
HISTORY 11 IB 2012_13 SCHEDULE –E blk
Semester 1 schedule:
Thurs Aug 23: GREETINGS!
-Course Outline
-Introductions/course goals on Stroodle forum (or paper)—share in groups of 4/whole class ☺ Show Stroodle
-Get email addresses
-give out Cowie.
•Homework: BRING TO CLASS: Laptop, USB stick, journal, pen/pencil…
-Enroll in Stroodle course and finish Goals on Stroodle Forum
-Cowie pp 5-10 on society before the French Revolution! =a taste of one kind of History IB reading ☺ Own notetaking
style ie. Annotate, top 20 points from chapter, or Cornell GRADED
6/7 Track: pp 1-5 and summarize meaning of headers/bold words). 30 min max 1 hour.
Mon Aug 27: Mike in to talk about RSS feed for Stroodle/Edublog 13:45
-Finish goalsharing
-Dispositions definitions activity!
-Explain how notes will be assessed ie. Given a grade as a summative assessment if I expect that you will be able to speak
to/analyze the information in the class it is due; no grade=formative Assessment “+/ check/-“ to be assessed anecdotely, esp re
Predicted Grades ☺
-Explain what GRADED/NOT GRADED/6-7 TRACK means=not extra marks on a report card, but extra achievement
that is noted/assessed separately w/ anecdotes re effort and ability; is used in determining Predicted Grades, conversations with
you/parents re progress, would be used in writing College Recommendations etc ☺
-Stroodle overview—I will usually change the homework page daily=be prepared for that ☺
-Show notetaking and participation rubrics
-Review homework:
- diff ways to take notes (photocopy/annotate, 20 main pts for 10 pgs, regular style, post-it summaries at the end—connections,
definitions), key points; show notetaking and class participation rubrics on Stroodle
-reflect on most interesting part of Cowie reading and why
-how does the author’s style /bias effect how you retained or were interested in the information?
•Homework: NONE 
Wed Aug 29
-How long did last time’s notes take? Hand back notes and comment
-Give our Fleury textbook
-TOK and History: show ppt incl How taught History, General Knowledge Quiz, Analyzing Data (100 countries in 4min),
Eli Pariser Filter Bubble☺
•Homework: Read/notes from Fleury textbook pdf on Stroodle on the Enlightenment pp148-154 up to “Fine Arts” NOT
(6/7 EXTENSION: any reading from Fleury that is related to what we are studying ☺ )--come in prepared to discuss 10
interesting point you discovered
Extension: to find diverse answers to the General Knowledge Quiz
Fri Aug 31 David Papirnik present philosophers
Miniblk: Papirnik conclusion on Philosophers
**WEEK WITHOUT WALLS Tues Sept 4-Fri Sept 7**
Mon Sept 10: Present Own Revolutions
-Start overviewing revolutionary theories
•Homework: Cowie Ch 2 on rev PP 11-18—notes and make analogies between what you read and what was done in class. GRADED
Wed Sept 12:
-groups share analogies Own Revolutions with Cowie revolutionary theory
-start overview of Revolutionary Theory
-Review revolutionary theory: Cowie vs Todd/Brinton.
-Analogies to Arab Spring/Libya (new Time Magazine)
Homework: Quiz on Revolution on Wednesday
-Screen 30 Days Minimum Wage episode—why isn’t there an Economic Revolution in the US?:
-definition of Minimum Wage and sum of theories: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wage
-list of Minimum Wages per country: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country
•EU Minimum Wages http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/eiro/2005/07/study/tn0507101s.htm
(Cz=39.60 kr/hour!)
Tues Sept 18 –
-Share main points that stood out for you with Fleury reading pp 148-154
-How fast can you take notes/nature of shorthand? Review Enlightenment philosophers through Machiavelli using the
Modern World Fleury textbook as well
•Homework: Cowie 38-50 notes Causes of Fr Rev (1 hour max—see me if taking longer). GRADED
Challenge: any Fleury readings you want that are related to what we are doing
Thurs Sept 15
Complete your Stroodle introductions online!
-Give back Revolutions Quiz/review
-Start Philosophers (handwritten fill in sheet vs electronic version…)=finish Greeks (show optional take home test on it)—
start with Socrates/Plato video
Challenge as we go through them: how to apply what these people say to your life/the world right now!
Homework: Cowie pp 51-64 (end at “V. Napoleon…”)—GRADED
Challenge: how to apply what these people say to your life/the world right now!
Sept 19
Flubaroo Philosophers Quiz pt 1
-Finish Enlightenment Philosophers
-Hand out Lee Aspects
Homework: Ch 1 Origins of the Fr Rev notes in Aspects of European History Lee
Sept 21 Review first Flubaroo Quiz re testtaking tips/effectively reading & answering the question asked ☺
-Flubaroo Philosophers Quiz pt 2
-Introduce vocab-study guide list—go through list and highlight in BLUE those you can fully answer; RED those you sort
of know; and leave WHITE those you don’t know (The Tricolour, get it? ☺ )
-Review how to do a précis
-Introduce Forum and have students start creating their position papers in pairs (focus on Causes of the Fr Rev) first
brainstorm on own and then using Fleury/Cowie notes
-Download Enlightenment lecture and overview it linking to causes of the Fr Rev ☺
-Show French Revolution dvd “causes”
Homework: Ch 2 Lee Course of Fr Rev precis +Can start making French Revolution study guide.
-Extra readings on Stroodle in French Revolution folder
Review results 2nd flubaroo quiz
*Class participation rubric for last month (Revolutions/Philosophers)
-Review/fill in class participation rubric for September
-Review précis process—share what you think Lee’s thesis for the chapter was.
-Finish Fr Rev dvd on “Causes” and stop at Enlightenment and add my lecture notes from Enlightenment
Homework: Annotate Fleury pp 160-170 (up to start of “Napoleon” section). This will be graded.
“6/7 HL track:” Annotate Doyle pdf (on Stroodle) on Overview/Legacy/Historical Interpretations of French Revolution pp1-6,
(extra bonus on Napoleon 9/10), 15-17, 98 (university level bonus: 99-108), 116-117
Sept 23:
Sept 26: Finish Enlightenment lecture
Sept 27: Fr Rev/dvd lecture Part 1
-Brainstorm answers to Socratic Seminar questions as we go over the material using lecture and dvd
Homework: start Fr Rev study guide
Sept 30: Fr Rev Part 4 (I’m away with soccer to Vienna)
Show French Revolution Dvd (got through to Terror)
Homework: continue work on French Revolution study guide (what we have covered).
Oct 4: **Give out Study Guide Rubric
Continue going over lecture notes for French Revolution
Homework: Finish French Revolution study guide incl the IB grid/continue completing your ticket
Oct 6: Review precis’
Continue going over lecture notes for French Revolution/Jeopardy. Show clips from Danton re Terror.
Class prepare French Revolution Socratic Seminar ticket.
Homework: Continue work on Study guide and Socratic Seminar/Forum ticket
Oct 10: *Flubaroo quiz on Causes/Course of the French Revolution
Complete French Revolution!
Homework: Complete Forum ticket
Oct 13: French Revolution Forum
Review how to write an in class essay/go over organizing an in class essay + give out French Revolution Paper 3 questions
Homework: start at least 3 essay outlines for the French Revolution test
Oct 24: Review French Revolution
Review how to write an in class essay/go over organizing an in class essay + give out French Revolution Paper 3 questions
Homework: complete at least 3 essay outlines for the French Revolution test
Oct 26: French Revolution Paper 3 in class essay 50 minutes
-Review Extended Essay in History
Homework: Napoleon reading in Cowie pp 64-70- Graded
“6/7 HL track:” Any Napoleon readings on Stroodle
Mon Oct 31: Introduce Napoleon: childhood Class 1
-Show Seminar + Study Guide (IB grid and vocab) criteria + Paper 3 questions on Stroodle.
-What do you know about Napoleon?
-Overview IB and Rubicon unit criteria
-Clips of Abel Gance’s Napoleon.
Homework: Sum of French Revolution through 1815 incl Napoleon re Fr Rev 70-77 Cowie-Graded
Wed Nov 2: Hand out Napoleon lecture notes
-Finish rise through Terror dvd
-Discuss most important points you learned from the reading, especially links to French Revolution
-Class 2: Napoleon youth/rise lecture pt 1.
-Continue to fill in Socratic Seminar/study guide grids
Homework: Napoleon in Fleury pp 170-177—Not Graded
Nov 4:
(Many away for ISP film fest=a lot of info in Italian/Austrian campaigns + Josephine)
Homework: Lee Ch 3 “Reforms of Napoleon” take notes-Graded
Tues Nov 8: Whose Line Is It Anyway “Napoleon & the Bartender” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yt93Edq2Ts&feature=related
-Class 4: Finish Napoleon Rise with Egypt/Directory, start Rule
Homework: “Fall of Napoleon” Ch 4 chapter notes-Not Graded
Miniblock: Wed Nov 9: I’m away for fotbal. Watch Napoleon documentary dvd
Thurs Nov 10: **I’m away with fotbal
Flubaroo qiz on Rise of Napoleon
Class 5: Napoleon “Rule/domestic”
Homework: Durant chapter on “Napoleon Himself” (pdf on Stroodle)=Top 15 new points—Not graded
Mon Nov 14 Review Flubaroo quiz results
Review what you covered last class
Class 6: Napoleon Establishment/Start Rule
-Homework: Durant chapter “Napoleonic France” (pdf on Stroodle)=Top 15 new points- Not graded
Wed Nov 16: Class 6: Napoleon domestic
Homework: none (you can continue to work on your Study Guide ☺ )
“6/7 HL track:” articles in the Napoleon Stroodle folder ie. Missed Opportunities, Fatal 1812 march, War and Peace excerpts
on Stroodle)
**LONG VIKEND Nov 17-20**
Tues Nov 22 **Book a 20 minute time with me to mark your Fr Rev in class essays 1 on 1 (there are too many comments I need to
explain that I can’t write them all down ☺ This 1 on 1 meeting will help meet your individual writing needs better ☺ )
Napoleon Military Victories
Homework: Work on Study Guide
Wed Nov 23 Miniblock
-Review period…vocab questions…work on ticket…Jeopardy!
Thurs Nov 24: Napoleon Military Loss/End rule
Homework: work on Socratic Seminar ticket
Mon Nov 28: Watch dvd/Play Jeopardy!
Homework: Prepare Socratic Seminar
Wed Nov 30: Socratic Seminar
Homework: Fill in study guide/prepare 3essay outlines for Napoleon Paper 3
Fri Dec 2: Review, Jeopardy, What else did you want to say that you didn’t get to say!
Homework: Fill in study guide/prepare 3essay outlines for Napoleon Paper 3
Mon Dec 5: Miniblock Work period to complete Study Guide!
Tues Dec 6: Paper 3 on Napoleon (delayed due to Grease)
-Students mark Napoleon Paper 3s ☺ Then give to me to mark ☺
-Give out Wilmot textbook
Homework: Lee Chapter 6 (Austrian Empire 1815-1848) ☺ GRADED
(6/7 Track: Chapter 5 Congress of Vienna/Concert of Europe)
Dec 8 **Book a time (if you want) for me to mark your essay with you ☺
-Do you want me to scan Taylor’s 1848 Revolutions re Hapsburg Empire to help you? ☺--show where 1848 is on Paper 3 syllabus
-I will show the purpose of the grids
-Show Paper 3 workshop overview/section/what a test looks like
-Start Congress of Vienna/1848 Revolutions—brainstorm what do you know about the 1848 Revolutions (from your homework
and/or general knowledge)?
-Congress of Vienna/Treaties of Paris overview leading into 1848 Revolutions
-Show 1848 Revolutions vocabulary/old questions exams
Homework: 1848 revolutions chapter in Wilmot pp 65-69, [bonus Fr Case study 70-75]. Case Study Hapsburg [incl Czechs!]
75-81, [bonus Garibaldi in Italia 82-85])=DO SOURCES! GRADED
Mon Dec 12
NEW HIGHLY SUGGESTED STRUCTURE FOR NOTES (that works for textbooks like Wilmot):
For each subheading ie. “Polish Revolt” you have 5 notes that answer (NOUN/VERB/ABBREVIATIONS ONLY!
1. Cause of heading ie. event
2. Course of heading/event
3. Result of heading/event
4. Historiography of the heading/event?
5. So what? What does it have to do with the overall unit ie. German unification/European history overall
6. + make sure to do Sources and state WHO says the information
-In pairs (groups 3) share:
-most interesting point from the reading that would impress an examiner!
-top 3 reasons why the 1848 revolutions were initially successful
-top 3 reasons why they failed.
-Group choose:
1. best “interesting” point,
2. MIReason 1848 rev was initially successful,
3. and MIReason it failed
-Do 1848 Revolutions Cause/Course/Effect incl Palacky article!
-Show 1848 Revolutions student videos ☺
Homework: Lee 1848 Revolutions article NOT GRADED
6/7 Track: read AJP Taylor chapter/s on 1848 Revolutions; Timothy Garton Ash article 1789/1848/1989 revolutions compared
-Complete 1848 Revolutions
-Hand out German unification/Bismarck Socratic Seminar criteria
-Show Bismarck student video re Czech/German uprising
Homework: German unification chapter pt 1 in Wilmot pp 239-249 GRADED (as a “Long Term Cause” of WW1=key IB
6/7 Track: Annotate rest of post-Napoleon/Paris Peace Settlement pkg, Timothy Garton Ash article comparing 1789, 1848 and
1989 revolutions pdf on Stroodle
6/7 Track: write 1848 Paper 3 essay at home based on topics that are on Stroodle
Fri Dec 16: Friends Hannukah vs Christmas episode =Winter Break chill ☺
Tues Jan 10 Current Events: what happened over the break? ☺
-Brief Havel video obituary: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/czechrepublic/8964118/Former-CzechRepublic-president-Vaclav-Havel-dies.html
-World leaders gather to pay tribute to Havel: Guardian TV http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/dec/23/vaclavhavel-czech-funeral-world-leaders-video
-Vaclav Havel tribute by Aung Sang Suu Kyi http://vimeo.com/34678995
-BBC obituary http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13845327
-NY Times obituary http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/world/europe/vaclav-havel-dissident-playwright-who-ledczechoslovakia-dead-at-75.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all
-Prague Post obituary: http://www.praguepost.cz/news/11488-havel-led-morally-and-politically.html
-“Living Havel’s Truth in the Arab World”
-“Newspapers in Europe cover death of Havel, not Kim Jong Il” http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/newspapers-europecover-death-vaclav-havel-not-kim-165016872.html
-Continue review of 1848 Revolutions
Homework: Wilmot G Unification pt 2 pp 250-261 GRADED (as a “Long Term Cause” of WW1=key IB question)
6/7 Track: read Timothy Garton Ash pdf comparing 1789-1848-1989 revolutions
Thurs Jan 12 German unification overview 1
-Finish 1848 Revolutions overview
-1848 Revolutions Flubaroo Quiz
-Fill in the German unification vocabulary and do what you can—do you remember anything? ☺
-Show Socratic Seminar question
-German unification overview 1
-Homework: SJ Lee Chapter 10 German unification GRADED (as a “Long Term Cause” of WW1=key IB question)
6/7 Track: write 1848 Paper 3 topic are on Stroodle;
6/7 Track: any 20 pages from AJP Taylor Bismarck pdf + As much as you want from German Unification Package pdf
Mon Jan 16 German unification overview 1
-Review 1848 Flubaroo Quiz results
-In groups of 4 debate the questions:
1. What was the main reason Prussia started to displace Austria as “leader” of the Germanic states in German Confederation?
2. Was German unification more due to “Blood and Iron” or “Coal and Iron?”
-German unification overview 1
-Show end of ISP German Unification video & clips from Irvin Bismarck doc
Homework: Annotate 10 pages from the German unification package pdf and/or Taylor NOT GRADED
**Jan 17 Mini block **Extended Essay meeting today for 6 of you at lunch!
Continue German unification overview
Bismarck voice! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czko31-6O8I
Finish Irvin Bismarck doc
Wed Jan 18 German Unification overview 3
Complete vocab sheet/time to work on ticket
Homework: Annotate 10 more pages from the German unification package pdf and/or Taylor NOT GRADED
Fri Jan 20 German Unification overview 3
Last review period
Play Jeopardy
Show Franco Prussian War doc clips re evolution of warfare
Homework: work on ticket
Tues Jan 24
Finish Franco Prussian War
Thurs Jan 26 Bismarck SOCRATIC SEMINAR
Homework: Russia Map (on Stroodle) GRADED
6/7 Track: Write a German unification Paper 3 essay!
Unit V: 19th C Russia: Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II (4 weeks)
**http://quizlet.com/Make flashcards/quizzes to help you study
BONUS: Any of:
1. History of Olympics (to 2000) pdfs
1. Greatest War Stories Ever Told pdfs
2. Greatest Stories Ever Told pdfs
3. What If Military History pdfs
** ALL NOW ON STROODLE in 1st section of History 12 course ☺
Miniblock Mon Jan 30
**Hand in Bismarck Socratic Seminar ticket!
-Remind homework is Russia Map (my error on Thursday)
- Show on Stroodle forum on Alexander II: reign more of “reform” or “reaction”?
- Show on Stroodle Alexander II vocab/key dates/events/concepts list
-What do you know about Russia/USSR brainstorm?
-Break up of USSR map
-Clip Michael Moore nukes
Jan 31:
-Finish Michael Moore
-Stories from my Trip to Ukraine/Russia
-Homework: Ch 7 Wilmot Russia 1801-1855 II pp. 136-146 (Alexander I, the leader vs. Napoleon!). GRADED
GOAL: 5 pts per paragraph in your notes. DEVELOP YOUR OWN SHORTHAND!):
1. Cause of heading ie. Event;
2. Course of heading/event;
3. Result of heading/event;
4. Historiography of the heading/event?;
5. So what? What does it have to do with the overall unit ie. German unification/European history overall; + make sure to
do Sources and state WHO says the information
Feb 2
-Discuss Bismarck ticket and Russia map
-Finish my trip to Ukraine/Russia
-Share anecdotes from last night’s homework re Alexander I
-Overview Russia lecture (19th century Russia package) + Download package
● Homework: Ch 7 Wilmot Nicholas I p 155-164. GRADED
● GOAL: 5 pts per paragraph in your notes. DEVELOP YOUR OWN SHORTHAND!):
● 1. Cause of heading ie. Event;
● 2. Course of heading/event;
● 3. Result of heading/event;
● 4. Historiography of the heading/event?;
● 5. So what? What does it have to do with the overall unit ie. German unification/European history overall; + make
sure to do Sources and state WHO says the information
Feb 6: -Semester 1 Class Evaluations
-Continue Overview Russia lecture to Chukchi/Pacific expansion
Homework: Ch 8 Wilmot Alexander II and the Emancipation Edict (freeing of the serfs!) pp. 165-181 GRADED
6/7 Track : as much of the Crimean War packet as you like!
Feb 8: *-Go over IB class presentations for rest of year/choose presentations
-Russia Cultural Power Dimensions (Thanks Arye) http://geert-hofstede.com/russia.html
-Fill in vocab sheet.
-Give out Alexander II paper 3 topics for exam (these will NOT be your questions ☺ )
-Finish Overview Russia lecture
Homework: SL=none. HL=Read THE OVERCOAT & take 10 excerpts from the text and explain how they reflect 19 th
century Russian life/led to revolution? STOP AT 1 HOUR! NOT GRADED but will be discussed next class!
Feb 10: Bismarck’s voice! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czko31-6O8I
-Discuss Gogol’s THE OVERCOAT (in pairs share 2 scenes and how they reflect 19th century Russia) & watch theatrical
dance/music version/act out? Morris Panych onstage interpretation of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojkovqpW3MI
-If time: In pairs students choose 3 scenes from The Overcoat that they could act out (small skit/tableau) and then they
would analyze how this distinctly characterizes 19th century society and show theatrical version a bit
-Brainstorm 3 reasons Alexander is known as a great “reformer”+ Alexander II pt 1 lecture incl act out Alexander II
-Fiddler on the Roof!
-Homework: Ch 8 Wilmot Alexander II Revolutionary movements, his rule & THE END pp 182-190 GRADED
-In journals write 3 items of how Alexander II was a “reformer” and 3 items that showed it had “reactive” policies.
-Tell Bismarck anecdote from Milan colleague!
-Crimean War
-Continue Fiddler on the Roof continued: act out and clips
-Homework: SL none; HL: Lee Alexander II reading pp 94-100 (Ch 11)=40 minutes for 6 pages. NOT GRADED
6/7 Track : as much of the Crimean War packet as you like!
6/7 Track: Crane Brinton on 19th century Russia and/or other pdfs on Stroodle
Feb 14:
Feb 16: Take Lee notes and add to Reform/Reaction ticket in pairs!
-Fiddler on the Roof finish
-Alexander II through radical movements/pale of settlement
-Act out Emancipation= ___________ is Alexander II!
-Continue to fill out the vocabulary sheet
Homework: 1st chapter of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO (in 19th century Russia photocopied package) NOT GRADED
(answers to questions below):
Questions to be discussed next class (cite evidence/quotes/pg numbers):
1. was Marx’s vision of History to that point accurate &
2. could his vision be implemented &
3. do you think they intended for it to be implemented?
(max 1 page answer citing the work as evidence for your position)
6/7 Track: to read all of The Communist Manifesto (ebook link on Stroodle)
**FEBRUARY BREAK: Feb 17-26**
Feb 27:
-Discuss THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO in groups of 4 and record in your journals or add to your writeup your group’s varied
answers to:
1. Was Marx’s vision of History to that point accurate (up to mid 1848 Rev) &
2. Could his vision be implemented &
3. Do you think they intended for it to be implemented?
**Connect to Philosophers Lecture!
-Homework: start preparing forum position paper OR essay outlines for exam
Feb 28 Miniblock: In small groups: Alexander II’s legacy should be more of “reform” than “reaction” (3 pts for each)
**Finish Communist Manifesto overiew
-Alexander II vocab list/Jeopardy
-Show Anna/Jana Fiddler, USSR youtube videos
-Finish Alexander II
-Play Class Struggle!
Feb 29:
Have I given out Morris yet? Ch 9 Alexander II
Homework: prepare for Alexander II exam (BONUS for SL students)
Mar 2: Finish overview, do Alexander II Flubaroo Quiz + Informal Alexander II Forum (marked with Class Participation
Rubric) -Homework: ALEXANDER II take home paper 3=50 min + must hand in a study guide GRADED
Mar 6 **Review Alexander II Flubaroo Quiz
Start IA in library
-Leggett reviews Hist 11 schedule through rest of yr (incl student presentations)
-Leggett reviews process/due dates
-Start to take notes—show Norwegian plagiarism video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwbw9KF-ACY
-Helmer reviews How to IA research tips
IA TOPIC/RQ GRAD 2011 EXEMPLARS (some of these were changed due to reconsideration over the summer):
-Sukho: Alexander III
-Arye: Nicholas II
-Sebastien: Russo-Japanese War
-Will: Causes of WW1
-Emma: PPC
-Anna: LON
-Pavlina: Feb Rev
-Lukas: Lenin
-Ema: Oct Rev
-Klara: Rus Civ War
Homework: find a topic/start your Noodletools bibliography
Mar 8
IA work period in library
Please put your RQ as your title so Mr Helmer and I can check how each notecard seems to connect with your RQ ☺
-Leggett confirms topic/helps construction of a research question
-Find sources/add to bibliography
Homework: take notes on at least two sources/complete a Preliminary Bibliography of 5 sources using the rubric Mr.
Helmer=we will mark your notecards during the next class!
March 9: Miniblock in library
OPVL on one source done together
Preparation period for presentation and/or IA
Helmer and Leggett review Noodletools citations/notecards/OPVL ie. Leggett comments embedded in their bibliographies,
students proofread their citations
** IE. “My Ideas” is how the card links to the RQ ☺=this will make sure that EVERY notecard is RELEVANT ☺
Mar 12
Last IA work period in library
-Clustering of notecards begins
-Leggett helps construction of a research question
-Leggett reviews essay outline structure
-Leggett and Helmer check noodletools for correct citations of preliminary bibliography, that notecards are
created properly=NO PLAGIARISM, and 1 OPVL done correctly
-students continue to do research, take notes
-students start to construct their outline
(work on the IA from now on is done outside of class time at designated homework times, but also independently)
-Homework: Alexander III section (with links to Alexander II) in Morris pp 60-69 (don’t have to do Tsar Liberator
sources on pgs 64/65, 123/124 (mix of Alex II/III/Nicholas II, which will be an IB question) (Helmer and I will mark your
Noodletools re rubric by Friday.) GRADED
Mar 15: Alexander III student presentation—_______Sukho________
-Give out Wood +Traynor + Lowe texts before presentation
-Homework: Traynor Ch 4 pp 71-85. 1 hour GRADED
**Please note: “Bonus” means that students in the past were able to do these readings, but we can’t due to a loss of contact
Bonus: Ch 9 Wilmot “End of Imperial Russia” pp 192—200, bottom 204 (“Stolypin”)-207=11 pages 1 hr 15 min
Bonus: Wilmot: “1905 revolution” section pp 200-203, “anti-Semitism in Russia” pp 208-09 + docs on strife pp 210-211.
Bonus: Kowner Russo-Japanese War pdf on Stroodle
March 19: Nicholas II presentation- ______Arye_______
Homework: 1905 Revolution reading Wood Ch 1 pp. 10 (“Russian pol groups”)-16, ch 2 pp 17-25 (to “Impact of the Great
War”)= 15 pages (small pages!!). GRADED
March 21: 1905 Revolution/Russo-Japanese War _______Sebastien________
-Homework: None!
Mar 23: Nicholas II Arye will conclude!
Homework: 4 pages from Balkan Wars package pdf (and great BONUS options from Balkan Wars 1990s folder on
Stroodle☺) GRADED
Mar 27: Balkan Wars presentation—LEGGETT
I will review Japan/Paper 2/do Balkan Wars!
On back of handout brainstorm:
-Balkan War One: date, who between, who won
-Balkan War Two: date, who between, who won
-How did they cause World War One?
At end of presentation:
-Show pictures of Balkan War graves in Bulgaria
- show ABC news video of 1990s war
-Homework: Lowe Causes WWI pg 3-16 GRADED (6/7 Extension: Causes of WWI Lee reading)
Mar 29:
Causes of WWI presentation __________Will_______
-Homework: -Homework: Lowe WW1 pp 19-29 (incl entry of US) GRADED (6/7 extension: as much of Banks as you
want + What did your relatives do during WW1 (show SS9 examples)
(BONUS: as much of Banks/Mak as you want
+ Causes of WWI Wilmot reading pp 289-293, 302-312, 294-301
Apr 3: - WWI part 2
-Will finishes Causes of WW1 presentation
-Homework: Lowe pp 29 (German Spring Offensive)-41 + what did your relatives and/or country do during WW1 GRADED
Extension: WW1 map NOT GRADED (Bonus: more Banks, Mak [esp Ypres chapter!!] or any WW1 pdf)
Miniblock Apr 4: WW1
-Present your relatives/their countries during WW1 tomorrow!!
-Hand out Mak + Banks
-Discuss top reasons for Causes of WW1 and most important one/why!
-WW1 SS9 vocab list/timeline + Show interactive websites +show Overy atlas maps+ show Stroodle pdf options
-What did your relatives do during WW1 (show SS9 examples)?
-Show excellent ie Banks notes + exemplar IA/EEs (hand out TJs EE)
-Show on WWI essay outline topics (take home essay outline assignment)
-Show WW1 map extension assignment
April 5: -WWI class 3 : course of the war (SO MANY PEOPLE AWAY last 2 days=have had to delay my overview ☹ )
-Play WW1 interactive games! http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/worldwarone/hq/games.shtml
-Students surf different sections (5 min blocks) and share with class
-Show/explain Passchendaele
-Homework: Darby pdf on WW1 theories NOT GRADED BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR
(Bonus: Gallipoli reading pg 109 Banks + 3 page handout by Kenneth T Jackson on Gallipoli)
**APRIL BREAK Apr 6-15**
April 17: WW1 class 4
What did your relatives and/or country do during WW1 short presentation (see SS9 exemplars!): email me your presentation
the night before! GRADED
Review Graham Darby answering these questions in your journals: ** This was Western Front
1. What was the “Fischer Thesis” re causes of WW1? Why was it so controversial? Contrast it with another theory re the
main cause of WW1.
2. “Why did the Germans fail in 1914?” Top 3 reasons
3. “Why was there no military resolution 1915-17?”
4. “Why did Germany fail in 1918?” Top 3 reasons
-Review Howard Zinn as a progressive, left wing social historian http://www.howardzinn.org/
-My trip to WW1 battlesites + Passchendaele dvd
-Go over “War not inevitable,” Blank Cheque, and Ultimatum documents!
-Review Banks book and WWI pkg
-Overview WW1 lecture sheet
Start BBC.co.uk WW1 dvd
-Homework: 10 points from Howard Zinn’s World War One chapter + WW1 relatives presentation (was due before April
Break!) GRADED
April 19: Finish WW1
WW 1 relatives/nation presentations ☺
-Homework: 10 pages from WW1 (any folder you like/want to specialize in from Stroodle folder ☺ ) GRADED
April 23: Finish WW1
-Review WW1 vocab list: any questions?
-Overview WW1 overview sheet
-Interesting points from Zinn?
-My trip to WW1 battlesites + Passchendaele dvd
-Go over “War not inevitable,” Blank Cheque, and Ultimatum documents!
-Continue review Banks book and WWI pkg
-F blk: Show Black Adder World War One causes clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfIwY4Ej9aM
-Frightful First World War facts youtube:
-Good Soldier Sveijk discusses assassination: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpJmCaegMqo
Homework: 10 pages on WW1 (Adams &Terry pdfs have nice anecdotes in pic format in “WW1 in pics” folder) NOT
Miniblock April 24: Finish WW1! I do Ultimatum, end Causes of War, show funny video clips on Causes, Lukas/Anna relatives
April 25: Last WW1 day
**ALL presentations at end of year MUST be completed before Guided Study Week occurs starting June 6 so that it isn’t
extra work to present them & can be used as review for the exam as the June exam will focus Russian Rev/Russian Civil
War/Lenin for half of it
-Sukho/Ema: Physics vs Opening Day for PPC hear speeches (or miniblk give yours, but you would miss others)
-Show my uncle’s WW2 jacket!
-Finish Banks
-Show all film clips Passchendaele, Gallipoli, Lawrence of Arabia, BBC doc excerpts!
Homework: *WW1 take home essay due (50 min max) (or hand in after April Brk if you are in Economics as there is a test that
April 27: *WW1 take home essay due (50 min max)
-REVIEW Paris Peace Conferences simulation package we opened before Dec Break/exemplar pt form speeches
-If time: Show BBC dvd on “Make Germany Pay.” 20 min
-Watch post WWI video to see figures they will be playing The Great War (Margaret Koval) Episode 7 (30-40 min from start)
-Show clips of MacMillan doc in Paris 1919 re PPC context
-Work Period 1: discuss structure/point out resources below/talk about resources in library (databases, History in Dispute etc)
PPC speech sources:
-Lowe pp 43-49 on League of Nations (Give textbook out)
-LON MacMillan Ch 7
-Traynor Europe 1890-1990 Ch 5 pp 100-121 + do ques Treaty of Brest Litovsk pp 96-99
-New Morris textbook
-Lee’s “Rise of Dictators” chapter” in European Dictatorships pp. 1-23
+Katrien/Bubbles/TJs Extended Essays related to WW1 which are on Stroodle
-Daniela’s IA on Stroodle Germany vs Poland post-war
-PPC country sections/chapters from MacMillan
-Homework: DG Williamson pgs 82-101 (“Peace Settlements” pdf) GRADED
May 2 Library Period Leggett conference with you re your country
Complete speech 1 GRADED
BONUS: how TOV set up Ch 5 “League of the People”
May 4
Introductory Speeches
-Country speeches/start debating (have Traynor/Lowe with you to compare!)
-Homework: League of Nations Ch 7 MacMillan’s use for point form speech (6/7 Track Ch 8 Mandates) GRADED
May 7 Miniblock: Finish Intros
May 9: Finish intros
Conference 1 LON
-Homework: Use these 2 to write point form speech: MacMillan: 13 Punishment&Prevention (esp Kaiser fate &more) 10 key pts
and MacMillan The German Issue: Ch 14 (10 key points) GRADED
CZECH CULTURE DAYS MAY 10/11—miss class…
May 15: Conference 2-Territories
-Homework: Use these 2 to write point form speech: Footing the Bill Ch 15 10 key points + Ch 16 Deadlock over the
German Terms (10 key points) GRADED
-6/7 Track: for flavor of the Big 3 personalities, why Japan is out of the Big 5, Belgium's demands/results, and THEN learn about
Italy (rise of Mussolini)
-Ch 21 "the Council of Four" pgs 274-278 (5 pgs) and
-Ch 22 "Italy Leaves" 279-305. (25 pgs)
+ Ch 23 is "Japan and Racial Equality" & THEN do Central Powers MacMillan chapters & THEN others you are interested in :-)
May 17: Conference 3-Economic Adjustments
-Homework: Each country should prepare a “position paper” on what it believes it wants re milt adjustments using this reading
to help you: Hall of Mirrors Ch 30 20 pts MacMillan GRADED
Miniblk May 18: TOK and History link: why is studying History important? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJuNgBkloFE
Preview of Lenin (in power during PPC!): part of period read-skim/notes Lenin Time Mag Top 100 20th century article HARD COPY
10 min + Lenin package Alan Orr biography pdf 10 min=compare difference in taking notes + interesting content
similarities/differences?; If time: part of period Lenin documentary GRADED SKIM! This is our only Lenin reading—sorry it is
long, but its important (we would have had 2 days to do this, but has to be one homework reading due to cut contact hours ☹ )
6/7 Track: Read Richard Pipes pdf “Why did the Bolsheviks succeed?”, Lee chapter (Aspects of History text [shorter] or
Rise of Dictatorship chapter on Lenin [longer]) or any Lenin readings!
May 21:Conference 4-Military Adjustments
**As per student request, the discussions on Conf 3 and 4 will go afterschool until all students questions/points are
made/addressed ☺
Homework: MacMillan Conclusion (10 key points) + Lee “2 Views of the TOV” (from ASPECTS EURO HISTORY Ch
20—10 key points) GRADED
May 23:
Presentation: Compare/Contrast Peace Treaties __________Emma_________
Homework: 10 points from MacMillan Russia chapter + Lowe on LON pp 43-49 GRADED
May 25: Presentation: League of Nations ____________Anna________
-Homework: PPC Take home essay (6/7 Track finish annotating Lenin Time Magazine + Alan Orr articles)
May 29: - PPC Take home essay due
Lenin student presentation _______________Lukas_______
I review Russia WW1/transition incl Nussbaum doc
Give out Fitzpatrick
- Homework: Wood on Feb Revolution pp 26-36 OR Traynor pp 86-93 OR Lowe ch 16 339-344 OR *** Professor Sheila
Fitzpatrick (Univ Chicago ☺ ) on Feb Revolution pp 40-45 GRADED
**Miniblk May 30—End 19th century Russia/WW1/begin Russian Revolutions flubaroo quiz
-Go through vocab list for Rus Rev/Civ War/Lenin
I review Russia/show Reds and/or Lenin doc
May 31: February Revolution student presentation-_____________Pavlina__________
- Give out Rus Rev vocab list =have out every class=study guide!
- Homework: Sheila Fitzpatrick on the October Russian Revolution pp 46-67 (20 key pts) GRADED
(6/7 Track: Wood on Oct Revolution & set up of Soviet govt pp 38-54 (15 small pages) OR Traynor pp 204-216 (key historio!!)
OR Lowe pg 344-352 OR and BONUS: IA/EEs in Lenin/Russian Revolutions esp AISANA’S EE!
June 4: -October Revolution student presentation-___________Ema_________
-Homework: Prepare for exams
**Klara’s presentation will go first next year ☺
Russian Civil War Sheila Fitzpatrick pp 68-102 20 points. GRADED
**The Russian Revolution/ Civil War Take Home Paper 2 will be a mandatory question on the June Exam (1 of the 3
essays) as not enough contact hours to have it during the unit
(6/7 Track: Wood on Oct Revolution & set up of Soviet govt pp 38-54 (15 small pages) OR Traynor pp 204-216 (key historio!!)
OR Lowe pg 344- and BONUS: IA/EEs on the Russian Civil War—see Stroodle folder
June 6: -Russian Civil War presentation-___________Klara________
Homework: Prepare for exams! ☺ Bonus (readings that I have assigned in the past that I could not this year due to cut contact
hours: Fitzpatrick Ch 4 NEP and future of Revolution, any of the readings in the Lenin pkg REDS handout
(6/7 Track Reed bio, Stansell article and Making of RedsVanity Fair article)
June 8: -I review Rus Rev/Lenin/Civ War and show Lenin + Tsar to Stalin documentary clips
-Show Reds (reviews WW1, Feb Rev, Oct Rev, Rus Civil War, impact of Revolutions on
the West ie. US)
**Miniblock June 11 to take questions…
1. quizlet.com for each unit vocab/dates http://quizlet.com/
2. do essay outlines for old questions from all unit mock exams;
3. fill in the IB review grids in the IB folder on Stroodle
4. Organize all of your work into unit sections of a binder (see below)
CLASS IE. IN BINDERS with vocab lists/lecture notes/exams at the front of each section
-Review French Revolution, Napoleon, 1848/German Unification, 9th century Russia,
WW1/PPC, Russian Revolutions/Lenin/Civil War —fill in grids, old essay questions, quizlet.com
creation of dates, definitions ☺
Semester 2: (18 weeks)
Unit 5: Paris Peace Treaties/League of Nations (5 weeks)
Week 19: Paris Peace Treaties (Versailles/St.Germain/Trianon/Neuilly/Sevres-Lausanne)/ League
of Nations overview/preparation for simulation
Week 20: PPT/LON simulation
Week 21: End Simulation/debrief/take home Paper 2 essay
Week 22: Teach Paper 1 skills & link to the enforcement of the provisions of the treaties & the
League of Nations incl Abyssinia
Week 23: the Ruhr Crisis (1923); Locarno and the “Locarno Spring” (1925) & Paper 1.
Week 24: Start IA (1 week)—other than this, students complete the IA independently save
the last week in Semester 3.
Unit 6: Russian Revolutions/ Lenin /Russian Civil War (5 weeks)
Week 25: WWI & Russia, February Revolution (Student Presentation)
Week 26: October Russian Revolution (incl Student Presentation)
Week 27: Lenin (incl Student Presentation)
Week 28: Russian Civil War (incl Student Presentation)
Week 29: Review activities & Paper 1 document analysis.
Unit 7: Stalin (7 weeks)
Week 30: Rise of Stalin
Week 31: Rule overview/preparation for debates
Week 32: Preparation for debates.
Week 33: Stalin debates
Week 34: Conclude Stalin debates
Week 35: Additional Stalin activities
Week 36: Review & in class Paper 2.
**Revision time & End of Year Exam a combination of Paper 1/2/3 questions
Year 2 (28 weeks)
Semester 3: (18 weeks)
Unit 8: Mao & Chinese Civil War (7 weeks)
Week 1: Overview Imperial China & Origins of Mao
Week 2: Mao’s rise through beginning WW2 (incl Civil War 1927-37)
Week 3: China in WW2: Chiang Kai shek vs. Mao vs. Japan (incl Manchuria appeasement)
Week 4: 3rd Chinese Civil War 1946-49 (student presentation) & mid unit exam
Week 5: Mao’s rule (compare/contrast with Stalin)-student presentations
Week 6: Mao’s rule (compare/contrast with Stalin)-student presentations
Week 7: Mao’s rule-conclude student presentations & in class Paper 2.
Week 8: Complete IA
Unit 9: Mussolini (4 weeks)
Week 9: Review WWI/PPT/LON impact on Italy with Paper 1 content topics=immediate impact
of the Treaty of Versailles
Week 10: Background on Italy incl Italian unification/Mussolini’s Rise
Week 11: Mussolini’s rule: domestic policies
Week 12: Mussolini’s Foreign Policies to 1939 incl Abyssinia case study & appropriate Paper
1/Paper 2 assessment (compare to Lenin/Stalin/Mao).
Unit 10: Weimar Republic & the Rise of Hitler (6 weeks)
Week 13: Review WWI/PPT/LON impact on Germany with Paper 1 content topics: immediate
impact of the Treaty of Versailles
Week 14: Germany regains stability by 1929
Week 15: Great Depression: case study of Germany through 1934
Week 16: League of Nations inaction/appeasement in Germany
Week 17: Rise of Hitler—origins (compare: Lenin/Stalin/Mao/Mussolini)
Week 18: Complete Rise of Hitler & appropriate Paper 1/Paper 2 assessment (compare to
**Revision time & End of Semester exam**
Semester 4: (10 weeks)
Unit 11: Hitler (2 weeks)
Week 19: Hitler establishes his rule to 1936
Week 20: Complete rule to 1936 & appropriate Paper 1/Paper 2 assessment (compare to
Unit 12: Spanish Civil War (3 weeks)
Week 21: Background of Spain/Causes of the Spanish Civil War
Week 22: Course of the Spanish Civil War
Week 23: Results of the Spanish Civil War (compare/contrast with Russian/Chinese Civil Wars)
& In class Paper 2
Unit 13: WWII (5 weeks)
Week 24: Causes of WWII (Asia/Africa/Europe)
Week 25: Overview WWII—Tripartite victories to end 1942
Week 26: Finish overview WWII & start optional student battle presentations
Week 27: Finish optional student battle presentations & UN (optional student presentation)
Week 28: Results: onset of the Cold War to 1949
**Revision time & May exam**