1 WELCOME We would like to welcome you to Piscataway High School’s Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Group. You will discover that our AFJROTC has been recognized as one of the most “outstanding” cadet units in the world. We are proud that you have chosen to be a member of our Corps of Cadets. As a member of the Corps of Cadets, you will be given an opportunity to develop your management and leadership skills. You will be called upon to represent the Air Force at Piscataway High School, in your neighborhood, and in the community. Always uphold our tradition of excellence and wear the Air Force Junior ROTC uniform proudly and correctly. If we are to achieve the goals we have set for this year, each of you must give your best effort. Let’s all work together throughout the years to continue to make this unit the best in the state, the nation, and the world. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Cadet Handbook is to inform you of your personal responsibilities and obligations as an Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet. This guide will also provide you with information that you will need and want to know. You will be expected to know and observe the policies and procedures written in this guide. It will be to your advantage to read, study, and become familiar with the information contained in this publication. You are also expected to read and to comply with all official items published in the Weekly Bulletin. Ignorance of these items will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to comply with all publications. When you encounter situations not specifically covered in any publication, you will be expected to use good judgement and common sense. If you are in doubt concerning the meaning of an item, request clarification from your Flight Commander. He/she will be happy to assist you in understanding the requirements of the Corps of Cadets. 2 CONTENTS PAGE I Organization of the Corps of Cadets 5 II Missions of the Cadet Corps 5 III Aerospace Science and Leadership Education 5 IV Cadet Appointments 6 V Rotation of Cadet Positions 6 VI Promotions 6 VII Military Customs and Courtesies 7 VIII Cadet Conduct / Disenrollments 7 IX Cadet Officer and NCO Authority and Responsibility 8 X Grading Policy 8 XI Honor Flight Competition 10 XII Cadet Airman of the Quarter 10 XIII Cadet Review Boards 10 XIV Saluting 11 XV Personal Courtesies 12 XVI Classroom Procedures 12 XVII Staff Meetings 13 XVIII Uniforms, Insignia, Personal Appearance/Conduct 13 XIX Field Trips 20 XX Awards and Decorations 20 XXI Corps of Cadets Job Descriptions 23 XXII Kitty Hawk 27 XXIII Conclusion 28 3 ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1 Organizational Chart Attachment #2 Special Orders Attachment #3 Unit Manning Document (UMD) Attachment #4 Review Board Cadet Notification Letter Format Attachment #5 Review Board Results/Corrective Action Letter Format Attachment #6 Air Force Letter Format Attachment #7 Sample 341 – Excellence / Discrepancy Report Attachment #8 AFJROTC Insignia’s Attachment #9 AFJROTC Badges Attachment #10 Insignia Placement on the Cadet Uniforms Attachment #11 Grading Rubrics Attachment #12 30 Command Flight Drill Sequence 4 CADET HANDBOOK I. ORGANIZATION The Piscataway High School Air Force Junior ROTC unit is organized as a group consisting of up to six flights. Each flight consists of at least two elements. See attachment #1 for the organizational chart. II. MISSION - Cadets are expected to memorize the following and may be tested in either verbal or written format: A. The mission of AFJROTC is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community” B. The AFJROTC core values are: 1. Integrity First 2. Service Before Self 3. Excellence in All We Do III. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND LEADERSHIP EDUCATION The Air Force Junior ROTC program is divided into three parts. The Aerospace Science portion consists of classroom instruction and represents 40% of the JROTC program. The leadership portion of the program consists of Leadership Education and Corps training activities. This portion of the program represents 40% of the total curriculum. The remaining portion is drill and ceremony/physical fitness, which are the final 20% of the program. A. AEROSPACE SCIENCE: The Air Force furnishes texts books that are used in this series of studies. Subjects include the history of flight, the study of aeronautics, rocketry and space exploration, the psychology of flight, navigation, meteorology, survival, astrology and global studies. B. LEADERSHIP EDUCATION: The development of Air Force traditions, customs and courtesies are studied. Values such as U.S. Flag etiquette, respect for authority and military discipline are practiced through military drill and ceremonies. The principles of honor, integrity and allegiance to our country are examined and considered essential elements in character development. Communication skills are emphasized along with practice in problem solving, human relations, application of logic and other managerial skills. 5 IV. CADET APPOINTMENTS A. The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) selects the Cadet Corps Group Commander, Deputy Group Commander, Kitty Hawk Commander, Deputy Kitty Hawk Commander, Drill Team Commander, Color Guard Commander and Flight Commanders. These selections are based upon recommendations of the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) and the current Corps Group Commanders. The criteria used to select the commanders includes academics, accomplishments while in the Cadet Corps (particularly in their AS III year), and a cadet’s demonstrated ability to manage and lead in an outstanding manner. B. To compete for the Group Commander and other positions, cadets are assigned to mid-level managerial positions where they gain leadership experience and demonstrate their capabilities to be effective role models for the rest of the corps. The Cadet Group Commander will select his/her own staff with the approval of the SASI and ASI. All cadet appointments are announced and published in Special Orders (Attachment #2). V. ROTATION OF CADET POSITIONS A. Under normal circumstances, Cadets Corps Commander and Deputy Commander positions may be rotated at the end of the first semester in order to provide capable senior cadets with the experience of the command. There should be instances where cadets stay in their original assignments to preserve continuity of management and leadership for the good of the Corps. B. Cadets positions in the Flights may be rotated more frequently to enhance leadership and management training. Rotations of these positions will be limited to full marking period time frames. The criteria used to select cadets for Flight positions will be student grades in JROTC that were earned during the recently completed marking period. Merit points will not be used when considering cadets for managerial postings. Positions in the Flights will be published in Special Orders (Attachment #2A). VI. PROMOTIONS A. CRITERIA: The following criteria will be used to select a cadet for promotion: a test/quiz grade average of 80% of higher in the JROTC; attitude; citizenship traits; compliance with appearance and behavior standards; experience; initiative; maturity; and communication skills. Merit/demerit positions will only be used as a tie-breaking tool in deciding between two equally qualified candidates. Promotions will be published in Special Orders (Attachment #2A). 6 B. CADET RANKS: AS I Cadets begin as Airman Basics and progress according to the criteria listed above. AS II, III and IV’s return at the rank held the previous year. With exception of those positions listed in paragraph IV A, all staff positions are temporary grades and rank while filling that specific position. When an individual posting is complete, the individual will revert back to their highest permanent rank held. C. MAXIMUM RANKS: The Unit Manning document (UMD) lists the highest rank a cadet may hold for that position (Attachment #3). A cadet may not be promoted higher that the UMD indicates without first being moved to a position to commensurate with that rank. The only exception is a merit promotion. Examples of these types of promotions are: airman of the quarter; airman of the half and other special awards as determined by the SASI and ASI. In these rare cases, a cadet may be promoted to one grade higher than that dictated by the UMD. D. FREQUENCY OF PROMOTIONS: Cadets will be considered for promotion at the end of the first semester and the end of the third marking period. Spot promotions may occur at any time at the discretion of the SASI. Spot promotions will be used to recognize exemplary accomplishments by individual cadets. VII. MILITARY CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES A. Military customs and courtesies will be observed at all times while in uniform and in the AFJROTC classroom/work areas. B. A free discussion of ideas relating to a lesson will be encouraged in order to develop and analyze subjects. However, discussions on a subject will be discontinued if, in the judgement of the SASI or ASI, military customs and courtesies may be violated. VIII. CADET CONDUCT A. AFJROTC Cadets are taught to function with a minimum of supervision. Cadets are responsible for their own action at all times. Inappropriate behavior, in and out of uniform, is prohibited while participating in AFJROTC. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, comsuming alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco use, horseplay, public displays of affection, fighting, disparaging remarks, insubordination, disrespect, verbal threats, physical attacks, creation of disturbances, cheating on tests, a display of insolent attitude or behavior, stealing or failing to comply with the uniform and appearance standards are considered serious breaches of discipline. Cadets must always display a high degree of professionalism. Cadets who fail to abide by requirements of this paragraph will be referred to the Cadet Review Board for further action. Ref: AFJROTCI 36-2001, para 8.4 7 B. Cadets may be disenrolled from AFJROTC on recommendation from the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor and approved by the principal for the following reasons. Ref: AFJROTCI 36-2001, para 7.3.1. 1. Failure to maintain acceptable standards (conduct, uniform wear, and grooming) 2. Inaptitude or indifference to training. 3. Disciplinary reasons 4. Other reasons deemed appropriate . C. Cadets suspended from school may be removed from supervisory or leadership positions and reduced in the rank as determined by the SASI. D. Cadets involved in fights while in uniform may be immediately removed from the JROTC program by the SASI. Cadets who remove their uniform to become involved in a fight will also be eliminated from the program. E. It is the responsibility of each cadet to use good judgement at all times. Watching a fight is considered bad judgement on the part of the cadet. Upon seeing a fight, the cadet must seek teacher assistance. While a fight is being handled by a teacher, cadets must leave the area where the fight is occurring. Being involved in a fight degrades the uniform, the Cadet Corps and will not be tolerated. IX. CADET OFFICER AND NCO AUTHORITY/RESPONSIBILITY A. Cadet Officers are authorized to give orders to cadet’s junior in rank to them. This authority will be confined to the JROTC classroom and on uniform day when passing between classes throughout the school. Additionally, cadet officers have no authority to change or modify existing orders or regulations. B. Cadet Officers and Senior NCOs are authorized to take charge and direct subordinate cadets in the performance of the JROTC leadership training. They will judiciously enforce military discipline at all times and will never demean, belittle or harass subordinate cadets. Cadet officers and NCOs are responsible for providing a proper example at all times. X. GRADING POLICY Merit/Demerit/Class participation/Preparedness Uniform Inspection / 341’s In-Class and homework Assignments Quizzes 8 20% 20% 20% 40% ____ 100% A. A student who has previously failed the AFJROTC course for the year may only re-enroll with the approval of the SASI. Approval is based on the results of a personal interview with the student and/or parent. B. Cadets will not be issued their uniform until they meet Air Force grooming standards. Failure to meet standards will result in loss of the 20% uniform grade and possible removal from the program. Cadets who do not properly return uniform items will be issued a grade of Incomplete (I) for a grade until the situation is corrected. C. The grading policy represents a breakdown of how students will be evaluated. Second and fourth marking periods will have a Mid-term and Final exam, respectively. D. The 341 system is one that has proven to be effective as a military excellence/discrepancy reporting form. The form itself is a small, easily carried slip of paper that has the possessing cadet's name, rank, and flight on it. The system at our unit, requires each cadet to carry a minimum of two 341 forms on their person each uniform day. If a cadet officer, or certain cadets responsible for cadet discipline, such as Cadet Command Chief, Cadet First Sergeant, and Cadet Flight Sergeants, were to observe an instance of excellence, or an instance requiring disciplinary action (such as not wearing a hat outside), the cadet in the position of authority would go up to said cadet from the aforementioned scenario and request a 341, to be filled out and placed in the Group Commander's mailbox. At the end of each Thursday, these forms would be consolidated and turned into the SASI or ASI for appropriate actions to be taken, such as reductions or increasing of uniform grade. E. MERIT AND DEMERIT POINT SYSTEM: The merit point system is designed to reward superior performance and to penalize inappropriate behavior. A Rubric is used to determine points earned during a given marking period. However additional points may be added/subtracted for receiving Merit/demerit points. However, points may be deducted by the SASI/ASI as described in the following paragraph. Cadet Officers may recommend merits or demerits but only the SASI and ASI are authorized to assess these points. F. DEMERITS: The following are examples of situations in which demerits may be given by the SASI or ASI. Failure of the cadet to understand the significance of the assigned demerits may result in the filing of a disciplinary referral with the appropriate principal, a Cadet Review Board, or both actions. 1. Instances of disorderly conduct. This includes talking out of turn and moving around the classroom without permission. 2. The use of foul language. 3. Lateness to class or not being seated when the bell rings. 4. Wearing civilian items with the uniform such as a jacket, tennis shoes, or civilian coat. 5. Any inappropriate conduct as deemed necessary by SASI/ASI. 9 G. Rubrics: To set measure of consistency in grading, Rubrics have been developed in the following areas: Leadership, Visual Presentations, Writing Assignments, Reports and Merit/Demerit/Class participation/Preparedness. These rubrics are located at appendix #17. XI. HONOR FLIGHT COMPETITION A. PURPOSE: Honor Flight competition is designed to improve the performance of cadets and to develop an appreciation for discipline and teamwork. Its ultimate objective is the development of Esprit de Corps. Honor Flight only applies to AS I and AS II flights. B. HONOR FLIGHT ASSIGNMENT: The winner of the quarterly Honor Flight competition will be selected on the basis of the average quiz grades and drill-off for the marking period. In the event of a tie, merit points will be the tiebreaker. All flight members will be authorized to wear a chord identifying them as members of the Honor Flight. XII. CADET AIRMAN OF THE QUARTER Each quarter, one cadet from the AS I or AS II/lll class will be chosen as “Cadet of the Quarter.” The cadet must have an average of 80% or above test/quiz grade average. Selection criteria include personal conduct, participation in Corps events, uniform wear, discipline and attitude. The winner will be announced to the Corps and will be authorized to wear a special cord for the month. XIII. CADET REVIEW BOARDS A. PURPOSE AND DUTIES 1. The purpose of the Cadet Review Board is to provide Cadet Officers and NCOs with a meaningful leadership tool by which to manage Cadet Corps conduct. 2. The duties of the Board are to review, evaluate, and submit recommendations to the Cadet review Commander concerning individual cadet breaches of discipline. B. BOARD MEETINGS 1. The Cadet Group Deputy Commander will be responsible for convening a Review Board with the approval of the SASI. 2. Cadets appearing before the Cadet Review Board will be notified by letter (Attachment #7) at least seven (7) schools day in advance of the Board. This letter will include the date, time, place, and purpose of the Board. 10 3. All cadets selected as Cadet Board members or who are appearing before the Board must be in uniform as prescribed in the Weekly Bulletin. C. AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD 1. Cadet Review Boards will be initiated by one of the following events: a. A cadet accumulates an excessive amount of demerits, negative 341’s or absences during a semester. b. A cadet brings discredit or embarrassment to the Corps of cadets, the school or the Air Force by his/her actions. c. Not wearing the uniform in a satisfactory manner. d. As requested by the SASI or ASI. 2. All Cadet Review Boards will have the following members: a. President – Deputy Group Commander b. Recorder – Personnel Officer or Information Management Officer c. Other members – Cadet Officer and/or Cadet Senior NCOs 3. All Cadet Review Boards will consist of at least five cadets. Members of the Cadet Review Board will be appointed by the Cadet Group Commander in writing (Attachment #6) and be approved by the SASI. XIV. SALUTING A. PURPOSE: Exchange of a military salute is a privilege enjoyed by personnel in good standing who wear the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. The military salute can be traced back to the armies of ancient civilizations. The traditional hand salute is used by most modern countries to show respect and trust among members of the armed forces. It is a military way of rendering a greeting, saying “hello.” B. WHEN TO SALUTE: The hand salute will be rendered by all JROTC cadets, when in uniform, under the following conditions: 1. All cadets, regardless of grade, will exchange the salute with commissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces and those of allied nations (outdoors only). 2. The salute will be exchanged between cadets enlisted members and cadet officers (outdoors only). 3. Cadets of the vicinity of a flag pole will stop and salute the U.S. Flag whenever it is being raised or lowered (outdoors only). 4. The salute is rendered indoors only when reporting to a commissioned officer of the United States Armed Forces or cadet officer. 11 5. The military salute is considered appropriate as a sign of greeting and respect. If there is any doubt about whether or not to salute, a salute should be rendered. 6. The salute is not rendered while running. In situations such as this, slow to a walk, salute, then resume running. 7. The salute is rendered only once to a senior officer that remains in the vicinity of the cadet and no conversation has taken place. If a conversation takes place, the junior ranking cadet again salutes the senior officer upon departing or when the senior officer leaves. 8. A junior ranking cadet will always begin a salute in time for a senior ranking cadet to return the salute. XV. PERSONAL COURTESIES A. In addition to the formal salute, cadets should be careful to observe personal courtesies in their association with officers. These courtesies are normally acts of civility and politeness. B. Military personnel must be properly addressed by their rank. For example, address the SASI as Major Taylor and the ASI as Chief Williams. Addressing a JROTC cadet is done in the same manner preceded by “Cadet.” For example, Cadet Major Smith. Civilians should be addressed by their proper title such as Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc. XVI. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES A. CLASSROOM opening: When the school bell rings to signify the start of class, the Cadet Flight Commander will bring the class to attention in the following manner. Standing at attention, the Flight Commander will give the command “Flight.” The flight will rise from their seats on the left side and stand at Parade Rest. Upon hearing the command “Attention,” the flight members will come to attention. When given the command “element leaders report,: the leader of the first element will salute and report; “first element all present and accounted for” (or number absent). The flight commander will then return the salute and the procedure will be repeated for the other elements in succession. On Uniform wear Thursdays, the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited at this time. The Flight Commander will then give the order “seats” at which time the flight members will take their seats. B. CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE: All cadets are expected to exercise outstanding discipline and self-control in the JROTC classroom and offices. Demerits, 341’s, or disciplinary referrals will be issued for disorderly conduct. C. CLASSROOM CLOSING: The flight will be called to attention as in the CLASSROOM OPENING procedures. After the flight is called to 12 attention, the command “dismissed” will be given at which time flight members may leave the classroom in an orderly manner. D. CALLING ROOM TO “ATTENTION”: When the SASI or Cadet Group Commander enter or depart an area, the first cadet seeing that activity will stand and call the room to “Attention”. Cadets will remain at the position of ATTENTION until given further direction. XVII. STAFF MEETINGS A. The Cadet Group Commander will conduct Group staff meetings as required. The date and time of the meeting will be flexible and will be published in the Weekly Bulletin in advance of the meeting. B. Cadet Group Staff Officers, First Sergeant, and Senior Enlisted Advisor MUST attend the meetings listed in A above. If a member of the staff is not able to attend a meeting, a typed letter using the Attachment #6 format will be given to the Group Commander/Deputy Group Commander at least one day in advance of the meeting. This notification will include the reason for non-attendance and the name of the staff member who will represent the absent person. C. The Information Management Officer will be responsible for recording and maintaining minutes from these Group meetings. A military formatted letter (Attachment #6) will be prepared to document the minutes from the meeting. A copy of this will be submitted to the SASI for review and approval. XVIII. UNIFORMS, INSIGNIA, PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND CONDUCT A. POLICY 1. The JROTC cadet uniform is, with certain exceptions, the same as that which is worn by active duty personnel. This uniform is the distinctive dress of a proud and honorable profession. Each cadet must be aware of their responsibility for maintaining his/her uniform in good order and wearing it proudly and correctly. 2. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED: Using tobacco products and/or possessing them is against school rules. Any cadet found in possession of these types of products will be referred to a review board for further disposition. Any Staff Officer discovered possessing these products will be removed from his/her position and may also be referred to a disciplinary board. Using these products will result in removal from the program. 3. Cadets that hold a staff position have the option of being issued either a lightweight jacket or the all weather coat. A cadet that removed from a staff position must dry clean the jacket and return it the ASI. An all weather coat will be issued as a replacement. 13 B. UNIFORM ISSUE 1. All JROTC cadets will be issued a complete uniform free of charge. Uniforms that are returned for any reason will be inspected for cleanliness and condition. Cadets will be charged for any uniform or uniform accessory that needs to be cleaned. 2. Cadets will not be issued their uniform until they meet Air Force grooming standards. Failure to meet standards will result in loss of the 20% uniform grade and possible removal from the program. C. STANDARDS OF PERSONAL APPEARANCE 1. Each member of the JROTC must maintain the highest standards of dress and appearance. It is imperative that all members present a neat and well-groomed appearance. The need for personal cleanliness and proper wear of the uniform on the part of all members requires that certain minimum standards be established. 2. Uniforms must be kept clean, neat, and in good condition. Uniforms will be kept buttoned, including pockets. Shoes will be shined and kept in good repair. Badges, insignia, belt buckles and other metallic devices must be maintained in proper luster and condition. 3. Cadets will not write, draw, or stamp any words, slogans or pictures in any visible body parts when in uniform. This includes designs cut into the hair. 4. Rings attached to the ears, the nose, tongue, and eyelids or any other visible body parts will not be allowed while in uniform. 5. Cadets are warned about newly pierced ears. Since a prolonged period of wearing studs is necessary for this process, ladies must check the regulation for placement. Male cadets are not allowed to wear earrings with the uniform; therefore the best course of action is not to obtain any new piercing during the school year. D. UNIFORM WEAR AND INSPECTION 1. All cadets are required to wear the uniform every Thursday, “Uniform Day,” and on other days deemed appropriate by the SASI. If a cadet is absent from school or on a field trip on “Uniform Day,” he/she must wear the uniform on Friday. Failure to wear the uniform on three occasions during any marking period will result in a failing grade for that time frame. 2. The uniform is to be worn the entire school day except where it is clearly inappropriate (gym, shop, and lab). Immediately after these classes, the uniform must be worn. In-proper wear of the uniform will result in points being deducted from the appropriate uniform grade. 14 3. Proper wear of the uniform is a grade that will be assessed each Thursday. Grades start at 100% and will be reduced according to the following criteria during the first marking period. Point values may be doubled during the second through fourth marking. (Commonly occurs after a week of non uniform wear) Points may be cumulative, if a cadet receives the same infraction week after week. a. Grooming (hair, finger nails, shaving) – 10 points each b. Uniform cleanliness – 10 points c. Insignia, Gig line, Strings, Lint– 5 points d. Poor shoe shine – 10 points e. Missing uniform item – 10 points each f. Unexcused uniform wear – 25 points for each missed day g. Improper wear of uniform – 25 points 4. Cadets will be inspected prior to all field trips. Cadets that fail grooming or uniform standards will be removed from the trip. 5. Civil Air Patrol uniforms will not be worn in place of the JROTC uniform. 6. Permanently shined (corfam) shoes are not authorized for cadets. 7. Uniform items issued to cadets are only authorized for wear during weekly uniform day, at parades, during drill competitions or at any other cadet functions as authorized by the SASI/ASI. E. MALE UNIFORM STANDARDS 1. Articles such as wallets, pencils, pens, necklaces, pins, jewelry, headphones, cell phones, handkerchiefs, combs, multiple rings on one hand and sunglasses will not be worn or carried exposed on the uniform. The wearing of wristwatches, identification bracelets, and single rings are permitted. Conservative sunglasses may be worn outdoors, but not in military formations. Earrings are strictly prohibited in uniform for male cadets. 2. SASI will announce the wear of any required uniform item. 3. WEAR AND CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: a. SERVICE COAT (JACKET): Dry clean only. All buttons will be fastened. Service coats may be removed in the classroom with the permission of the SASI/ASI. b. SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT: Launder, pay close attention to the collar area. Tie optional unless direct by SASI. c. FLIGHT CAP: Dry clean only. Worn outdoors and removed indoors. Worn slightly to the right of the vertical crease at the center of the forehead and inline with the nose 1 to 1 ½ inches above the eyebrows. d. TROUSERS: Dry clean only. e. SHOES: Low quarter, black. Shoes will be cleaned with black shoe polish and buffed to a bright shine. Only Air Force issued shoes will be worn. Inability to wear the Air Force issued shoes for medical reasons will only be granted with a letter written by a physician on their letter head stationary and signed by the 15 doctor. Substitute shoes must comply with Air Force color and design. The wear of boots will not be approved. f. SOCKS: Launder. Solid black socks without any design will be worn. Only one pair of black socks will be issued to cadets each year. Replacement socks are the responsibility of the cadet. g. UNDERSHIRT: The white shirt is to either be a v-neck or a sleeveless shirt, not a rounded shirt. h. NECKTIE: Dry clean only. Mandatory with Service Jacket. i. ALL WEATHER COAT: Dry clean only. Worn when the weather warrants its use. It may be worn with or without lining. When worn it must be fully buttoned with the belt through the belt buckle and fastened in front of the coat. It will be removed in classrooms. j. LIGHT WEIGHT BLUE JACKET: Dry clean only. This jacket is only authorized for cadets that hold officer staff positions. When worn it must be zipped up at least half way. 4. HAIR: Air Force Junior ROTC regulations require that all male cadets comply with the following grooming standards: a. Hair cannot be worn in an extreme or fad style, such as pigtails anywhere on the head or in braided styles. b. No visible foreign objects will be attached to the hair. c. Hair will not be worn in such a way that it exceeds length or bulk standards. The hair will not exceed 1 ¼ inches in bulk, regardless of length and will not exceed ¼ inch at the termination point on the sides and back of the head. d. The hair will not touch the eyebrows when groomed or protrude below the front or rear band of properly worn headgear. e. The hair will have a tapered appearance on both sides and back, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the individual’s hair, so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the termination point on the sides or back of the head. f. A block cut is permitted with a tapered appearance, but must comply with the bulk requirements described above. g. If hair is dyed, it must look natural. 5. SIDEBURNS a. If a cadet chooses to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed in the same manner as the hair. b. Sideburns will not extend below the bottom of the ear opening, will be straight, and even in width (not flared), and will end with a clean-shaven horizontal line. 6. SHAVING a. The face will be clean-shaven. Mustaches are permitted, but will be neatly trimmed, not extend downward beyond the lip line 16 of the upper lip, and may not extend sideways beyond the corner of the mouth. Beards are prohibited, except as prescribed by a physician in writing for medical reasons. Beards worn due to medical reasons will be kept closely trimmed and not exceed 1/8” in length. b. When a physician prescribes that a cadet not shave, a letter on the physician’s letterhead stationary must be submitted. The letter must specify the duration that the cadet must not shave and the expiration date. 7. WIGS AND HAIRPIECES: Wigs and hairpieces will not be worn by male personnel while in uniform, except for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. F. FEMALE UNIFORM STANDARDS 1. Articles such as pencils, pens, pins, necklaces, handkerchiefs, walkman, headphones, cell phones, and jewelry will not be worn or carried on the uniform. Wearing of ankle bracelets is prohibited, but wrist watches, identification bracelets, and a single ring may be worn on each hand. Conservative sunglasses may be worn, except in military formations. Female cadets can only wear one set of conservative, non-dangling, spiracle earrings in gold, silver, pearl, or diamond finishes. 2. WEAR AND CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS a. SERVICE COAT (JACKET): Dry clean only. All buttons will be fastened. It may be removed in the classroom at the direction of the SASI/ASI. b. SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT: Launder, pay close attention to the collar area. Tie tab optional unless direct by SASI. c. SLACKS: Dry clean only. Will fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at the waist. d. SKIRT: Dry clean only. The shirt will fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at the waist. Length will be anywhere from the top to the bottom on the knees. e. FLIGHT CAP: Dry clean only. Worn outdoors and removed indoors. f. SHOES: Black oxfords or pumps. Will be cleaned with black shoe polish and buffered to a bright shine. Oxfords must be worn while marching. Pumps are an optional item to be purchased by the cadet. They must be plain with no design or bows and have a heel not exceeding 2 ½ inches. g. HOSE: Black, Navy Blue, or flesh colored to compliment the uniform. h. TAB TIE: Dry clean only. Mandatory with Service Jacket. k. ALL WEATHER COAT: Dry clean only. Worn when the weather warrants its use. It may be worn with or without lining. When 17 i. worn it must be fully buttoned with the belt through the belt buckle and fastened in front of the coat. It will be removed in classrooms. LIGHT WEIGHT BLUE JACKET: Dry clean only. This jacket is only authorized for cadets holding officer staff positions. When worn it must be zipped up at least half way. 3. HAIR: Air Force Junior ROTC regulations require that all female cadets comply with the following grooming standards. a. Female cadets in uniform must wear their hair in a neat style, no longer than the bottom of the collar edge at the back of the neck. Hair style may not exceed three inches in bulk. Exaggerated styles with excessive fullness, extreme height or length are prohibited. b. Pins, combs, scrunchies or barrettes that are worn to keep the hair in place must be black or navy blue. 4. WIGS AND HAIRPIECES: Wigs and hairpieces, when worn, must conform to the same regulations governing natural hairstyles. Hairpieces must also be acceptable in appearance and color. 5. COSMETICS: Cosmetics must be conservative and in good taste. 6. SEMI-FORMAL UNIFORM: The SASI may authorize wear of the winter uniform with a white shirt and blue tab tie in special occasions. G. UNIFORM ACCESSORIES 1. The SASI may authorize members of the drill team and honor guard to wear the Drill Team Bar and/or Color Guard Bar on the Service Ribbon and the drill team cord denoting their participation in parades and competitions. 2. Kitty Hawk Air Society members may wear the badge and cord designating them as Kitty Hawk members. 3. The SASI will designate when members of these groups are authorized to wear their accouterments by Special Orders (Attachment #2). H. UNATHORIZED WEAR OF THE UNIFORM 1. THE UNIFORM OR PARTS OF THE UNIFORM WILL NOT BE WORN TO NON-AFJROTC ACTIVITIES, UNLESS ADVANCED AUTHORIZATION IS OBTAINED FORM THE SASI OR THE ASI. 2. Examples of functions that may receive the SASI’s authorization include parades, weddings, or funerals. 3. Examples of unauthorized events include, but are not limited to political parades, demonstrations, school or social functions. 18 I. ISSUE AND TURN-IN OF UNIFORM 1. At the time of issue, the cadet will be required to sign a receipt and letter acknowledging responsibility for proper care of items. The date of the turn-in of the uniform will be announced in the Weekly Bulletin. Additionally, letters will be sent to cadet parents notifying them of the uniform turn-in date(s) and the requirement that the uniform be laundered and/or dry cleaned. Failure to turn-in uniforms may result in: Loss of the 20% portion of the grade, delay of final examinations and monetary indebtedness to the United States Air Force. 2. Cadets failing to turn-in their uniform or uniform items (other than shoes and socks) must reimburse the Air Force at the current replacement cost of the uniform and/or the missing items. School authorities will not release grades, transcripts of grades, or diplomas until this reimbursement has been paid. J. INSIGNIA, RANKS, AND BADGES (Attachments 8 through 16) 1. The insignia and badges listed for issue TA 016, Section D, Part D, are the only ones authorized for wear by AFJROTC cadets. However, additional items are authorized for the Drill Team, Color Guard, the Kitty Hawk Air Society, and for those cadets authorized to wear the flight badge, rocketry badge, and distinguished cadet badge. 2. All flight cap insignia will be worn I the left side of the cap, 1 ½ inches from the front of the cap. The insignia will be placed vertically and centered between the top and bottom of the flight cap. 3. Officer Grade will be worn as follows: a. Standard Size: Only worn in the shoulder epaulets if shirts and blouses. b. Soft Insignia: Worn on the epaulet of the shirts and blouses only. c. Miniature Metal Insignia: Worn on both lapels of the service uniform. NOTE: See attachments for correct placement. 4. Airman Rank: Only the miniature metal chevron insignia’s are available. They are worn on both collars of the shirt or blouse. NOTE: See attachments for correct placement. 5. NAME TAG PLACEMENT a. Male cadets will center the name tag on the right side of the shirt with the bottom of the name tag directly above the right breast pocket of the shirt. 19 b. Female cadets will wear their name tag on the right side of the service coat or blouse, with the bottom of the name tag even with the 2nd button of their shirt (see attachment 8 and 9). 6. RIBBONS AND MEDALS Male cadets will center their ribbons on the left side of the service coat or shirt with no space between rows of ribbons. Placement of the ribbons will be above the pocket opening and centered on the pocket. They will be worn in order of precedence from left to right and top to bottom. Female cadets will wear their ribbons in the same position. Refer to JROTC ribbon chart in the logistics office and attachments 8-16 for the correct placement of ribbons. XIX. FIELD TRIPS A. All cadets are eligible to go on field trips while enrolled in the AFJROTC program. All cadets must turn in a permission slip signed by a parent/guardian to the SASI/ASI at least 15 days prior to the trip. School policy requires that a list of all students going on field trips be distributed to the faculty seven (7) days prior to any trip. B. Cadets may be eliminated from a field trip by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor for grooming/ uniform deficiencies or for disciplinary reasons. C. All cadets may travel on the school bus with the Drill Team and Honor Guard to attend drill competition, performances, parades, etc., depending upon bus seat availability. Each cadet going on the bus must provide the SASI/ASI with a permission slip, signed by a parent/guardian at least 15 days prior to the trip. D. Cadets must go and return from all field trips on the AFJROTC bus. Exceptions must be coordinated in advance with the SASI/ASI and will be in accordance with school policies/regulations. XX. AWARDS AND DECORATIONS The Air Force Junior ROTC Awards Program is designed to foster morale, incentive, esprit de corps, and to recognize the achievements of outstanding AFJROTC cadets. Awards may be presented at the Cadet Dining Out in May each year or at designated Cadet Assemblies. A. AFJROTC VALOR AWARDS 1. The AIR FORCE ROTC VALOR AWARD (GOLD) is awarded for a voluntary act of valor by a cadet involving physical risk without regard to personal safety and requiring courage of a high degree. The act must involve exceptional service to an individual or country without regard for self-interest or for remuneration. 20 2. The AIRFORCE ROTC VALOR AWARD (SILVER) is awarded for a voluntary act of valor by a cadet requiring strength of mind and spirit by reacting promptly and correctly in a critical situation. The act must reflect the highest standards of citizenship in the performance of a service to an individual or to country without regard for self interest or for remuneration. B. AFJROTC NATIONAL AWARDS 1. The AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION AWARD is presented to an outstanding AS III cadet. The cadet must have demonstrated a positive attitude toward Aerospace Science and all areas of school life. 2. The AMERICAN LEGION AFJROTC GENERAL MILITARY EXCELLENCE AWARD is presented to an outstanding AS III or AS IV cadet who demonstrates qualities of military leadership, discipline, character, citizenship and academic standing. 3. The AMERICAN LEGION AFJROTC SCHOLASTIC AWARD is presented to an AS III or AS IV cadet who has the highest overall scholarship achievement and has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership. 4. The RESERVE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION AWARD us presented to an AS III cadet whose shown individual characteristics of leadership within the Corps of Cadets and who has an overall grade of an “A” in the Corps. 5. The MILITRY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA AWARD is presented to an outstanding AS III cadet who shows exceptional potential for military leadership. (Formally known as the Retired Officers Association Award.) 6. The MILITARY ORDER OF THE WORLD WARS AWARD is presented to the AS I cadet who has shown the most improvement in both military and scholastic grades, activities over the past year. 7. The VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS AWARD is presented to an outstanding AS III or AS IV cadet who possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership. 8. The DISTINGUISHED AFJROTC CADET AWARD is presented to an outstanding AS III cadet. The recipient must hold the following awards prior to selection: Achievement Ribbon, Leadership ribbon, Superior Performance Ribbon, Academic Ribbon, Co-Curricular Activities Silver Star, and Service Ribbon. 9. The MILITARY ORDER OF THE PURPLE HEART AWARD recognizes an outstanding AS III or AS IV who demonstrates leadership ability. The recipient must have a positive attitude toward the AFJROTC and the country. 10. The DAEDALIAN AWARD is presented to an AS III cadet that demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation, and has indicated a desire to pursue a military career. 21 11. The SCOTTISH RITE AWARD recognizes one outstanding AS III cadet that has displayed Americanism, by deeds or conduct during participation in extracurricular activities or community projects. 12. The NATIONAL SOJOURNERS AWARD is presented to a cadet that ranks in the top 25% of their class and who demonstrates a potential for outstanding leadership. C. AFJROTC SPONSORED AWARDS 1. The OUTSTANDING CADET RIBBON is awarded annually to an outstanding AS I, AS II, AS III, and AS IV cadet. The recipient from each class should be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military experience. 2. The LEADERSHIP RIBBON is awarded annually for outstanding performance in a leadership position in the AFJROTC. Only 5% of the Cadet Corps are available. 3. The SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE RIBBON is awarded annually for outstanding achievement of meritorious service rendered specifically for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Only 10% of cadets are eligible. 4. The OUTSTANDING UNIT RIBBON is awarded annually to units that are selected as “Outstanding” following the annual Air Force inspection. Only cadets who were in AFJROTC during the period for which the award was won are authorized to wear the ribbon. 5. The EXCELLENCE UNIT RIBBON is awarded annually to units that are selected as “Excellent” after an annual Air Force inspection. Only cadets who were in AFJROTC during the period for which the award was won are authorized to wear the ribbon. 6. The OUTSTANDING FLIGHT RIBBON is awarded annually to members of the flight that has the highest academic and merit point averages throughout the school year. 7. The ACADEMIC RIBBON is awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an “A” for each marking period, in the Midterm and Final examinations. 8. The CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES LEADERSHIP SILVER STAR is awarded for leadership in the AFJROTC co-curricular activities (such as Dining-Out Chairperson, Military Ball Chairperson, etc.). The recipient must have demonstrated exceptional leadership attributes in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others. 9. The ACTIVITIES RIBBON is awarded for participation in formally competitive activities such as drill meets, color guard competitions, parades, etc. 10. The AFJROTC SERVICE RIBBON is awarded for distinctive performance in school, community and/or AFJROTC service projects. The recipient must show active participation in the project(s). 22 a. DRILL TEAM BAR is for participation in at least 75% of all scheduled drill team competitions and parades. b. The HONOR GUARD BAR is participation in at least 75% of all scheduled drill team competitions and parades. 11. The LONGEVITY RIBBON is presented for the completion of the AS I program. Completion of subsequent years will be denoted by a bonze oak leaf cluster. 12. The ACHIEVEMENT RIBBON is awarded for significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the ASI. Only 5% of the cadets are eligible. 13. The RECRUITING RIBBON is awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Any cadet who recruits one or more students for the AFJROTC program and the recruited student remains in the Corp for one full semester, the recruiting cadet will be awarded this ribbon. Additionally, cadets participating in both the 8th Grade Experience and on the Awareness presentation team will be awarded this ribbon. 14. The PHYSICAL FITNESS RIBBON is awarded for sustained participation and outstanding performance in a locally developed fitness program. 15. The SUMMER LEADERSHIP SCHOOL RIBBON is awarded for completing of an approved summer leadership program of at least 5 days duration. 16. The FLIGHT SOLO BADGE is awarded to an AFJROTC cadet whose logbook has been endorsed for solo flights by a certified instructor for either powered or unpowered aircraft. 17. The FLIGHT CERTIFICATION BADGE is awarded to an AFJROTC cadet who possess a private pilot’s certificate or higher FAA rating for either powered or unpowered aircraft. 18. The AFJROTC MODEL ROCKETRY BADGE is awarded to an AFJROTC cadet who has been certified by the ASI as having completed both operational performance requirements and leadership performance requirements of AFJROTC 53-1. XXI. CORPS OF CADETS JOB DESCRIPTIONS A. The CADET CORPS GROUP COMMANDER is responsible to the SASI for: 1. The appearance, conduct, discipline, efficiency and training of the cadet group. 2. The accomplishment of the Leadership Training Program and special projects as approved by the SASI. 3. Insuring that members of the Cadet Corps have the opportunity to develop outstanding leadership and managerial traits that are commensurate with their position, abilities, and motivation. 4. Directing and administering Cadet Corps Activities toward correct Air Force principles and procedures. 5. Reviewing the recommendations from Cadet Review Boards. 23 6. Conducting a Group Commanders staff meeting a minimum of three times per month. B. The CADET CORPS DEPUTY GROUP COMMANDER is the principle assistant and advisor to the Cadet Corps Commander. He/she is responsible for: 1. 2. 3. 4. Commanding the Group in the absence of the Group Commander. Managing and supervising the Group staff. The administration of the Group headquarters. Presiding as the senior member of Cadet Review Boards. Insures that written recommendations of the Boards are properly prepared in Air Force format and delivered to the Cadet Group commander for review. 5. Conducting Flight Commanders meetings a minimum of once every two weeks. 6. Insure the Drill Team and Honor Guard are properly managed. C. The GROUP KITTY HAWK HONOR SOCIETY COMMANDER is responsible to the SASI for: 1. Commanding the Group when the Group Commander and Deputy Group Commander are absent. 2. Upholding the high standards set forth in the Kitty Hawk Society Constitution and BY-LAWS. 3. Conducting meetings of the Kitty Hawk staff and members a minimum of twice per month. 4. Advising the Group Commander on matters pertaining to the management of the Cadet Group. D. The CADET GROUP OPERATIONS OFFICER is primarily concerned with the completion of the unit mission. He/she is responsible to the Group Commander for the following: 1. Taking the command of the Cadet Group in the absence of the Group Commander, Deputy Group Commander, and the Group Kitty Hawk Commander. 2. Planning, coordinating, and scheduling the activities of the Cadet Corps with the school administration or others with the approval of the SASI, such as field trips and visitations to other schools. E. The CADET GROUP PERSONNEL OFFICER is concerned with all personnel matters related to the Corps and member cadets. He/she is responsible to the Cadet Group Commander for: 1. Establishing and maintaining a paper and computerized personnel file for each cadet enrolled in the AFJROTC Program. All orders that document promotions/demotions, decorations, etc. must be filed and annotated on each cadets paper and computerized file. 24 2. Maintaining attendance records at Group staff meetings, briefings, and special functions. F. The CADET GROUP INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OFFICER is the manager of internal affairs of the Corps of Cadets. He/she is responsible to the Cadet Group Commander for: 1. Authorizing, publishing, and distributing all promotion orders, administrative orders, and publications to the appropriate staff member and cadet. 2. Recording the minutes of all Wing staff members. 3. Keeping files on all Cadet Corps correspondence. G. The CADET GROUP PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER is the official spokesperson for the Corps. He/she is responsible to the Group Commander for: 1. Publicizing all Cadet Corps activities. 2. Establishing contact with local newspaper reporters. 3. Submitting properly coordinated and approved press releases through the SASI for approval and then to the news media. 4. Arranging for photographic services for cadet activities. 5. Maintaining a VCR and photo album file that reflects the accomplishments and activities of the Cadet Corps. H. The CADET GROUP LOGISTICS OFFICER is concerned with the Corps equipment, uniforms, and supplies. He/she is responsible to the Cadet Group Commander for: 1. Assisting the ASI in the issue, inspection, accountability, and turn-in of all Cadet Corps property. 2. Assisting the ASI in conducting periodic inventories of accountable cadet Corps property. 3. Providing guidance to the cadet staff on proper supply discipline. I. The CADET GROUP FINANCE OFFICER is responsible to the Group Commander for all Cadet Corps funds. He/she assists the SASI to: 1. Establish financial records for the Cadet Corps. 2. Maintaining of the Corps financial records. 3. Planning, control, and coordination of annual fund drives. J. The CADET SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT OFFICER is responsible for the planning, designing, and maintenance of all Junior ROTC computer systems. This responsibility includes: 1. Updating the JROTC web site. 2. Placing all relevant information on the web site to include the Weekly Bulletin Drill Team information, etc. 25 K. The CADET DRILL TEAM AND HONOR GUARD COMMANDERS are responsible to the Cadet Group Deputy Commander for the overall supervision of the Drill Team and Color Guard. They are responsible for: 1. Planning, Scheduling, and directing practice sessions. 2. Coordinating Drill Team and Honor Guard performances. 3. Acting as advisors to the Cadet Corps Commander on all matters pertaining to the Drill Team and Honor Guard activities. L. The CADET GROUP SENIOR ENLISTED ADVISOR serves as a liaison between the Group commander and the enlisted grade cadets. He/she is responsible to the Group Commander for: 1. Ensuring enlisted grade cadets know the Commander’s policies. 2. Advising the commander on problems concerning the morale of the enlisted grade cadets. 3. Evaluating the quality of NCO leadership, management, and training and for making recommendations for improvement. 4. Ensuring an adequate number of grade cadets are retained and a sufficient number of new cadets are recruited to maintain the required enrollment in the Cadet Corps. M. The CADET GROUP FIRST SERGEANT is responsible to the Group Commander for: 1. Ensuring maximum productivity for the enlisted grade cadets. 2. Assisting the Grade Corps Commander and Deputy Commander in the administration and operation of the Cadet Group. 3. Assisting the Cadet Staff in the selection of cadets to perform routine Group duties. Updating the Inspection Sheets for Cadet Inspections. 4. Aiding the Cadet Corps Commander in ensuring proper appearance, conduct, discipline, and training of the enlisted cadets. N. CADET FLIGHT COMMANDERS are the class leaders. They are responsible to the Cadet Deputy Group Commander for the leadership, training, and discipline of their flights. They must: 1. Insure that each cadet maintains a proper appearance when in uniform, and that discipline is maintained in the classroom on a daily basis. 2. Attend the Deputy Group Commanders meetings. 3. Maintain an effective chain of command in the Flight. 4. Assist in the instruction of military customs and courtesies, drill, and ceremonies. 26 5. Counsel Flight members a minimum of once each marking period concerning grades, weaknesses, strengths, and promotion potential. 6. Conduct roll call in the classroom, at monthly cadet assemblies, and when on field trips. O. FLIGHT SARGEANTS are the first line supervisors in the flights. The are responsible to the Flight Commanders for. 1. Maintaining order and discipline in the flight at all times. 2. Keeping track of cadet attendance. 3. Assuming command of the flight in the absence of the Flight Commander. P. CADET GUIDON BEARERS are responsible to the Flight Commanders for: 1. Carrying the flight guidon at squadron formations. 2. Regulating the direction and rate of march while drilling. 3. Assuming command of the flight in the absence of both the Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant. Q. ELEMENT LEADERS are responsible to the Flight Commanders for: 1. Reporting daily attendance of the cadets in their elements. 2. Maintaining discipline within their elements. R. ASSISTANT ELEMENT LEADERS assume the responsibilities assume the responsibilities of the Element Leader during his/her absence. XXII. KITTY HAWK AIR SOCIETY A. The Kitty Hawk Air Society is a nationally recognized Air Force Junior ROTC Honor Society. Cadets must reflect a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and a 3.3 GPA with no failing grades. Cadets who are members must also reflect a positive attitude toward AFJROTC, display exemplary habits, and display leadership potential. B. Cadets who successfully complete the pledge program and maintain a GPA of at least a 3.3 are authorized to wear the Kitty Hawk badge and shoulder cord denoting their membership. C. Cadets interested in joining the Kitty Hawk Air Society should contact the Air Society Commander of the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor. 27 D. Kitty Hawk Air Society Unit Manning Document. (Note: Freshman and Sophomores cannot attain a cadet officers rank in the KHAS. However, they may hold a position at an enlisted grade. FUNCTION POSITION/TITLE MAXIMUM RANK/GRADE AUTHORIZED Commander KHAS Commander KHAS Cadet Lt. Colonel Cadet Major 1 1 XXIII. CONCLUSION This Cadet Handbook lists the rules and regulations that every cadet must follow while part of Piscataway High Schools Air Force Junior ROTC. This Handbook is not only a reflection of the diversity and unity of the Corps of Cadets, but sets the tone for all cadets and how they should conduct themselves in their daily activities. By following the rules and regulations set forth in this document, each cadet will develop a greater self-esteem, leadership, and discipline. 28