Primary 4 Literacy and English Maths and Numeracy Developing descriptive writing and using dialogue. Continuing home reading and follow-up activities. Research and creating own texts in context of topic work. Using Shetland dialect to make up song words. Learn and practise remaining times tables facts. Compass points, angles and bearings. Co-ordinates. Ongoing work on place value, addition and subtraction. Project What can we learn by studying conflicts from the past? Why did WW1 begin, and how did it end? What was it like living in Britain during WW1? What was it like to be fighting at the front? Expressive Arts ART 1 .Fringe Festival Competition 2. Line + Texture Viking Drawing 3. Viking Helmet 4. Design own Billhead 5. Grid Work 6. Matisse Face Paints Technologies Religious and Moral Education Health and Wellbeing Modern Languages Other MUSIC Music Festival Choir Entry: ‘Cup Song’ and ‘I wanna be like you’ also continued work on learning to read and write music. Study how technology developed during WW1. Safe use of the internet, and making effective searches. Making difficult decisions; pacifism. Major religions in Europe. Swimming block PE Fitness Dodgeball Unihoc Indoor Hockey FRENCH Introduction/talking about people. Counting numbers, dates and birthdays Making a French calendar. Long Weekend: Friday 21st – Monday 24th Feb Jarl’s Squad visit: Thursday 27th February Occasional Holiday: 3rd March