ITEC Kent State University Training/Workshop Evaluation Rubric to be used in conjunction with ITEC 67492, Advanced Practicum Please have participants in training or workshop sessions use this rubric as a framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the session. Intern: ________________________________ Category Evidence of need Content Use of assessments Evaluation and feedback Human interaction Poor (0 points) From my perspective, there was no data to support the need for this training. The intended audience for this training was not clearly identified. The content did not align well with the need. There was little connection to the curriculum or to knowledge and skills that teachers need. There was no method for participants to demonstrate what they had learned. Adequate (1 point) The training is based on data from our school that indicates teachers need or want this training. Teachers knew the intended target audience. Excellent (2 points) The training is clearly based on data collected from our school as well as regional and statewide data that support teacher development in this area. The content is mostly aligned to the need and the curriculum. The content addressed skills and knowledge that teachers need. Assessment of participant knowledge and/or skills was rudimentary The content fully aligned with the identified need, the curriculum, and skills and knowledge that teachers need. There were no plans to gather participant feedback and evaluation. Participant feedback was limited to this evaluation rubric. The training was entirely selfpaced with no direct involvement of the practicum student. The training included a mix of delivery methods, however more human interaction was necessary for support, coaching, and mentoring. The training used a good mix of technology-based as well as more traditional media (e.g., video, audio, digital images, websites, artifacts, print materials) to address different learning styles. The raining did not make use of the technology resources available in our building. Enhanced media Delivery mode Use of adult learning theory Total score The practicum student did little to present the content and offered poor instructions for using an online material. The training session was not based on adult learning theories. The practicum student used a variety of methods to present content and offered good guidance in the use of media or self-directed components. The training session used some adult learning theories. The training included multiple types of assessment tools or processes where participants had the opportunity to demonstrate new knowledge or skills. A comprehensive feedback process was used to gather participant feedback including this rubric, analysis of assessments conducted during or after the training or workshop, and informal conversations. The training included a good mix of technology-based materials, coaching, mentoring, and collegial interactions with other participants. Extensive use of enhanced media (e.g., audio and video files, images, graphics, artifacts, and electronic and print media were used to address different learning styles. The practicum student modeled appropriate use of the media. The practicum student was able to blend delivery approaches to augment the content and the use of related media. It was clearly evident that training session was developed from a strong understanding of adult learning theories. Score