FORSYTH COUNTY COURSE SYLLABUS 2011-2012 COURSE TITLE: US History TEACHER NAME: Scott Morlanne ROOM #: 371 EMAIL: PHONE: 770-781-2264 Textbook/Resources: With the emergence of technology as a tool for learning, South Forsyth High School will be utilizing various resources to assist with instruction, including ANGEL, online textbooks, and interactive websites. In addition to these web based instructional tools, this course will also have a classroom set of textbooks. Should you feel that your child would benefit from having a textbook at home in addition to the classroom textbook, please contact your child’s teacher. The American Vision (Georgia Edition) is the text for this course. The replacement cost of a text is $64.98 United States History 11th Grade Year-long / 1 credit R = required for high school graduation EOCT = Students are required by the Georgia DOE to take an End-of-Course Test (EOCT) in this course. Course Description: This yearlong, one credit required course serves as a comprehensive, intensive study of major events and themes in United States History. The course curriculum includes a survey of the history of our country beginning with the Age of Exploration and ending with the early 21 st century. Topics covered include colonial America, the American Revolution, the Critical Period, the Federalist Era, the Jeffersonian Era, the Age of Jackson, 19th Century Reform Movements, Sectionalism & the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Industrial Revolution, the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and recent events from the 1980s through the beginnings of the 21st century. Assessment of United States History includes items that require students to interpret primary source material, maps, graphs, and charts as well as apply geographical knowledge to very specific historical events. A state mandated End of Course Test is required and counts 20% of the student’s overall course grade. Semester 1 Unit 1: European Colonization & Settlement Unit 2: Birth of the U.S.--Revolution & Constitution Unit 3: U.S. Growth & Expansion (1800-1840s) Unit 4: Disunion, Civil War & Reconstruction Semester 2 Unit 5: Industrialism & Progressivism Unit 6: U.S. As A World Power--Imperialism & WW1 Unit 7: Boom & Bust--1920s & 1930s America Unit 8: U.S. as Superpower--WW2 & the Cold War Unit 9: Politics of Change (1950s-1970s) Unit 10: The U.S. in the Modern World Standards: Course Standards can be found at GPS #1: ABCD Students will describe European Settlement in N. America in the 17th Century. GPS #2: ABCD Students will trace the ways that the economy and society of British N. America developed. GPS #3: ABC Students will explain the primary purposes of the American Revolution. GPS #4: ABCD Students will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects of the Am. Revolution. GPS #5:ABCDE Students will explain specific events and key ideas evident in the US Constitution. GPS #6: ABCDE Students will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and its impact on the New Nation. GPS #7: ABCDE Students will explain the process of economic growth and its impacts in the 19 th Century. GPS #8: ABCDE Students will explain the relationship between growing north-south divisions. GPS #9: ABCDEF Students will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the cause of the Civil War. GPS #10: ABCDE Students will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction. GPS #11: ABCD Students will describe the growth of big business and technology after Reconstruction. GPS #12: ABCD Students will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth. GPS #13: ABCDE Students will identify major efforts to reform Am. Society and politics of the Progressive Era. GPS #14: ABC Students will explain America’s with the world at the turn of the 20th Century. GPS #15: ABCD Students will analyze the origins of the U.S. involvement in WWI GPS#16: ABCD Students will identify key developments in the aftermath of WWI. GPS #17: ABC Students will analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression. GPS #18: ABCDE Students will describe FDR’s New Deal and describe how it changed government. GPS #19 ABCDE Students will identify the origins, major developments and impact of WWII. GPS #20 ABC Students will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War. GPS #21: ABCD Students will explain economic growth in the U.S. from 1945-1970. GPS #22: ABCDE Students will identify dimensions of the Civil Rights movement. GPS #23: ABCD Students will describe and assess the impact of political developments from 1945-1970. GPS #24: ABCDE Students will analyze the impact of social change movements in the 1960’s. GPS #25: ABCDEG Students will describe changes in national politics and policies since 1968 Availability for Extra Help: Available for help before school (7:45) and after school (3:40) upon student request. The website resource for information on Formative Assessments can be located on Angel or Teacher Webpage Makeup Work: All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. A student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled assessment will be responsible for completing the assignment on the regularly scheduled day and time. Students who have been absent more than two consecutive days (including the assessment day) will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments. This does not include major projects, research papers, etc., where the deadline has been posted in advance. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances. Late Work Policy: In keeping with the premise of standards based education, all formative assessments are assigned and evaluated by the teacher in order to inform planning and instruction; therefore it is imperative that all students turn assignments in on time. Students are allowed to turn in late assignments until the date of the summative assessment for the corresponding unit for a maximum possible score of 70%. Any student who finds it necessary to turn in a formative assignment after that date must make individual arrangements with the teacher. Circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis. The late work policy for summative assessments (i.e. project, research paper, etc.) will be outlined on the assignment guidelines given by the teacher when the project is assigned. ReTeach & ReAssess Policy: Honors & On-level classes: For a summative grade 69% and under there will be ONE opportunity for retake, for a maximum grade of 70%. This must be completed within 5 days of the original assessment. AP Classes: No reassess possibilities, due to “square root” curve applied to all summative exams in AP classes IB Classes: No reassess possibilities; due to IB required mark-schemes, all summative exams in IB classes will be addressed by individual teachers based upon the specific subject rubrics Grading Calculations: Course Average = 1st and 2nd semester grades (40% each) + 20% EOCT or Final Exam Course Work = 75% Summative + 25% Formative Grading Policy: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 Failing = Below 70 Required Assignments: Students will take a variety of formative assessments during and summative assessments after each unit is covered. *Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to homework, class work, practice tests, rough drafts, and sections of projects/ research papers/presentations. Concept of formative assessment: *Summative Assessments include, but are not limited to unit tests, final projects, final essays, final research papers, and final presentations.