OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH FACILITY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION APPOINTMENT NAME DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE TITLE CODE % OF TIME PHONE PROPOSED 1ST DATE OF WORK DATE Please report to Occupational Health Facility For Physical Examination TIME Employee must bring copy of job description and if available, job analysis. REHIRE TRANSFER NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER Signature of Supervisor/Dept. Head DATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH FACILITY ONLY The above person was examined on the above date and the following was found/recommended: A. Cleared without restrictions. B. Cleared with the following restrictions: ____________________________________________________________________________ Prior to this time, candidate will be re-examined and a new recommendation made. D. Physical/Mental condition is such that employment advisable only under the condition in COMMENTS. C. Approved only until _________________________________ E. Physical/Mental condition makes employment in any capacity inadvisable. F. Health evaluation incomplete. See COMMENTS. G. Not cleared for non-medical reasons. COMMENTS: Signature: UCLA Form #30174 Rev. (06/10) NO YES EVIDENCE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Explain below) Date: California License No. Page 1 of 1