Title of Position:

Title Position:
Senior Occupational
Central Northern Adelaide Health
Classification Code:
Discipline Code:
Mental Health Directorate
Salisbury Ongoing Clinical
Support/Assessment & Treatment
Type of Appointment:
Position Number:
Position Created:
Job & Person Specification Approval
All excluding senior positions:
CEO or delegate
Summary of the broad purpose of the position in relation to the organisation's goals:
The Senior Occupational Therapist works as a member of the multi-disciplinary team providing
rehabilitation and recovery focussed services to consumers who experience mental illness.
The Senior Occupational Therapist will be based in the Ongoing Clinical Support Services team in the
Northern Mental Health Services and provide Occupational Therapy services to the Ongoing Clinical
Support Services and the Assessment and Treatment Services.
Ongoing Clinical Support (OCS) services aims to work collaboratively with consumers, their families,
carers and other agencies to provide recovery focused services that facilitate consumer's self
management of their illness and the development of functional skills. The multi-disciplinary team
provide transitional case management, medical outpatients, community education, and group
consultation. Linkages with the community and other agencies are promoted.
The Assessment and Treatment Services (ATS) provide a range of services and treatment clinics,
including: booked assessment, intensive community support, treatment therapy programs as well as
more specialist individual and group therapy programs including Anxiety Disorder group CBT,
Recovering from Depression and Early Psychosis. The service adopts a treatment approach focussed
on recovery and rehabilitation.
The Senior Occupational Therapist is responsible for the standard of Occupational Therapy service
provision within the OCS and ATS teams.
This involves;
 Providing Occupational Therapy Functional Assessments
 Providing Occupational Therapy consultancy to consumers, carers, team members and other
service providers
 Participation in the development, implementation and evaluation of individual, group and
community oriented programs as required;
 Supervision of designated PO1 Occupational Therapists;
 On-going development of Occupational Therapy service provision
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
Reporting/Working Relationships
(To whom the person reports, staff for whom the person is responsible, and
other significant connections and working relationships within the organisation.)
The Senior Occupational Therapist is accountable to the:
 Team Leaders for functional responsibilities. The OCS team will be the primary team base.
 Regional Discipline Senior Occupational Therapist for own professional practice
 Consumer for clinical responsibilities
The Senior Occupational Therapist is responsible for:
 professional supervision of designated PO1 Occupational Therapists
 ensuring the objectives of the OT Graduate Program are met within the teams
 receiving professional supervision from the Regional Senior Occupational Therapist
 practice within own level of skills and knowledge base relevant to professional background.
Special Conditions
(Such as non-metropolitan location, travel requirements, frequent overtime, etc.)
Normal hours of duty will be 75 per fortnight, rostered Monday to Friday
May be required to work from any location within the MHS Division and travel between locations
May be required to travel intrastate and interstate.
Must possess a current driver’s licence and be willing to drive a Government-plated vehicle.
Some out of hour’s duties may be required.
May be required to relieve and/or undertake other duties or positions in consultation with the Team
Leader and the Regional Discipline Senior Occupational Therapist
Statement of Key Outcomes and Associated Activities
into major
responsibility/activity and list in descending order of importance)
Provide professional Occupational Therapy expertise to people with mental health problems
 undertaking Occupational Therapy Functional Assessments using a range of Occupational
Therapy assessment tools. Assessments aim to explore with a person what their rehabilitation
goals are, their skills and abilities, why a person may be functioning at a certain level and how they
may further develop their skills in a step by step way to help them achieve their goals. Skill
development may include independent living skills, leisure, work and community linking skills.
 planning, implementing and evaluating recovery focused services.
 undertaking individual case work including working with people with specialised and complex
 regularly reviewing and evaluating the goals and progress of individual consumers, amending
service plans as appropriate;
 planning, developing, implementing and evaluating specialist group programs based on clinical
expertise and skill area, as determined by service/team requirements;
 working collaboratively with other members of the multi-disciplinary team and referring to them for
consultancy as appropriate;
 contributing Occupational Therapy knowledge and perspectives to the range of services provided
by the multi-disciplinary team;
 providing Occupational Therapy consultancy and collaborating with other service providers and
team members to enhance mental health outcomes for consumers;
 promoting community integration programs in collaboration with the multi disciplinary team.
 providing supervision, support and orientation of PO1 Occupational Therapists and students.
Plan, develop and implement services that focus on enhancing the consumers capacity to self
manage their illness in partnership with family/carers, their GP and Mental health Services that;
 assist consumers to develop the necessary skills for successful community living in their
 assist the development or strengthening of consumers personal support networks
 support consumers in acquiring and maintaining safe, secure and affordable housing;
 support consumers in structuring their day and in accessing appropriate educational, vocational
and recreational services;
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
 include relapse prevention and crisis intervention;
 assisting the consumer in gaining an understanding of their illness and strategies to manage it,
including the role of medication;
Support families and carers by:
 actively encouraging the involvement of family and carers in the planning of services for the
 actively considering social and cultural diversity in the coordination of care;
 promoting the involvement of families and carers in the development of mental health services for
Work as an effective member of a multi-disciplinary team by:
 being actively involved in formulating team goals and objectives and contribute towards the
attainment of them;
 participating in clinical reviews and handovers;
 participating and facilitating staff development sessions and programs and when appropriate
provide education;
 participating in communication forums with staff, consumers, their families and carers;
Promote cooperation, teamwork and involvement by:
 demonstrating respect, courtesy and care by valuing team members, for their unique potential and
 being aware of own communication style and behaviours and modifying these to achieve positive
outcomes and relationships;
 providing honest and sensitive feedback, whilst being receptive to and encouraging constructive
critical feedback.
 providing orientation and precentorship to new and less experienced staff;
 providing discipline specific expertise to assist in program planning;
 implementing discipline specific programs utilising expertise (eg living skills training, community
liaison, community resource development);
 working with other team members in the management of difficult consumers;
 providing a consultative service to other team members
Provide continuity of care and support for consumers interacting with mental health services
and wider health and social systems by:
 providing support to consumers in a range of settings depending on need;
 advocating and negotiating on behalf of the consumer with relevant groups/organisations;
 communication with other mental health professionals when consumers move across the regional
 providing services to consumers which promote and facilitate the use of supports available at the
local community level and which take into account social and cultural diversity;
 linking and coordinating an appropriate range of resources including specialist and general
services within and across regions.
Participate in community development activities by:
 provision of mental health consultation/information/education;
 Initiating or participating in activities which enhance community capacity in supporting or including
consumers with mental health issues.
 liaising and collaborating with other agencies, health care professionals and service providers in
provision of responsive and effective services, to meet needs of people with mental health
problems and their families.
Ensure services are delivered in a culturally and linguistically sensitive manner by:
 delivering non-discriminatory treatment and support which is sensitive to the social and cultural
values of the consumer, the consumer’s family and carers and the community;
 promoting access and equity of services for people of diverse linguistic and cultural background;
 engaging the participation of a professional interpreter to facilitate communication with people of
diverse linguistic and cultural background.
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
Enhance and promote Occupational Therapy skills and services by:
 participate in Occupational Therapy projects and resource development as required;
 Actively seek to enhance own skill levels through appropriate activities, training opportunities
 providing support, clinical training and supervision of Occupational Therapy students during clinical
 Actively supporting discipline specific in-service educational program;
 contributing toward the provision of information and resources to other Occupational Therapists
working in the Mental Health Service (MHS) Division;
 assisting the Regional Senior Occupational Therapist in establishing Quality Assurance programs,
research and performance evaluation;
Contribute towards the development and evaluation of the OCS and ATS services by:
 active participation in relevant committees and working parties;
 assisting in the formulation of standards of service delivery and evidence based standards;
 collecting required data to evaluate service effectiveness;
 participating in the development, implementation and review of local team policies;
 being involved in Quality Assurance activities and/or relevant research;
 complying with policies and procedures relevant to Occupational Health Safety and Welfare and
Equal Opportunity Legislation.
Develop and support a standard of excellence in mental health care by:
 committing to the National Standards for Mental Health Services, the MHS Division Vision and
Values and performing role and responsibilities in accordance with those standards, Vision and
 performing roles, responsibilities and duties in accordance with the MHS Division Strategic Plan;
 practicing within the parameters of professional code of conduct and the National Practice
Standards for the Mental Health Workforce;
 participating in the MHS Division service evaluation strategy with MHS Division staff, consumers,
their families and carers, other service providers and the defined community;
 participating in continuous quality improvement activities to achieve accreditation;
 maintaining contemporary professional knowledge and skills through involvement in and at times
facilitating ongoing staff development and education;
 attending mandatory in-service programs;
 promoting community acceptance and the reduction of stigma for people affected by mental
disorders and/or mental health problems;
 assisting with training and support for consumers, their families and carers to maximise their
participation in Division programs;
 participating in the MHS Division performance development and management program, including
 participating in education and professional development to maintain and enhance skills
 conducting/participating in mental health related research activities as required.
Contribute to and comply with the policies, procedures and practices by:
 complying with all legislation, Government policies and procedures and the Code of Conduct for
Public Sector Employees, and in relation to people affected by mental disorders and/or mental
health problems,
o United Nations Principles on the Protection of People with a Mental Illness and Improvement in
Mental Health Care
o The Australian Health Ministers’ Mental Health Statement on Rights and Responsibilities
o Mental health legislation
o Equal employment legislation,’
o Anti-discrimination legislation
o Disability Services legislation
 complying with all Central Northern Adelaide Health Service/Lyell McEwin Health Service and MHS
Division policies, procedures and operating practices
 complying with the code of ethics, procedures and professional practices relating to own profession
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
 maintaining and protecting confidentiality and privacy for consumers, their families and carers by
complying with
o Freedom of Information Act
o Australian Standards for Medical Records
o Code of Fair Information Practice
o National Mental Health Standard 5 - Privacy and Confidentiality
 understanding and complying with Delegations of Authority;
 understanding and participating in the MHS Division Risk Management Plan;
 the appropriate and effective utilisation of MHS Division resources – facilities, equipment and
Staff will ensure the activities and environment of the MHS Division are safe for staff,
consumers, their families and carers, and the community by:
 complying with the Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act, 1986;
 complying with occupational health, safety and welfare policies and procedures, including MHS
Division policies and procedures specifically relating to
 promotion of safety for consumers, their families and carers, and the community;
 staff training in understanding of appropriate safety responses to aggression and other difficult
 protection of consumers from abuse and exploitation.
 ensuring that occupational health, safety and welfare are taken into account in all planning and
operational considerations
 consulting with health and safety representatives on matters directly affecting health welfare and
 participating in the CNAHS/LMHS Risk Management Program;
 taking care to protect and promote health and safety in the workplace;
 taking reasonable care to avoid adversely affecting the health or safety of any other person through
any act or omission in the workplace;
 obeying any such reasonable instruction that his/her employer may give in relation to health or
safety at work e.g. use any equipment provided for health and safety purposes;
 consulting with health and safety representatives on matters directly affecting the health, safety
and welfare of employees; through hazard identification, evaluation and control
Contribute toward the provision of a healthy, safe and equitable working environment by
adhering to the principles and standards of Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation, which:
 ensures employees are recruited, selected, trained, transferred and promoted solely on the basis
of merit without regard to age, marital status, physical disability, intellectual impairment, pregnancy,
race, sex or sexuality;
 ensures all employees in the workplace are treated in a fair and equitable manner; and
 identifies and eliminates discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace.
As required, achieve other outcomes commensurate with this classification level.
Acknowledged by Occupant .........................................
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
(Those characteristics considered absolutely necessary.)
Educational/Vocational Qualifications (include only those listed in the Health Services HR Manual, as an essential
qualification for the specified classification group)
 A Degree or equivalent in Occupational Therapy and registered or eligible for registration with the South
Australian Board of Occupational Therapists.
Personal Abilities/Aptitudes/Skills
(Related to the job description, and expressed in a way which allows objective
 Comprehensive assessment skills including Occupational Therapy Functional Assessments, consumer
needs analysis, mental state assessment, recognition of side effects from medication, risk assessment.
 Ability to design individual service plans and coordinate comprehensive service provision including
rehabilitation programs from a psychosocial perspective for consumers who have enduring mental health
problems and complex needs.
 Ability to contribute to development of group programs based on needs analysis and evidence based
practice if required
 Ability to negotiate effective partnership relationships with consumers
 Ability to promote consumer enfranchisement
 Ability to understand the value systems and cultural differences of people from diverse backgrounds.
 A strong commitment to research, evaluation and evidence based practice.
 Ability to work collaboratively with clients, carers, other agencies and community services.
 Effective written and verbal communication skills and ability to express complex ideas succinctly and
 Ability to work cohesively within a multi-disciplinary team
 Ability to provide Occupational Therapy consultancy within the team and regional programs.
 Ability to effectively and efficiently manage time and other resources.
 Ability to work collaboratively with consumers, carers, other agencies, community services and the multidisciplinary team.
 Ability to work with limited supervision and critically evaluate own work.
 Commitment to ongoing professional development.
(Including community experience)
 A broad range of experience within mental health services or community services.
 Experience in collaborative development, implementation and monitoring of planned interventions for
consumers with mental health problems.
 Successful participation in a multi-disciplinary team environment.
 Experience in supervision of students and other staff.
 A general knowledge of the comprehensive individualised needs of consumers within a community
 General knowledge of OH & S and Welfare policies and procedures.
 A general knowledge of relevant Acts, legislation and code of ethics pertaining to Occupational Therapy.
 Knowledge of the National Mental Health Policy, Plan and National Mental Health Standards.
 Working knowledge of the South Australian Mental Health Act and Guardianship and Administration Act.
 Knowledge of Primary Health Care Principles and their application.
Senior Occupational Therapist
Ongoing Clinical Support/Assessment Treatment Service
DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS (To distinguish between applicants who have met all essential requirements).
Personal Abilities/Aptitude/Skills Experience
 Contracting and negotiation skills in collaborative planning, implementation and evaluation.
 Demonstrated skills in comprehensive program planning including community service coordination for
social support.
 Demonstrated ability to seek funding for special projects and implementation of such.
 Relevant post-graduate or other additional qualifications specific to clinical practice in the area of mental
health Occupational Therapy practice.
Experience in initiating, developing and evaluating partnership programs.
Experience in using models of case management.
Experience in community development.
A broad range of experience working with people with mental health problems.
Experience in accessing, liaising with, monitoring and evaluation community resources and community
 Experience in providing professional supervision
 Extensive knowledge of community resources, formal and informal, relevant to people with enduring
mental health problems.
 Knowledge of evaluation methodologies and quality assurance mechanisms.
 Knowledge of current developments and practices in mental health pertaining to Occupational Therapy.
 Knowledge of major medication groups, side effects and drugs of abuse.
 Knowledge of current psychiatric diagnostic and classification assessment tools.
Educational/Vocational Qualifications
(Considered to be useful in carrying out the responsibilities of the position).
 Relevant undergraduate or post-graduate qualifications (other than base-grade qualification) specific to
clinical practice.
Other Details