Subnet Calculation Test #01 Subnet Calculation Obtain the following network address, subnet requirements, and IP address information from the instructor. Host IP address:__156.68.96.178_________ (provided by instructor) Subnet mask:_____255.255.255.240____ (provided by instructor) Fill in the following blanks based on the above information (2 pts each). Major network information: 1. Network ID Class: __B_____ (A, B, or C) 2. Major network address: __156.68.0.0_________ 3. Major broadcast address:__156.68.255.255________ 4. First host of the major network:___ 5. Last host of the major network:____ Subnet information: 6. Number of subnet bits:_____28___________ 7. Number of host bits:_______4_________ 8. Subnet address for the given host IP address:___ 9. Range of host addresses for this subnet: - 10. Broadcast address for this subnet:____ Other subnet information: 11. Total number of useable subnets (minus 2, excluding the all zeros and all ones subnets):____14______ 12. Number of valid host IP addresses per subnet (minus 2, excluding the network and broadcast addresses):______ 14__________ 13. Convert given subnet mask to binary:___11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000______ 14. Convert given host IP address to binary:___10011100.01000100.01100000.10110010____ 15. Subnetwork address with slash (/) mask for the assigned subnet:___/28________________________