Creating Effective and Powerful Documents in Word

Creating Effective and
Powerful Documents
in Word
© Sensory, Physical & Medical, NYCC
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Issue 4.2 Jun 2009
List of Contents
Creating Effective and Powerful Documents in WordList of Contents .............. 1
List of Contents ................................................................................................ 2
List of Figures ............................................................................................... 3
Objectives..................................................................................................... 4
Objectives..................................................................................................... 4
Opening a document .................................................................................... 4
Saving the Document (Version Control - Part 1) .......................................... 5
Page Set-Up ................................................................................................. 4
Saving the Document (Version Control - Part 2) .......................................... 5
File and Folder Management (Version Control – Part 3) .............................. 5
Clear the Formatting ..................................................................................... 8
Proofing the document ................................................................................. 8
Navigating around a document ................................................................. 8
Spelling and Grammar .............................................................................. 8
Proofing/Editing Tools ............................................................................... 9
Change the Case of Text.............................................................................. 9
Create new pages (Page Break) ................................................................ 10
Reveal Formatting ...................................................................................... 10
Styles and Formatting ................................................................................ 10
Open the Styles and Formatting panel ................................................... 10
Set the Heading Level ............................................................................ 11
Set/Edit the Style .................................................................................... 11
Creating one (or more) Style Templates .................................................... 12
Creating Style Template ......................................................................... 12
Applying a Template to an existing document ........................................ 12
Creating a Table of Contents Sheet ........................................................... 14
Updating a Table of Contents Sheet ....................................................... 16
Creating Headers and Footers ................................................................... 16
Using Tables to help layout/positioning of images ...................................... 17
The process ............................................................................................ 17
Creating Captions for Images and a List of Captions ................................. 18
The process .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
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Creating the List of Captions................................................................... 19
Advanced Topics ........................................................................................ 20
Creating Footnotes ................................................................................ 20
Creating a Book in Word ......................................................................... 21
Tracking changes ................................................................................... 21
List of Figures
Figure 1: Create a table ................................................................................. 18
Figure 2: Make it 2 columns by 1 row ............................................................ 18
Figure 3: The Table........................................................................................ 18
Figure 4: The Results..................................................................................... 18
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By the end of the session you should be able to
1. Rapidly create (or edit) documents to a high standard
2. Be familiar with a wide range of features within MS Word
3. Spell and grammar check documents in a Foreign language
4. Create and manage an effective file management system
5. Create (or edit) documents such that they can easily converted to
MLP (Modified Large Print)
Braille (Grade I or II)
Microsoft Word
These notes and screen shots have been prepared using Word 2003.
However, they should support Word 2000 as well. However, if you are using
Word 2007 please contact us for more information/guidance.
Reference Documents
These notes should be used in conjunction with
vista 2009 spring v2.1.doc
Kensuke'sKingdomresource2 v1.doc
Kim's Story v2.doc
English – French.doc
Creating a new document
File > New (or Ctrl + N)
Opening a document
File > Open > example.txt (or Ctrl + S)
Page Set-Up
File > Page Setup (or Alt + F + U)
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… and set up consistent Margins and Orientation
Saving the Document (Version Control - Part 1)
This ensures you preserve your original prior to changes being made.
File > Save (or Ctrl + S)
… and Save as example org.doc
NB. Org - Original
Saving the Document (Version Control - Part 2)
Now save the document as: example v1.doc
File > Save As
NB. v1 – Version 1
File and Folder Management (Version Control – Part 3)
When you are creating and editing many documents (sometimes very large) it
is very important to be able to devise a filing system which is:
Meaningful / self explanatory
Easy for you (and others) to rapidly locate (and access) documents
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Easy to back-up and/or archive
As an example, if you were creating: a thesis for your college work, preparing
a cv and doing some transcription for two students you might choose a folder
structure as below.
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My Documents
CV org.doc
CV v1.doc
CV v1 Emp a.doc
CV v1 Emp b.doc
Life v1.doc
Life v2.doc
Life Final.doc
Student X
Shapes org.txt
Shapes v1.doc
Shapes v2.doc
Shapes final.doc
Advanced Maths
Student Y
Addition v1.doc
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Clear the Formatting
1. Open the Styles and Formatting Panel
2. Select all the text using the mouse or (Ctrl + A)
3. and Click Clear Formatting
… and all styles should now be removed
Proofing the document
Check and correct syntax, spelling, grammar and layout. Don’t forget to use
keyboard shortcuts wherever possible.
Navigating around a document
Home – moves to the Start of a line
End – Moves to the End of a line
Ctrl + Home – moves to the top of the document
Ctrl + End – moves to the end of the document
Right and left Arrow Keys - Moves cursor letter by letter
Ctrl + right/left Arrow Keys - Moves cursor Word by Word
Spelling and Grammar
F7 – Spelling and Grammar checker
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Proofing/Editing/Navigation Tools
Delete – deletes the character IN FRONT of the cursor
Backspace – deletes the character BEHIND the cursor
Ctrl + A – Select All
Ctrl + C – Copy
Ctrl + V – Paste
Ctrl + X – Cut
Ctrl + Y – Repeat Tying
Ctrl + Z – Undo
Shift + Left/Right arrows – selects letter by letter
Shift + Ctrl + Left/Right arrows – selects word by word
Shift + Ctrl + Up/Down arrows – selects line by line
Double left click – selects a word
Ctrl + B - Makes the selected text Bold
Ctrl + U - Makes the selected text Underlines
Ctrl + I - Makes the selected text Italic
Ctrl + L - Left justifies the line
Ctrl + R - Right justifies the line
Ctrl + E - Centre justifies the line
Ctrl + J – Justified (equal)
Ctrl + D – Opens the Font card
Ctrl + M / T – Increase indent (to the right)
Ctrl + Q – Decrease indent (to the left)
Ctrl + K – Create Hyperlink
Ctrl + F - Find
Ctrl + H - Replace
Ctrl + G - Go To page
Ctrl + N – Create a New document
Ctrl + O – Opens a document
Ctrl + S – Saves a document
Ctrl + P – Opens the print dialogue box
Change the Case of Text
1. Select the text you want changes (say to Title case)
2. Format > Change Case or (Alt + O + E)
3. … and Select Title (or whatever) to change the case
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Creating a new page (or Page Break)
To create a new page simply place the cursor at the start of the line where
you want the break and
Insert > Break > and select OK in the Box (or Ctrl + Return)
Reveal Formatting (Show/Hide)
When a document is being edited it is sometimes helpful to have the
formatting shown (a backwards P)
Click the Show/Hide button to the Standard Toolbar
Styles and Formatting
Introducing Styles and Formatting to the document allows us to create
structure. It allows us to create Tables of Contents (for example) and to
‘decorate’ the text.
Using styles is one of the most important and powerful techniques when
creating MLP (Modified Large Print) and Braille documents. Done correctly
means that any subsequent modification can be done quickly and effectively.
Open the Styles and Formatting panel
Format > Styles and Formatting (or Alt + O + S)
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Set the Heading Level
This sets the hierarchy of the document - rather like chapters of book
1. Go to the Start / End of the line to be set
2. Click the appropriate Heading Level (H1, H2, etc) in the Right Hand panel
NB. To do this you will need to Show Available styles (Formatting in use or
All styles) in the bottom Right Hand drop down menu
Set/Edit the Style
Modify the Style by clicking the drop down menu to the Right of the Heading
Here you set/edit change the Style of the Heading (or whatever has been
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Creating one (or more) Style Templates
Once a group of styles has been created it may be useful to save this as a
Word template so that it can be applied to other documents.
Creating Style Template
3. Once the document has been created and styled correctly re-save the
document as a Word Template
a. File > Save As and select Document Template under the Save
as type
4. Within the Template Folder create a new sub folder to store your new
template folders (eg. cv)
5. Save the document with a meaningful title (eg. professional)
… and that’s it!
Applying a Template to an existing document
6. Open the Document to be styled as normal
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7. Open the Template Tab
a. Tools > Templates and Add-Ins
8. Attach the appropriate template and check ‘Add to Template’
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… and the document style will be updated
9. If one or more of the styles are changed in this new document then
remember to check the box ‘Add to Template’
10. When the document is resaved you will be invited to update the document
Template. This makes sure that changes are saved to the Template file ready
for other to use.
NB. You can create new styles by simply clicking the New Style button. This
is particularly helpful when transcribing into Braille and you want to ‘map’ a
style in a text document to a particular style in Duxbury (Braille Translation
Modifying the Normal Style
Lets change the Normal style in word so that when you hit Return (say to start
a new paragraph) is creates a double space (rather than the standard single
space) and change line spacing to 1.5.
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1. Using the drop down menu at the side of the Normal font click Modify
2. In the drop down box at the bottom left of the tab select paragraph
3. Here you can change Spacing after to (say) 12 pt and Click OK
4. Select the 1.5 line spacing button and click OK
and that’s it!
This method can be used to change any element of a Style – for example the
spacing and styles of bullet points
Creating a Table of Contents Sheet
Place the Cursor where the List of Contents is to be positioned.
Insert > Reference > Index and Tables
…. and select the ‘Index and Tables’ Tab and click OK.
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Updating a Table of Contents Sheet
Once a Table of Contents has been created it will be needed to be updated
each time a new Heading has been created (or edited)
Right Hand Click on the Table of Contents and select Update Field and click
update entire table.
Creating Headers and Footers
View > Header and Footer (or Alt + V +H)
… and this will show the Header and Footer parts of the document.
Click on the Header area and enter the Header text.
Click on the Footer area and now you have a range of AutoText options (eg.
(Author, Page No, Date).
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Headers and Footers 1 will appear on all pages of the document.
Using Tables to help layout/positioning of images
Tables 2 are a very useful way in which photos (or other objects) can be used
to layout professionally
We have some text with two photos in and we want to position the two photos
The process
1. Position the cursor where the Table is to be created
Table > Insert >Table…
2. Create a 2 column by 1 Row Table
3. Drag and Drop images into Table cells
Unless Sections are set
Good idea for producing MLP. Try to avoid word wrapping text.
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Figure 1: Create a table
Figure 2: Make it 2 columns by 1 row
Figure 3: The Table
Figure 4: The Results
4. Select the Table using the Control handle in the top left hand corner f the
5. Right hand click and select Borders and Shading go to the Borders Tab
6. Click None and then click OK
Creating Captions for Images and a List of Captions
Creating the Caption
1. Select the image
2. Right mouse click and select Caption
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3. Select Label. If a suitable one is not available then Create a new by
Clicking New Label (eg. Photo)
4. Enter some text and click OK
5. Complete this for all images in the documents
Creating the List of Captions
1. Place the Cursor where the List of Captions (images) is to be positioned.
2. Insert > Reference > Index and Tables and select the ‘Index and
Tables’ Tab
3. Select the Table of Figures Tab and Click OK
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Advanced Topics
Sometimes it is necessary to create documents in more than one language. In
this section we will see how to
Define a section of text as foreign language
Spell and grammar check
The added benefit is that when this document is opened in Duxbury (for
example) those sections of text defied as a foreign language will be
recognised and transcribed into Braille using the correct language rules.
1. Open the document
2. Select the Foreign text
3. Tools > Language > Set language
4. Select the language eg, French (France) and click OK
You should now notice that the spelling ‘errors’ (against an English dictionary)
have now been removed.
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Creating Footnotes 3
1. Place the cursor where the Footnote is to be referred
2. Insert > Reference > Footnote and select the Footnote
3. Click Insert and create your Footnote text in the Footer.
Creating a Book in Word
4. Create a New document (File > New and select Blank or Ctrl + N)
5. Open the Page Format Card (File > Page Setup)
6. … and select Book Fold under pages
…. And then just create the content of the book as normal.
7. Then print out as Normal. Because you have defined the document as a
Book it will be printed out as an A5 book. For example, if the book is a 8 page
book then
Sheet 1 (front)
Page 8
Page 1
Sheet 1 (back)
Page 2
Page 7
Sheet 2 (front)
Page 6
Page 3
Sheet 2 (back)
Page 4
Page 5
Tracking changes
1. Go to Tools > Track Changes
2. Once set then all further changes to the documents will be highlighted for
easy review by the Author.
Not to be used when preparing materials for Braille production
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