SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY - Humanresourcesadministration

Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
EDU 662: Human Resource Development & Management in Education
Instructor: Mark Brunner, Ph.D.
Citrus County School Board
Phone: (352) 726-1931 ext. 2207
Fax: (352) 726-1246
Office Hours:
All instructors maintain office hours. A schedule of these hours will be given to
students on the first day of class. Additional times are available by appointment.
Graduation applications must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies in
Education two semesters prior to the anticipated graduation in order to facilitate
degree audit, as explained in the Saint Leo University Catalog. It is the student's
responsibility to meet this deadline in order to have a degree conferred in a
timely manner. Additionally, students in the Educational Leadership
specialization must submit a passing score on the FELE as a graduation
requirement. Please contact your academic advisor if you have any questions
about these graduation requirements.
Course Description
State, federal, and case law pertaining to human resource management and
development in education are examined in this course. There is a particular
emphasis on using human resources to foster student learning and achievement.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
Required Textbook:
Young, P.I. (2008). The Human Resource Function in Educational Administration (9th
Edition). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson.
Recommended Texts and Websites:
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American
psychological association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Florida Statutes (F.S.) [Access K20 Education Code] Link:
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) [aka. State Board Rules] Link:
William Cecil Golden Website:
Please register to use the Florida School Leaders Learning library.
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
IPLAS Statement
All students are required to upload certain assignments to the Individual Principal
Leadership Assessment System (IPLAS) in Foliotek via the link in the My Saint
Leo Portal. Students must upload required assignments to IPLAS by the
assignment due date listed on the course syllabus/weekly schedule. The IPLAS
system is designed to document student mastery of the Florida Principal
Leadership Standards as required by the Florida Department of Education. All
components of the IPLAS system must be successfully completed prior to
Guidelines used in Developing Course Objectives:
Florida Principal Leadership Standards:
Human Resource Development
FELE Competencies & Skills, 5th Edition:
Instructional Leadership
IL Competency 13: Knowledge of managing the learning environment
standard as related to federal law for education and schooling.
13.1 Given a scenario, identify exceptional education entitlements, equal
access for students and staff with disabilities and related rights
under federal statutes.
Operational Leadership
OL Competency 3: Knowledge of human resource development standard as
related to recruitment, selection, induction and retention of staff.
3.1 Given policies for teacher recruitment, selection, induction,
professional development, and retention determine compliance
With Florida statutes and No Child Left Behind.
3.2 Given an out of field teacher report, identify various methods for
acquiring Florida teacher certification (e.g. highly qualified teachers,
critical shortage, special needs)
3.3 Given a sample of an interview identify violations of federal and state
laws that protect an applicant from job discrimination (e.g. AIDS, civil
rights, Americans with Disabilities act)
OL Competency 4: Knowledge of human resource development standard as
related to performance of assessment procedures.
4.1 Given an instructional assessment instrument, determine
compliance with Florida statutes and State Board regulations
for employee evaluation (management of students, maintenance of
of discipline, knowledge of subject matter, pay for performance, use
of technology, criteria for continuous improvement.
4.2 Given an unsatisfactory performance evaluation, identify the Florida
Statutory requirements to facilitate employee growth (that is the
performance improvement plan, notification of deficiencies,
conference for the record).
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
4.3 Given an individual development plan, determine compliance with
Florida statutes governing the School Community Professional
Development Act (i.e. requirement to establish and maintain an
Individual Professional Development Plan for each teacher.
OL Competency 5: Knowledge of human resources development standard
as related to managing personnel records.
5.1 Given a sample of content from an employee’s personnel file,
determine compliance with Florida statutes governing personnel files.
5.2 Given public information requests, determine compliance with Florida
statutes governing access to personnel files and records (medical
records, complaints related to investigation, payroll deduction records
Social Security numbers).
OL Competency 6: Knowledge of human resources development standard
as related to process and procedures for discipline, dismissal and nonrenewal
of school employees.
6.1 Given a recommendation to terminate an employee’s contract, identify
the school site administrator’s responsibility regarding termination as
required in Florida statutes (eg. Union contract, professional service
contract, annual contract and continuing contract)
6.2 Given case studies with accompanying documentation, identify and
apply the Standard of Just Cause for any adverse employment
decision as required by Florida statutes (eg. Dismissal, suspension,
demotion, reinstatement)
OL Competency 7: Knowledge of human resource development standard as
related to collective bargaining agreements.
7.1 Given a collective bargaining agreement, identify the role of the
administrator in managing the contract per Florida Statutes (eg.
grievances, school policies, enforcement, and punitive actions related
to all classifications of school personnel).
OL Competency 8: Knowledge of human resources development standard
as related to data analysis.
8.1 Given school or classroom data, analyze teacher performance over
OL Competency 9: Knowledge of human resources development standard
as related to state law for education and schooling.
9.1 Given a scenario, identify standards and procedures applicable to
state certification, selection, evaluation, discipline, and reappointment
of school district employees.
Saint Leo University Core Values:
Respect: Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually
and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character,
learn the skills and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally
responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a
conscientious commitment to our mission, vision and goals.
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
1. identify and explain policies, procedures, Florida statutes and State Board
rules related to recruitment, selection, induction, assessment and retention
of staff.
2. apply state and federal laws that govern human resource development
including but not limited to: ADA, Exceptional Education entitlements,
Equal Access for students and staff, Civil Rights legislation, and NCLB
3. determine compliance of instructional assessment instruments and
individual performance plans in terms of Florida Statutes and State board
rules and school and classroom data.
4. determine compliance with Florida Statutes in relation to maintenance and
access to personnel files
5. identify the administrator’s role and responsibilities in issues of discipline,
dismissal, non renewal of employees and collective bargaining issues.
6. analyze teacher performance data in terms of human resource
7. act as a morally responsible leader
1. Compliance Papers: Student (individually) will complete six 1-2 page papers
that identify standards and procedures applicable to recruitment, selection,
induction, evaluation, retention, and collective bargaining agreement (see # 8)
and given a policy on each topic will determine compliance with Florida Statutes
and NCLB (OL3.1 and 9.1). 25 points each
2. Human Resource Development Plan: Students, working in a group, will
develop a comprehensive plan that has policies and procedures for recruitment,
selection, induction, professional development, performance appraisal, and
retention that are in compliance with state and federal laws and reflects “best
practices”. (OL3.1 and 9.1; IPLAS 6.1) 50 -points
3. Interview Guide: Student (individually) will create an interview guide for a
teaching position in a school (attach job description and a summary of the
school’s demographics) based on one of the models of interviewing. 60 points
Critique a peer’s interview guide for potential violations of federal and state laws
(OL3.3 and 9.1) 40 points
4. Out of field teaching report: Given a report, identify and explain various
methods for acquiring Florida teacher certification (e.g. highly qualified teachers,
critical shortage areas, and special needs) (OL3.2) 25 points
5. Assessment Presentation: Given a completed instructional assessment
instrument and student performance data, determine compliance with federal
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
law, state statute and rule. Identify areas of concern of teacher performance
based on the data provided. Create a NEAT letter and develop a performance
improvement plan. (OL 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 8.1, and 9.1; IPLAS 6.2) 50 points
6. Termination Activity: Given a case study where the teacher was
recommended for termination, identify the administrator’s role and responsibility
regarding termination. Include in your discussion the Just cause Standard,
procedures for suspension, demotion, dismissal, and reinstatement. (OL 6.1, 6.2,
and 9.1) 25 points
7. Personnel File Activity: Given a sample of a teacher personnel file, the
student will determine if the file’s content and access to it (public information
requests) are in compliance with Florida statutes. (OL 5.1 and 5.2) 25 points
8. Collective Bargaining Agreement: The student will review a district’s
collective bargaining agreement and determine compliance with Florida states
and rules. In addition, the student will discuss the role and responsibility of the
administrator in managing the contract including but not limited to, grievances,
school policies, enforcement and punitive action. (OL7.1; IPLAS 6.3) (25 points)
9. Discussion questions/cases and peer responses: The student will create
an original response to the weekly question or case study provided that will allow
the student to apply knowledge gained from the week’s readings and help the
student gain a deeper understanding of the content. (25 points each week)
10. ADA/ESE Activity: Case study: Student will identify exceptional education
entitlements, equal access for students and staff with disabilities and related
rights under federal statutes. (IL 13.1) (25 points)
11. Matrix: Students will create a matrix of the laws, regulation, and policies that
impact recruitment, selection, induction and retention of staff. (25 points
Discussion Postings
Individual students must post one response to the weekly case/discussion. Initial
responses are to be posted to the appropriate week’s discussion.
A competent response is 3-4 paragraphs which summarizes the relevant professional
and research literature and shows careful, thorough logical analysis. The concluding
paragraph ties together analysis from prior paragraphs and reaches a research-based
conclusion. The competent response is between 250-300 words and utilizes at least 2
references. Text reference citations and those in the reference list fully conform to the
APA style manual (5th ed.). When posting a response, the associated text box will have a
subject line. In the subject line text box, insert your last name and the word “Response.”
Do not post responses as an attached file.
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Initial response will earn points as follows: full credit if it meets criteria defined above,
partial credit if missing one criterion or no points if late or unsatisfactory. Ensure
compliance with the following don’ts; (1) don’t cite Wikipedia, or any similar internet site;
(2) don’t cut-and-paste long lists into your post; (3) don’t post opinions; (4) don’t make
logic leaps, e.g., make general claims from limited evidence; (5) offer platitudes or
general, vague comments in place of sound thorough analysis; (6) don’t submit
grammatically incorrect or unreadable posts; and (7) don’t cite URL’s as text references.
Peer Discussion Response Comments: Students will comment on two other student’s
initial discussion response or comment. When posting a comment, the associated text
box will have a subject line. In the subject line text box, insert your last name, and
“Comment on XXXXXX’s Response.
A competent peer response critiques a response in such a manner as to (1) identify and
correct faulty reasoning, (2) support a response, citing additional evidence; (3) extend a
response by citing additional evidence or perspective; or (4) dispute a response by citing
other evidence with a contrasting perspective. The competent comment is between 75125 words and utilizes at least 1 reference. Text reference citations and those in the
reference list fully conform to the APA style manual (5th ed.). Comments must comply
with the “Don’ts” presented above. Peer responses will earn points as follows: full credit
if it meets criteria defined above, partial credit if missing one criterion or no points if late
or unsatisfactory. Do not post comments as an attached file.
Grading Criteria
The student will be evaluated using both formative and summative evaluation
methodologies. A qualitative assessment approach will be the basis for all
Grading Scale
Letter grades will be assigned based on the assessment described. The grading
scale is delineated as follows:
Compliance Papers
Discussion/cases and Responses
Human Resource Development Plan
Interview Guide and Critique
Assessment Presentation
Termination activity
Personnel File Activity
150 points
175 points
50 points
100 points
25 points
50 points
25 points
25 points
600 points
95-100 percent
80-82 percent
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
90-94 percent
86-89 percent
83-85 percent
75-79 percent
≤ 74 percent
ADA Policy
Students with disabilities who may need academic accommodation(s), should
contact Mary Sloan in SAB, Room 207, or email, or call
(352) 588-8464.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to participate in a timely manner by attending face-to-face
classes and meeting posting and submission deadlines online; failure to do so to
the professor’s satisfaction may result in a loss of up to one full letter grade from
the earned course final mark. Work teams are strongly encouraged; students are
expected to attend work team meetings, chat sessions, and participate in
Late Work Policy
Generally, late work will not be accepted for credit. In extreme circumstances the
instructor may accept late work with a penalty if the student provides appropriate
documentation (for example, copies of hospital admission paperwork). No work
will be accepted after the end of the course unless arrangements have been
made in advance.
Academic Honesty
The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University
Catalog. The first paragraph is quoted below.
As members of an academic community that places a high value on truth
and the pursuit of knowledge, Saint Leo University students are expected
to be honest in every phase of their academic life and present as their own
work only that which is genuinely theirs. Unless otherwise specified by the
professor, students must complete homework assignments by themselves
(or if on a team assignment, with only their team members). If they
receive outside assistance of any kind, they are expected to cite the
source and indicate the extent of the assistance. Each student has the
responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and
to refrain from cheating, plagiarism or any other forms of academic
Cannon Memorial Library On-site Resources
Library Services
Librarians are available during reference hours to answer questions concerning research
strategies, database searching, locating specific materials, and interlibrary loan (ILL).
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Contact Elana Karshmer ( to arrange on-site
library/research instruction for your class.
Cannon Memorial Library—MC2128
352-588-8258 (Main #)
33701 State Road 52
352-588-8259 (fax)
Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665
352-588-8477 (Reference Desk)
352-588-8476 (Circulation)
Cannon Memorial Library
The library also provides an 800 number and an email address for general reference
services: 1-800-359-5945 or
Reference Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am-10pm
Online Catalog, “LeoCat” (All books & media)
Click on Library Catalog (LeoCat) on the Cannon Memorial Library website
( Simple search choices are: title, author, keyword,
subject, or journal title. Use advanced searching to set limits or expand your search
choices. To borrow books from Cannon Memorial and have them shipped to you, use the
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery link, complete the online request form, and
submit it.
Saint Leo Library Online Resources
Saint Leo provides its own array of online databases and resources supporting online
courses as well as Continuing Education classes. The following databases are available
to Saint Leo students and faculty. Use the Online Library Resources link on the Library
webpage and select Databases. You’ll be taken to the ID Validation screen (if you’re not
already in the portal) where you enter your email address and email password to gain
access. Once you’re logged in you can go back and reselect any of our databases without
ever having to log in again.
CQ Researcher
Business Source
(In-depth topical analysis by Congressional
(Comprehensive all-subject database, includes
Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA)
(Comprehensive all-subject resource, includes newspapers)
Literature Resource Center (Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne
Newsbank: America’s Newspapers (625 U.S. newspapers)
(Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform
(APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects)
(Comprehensive legal resource)
Saint Leo University
Business indexes)
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
(Includes Education, Science, Humanities, &
Local Area Library Resources
Almost all public library systems offer free borrowing privileges to local community members, as
well as free access to their online databases, including access from your home. The key is obtaining a
library card. Check with your local library to find out how to get a borrower’s card.
Additionally, through a reciprocal agreement, university campus students have borrowing privileges
at the University of South Florida. Be sure to bring a current Saint Leo student ID card and proof of
current enrollment with you, if you want to borrow USF library books.
Saint Leo University
Weekly Schedule
Topics and Readings
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Assignments Due at the
beginning of class
Federal laws impacting education:
Florida Statutes, State Board
Rules and local School Board
Young Text: Chapter 1
Review websites listed
Florida Statutes (F.S.) [Access K20
Education Code] Link:
Within your group:
create a matrix that of the laws,
regulations, and policies that
impact recruitment, performance
appraisal, selection, induction and
retention of staff.
Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
[aka. State Board Rules] Link:
No Child Left Behind
Discussion Question and Peer
Responses: Case study: Student
will identify exceptional education
entitlements, equal access for
students and staff with disabilities
and related rights under federal
 Using a strategic plan
 Recruitment policies and
 Incentives
Read: Chapter 4- Recruitment
Compliance paper 1:
Review your district’s policies on
recruitment and determine
compliance with Florida Statutes
and NCLB, EEO and Affirmative
Action and the administrator’s role.
Discussion Question and Peer
Responses: Case study, p 126.
 Components of the selection
 Specific predictors of teacher
 Legal and practical
considerations of the
selection process
 Designing the interview
Read Chapter 5- Selection
Compliance paper 2 :
Review your district’s policies on
selection and determine
compliance with Florida Statutes
and NCLB, EEO and Affirmative
Action and the administrator’s role.
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Review the following articles:
p. 171 of text:
Young, I & Prince, A. (1999)
Young, I & Delli, D. (2002)
Complete module: WCG
Leading Human Resource
Create an interview guide for a
teaching position in your school
(attach job description) based on
one of the models of interviewing.
Critique a peer’s interview guide for
potential violations of federal and
state law.
Discussion Questions and Peers
Responses: Case study, p. 169
Induction/ Orientation/ Mentoring
 Organizational culture
 Goals
 Policies
 Managing and Assessing the
Read: Chapter 6
Complete 2 modules:
School Leaders and Peer Coaching
Module (CEC) and
Supporting Teachers through
Coaching, Mentoring and Support
Compliance paper 3:
Review your district’s policies on
induction and determine
compliance with Florida Statutes
and NCLB and the administrator’s
Professional Development
 Identifying needs of teachers
based on data analysis
 Developing a strategic
 Implementing and assessing
the program
 School Community
Professional Development
Act (F.S. 1012.98) Individual Professional
Development Plan
Discussion Questions and Peer
Responses: Case Study p. 202
Read Chapter 10
Complete Modules: WCG
Creating a School Culture that
Embraces Ongoing Progress
Building Instructional Leadership
Review the following:
Compliance paper 4: Given an
individual development plan,
Saint Leo University
 Methods of certification
 Out of field teachers
 Critical shortage areas
 Highly qualified
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
determine compliance with Florida
statutes governing the School
Community Professional
Development Act and the
administrator’s role in managing the
Review the following:
(Certification pathways, alternative
FS 1004.04 and 1004.85
Rule 6A-5.066
Discussion Question and Peer
Responses: Given an out of field
teaching report, identify and explain
various methods for acquiring
Florida teacher certification
Performance Assessment
 Purpose of assessment
 Models of assessment
 Decision making in terms of
assessment (NEAT
procedure, performance
improvement plan, Individual
Professional Development
Plan, and Just Cause
Read Chapter 7
Assessment Presentation: Given
an instructional assessment
instrument, determine compliance
with Florida Statutes and State
Board Rules. Identify areas of
concern of teacher performance
based on test scores reported and
the assessment instrument.
Develop a performance
improvement plan.
Termination Activity: given a case
study where the teacher was
recommended for termination,
identify the administrator’s role and
responsibility (considering union
contract, PSC, AC and CC)
regarding termination. Be sure to
apply the Just Cause standard.
Include the procedures to follow for
suspension, demotion, dismissal
and reinstatement)
Discussion Questions and
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Response: Case Study p 239
 Administrative processes
 Employee Assistance
 Entitlements
 Issues with continuity
 School culture and its
strategic implications on
Read Chapter 9
Personnel issues
Personnel File Activity:
Given a sample of a personnel file,
the student will determine if the
file’s content and access to it
(public information requests) are in
compliance with Florida statutes
Compliance with statutes
Public information requests
Equal access for students and
staff with disabilities
Collective Bargaining and Unionism
 Regulations in relation to
 Collective Bargaining
 Grievance Procedures
 Historical Perspective
Compliance paper 5:
Review your district’s policies on
retention and determine
compliance with Florida Statutes
and NCLB and the administrator’s
Read: Chapter 11
Compliance paper 6:
Review your district’s collective
bargaining agreement and
determine compliance with Florida
Statutes and NCLB and the
administrator’s role in managing the
Discussion Questions and Peer
Response: Case study p.393
Saint Leo University
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Standards, Course Objectives, Topics/Activities, and Assessments
Course Title & Number:
EDU 662: Human Resource Development & Management in Education
Faculty who teach this course (full-time, adjunct):
Dr. Karen Hahn, Dr. Chuck Hale, Dr. Dave Scanga and Dr. John Smith
Teaching Strategies Used:
Cooperative Learning, Discussions, Teaching Cases, Web Exploration, Lecture and Reading, and
Independent Activities
3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
Course Objectives
1.Students will identify and
explain policies,
procedures, Florida
Statutes and State Board
Rules related to
recruitment, selection,
induction, assessment and
retention of staff
 Components of the
selection process
 Specific predictors of
teacher success
 Legal and practical
considerations of the
selection process
 Designing the interview
 Using a strategic plan
 Recruitment policies
 Incentives
Induction/ Orientation/
 Organizational culture
 Goals
 Policies
Managing and Assessing
the process
Performance Assessment
 Purpose of assessment
 Models of assessment
Decision making in terms of
assessment (NEAT
procedure, performance
improvement plan,
Individual Professional
Development Plan
 Administrative
 Employee Assistance
 Entitlements
 Issues with continuity
 School culture and its
strategic implications
on retention
Discussion Questions and
Compliance Papers
Case Studies
Saint Leo University
OL 3.1, 3.3
FELE-OL 4.1,
OL 4.2, OL
4.3, OL 8.1
5.1, OL 5.2
6.1, OL 6.2,
OL 7.1
FELE- 8.1
2.Students will apply state
and federal laws that
govern human resource
development including, but
not limited to ADA,
Exceptional Education
entitlements, equal access
for students and staff. Civil
rights legislation and NCLB.
3. Students will determine
compliance of instructional
assessment instruments
and individual performance
plans in terms of Florida
Statutes and State board
rules and school and
classroom data
4. Students will use
determine compliance with
Florida statutes in relation
to maintenance and access
to personnel files.
5. Students will identify the
administrator’s role and
responsibilities in issues of
discipline, dismissal, non
renewal of employees and
collective bargaining
6. Students will analyze
teacher performance data
in terms of human resource
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Federal laws impacting
education: ADA, IDEA, NCLB
Florida Statutes, State Board
Rules and local School Board
Discussion Questions and
Response ADA case study
Equal access for students and
staff with disabilities
Performance Assessment
 Purpose of assessment
 Models of assessment
Decision making in terms of
assessment (NEAT procedure,
performance improvement plan,
Individual Professional
Development Plan
Personnel issues
 Compliance with
 Public information
Equal access for students and
staff with disabilities
Performance Assessment
 Purpose of assessment
 Models of assessment
Decision making in terms of
assessment (NEAT procedure,
performance improvement plan,
Individual Professional, Just
Cause, Development Plan
Collective Bargaining and
 Regulations in relation
to bargaining
 Collective Bargaining
 Grievance Procedures
Historical Perspective
Professional Development
 Identifying needs of
teachers based on data
 Developing a strategic
 Implementing and
assessing the program
 School Community
Development Act (F.S.
1012.98) - Individual
Development Plan
Discussion Questions and
Response- Case study
Assessment Preparation
Termination Activity
Compliance paper
Personnel File Activity
Discussion Questions and
Termination Activity
Compliance paper
Assessment Presentation
Saint Leo University
SLU ValueRespect
7. Students will identify
actions of a morally
responsible leader
EDU 662
Rev. 4/08
Role of the administrator
Discussion Questions and
Response cases- role and
responsibility of