BULLETIN BOARD PROJECTS *100 POINT TEST GRADE *ONE BULLETIN BOARD PER TERM 1.Choose one topic from the list of given topics. All members of the group must agree on the topic. A topic may be used only once. 2.Each member of the group is responsible for contributing to the bulletin board. Each person works on an individual aspect of the topic and creates a visual for it. N.B. NO COMPUTER PRINTOUTS OF PICTURES ARE ALLOWED FOR ANY PART OF THE VISUAL; A GRADE OF ZERO WILL BE GIVEN TO INDIVIDUALS WHO USE COMPUTER PRINTED PICTURES! Each person writes a two to five sentence caption to his/her visual. 3.Each individual is responsible for putting up the bulletin board on or before the due date. Each member of the group is to put up his/her piece (visual and typed caption) of the bulletin board. Both the visual and a typed caption must be put up. If one of these is missing after the due date, that individual’s work is incomplete and the assignment will be marked as late. One day late, after the due date, will result in twenty points being deducted from the final grade of the bulletin board. This penalty applies only to the individual(s) whose portion of the bulletin board is put up the day after the due date. A grade of ZERO will be given to anyone whose bulletin board piece has not been put up ‘one day late’ (which is the bulletin board report day). PLAN AHEAD: A period of 3 school days will be allotted for getting the bulletin board up; the third day will be the due date. If you are absent on the third day and you have not put your piece of the bulletin board up, the 20 point penalty rule will be applied to your grade. 4.Each individual will write a one and a half page report regarding one of the topics of the bulletin board. The report will be graded as a fifty point test grade. Each individual will present his/her report to the class the day after the bulletin board due date. A typed copy of the report will be given to me the day of the oral presentation. 5.Grading of the bulletin board will be done by four individuals. A grading rubric will be provided to those grading the bulletin board. You will grade your work. Two of your classmates will grade your work. The teacher will grade your work. The four grades will be averaged together to produce a final bulletin board grade. Any penalties incurred by an individual will be applied at this time. The grade will be recorded in Term IV when all bulletin boards will have been completed. 6.Keep these due dates in mind. 1st bulletin board due Wednesday, September 26th; removal of bulletin board on Tuesday, November 20th. 2nd bulletin board due Wednesday, November 28th; removal of bulletin board on Friday, February 1st. 3rd bulletin board due on Wednesday, February 6th; removal of bulletin board on Friday, April 4th. 4th bulletin board due on Wednesday, April 9th; removal of bulletin board on Friday, June 6th. 7.Choose one of the following topics. LATIN I 1.Food & Meals/Dining 2.Gladiators 3.Mosaics 4.Pantheon 5.Roman House 6.Mt. Vesuvius/Pompeii 7.Columns 8.Colosseum 9.Roads/Appian Way 10.Mythological Creatures 11.Vestal Virgins 12.Weapons of War 13.Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 14.Slavery/Spartacus 15.Other____________________ LATIN II 1.Roman Symbols (e.g. fasces, SPQR) 2.Red Figure/Black Figure Painting 3.Roman Ships 4.Footwear/Roman Dress 5.Jason and the Argonauts 6.The Roman Forum 7.Masks/Roman Theater/Writers 8.Circus Maximus 9.The Kings of Rome 10.Lesser Gods & Goddesses 11.Julius Caesar/Campaigns (e.g. Gaul) 12.Hercules 13.Famous Punishments 14.The Roman Camp/Army 15.Other___________________ LATIN III/IV 1.Roman/Greek Architecture 2.Coronae 3.Famous Romans (e.g. Caesar, Cicero) 4.The Underworld 5.Roman Holidays 6.The Fall of Rome 7.Temples 8.Roman Education 9.Amusements & Sports 10.Emperors 11.Marriage & Weddings 12.Public Baths 13.Punic Wars 14.Funerals/Tombs 15.Other____________________ 8.Your BULLETIN BOARD grade is based on the following criteria/rubric: SELF PEER TEACHER TITLE (10 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ NEW BACKGROUND (10 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ NEATNESS (10 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ VISIBILITY TO AUDIENCE (10 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ INFORMATIVE CAPTIONS (5 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ TYPED (5 PTS.)/OTHER (2 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ VISUAL APPEAL/COLORFUL (10 PTS.) __________ __________ __________ CREATIVITY (10 PTS.) GROUP EFFORT: CONTRIBUTION (5 PTS.) __________ __________ PARTICIPATION (5 PTS.) __________ __________ PERSONAL EFFORT (20 PTS.) __________ __________ TOTAL __________ __________ __________ __________FINAL GRADE (100 PTS.) __________LATE PENALTY IF ONE DAY LATE (-20 PTS.) GROUP EFFORT: Contribution refers to creating background and title (materials and work); participation refers to putting bulletin board up, beyond individual piece. Write an explanation on the back of what you did. PERSONAL EFFORT: On the back write an explanation of what you did to complete your individual portion of the visual project; include time involved, sources used (e.g. the internet, books, etc.), materials, and any other relevant information. N.B. - Do not talk about the written report here since this is a separate grade.