EDU659-95 syllabus

Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
EDU 659 Public School Law
Fall 2009 University Center CFCC Campus
Evelyn B. Kelly, Ph.D.
Phone: 352-622-8733
Fax: 352-622-8733
Dates: 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19
Required for class: Please bring laptop with WiFi or air card; essential for
class work
Office Hours:
Instructor is available 15 minutes before class and 15 minutes after class; do not
hesitate to call or e-mail with questions
Graduation applications must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies in
Education two semesters prior to the anticipated graduation in order to facilitate degree
audit, as explained in the Saint Leo University Catalog. It is the student's responsibility to
meet this deadline in order to have a degree conferred in a timely manner. Additionally,
students in the Educational Leadership specialization must submit a passing score on
the FELE as a graduation requirement. Please contact your academic advisor if you
have any questions about these graduation requirements.
Course Description:
Examined are state and federal case, statutory, regulatory, and Constitutional law
pertaining to student and teacher rights and responsibilities, torts, student services,
student and teacher records, and the relationship between church and state.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Required Textbooks:
Alexander K. & Alexander, M.D. (2009). American public school law (7th ed.) St. Paul
MN: Wadsworth Publishing.
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American
psychological association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. (There is a new one 6th
Religious Expression in the Public Schools
Florida Statutes (F.S.) [Access K20 Education Code] Link:
Saint Leo University
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Rev. 4/2008
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) [aka. State Board Rules] Link:
William Cecil Golden Website:
IPLAS Statement
All students are required to upload certain assignments to the Individual Principal
Leadership Assessment System (IPLAS) in Foliotek via the link in the My Saint Leo
Portal. Students must upload required assignments to IPLAS by the assignment due
date listed on the course syllabus/weekly schedule. The IPLAS system is designed to
document student mastery of the Florida Principal Leadership Standards as required by
the Florida Department of Education. All components of the IPLAS system must be
successfully completed prior to graduation.
Guidelines used in Developing Course Objectives:
Florida Principal Leadership Standards
Human Resource Development
Ethical Leadership
FELE Competencies and Skills (5th edition)
IL Competency 6: Knowledge of Instructional Leadership Standard as Related to
Federal and State Law in Education and Schooling
6.1: Given a scenario, identify the state requirements for students to participate in
interscholastic or extracurricular student activities.
6.2: Given a scenario, identify employee and student rights and responsibilities under
federal statutes.
IL Competency 7: Knowledge of Managing the Learning Environment Standard as
Related to Tort and Contract Liability in the Operation of Florida Public Schools
7.1: Given a scenario, identify illegal standards for negligent tort liability applicable to
school employees and districts.
7.2: Given a scenario, legal standards of intentional tort liability applicable to school
employees and districts.
IL Competency 11: Knowledge of Managing the Learning Environment Standard
as Related to Student Services
11.2: Give a faculty handbook, identify the duties of school administrators governing
student discipline and schools safety per Florida statutes (e.g., Zero tolerance, discipline
of exceptional students, emergency management plan, student code of conduct).
11.3: Given a parent request to administer medication, identify the guidelines in Florida
statutes regarding the administration of prescribed medications to students by public
school employees.
IL Competency 12: Knowledge of Managing the Learning Environment Standard
as Related to Student and Parental Rights
12.1: Given the student/parent handbook, determine compliance with Florida statutes
governing parents’ rights and responsibilities/ and/or students’ rights and privacy to
access student educational records (e.g., deny, release, challenge content, FERPA).
12.2: Given a scenario, identify standards and procedures applicable to United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services and students attending public schools.
IL Competency 13: Knowledge of Managing the Learning Environment Standard
as Related to Federal Law for Education and Schooling
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13.1: Given a scenario, identify exceptional student education entitlements, equal
access for students and staff with disabilities, and related rights under federal statutes.
OL Competency 6: Knowledge of Human Resource Development Standard as
Related to Process and Procedures For Discipline, Dismissal, and Nonrenewal of
School Employees
6.1: Given a recommendation to terminate an employee’s contract, identify the school
site administrator’s responsibility is regarding termination as required in Florida statutes
(e.g., union contract, professional service contract, annual contract continuing contract).
6.2: Given case studies with accompanying documentation, identify and apply the
Standard of Just Cause for any adverse employment decision as required by Florida
statutes (e.g., dismissal, suspension, demotion, reinstatement).
OL Competency 7: Knowledge of Human Resource Development Standard as
Related to Collective Bargaining Agreements
7.1: Given a collective bargaining agreement, identify the role of the administrator in
managing the contract per Florida statutes (e.g., grievances, school policies,
enforcement, and punitive actions related to all classifications of school personnel).
OL Competency 9: Knowledge of Human Resource Development Standard as
Related to State Law for Education and Schooling
9.1: Given a scenario, identify standards and procedures applicable to state certification,
selection, evaluation, discipline, and reappointment of school district employees.
OL Competency 10: Knowledge of Ethical Leadership Standard as Related to
Ethical Conduct
10.1: Given the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida, identify violations
of ethical conduct, as stated in Florida statutes (e.g., conviction of a crime involving
moral turpitude; gross insubordination; misconduct in office; neglect of obligations to
students, public, and school personnel).
OL Competency 11: Knowledge of Ethical Leadership as Related to Federal and
State Law For Education in Schooling
11.1: Given a scenario, identify judicially recognized rights and responsibilities
guaranteed under the Constitution (e.g. First, Fourth, Fourteenth Amendments).
SL Competency 4: Knowledge of Community and Stakeholder Partnerships
Standard as Related to Student Services
4.1: Given case studies of students with disabilities, identify the accommodations and
services required per Florida statutes (e.g., diagnostic and learning resource centers,
ADA facilities, interagency support services)
SL Competency 5: Knowledge of Community and Stakeholder Partnerships
Standard as Related to Student and Parental Rights and Responsibilities
5.1: Given the student/parent handbook, identify rights and responsibilities of students,
parents, and guardians per Florida statutes (i.e., notification, due process hearings,
student academic progress, school choice preference, health examinations/
immunizations, student academic improvement plan, truancy procedures, instructional
SL Competency 6: Knowledge of Diversity Standard as Related to Federal and
State Law for Education and Schooling and Organizational Communication
6.1: Given a scenario, apply legal interpretations of the purpose and intent of federal
statutes related to equal access and prohibition of all forms of discrimination in public
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Saint Leo University Core Value: Integrity
The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its
mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest,
just and consistent in word and deed. (SLU 2007-2008 Academic Catalog, p. 1)
Course Objectives:
1. Explain the legal system structure, its component parts, the court system, precedent,
relationship between the legal and educational systems, and role of the federal and
state governments in education.
2. Explain the relationship between the church and public schools (specifically prayer in
schools and equal access) within the context of common, statutory, and
constitutional law.
3. Explain the legal rights and responsibilities of students and parents under federal
and state case, common, statutory, and constitutional law.
4. Explain the legal rights and responsibilities of ESE students and parents under
federal and state case, common, statutory, and constitutional law.
5. Identify and explain types, causes, and preventive legal and administrative strategies
involving torts, defamation, and governmental immunity within the context of
common, statutory, and constitutional law.
6. Explain the legal rights and responsibilities of teachers under federal and state case
common, statutory and constitutional law.
7. Explain the employment rights and protections due teachers under collective
The assessment of the degree of learning outcome mastery is based on performance
assessment. There will be 8 discussion questions which will be addressed in class; then
you must respond to the discussions as a final grade (keep your assignments together
and hand in at one time (b) four explanation letters; (c) three application interviews; and
(d) two handbook revisions.
1. Module Discussion Questions and Comments. Each module has one discussion
question; responses and comments will deepen your understanding of the module’s
content and improve your ability to efficiently and effectively complete the
accompanying assignment. It is expected that response content, analysis,
references, and learnings will be incorporated into assignments. It is recommended
that all topic options presented within a discussion question be addressed as you will
find this information relevant to certification examination preparation and professional
practice. (120 points) This is an individual assignment. Module discussion questions
are presented below:
Table 1: Module Discussion Questions
Module 1 Discussion Question: The discussion prompt for module 1 is different in format than
those for the other 5 modules. Describe (a) the legal foundation (Florida Constitution and state
laws also called statutes) of Florida's public education system (b) the legal basis for federal
involvement in Florida's public education system, (c) the compulsory nature of Florida's public
education system, (d) the relationship between school districts and state government; and (e)
how the Saint Leo University value of integrity informs your analysis. For the Module 1 response,
you must cite at least two Florida statutes, the Florida Constitution, and for the fourth reference,
you may cite the textbook.
Module 2 Discussion Question: From the readings in this module, describe one educational
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issue (e.g., prayer in school, prayer at school functions, equal access, & teaching religion) an AP
or principal is likely to encounter.
Module 3 Question: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with a principal, or
other knowledgeable person, an AP is likely to encounter in one of the following realms: (a)
student participation in interscholastic or extracurricular activities; (b) in the exercise of a
student’s rights (e.g., First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Eighth Amendment, etc.; (c)
educational access for non-citizens to public education; (d) ensuring the protection of parental
rights and responsibilities; (e) parental and student access to educational records or (f)
administering medication to students.
Module 4 Discussion Question: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with a
principal, or other knowledgeable person, an AP is likely to encounter in ensuring the rights of
ESE students and parents. Issues are not to be duplicative.
Module 5 Discussion Question: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with a
principal, or other knowledgeable person, an AP is likely to encounter in identifying and/or
managing a liability situation at either the school or district level, including suitable prevention
strategies and defenses. Address both negligent and intentional torts.
Module 6 Discussion Question 1: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with
a principal, or other knowledgeable person, an AP is likely to encounter in one of the following
realms: (a) teacher employment, selection, induction, evaluation, discipline, and reappointment;
(b) preventing discrimination against faculty, staff, and administration; or (c) access to employee
records, under Florida law.
Module 6 Discussion Question 2: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with
a principal, or other knowledgeable person, an AP is likely to encounter in (a) teachers exercising
their rights (e.g., First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Eighth Amendment, etc.; (b) managing
student discipline under Florida law or (c) disciplining teachers (depending on type of employment
contract) for legal or ethical violations.
Module 7 Discussion Question: Describe one educational issue, drawn from an interview with a
principal, AP, or other knowledgeable person, a principal is likely to encounter in managing a
collective bargaining agreement at the school level. Issues are not to be duplicative.
Discussion Question Responses: In your response to the question, describe one
educational issue an AP or principal is likely to encounter; if you can, cite one which has
been encountered. The questions will be discussed in class. Be sure to read the
assignment and prepare for the answers to questions. These questions are designed for
online courses. Answer the questions and turn in online at the end of class 7.
2. Explanation Letters (Individual Assignments or a team of 2). You will prepare
four (4) two-three page, single or double-spaced letters with 1.0 inch margins. Team
of two or individual assignments.
2a. ESE Student Rights Letter: A parent who has adopted a special needs child
(you select disability) and has asked you to generally summarize the child’s and
parents’ rights. First, summarize the child’s disability and its effect on his or her
education. Next, specifically, address this student’s ESE entitlements IL13.1
(e.g., FAPE, discipline IL11.2, IEP, diagnostic testing, learning support services,
interagency support services, and accommodations, SL4.1 etc.) under federal
and state statutes, including district policy by summarizing relevant law, the rights
granted under those laws. (75 points)
2b. Student Records Access Letter: An 11th grade honor student has requested
information regarding her student records as she is concerned about its contents
and accuracy, as is her noncustodial father; write a letter summarizing legal
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access rights, right to challenge, modify content, etc. to the student’s custodial
parent. Ensure you address access to student records by a non-custodial parent.
(75 points) IL12.1; SL 5.1; SL6.1
3.c.Teacher Discipline Letter: A teacher is suspected of an ethical violation (specify
a significant violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida,
explaining why the conduct was a violation) OL10.1. The school’s leadership
team has asked you to (a) summarize a school administrator’s responsibility
under prevailing state law regarding the Just Cause Standard for an adverse
employment decision (dismissal, suspension, demotion, or reinstatement) OL6.2;
and (b) employment termination by a school board (hearing and appeal rights
under the local collective bargaining agreement and relevant state law),
certification loss (hearing and appeal rights under the Education Practices
Commission) for teachers on professional service, annual and continuing
contracts OL6.1; SL6.1. (75 points)
4. d.Equal Access Letter. A local religious organization has requested access to
school facilities. First, consult your district or a district’s policy regarding equal
access, state law, federal case law, and federal statutes governing equal access.
Secondly summarize the legal standards governing equal access. Third, explain
why or why not the organization will be permitted access and under what
conditions. SL6.1 (75 points)
These letters must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Summarize the law as related to the topic as precisely
as you can in your own words. Remember, in 2-3 pages you can’t go into
exacting detail. Cite relevant state, federal, and case law in a reference list
starting below your signature. Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style
manual compliance. Keep School name, address, salutation, etc. to a minimum.
Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only. General writing guidelines
and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B.
3. Application Interviews (Team of 2 or individual assignments)
3a. Collective Bargaining Agreement Interview. First, interview a principal about
his or her role in managing a local collective bargaining agreement. In your
interview, explore (a) the grievance process and how grievances are resolved,
(b) enforcement of school policies generally, (c) disciplinary processes for
instructional and non-instructional personnel OL7.1. Secondly, after you have
obtained a copy of the district’s collective bargaining agreement, compare what
you learned during the interview with the terms of the contract; conclude whether
or not the principal’s actions are in compliance. Using illustrative examples
support your conclusion. Do not use an actual principal’s, school’s or district’s
name. (100 points)
3b. Negligent and Intentional Torts Interview. First, interview a principal about his
or her role in managing a negligent IL7.1 and an intentional tort IL7.2 incident; be
sure to summarize each of the two incidents precisely and thoroughly. Secondly,
conclude whether or not the principal’s management of each incident complied
with prevailing state statutory and case law, citing illustrative examples to support
your conclusions. (100 points)
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3c. Teacher Hiring Interview. Interview either an AP or principal about the hiring
process for a new teacher. During the interview, be sure to collect information on
(a) who handles state certification verification, (b) selection and induction
procedures; (c) evaluation for the new hire; (d) new hire discipline; and (e)
reappointment. Cite specific district policies governing each stage of the process.
OL9.1; SL6.1 (100 points)
The interview report will be between 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The report must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 3-4 pages you can’t go into exacting
detail. Cite relevant references on a separate page at the end of the report.
Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or
New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover
sheet format is found in Appendix B.
4. Handbook Revisions (Team of 2 Assignments)
4a. Student Handbook. The principal has asked you to prepare a revision to the
student’s school handbook, regarding (a) state requirements to participate in
interscholastic or extracurricular activities IL6.1, IL6.2; (b) guidelines for
administering medication IL11.3; (c) educational access rights for the children of
illegal residents IL12.2; (d) students’ First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth
(hearings, discipline, etc) Amendment Rights OL11.1; (e) parents’ rights
(specifically, student academic progress, academic improvement plans, truancy,
and instructional materials with which parents disagree SL 5.1. (100 points)
4b. Faculty Handbook. The principal has asked you to prepare a revision to the
faculty handbook, regarding (a) teacher rights under federal statutes IL6.2;
SL6.1; (b) guidelines for student discipline, school safety, violations of student
conduct code, administering medication IL11.2; IL11.3; (c) employees’ First,
Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth (hearings, discipline, etc.) Amendment Rights; and
(d) access to employment records. OL11.1. (100 points)
Handbook excerpts are to be between 5-6 pages, excluding title and reference
list pages. The summary must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 5-6 pages you can’t go into exacting
detail. Cite relevant references on a separate page at the end of the document.
Obtain a copy of both a student/parent and faculty handbook for your district and
model your excerpts on that. Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style
manual compliance. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only. General
writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B.
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Course Policies:
The Grading Scale: Letter grades will be assigned based on the assessment described.
The grading scale is delineated as follows:
Table 4: Point Distribution
Handbook Revisions
Table 5: Grading Scale
Grade Percent
< 74
ADA Policy: Students with disabilities that may need accommodation(s), should contact
Dr. Mary Sloan in Lewis Hall, Room 125, or email, or call (352)
588-8464. For more information, please review the Policy and Procedure Manual on the
Disability Services web page at
Attendance policy: Students are expected to participate in a timely manner by
attending face-to-face classes and meeting posting and submission deadlines online;
failure to do so to the professor’s satisfaction may result in a loss of up to one full letter
grade from the earned course final mark.
Late Work Policy: Generally late work will not be accepted for credit. In extreme
circumstances the instructor may accept late work for a penalty if the student provides
appropriate documentation (for example copies of hospital admission paperwork). No
work will be accepted after the end of the course unless arrangements have been made
in advance.
Academic Honesty: The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint
Leo University Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below.
As members of an academic community that places a high value on truth and the
pursuit of knowledge, Saint Leo University students are expected to be honest in
every phase of their academic life and present as their own work only that which
is genuinely theirs. Unless otherwise specified by the professor, students must
complete homework assignments by themselves (or if on a team assignment,
with only their team members). If they receive outside assistance of any kind,
they are expected to cite the source and indicate the extent of the assistance.
Each student has the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of
academic integrity and to refrain from cheating, plagiarism or any other forms of
academic dishonesty.
Workteams: You may form workteams of 2 people where team assignments are
permitted; notify within ten days of session 1 as to team membership.
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Work Team Grading: Each member of a work-team receives the same grade for each
team assignment unless otherwise justified by team members to the professor’s
APA Style: The APA 5th edition style manual is to be followed, using only the hardcopy
printed manual. Review starting on page 223 for the general format of the APA reference list
entries. Read with particular attention the sections below, especially 3.95, 3.96, 3.99, 3.102, 4.01,
and 4.02.
Table 6: Important APA Style Sections
One Work by Multiple Authors
Groups as Authors
Two or More Works within the
Same Parentheses
Personal Communications
Agreement of Text and Reference
List; Construction of an Accurate
and Complete Reference List
APA Style
Order of References in the
Reference List
General Forms
Varied titles
Elements and Examples of
References in APA Style
Table 7.1
Proofreader’s Marks
For the first module or two modules, reposting is permitted for mistakes. Starting with
module 3, reposting may be permitted on a case-by-case basis solely at the professor’s
discretion. The general form (Section 4.07, pp. 223-224) is strongly emphasized. Also,
see Appendix B, Table 1.
Table 7: APA Manual Appendix D References to Legal Materials (pp. 397-410)
Citing Statutes
Basic Form
Title, Florida Statute, § section number (publication date)
Reference List
State Retirement Benefits, Florida Statute § 123.456 (2007).
Entry (From
(Didn’t use URL information if cited from paper source; if you cite from paper
Printed Source) source this is all you need. Cite the specific name of the statute only in the text
citation and reference list. Don’t italicize statute titles in a reference list or text.)
Text Citation
(State Retirement Benefits, 2007). Capitalize Principle words.
Reference List
Students Subject to Control of School, Florida Statute §1003.31 (2007).
Entry (From
Retrieved November 24, 2007 from
index.cfm?mode= View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=
Display_Statute &Search_String=1003.31&URL=CH1003/Sec31.HTM
Reference List
Students Subject to Control of School, Florida Statute §1003.31(3)(a) (2007).
Entry (From
Retrieved November 24, 2007 from
URL, citing a
index.cfm?mode= View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=
Display_Statute &Search_String=1003.31&URL=CH1003/Sec31.HTM
Text Citation
(Students Subject, 2007)
You can shorten section title, but always capitalize principle words.
More Guidance See section D.04, page 403 of the APA manual.
Citing Cases
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If you are citing court cases, see section D03, starting on page 399.
Example 1 is for a federal district court. That is a federal trial court.
Example 2 is for a federal circuit court, an appeals court.
Example 3 is for a slip opinion, i.e., an unreported or unpublished court decision.
Example 4 is a state trial court, such as the County Court in the circuit court in Florida.
Example 6 is for a state Supreme Court.
Example 7 is for a state court of appeals such as the district court in Florida.
You need to study chapter 1 in the text closely to understand the structure of
the federal and state court systems. This understanding is key for you to be
able to cite and reference cases correctly.
Citing Constitutions
If you are citing the Florida Constitution, including the U.S. Constitution, use
the forms below in your text citation; you don’t need to cite in the reference list.
FL: Fla. = Florida; Const. = Constitution; art. = Article; § = Section
US: U.S. = United States; Const. = Constitution; art. = Article; § = Section;
amend. = Amendment; cl. = clause
Fla. Const. art. IX, § 1.
U.S. (1)
U.S. Cont. art 1, § 9.
(Article 1, section 9, of the US constitution)
U.S. (2)
U.S. Cont. amend. XIV, § 2.
(Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, section 2.)
U.S. (3)
If the article and clause of the cited constitution are in force, don't add a year. If
the cited article isn't in force, then note as below
U.S. Const. art.1, § 3, cl. 1 (amended 1913).
U.S. Const. amend. XXVIII (repealed 1933)
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Table 8: Course Module, Objective & Assignment Alignment
Church and School
Student Rights
ESE Student Rights
Torts & Liability
Teacher Rights
Collective Bargaining
Discussion Question (DQ) 1
Equal Access Letter
Student Records Access Letter
Student Handbook Revision
ESE Student Rights Letter
Negligent & Intentional Torts Interview
Teacher Discipline Letter
Teacher Hiring Interview
Faculty Handbook Revision
Collective Bargaining Agreement Interview
Table 9: Course Organization
1, 3 & 4
FL Admin Code Sections
Florida Statute Sections
The Florida K-20 Education System
1000.01 F.S.
Policy and Principles
1000.02 F.S.
Function, Mission, and Goals
1000.03 F.S.
Components for the Delivery of
Public Education
1000.04 F.S.
K-12 Student & Parent Rights
1002.20 F.S.
Guidelines on Religious Expression
1002.205 F.S.
Immunization Exemption
1003.22(5)(a) F.S.
Permitting Bible Study & Meditation
1003.45 F.S.
Equal Access Act
1000.05; 1002.20; 1002.025 F.S.
Educational Choice
1002.31; 1002.33; 1002.37
1002.38; 1002.39; 1002.41 F.S.
Extra Curricular Activities
1006.15; 1006.16; 1006.165; 1006.17;
1006.19; 1006.20 F.S.
1006.062; 1006.0625 F.S.
Parental Rights/Duties
1002.20; 1002.22; 1003.04; 1003.21;
1003.24; 1006.42 F.S.
Student Discipline
1002.20; 1003.01; 1003.31; 1003.32;
1006.07; 1006.08; 1006.09; 1006.10;
Religious Expression in the
Public Schools. Link:
6a-1.09512 FAC
6A-1.09513 FAC
6A-1.09514 FAC
Pupil Records
6A-1044 FAC
6A-1.0955 FAC
School Safety
6A-1.0956 FAC
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1006.11; F.S.
School Safety
1006.07; 1006.061; 1006.12; 1006.13;
1006.135; 1006.14; 1006.141; 1006.145
Educational Choice
1002.31; 1002.33; 1002.37
1002.38; 1002.39; 1002.41 F.S.
ESE Rights & Responsibilities
1003.55; 1003.56; 10003.57; 1003.576;
1003.58 F.S.
Parental Rights/Duties
1002.20; 1002.22; 1003.04; 1003.21;
1003.24; 1006.42 F.S.
Student Discipline
1002.20; 1003.01; 1003.31; 1003.32;
1006.07; 1006.08; 1006.09; 1006.10;
1006.11; F.S.
1006.21, 1006.22, & 1006.23 F.S.
Liability Insurance & Legal Services
1006.24, 1012.26, & 1012.75 F.S.
Student Records
1002.22; 1002.23; 1003.23; 1003.25;
1003.33; 1006.52 F.S.
1000.05; 1012.27; 1012.28; 1012.31;
1012.53 F.S.
1012.32; 1012.33; 1012.34; F.S.
Personnel Files
1012.31 F.S.
Teacher Recruitment & Retention
Teacher Discipline
1012.79; 1012.795; 1012.796;
1012.797; 1012.798; 1012.799 F.S.
Merit Pay
Public Employees Relations
447.205; 447.207; 447.208; 447.2085;
447.5035; 447.504 FS
Public Employer & Employee Rights
447.209; 447.301; 447.501; 447.503;
447.505; 447.509 F.S.
Dispute Resolution
447.401; 447.403; 447.609 F.S.
ESE Services
6A-6 Special Programs 1 FAC
6A-1.0691 FAC
Merit Pay
6A-70100 FAC
Cannon Memorial Library On-site Resources
Library Services
Librarians are available during reference hours to answer questions concerning research
strategies, database searching, locating specific materials, and interlibrary loan (ILL).
Contact Elana Karshmer ( to arrange on-site
library/research instruction for your class.
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Cannon Memorial Library—MC2128 352-588-8258 (Main #)
33701 State Road 52
352-588-8259 (fax)
Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665
352-588-8477 (Reference Desk)
352-588-8476 (Circulation)
Cannon Memorial Library
The library also provides an 800 number and an email address for general reference
services: 1-800-359-5945 or
Reference Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am-10pm
Online Catalog, “LeoCat” (All books & media)
Click on Library Catalog (LeoCat) on the Cannon Memorial Library website
( Simple search choices are: title, author, keyword,
subject, or journal title. Use advanced searching to set limits or expand your search
choices. To borrow books from Cannon Memorial and have them shipped to you, use
the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery link, complete the online request form,
and submit it.
Saint Leo Library Online Resources
Saint Leo provides its own array of online databases and resources supporting online
courses as well as Continuing Education classes. The following databases are available
to Saint Leo students and faculty. Use the Online Library Resources link on the
Library webpage and select Databases. You’ll be taken to the ID Validation screen (if
you’re not already in the portal) where you enter your email address and email password
to gain access. Once you’re logged in you can go back and reselect any of our
databases without ever having to log in again.
CQ Researcher
Literature Resource
(In-depth topical analysis by Congressional Quarterly)
(Comprehensive all-subject database, includes Business Source
Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA)
(Comprehensive all-subject resource, includes newspapers)
(Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne
America’s Newspapers (625 U.S. newspapers)
(Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform Global)
(APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects)
(Comprehensive legal resource)
(Includes Education, Science, Humanities, & Business indexes)
Local Area Library Resources
Almost all public library systems offer free borrowing privileges to local community
members, as well as free access to their online databases, including access from your
Saint Leo University
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home. The key is obtaining a library card. Check with your local library to find out how
to get a borrower’s card.
Additionally, through a reciprocal agreement, university campus students have
borrowing privileges at the University of South Florida. Be sure to bring a current Saint
Leo student ID card and proof of current enrollment with you, if you want to borrow USF
library books.
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Table 10: Course Schedule
Module Activity
a) Complete Module 1 readings.
b) Module 1 Lecture
a) Complete Module 2 readings.
b) Module 2 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 3 readings.
b) Module 3 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 4 readings.
b) Module 4 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 5 readings.
b) Module 5 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 6 readings.
b) Module 6 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 6 readings.
b) Module 6 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
a) Complete Module 7 readings.
b) Module 7 Lecture
c) Discuss & Work on Assignments
Assignments Due
a) Discussion question one
a) Discussion Question Response
b) Equal Access Letter Due
a) Module 3 Discussion Question
b) Student Records Access Letter Due
a) Module 4 Discussion Question
b) ESE Student Rights Letter Due
c) Student Handbook Revisions Due
a) Module 5 Discussion
b) Negligent & Intentional Torts Interview Due
a Module 6 Discussion
b) Teacher Hiring Interview Due
a) Module 6 Discussion Question
b) Teacher Discipline Letter Due
a Module 7 Discussion
b) Collective Bargaining Agreement Interview Due
c) Faculty Handbook Revision Due
Appendix A: Links to support postings.
Kappan, NASSP Bulletin, Journal of Law
and Education, Education and the Law,
Legal Notes for Education, School Law
Reporter, NY School Law Review, &
Brigham Young University Education and
00554836?OpenDocument (FL Ed Law
Law Journal,
Journal) (FL
Court System; look under “legal
ID=&CID=64&DID=196 (National
community tab)
Association of School Board website)
(Cornell University Law Library with other
legal links) (Web
education law site) (Education law
search engine) (FL
Supreme Court)
(Comprehensive website, with training
tutorials, and search capabilities)
asp (FL school law and regulations) (Special
education law)
1 (FL Statutes)
Saint Leo University
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tml (US 11th Circuit Opinions) (General
education law website)
OKEN=77976348 (FL Constitution)
(US Dept of Justice Website)
Appendix B: Assignment Writing Guidelines
Papers will use an Ariel or New Times Roman font size of “12" points with one inch
margins and double-spaced, except as noted below. The Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (5th ed.) is to be used. You may use as many
appendices as needed; however, each appendix is to be individually labeled and cited in
text in the order presented. The professor teaching this course may use the editing
codes presented at the end of this syllabus.
Proof your paper carefully. Be sure you are using correct grammar, spelling, tense, and
syntax. Plural personal pronouns should not modify a single noun in most instances.
Avoid excessive use of personal pronouns. Do not use one sentence paragraphs. Use
headings; but do not use a heading as the last printed line on a page. Nor, should the
first line of a paragraph be the last printed line on a page. Present all tables and direct
quotes (in block style) as single spaced. All direct quotes, narrative and block style,
must be “set up”; don’t just drop them in. In no case, should direct quotes in a paper
exceed 15-20% of its word count or length. A poor presentation may result in at least a
½ letter grade deduction from the “final” paper grade. Follow and comply with
assignment scoring rubrics.
Remember to uniquely and consecutively number each table and figure (chart or
graph). Each table and figure must have a source. Cite every table and figure in
text before its presentation. Every reference in your reference list must be
complete and cited correctly in your text.
Required Title Page
(Title of your Project or Paper)
EDU 659
Submitted To:
(Professor’s Name)
Graduate Studies in Education
School of Education and Social Services
Saint Leo University
Submitted By:
(Student's Name)
(Telephone Number)
Saint Leo University
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(Submission Date)
Appendix B Table 1: Cautions Against Common APA Errors
1. The period goes after the text reference (ref) citation (cite) when it’s at the end of a sentence or
2. Don't use author first names in a reference list or initials in a text cite.
3. In a text and/or reference list (RL), cite months and days follow the year. (Nov/Dec 2006) should be
(2006, Nov/Dec)
4. Spell out the month when citing a URL, Jan should be January.
5. Only the first word of a title, proper nouns, or the first word appearing after a colon, ":" are capitalized
in a document, report, book, or article title. Capitalization rules don't apply to Journal Titles or
organizational names.
6. Titles used in the author position of a ref list entry must follow title capitalization rules.
7. Ref list entries from the internet must have the URL cited, unless the ref is from a database, like
Proquest or Ebscohost.
Huffman, J. (2003). The role of shared values and vision in creating professional learning communities.
National Association of Secondary School Principals, 87, 21-35. Retrieved January 15, 2007, from
Proquest Research Library. (Document ID: 617244871).
8. If the article is from an electronic source and not from a database, cite as
Huffman, J. (2003). The role of shared values and vision in creating professional learning communities.
National Association of Secondary School Principals, 87, 21-35.
If the electronic version of an article is different from its printed version add [Electronic Version]. (see
e.g., 71 in the APA manual)
9. Publication Year and Using "and' or "&"
When citing more than one author such as Williams and Smith(2000, p. 14) in text note the following
9a. The word, "and" is used to connect authors in text; use "&" to connect authors within (…) and in the
reference list.
9b. The page number always follows the publication year.
9c. Every time an author or authors are cited in text, the publication year must be cited at least once in
the paragraph.
9d. If there are more than 3 authors, cite them all first, then go to Williams, et al.
9e. When citing more than one author such as (Williams & Smith, 2000, p. 14) in text, use “&” and not
10. Whenever a direct quote is taken from a source and included in a paper, response, or comment, you
must (every single time) cite either the page number or paragraph number.
11. Personal Communications (PC)
11a. Personal communications are not cited in the reference list.
11b. PC's are cited according to the format on p. 214 of the APA 5th edition manual.
11c. If you interview someone, cite it as a personal communication.
11d. A PC counts as one of the required references.
Appendix C: Team Compact and Work Plan
Team Compact & Team Member Expectations
Team members are expected to:
1. Complete all workplan assignments, meet deliverable due dates, and cooperate as
2. Complete workplan assignments in good faith and with due diligence.
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3. Meet fellow team members where, when, and how agreed.
4. Consult with team members, colleagues, and/or the professor to answer questions,
seek clarification, locate resources, and/or compete agreed upon activities, etc.
5. Conduct all interactions in a professional and respectful manner.
6. Comply with relevant task description(s) and scoring rubric(s).
7. Comply with all prevailing relevant legal and ethical standards.
Appendix D: Team Workplan
Team Member Roles
Researcher Writer
Team Drafts
1 (M/D/Y) 2 (M/D/Y)
Note: Two team drafts are required before the free read (FR) or evaluation (FN) submission.
Team Draft 1 (One) is an internal review and editing exercise. Team Draft 2 (Two) is either an
internal or peer review of the revised Draft 1. Team Draft 2 must be completed before either the
free read or evaluation submission to the professor. The free read is optional.
Researcher. The researcher is responsible for collecting the research used in the assigned task.
He or she is responsible for constructing the reference list according to APA style; identifying,
acquiring, and submitting suitable references; and conducting any primary research.
Writer. Each team member will contribute to the assigned task. The contribution includes text for
the body of the work product and any associated tables, figures, and/or appendices. The writer
works closely with the researcher to identify and acquire suitable references.
Copy-Editor. The copy editor assembles the writer portions submitted by writers and integrate
them into a unified whole. He or she ensures APA style, scoring rubric, and standard writing
convention compliance.
Appendix E: EDU 659 Standards, Course Objectives, Topics/Activities, and Assignments
Faculty who teach this course (full-time, adjunct):
Dr. Charles Hale, Dr. John Smith, Dr. Renalia DuBose; Dr. Evelyn Kelly
Teaching Strategies Used:
Cooperative Learning, Discussions, Problem Based Learning, Web Exploration, Lecture and Reading, and
Independent Activities
SLU Value:
Course Objective
1. Explain the legal system
structure, its component
parts, the court system,
precedent, relationship
between the legal and
educational systems, and
role of the federal and state
governments in education.
Module 1 Introduction
a) The Legal System
b) Role of the Federal
c) Governance of Public
a) The Florida K-20
Education System
b) Policy and Principles
c) Function, Mission, and
Goals d) Components for the
Module 1 Discussion
Saint Leo University
FELE: SL 6.1
2. Explain the relationship
between the church and
public schools (specifically
prayer in schools and equal
access) within the context
of common, statutory, and
constitutional law.
FELE: IL 6.1;
IL6.2; IL11.2;
OL11.1; SL
5.1; SL6.1
3. Explain the legal rights
and responsibilities of
students and parents under
federal and state case,
common, statutory, and
constitutional law.
IL13.1; SL4.1
4. Explain the legal rights
and responsibilities of
ESE students and parents
under federal and state
case, common, statutory,
and constitutional law.
FELE: IL7.1;
5. Identify and explain
types, causes, and
preventive legal and
administrative strategies
involving torts,
defamation, and
governmental immunity
EDU 659
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Delivery of Public
Module 2 Church &
Church and State
a) K-12 Student & Parent
b) Guide Lines on Religious
c) Immunization Exemption
d) Permitting Bible Study &
Religious Expression in
Public Schools
Module 3 Student Rights
a) Student Rights: Speech &
b) Student Rights: Common
Law, Constitutional Due
Process & Statutory
c) Rights of Students with
a) Educational Choice
b) ESE Rights &
c) Extra Curricular Activities
d) Medication
e) Parental Rights/Duties
f) Student Discipline
g) School Safety
Module 4 Student Rights
a) Rights of Students with
a) Educational Choice
b) ESE Rights &
c) Medication
d) Parental Rights/Duties
e) Student Discipline
Module 5 Torts & Liability
a) Tort Liability
b) Defamation and Student
c) School District Liability
a) Module 2 Discussion
b) Equal Access Letter
a) Module 3 Discussion
b) Student Records
Access Letter
c) Student Handbook
a) Module 4 Discussion
b) ESE Student Rights
a) Module 5 Discussion
b) Negligent and
Intentional Torts
Saint Leo University
within the context of
common, statutory, and
constitutional law.
OL6.1; OL6.2;
FELE: OL 7.1
6. Explain the legal rights
and responsibilities of
teachers under federal and
state case common,
statutory and constitutional
7. Explain the employment
rights and protections due
teachers under collective
EDU 659
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a) Transportation
b) Liability Insurance &
Legal Services
c) Student Records
Module 6 Teacher Rights
a) Teacher Rights &
b) Due Process Rights of
c) Discrimination in
d) Code of Ethics of the
Education Profession in
a) Duties
c) Personnel Files
d) Teacher Recruitment &
e) Teacher Discipline
f) Merit Pay
Module 7 Collective
a) Collective Bargaining
a) Public Employees
Relations Commission
b) Public Employer &
Employee Rights
c) Dispute Resolution
a) Module 6 Discussion
b) Teacher Discipline
c) Teacher Hiring
d) Faculty Handbook
a) Module 7 Discussion
b) Collective
Bargaining Agreement
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Following are the rubrics and directions for the assignments
for EDU 659:
Please follow the rubric exactly labeling each part.
Assignment: 2A
2A ESE Student Rights Letter
A parent who has adopted a special needs child (you select disability) and has
asked you to generally summarize the child’s and parents’ rights. First, summarize the
child’s disability and its effect on his or her education. Next, specifically, address this
student’s ESE entitlements (e.g., FAPE, discipline, IEP, diagnostic testing, learning
support services, interagency support services, and accommodations, etc.) under
federal and state statutes, including district policy by summarizing relevant law, the
rights granted under those laws. (75 points)
This letter must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily understandable
manner. Summarize the law as related to the topic as precisely as you can in your own
words. Remember, in 2-3 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite relevant state,
federal, and case law in a reference list starting below your signature. Ensure proper
writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Keep school name, address,
salutation, etc. to a minimum. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only.
General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
ESE Student Rights Letter Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Summarized the child’s disability and
its effect on his or her education
sufficiently to place the explanation
of law into a context to enable
Saint Leo University
Explained this child’s ESE
entitlements under federal and state
statutes, including district policy,
correctly and thoroughly.
Explained parent’s rights under the
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
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Total Earned Points
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Assignment: 2B
2 B. Equal Access Letter
A local religious organization has requested access to school facilities. First,
consult your district or a district’s policy regarding equal access, state law, federal case
law, and federal statutes governing equal access. Secondly summarize the legal
standards governing equal access. Third, explain why or why not the organization will be
permitted access and under what conditions. (75 points)
This letter must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Summarize the law as related to the topic as precisely as you
can in your own words. Remember, in 2-3 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant state, federal, and case law in a reference list starting below your signature.
Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Keep school name,
address, salutation, etc. to a minimum. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font
only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B of the
EDU 659 Public School Law
Equal Access Letter Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Briefly, but correctly and thoroughly,
summarized district policy on use of
school facilities by outside
Cited relevant state, federal, and
case law to support district policy.
Explained why or why not the
organization will be permitted access
and under what conditions in
understandable terms.
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
Total Earned Points
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Assignment: 2 C.
Assignment: IPLAS Document 2C
2. C Teacher Discipline Letter
A teacher is suspected of an ethical violation (specify a significant violation of the
Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida, explaining why the conduct was a
violation). The school’s leadership team has asked you to (a) summarize a school
administrator’s responsibility under prevailing state law regarding the Just Cause
Standard for an adverse employment decision (dismissal, suspension, demotion, or
reinstatement); and (b) employment termination by a school board (hearing and appeal
rights under the local collective bargaining agreement and relevant state law),
certification loss (hearing and appeal rights under the Education Practices Commission)
for teachers on professional service, annual and continuing contracts. (75 points)
This letter must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily understandable
manner. Summarize the law as related to the topic as precisely as you can in your own
words. Remember, in 2-3 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite relevant state,
federal, and case law in a reference list starting below your signature. Ensure proper
writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Keep school name, address,
salutation, etc. to a minimum. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only.
General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Teacher Discipline Letter Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Specified a significant violation of the
Code of Ethics of the Education
Profession in Florida, explaining why
the conduct was a violation, citing
correct State Board of Education
Rule or Florida statute.
Summarized a school administrator’s
Saint Leo University
responsibility under prevailing state
law regarding the Just Cause
Standard for an adverse employment
decision (dismissal, suspension,
demotion, or reinstatement) citing
appropriate statutes, rules, and
Summarized employment
termination procedures by a school
board (hearing and appeal rights
under the local collective bargaining
agreement and relevant state law),
revocation of certification procedures
(hearing and appeal rights under the
Education Practices Commission) for
teachers on professional service,
annual and continuing contracts.
(IPLAS 6.1 Applies federal and state
laws to recruitment, selection,
induction, evaluation, and discipline
process for teachers and staff.)
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
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Total Earned Points
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Assignment: 2 D.
2 D Student Records Access Letter
An 11th grade honor student has requested information regarding her student
records as she is concerned about its contents and accuracy, as is her noncustodial
father; write a letter summarizing legal access rights, right to challenge, modify content,
etc. to the student’s custodial parent. Ensure you address access to student records by
a non-custodial parent. (75 points)
This letter must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily understandable
manner. Summarize the law as related to the topic as precisely as you can in your own
words. Remember, in 2-3 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite relevant state,
federal, and case law in a reference list starting below your signature. Ensure proper
writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Keep School name, address,
salutation, etc. to a minimum. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only.
General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Student Record Access Letter Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Described the legal access rights of
students, custodial and non-custodial
parents under state and federal law,
citing such laws.
Described the right to challenge,
modify content, etc. and who may do
so and how.
Fully and correctly answered this
student’s and her family’s question in
an understandable fashion.
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
Total Earned Points
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Saint Leo University
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Assignment: 3A.
Assignment: This is an IPLAS Document
Collective Bargaining Agreement Interview
First, interview a principal about his or her role in managing a local collective
bargaining agreement. In your interview, explore (a) the grievance process and how
grievances are resolved, (b) enforcement of school policies generally, (c) disciplinary
processes for instructional and non-instructional personnel. Secondly, after you have
obtained a copy of the district’s collective bargaining agreement, compare what you
learned during the interview with the terms of the contract; conclude whether or not the
principal’s actions are in compliance. Using illustrative examples support your
conclusion. Do not use an actual principal’s, school’s or district’s name. (100 points)
The interview report will be between 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The report must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 3-4 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant references on a separate page at the end of the report. Ensure proper writing
mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or
12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B
of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Management Application Interview Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Reported clearly the administrator’s
management of the (a) grievance
process (b) enforcement of the
contract’s terms at and (c)
disciplinary processes at the school
Compared the principal’s
management practices with the
terms of the contract, using
illustrative examples from the
Saint Leo University
interview to support a conclusion as
to whether or not the principal was in
compliance with the contract.
(IPLAS 6.3 Applies concepts of
collective bargaining agreements.)
Cited relevant Florida state statutes,
State Board of Education Rules, and
district policy to ensure a competent
legal analysis. (IPLAS 7.1 Makes
ethical decisions based upon
prevailing statutes, case law and the
Code of Ethics for the Education
Profession in Florida.)
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
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Total Earned Points
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Assignment: 3B.
3B. Negligent and Intentional Torts Interview.
First, interview a principal about his or her role in managing a negligent and an
intentional tort incident; be sure to summarize each of the two incidents precisely and
thoroughly. Secondly, conclude whether or not the principal’s management of each
incident complied with prevailing state statutory and case law, citing illustrative examples
to support your conclusions.
The interview report will be between 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The report must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 3-4 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant references on a separate page at the end of the report. Ensure proper writing
mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or
12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B
of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Negligent and Intentional Torts
Application Interview Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Reported clearly the administrator’s
management of a negligent and
intentional tort incident at the
school level.
Compared the principal’s
management of the negligence and
intentional tort incidents using
illustrative examples from the
interview to support a conclusion
as to whether or not the principal
was in compliance with prevailing
statutory and case law.
Cited relevant Florida state
statutes, State Board of Education
Rules, and district policy to ensure
a competent legal analysis.
Saint Leo University
APA style mastery is
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Total Earned Points
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3. C Assignment:
3 C. Teacher Hiring Interview
Interview either an AP or principal about the hiring process for a new teacher. During
the interview, be sure to collect information on (a) who handles state certification
verification, (b) selection and induction procedures; (c) evaluation for the new hire; (d)
new hire discipline; and (e) reappointment. Cite specific district policies governing each
stage of the process. (100 points)
The interview report will be between 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The report must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 3-4 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant references on a separate page at the end of the report. Ensure proper writing
mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or New Times Roman 11” or
12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet format is found in Appendix B
of the syllabus.
Reported clearly (a) on who
handles state certification
verification, (b) district
selection and induction
procedures; (c) procedures
on evaluation for the new
hire; (d) procedures for new
hire discipline; and (e)
procedures for new hire
Cited specific district
policies governing each
stage of the process,
including relevant statutory
Cited relevant Florida state
statutes, State Board of
EDU 659 Public School Law
Teacher Hiring Application Interview Rubric
Saint Leo University
Education Rules, and
district policy to ensure a
competent legal analysis.
APA style mastery is
EDU 659
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Total Earned Points
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EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
4. A Student Handbook.
The principal has asked you to prepare a revision to the student’s school handbook,
regarding (a) state requirements to participate in interscholastic or extracurricular
activities; (b) guidelines for administering medication; (c) educational access rights for
the children of illegal residents; (d) students’ First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth
(hearings, discipline, etc) Amendment Rights; (e) parents’ rights (specifically, student
academic progress, academic improvement plans, truancy, and instructional materials
with which parents disagree (100 points)
Handbook excerpts are to be between 5-6 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The summary must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 5-6 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant references on a separate page at the end of the document. Obtain a copy of
both a student/parent and faculty handbook for your district and model your excerpts on
that. Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or
New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet
format is found in Appendix B of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Student Handbook Revision Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Briefly but thoroughly summarized
(a) state requirements to participate
in interscholastic or extracurricular
activities; (b) guidelines for
administering medication; (c)
educational access rights for the
children of illegal residents; and (d)
students’ First, Fourth, Fifth, and
Fourteenth (hearings, discipline, etc)
Amendment Rights.
Briefly but thoroughly summarized
parents’ rights (specifically, student
academic progress, academic
Saint Leo University
improvement plans, truancy, and
instructional materials with which
parents disagree).
Cited relevant Florida state statutes,
State Board of Education Rules, and
district policy to ensure a competent
legal analysis.
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
EDU 659
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Total Earned Points
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Assignment: 4A
4A. Faculty Handbook
The principal has asked you to prepare a revision to the faculty handbook, regarding
(a) teacher rights under federal statutes; (b) guidelines for student discipline, school
safety, violations of student conduct code, administering medication; (c) employees’
First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth (hearings, discipline, etc.) Amendment Rights; and
(d) access to employment records. (100 points)
Handbook excerpts are to be between 5-6 pages, excluding title and reference list
pages. The summary must be precise, content dense, but written in an easily
understandable manner. Remember, in 5-6 pages you can’t go into exacting detail. Cite
relevant references on a separate page at the end of the document. Obtain a copy of
both a student/parent and faculty handbook for your district and model your excerpts on
that. Ensure proper writing mechanics and APA style manual compliance. Use Arial or
New Times Roman 11” or 12” font only. General writing guidelines and cover sheet
format is found in Appendix B of the syllabus.
EDU 659 Public School Law
Faculty Handbook Revision Rubric
Novice Basic
Proficient Exceptional
Briefly but thoroughly summarized
(a) teacher rights under federal
statutes and (b) guidelines for
student discipline, school safety,
violations of student conduct code
and administering medication.
Briefly but thoroughly summarized
(a) school employees’ First, Fourth,
Fifth, and Fourteenth (hearings,
discipline, etc.) Amendment Rights
and (d) access to employment
Cited relevant Florida state statutes,
State Board of Education Rules, and
district policy to ensure a competent
Saint Leo University
legal analysis.
APA style mastery is demonstrated.
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Total Earned Points
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008
Saint Leo University
EDU 659
Rev. 4/2008