THese worksheets accompany the maps.

8 grade worksheets for reference maps
1. Complete each sentence and locate on map:
A. The large territory north of the US called_________ was
controlled by the British.
B. In 1824, the _________________ Territory was occupied by
Britain and the US
C. In the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded_______to
the US.
D. After 1819, the largest Spanish territory in NA was ____.
2. Locate/label each state and territory shown on the map,
Use a color to shade the states admitted to the Union after
3, Create a key in blank box,
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how future settlement of the
Oregon Territory by the US be affected by the Rocky Mts.
1. Locate/label the following:
Mexico Haiti Santo Domingo Honduras
El Salvador Nicaragua
Costa Rica Panama Colombia
Ecuador Peru
Paraguay Chile Argentina
Uruguay Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean
Gulf of Mexico
2. Research when each of the Latin American nation
achieved independence.
3. Shade with color the areas that were still claimed by
European nations in 1825.
4. Create a key in blank box.
5. If necessary, correct the following sentences:
a. Nicaragua had access to the Pacific Ocean and the
Caribbean Sea.
b. Brazil won its independence after Chile did.
c. The west coast of Chile lies along a longitude of
approximately 71 degrees east.
d. Cuba gained its independence in 1821.
e. Peru is south of Colombia.
f. Haiti was the first Latin American nation to gain
g. Venezuela’s northern border lies along a latitude of
approximately 10 degrees north
h. The equator goes through Brazil and Argentina.
#36 ELECTION of 1828
1. Locate and label states on map,
2. Use color to distinguish the states that Jackson and
Adams won.
3. Create key in blank box.
4. Correct the incorrect boxes:
a. Jackson won all of the states along the eastern
b. Indiana’s electors voted for Jackson.
c. New York’s electors voted for Adams
d. Jackson was supported by southern states.
e. Jackson won the election of 1828 by a landside.
f. Adams won the state of Alabama,
g. Jackson and Adams split the electors of Missouri.
Decide whether the election of 1828 showed evidence of
#37 INDIAN REMOVAL 1830-1842
1. Locate/ label the states outlined on the map, the
Missip River
2. Use different colors for shading to show the
following Indian tribes location: Seminole,
Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctow, Shawnee,
Miami, Potawatomi
3. Shade the “Indian Territory”
4. Create a key in blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain why Congress chose
that specific site for the Indian territory.
1. Locate the following:
A. Country from which the Oregon Trail originated.
B. Territory claimed by Russia
C. Country that won independence from Spain in
D. Territory located north of the latitude 54 degrees
40 north and controlled by Britain.
E. Territory split between Britain and the US at the
latitude of 49 degrees north
2. Locate
Astoria, Columbia River, Vancouver Island, Fort
Vancouver, Snake River, Fort Victoria, South Pass
3 Draw the boundary established at the 49th parallel
between the US and Britain in 1818 and 1846
4 Draw the route of the Oregon Trail.
5. Shade the area of Oregon Territory by 1840.
6 Create a key in blank box.
1. Locate/label the following:
Republic of Texas Mexico Red River
Nueces River United States Gulf of Mexico
Rio Grande
2. Use color to indicate a Texan victory or a
Mexican victory: Goliad, Alamo, San
Jacinto, San Antonio Gonzales
3. Create a key in blank box.
4. Correct the following statements if they are
A. Santa Ana’s forces crossed the Rio Grande.
B. Gonzales was a victory for the Texans.
C. The battle at San Jacinto took place near
the Atlantic Ocean,
D. The Alamo was a victory at Gonzales,
Houston’s army retreated to San Jacinto.
E. The Mexican army followed the Texans from
Gonzales to Goliad
F. Mexican forces traveled south from Mexico
to reach Texas.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain the advantages/disadvantages of
fighting a defensive and offensive war. Use examples of the
Mexican Texan war.
1. Locate/label the following:
A. This republic won its independence from Mexico in 1836.
B. Entrance to this region could be gained through the South
Pass and by following the Snake and Columbia Rivers’
C. This country won its independence from Spain in 1821.
D. This mountain range posed a challenge to settlers who
went west in the 1800’s.
E. In 1818, the US and Britain agreed to draw a border at the
49th parallel between the US and this region.
F. Locate/label the following forts: Nauvoo, Independence, Ft.
Laramie, Ft Walla Walla, Sutter’s Fort, San Diego, San
Francisco, St Louis, Ft Dodge, Salt Lake City, Portland,
Los Angeles, El Paso
G. Locate the following: Rio Grande, Platte River, Snake
River, Columbia River, Donner Pass, South Pass
H. Use different colors to show the following trails:
Mormon Trail (Nauvoo to Salt Lake City)
Oregon Trail ( Independence to Portland)
California Trail ( Independence to Sutter’s Fort)
Santa Fe Trail (Independence to Santa Fey)
Old Spanish Trail (Santa Fe to LA)
Gila River Trail ( Santa Fe to San Diego)
Butterfield Overland Mail Trail (St. Louis to San Francisco)
I. Create a key in blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Most groups of pioneers set up a
government with an elected captain before they started west.
As leader of your group, answer the following questions:
A. What is your destination and what trail would you follow?
B. Explain the kinds of skills you want in your group.
C. Discuss the supplies that will be needed,
D. Explain the most difficult part of your journey.
# WAR WITH MEXICO 1846- 1848
1. Locate and label the following: Mexico, California,
Monterey, San Diego, Gulf of Mexico, LA, Rio Grande, US,
San Fran, Los Angeles, Pacific Ocean, TX, Arkansas, Ft.
2. Label the following and use different colors to indicate the
winner of the battle: Mexico City, Buena Vista, Monterrey,
3. Label the routes led by Fremont, Stockton, Sloat, Kearny,
Taylor, Scott, Santa Ana, Ampudia, Arista
4. Create a key in blank box.
1. Locate/label the region described in the statements
A. Congress annexed this territory in 1845 by a joint
B. In 1846, Britain agreed to US control of this territory
south of the 49th parallel.
C. This territory was acquired in 1848 through the
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
D. In 1853, the US bought this territory from Mexico for
$10 million.
E. The US purchased this large territory from France in
F. One result of the Convention of 1818 was British
cession of the territory to the US.
G. Spain ceded this territory to the US in 1819.
H. This territory represents US expansion to 1783.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain through the use of the map
Manifest Destiny.
1. Label/locate the following: MD, KY, SC, GA, MS,, Arkansas,
2. Create symbols in the blank box to represent the
following industries: textiles, iron, steel mining,
lumber ,cattle, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, cotton, grain
3. What industries contributed to KY’s economy?
4. In which states was cotton a major industry?
5. What industries thrived in TX?
6. Where were rice and sugar cane grown?
SOUTH How does the industries in the North and South differ?
1. Locate/label the states and territories on the map.
2. Use color to indicate free states and slave states in 1820.
3. Indicate the Missouri Compromise line.
4. Create a key in blank box.
5. Correct the incorrect statements :
A. PA was a free state in 1820.
B. According to the Missouri Compromise , slavery would be
prohibited in the Michigan Territory and permitted in the
Arkansas territory.
C. In 1818, the slave states held most of the seats in the
D. The Missouri Compromise allowed slavery in the Michigan
E. FL territory was slave territory because it was south of the
latitude 36 degrees 30
F. Most of the LA purchase was south of the Missouri
Compromise line.
CRITICAL THINKING: Discuss how the formation of states in the
Michigan, Arkansas, and FL territories probably affect the
balance that the Missouri Compromise tried to balance.
1. Locate/label the following:|
A. two territories that could choose to become slave states
through popular sovereignty according to the Compromise
of 1850.
B.first territory from the Mexican Cession to ask for
admission to the nation.
C. territory set aside for Indians.
D. Territory divided at the 49th parallel in an agreement
with Britain,
2. Draw a solid line to indicate the Missouri Compromise line.
3. Use different colors or patterns to distinguish the following:
A. free states and territories in 1850
B. slave states and territories in 1850
C. territories open to slavery by popular sovereignty
4. Create a key in blank box.
5. Answer the following:
A. How many free and slave states were there?
B. Which territories were affected by the Compromise of
How were they affected?
C. How did the number of free and slave states affect
representation in Congress?
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain why the Missouri Compromise
line did not provide a solution to the problem of CA’s statehood.
1. Locate/label the states and territories on the map.
2. Use different colors/patterns to shade:
A. free states and territories in 1854
B.Territory open to slavery by popular sovereignty according to
the Compromise of 1850.
C. territory open to slavery by popular sovereignty according to
the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854.
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4Correct the inaccurate statements below:
A. Missouri was a free state because it was north of the
Missouri Compromise line.
B. The New England states were free states.
C. States carved from the Nebraska Territory were to
decide on slavery through popular sovereignty,
D. Slavery was allowed in the Utah Territory according to
the Compromise of 1850.
E. The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Compromise of
CRITICAL THINKING: Support or refute the following statement:
“Compromises over slavery were destined to fail because
Southerners were fighting for more than slavery; they were trying
to preserve a way of life.” Defend your position with facts.
#48 ELECTION of 1860
1. Locate/label the states/territories outlined on the map.
2. Use different colors/patters to shade the states won by
Lincoln, Bell, Douglas and Breckinridge.
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Lincoln’s main support came from the northern states.
B. Douglas won the second largest number of states.
C. Bell won some of the border states.
D. GA and AL supported Breckinridge.
E. Electors in CA voted for Lincoln
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how this map demonstrates the
effect of sectionalism on the election of 1860.
1. Label the states and territories outlined on the map.
2. Use different colors/patterns to shade the following
areas: free states, slave states loyal to the Union,
states that seceded from the Union before April 14,
1861; states that seceded from the Union after April
14th, 1861
3. Create a key in blank box.
Explain why the Union and Confederacy try to gain the loyalty of
the border states.
1. Locate/label the states outlined on the map, the
Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland rivers and the
Appalachian Mts. Use different colors/patterns to
distinguish the Union states from the Confederate ones.
2. Complete the following and locate and label on map:
A. The Battle of ________in July 1861 was the 1st battle to take
place in VA.
B. The Confederate army’’s attack on Fort _______signaled the
start of the Civil War.
C. General Grant captured Fort______on the Tennessee River
and Fort ______ on the Cumberland River in February
D. Generals Johnston and Beauregard tried to defeat Grant
near _______, a county meeting house in TN.
E. _______, the capital of the confederacy, fell to the Union
troops on April 1865.
F. On September 17, 1862, McCLellan and Lee clashed
at______, marking one of the bloodiest days in the war.
G. At the Battle of _________. General Meade forced
Confederate troops to retreat from PA.
H. After a 6 week siege, the city of __________surrendered to
Grant’s army.
I. General Sherman destroyed most of the city of ___________,
GA, as part of the strategy of “total war”.
J. General Lee surrendered to General Grant at
_______________on April 9, 1865.
3. Use solid lines to show how Scott’s anaconda strategy
divided the Confederacy into 3 major theaters of war. Use
a dotted line to show the North;s naval blockade.
4. Create a key in the blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how Scott’s anaconda strategy
used geography.
1. Locate on the map: Richmond, MD, WV, James River,
Potomac River, Washington DC, PA, VA, York River,
Chesapeake Bay
2. Locate/label the following battle sites using different colors
to signify a confederate/union victory: Seven Days Battle,
Antietam, Chancellorsville, Bull Run, Harpers Ferry,
Fredericksburg, Gettysburg,
3. Use colors to show the following routes of the Union and
Confederate armies:
A. Lee’s advance to Antietam
B. McClellan’ s attack on Lee at Antietam
C. Lee’s attack on Gettysburg
D. Meade’s defense of Gettysburg
4.Create a key in blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how geography had on the
outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg.
1. Locate/label the following: Richmond, Savannah,
Appalachian Mts. Tennessee River, Nashville, Ft
Sumter, Mississippi River, Cumberland River
2. Use color to distinguish the union or confederate
victory: Ft Donelson, Shiloh, Jackson, New Orleans,
Chattanooga, Ft Henry, Memphis, Vicksburg, Port
Hudson, Atlanta
3. Use color to show the routes of the following:
A, Grant’s series of victories along the Missip River in the
B. Beauregard;s defense of Shiloh
C. Sherman’s “march to the sea”
D. Bragg’s advance from Atlanta to Chattanooga.
4. Create a key in blank box.
5. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Grant’s army captured Shiloh.
B. Bragg’s army successfully defended Atlanta.
C. Sherman marched southeast from the Appalachian
Mts. to the Atlantic Ocean,
D. Grant conducted a series of campaigns in the west.
E. The Battle of Vicksburg was fought in AL.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain the significance of the
Mississippi River during the Civil War.
1. Label/locate the states outlined on the map.
2. Use a solid line to show the boundary of the
Confederate States of America,
3. Label each southern state with the date it was
readmitted to the Union and the date its conservative
gov’t was established. Create a way to distinguish
between the two dates.
4. Create a key in the blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how reconstruction efforts
in the South affected national elections after the Civil
# 54 ELECTION OF 1876
1. Label/locate the states outlined on the map.
2. Use different colors/patterns to distinguish the states won
by Rutherford B Hayes, the states that were won by
Samuel Tilden and those that were disputed.
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Tilden won the electors in most of the states west of the
Mississippi River.
B. Hayes claimed victory in PA
C. Texas electors supported Hayes.
D. The election results in LA, FL, and SC were disputed.
E. The Republicans were strong in the South, while the
Democrats drew support from the North.
CRITICAL THINKING: Based on your map, support or refute the
following statement: “The end of the Civil War brought an end to
sectionalism” Explain.
1. Locate/label the following:
A. fort in WY where a treaty between the US government and
Native Americans was signed in 1851.
B. Place where Col. John Chivington destroyed a Cheyenne
village and killed 450 Cheyennes.
C. Location of a battle in which Custer was defeated by the
Sioux and Cheyenne.
D. Site of a tragic battle in which about 200 Sioux and 30 US
soldiers died after a surrender by the Sioux.
2. Use colors or patterns to show the following:
A land lost by Indians before 1850
B. “
“ “
from 1850-1870
C. “
“ “
from 1870-1890.
3. Create a key in blank box.
1. Locate/label the following: New Orleans, Promontory
Point, San Francisco, Chicago, Abilene, San Antonio, LA,
Portland, Cheyenne, Kansas City
2. Create a symbol to use to label the following mining
centers: Comstock Lode, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver,
Deadwood, Helena, and Silver City.
3 Color or pattern to show the routes of the following
railroads: Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Southern
Pacific, Kansas Pacific,
4 Show the routes of the following cattle trails:
Goodnight-Loving Trail, Western Trail, Chisholm Trail,
Shawnee Trail
5 Create a key in blank box.
6 Correct the incorrect statements.
A. Cattle ranchers on the Goodnight-Loving Trail could
ship their cattle on the Union Pacific line.
B. Promontory Point was the meeting place of the
Central Pacific and the Kansas Pacific railroad lines.
C. The Southern Pacific railroad went from New Orleans
to San Antonio and then to Denver.
D. Most of the railroads traveled east-west while most of
the cattle trails went north-south.
E. The Rocky Mts. prevented the construction of a
transcontinental railroad.
F. The Central Pacific went through CA, NV, UT
G. Ranchers who used the Shawnee Trail or the
Chisholm Trail could ship cattle on the Kansas Pacific
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how the growth of the cattle
industry was dependent on the development of the railroad
1. Locate/label the following:
A. Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in this city’s
B. This city is located at a latitude and longitude of 28 degrees
north 82 degrees west.
C. Roosevelt’s Rough Riders stormed San Juan hill in the
battle over this city.
D. Dewey sailed to the Philippines from this city.
E. Spanish control of this Caribbean island worried the US
since the island was only 90 miles off the coast of FL.
F. In this city’s harbor, a mysterious explosion destroyed the
American battleship MAINE.
G. The latitude and longitude of this city is 24 degrees north
82 degrees west.
2.Locate/label the following:
A. Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea, Haiti, Philippine Islands, Pacific
Ocean, FL, Atlantic Ocean, Dominican Republic, South China
Sea , China
Create a key in blank box.
1.Label/locate the following:
US Guatelmala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Colombia, Panama Canal Zone, Mexico, British
Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Venezuela,
Virgin Islands, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean,
Atlantic Ocean
2. Use one color to shade the area acquired by the US and an
other color to distinguish the areas of activity between 1898
and 1917.
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Colombia was under the US influence.
B. The Panama Canal is located on a longitude of
approximately 80 degrees west.
C. Honduras was a United States possession.
D. Spain controlled Puerto Rico.
E. The US owned Panama.
F. Cuba was an area of US activity.
CRITICAL THINKING: Defend or refute the following statement:
“The proximity of the Caribbean islands and Central America to
the US justified American intervention there”
1. Locate/label the following: Gatun Lake, Panama City,
Panama, Pacific Ocean, Colon , Balboa, Caribbean Sea
2. Shade the canal zone, Use a color to show the route ships
take through the canal and the railroad that was built along
the canal.
3. Use a symbol to designate the 3 pairs of locks.
4. Create a key in the blank box.
5. Answer the following:
A. Which bodies of water did the Canal connect?
B. Which city was located at the northern end of the canal?
C. How many miles long is the canal?
D. What purpose did the locks serve?
CRITICAL THINKING: Discuss the benefits of the canal. What
are some negatives of the canal?
1. Label /locate each nation described below:
A. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated
by a man who wanted the unification of Bosnia
with this nation.
B. These three nations belonged to the Triple
C. The nation set up a naval blockade and mined
the North Sea.
D. A revolution in 1917 forced this nation to leave
the war.
E. In 1914, the German army invaded Belgium on
its way to this nation.
2. Locate and label the Atlantic Ocean, North Sea,
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea.
3. Use different colors to shade the Allies and
Central Powers.
4. Create a key in blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain the advantages/disadvantages of
the geographic location of the Central Powers.
1. Locate/label the following: Germany, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Paris, Somme River, Rhine River, France,
Netherlands, Brussels, Meuse River, Marne River
2. Label the following battle sites: Belleau Woods, ChateauThierry, Reims, Verdun, Amiens, Ypres, Meuse-Argonne
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4. Answer the following questions:
A. Which battles took place on the Marne River?
B. When were the German troops closest to Paris?
CRITICAL THINKING: Which period of time did the war start to
turn in favor of the Allied nations?
1. Label the countries on the map.
2. Shade the territories in different colors to
indicate: Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria,
Germany, and Russia after WW I
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4. Correct the statements:
A. After the war, Portugal gained Morocco as
a territory,
B. Russia lost the greatest amount of land
after WWI.
C. Bulgaria lost direct access to the
D. Austria-Hungary became one nation after
the war.
E. The newly formed nation of Yugoslavia
consisted of the lands that at one time
made up Serbia, part of Bulgaria, and part
of Austria-Hungary.
F. At the end of WWI, Albania became part of
G. France gained the territory of AlsaceLorraine from Germany.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how the Allied Powers try to
insure that the former Central Powers would be permanently
1.Locate/label the following: Cumberland River, Mississippi
River, Bowling Green, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Tennessee River,
Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham
2. Shade the area which received electric power through the TVA.
3. Create a key in the blank box.
4 . Answer the following:
A. Which rivers did the TVA build dams?
B. Which states benefited from the electric power provided by
the TVA?
C. Which mountain range ran through this area?
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how the dams built by the TVA
improve the geographic environment for farmers.
1. Label the following:
A. This area, located on the border of France and Belgium,
was the first to be occupied by the German army.
B. In September 1938, the western part of Czechoslovakia,
known by this name, was annexed by Germany,
C. Germany took over this country after the Munich
D. In the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Germany and the Soviet Union
agreed to divide this nation.
E. This nation conquered Albania in 1939.
Locate the remaining nations on the map.
Use different colors/patterns to shade the following:
Germany at the end of WWI
Area taken by Germany from 1936-to 1937.
Area taken by Germany from 1938 to September 1, 1939
Italy at the end of WW I
Area taken by Italy from 1938-1939.
3 Create a key in blank box.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how German and Italian
aggression were changing the face of Europe.
# 65 WWII in Europe and North AFRICA
1. Locate/label the following: Casablanca, Berlin, Moscow,
Paris Warsaw, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic
Sea, Tunis, El Alamein, Dunkirk, Salerno, Stalingrad,
Black Sea, North Sea
2. Create a key in blank box.
3. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Great Britain was under Axis control in 1942.
B. The Allies attacked Italy from Tunis.
C. The Axis Powers had taken over Poland before 1942.
D. The approximate latitude and longitude of Moscow is 55
degrees north/37 degrees east.
E. Yugoslavia remained neutral throughout WWII.
F. Italy was an Allied nation.
G. Allied armies advanced west from the Soviet Union toward
H. Allied forces crossed the Mediterranean Sea from Africa to
CRITICAL THINKING: Describe the strategy used by the Allied
Powers to defeat the Axis Powers.
# 66 WWII in the Pacific
1. Locate/label the following: Tarawa, Guam, Philippine
Islands, Japan, Korea, Burma, French Indochina,
Hawaiian Islands, Iwo Jima, Wake Island, New
Guinea, Leyte Gulf, Manchuria, China, Thailand,
Australia, Midway Island, Okinawa
2. Locate the following cities: Tokyo, Nagasaki,
Shanghai, Manila, Hiroshima, Hong Kong, Chungking
3. Shade the areas under Japanese control in 1942,
4. Shade areas under Japanese control of Asia in 1942.
5. Create a key in blank box.
6. What parts of the US were most threatened by
Japanese expansion?
1. Label/locate the countries on the map.
2. Shade with colors to distinguish the areas of Germany
occupied by the US, Great Britain, France and Soviet
Union. Locate and label Berlin as an international zone.
3. Create a key in blank box.
4. Correct the incorrect statements:
A. Great Britain occupied the northwest section of Germany.
B. Berlin was in the French quarter of Germany.
C. The US quarter of Germany bordered Austria and
D. The Soviet Union occupied the southwest section of
E. Poland is east of Germany.
CRITICAL THINKING: Explain how post war occupation had
lasting effects on Germany.
A. Label the countries on the map.
B. Shade the nations who had joined North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) and the nations who
joined the Warsaw Pact in 1955.
C. Create a key in blank box.
D. Answer the following question:
1. Which nations belonged to NATO?
2. Which nations belonged to the Warsaw Pact?
3. Which nations remained neutral?
4. Which Eastern European nations belonged to NATO?
5. At Approximately what longitude were East and West
Germany divided?
6. Through which countries does the prime meridian
CRITICAL THINKING: What generalizations can you make about
how post_WWII treaties divided Europe?
Why do you think the US joined a European alliance?