New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department REVENUE ACCOUNTING & COLLECTION STANDALONE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP) EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – DONA COOK BUSINESS OWNER – WANDA HELMS, PHIL SALAZAR PROJECT MANAGER –LORETTA SILVA ORIGINAL PLAN DATE REVISION DATE: REVISION: 2.0 March 7, 2016 4:00:09 AM Project Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS About This Document .......................................................................... vii Revision History ................................................................................... vii 1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................ 8 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................8 CURRENT STATE ..........................................................................................9 FUTURE STATE ...........................................................................................10 NEED ...........................................................................................................11 2.0 Scope ................................................................................................. 11 2.1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ...............................................................................11 2.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................12 2.2.1 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................ 12 2.2.2 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................ 13 2.3 DELIVERABLES ...............................................................................................13 2.3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLES ................................................................... 13 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................. 13 IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................... 13 2.3.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES ........................................................................................... 13 INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) ............................................................................ 13 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) ...................................................................................................... 14 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) ................................................................................. 14 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) ................................................................................. 14 INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) ............................................................................ 14 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) ...................................................................................................... 14 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) ................................................................................. 15 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) ................................................................................. 15 INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) ............................................................................ 15 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) ............................................................................................. 15 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN PRE-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) .......................................................................... 16 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTAWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) ................................................................................. 16 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 i Project Management Plan INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) .................................................... 16 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT)..................................................................... 16 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN PRE-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) ................................................. 17 ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTAWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP)......................................................... 17 INSTALLATION OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) ...................................................................................................... 17 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) ............................................................................................................................... 17 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN PRE-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) ....................................................................................................... 17 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) ....................................................................................................... 18 COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE DESIGN SPECIFICATION ............................... 18 INSTALLATION OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) ............................................................................ 18 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) ...................................................................................................... 18 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) ................................................................................ 19 ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) ................................................................................ 19 2.3.3 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS ..................................... 19 2.3.4 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE ........................................................... 21 3.0 Overall Strategy ............................................................................... 21 3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE...........................................................21 3.2 DETAILED PROJECT PLANNING AND TRACKING ......................................22 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS ....................................................................22 3.4 PROJECT LOGISTICS ..................................................................................22 3.5 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MODEL .................................................................23 3.6 TECHNICAL STRATEGY ..............................................................................24 4.0 Project Organization ....................................................................... 24 4.1 STAKEHOLDERS ..............................................................................................24 4.2 CUSTOMERS ....................................................................................................24 4.3 PROJECT TEAM ..............................................................................................25 4.3.1 PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE ................................. 25 4.3.2 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................... 27 5.0 Project Management and Controls ............................................... 27 5.1 STAFFING PLANNING AND ACQUISITION .......................................................27 5.2 ASSUMPTIONS .................................................................................................27 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 ii Project Management Plan 5.3 CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................28 5.4 DEPENDENCIES ...............................................................................................28 5.4.1 MANDATORY DEPENDENCIES ..................................................................................... 28 5.4.2 DISCRETIONARY DEPENDENCIES ................................................................................ 28 5.4.3 EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES ......................................................................................... 29 5.5 RISK MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................29 5.5.1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ................................................................................. 29 5.5.2 PROJECT RISK IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................. 30 5.5.3 PROJECT RISK ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 30 5.5.4 PROJECT RISK MITIGATION APPROACH .................................................................... 30 5.5.5 RISK REPORTING AND ESCALATION STRATEGY ........................................................ 30 5.5.6 PROJECT RISK TRACKING APPROACH ....................................................................... 30 5.6 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION – IV&V ............................34 5.7 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN ..........................................................................35 5.8 ISSUE MANAGEMENT......................................................................................36 5.8.1 INTERNAL ISSUE ESCALATION AND RESOLUTION PROCESS ...................................... 36 5.8.2 EXTERNAL ISSUE ESCALATION AND RESOLUTION PROCESS ..................................... 37 5.9 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN............................................................37 5.10 CHANGE CONTROL.......................................................................................39 5.10.1 CHANGE CONTROL PROCESS .................................................................................... 39 5.10.2 CHANGE CONTROL BOARD (CCB) ........................................................................... 40 5.11 PROJECT TIMELINE ......................................................................................40 5.12 PROJECT BUDGET.........................................................................................40 5.12.1 BUDGET TRACKING ................................................................................................... 44 5.13 COMMUNICATION PLAN ...............................................................................44 5.13.1 COMMUNICATION MATRIX ....................................................................................... 44 5.13.2 STATUS MEETINGS .................................................................................................... 45 5.13.3 PROJECT STATUS REPORTS....................................................................................... 45 5.14 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) ...............................45 5.15 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL.........................................................45 5.16 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .................................................................45 5.16.1 VERSION CONTROL ................................................................................................... 45 5.16.2 PROJECT REPOSITORY (PROJECT LIBRARY) ........................................................... 46 6.0 Project Close .................................................................................... 46 6.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE ...............................................................................46 6.2 CONTRACT CLOSE ..........................................................................................46 6.3 IV&V FINAL REPORT ....................................................................................47 7.0 Glossary ............................................................................................ 48 7.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations......................................................... 48 7.2 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................48 APPENDIX A--Project Schedules ....................................................... 54 APPENDIX B--Risk Management....................................................... 55 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 iii Project Management Plan APPENDIX C--Issue Management ..................................................... 59 APPENDIX D--Change Control .......................................................... 62 APPENDIX E--Acceptance Management ........................................... 66 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 iv Project Management Plan LIST OF FIGURES This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 v Project Management Plan LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Project Schedule Appendix B: Risk Management Appendix C: Incident Report Form & Summary Spreadsheet Appendix D: Change Control Appendix E: Acceptance Management This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 vi Project Management Plan ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document is a template that provides the industry accepted guidelines to plan, execute, control, and close a project. This document will need to be tailored and customized to the needs of the project; however special care should be considered if major sections are “tailored out”. 1. “Tailoring” is the process that modifies the structural components of the template to the needs of a specific project. As an example, the Project Manager may have a standard appendix that does not apply to the project. 2. Customization is the mechanical task of inserting customer or project logos, deliverable identifiers, names, and so on, into a copy of the template. The copy then becomes the live version of the Project Management Plan for the project and will need to be updated, as project conditions require. 3. Any level of tailoring can be applied to the template, as long as the PMO is advised. This notification has several purposes: a. It allows Quality Assurance to adjust checklists and questionnaires, b. It allows the Program Management Office (PMO) to adjust its oversight and QA activities to the project’s plan, c. It allows the PMO to advise the project team of the potential effects and risks that may occur if materials are omitted, and d. It serves as a trigger for possible improvement of the template by the PMO. 4. Any highlighted text indicates that there are some brief instructions for the completion of that section. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 vii Project Management Plan REVISION HISTORY Revision Number 1.0 2.0 Date Comment 2/20/08 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v2.0 vii Project Management Plan 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION This project serves four purposes: 1) to convert from a Front-End Revenue Accounting model to a Back-End Revenue Accounting model for all taxes processed by the Taxation & Revenue Department (TRD); 2) to upgrade Combined Reporting System (CRS) Back-End Revenue Accounting from GenTax® version four to GenTax® version six; 3) to implement Collection Standalone functionality within GenTax®; and, 4) to implement a Collection Outsourcing interface. Two revenue accounting models exist in GenTax® – the Front-End revenue accounting model and the Back-End revenue accounting model. The Front-End revenue accounting model can be used to track cash and the resulting disposition as they are processed by the system. For example, the amounts applied to tax, penalty and interest are recorded against each payment. The current system relies heavily on Front-End revenue accounting to record amounts received by Program type and is effective for tracking total cash, but is lacking in distribution reporting detail. The Back-End revenue accounting model is used to track detailed information about monies in GenTax® distributed into revenue accounts. The Back-End model provides greater revenue detail about the actual disposition of revenue in the system. Converting to the Back-End revenue accounting model will improve reporting and online access to distribution information and will provide a more robust, accurate, and trusted revenue accounting scheme for all taxes. CRS accounts are currently utilizing the Back-End revenue accounting model, but must be upgraded from GenTax® version four to GenTax® version six in order to take advantage of all the latest reporting features available in GenTax® version six. This upgrade will provide better reporting and distribution detail than the current version allows. FAST Enterprises has developed functionality within GenTax®, Collection Standalone, which supports downloading collection information to remote devices. This functionality allows collectors remote access to their cases while in the field. Collectors do not currently have the ability to download collection information for use in out-of-office collection activity. When collectors now work with taxpayers, updates regarding changes to taxpayer information, funds collected or future actions are noted in writing. This prevents updating information in real time as collectors’ are unable to perform this activity until returning to their office. During the time from meeting with a taxpayer to returning to the office, collectors can forget information or lose paper trails. The Collection Outsourcing feature will allow TRD to pursue taxes owed to the State of New Mexico by giving an external agency accounts that the TRD collectors are not focusing on. Accounts will be outsourced based on criteria defined by the Audit and Compliance Division. Prior to outsourcing, a warning letter will be sent to the taxpayer explaining the outstanding balance will be sent to and external agency for collection if it remains past due. This outsourcing will generate additional revenue for the department. Benefits expected from these extensions to the GenTax® system would include: Assuring that FDB meets State and Federal Compliance regulations including Government Accounting Standards Bureau Board Statement (GASBS) 33. Adding an addition level of accounting, the distribution entity, to revenue accounting for the purpose of tracking all payments and collections to and from cities, counties and other municipalities. Reducing month-end and year-end report production time. Increasing accuracy in reporting. Providing full audit and tracking functionality. Increasing information provided to distribution entities. Allowing collectors to obtain information remotely. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 8 Project Management Plan Providing collectors the ability to enter and update collection information on laptops or tablet PCs while in the field. This eliminates written notes or missed information and improves consistency and accuracy as collectors can enter information in real time. Increase the amount of debt collected for the State of New Mexico. Give the taxpayer the opportunity to pay their outstanding balance to the department prior to sending the accounts to an outside collection agency. Once this set of enhancements is complete, FDB management will have accurate information for reports to the Legislature and to the distribution entities. Collectors will have more information available to them for collecting funds from delinquent taxpayers while working remotely. 1.2 CURRENT STATE In June 2005, a State of New Mexico audit found the Financial Distribution Bureau in need of improvements for several areas regarding revenue and CRS accounting and reporting. Most comments were related to State and Federal compliance, audit tracking, accuracy and timeliness of reporting. Specifics included the following. GenTax® revenue accounting reports do not report the deposit date for taxes collected but instead are based on an “evaluation date” (processing date). The FDB does not provide its agency fund beneficiaries (except the State General Fund) with the data needed to recognize revenues in accordance with GASBS 33. The FDB uses multiple sources for reporting; a combination of GenTax® reports, Excel worksheets, actual operating transfers and payment vouchers to record accrued tax revenues, receivables and payables using the modified accrual basis of accounting. The FDB spends a considerable amount of time and effort generating accrued tax revenues, receivables and payables on the modified accrual basis of accounting. The reconciliation of tax revenues received within 60 days after fiscal year end to actual operating transfers and payment vouchers also takes a considerable amount of time to complete. Various state agencies and local governments in New Mexico who receive tax revenues from FDB, including the State General Fund, rely on the financial data of this department to properly recognize the derived revenues on their financial statements. Therefore, the financial statements of these entities could be misstated if the Department does not provide these entities with the data needed to adjust their financial statements for year-end revenue accruals. Because of the complexity of completing revenue accounting reports, the month-end and year-end close is time intensive and relies on the bureau chief to produce. This has caused problems in the past with timely delivery of reports to the various distribution entities and the Legislature. Issues have also been discovered with the accuracy of data in the reports and the methodologies used to produce them. The current system does not allow for full auditing and tracking. The lack of an additional level of accounting, to the distribution level, results in the FDB having no history of payments to entities. CRS revenue accounting currently allows tracking at the distribution entity level but does not provide full audit and tracking in the GenTax system. The proposed enhancements also address this functionality. As of February 2008, three of the four phases of the Backend Revenue Accounting project have been implemented successfully into production. These phases, Group A, B, and C taxes, include all tax programs in GenTax® except for the Combined Reporting System (CRS) which is part of Group D. Group D is in the process of being implemented and is scheduled to be moved into production by end of April 2008. Concerning the Collection Standalone portion of this project, collectors do not currently have the ability to download collection information for use in out-of-office collection activity. They must rely on non-electronic means of support; i.e., written notes, reminders, etc. When collectors now work with taxpayers, updates regarding changes to taxpayer information, funds collected or future actions are noted in writing. This prevents updating information in real time as collectors’ are unable to perform this activity until returning to their office. During the time from meeting with a taxpayer to returning to the office, collectors can forget This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 9 Project Management Plan information or lose paper trails. Collection Standalone was moved into production on January 21, 2008. Revenue agents have been successfully using the application out in the field and have been able to provide more accurate information to the taxpayers. Collection Outsourcing will help provide an additional resource for collecting outstanding debt by utilizing an independent collection agency. The debt that is beyond a certain age and/or is of a low dollar amount is not part of the priority collection for the Taxation and Revenue Department. By outsourcing this debt, the collections will supplement the State of New Mexico with additional revenue. This functionality is required for an RFP that was completed and awarded to four vendors for outsourcing of collections from TRD. This activity is on hold pending the completion of this functionality within the GenTax® system. 1.3 FUTURE STATE The Taxation and Revenue Department’s vision to be the most responsive, technologically advanced agency can be achieved through our core values. One is to be accountable to the public we serve, providing professional customer service in a consistent, positive and courteous manner. Another is to value innovation, teamwork and the highest, most appropriate use of technology. The Revenue Accounting and CRS Upgrade (version 6) piece of this project will provide the FDB additional tools for supplying accurate and consistent customer service (internal and external) while increasing the use of the GenTax® system. This project will bring the FDB into full compliance with GASBS 33 by providing an additional level of accounting based upon a deposit date rather than process date and thorough audit and tracking capabilities. CRS revenue accounting will be fully compliant in audit and tracking capabilities. The collection standalone software will allow the field collector to download selected collections and then access information about those collections in standalone mode when meeting with a taxpayer. They can then view the collections and financial springboard; the format of these springboards is very similar to those corresponding in GenTax®. While in the field, the collector will also have the ability to perform some update functionality in real time. This includes: Adding or changing a name Adding or changing an address Adding or changing contact information Adding notes to a collection Closing an account Generating letters from standalone mode Capturing receipt information Reassigning a collection. When the collector returns to the office or a location where they can access GenTax®, they can then upload all their changes from their standalone machine to GenTax®. This new functionality reduces errors and improves consistency while providing additional support to field collectors. Collection Outsourcing will allow the collection of additional old and/or low dollar debt thus generating more revenue for the department. Our strategic goals are to increase compliance, improve the timeliness and accuracy of reporting and better service constituents can be obtained through this Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing project. This will enable management to reduce the time taken to compile reports, reduce the number of sources required for reporting and maintain a history of all payments made. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 10 Project Management Plan 1.4 NEED Implementation of the Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone and Collection Outsourcing projects will meet several of the needs and objectives for the State. The methodologies used for revenue accounting do not currently meet Federal and State compliance regulations. Reporting, critical to the Legislature and constituents, is inaccurate and time consuming. Report processing creates limitless possibilities for human error due to the many manual processes and various sources required to produce reports. This is a very inefficient process that has resulted in inconsistency, rework and delayed reporting. While revenue accounting at the distribution entity level exists for Gasoline Excise Tax (GTX), Special Fuels Supplier Tax (SFS), and the Petroleum Products Loading Fee (PPL) tax programs and CRS, these new enhancements will provide entity level accounting for all remaining tax programs. Additionally, all back-end, front-end and CRS revenue accounting will have complete audit capabilities. The Revenue Accounting and CRS Upgrade (version 6) enhancements will provide FDB and TRD the tools to provide consistent customer service (internal and external) and leverage the use of GenTax. Our strategic goals to increase compliance, improve the timeliness and accuracy of reporting and better serve constituents can be obtained through the Revenue Accounting project. This will enable management to reduce the time taken to compile reports, reduce the number of sources required for reporting and maintain a history of all payments made. Collection standalone will allow field collectors to improve accuracy in reporting thus increasing compliance. It also reduces the possibility of necessary tax information being left out or forgotten between trips to and from the office. Having the standalone, remote access to collection information and the ability to update in real time is expected to improve collection efforts for TRD. Collection Outsourcing will allow the collection of additional old and/or low dollar debt thus generating more revenue for the department. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The following rationale and justification has been developed to support the request for project inception and certification of Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing. These projects first address major initiatives from the TRD FY07 Strategic Plan and include the following: Improve service to all customers – public and other agencies. Improve security – particularly regarding privacy of data. Improve efficiency – including office productivity and speed of transactions. Create a better workplace for our employees. Make it easy to do business with state government This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 11 Project Management Plan For Front-end, Back-end and CRS Revenue Accounting, justification includes: Improving internal and external reporting Reducing cost of providing services to customers while improving operational efficiency. Taking advantage of commercial off the shelf (COTS) software efficiency by using a product already developed and deployed. Leveraging existing GenTax® functionality for revenue accounting and security of new system functions. Providing an efficient management tool. Automating current procedures. Simplifying reporting by retrieving information from fewer sources. Reducing error rates for reporting purposes. Automating current procedures. Reducing cost of government. Collection Standalone and Collection Outsourcing rationale and justification consists of: Reducing cost of providing services to customers while improving operational efficiency. Taking advantage of commercial off the shelf (COTS) software efficiency by using a product already developed and deployed. Automating current activities. Reducing error rates for reporting purposes. Reducing cost of government. Increasing collection efforts. The cost of not doing these projects can be translated into falling further behind the technology curve, continuing to spend money in areas where manual operations can be replaced with automation, and the State remaining in non-compliance with State and Federal regulations. 2.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 2.2.1 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Bus. Objective 1 Improve Customer Service: Increased efficiency and productivity through migration of functionality from mostly manual to automated processes. Improved service to TRD customers especially distribution entities. Bus. Objective 2 Drive down the cost of government: Reduction of time required to produce monthend and year-end revenue accounting reports. Redeployment of work from management to lower level staff. Optimize TRD business processes decreasing the number of steps, and saving time for workers. Automation of current manual operations will reduce time and costs. Bus. Objective 3 Enhance delivery of services to Constituents: Increased efficiency and productivity through migration of functionality. Bus. Objective 4 Protect the public interests and trust through embedded COTS security and audit features for customer data. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 12 Project Management Plan 2.2.2 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER Tech. Objective 1 Tech. Objective 2 Tech. Objective 3 Tech. Objective 4 Tech. Objective 5 DESCRIPTION 2.3 DELIVERABLES 2.3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLES PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Description – Project Management Plan (PMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Completely integrated project plan that meets DOIT and TRD standards. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word Quality Review – Internal TRD PMO review and approval, DOIT PMO review and approval, certification board review and approval, ITC review and approval. IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICATIONS Description – Prepare configuration design documentation containing the overall specifications for the application to be reviewed with users and peers in order to validate correct design. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Completely documented specifications that detail configuration requirements. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, any modeling tools in use. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and end-user signoff. 2.3.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Identify Revenue Accounting Requirements and install Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in development environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes in the development environment. Standards for Content and Format – MS Word, implementation specifications. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 13 Project Management Plan ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in test environment. (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format – MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) Description – Install Revenue Accounting for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in pre-production environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP A TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - Identify Revenue Accounting Business Requirements and install Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in production environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Identify Revenue Accounting Requirements and install Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in development environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes in the development environment. Standards for Content and Format – MS Word, implementation specifications. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 14 Project Management Plan Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in test environment (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) Description – Install Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in pre-production environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP B TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in production environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Identify Revenue Accounting Requirements and install Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in development environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes in the development environment. Standards for Content and Format – MS Word, implementation specifications. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 15 Project Management Plan Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in test environment (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) Description –Install Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in pre-production environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTAWARE FOR GROUP C TAXES IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES)in production environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. INSTALLATION OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Identify Revenue Accounting Requirements and install Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in development environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in the development environment. Standards for Content and Format – MS Word, implementation specifications. Quality Review – Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in test environment (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 16 Project Management Plan Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN PRE-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) Description – Install Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in preproduction environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTING SOFTAWARE FOR CRS UPGRADE (VERSION 6) IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - Install Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in production environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. INSTALLATION OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Identify Collection Standalone Business Requirements and install Collection Standalone in development environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Standalone software in development environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, implementation specifications. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) Description - Install Collection Standalone in test environment (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Standalone software in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN PRE-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 17 Project Management Plan Description - Install Collection Standalone software in the preproduction environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Standalone software in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION STANDALONE SOFTWARE IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - Install Collection Standalone software in the production environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Standalone software in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE DESIGN SPECIFICATION Description – Collection Agency Interface Design Specification Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Design, testing and acceptance of Collection Outsourcing interface design specification. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. INSTALLATION OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (NMD) Description - Install Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Development Environment (NMD) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Outsourcing interface in development environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN TEST ENVIRONMENT (NMT) Description – Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Test Environment (NMT) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Outsourcing software in the test environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 18 Project Management Plan Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN PREPRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMS) Description - – Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Outsourcing software in the pre-production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION AGENCY INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT (NMP) Description - – Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Production Environment (NMP) Deliverable Acceptance Criteria - Installation, testing and acceptance of Collection Outsourcing software in the production environment. Standards for Content and Format - MS Word, test scripts, and test results. Quality Review - Team peer review, Project Manager and GenTax Executive Steering Committee acceptance. 2.3.3 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-001 PRJ-DEL-002 Project Management Plan (PMP) Installation of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in Development Environment (NMD) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group A Taxes (CIT, FID, DoIT, ITC GenTax Executive Steering Committee (GT ESC) PRJ-DEL-003 PRJ-DEL-004 PRJ-DEL-005 DATE APPROVED GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 19 Project Management Plan DELIVERABLE NUMBER PRJ-DEL-006 DELIVERABLE AFT, GMO, TPT, WDT, GMD, PRC, WDTID, OGP, DBS, UEF AND BRT) in Production Environment (NMP) Installation of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes(PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in Development Environment (NMD) APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) GT ESC DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-007 Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in Preproduction Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group B Taxes (PIT, LIQ, WKC, LLQ, H20, TRS, 911) in Production Environment (NMP) Installation of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in Development Environment (NMD) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes (CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for Group C Taxes(CNS, CIG, SEV, RES) in Production Environment (NMP) Installation of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in Development Environment (NMD) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Revenue Accounting software for CRS Upgrade (version 6) in GT ESC PRJ-DEL-008 PRJ-DEL-009 PRJ-DEL-010 PRJ-DEL-011 PRJ-DEL-012 PRJ-DEL-013 PRJ-DEL-014 PRJ-DEL-015 PRJ-DEL-016 PRJ-DEL-017 DATE APPROVED DATE APPROVED GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 20 Project Management Plan Production Environment (NMP) DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) PRJ-DEL-018 Installation of Collection Standalone software in Development Environment (NMD) Acceptance of Collection Standalone software in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Collection Standalone software in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Collection Standalone software in Production Environment (NMP) Collection Agency Interface Design Specification Installation of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Development Environment (NMD) Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Test Environment (NMT) Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Pre-production Environment (NMS) Acceptance of Collection Agency Interface Functionality in Production Environment (NMP) GT ESC PRJ-DEL-019 PRJ-DEL-020 PRJ-DEL-021 PRJ-DEL-022 PRJ-DEL-023 PRJ-DEL-024 PRJ-DEL-025 PRJ-DEL-026 DATE APPROVED GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC GT ESC 2.3.4 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The procedure established for acceptance of each deliverable in this project is based on the business requirements. Each requirement will be assigned a number and when the requirement is completed; i.e., developed, tested and then accepted by the Technical Project Manager and the designated Executive Steering Committee representative; it is logged and tracked on the Deliverable Acceptance Form (shown in Appendix E – Acceptance Management). This procedure and form allows the project manager and the project team to view all completed deliverables and to adjust the project schedule, as needed, to meet project deadlines. 3.0 OVERALL STRATEGY 3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE This section of the project management plan describes the process used to monitor progress on the project to assure that all tasks are completed according to schedule and that the project remains aligned with the primary business goals. Project planning will be an ongoing activity during the life of the project. The planning activities started with the review of the Business Case for Implementing Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone into GenTax® previously completed by a vendor team led by FAST Enterprises working This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 21 Project Management Plan with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. The Change Request Proposal for the Collection Agency Interface or Collection Outsourcing was also reviewed. These plans will be flushed out with more detailed explanations of the different tasks, as well as adding responsible parties assigned to the project. Project planning will be an ongoing activity during the life of the project. Given the level of planning that has been completed prior to the project start up, the Project Managers will be responsible for ensuring the project is tracking to plan and also for making any adjustments to the plan that may be required due to change orders, etc. As with any long-term project it is expected that the project plan may be adjusted as the project evolves. 3.2 DETAILED PROJECT PLANNING AND TRACKING The Technical Project Manager for the GenTax® project will develop a detailed project plan within ten (10) days of project initiation. This project plan will be based on the collective learning gained in previous GenTax® initiatives completed to date. Each of the different teams on the project will be responsible for executing their tasks according to the plan and reporting on their progress to the Project Managers each week. Any impediments to completing the individual tasks on a timely basis are considered issues, and should be identified as such in the team leader status reports submitted to the PM’s each week. 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS The following Success Factors have been identified as Critical in order for the Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing project to be successful: Team members need to be empowered to make Technical Decisions Creative Decisions Knowledge Transfer must be an integral part of the project Project must be started in first quarter 2007. Project development methodology must be followed Regular executive steering committee meetings must be held for the duration of the project to facilitate: Requirements management Financial oversight Change management Deliverables acceptance 3.4 PROJECT LOGISTICS The Taxation and Revenue Department shall provide the items listed below. A list of agency contacts who are subject-matter-experts in their respective areas. Temporary office space, including desk and Internet access. A Project Manager to work with the contractor who, in addition to providing overall management and administration of the project and this Agreement, shall: Meet with the contractor, as requested, to provide clarity in design or specification or process; Prompt review and feedback on deliverables as presented; Review and approval or disapproval of any request for deviation from the approved work and project plans; and Assistance in setting up agency interviews, as required. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 22 Project Management Plan Vendor shall provide: Qualified personnel for the project; An individual work plan, no later than two weeks from the execution of the contract agreement, that shall include tasks, deliverables and a time line for completion of those and which shall be acceptable to TRD; Adherence to the project plan and the timeline agreed upon in the plan; Weekly written updates to the Project Manager; An immediate report to the Project Manager detailing any unforeseen circumstances that might cause any deviation from the project plan; and Timely completion of the deliverables. Work Environment The Taxation and Revenue Department shall provide Contractor personnel office workspace at the following location: Taxation and Revenue Department 1100 S. St. Francis Drive Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Standards of Conduct The vendor will be responsible for maintaining satisfactory standards of employee competency, conduct, appearance, and integrity. The vendor is also responsible for ensuring that its employees do not disturb papers on desks, open desk drawers or cabinets, use TRD telephones, except as authorized, or otherwise jeopardize the security and the privacy of the TRD employees, its clientele, and the contents and property of the facility in which work is performed. 3.5 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MODEL Project Initiation and Planning Determine requirements Validate assumptions and constraints Clarify statement of work Create project schedule Create project work breakdown structure Obtain approval of stakeholders Prepare work environment Collect critical documentation Project Execution Collect detailed project data and information Perform work to complete each deliverable Obtain acceptance of each deliverable Manage all issues, changes, and risks Perform quality assurance activities Project Closure Archive appropriate project information Perform post-implementation review This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 23 Project Management Plan Track applicable metrics 3.6 TECHNICAL STRATEGY The Taxation and Revenue Department’s technical strategy for this project will follow the GenTax® methodology that has been used successfully in past projects. This involves combining efforts with TRD IT, FAST Enterprises, and TRD Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and any additional SMEs as required. Within this strategy, we will: Identify business requirements and configure in the development environment (NMD). This includes implementation specifications plus confirmation of design and configuration. Acceptance in NMD is required before proceeding to the next level of the project. Migrate configuration to the test environment (NMT). Test scripts to confirm the design with the sliced data. Acceptance in NMT is required before proceeding to the next level of the project. Migrate configuration to the pre-production environment (NMS) using a copy of full production data. Produce test scripts and perform unit, system and end-to-end testing to confirm design. Mock conversions and batch schedules are run in this environment. Issues are logged and tracked until closed. Acceptance in NMS is required before proceeding to the next level of the project. On final acceptance, the decision will be made to “Go Live” by the GT ESC. Complete final migration to the production environment (NMP). Provide desk side support, Business Area meetings, and daily project team meeting until results are verified/accepted. Initially, the project team runs batch schedules and trains computer operations personnel. Continue post-implementation support, as needed, for a specific period. Log and track checkout and rollout issues until they are resolved. 4.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION 4.1 STAKEHOLDERS NAME STAKE IN PROJECT ORGANIZATION T ITLE Dona Cook Executive Sponsor TRD Deputy Secretary Libby Gonzales Revenue Processing TRD RPD Director Phil Salazar Audit and Compliance TRD ACD Director Wanda Helms Revenue Distribution TRD ASD Director Marlin Mackey Information Technology TRD ITD CIO Charlene Trujillo Technical Project Manager TRD ITD IS Manager Wayne Glazener User Project Manager TRD ACD Asst. Bureau Chief Brandy Herbert Vendor Project Manager Fast Enterprises Implementation Specialist Manager 4.2 CUSTOMERS This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 24 Project Management Plan Internal customers include: TRD Revenue Processing Division, TRD Audit & Compliance Division and TRD Administrative Services Division. 4.3 PROJECT TEAM 4.3.1 PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Executive Steering Committee The Executive Steering Committee for GenTax consists of representatives from each of the stakeholder departments: Dona Cook (TRD) Libby Gonzales (RPD) Phil Salazar (ACD) Wanda Helms (ASD) Al Maury (SEC) Marlin Mackey (ITD) Charlene Trujillo (ITD PM) Wayne Glazener (TRD PM) Brandy Herbert (Fast PM) The Project Team The Project Team consists of members of the TRD ITD GenTax team, Implementation Coordinators (division subject matter experts from the user community), and implementation specialists from Fast Enterprises. Team rosters will be developed for each phase of the project. Communication Procedures The Executive Steering Committee will meet on a monthly basis in order to review project progress, deliverables/milestones and provide direction to the team. The Technical Project Manager will be required to provide formal status reports to the Steering Committee and will present the report during the Steering Committee meetings. The Project Team will meet weekly to ensure efforts are coordinated and on schedule. The three Project Managers will be required to complete a stakeholder communications plan to address communications with the primary business owners of this project. The Technical Project Manager will also be required to report on the overall status of the project on a monthly basis, per standard DOIT/ITC procedures. The project manager may update these procedures as necessary. Project Team Training Requirements No immediate training requirements are required for the project team; however, appropriate training or reading will be assigned after the detailed deliverables are established. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 25 Project Management Plan Project Organization Libby Gonzales RPD Other State Agency Representatives Marlin Mackey TRD ITD Phil Salazar ACD Al Maury SEC Dona Cook TRD Wanda Helms ASD GenTax Executive Steering Committee Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Wayne Glazener User PM Charlene Trujillo Technical PM NM Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Brandy Herbert FAST PM This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 26 Project Management Plan 4.3.2 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To be completed by Project Manager upon project initiation ROLE RESPONSIBILITY NAME FUNCTIONAL MANAGER 5.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS 5.1 STAFFING PLANNING AND ACQUISITION All TRD staff is currently on board. Fast Enterprise resources are currently located in Santa Fe and will be utilized on the project. Additional Fast Enterprises resources will be made available to the project team as needed. 5.2 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER DESCRIPTION Assumption 001 For Front-end and Back-end Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone, the implementation of the project will follow the methodology outlined in FAST Enterprises’ response to RFP NO. 20-333-20-01162 and used in Rollouts 1 and 3 of the GenTax® project. A business expert from TRD will be available full time for the implementation of the revenue accounting enhancements. A technical IT resource from TRD will be available a minimum of 50% of their time for the transfer of knowledge during the implementation of the Revenue Accounting enhancements. Training for FDB staff to be using the revenue accounting system will be designed and administered by the full time user assigned to work on the revenue accounting project, or by other TRD project staff as assigned by TRD. Assumption 002 Assumption 003 Assumption 004 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 27 Project Management Plan NUMBER DESCRIPTION Assumption 005 All tax programs will be included. This change request cannot be split into multiple projects. The Revenue Accounting project will require some conversion of data. Work on the Collection Standalone is scheduled to begin first quarter 2007. A technical IT resource from TRD will be available a minimum of 50% of their time for the transfer of knowledge during the implementation of the Collection Standalone. Upgrade to new billing model to be completed by the start of the Collection Standalone implementation. This is currently in progress as part of the Rollout 5 implementation. TRD is responsible for procuring any additional laptops or tablet PC’s that may be required to effectively use the Collection Standalone functionality. TRD is responsible for licensing costs of Microsoft® MapPoint® software that enables the use of the mapping functions inherent in Collection Standalone. (Current retail of this software is approximately $299.) A minimum of one user from the collection division is required full time to the Collection Standalone project. This person should have the experience to make the necessary decisions, participate in testing, and train other collectors on the functionality of this system. A minimum of two additional experienced collectors are required for testing of the Collection Standalone system. A minimum of one developer from TRD must be able to dedicate 50% of their time to the Collection Standalone project. Training for collections using the Collection Standalone system will be designed and administered by the full time user assigned to work on the Collection Standalone project, or by other TRD project staff as assigned by TRD. TRD to provide office space and office supplies for the project team. Assumption 006 Assumption 007 Assumption 008 Assumption 009 Assumption 010 Assumption 011 Assumption 012 Assumption 013 Assumption 014 Assumption 015 Assumption 016 5.3 CONSTRAINTS NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5.4 DEPENDENCIES 5.4.1 MANDATORY DEPENDENCIES NUMBER DESCRIPTION MDEP-001 MDEP-002 Sole source agreement must be approved IV&V contract must be approved. 5.4.2 DISCRETIONARY DEPENDENCIES NUMBER DESCRIPTION This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 28 Project Management Plan NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5.4.3 EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES NUMBER DESCRIPTION EDEP-001 EDEP-002 Fast Enterprises will be able to quickly staff project after contract is signed. DOIT approval cycle, if delayed, could negatively impact project initiation and funding. 5.5 RISK MANAGEMENT The purpose of risk tracking is to identify, document and monitor potential risk areas for the Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone project. Risk is identified as the possibility that something will prevent the project from meeting expectations. Each risk identified will be documented in the Project Risk Assessment Summary document. Project management will review and track the risks periodically. Risks will be reviewed at weekly project status meetings as well as the Executive Steering Committee meetings when appropriate. In general, risks will be created and maintained by the Project Manager. Risks must have documented mitigation steps that can be followed if the risk is to be reduced or eliminated. The Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone project is deploying several risk management techniques to aid in identifying, monitoring and resolving risks. To aid in identifying risk, an initial risk assessment meeting will take place. The purpose of this meeting is to collectively, as a management group, identify and document the initial project risks. Risks identified after this meeting will be documented as part of the project issues tracking procedures. 5.5.1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY For the Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone project, the following procedures and steps have been identified to detect, analyze and prioritize risks to determine appropriate risk management strategies. 1. Identify Potential Risks – document “what can go wrong with the project” and log these into the risk management plan. 2. Analyze and Prioritize Risks – This involves combining similar risks to reduce the size of the risk list and then ranking the risks in terms of their impact to the project and their probability of occurrence. -Impact should be measured in terms of deviations from the schedule, effort, or costs from the schedule if risks occur. Low – The risk impact is low if corrected within 10 business days; Moderate – The risk impact is moderate if not corrected within five (5) days; likely affecting project completion, the baseline schedule, or the budget. Critical – The risk impact is Critical if not corrected within one (1) or two (2) days possibly impacting the baseline schedule and the budget. This category of risk also affects the Critical Path of the project schedule. -Likelihood of occurrence should be measured as the probability that the risk will actually occur. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 29 Project Management Plan 3. Identify Risk Mitigation Strategies – Identify those actions that can be taken to reduce the probability of the risk or to reduce its impact on the project. 4. Identify a Contingency Plan – Identify those actions to be taken when or if the risk materializes (Plan B). The Contingency Plan should include the following: -- How do you know the risk has become a reality? -- What actions are needed to address the event? Revisit Risks at the End of an Iteration – At the end of the iteration you can eliminate risks that have been fully mitigated, add new risks recently discovered or reassess the magnitude and order of the risk list. 5.5.2 PROJECT RISK IDENTIFICATION Risks can be identified in either the initial risk assessment or as an issue that eventually becomes a risk. Risks identified during the initial risk assessment will be documented using the Risk Form and Template as shown in Appendix B. Issues that become risks will be documented as such in the project and moved into the Risk Management facility. 5.5.3 PROJECT RISK ANALYSIS As stated above, one of the first steps in planning this project will be an initial risk assessment meeting with all project team members. During this meeting, the Project Team will brainstorm project risks and begin tracking and reporting them. However, in advance of this meeting, we have already determined an overall risk assessment based on known factors of the Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing initiatives. The Revenue Accounting reports portion of this project represents enhancements of new automation to an existing, mostly manual process. Risk is viewed as low since the new functionality provides process improvements and increased accuracy in reporting. Revenue Accounting leverages the automation capabilities available in GenTax® for the Financial Distributions Bureau. For both Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and the Collection Outsourcing risks associated with installing additional audit capabilities, again, are viewed as low risk. ***Risk is considered low due to the fact that other states have successfully implemented these enhancements and any risks they may have experienced have been resolved. Should NM TRD experience any issues, there are many resources to draw from for assistance. Need interim information and have to rebuild… 5.5.4 PROJECT RISK MITIGATION APPROACH Each risk identified will have at least one mitigation action. These mitigations are designed to help reduce or completely avoid the risk. 5.5.5 RISK REPORTING AND ESCALATION STRATEGY Ongoing monitoring tasks including a monthly Project Management review of all identified risks. In this monthly meeting, all identified risks will be updated to reflect new developments, mitigation actions or possible next steps. 5.5.6 PROJECT RISK TRACKING APPROACH To better track and define risks, the following procedures will be used. Identify risks as direct or indirect: This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 30 Project Management Plan Direct risk = a risk where that the project has a large degree of control. Indirect risk = a risks with little or no project control. Determine the attributes of a risk based on: Probability of occurrence Impact on the project (severity) The two can be combined in a single risk magnitude indicator such as High, Significant, Moderate, Minor and Low. For each identified risk, the following information should be documented and tracked: Number of risk Direct /Indirect risk Description of risk Status of risk Probability the risk will occur (1-5: 5 = highest) Severity of the risk to the project (1-5; 5 = highest) Ranking of the risk (Probability times Severity) Low = 1-8 Moderate = 9-19 High = 20-25 Mitigation actions to avoid or reduce the risk and/or the probability of occurrence Contingency actions to be implemented to minimize the impacts of the risk This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 31 Project Management Plan Exhibit 1: Risk Template (also available in Appendix B) Area of System Risk Direct/Indirect Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Project Risk Matrix Probability of Risk Impact of Risk Severity Ranking Mitigation Actions/ Recovery Actions 1=Low; 5=High This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 32 Project Management Plan Risk Management Process Team Member Team Lead Team member identifies risk, including description, impact, and proposed mitigation strategy via e-mail to Team Lead and Project Manger. Any team member may identify a risk. Team Leads/Members are responsible for evaluating the severity of risks and the need for escalation to the project level. The Team Lead completes the Project Risk Identification form in the web based tracking tool for risks deemed necessary to address with the project team. Project Team and Business Owners Project Manager Project Manager monitors and manages all risks via the Risk Management Logl. The owner responsible for executing and monitoring mitigation strategies is identified at this stage. Risks identified as high priority will be addressed during the project status meeting or on an as needed basis. The Project Team assesses the impact of risks in relation to the project's schedule, quality, and budget then determines whether team should enact the contingency plan identified for each risk. This activity is done in conjunction with the Executive Steering Committee. Project Manager Project Manager updates project documentation with mitigation strategies, contingency plans and their effects to the project schedule. Team members who become aware of potential risks should document the Issue and send it to their respective Team Lead and Project Manager via email. The minimum information to report includes: 1. The name of the person reporting the risk 2. The date of reporting 3. A description of the risk 4. The affected project activity or activities 5. The potential impact on the project 6. One or more possible solutions 7. Perceived criticality of the risk The Project Manager will then log the risk in the risk tracking form. The risk tracking form can be found in the project files and in Appendix B of this document. The Team Lead is then responsible for evaluating the risk at the team level. If it is determined by the Team Lead that the risk is of Medium or High Impact they will be responsible for escalating it to Project Management and updating the Risk on the online repository. The minimum information to report includes: 1. The Team Lead escalating the risk 2. The date of escalation This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 33 Project Management Plan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. An updated description of the risk (if applicable) The affected project activity or activities (if changed) The potential impact on the project (if changed) One or more possible solutions (if changed) The criticality of the risk The Project Manager is then responsible for tracking the risk and ensuring that it is effectively mitigated. In addition to tracking the risks, the Project Manager is also responsible for communicating the High Impact risks to the Business Owners to be sure they understand the impact of the potential risks. This activity should take place in the weekly Project Status Meeting. 5.6 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION – IV&V For the Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing project, IV&V functionality will be incorporated throughout the development life cycle. An IV&V vendor will be selected, a contract signed, and the vendor will perform IV&V activities. The scope of activity for IV&V will (at a minimum) include the following tasks that will be more discretely defined in the near term. Become familiar with the GenTax® system and methodology through review of system documentation, GenTax®methodology, and system operations. As required, interview TRD team members to answer questions raised during the initial discovery phase of the engagement. Review Project Management Plan (PMP) and provide feedback as appropriate. Review initial system requirements and work with the TRD team to clarify if necessary. Track progress of requirements to specifications to final screen layouts and business rules, ”keeping score” on the successful evolution of the requirements to deliverables; maintaining statistics that reflect the success rate on each iterative step in the development process. Assist in the assessment of the test and use cases for the project and provide feedback and assistance where required. Work with the TRD teams to develop integration test cases and processes; provide feedback and recommendations for improvement where appropriate. Participate in all code review team meetings and prepare assessment of meeting results with an immediate report to management posted after each meeting. Participate in all regular team review meetings and document any validation and verification issues with an immediate report to management posted after each meeting. Participate in reviews of all test plans as they are created and give written feedback to team members and TRD management regarding deficiencies and improvement opportunities. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 34 Project Management Plan As required, participate in the execution of test cases and log results. Attend all system requirements meetings, prepare a summary of each meeting with an immediate report to management posted after each meeting Attend all specification review meetings with end users and assist in the documentation of acceptance or rejection of specification and design proposals. Work with the project team to assist in final user acceptance procedures; document results with a report to TRD management Prepare an overall IV&V project assessment on a monthly basis for the TRD ITD management team and the State CIO. Final format and outline to be defined with the assistance of the IV&V contractor after the engagement is initiated Concurrence on IV&V reporting and format will be obtained from the DOIT This will be an IV&V only report—most status will be reported in the normal manner to the DOIT PMO per the standard Prepare a weekly status report for the TRD management team using the standard TRD ITD status report. As required, escalate issues to the TRD management team as they are discovered. Participate in post project review and document/publish results. Prepare post implementation IV&V report for TRD management and the State CIO. Logistics assumptions for the IV&V engagement follow: IV&V consultant(s) will participate on a full time basis. IV&V consultant(s) will be headquartered off site. Initial engagement will start with one consultant—more will be added if required. Anticipate IV&V activity will start in January 2007. Initial engagement is expected to be at least one year in duration. If engagement is successful, contract extension will be considered for other projects within TRD. IV&V consultant will work directly with the project team and will report to the TRD CIO who will provide guidance and clarity on task and workload assignments for IV&V. To further ensure quality, TRD has agreed to perform a post implementation audit of the system. The selected IV&V vendor will perform this audit. Results of the audit will be shared with the TRD CIO, GenTax Executive Steering Committee, TRD PMO and the State CIO. Lessons learned and derivative best practices will be evaluated for incorporation into future development practices in TRD ITD. IV&V has been ongoing throughout the project. The IV&V vendor is Burger, Carroll and Associates. TRD and DoIT have been receiving IV&V reports. 5.7 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 35 Project Management Plan Scope management will be undertaken utilizing the methodology that has been successful in all previous GenTax® projects. The user community is very familiar with the overall deliverables from the system and the functionality that will be added to GenTax® is quite specific. The project team will develop specifications in conjunction with system stakeholders. These specifications will be reviewed with the end users and the Executive Steering Committee for final approval. Acceptance forms will be obtained (with signature) and the Project Manager will be responsible for maintaining a log of such approvals. Periodic project reviews will be scheduled throughout the life of the project with the TRD PMO to ensure consistent and quality based project record keeping. 5.8 ISSUE MANAGEMENT 5.8.1 INTERNAL ISSUE ESCALATION AND RESOLUTION PROCESS Issues will surface weekly, if not daily, throughout the course of this project. Effective issue tracking and resolution are critical to the success of the project. An issue may be initiated by anyone associated with the project. The appropriate form to use is the Incident Report Form and summary spreadsheet; see Appendix C. Timeliness in resolving issues has an immediate impact on the costs of the project effort. The following procedure is used for internally escalating an issue. Tier 1 – Team to Team Leader Project Team members can identify or escalate an issue to their Team Leader by sending an email to the Team Lead documenting the following (Project Manager should be copied on email): Issue Description Impact High – Critical path, High probability for schedule slippage Medium – Non critical path, potential schedule slippage Low – Non critical path, no immediate impact to project Recommendation / Plan The team leader is then responsible for resolving the issue. If the team leader determines that the issue cannot be solved at their level or needs to be escalated, they will document the issue in the appropriate Incident Report Form and summary spreadsheet (Appendix C) and forward it to the Project Manager. The Issue Escalation and Resolution Form should have the following completed: Issue Description Impact Functional & Technical Areas Affected Recommendation Tier 2 – Project Leader to Project Manager This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 36 Project Management Plan Upon receipt of a newly escalated issue, the Project Manager is responsible for logging the escalated issue in the issue log. The Project Manager is then responsible for working with the project team to define the following information for the issue: Resolution Owner / Team Resolution Strategy & Activities Resolution Time Frame (before being escalated) Risks The Project Manager will then work with the issue resolution team and the issue owner to make sure that it is resolved within the established time frame. If it is determined that the issue will not get resolved in the resolution time frame, the Project Manager will assess the impact of the time slippage and assign a new resolution time frame or escalate it to the Project Business Owner. Tier 3 – Project Manager to Business Owner The Project Manager escalates issues to the Project Business Owner(s) when further escalation is needed to resolve an issue. The Project Manager will update the status of the issue in the online Issue tracking application. The Business Owner will then work with the Project Manager in resolving the issue and setting a new resolution time frame. If resolved, the Project Manager will update the Issue Tracking application and close out the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved at the Business Owner Level, it will be escalated to the Project Owner. Tier 4 – Business Owner to Project Owner If the issue requires executive representation or additional escalation, the Business Owner escalates issues to the Project Owner. All contractual and legal issues will be escalated to the Project Owner for resolution. The Project Manager and Business Owner will assist the Project Owner in resolving the issue. If resolved, the Project Manager will update the online Issue Tracking Log and close the issue. 5.8.2 EXTERNAL ISSUE ESCALATION AND RESOLUTION PROCESS Any external issues (specifically with Fast Enterprises) are addressed with the onsite Fast Project Manager. If resolution is not obtained, the issue is brought to the attention of the TRD CIO and the TRD PMO Manager. These individuals will work with the Project Manager and determine necessary steps to resolve the issue. All issues of this type are logged by the PM and tracked until resolution. 5.9 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN This project is dependent on Fast Enterprises to provide professional services consultants to support the implementation for Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 37 Project Management Plan Collection Outsourcing. A Sole Source approval is being pursued for this project as it has been for all other phases and enhancements associated with the GenTax® project. In addition to this contractual process for approval, there is also the necessary and significant procurement contract for the IV&V portion of the project. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 38 Project Management Plan 5.10 CHANGE CONTROL Team Member Team member identifies change, includes description, impact, and recommendation via email to respective Project Manager. If applicable, Project Manager The Project Manager assesses the need for change and completes the Decision Request Form. Project Manager The Project Manager logs the decision request and meets with the technical team to identify the impact of the request and then documents it in the log. Decision requests will be taken to the Executive Steering Committee Exec. Steering Committee The Executive Steering Committee will review the Decision Request for an accept/reject decision. Project Manager The Project Manager will document decisions and any risks associated with those decisions. 5.10.1 CHANGE CONTROL PROCESS During the course of the project, issues will occur that influence the scope of the project. These issues may either be requirements in the form of additional complexity or new deliverables. These potential increases to the project scope must be properly managed and approved before they can be incorporated into the project’s work effort. The following outlines a process for managing change control. Upon discovery of a potential project change, the Project manager shall ensure the new requirement is sufficiently documented using the Decision Request form; see Change Control, Appendix D. A request is initiated by the end user, management or the project team. The project team performs the necessary analysis to determine the cost, time estimates and other potential impacts to the project. The Project Manager completes the Decision Request form and presents it to the Executive Steering Committee The Executive Steering Committee either approves or rejects the request and the Decision Request is closed. If approved, the project manager formally documents the change in both the Project Plan and Project Schedule. Throughout this process, the project manager documents the status of each proposed change in the weekly status report and the change control log. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 39 Project Management Plan 5.10.2 CHANGE CONTROL BOARD (CCB) The Change Control Board for this project will be the Executive Steering Committee. All scope changes will be logged by the Project Manager in the change system with any impact reported in status and other associated project documents. The project manager will manage all change control processes for the system utilizing the change management system. Sample and blank change control forms can be found in Appendix D. 5.11 PROJECT TIMELINE The project timeline is found in Appendix A. The project schedule calls for a twelve (12) month implementation interval for Revenue Accounting and a 4.5 month implementation interval for the Collection Standalone, plus an additional two (2) months for post implementation support for Revenue Accounting. The Collection Outsourcing project plan has a four (4) month implementation interval and will start in the early 2008 calendar year. The project will be started once certification, funding release and project staffing has been completed. It is anticipated that these projects will be initiated no later than first quarter 2007. 5.12 PROJECT BUDGET The project team is requesting recertification and release of all funds in the amount of $1,370,401. Project funding has been obtained from FY07 TRD and C2 FY07 Special Appropriations Budget, TRIMS Cash Balance, ASD Operations Budget, RPD Operations Budget, ACD Operations Budget and FY)& Revenue Enhancement Budget. FY07 TRD funding will be carried over to FY08 to enable completion of the project in the most advantageous timeframe. Release of these additional funds will allow the project team to execute and encumber the vendor agreement. Phase / Activity Associated Deliverables Estimated Budget Phase 0 Hire Project Manager Project planning Remaining certifications and approvals Project Management Plan FAST contract and Sole Source document approval IV&V contract for next phase $0 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 40 Project Management Plan Phase / Activity Associated Deliverables Estimated Budget Phase 1 Project Plan updates Project Schedule High level requirements definition Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group A taxes in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group A taxes in GenTax test environment (NMT) $ 25,000 Revenue Accounting Project Preparation & Planning Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group A taxes in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group A taxes in GenTax production environment (NMP Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group B taxes in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group B taxes in GenTax test environment (NMT) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group B taxes in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group B taxes in GenTax production environment (NMP) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group C taxes in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group C taxes in GenTax test environment (NMT) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group C taxes in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for Group C taxes in GenTax production environment (NMP) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software CRS in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for CRS in GenTax test environment (NMT) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for CRS in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Revenue Accounting software for CRS in GenTax production environment (NMP) $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 38,750 $ 38,750 $ 38,750 $ 38,750 $ 52,500 $ 52,500 $ 52,500 $ 52,500 $ 58,750 $ 58,750 $ 58,750 $ 58,750 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 41 Project Management Plan Phase 2 Collection Standalone Project Preparation & Planning Phase 2 Collection Outsourcing Project Preparation & Planning Project Plan updates Project Schedule High level requirements definition Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax test environment (NMT) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax production environment (NMP) $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Project Plan updates Project Schedule High level requirements definition Collection Agency Interface Design Specification Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax development environment (NMD) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax test environment (NMT) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax pre-production environment (NMS) Installation, testing and implementation of Collection Standalone software in GenTax production environment (NMP) $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Phase / Activity Associated Deliverables Estimated Budget Phase 4 Close Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone project. $ 48,800 IV&V services $ 66,250 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 40,000 Project Closing Phase 5 IV&V GRT $ 96,331 TOTALS $1, 370,401 Budget allocations are shown below. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 42 Project Management Plan System or Project Cost (dollars in thousands) Special Appropriation TRIMS Cash Balance ASD Op. Budget RPD Op. Budget ACD Op. Budget Revenue Accounting/ CSA / Collection Outsourcing $703.0 $262.9 GRT $53.6 $20.5 $1.5 $2.8 $17.3 $15.1 $36.6 $300.7 $16.6 $39.4 IV&V Total $756.6 FYO7 Rev Enhmt. $322.9 $24.6 $347.5 Projected Revenue Accounting, Collection Standalone, and Collection Outsourcing Project Expenditure Burn Rate (dollars in thousands) 1Q 07 2Q 07 3Q 07 4Q 07 1Q 08 2Q 08 T TEK Systems IV&V Vendor Fast Enterprises Total 107.6 247.5 531.5 189.7 52.5 172.7 107.6 247.5 531.5 189.7 52.5 172.7 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 43 Project Management Plan System Development Deployment FY04 & Prior FY05 Needs Assess. FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 & Subseq. X Formal Design X Software Developmt X X Fully Operational X X Maintenan ce X X Hardware Acquis’n FTE Hired, Trained X 5.12.1 BUDGET TRACKING The Technical Project Manager will manage project expenditures and report budget status monthly to the GT ESC and the DOIT. 5.13 COMMUNICATION PLAN The project team will develop the Communication Plan and Communication Matrix after the project has been initiated 5.13.1 COMMUNICATION MATRIX The Communication Matrix will be developed in conjunction with the Communication Plan (5.13). This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 44 Project Management Plan 5.13.2 STATUS MEETINGS The project team will hold regular meetings, at least weekly. The Executive Steering Committee will meet monthly for regular meetings and will be convened on a more frequent basis, as necessary. 5.13.3 PROJECT STATUS REPORTS All team members will be responsible for preparing a weekly status report to communicate accomplishments, issues, risks, and a work plan for the prior and upcoming week. The Project Manager will consolidate status reports and a project status will be completed each week. Monthly, the Project Manager will prepare an DOIT monthly status that will be forwarded to the TRD PMO on the eighth of the month. The TRD PMO will forward the consolidated status (for all TRD projects) to the DOIT on the regular reporting schedule. 5.14 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) The project team will develop proposed metrics once the project is initiated. Metrics will be reviewed with the Executive Steering Committee and ultimately passed to the Business Owners for management after system implementation. 5.15 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL The project team will address this section once the project is initiated. 5.16 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 5.16.1 VERSION CONTROL This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 45 Project Management Plan 5.16.2 PROJECT REPOSITORY (PROJECT LIBRARY) Description – A notebook or binder containing copies of project management documentation throughout the project life cycle. Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – A binder with official copies of documents collected to manage and control the project. Standards for Content and Format – Insertion of all final copies of final project documents such as sign-offs, specifications, change logs, issue logs, etc. These documents should be arranged into categories and kept updated throughout the life cycle. The binder should also be retained after project closure to ensure capability to perform project audits and reviews. Quality Review – Periodic reviews during the project with the Team Leader, TRD IT Auditor, Project Manager, and TRD PMO Manager 6.0 PROJECT CLOSE 6.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE Items that require administrative close: All deliverables as specified in this document must be completed and accepted by TRD. Revenue Accounting must be accepted by TRD, in writing. The Collection Standalone must be accepted by TRD, in writing. Deliverable Acceptance Form – for every formal deliverable in the project, a deliverable acceptance form: see Appendix E Acceptance Management, must be signed and filed in the Project Workbook. Baseline Verification – Project deliverables should be inventoried and the project archives updated with the current artifacts. Lessons Learned – Lessons learned sessions should be conducted postmortem to the phase/project and incorporated into future project plans, procedures and artifacts. 6.2 CONTRACT CLOSE In addition to the Administrative Close, the following actions should be taken to complete Contract Close: Procurement Audit – The Project Manager, TRD CIO and TRD PMO Manager should review the Fast Enterprises Agreement Terms and Conditions to ensure all items are met and/or `disposition agreed upon by both parties`. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 46 Project Management Plan Contract File Creation – A contract file, archiving all project and contractual documentation should be base lined and archived – including invoices, costs, and project documentation. Formal Acceptance and Close – A document that accepts the contract completion and closure should be submitted by Fast, accepted by TRD and filed in the Contract File. 6.3 IV&V FINAL REPORT The IV&V vendor shall submit a final Independent Verification and Validation report. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 47 Project Management Plan 7.0 GLOSSARY 7.1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS DOIT IPP PMI PMBOK PMC PMO PMP QM WBS Office of the Chief Information Officer Integrated Project Plan Project Management Institute. Project Management Body of Knowledge Program Management Consultant Program Management Office Project Management Plan Quality Management Work Breakdown Structure 7.2 DEFINITIONS Acceptance Criteria The criteria that a system or component must satisfy in order to be accepted by a user, customer, or other authorized entity. [IEEE-STD-610] Acceptance Testing Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the system. [IEE-STD-610] Assumptions Planning factors that, for planning purposes, will be considered true, real, or certain. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk. They may be documented here, or converted to formal risks. Baseline A specification or product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures. [IEEE-STD-610] Commitment A pact that is freely assumed, visible, and expected to be kept by all parties. Configuration Management (CM) A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements. [IEEE-STD-610] This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 48 Project Management Plan Configuration Management Library System The tools and procedures to access the contents of the software baseline library. Constraints Factors that will (or do) limit the project management team’s options. Contract provisions will generally be considered constraints. Contingency Planning The development of a management plan that identifies alternative strategies to be used to ensure project success if specified risk events occur. Crashing Taking action to decrease the total duration after analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum duration compression for the least cost. Critical Path The series of activities that determines the duration of the project. The critical path usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to specified value often zero. It is the longest path through the project. Dependencies, Discretionary Dependencies defined by the project management team. They should be used with care and usually revolve around current Best Practices in a particular application area. They are sometimes referred to as soft logic, preferred logic, or preferential logic. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. Dependencies, Mandatory Dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. In some cases, they are referred to as hard logic. Dependency Item A product, action, piece of information, etc., that must be provided by one individual or group to a second individual or group so they can perform a planned task. Deliverable Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project that is subject to approval by the project sponsor or customer. Duration The number of work periods (not including holidays or other nonworking periods) required to complete an activity or other project element. Duration Compression Shortening the project schedule without reducing the project scope. Often increases the project cost. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 49 Project Management Plan End User The individual or group who will use the system for its intended operational use when it is deployed in its environment. Effort The number of labor units required to complete an activity or other project element. Usually expressed as staff hours, staff days, or staff weeks. Fast Tracking Compressing the project schedule by overlapping activities that would normally be done in sequence, such as design and construction. Float The amount of time that an activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying the project finished date. Formal Review A formal meeting at which a product is presented to the end user, customer, or other interested parties for comment and approval. It can also be a review of the management and technical activities and of the progress of the project. Integrated Project Plan A plan created by the project manager reflecting all approved projects and sub-projects. Lessons Learned The learning gained from the process of performing the project. Lessons learned may be identified at any point during the execution of the project. Method A reasonably complete set of rules and criteria that establish a precise and repeatable way of performing a task and arriving at a desired result. Methodology A collection of methods, procedures, and standards that defines an integrated synthesis of engineering approaches to the development of a product. Milestone A scheduled event for which some individual is accountable and that is used to measure progress. Non-technical Requirements Agreements, conditions, and/or contractual terms that affect and determine the management activities of an architectural and software project. Performance Reporting Collecting and disseminating performance information. This includes status reporting measurement, and forecasting. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 50 Project Management Plan Procurement Planning Determining what to procure and when. Product Scope The features and functions that characterize a product or service. Project Leader (Technical) The leader of a technical team for a specific task, who has technical responsibility and provides technical direction to the staff working on the task. Project Management The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project Management is also responsible for the oversight of the development and delivery of the architecture and software project. Program A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way. Programs include an element of ongoing work. Program Management Office An organizational entity responsible for management and oversight of the organization’s projects. As a specific reference in this document, the Office of the Chief Information Officer. Project Manager The role with total business responsibility for an entire project. The individual who directs, controls, administers, and regulates a project. The project manager is the individual ultimately responsible to the customer. Project Charter A document issued by senior management that formally authorizes the existence of a project. It provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. Project Management Plan A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines. The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a project plan. Project Schedule A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. Software products such as ABT’s Workbench and Microsoft Project are tools used to develop project schedules. Project Scope The work that must be done to deliver a product with the specified features and functions. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 51 Project Management Plan Project Sponsor The individual that provides the primary sponsorship for an approved project. This individual will play a key role in securing funding, negotiating for resources, facilitating resolution of critical organizational issues, and approving key project deliverables. Quality The degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified requirements. The degree to which a system, component, or process meets customer or user needs or expectations. [IEEE-STD-610] Quality Management The process of monitoring specific project results to determine id they comply with relevant standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of product non-compliance. Risk Possibility of suffering loss. Risk Management An approach to problem analysis, which weighs risk in a situation by using risk probabilities to give a more accurate understanding of, the risks involved. Risk Management includes risk identification, analysis, prioritization, and control. Risk Management Plan The collection of plans that describes the Risk Management activities to be performed on a project. Risk Management Risk mitigation seeks to reduce the probability and/ or impact of a risk to below an acceptable threshold. Scope Change Any change to the project scope. A scope change almost always requires an adjustment to the project cost or schedule. Software Life Cycle The period of time that begins when a software product is conceived and ends when the software is no longer available for use. The Software Life Cycle typically includes a concept phase, requirements phase, design phase, implementation phase, test phase, installation, and checkout phase, operation and maintenance phase, and, sometimes, retirement phase. Stakeholder Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion. They may also exert influence over the project and its results. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 52 Project Management Plan Standard Mandatory requirements employed and enforced to prescribe a disciplined uniform approach to software development Statement of Work A description of all the work required completing a project, which is provided by the customer. System Requirements A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system component to satisfy a condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem. [IEEE-STD-610] Subproject A smaller portion of the overall project. Task A sequence of instructions treated as a basic unit of work. [IEEE-STD-610] A well-defined unit of work in the software process that provides management with a visible checkpoint into the status of the project. Tasks have readiness criteria (preconditions) and completion criteria (post conditions). (See activity for contrast.) Team A collection of people, often drawn from diverse but related groups, assigned to perform a welldefined function for an organization or a project. Team members may be part-time participants of the team and have other primary responsibilities. Technical Requirements Those requirements that describe what the software must do and its operational constraints. Examples of technical requirements include functional, performance, interface, and quality requirements. Traceability The degree to which a relationship can be established between two or more products of the development process, especially products having a predecessor-successor or master-subordinate relationship to one another. [IEEE-STD-610] Work Breakdown Structure A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work. This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 53 Project Management Plan APPENDIX A--PROJECT SCHEDULES This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 54 Project Management Plan APPENDIX B--RISK MANAGEMENT This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 55 Project Management Plan RISK REPORT PROJECT: SECTION I: INITIAL NOTIFICATION REPORTED BY: REPORTED DATE: DESCRIPTION: PROBABILITY OF OCCURRENCE: SEVERITY OF IMPACT ON PROJECT: MITIGATION STRATEGY: INITIAL CRITICALITY: (MARK ONE) LOW RISK, GREEN MEDIUM RISK, YELLOW HIGH RISK, RED SECTION II: STATUS TRACKING INFORMATION NAME OF RISK: TRACKING ID: RISK CLASSIFICATION: TARGET DATE: ASSIGNED BUSINESS OWNER: ASSIGNMENT DATE: CURRENT CRITICALITY: (MARK ONE) LOW RISK, GREEN MEDIUM RISK, YELLOW HIGH RISK, RED This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 56 Project Management Plan SECTION III: ANALYSIS NAME OF RISK: TRACKING ID: DETAILED SEVERITY OF IMPACT: ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUE OF IMPACT: BASIS FOR ESTIMATED PROBABILITY: ESTIMATED PROBABILITY OF OCCURRENCE: MITIGATION STRATEGY: CONTINGENCY PLAN: SECTION IV: EVENT TRACKING DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: DATE TAKEN: RESULTING DECISION: INITIAL ANALYSIS COMPLETED: FIRST PROJECT STATUS REPORT MADE: CLOSED: This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 57 Project Management Plan Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Project Risk Matrix Area of System Risk Direct/Indirect Probability of Risk Impact of Risk Severity Ranking 1=Low; 5=High This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 58 Mitigation Actions/ Recovery Actions Project Management Plan APPENDIX C--ISSUE MANAGEMENT This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 59 Project Management Plan GenTax INCIDENT REPORT New Mexico Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone System Test FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY * PRIORITY LEVEL: (circle one) A = High Severity TRACKING NUMBER B = Moderate Severity T R GenTax Area Developer C = Low Severity A K *REPORTED BY I *DATA SLICE NAME *WORKSTATION ID N C *DATE REPORTED TESTER SIGN OFF Tester Name Verifying Solution or Explanation *SHORT DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE G *Client ID (if applicable) *Program (if applicable) N *DETAILED DESCRIPTION (ATTACH SCREEN PRINTS) U M B E R Completion Date Developer Comments Developer Sign Off * To be completed by reporter Revised July 2006 8.00 Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Test Incident Report New.xls ver This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 60 Date Project Management Plan New Mexico Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Open Issue Log # 0 0 0 A's IN PROGRESS B's IN PROGRESS C's IN PROGRESS 0 TOTAL INCIDENT REPORTS IN PROGRESS Sub System PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Priority 7-Mar-16 2:00 pm Tester Date In Assign Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Open Issues.xls Page 1 of 1 This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 61 Status Comments Project Management Plan APPENDIX D--CHANGE CONTROL This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 62 Project Management Plan SAMPLE New Mexico Tax and Revenue Department – GenTax PROJECT Decision Request Template Decision Request #: Title: Date Raised: Required Resolution Date R5-1 Raised By: Assigned To: Priority: Lynn Manning Source fund for correcting over distributions March 16, 2006 April 10, 2006 Ron Gallegos (High, Medium, Low) Summary: A ruling is needed to determine which fund(s) are used when correcting certain over distribution of Gasoline Tax to a county or municipality. Statute: §7-1-6.15 NMSA 1978 "Adjustments of distributions or transfers to municipalities or counties", describes the procedures for correcting an over distribution to a county or municipality. Description Situation 1: Subsection C (“Hold Harmless”) essentially provides that no decrease is made of current/future distributions to a county or municipality for an excess distribution that was made more than the current date plus one year. For example, in March 2004, County A received $1000 and County B received $500. An amended return is filed in March 2006 that changes the distributions. The corrected distributions are $700 to County A and $800 to County B. The statute prohibits recovery of the excess $300 from County A. However, County B receives the additional $300 in the current period. The statute does not describe the source of the monies for the distribution to County B. Description Situation 2: This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 63 Project Management Plan Subsection D essentially allows counties/municipalities to repay excess distributions in installments if the original distribution was within one year and the excess distribution is greater than 10% of the rolling 12-month average distribution made to that entity. For example, in May 2005, County A received $1000 and County B received $500. An amended return is filed in March 2006 that changes the distributions. The corrected distributions are $700 to County A and $800 to County B. The statute allows County A to repay the excess $300 in installments. However, County B receives the additional $300 distribution in the current period. The statute does not describe the source of the monies for the distribution to County B. Possible Actions: (1) The General Fund. This would mimic CRS. However, per §7-1-6.44 NMSA 1978, the General Fund only receives $33,333 per month from Gasoline Tax. This amount would not be sufficient to cover any significant distribution corrections. (2) The State Road Fund. §7-1-6.10 NMSA 1978 essentially provides that the remainder of Gasoline Taxes and Special Fuels Taxes be distributed to this fund after all other distributions. (3) Some combination of funds, on a prorated basis. Resolution: Log Date Action Resp Target Date Actual Date This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 64 Project Management Plan New Mexico Tax and Revenue Department – GenTax® PROJECT Revenue Accounting and Collection Standalone Project -- Decision Request Form Decision Request #: Title: Date Raised: Required Resolution Date Raised By: Assigned To: Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Summary: Description and Possible Action: Resolution: Log Date Action Respons ibility Target Date Actual Date This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 65 Project Management Plan APPENDIX E--ACCEPTANCE MANAGEMENT This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 66 Project Management Plan New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department Information Technology Division Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone Deliverable Acceptance Form Deliverable Description: Requirement Number Requirement Description Tested By Printed Name Project Manager (PM) Acceptance Charlene Trujillo ESC Representative Acceptance Marlin Mackey Date Signature This is a controlled document, refer to the document control index for the latest revision Revision: Revenue Accounting & Collection Standalone PMP v1.0 67