly sized boost to the LFS in regions other than Wales makes it less feasible to conduct a corresponding analysis in these cases. 2 The 2001 data include observations from waves 1 and 5 from each of the four quarters, and thus repeated observations are excluded from the analysis. 3 Note that Wales has the highest inactivity rate among both the disabled and the non-disabled. 4 Similar caution is required for the East Midlands, where the corresponding sample sizes are 109 and 101. 5 The initial ‘booster’ contains the equivalent of four years of observations, with 25% being replaced in each of the next three years, such that only a quarter of these will be surveyed for the full four years . 6 The issue of relative self-employment rates between the disabled and non-disabled is an area for future research. 7 The same technique has also been used in the British disability context by Kidd et al. (2000) and by the present authors (Jones et al., 2003). 8 In addition to the exclusions noted previously, this sample comprises only individuals who have complete information with regard to the variables used in the analysis. 9 The apparent conflict with the figures from the main LFS in Table 4 derives from the small cell sizes for the disabled there which, as discussed previously, render the data much less reliable than those from the WLLFS. 10 Given the criteria for inclusion in the estimation sample, these figures are not commensurable with those in the preceding tables. Employment rates for the rest of Britain calculated on the same basis are 0.309 and 0.790 for the disabled and non-disabled respectively, while those for women are 0.304 and 0.690. 11 These are available in the appendix. The same is true for all comparisons made in the text. 12 It should be noted however, that these are not strictly comparable to the results here in that they include regional rather than Unitary Authority dummies, and as such do not control for intra-regional heterogeneity. 13 In terms of the highest qualification type (Qual1), the marginal effect is 0.27 for disabled men compared to 0.07 for non-disabled men, the corresponding figures for women being 0.28 and 0.22 respectively. A full set of marginal effects is available on request. 14 Running regressions for each of the four sub-groups excluding all personal characteristics (i.e. including a constant and 21 Unitary Authority dummies only) indicates that more significant variation exists in raw employment (participation) rates, albeit only marginally so for disabled men. Supply-side factors (most notably qualifications) therefore appear to explain much of the variation in the present sample. Although not splitting the sample by disability status, Blackaby et al. (2003) report that the variation in inactivity rates within Wales is substantially compressed when controlling for both supply- and demand-side factors (see especially Sect. 4.2.6). 38 15 This is in contrast to the situation in the rest of Britain. DISABILITY, GENDER AND THE LABOUR MARKET Melanie K. Jones, Paul L. Latreille and Peter J. Sloane WELMERC, Department of Economics, University of Wales Swansea November 2003 ABSTRACT Using data from the 2002 LFS, we examine the impact of disability on labour market outcomes by gender. Our results indicate that substantial differences in both the likelihood of employment and levels of earnings exist, despite several years of operation of the Disability Discrimination Act. Significant heterogeneity within the disabled group is identified: those suffering from mental health forms of disability fare particularly badly. Wage decompositions suggest the ‘penalty’ for disability is greater for women than for men. Using the Baldwin and Johnson (1992) methodology, we find the employment effects associated with wage discrimination against the disabled are very small. JEL Classification: I1, J2, J3 Keywords: Disability, gender, employment, wage discrimination, decomposition analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION The economic analysis of disabled workers with respect to the labour market has been surprisingly neglected in the UK, especially given the numerical size of this group 15. Using the 2001 Labour Force Survey (LFS) Smith and Twomey (2002) note that nearly one in five people of working age had a current long term disability in the UK; this amounts to some 3.7 million men and 3.4 million women. As the European Foundation (2003) notes, although cultural factors may operate both across and within countries to influence the incidence of reported disability, only Finland has a higher percentage of the working age population 39 reporting chronic illness or disability than the UK15. The contrast in labour market outcomes for disabled and non-disabled persons is stark: the employment rate for the disabled is just 48%, compared to a rate of 81% for the non-disabled, while for those disabled people in employment, average earnings are substantially lower than for their non-disabled counterparts. The above figures are especially striking when considered in the context of legislative and other reforms over the last few years aimed at securing improvements in the labour market position of disabled individuals. The major legal change in this regard was the passing of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in 1995, which was designed to protect the disabled against discrimination and to facilitate and enhance their access to employment by imposing obligations on employers (with 15 or more employees) to make reasonable adjustment to their premises and/or employment arrangements15. In addition, a Disability Rights Commission provides advice and information, supports disabled persons in securing their rights under the DDA, and campaigns on behalf of this group. The Government has also improved incentives to work via the tax and benefit system and more particularly through the Disabled Person’s Tax Credit, while the New Deal for Disabled People (NDPP) introduced in July 2001 further attempts to help those out of employment to get back into work. This last policy measure is a voluntary programme whereby disabled people have access to a network of Jobs Brokers whose role is essentially to provide advice about the local labour market and to support individuals in finding and retaining work. A key issue for policymakers is to determine the extent to which such reforms have achieved their objectives. However, estimation of the impact of legislation and other policy measures in this area is hazardous for a number of reasons. In this regard work in the US is more advanced, and a number of studies has attempted to estimate the employment effects of the 40 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thus, De Leire (2000) found that on average over the post ADA period, employment of men with disabilities was 7.2% lower than before the Act was passed. Similar results were obtained by Acemoglu and Angrist (2001), who point out that although the number of disability transfer payments went up, this cannot on its own explain the decline in employment. Consistent with ADA being the explanation, the impact was greater in larger firms (smaller firms being exempt) and in States with more ADA-related discrimination charges. The implication of these results is that the legislation reduced the demand for disabled workers by raising the costs of employing such workers by more than the increase in demand brought about by any reduction in discrimination. However, these results have been questioned on the grounds that the work disability measure used may not accurately reflect coverage under the ADA. Legislation may, by removing the stigma of disability, encourage more individuals to report a disability. Further, some who previously reported a disability prior to the legislation may not do so subsequent to its introduction if improvements to the workplace mean they are no longer limited in their work15. As Kruse and Schur (2003) conclude, the analysis of the employment effects of disability legislation is confounded by changes in the composition of those reporting disabilities, the role of disability income and the relative effects of business cycles on workers with and without disabilities. In the UK, no comparable studies exist that attempt to examine the impact of the DDA. Indeed, to our knowledge there are very few extant economic studies of the labour market outcomes of the disabled. Blackaby et al. (1999) is a comprehensive report prepared for the then Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) using data from the 1991 Census, 1992-4 Quarterly LFS data and the General Household Survey (GHS). Irrespective of data source, the findings indicate that the unemployment probabilities of the disabled/those with long-term health problems are higher than for the non-disabled/those without long-term 41 health problems, while their earnings are lower. Differences in characteristics (productivity) account for a maximum of around half of the differences, the employment differential being perceived as the more substantial (confirming the figures above). The only study published in an economics journal to date, is that by Kidd et al. (2000) which uses data from the 1996 LFS, but restricts the analysis to males only. These authors again find that human capital/productivity characteristics differences between the disabled and nondisabled explain around 50% of the wage and participation rate differentials between the two groups. They therefore conclude that, notwithstanding difficulties in interpretation, the size of the residual or unexplained element of the difference (in wages) suggests that it “may, in part, be addressed by the implementation of the 1995 Disability Act” (2000: 979). The present paper in large part adopts the approach in Kidd et al. using more recent data from the LFS. Importantly however, we do not attempt a formal evaluation of the impact of the DDA using the results of Kidd et al. as a base or benchmark against which to gauge progress. This is in part due to the fact that similar problems apply to those experienced by US researchers examining the ADA. However, these difficulties are compounded in the UK context by a change in the order of the disability questions in the LFS. More specifically, until the Winter of 1997 individuals were asked: 1) if they had health problems which would affect any kind of paid work they might do; and 2) if the health problem would be expected to last more than a year. From Spring 1997 the order in which these questions were asked was reversed (and an additional question was asked about the amount of paid work the disabled can do). As Cousins, Jenkins and Laux (1998) note, this simple change identified 24% fewer respondents in the UK reporting a long-term disability which affected the kind of work they might do, and 42 of those it did identify a greater proportion were economically inactive. This makes any attempt to estimate the employment effects of the DDA using the LFS hazardous 15, although we do attempt to offer some insights into its likely impact. In the light of the above difficulties of interpretation concerning pre- and post-legislative changes, both generally and more specifically using the LFS, the present paper focuses instead on gender differences in disability effects in the labour market. Since the relative position of women in the labour market in general is inferior to that of men, at least in terms of earnings, it is clearly of interest to ascertain whether disabled women are similarly disadvantaged relative to disabled men15. However, long-term illness affects manual workers disproportionately and men are heavily concentrated in these jobs relative to women, so this is an empirical issue. Further, comparing men and women overcomes many of the difficulties outlined above. The disability rates for men and women of working age are very similar and there is no evidence of differential reporting bias according to gender. Given that the results in Kidd et al. (2000) were restricted to males only, we believe extending the analysis to consider both sexes constitutes an important and original contribution to the UK literature. In addition, while most studies of discrimination focus on between-group differences in economic outcomes, we also identify within-group differences. Disability varies both in type and intensity, leading to the possibility of omitted variable bias when differences in functional capabilities are excluded. The problem is that it is generally not possible to incorporate these into the analysis of between group differences, since the non-disabled, by definition, do not possess such disabilities. However, we can compare the case of disabled men and women, including functional limitations in both equations (see Salkever and Domino, 2000)15. To anticipate our results somewhat, it is clear that significant differences do exist between types of disability. This is most notable for individuals with mental health problems, whose labour market position appears especially adversely affected. This has 43 potentially important implications for the design of policy, which has hitherto largely focused on physical impairment and adaptation. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we set out the empirical methodology employed, followed in Section 3 by a brief description of the data. Results appear in Section 4, together with a discussion of the implications deriving from these, while conclusions follow in Section 5. 2. METHODOLOGY The standard labour economics model assumes that individuals select that combination of consumption and hours of work which maximises their utility, subject to budget and time constraints. Health may be incorporated into the standard model, either through the budget constraint (via a lower wage offer), the time constraint (via more absences lowering time available for work) or through the utility function itself if poor health reduces utility (see Ettner, 2000). We follow the traditional labour force participation model in assuming that an individual decides upon whether or not to enter the labour market on the basis of a comparison between the employer’s wage offer and his or her reservation wage. Low employment rates 15 could be due in part to high reservation wages associated with certain types of disability as a consequence of disability income transfers and the extra demands on time and energy required to participate in the labour force. Low employment rates might also be due to low market wage rates offered to the disabled as a consequence of lower levels of productivity and/or employer discrimination (Kruse and Schur, 2003). There are two types of individual: the disabled, represented by D and the non-disabled by N. For both of these types the wage offer equation is given by: WijO j X ij vij ( j D, N ) (1) 44 where WijO denotes the logarithm of the (offer) wage, X ij is a vector of productivity related characteristics for individual i of type j and j the associated rates of return, making the normal assumptions of the human capital model. The reservation wage is given by: WijR j Z ij ij ( j D, N ) (2) where the vector Z incorporates the conventional human capital variables, with the addition of factors influencing the value of time (such as the number of dependent children). We do not directly observe the reservation wage, which is a latent variable, but rather the indicator variable I, where I = 1 if WijO WijR and 0 otherwise. Thus, the probability that an individual works is: Pr WijO Wijr 0 Pr j X ij j Z ij i j vi j Assuming that v ij and i j are normally distributed the labour force participation (employment) equation may be estimated by a probit specification. In estimating the wage equation (1), it is important to correct for sample selection, given that the disabled in particular are unlikely to be a random sub-set of the population as a whole. Indeed, if wage discrimination against disabled workers is substantial and leads to those subject to significant discrimination exiting from the labour force, the estimate of true wage discrimination would be below its true level. Thus, we utilise a Heckman two-stage procedure in which the probit estimates are used to derive the inverse Mills ratio, which is used as an additional regressor in the wage equation. In estimating the size of the discriminatory wage differential which may exist between disabled and non-disabled employees we follow earlier studies by Lambrinos (1991) and Baldwin and Johnson (1994), based on a technique developed by Reimers (1983). The 45 (3) difference in wage offers between non-disabled (N) and disabled (D) employees can be decomposed as: W N W D (c N N c D D ) ( X N X D ) ˆ N (1 ) ˆ D X N (1 ) X D ( ˆ N ˆ D ) The left-hand side of equation (4) then represents the difference in mean wage offers between non-disabled and disabled employees. The first term on the right-hand side represents that part of the difference in wage offers which is attributable to differences in productivity, while the second term represents that part of the wage difference which is unexplained. The latter is conventionally interpreted as discrimination, but here we are dependent on the types and degrees of disability captured in our measures of these to control for unobserved productivity differences. is a vector representing the relationship between the observed wage structure and the non-discriminatory norm. It takes values ranging from zero to one depending on which group is the frame of reference given the typical index number problem (see Oaxaca and Ransom, 1994). We provide results using the non-disabled as the base (0), the disabled (1), taking the mean of these two results (0.5), taking ratios given by the shares of the nondisabled and disabled in the working population and finally the figure obtained from a pooled regression (*). It has been argued that health and employment may be endogenous. Thus in the case of mental health disability, employment may have a positive effect by increasing opportunities for social networking and role satisfaction, but also a negative effect if it increases occupational stress. In the case of physical health, positive effects may arise from the ability of higher income from work to be invested in health improvements, but negative effects from occupational hazards or stress from work overload. In such cases health may be correlated, either positively or negatively with the error term in the participation equations. Such evidence has been found by Ettner (2000) using 1993 US data. Two-thirds of her sample reported either positive or negative effects (more cases being positive than negative). However, using a two-step instrumental variable approach she finds that the effects of health on labour market outcomes are not particularly sensitive to reverse causality. For this reason, and because of the difficulty 46 (4) of finding appropriate instruments in our data set, no attempt is made here to deal with potential problems of endogeneity. 3. DATA We utilise individuals in waves 1 or 5 from each of the four quarters of the 2002 LFS, so as to exclude repeated observations on the same individual (by design individuals remain in the survey for five consecutive quarters). Thus there is no longitudinal element in our sample. The disabled are defined as individuals who have a long-term illness (twelve months or more) which limits the type or amount of work they can do, with all other individuals classified as non-disabled. As noted earlier, labour market activity equals one if the individual is an employee with a positive wage, and otherwise is zero15. As Baldwin and Johnson note, in theory all variables in the wage equation should also be included in the employment equation, but clearly some of these variables will not be observed for those not in employment. This could adversely influence the correction for selectivity bias in our equation. Identification is obtained by including a spline variable for the number of children in the household in the employment equation if the respondent is the head of household or their spouse (zero otherwise). In addition to this, we also incorporate a dummy indicating the presence of a labour market income earner in the household in the participation equation. Finally, we use experience and its square in the wage equation, but linear and quadratic terms in age in the employment equation. Qualifications dummies and regional dummies, together with ethnic origin, type of household tenure and number of health problems appear in both employment and wage equations. The latter also includes occupational and industry dummies, the number of days off sick in the reference week, a small establishment dummy, a public sector dummy, a part-time dummy and tenure variables. The hourly pay variable is based on usual weekly pay divided by usual hours, with a dummy variable included also for the amount of usual overtime. In addition to separate estimation by reported disability status, all these equations are estimated separately for men and women, thereby allowing for the possibility that some of the independent variables may have gender specific effects. In addition, we estimate employment and wage equations for the disabled only augmented by five health type dummies derived from the 17 main health problems identified in the LFS. It was necessary to merge some of these for estimation purposes because of problems of small cell sizes. It should be noted that only just under a quarter of those reporting a health problem 47 claim sickness or disability benefit15, but this figure is higher for men (26%) than for women (21%)15. There is also substantial variation in the percentage of those with different types of health problem claiming sickness/disability benefits, ranging from 3.2% in the case of skin conditions/allergies to 62.1% in the case of mental illness/phobia. Similar variability occurs in relation to ILO unemployment and inactivity by reported health problem (cf. disability). The former ranges from 1.3% in the case of ‘other’ progressive illness to 8.7% in the case of learning difficulties and the latter from 20.1% in the case of skin conditions/allergies to 80.1% in the case of mental illness/phobia. Therefore there is a very wide variation in the extent to which various types of health problem hamper job prospects, with mental illness having the most severe effects. This last statistic confirms the particular difficulties faced by persons with mental illness identified in previous research (see Meager et al., 1998; Bunt et al., 2001). 4. RESULTS The summary mean statistics for the estimation sample in Table 1 show that the disabled men’s (employment) participation rate in 2002 was just 39.1% of that of non-disabled men, with the corresponding figure for women at 44.1%. Disabled men earned 83.1% of the non-disabled men’s level, with the corresponding figure for women at 88.4%. Thus the disadvantage of disabled men relative to non-disabled men is greater than that of disabled women relative to non-disabled women (but even so, both groups of men earn more than even non-disabled women on average). Comparing these figures to those for males reported in Kidd et al. (2000), who used the 1996 LFS (and subject to the caveat given above concerning comparisons over time using this dataset), it would seem that the earnings differential in favour of non-disabled men may have widened (the premium at that time being 14%). The difference in employment participation rates also appears to have widened, with these rates falling for both non-disabled and disabled men. There is no prima facie evidence therefore, at least on the basis of these data, that the relative position of the disabled has improved over the six years since the introduction of the DDA (but note the caveats in Section 2). 48 Turning to the other variables in Table 1, a few important differences among the sub-groups are especially worthy of note. In large part these conform to expectations. Thus, for both men and women, disabled persons are on average, less well qualified than their non-disabled counterparts, with the disparity being most acute for the higher qualifications such as degrees. Disabled persons are also typically older (reflecting the fact that many disabilities exhibit age-related onset), and entirely unsurprisingly, suffer from a larger number of health problems than non-disabled individuals. For this reason this group is also more likely to own their own home; they are also however, more likely to be in public housing. Both male and female disabled groups also, on average, are less likely to be in a household where another individual has a source of earned income (for a discussion of which, see below), suggesting that they cannot rely on this as a means to ameliorate their own disadvantage in the labour market. For those who are in employment, there are also substantial differences both between the disabled and non-disabled, and also between males and females. These differences include not only the proportions working in particular occupational groups, the public sector and small firms. Men typically work more overtime hours than women, and the non-disabled more than the disabled; this is inversely correlated with the proportions working part-time, as would be expected. Finally, it is especially interesting to note that disabled males and females have longer average tenure than their corresponding non-disabled comparator group. 4.1 Employment participation The employment participation probit estimates are presented in Tables 2 and 3 for men and women respectively. As can be seen, in all cases, Likelihood Ratio tests unambiguously reject the null hypothesis that the coefficients in each regression are jointly insignificant. Turning to the coefficient estimates, most findings are in accordance with expectations. Thus the results show that both men and women with 49 educational qualifications are significantly more likely to be in employment than those without any qualifications; a finding that applies both for the disabled as well as the non-disabled. However, the marginal effect of each qualification is stronger for the disabled, indicating the particular importance of obtaining qualifications among this group.15 There are, in addition, strong age effects, with positive and negative signs on the linear and quadratic terms respectively observed in all cases, conforming to the usual pattern. Married men, whether disabled or not are more likely to be employed than single men, while the reverse applies to women, reflecting conventional household roles. In a similar vein, the presence of children generally has a negative effect on participation, although this effect is not significant for disabled men. The presence of an earned source of income by another household member has a positive effect on employment participation, as does possession of a mortgage, while habitation of social housing has the opposite effect. Outright home ownership reduces the likelihood of employment for non-disabled men, but increases it for disabled men. The income variable is especially noteworthy. In particular it should be noted that this is not the conventional measure of unearned income for an individual, which would be expected to reduce labour supply (as found in Kidd et al. 2000). Given the sign of its parameter estimate in Tables 2 and 3, it seems likely that our measure is instead capturing the polarisation of households as being either dual income or no income types (see for example Dickens et al. 2000, Table 4). For the disabled, having a number of health problems reduces the likelihood of employment. There are also significant regional effects, with lower employment participation rates in regions with slacker labour markets compared to the omitted region (the South-East and London). In contrast to non-disabled men, disabled men have a significantly lower participation rate in East Anglia, but a significantly higher participation rate in the South West. In the case of women, regional differences between the non-disabled and disabled are more marked. In the North-West and Scotland participation is significantly lower for the disabled, but significantly higher for the non-disabled. In other regions there are significant differences for either group, but not the other. On the whole, therefore, particular personal and other characteristics appear to have similar qualitative effects on the probability of employment for both the non-disabled and disabled, although there are some notable exceptions. However, while qualitatively similar, χ2 tests of parameter equality among the different comparator sub-groups unambiguously reject the null of homogeneity in each case15. 4.2 Earnings 50 In general, it seems to be the case also that earnings are determined in a qualitatively similar fashion for disabled and non-disabled persons (Tables 4 and 5), although F tests of parameter equality are rejected in all cases, and more comprehensively so when comparing men and women than disabled and non-disabled. In terms of specific coefficient estimates, these are once again largely in accordance with the usual predictions. Thus, wages are higher for those with qualifications relative to those without qualifications in each of the sub-group regressions, with the coefficients generally increasing in magnitude as one progresses up the qualifications hierarchy. Other human capital variables such as (maximum potential) experience and tenure with the current employer are always significant at better than the 1 per cent level, and in both cases there is evidence of the conventional decreasing returns. So far as occupation is concerned, the occupational group dummies are generally significantly negative and of plausible relative magnitudes given the omitted category of managers and senior officials; the only notable exception is females in professional occupations, whose earnings are higher than the base group. Turning to other variables in these regressions, in conformity with a number of previous studies (see for example Blackaby et al. 1998), wages are higher for married men than for single men, irrespective of whether they are disabled, while the reverse is true for women (albeit this effect is only statistically significant for the non-disabled). Being employed in a small firm (fewer than 20 employees) is associated with lower earnings for all of our subgroups, while for all except disabled females, the number of health problems and wages are negatively and significantly related. For the housing status variables, these are largely in accordance with priors: being in social housing is negatively related to earnings for all 51 groups, while the reverse is true for those in possession of a mortgage; no relationship is evident for those who own their home outright. As might be expected a priori given the omitted category (London and the South East), all regional dummies exhibit negative coefficient signs in each of the four sub-group regressions. These are significant with just one exception, namely disabled males in East Anglia. The industry dummies have a fairly consistent effect across the groups, with higher earnings in banking and finance, energy and water, and manufacturing. For males, being employed in agriculture and fishing or distribution and hotels has a significant negative effect for the nondisabled only. Similarly, for females, being employed in distribution and hotels, construction and public administration only affects the wage of the non-disabled group. Interestingly, being employed in the public sector confers a wage advantage for women only. Finally, the selectivity correction term (lambda) is only significant (with positive sign) for disabled women. 4.3 Earnings and employment participation and type of health problem In Tables 6 and 7 we repeat the preceding analysis, but focus on the disabled groups only, incorporating information for each individual concerning their main type of health problem15. Those with each of the broad types of included health problem/disability are significantly more likely to be in employment than the omitted category of mental health, while individuals with multiple health problems are significantly less likely to be in employment. 15 The earnings equations also show that those with all types of disability apart from the “other” category earn significantly more than those with mental health problems, with the exception of women with sight/hearing problems. This is in contrast with the earlier work of Kidd et al., where mental health was associated with a lower employment probability only. Using the 2002 data suggests therefore, that of the various disability types, mental health therefore is 52 more problematical both for gaining entry into the labour market and in obtaining earnings comparable to those of other workers. This is an important finding, confirming as it does the findings of inter alia, Bunt et al. (2001) and Meager et al. (1998) concerning the especially acute nature of the labour market disadvantage suffered by those with problems of this type. The reasons for the acuity of the problem faced by those with mental health problems are difficult to determine but two factors seem likely to be important. The first is that employers may for various reasons, be more reluctant to hire those with mental health problems than with other forms of disability, and consequently when this group do find work, they do so at a lower wage. This reluctance (to hire) is of course a form of discrimination15, and precisely the phenomenon that the DDA was designed to address. However, it should be noted that the discrimination may in many cases reflect not prejudice, but rather a lack of knowledge concerning, and misconceptions of, the nature of mental health problems and the consequences of and limitations imposed thereby (Brook 200315). The second is that employers may have a tendency to interpret disability in terms of “physically obvious, or particularly severe, impairments” (Aston et al. 2003: 5), and hence to focus on the physical adaptations to premises required under the DDA, rather than adjustments to working arrangements15. This implies that employers may therefore, inadvertently, not be as accommodating to the needs of those with mental health problems. There is also evidence to suggest that they are less likely to make adaptations for new hires (Goldstone with Meager 2002)15; the high inactivity rates of those with mental health problems may therefore make this especially problematic for this group when they attempt to (re) join the labour market. 4.4 Gender and disability decompositions A key feature of our analysis is to decompose the differences between the disabled and nondisabled and between genders. Thus we have two types of wage decomposition15. The first 53 compares the disabled with the non-disabled separately for men and women, and of necessity excludes types of disability (Table 8). For men, endowments/characteristics are a larger component in explaining the raw differential, which is of the same magnitude for each gender, than are differences in coefficients, while the reverse is the case for women. Whichever basis of comparison is used, the ‘unexplained’ percentage is always greater for women than for men. This contrasts with the findings of Blackaby et al. (1999), but is consistent with discrimination being more substantial for disabled women than for disabled men, assuming the same impact from omitted types of disability variables. Table 9 considers gender wage decompositions to consider whether the disadvantage of disabled women relative to disabled men is greater or less than the disadvantage of non-disabled women to non-disabled men. Again the raw differential is of comparable size in the two cases. While the part of the raw differential explained by endowments and coefficients in the nondisabled comparison is roughly equal, in the disabled comparison the difference in coefficients dominates the difference in endowments. Similarly to Table 8, whatever the basis for comparison used, the percentage ‘unexplained’ is always greater in the disabled comparison, which is again consistent with the discrimination story. When the type of health problem is controlled for in the gender decomposition (the lower panel of Table 9), the unexplained wage gap increases, indicating there is a gender difference in the impact of types of disability on earnings. The last aspect of our analysis is to examine the employment implications of the wage discrimination for both men and women. This is undertaken using the Baldwin and Johnson (1992) methodology, deployed in Kidd et al. (2002). The results of this procedure are set out in Table 10. The top part of the table sets out the predicted employment participation probabilities for the disabled and non-disabled in the presence and absence of discrimination, with the non-discriminatory wage structure being a weighted average of the disabled and non-disabled returns for the gender group under consideration, with the weights being the proportions of each group in the relevant populations (male and female). Predictably, male 54 employment participation rates are higher than for females, and for the non-disabled compared to the disabled. As can be seen, the employment effects of changing to the alternative wage structure are in all cases small, particularly for the non-disabled. The group with the largest employment effect is perhaps not surprisingly disabled men, although even here it is scarcely overwhelming. As Kidd et al. (2000: 977-978) indicate, “This is important from a policy viewpoint – it suggests that wage discrimination per se may be important but the implied employment effect associated with the discriminatory wage reduction is very small”. In elasticity terms however, our results for men suggest a significantly higher responsiveness to wages for men than found in the previous work of both Kidd et al. for the UK and Baldwin and Johnson in terms of ethnicity for the US. This would appear to indicate that although discrimination in wages may have a small impact overall, disabled men have become more sensitive to wage variations since the passing of the DDA. 5. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, while recognising the difficulties in identifying the impact of disability on labour market outcomes, we compare the effect of disability by gender. The evidence suggests that substantial differences in both likelihood of employment and levels of earnings remain, even after several years of operation of the Disability Discrimination Act. Significant heterogeneity within the disabled group is also identified, with the type of health problem having an important influence on employment and earnings. As with ethnicity, it becomes important to differentiate between the sub-groups to identify those who face the greatest labour market disadvantage. The evidence suggests that those suffering from mental health forms of disability fare particularly badly, and indicates that future efforts may need to be directed towards assisting this particular group. Although our data do not allow us to investigate the reasons for the particularly extreme degree of disadvantage faced by this group, it would be surprising if at least part of this did not result from some form of discrimination (and most notably for those (re) joining the labour market). As such, part of the answer may reside in improving employers’ access to information concerning the various types of mental illness and their implications for work. It may also be helpful to emphasise the ‘reasonable adjustments’ that can be made for workers with this type of disability; the 55 popular conception of such adjustments perhaps being more with physical environment. Our wage decompositions suggest the ‘penalty’ for disability is greater for women than for men, consistent with the presence of discrimination, although we must note that it is possible that our controls for productivity differences may be imperfect. Finally, we find little evidence using the Baldwin and Johnson (1992) methodology that the employment effects associated with discrimination in wages against the disabled are substantial. However, there is a suggestion that the male disabled may be becoming more sensitive to earnings than in the period prior to the implementation of the DDA. Table 1. Basic statistics Variable Hourly pay (£) Proportion in employment Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Male Disabled Non-disabled 9.307 11.207 0.309 0.790 0.065 0.172 0.075 0.131 0.282 0.310 0.102 0.152 0.156 0.124 46.837 38.129 2372.635 1634.930 0.564 0.543 0.084 0.053 0.100 0.095 0.072 0.076 0.029 0.034 0.080 0.091 0.093 0.091 0.116 0.100 0.075 0.047 0.106 0.095 0.931 0.925 0.444 0.609 0.427 0.670 0.339 0.113 0.238 0.169 56 Female Disabled Non-disabled 7.494 8.465 0.304 0.690 0.059 0.141 0.098 0.139 0.155 0.201 0.168 0.231 0.159 0.138 43.745 36.969 2049.125 1510.239 0.556 0.561 0.069 0.053 0.096 0.095 0.073 0.075 0.033 0.033 0.082 0.088 0.097 0.091 0.122 0.102 0.063 0.050 0.102 0.094 0.913 0.918 0.638 0.856 0.501 0.714 0.350 0.155 0.193 0.150 Home mortgaged No. of health problems Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Experience Experience squared Overtime Tenure Tenure squared Public sector Small firm Part time Days illness 0.338 2.695 0.012 0.017 0.245 0.079 0.184 0.107 0.124 0.184 0.096 0.121 0.071 0.171 0.032 0.044 0.156 0.172 26.471 866.337 3.842 9.235 177.289 0.207 0.265 0.121 0.239 0.611 0.238 0.010 0.021 0.248 0.084 0.167 0.099 0.154 0.173 0.137 0.142 0.054 0.158 0.021 0.044 0.127 0.124 21.496 623.744 4.291 8.379 151.856 0.197 0.235 0.075 0.054 0.370 2.673 0.004 0.004 0.082 0.008 0.241 0.037 0.122 0.443 0.077 0.124 0.218 0.024 0.141 0.138 0.032 0.171 24.807 757.532 2.269 6.786 100.885 0.368 0.318 0.498 0.218 0.588 0.231 0.004 0.005 0.088 0.015 0.221 0.038 0.150 0.426 0.109 0.143 0.237 0.016 0.128 0.124 0.028 0.122 20.634 571.938 2.468 6.616 94.299 0.362 0.294 0.426 0.074 Notes: In all cases figures relate to the estimation samples used. Table 2. Male labour force participation probit estimates Male Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Disabled Coefficient t-stat -3.215 -16.14 *** 0.784 11.06 *** 0.855 12.75 *** 0.559 11.92 *** 0.520 8.56 *** 0.525 9.77 *** 0.125 13.89 *** -0.002 -15.38 *** 0.270 6.02 *** -0.446 -6.20 *** -0.049 -0.79 -0.036 -0.52 57 Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat -4.926 -55.61 *** 0.383 11.12 *** 0.447 12.42 *** 0.336 11.60 *** 0.325 9.83 *** 0.323 9.45 *** 0.254 56.67 *** -0.003 -55.26 *** 0.217 8.46 *** -0.248 -6.11 *** -0.048 -1.46 0.006 0.15 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No. of health problems No obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 -0.264 0.139 0.033 -0.374 -0.406 -0.240 0.469 -0.009 0.387 -0.310 0.138 0.549 -0.236 -2.69 *** 2.13 ** 0.52 -6.11 *** -5.43 *** -3.70 *** 6.51 *** -0.44 10.41 *** -4.74 *** 2.03 ** 8.73 *** -20.46 *** -0.074 0.046 0.015 -0.186 -0.158 -0.093 0.624 -0.051 0.396 -0.287 -0.106 0.393 0.036 8349 -3673.015 2976.96 (0.000) 0.288 -1.45 1.33 0.43 -5.86 *** -3.67 *** -2.81 *** 20.07 *** -4.25 *** 19.82 *** -8.47 *** -3.19 *** 13.76 *** 2.47 ** 33781 -12797.960 9114.74 (0.000) 0.263 Notes: Regressions also include dummy variables for the quarter in which the individual was surveyed. ***, ** and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. The χ2 statistic is a test that all slope coefficients are zero. Pseudo-R2 is McFadden’s measure, defined as 1 minus the ratio of the maximised log-likelihood from the regression to that from a regression including the optimal constant only (Maddala, 1983). Table 3. Female labour force participation probit estimates Female Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Disabled Coefficient t-stat -3.095 -14.29 *** 1.052 14.80 *** 0.938 16.15 *** 0.720 13.97 *** 0.618 12.30 *** 0.523 10.19 *** 0.114 10.62 *** -0.001 -10.83 *** -0.137 -3.39 *** -0.132 -1.88 * -0.047 -0.77 0.023 0.34 -0.071 -0.77 0.139 2.23 ** 0.076 1.26 -0.257 -4.35 *** -0.229 -3.00 *** 58 Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat -4.562 -53.49 *** 0.660 23.25 *** 0.833 29.56 *** 0.481 19.66 *** 0.502 21.17 *** 0.375 14.48 *** 0.223 47.24 *** -0.003 -42.98 *** -0.261 -13.38 *** -0.017 -0.52 0.056 2.13 ** 0.104 3.58 *** -0.004 -0.10 0.157 5.68 *** 0.036 1.35 0.064 2.47 ** -0.004 -0.11 Region 10 White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No. of health problems No obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 -0.247 0.435 -0.162 0.402 -0.223 0.025 0.352 -0.172 -3.92 *** 6.62 *** -8.09 *** 10.44 *** -3.50 *** 0.37 5.72 *** -16.49 *** 8200 -3947.932 2172.63 (0.000) 0.216 0.136 0.495 -0.364 0.322 -0.072 -0.008 0.427 0.014 5.02 *** 19.09 *** -43.92 *** 17.96 *** -2.60 *** -0.27 17.80 *** 1.25 40427 -20446.192 9144.57 (0.000) 0.183 Notes: See notes to Table 2. Table 4. Male selectivity corrected wage equation. Constant Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Days illness Male Disabled Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat Coefficient t-stat 1.716 14.75 *** 1.932 62.87 *** -0.184 -4.65 *** -0.189 -16.33 *** -0.126 -4.41 *** -0.199 -22.40 *** -0.166 -5.28 *** -0.172 -17.89 *** -0.070 -1.50 -0.149 -10.94 *** -0.104 -3.69 *** -0.148 -16.64 *** -0.132 -4.71 *** -0.150 -16.65 *** -0.129 -3.99 *** -0.163 -18.22 *** -0.262 -6.65 *** -0.184 -15.27 *** -0.157 -4.73 *** -0.161 -17.94 *** -0.068 -1.96 ** -0.062 -6.94 *** -0.184 -5.87 *** -0.190 -21.71 *** -0.413 -11.13 *** -0.403 -33.64 *** -0.388 -12.97 *** -0.413 -47.19 *** -0.489 -9.42 *** -0.542 -29.77 *** -0.453 -10.01 *** -0.483 -34.95 *** -0.478 -15.10 *** -0.511 -53.22 *** -0.535 -17.28 *** -0.593 -59.90 *** -0.060 -0.75 -0.073 -2.71 *** 0.247 3.50 *** 0.217 10.64 *** 0.146 3.51 *** 0.098 7.49 *** 0.205 4.44 *** 0.129 8.90 *** 0.005 0.12 -0.034 -2.50 ** 0.148 3.35 *** 0.090 6.38 *** 0.203 4.76 *** 0.201 15.02 *** 0.102 2.44 ** 0.017 1.23 -0.014 -1.86 * -0.015 -2.75 *** 59 Married Experience Exp Squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Small Firm Part-time White Tenure Ten squared Public Sector Overtime No. of health problems Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Lambda No obs RSS F (p-value) R2 0.086 0.026 0.000 0.463 0.262 0.157 0.179 0.073 -0.115 -0.088 0.076 0.009 0.000 0.023 0.001 -0.042 -0.105 0.034 0.100 0.083 3.74 *** 8.33 *** -7.13 *** 10.01 *** 5.87 *** 4.64 *** 4.85 *** 2.03 ** -6.15 *** -3.31 *** 1.78 * 3.59 *** -0.64 0.80 0.60 -3.82 *** -2.73 *** 0.98 2.78 *** 1.48 0.067 0.032 -0.001 0.377 0.202 0.115 0.082 0.041 -0.131 -0.033 0.043 0.009 0.000 0.007 0.004 -0.099 -0.010 0.015 0.051 0.024 2579 388.924 52.67 (0.000) 0.496 10.95 *** 27.29 *** -24.24 *** 30.79 *** 17.14 *** 11.30 *** 7.41 *** 3.67 *** -22.19 *** -3.17 *** 3.65 *** 10.94 *** -4.32 *** 0.68 11.02 *** -8.12 *** -2.51 ** 1.39 5.80 *** 1.15 26692 4003.678 662.97 (0.000) 0.549 Notes: Regressions also include dummy variables for the quarter in which the individual was surveyed. ***, ** and * denote significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level respectively. RSS denotes the residual sum of squares. The F statistic is a test that all slope coefficients are zero. Table 5. Female selectivity corrected wage equation. Female Constant Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Disabled Coefficient t-stat 1.738 15.75 *** -0.210 -6.06 *** -0.172 -6.01 *** -0.116 -3.79 *** -0.166 -3.99 *** -0.122 -4.56 *** -0.146 -5.34 *** -0.151 -4.88 *** -0.153 -3.91 *** -0.210 -6.45 *** 0.112 2.69 *** -0.056 -1.55 -0.277 -8.46 *** 60 Non-disabled Coefficient t-stat 1.930 73.70 *** -0.169 -15.98 *** -0.160 -19.40 *** -0.152 -16.95 *** -0.131 -10.22 *** -0.140 -17.05 *** -0.137 -16.20 *** -0.146 -18.15 *** -0.141 -12.97 *** -0.139 -17.05 *** 0.054 4.99 *** -0.131 -13.61 *** -0.331 -36.86 *** Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Days illness Married Experience Exp squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Small firm Part-time White Tenure Ten squared Public sector Overtime No. of health problems Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Lambda No obs RSS F (p-value) R2 -0.411 -0.449 -0.436 -0.446 -0.495 -0.057 0.365 0.149 0.104 -0.004 0.094 0.228 0.050 -0.017 -0.020 0.016 0.000 0.390 0.247 0.177 0.138 0.083 -0.059 -0.058 -0.035 0.015 0.000 0.112 0.005 -0.009 -0.024 0.004 0.080 0.135 -7.33 *** -12.45 *** -11.47 *** -8.08 *** -13.78 *** -0.47 2.84 *** 3.38 *** 1.20 -0.12 1.89 * 5.93 *** 1.47 -2.02 ** -1.18 5.76 *** -5.51 *** 7.41 *** 5.45 *** 4.53 *** 3.81 *** 2.39 ** -3.44 *** -3.41 *** -0.89 5.02 *** -2.45 ** 4.91 *** 2.51 ** -0.26 -2.97 *** 0.13 2.51 ** 2.58 *** 2490 334.748 47.74 (0.000) 0.479 -0.493 -0.490 -0.463 -0.555 -0.551 0.005 0.222 0.132 0.162 -0.026 0.172 0.191 0.029 -0.009 -0.012 0.021 0.000 0.351 0.200 0.101 0.058 0.047 -0.071 -0.030 -0.006 0.015 0.000 0.054 0.004 -0.029 -0.007 -0.004 0.026 -0.011 -25.71 *** -46.55 *** -42.56 *** -33.85 *** -50.72 *** 0.14 7.01 *** 10.10 *** 7.80 *** -2.24 ** 11.49 *** 16.61 *** 2.72 *** -1.95 * -2.24 ** 25.63 *** -24.58 *** 28.93 *** 17.94 *** 10.46 *** 6.26 *** 4.78 *** -13.95 *** -5.68 *** -0.55 15.84 *** -5.99 *** 7.63 *** 7.71 *** -2.71 *** -1.87 * -0.36 3.05 *** -0.77 27907 3742.959 628.06 (0.000) 0.524 Notes: See notes to Table 4. Table 6. Disabled labour force participation probits Male Constant Qual 1 Qual 2 Coefficient -3.878 0.763 0.825 t-stat -18.48 *** 10.53 *** 12.09 *** 61 Female Coefficient -3.929 1.076 0.900 t-stat -17.07 *** 14.68 *** 15.19 *** Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Age Age squared Married Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 White Dependent children Other earner Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged No. of health problems Health 1 Health 2 Health 3 Health 5 No obs Log likelihood χ2 (p-value) Pseudo-R2 0.497 0.474 0.482 0.133 -0.002 0.218 -0.469 -0.070 -0.048 -0.275 0.110 0.004 -0.371 -0.417 -0.263 0.520 -0.028 0.394 -0.283 0.161 0.556 -0.233 0.719 0.815 0.836 0.375 10.42 *** 7.62 *** 8.84 *** 14.39 *** -16.25 *** 4.80 *** -6.40 *** -1.11 -0.67 -2.75 *** 1.66 * 0.06 -5.97 *** -5.46 *** -3.99 *** 7.11 *** -1.36 10.44 *** -4.26 *** 2.32 ** 8.68 *** -19.98 *** 11.93 *** 8.61 *** 13.63 *** 5.17 *** 8321 -3543.526 3205.58 (0.000) 0.311 0.693 0.605 0.507 0.127 -0.002 -0.157 -0.149 -0.082 0.014 -0.083 0.132 0.063 -0.268 -0.255 -0.240 0.501 -0.184 0.369 -0.223 0.032 0.351 -0.169 0.816 0.720 0.924 0.497 13.15 *** 11.78 *** 9.70 *** 11.41 *** -11.94 *** -3.82 *** -2.08 ** -1.32 0.20 -0.89 2.08 ** 1.02 -4.46 *** -3.27 *** -3.72 *** 7.47 *** -8.98 *** 9.38 *** -3.41 *** 0.46 5.57 *** -15.83 *** 13.79 *** 7.08 *** 14.91 *** 7.38 *** 8163 -3.792.864 2442.70 (0.000) 0.244 Notes: See notes to Table 2. Table 7. Disabled selectivity corrected wage equation Constant Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Occupation 2 Male Coefficient 1.673 -0.179 -0.123 -0.163 -0.062 -0.106 -0.136 -0.120 -0.256 -0.154 -0.067 Female t-stat Coefficient 12.79 *** 1.620 -4.58 *** -0.213 -4.32 *** -0.176 -5.21 *** -0.118 -1.32 -0.166 -3.78 *** -0.126 -4.84 *** -0.148 -3.76 *** -0.154 -6.56 *** -0.155 -4.67 *** -0.209 -1.93 * 0.114 62 t-stat 11.95 *** -6.13 *** -6.10 *** -3.84 *** -3.99 *** -4.67 *** -5.39 *** -4.95 *** -3.96 *** -6.47 *** 2.72 *** Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Industry 7 Industry 8 Days illness Married Experience Exp squared Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 Small firm Part-time White Tenure Ten squared Public sector Overtime No. of health problems Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Lambda Health1 Health2 Health3 Health5 No obs RSS F (p-value) R2 -0.181 -0.413 -0.386 -0.489 -0.457 -0.479 -0.533 -0.068 0.227 0.133 0.194 -0.005 0.136 0.194 0.094 -0.014 0.077 0.025 0.000 0.447 0.248 0.139 0.160 0.058 -0.116 -0.079 0.072 0.010 0.000 0.018 0.001 -0.103 -0.036 0.028 0.087 0.058 0.117 0.146 0.121 0.057 -5.76 *** -11.11 *** -12.86 *** -9.43 *** -10.11 *** -15.12 *** -17.21 *** -0.84 3.21 *** 3.20 *** 4.19 *** -0.12 3.09 *** 4.52 *** 2.25 ** -1.76 * 3.61 *** 8.03 *** -6.83 *** 10.03 *** 5.82 *** 4.39 *** 4.49 *** 1.70 * -6.20 *** -2.95 *** 1.69 * 3.72 *** -0.73 0.62 0.45 -2.71 *** -3.46 *** 0.82 2.47 ** 1.10 2.80 *** 2.80 *** 2.74 *** 1.34 2573 386.103 49.03 (0.000) 0.497 Notes: See notes to Table 4. 63 -0.054 -0.277 -0.414 -0.452 -0.439 -0.449 -0.496 -0.054 0.359 0.147 0.095 -0.007 0.093 0.227 0.050 -0.017 -0.024 0.016 0.000 0.392 0.243 0.174 0.137 0.081 -0.058 -0.056 -0.027 0.015 0.000 0.108 0.004 -0.010 -0.024 0.006 0.079 0.141 0.138 0.084 0.143 0.069 -1.50 -8.43 *** -7.33 *** -12.50 *** -11.51 *** -8.12 *** -13.76 *** -0.44 2.78 *** 3.31 *** 1.09 -0.18 1.87 * 5.91 *** 1.46 -1.97 ** -1.36 5.82 *** -5.65 *** 7.45 *** 5.49 *** 4.55 *** 3.82 *** 2.36 ** -3.35 *** -3.29 *** -0.66 5.03 *** -2.43 ** 4.73 *** 2.46 ** -0.27 -2.99 *** 0.18 2.50 ** 2.66 *** 3.07 *** 1.47 3.01 *** 1.62 2482 333.495 43.92 (0.000) 0.478 Table 8. Disabled and non-disabled wage decomposition Male Female Mean prediction non-disabled 2.238 1.990 Mean prediction disabled 2.010 1.760 Raw differential 0.228 0.230 - due to endowments 0.162 0.118 - due to coefficients 0.119 0.152 - due to interaction -0.053 -0.040 D: 0 1 0.5 0.912 * 0 1 0.5 0.918 * Unexplained 0.066 0.119 0.092 0.114 0.104 0.113 0.152 0.132 0.149 0.145 Explained 0.162 0.109 0.135 0.114 0.123 0.118 0.078 0.098 0.081 0.085 % unexplained 29 52.1 40.6 50.1 45.8 48.9 66.1 57.5 64.7 63.1 % explained 71 47.9 59.4 49.9 54.2 51.1 33.9 42.5 35.3 36.9 Differential due to selection variable -0.060 -0.125 Table 9. Gender wage decomposition Non-disabled Disabled Mean prediction males 2.238 2.010 Mean prediction females 1.990 1.760 Raw differential 0.248 0.250 - due to endowments 0.101 0.071 - due to coefficients 0.110 0.133 - due to interaction 0.036 0.046 D: 0 1 0.5 0.489 * 0 1 0.5 0.509 * Unexplained 0.147 0.110 0.128 0.129 0.080 0.179 0.133 0.156 0.156 0.113 Explained 0.101 0.137 0.119 0.119 0.168 0.071 0.117 0.094 0.094 0.137 % unexplained 59.3 44.5 51.9 52.1 32.3 71.7 53.2 62.5 62.3 45.1 % explained 40.7 55.5 48.1 47.9 67.7 28.3 46.8 37.5 37.7 54.9 Differential due to selection variable 0.011 -0.055 Disabled with controls for type of health problem 2.031 1.759 0.271 0.070 0.156 0.046 0 1 0.5 0.509 * 0.202 0.156 0.179 0.179 0.134 0.070 0.115 0.092 0.093 0.138 Mean prediction males Mean prediction females Raw differential - due to endowments - due to coefficients - due to interaction D: Unexplained Explained 64 % unexplained % explained Differential due to selection variable 74.3 57.6 65.9 65.8 49.2 25.7 42.4 34.1 34.2 50.8 -0.076 Table 10. Employment effects of wage differences Employment probability - Non-disabled discriminatory - Non-disabled non-discriminatory - Disabled discriminatory - Disabled non-discriminatory Employment elasticities - Non-disabled - Disabled Male Female 0.8513 0.8509 0.2343 0.2456 0.7202 0.7200 0.2494 0.2498 0.212 1.514 0.109 0.149 VARIABLE DEFINITIONS Dependent variables (Log) hourly wages Employment participation Human capital variables Experience Gross weekly earnings divided by usual hours worked per week Dummy variable equal to 1 if individual has a positive hourly wage, 0 else Qual 6 Years of (potential) labour market experience (age minus school-leaving age) Years in present job Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is university degree or higher degree Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is other degree Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is A level Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is O level Dummy variable, equals 1 if highest qualification is other qualification Dummy variable, equals 1 if no qualifications (base) Industry variables Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3 Industry 4 Industry 5 Industry 6 Agriculture and fishing Energy and water Manufacturing Construction Distribution, hotels etc Transport communication etc Tenure Qual 1 Qual 2 Qual 3 Qual 4 Qual 5 65 Industry 7 Industry 8 Industry 9 and 10 Banking and finance Public administration Other (base) Occupation variables Occupation 1 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5 Occupation 6 Occupation 7 Occupation 8 Occupation 9 Managers and senior officials (base) Professional occupations Associate professional and technical Administrative and secretarial Skilled trades Personal service occupations Sales and customer service occupations Process, plant and machine operatives Elementary occupations Region variables Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 North Yorkshire and Humberside East Midlands East Anglia South East and London (base) South West West Midlands North West Wales Scotland Health variables Days illness No of health problems Health 1 Health 2 Health 5 Number of days off sick in the reference week (0-7) Number of health problems reported Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects limbs Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects sight/hearing Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem affects skin, breathing and organs Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem is mental health (base) Dummy variable, equals 1 if main health problem is other Housing status variables Social housing Home owned Home mortgaged Private rent Dummy variable, equals 1 if renting from non-private sector Dummy variable, equals 1 if home owned outright Dummy variable, equals 1 if home mortgaged Dummy variable, equals 1 if renting from private sector (base) Other variables Age Married Age (years) Dummy variable denoting marital status, equals 1 if married Health 3 Health 4 Dependent children Number of dependent children in household if head of household or spouse (0 else) 66 Other earner White Small firm Public Part-time Overtime Dummy variable, equals 1if there is another individual in household has a labour market income Dummy variable denoting ethnic group, equals 1 if white Dummy variable denoting marital status, equals 1 if less than 20 employees in firm Dummy variable, equals 1 if individual is employed in the public sector Dummy variable, equals 1 if employed part time Amount of usual overtime (hours) REFERENCES Acemoglu D. and Angrist J.D. 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