COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Contract #04-034
Project Period of Performance: 1 January, 2007 - 31 December 2007
Reporting Period: 1 January 2007 - 31 December 2007
The Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program—Northern and Central California (COCMPNC) consortium is a collaborative effort by San Francisco State University (lead member),
Humboldt State University, University of California Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory, U.S.
Geological Survey, University of California Santa Cruz/Naval Postgraduate School (co-lead),
The Naval Research Laboratory, and California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, to
implement the mandates of the Proposition 40 and 50 Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring
Program (COCMP) as administered by the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC).
COCMP-NC’s objective is to monitor ocean circulation for the region between Pt. Conception
and the California/Oregon border. The major project elements are: 1) installation and operation
of surface current mapping (SCM) instruments to produce hourly maps of sea surface currents,
2) alongshore currents and wave estimates in the surf zone, 3) three-dimensional coastal ocean
and two-dimensional San Francisco Bay circulation modeling, and 4) development and
distribution of products that benefit society, specifically products relevant to ocean safety,
regulatory and management mandates.
Direct observations of surface currents allow estimates of the transport of near-surface
substances (e.g., oil spills, fish/invertebrate larvae, algal blooms, freshwater), while modeling
will provide estimates of subsurface and surf zone transport of substances which are often
vertically distributed (e.g., nutrients, pollutants). The ultimate goal is to provide products
relevant to the movement and resultant distribution of substances of concern in coastal waters.
The surfzone wave and current system is to improve prediction of shoreline impacts.
This is an integrated statewide effort involving both COCMP-NC and the southern component of
the COCMP program implemented by the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
(SCCOOS). The two groups collaborate closely on all aspects of the program, especially on
providing data and products to ensure that users obtain consistent information, regardless of
which part of the coast. What follows is a description of the implementation work plan.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
A note on names: in central and northern California there are many groups working hard to build
an integrated ocean observing system. Associated with these efforts are numerous acronyms that
lead to confusion among the public. To foster public recognition, COCMP-NC will market all
products using the moniker of the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System
(CeNCOOS), the Regional Association funded at the national level. Recognition will always be
given to COCMP in terms of funding and responsibility, but all products will have the
CeNCOOS logo displayed. We anticipate that other observing systems will adopt the same
strategy to avoid public confusion and to develop a strong Regional Association.
COCMP-NC implementation has been separated into seven tasks, two related to direct
observations, three related to wind and ocean currents modeling, one related to data and product
distribution and the last related to program management. Each of these is described below, along
with annual goals.
It is important to emphasize that COCMP-NC and COCMP-SCCOOS are collaborating in a
number of areas. Specifically: data from the SCM instruments are delivered to a central server
hosted by COCMP-SCCOOS and operated by the Coastal Observing Research and Development
(CORDC) program; the wave and surf program modeling is a collaborative effort; the coastal
circulation model is run by COCMP-SCCOOS; and data and products will all be available
through local web access of the consortium members as well as through ROADNet. There is
joint oversight on all collaborative efforts with COCMP-NC maintaining responsibility for the
implementation of COCMP-NC goals.
Year 3 Schedule:
COCMP-NC year-three activities and infrastructure improvements deliverables are listed in bold
with a light blue background in each section. Tasks B1, C1, E1, E2, E3, F4 and F7 are COCMPNC responsibilities that are funded through the COCMP grant to the Southern California Coastal
Ocean Observing System (COCMP-SCCOOS). These tasks are supported by organizations that
are members of both and COCMP-NC and COCMP-SCCOOS. Oversight for these components
is provided by COCMP-NC; it is for budgetary reasons their funding is being managed by
COCMP-SCCOOS. Table 1 shows the allocation of the estimated year three costs, $1,887,227,
distributed by institutions and by program components. Table 2 lists the Program Principle
Investigators along with their contact information. Table 3 lists the responsible individual or
subgroup for each component of the program.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
The primary goal of the collaborative effort between COCMP-NC and COCMP-SC is to plan,
install and operate a statewide SCM array. COCMP-NC is responsible for the array from Pt.
Conception to the Oregon/California border. This array will deliver hourly maps of surface
currents in real-time, data which will be used in a wide variety of monitoring, response, and
research activities related to management of state and offshore waters.
SCM follows the Ocean.US recommendation to develop a coastal observatory capable of
monitoring the US coastal waters in real time. The technology employed is shore-mounted
instruments that emit low wattage radio signals and use the Doppler shift of the signal returned
off the sea surface to estimate the surface current. COCMP-NC is designed to have systems of
different resolution. Range and resolution are inversely proportional, increasing the range lowers
the resolution. For this reason the coastal system has a nested design with increasing resolution.
Long-range systems cover the whole California coast. The coastline between Point Sur and
Bodega has a shorter range array with higher spatial resolution (called “standard-range
systems”). San Francisco Bay has the highest resolution systems since there is not a range issue
in the Bay (Figure A-1, Table A-1).
For the purposes of this work plan, preoperational means that the infrastructure will be in place
and the equipment will be in testing and verification mode. Operational means that the
equipment will be generating data that will be available at the COCMP central aggregation
server at UCSD and mirror sites in northern California. The time period between preoperational
and operational should be short, on the order of a month or two, but will be site dependent. Once
operational, products will be available immediately. Examples of presently available COCMPNC region SCM data can be found at and
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-1. Locations of the high-frequency radar systems deployed along the central California
coast and in San Francisco Bay. Long-range sites marked with black stars are planned but not
currently operational; TRIN and PILR are installed and will become operational in early 2008.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Table A-1. COCMP-NC stations. Stations in bold became operational in 2007.
Four-letter code
Point Saint George
Cape Mendocino
Shelter Cove
Fort Bragg
Point Arena
Gerstle Cove
BMLR, Bodega Bay
Bodega Bay
Pt. Reyes
Treasure Island
Crissy Field
Ft. Funston
Pillar Point Air Force Station PLRP
Big Creek
Santa Cruz
Moss Landing
Pt. Pinos
Naval Postgraduate School
Granite Canyon
Pt. Sur
Pt Sur Long Range
Ragged Point
Cal Poly
Diablo Canyon
Cal Poly
Start Date
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
A1. Detailed implementation plan for SCM.
 Develop a detailed implementation plan for the staged installation of SCM nodes.
Plan will schedule equipment, supplies, and personnel for the SCM array.
Develop implementation plan and schedule (July 2005-Done).
A2. Selection of antennas sites.
 Identify coastal sites suitable for year one installation of SCM antennas allowing
for an optimal nested array of SCM nodes.
 Revise site selection as necessary from regulatory or infrastructure impediments,
logistics, and/or permits at specific sites.
Develop schedule of antennas sites for Year 1 deployments (September 05)
Site selection is undergoing revision as necessary from identified infrastructure
impediments (ongoing in Year 3). During year 3 final site selection for the long range
systems will be resolved. The standard and high-resolution systems will be reviewed to
evaluate any need to reposition or add more systems.
A number of potential sites for installation of a long-range SCM system in the Cape
Mendocino (CMEN) region have been investigated and found unacceptable, usually for
geomorphological reasons, permitting challenges, or inadequate power. The most promising
site at present is the old naval station at Centerville Beach, north of Cape Mendocino. In the
near future, the property will be turned over to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Humboldt State University (HSU) has discussed the potential use of the property with local
BLM representatives, but it is still not clear whether that is possible in the short term. HSU
continues to pursue this option, but has also begun contacting a few coastal farmers in the
region to see if there are other alternatives.
HSU, in collaboration with representatives from the City of Fort Bragg, has identified a
potential location for the Fort Bragg (BRAG) long-range SCM site on the old Georgia Pacific
mill site. However, there is some concern because of site contamination, so any installation
will need to be entirely above ground. HSU is working with Sheila Semans (Coastal
Conservancy) to put together a proposal to the Dept. of Toxic Substance Control to install a
CODAR system on this property. HSU is still searching for a location for the Shelter Cove
(SHEL) site. Earlier potential locations appear to be no longer viable.
Bodega Marine Laboratory (BML) has begun preliminary site scouting for a new standard
range system that will potentially be located north of Salt Point, thereby extending SCM
coverage north of the existing Gerstle Cove (GCVE) site. BML took delivery of the system
in December 2007.
San Francisco State University (SFSU) scouted potential sites at Point Blunt on Angel Island in
San Francisco Bay for a 42MHz (high-resolution) site. The site visit was arranged with the US
Coast Guard (USCG), State Parks and National Park Service (NPS) to assess viability of
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
location. SFSU will coordinate with USCG, State Parks and NPS to ensure that there is no
interference with NPS and USCG communication equipment currently at Point Blunt. SFSU has
requested use of USCG building on Point Blunt for electronics and antenna.
Temporary CODAR systems at Pillar Point Air Force Station (long range) and Sausalito Sanitary
District were set up to test the viability of these sites for future high-frequency radar (HFR)
installation. Point Bonita and Slide Ranch were also evaluated as potential HFR sites.
Site selection was completed for two long-range HFR locations in the Monterey Bay area: 1)
Navy facility next to Point Sur and 2) Pigeon Point lighthouse in San Mateo County. The Point
Sur site was installed first and the need for the second site at Pigeon Point will be re-evaluated
using data from the Point Sur and Pescadero sites. No permissions exist yet for the Pigeon Point
All NC site information has been added to
A3. Radio Licenses and site permits
 Arrange infrastructure, logistics and permits for selected sites.
 FCC radio Broadcast licenses
 Identify and obtain other necessary permits for each site
FCC applications have been submitted. A meeting with the Coastal Commission has been
arranged to discuss State permitting issues.
Complete the population of a database of permit documentation, including granting
agencies and points of contact, for each SCM site (August 2007). COCMP will work with
the Coastal Conservancy to resolve other permitting issues.
HSU submitted an application to the Coastal Commission to install a buried power cable at the
Trinidad site. The Commission has requested additional information, which HSU is trying to
provide, before making a decision. In the meantime, HSU is running an extension cable above
ground from a residence to the site.
BML amended their existing license, rather than create a new FCC license request, to include the
request for the 2 new long-range (5 MHz) systems (BMLR and Point Arena). The long-range
licenses were approved, however, the license expiration date (4/1/07) that is associated with the
other licenses on the same permit applies to these newly granted ones as well. BML submitted an
application for renewal before the expiration date and is legally allowed to continue to operate at
the frequencies that have been allocated until their request for renewal is either granted or
denied. The landowner and UC Davis permissions contracts were completed for the 5 MHz site
(PAFS) at Point Arena, CA. The site is on Mendocino College property and is exempt from
Coastal Commission permissions.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
SFSU applied for a 5MHz FCC license on behalf of three COCMP-NC partners (all HSU, SFSU
and Cal Poly locations). The Monterey and BML locations are not included in the application.
They are pursuing licensing independently. Long range (5 MHz band) operating frequencies
were obtained for the regions around Point Sur and Half Moon Bay from NOAA; coordination
and testing were conducted to insure that there was no interference with the Ragged Point or
Bodega Bay long range systems.
While the FCC license is pending, Jack Harlan (NOAA) agreed to let COCMP-NC use several
NOAA-permitted frequencies in the 4-5MHz band at long-range SCM sites. These frequencies
were offered as an interim workaround to the problem of the FCC’s decision to delay or deny
further high-frequency radio broadcast licenses for SCM until permanent SCM radio bands are
allocated, which, optimistically, will happen within the next decade. In May of 2007 Cal Poly
measured the radio frequency spectrum at RAGG using an Icom IC-PCR1000 receiver and
selected 4.58 MHz after finding 4.58 MHz (+/- 12.5 kHz) to be particularly free of interference
compared to the other two NOAA permitted frequencies. On September 28, 2007 Roger
Brandeberry of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) High Frequency Direction
Finding Center in Columbia, Maryland notified CODAR Ocean Sensors (COS) President Dr.
Don Barrick that the 4.58 MHz (25 kHz bandwidth) signal being broadcast by Cal Poly’s longrange SeaSonde at Ragged Point, California (RAGG) was interfering with the Civil Air Patrol’s
4.582 MHz and 4.585 MHz bands. It is unknown how frequently the Civil Air Patrol makes use
of their 4.582 MHz and 4.585 MHz bands, but regrettably their usage was not detected at RAGG
by the Icom spectrum analyzer. The following day on September 29, 2007 Bruce Nyden of COS
notified Cal Poly of the FCC complaint and changed RAGG’s center frequency to 4.55 MHz,
thereby preventing RAGG from further interfering with the Civil Air Patrol’s frequencies.
Following this incident, in consultation with the FCC it became apparent that NOAA had been
permitted to use the 4.58 MHz band in error. In response, NOAA has withdrawn its permission
to use 4.58 MHz for SCM and instead has made two more frequencies available to the COCMP
for long-range SCM use: 4.80 MHz and 4.55 MHz (in addition to 4.66 MHz and 5.375 MHz), all
with 25 kHz bandwidth. Currently, TRIN is operating at 4.62 MHz, RAGG at 4.55 MHz and
DCLR at 4.435 MHz (each frequency given is the center of a 25 kHz bandwidth).
SFSU is pursuing an official permit from the Treasure Island entities (Treasure Island
Development Authority (TIDA) and John Stewart Co.) associated with previous antenna location
to get the system back up and operational.
SFSU received tentative permission to install a system on Angel Island from the Golden Gate
National Recreation Area (GGNRA). The site was incorporated into a previously obtained
GGNRA-NPS permit. The permit is contingent on USCG approval however, and USCG denied
the installation scheme. Permission to install and operate on Angel Island is still pending a reassessment of the installation strategy and re-approval from GGNRA and USCG.
A representative of SFSU attended meetings at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) and Pillar
Point in ongoing effort to gain permission to install a CODAR long-range system at Pillar Point
Air Force Station. A signed environmental categorical exclusion document (AF813) was
received. An application was submitted to Vandenberg Air Force Base to situate a long-range
antenna at the Pillar Point Tracking Facility. The application is still pending. SFSU conducted
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
testing of the electromagnetic spectrum at Pillar Point to confirm viability of this site for longrange HFR operations. SFSU also contracted Tetra Tech to perform an Environmental Baseline
Survey at Pillar Point as specified by the Air Force prior to receiving permission to install.
SFSU received permission from the Sausalito Sanitary District to install a HFR system on their
The SFSU site permits on file were sent to Aimee Good, Administrative Coordinator at RTC.
Aimee will keep copies of all the COCMP-NC permits. Bay Conservation and Development
Commission (BCDC) permits for all San Francisco Bay high-resolution systems were officially
SFSU initiated the process of obtaining Coastal Development Permits for all sites under
jurisdiction of California Coastal Commission.
A new operating permit was established for the Point Sur site with State Parks, which has
formally taken over jurisdiction of the property from the U.S. Coast Guard.
A4. Standard-range SCM array
 Install six radar antennas to cover the region between the Bodega SCM array and
the Monterey Bay SCM array, resulting in full standard-range SCM coverage
from Pt. Sur, Monterey County, to Salt Point State Park, Sonoma County. The
locations for these antennas are (Figure 1):
 The south side of Pt. Reyes (permission granted, but no deployment is
 Near Bolinas (Commonweal site)
 Farallone Islands (will be investigated in 2007)
 Along Ocean Beach (Fort Funston)
 Pt. Montara (Montara sanitary treatment facility)
 Pescadero Pt (private residence)
 Big Creek (Big Creek Lumber Company near Wadell Beach)
Evaluate the potential for installing a standard range system on the Farallone Islands
(August 2007).
Perform and assessment of the existing array to determine whether any systems need to be
relocated (May 2007).
Resolve outstanding communication issues with the Standard Range array (September
The antenna pattern measurement (APM) was updated for the BML 12 MHz system (BML1) in
May 2007. In late 2007, pre-winter maintenance efforts were completed at all of BML’s HFR
stations. The transmit antenna was repositioned at the Point Reyes site (PREY) to prevent failure
due to dune erosion. New computer hardware was installed at Point Reyes and all operating
system and processing software updated. At BML, the BML1 (12 MHz) station antennas were
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
preventatively serviced. BML has implemented web-based SCM site statistics for improved real
time site monitoring and diagnostics of remote SCM stations.
The CODAR Ocean Sensors (COS) and operating system (OS) software were updated on all
SFSU Standard-Range systems.
SFSU’s Montara system was GPS-synced with UCSC’s Pescadero and Big Creek systems at
12.09MHz. The HFR frequency at Montara was slightly adjusted to avoid interference, which
caused data loss. The lower section of the transmit mast at MONT was replaced with a fiberglass
version to reduce sporadic spikes in reflected power. Sacrificial anodes were installed at FORT
and MONT to prevent galvanic corrosion of CODAR monopole bases and antenna box leakage.
The site computer at COMM was replaced due to hard drive failure. SFSU conducted testing of
local electromagnetic fields to determine their potential role in computer damage, and a remote
power-cycling device was installed to reduce the need for on-site troubleshooting.
Beginning in January 2007, the Fort Funston system (FORT) had several problems, including an
intermittent, gradual degrading signal in loop 1. The problem was traced to a bad cable, which
was replaced.
The Moss Landing standard range HF radar was moved to the Moss Landing Marine
Laboratories’ “El Norte” facility, and new wireless Internet communications were established.
The Monterey Bay area HFR group collected boat-based APMs at the Santa Cruz (SCRZ) HF
radar site during the first quarter of 2007 and conducted APMs offshore of the Point Sur (PSUR)
and Granite Canyon (GCYN) radar sites using small inflatable boats during the relatively calm
summer season. Personnel also installed bi-static mapping software on the Santa Cruz (SCRZ)
HF radar site in cooperation with Codar Ocean Sensors (see also task F2 below), and installed
new satellite communications systems (HughesNet) at the Granite Canyon (GCYN) and
Pescadero (PESC) sites. At the Pt Sur (PSUR) site, the receive antenna was rebuilt after an
electronics failure and moved to a new location further up the promontory, following which the
radial data coverage became much improved.
A5. Long-range SCM array
 The COCMP-NC contribution to the long-range SCM array will be to install ten
new antennas that will complement one long range antenna already installed at
Crescent City. Where possible, the long-range antennas will be co-located with
standard-range systems. The approximate locations for the ten new long-range
antennas are:
 Trinadad Head
 North of Cape Mendocino
 South of Cape Mendocino
 Fort Bragg
 Point Arena
 Bodega
 Pillar Point
 Point Sur
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Los Osos
This array will overlap with the Oregon State array to the north and the COCMP-SC array to
the south to provide continuous long-range coverage of surface currents from the
US/Mexican border to about mid coast Washington State.
Develop final deployment plan, including site selection, for the long-range SCM array
(March 2007).
Purchase, obtain permits, and install all long-range systems (December 2007).
A CODAR system was installed at Trinidad Head (TRIN) in the spring and preliminary tests
were conducted in April 2007. The data were combined with observations from the Pt. St.
George long-range system to produce a vector current map (Figure A-2). A temporary
website ( was established with the results. A summary of this
work was presented to Sam Schuchat (SCC), Margaret Davidson (NOAA) and other invited
guests during a site visit 11 May 2007. In response to a request from a local resident, the
antenna was painted to blend in better with the surroundings. TRIN began collecting data on
2 November 2007 using an above ground extension cable from a residence to supply power
to the site. The quality of the data was low; a new APM is needed. The site lost power 9
December. Equipment has been purchased and arrangements have been made to have this
site become operational in early 2008.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-2. Radial data (left) and total vector currents (right) from the Trinidad Head and Pt. St.
George stations in northern California.
The FCC license for the Bodega long-range (BMLR) site was approved. Data collection began in
February 2007 and has been continuous; data are sent to the RTC ORB site. The license for the
long-range site at Point Arena Field Station (PAFS; this site code was changed in 2007 to PAFS
from MEND, which was causing confusion with the Cape Mendocino site) was approved during
the first quarter of 2007. BML worked with the Fort Bragg Coastal Permit office (Mendocino
County) to get the Coastal Commission permissions worked out for this site. A long-range
system was deployed at PAFS and became operational 6/15/07 (Figure A-3). The contract with
the internet service provider was finalized and communications were installed November 2007.
PAFS data is now streamed to BML’s central processing computer and into the National Surface
Current Mapping Data Network. PAFS and BMLR are utilizing CODAR processing technology
to share one 5 MHZ frequency between the two sites. Preliminary analysis of long-range data
from PAFS and BMLR shows coverage ranges of ~220 km and ~190 km respectively (Figure A4).
Figure A-3. Point Arena (PAFS) 5 MHz site transmit and receive antennas.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-4. BMLR (Bodega Bay) and PAFS (Point Arena) 5 MHz long-range radar coverage based
on 150 hours of data. The top two plots are "percent coverage" during the 150-hour period, the
bottom two plots represent specific coverage returned at two different timesteps during the 150hour period. Data are based on measured radials.
The new long-range site at Point Sur (PSLR) was installed, tested, and made operational on 19
November 2007. Data from the Point Sur and Half Moon Bay areas will determine whether or
not a third long range instrument is required in the intermediate area near Pigeon Point.
The new long-range site at Pillar Point was installed and tested during this period. It will be
made operational in the first quarter of 2008 following a shut-off period mandated by the
property owner.
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) established one long-range
site, Diablo Canyon Long Range (DCLR), at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP). The site operates independently of PG&E resources,
including electricity. Additionally, the property includes extensive archeologically sensitive
areas, and the solar systems used to power the site cannot penetrate the ground. In January 2007,
Cal Poly staff collaborated with PG&E archeologists on a series of detailed on-site inspections to
determine the exact locations for installation of the SCM site components (i.e., transmit antenna,
receive antenna, cableways, and electronics/solar enclosure). Locations were chosen to optimize
the performance of the high-frequency radar (HFR) SCM hardware while respecting the
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
archeological sensitivity of the site. Installation of the CeNCOOS long-range SCM site (2.3 km
north of the SCCOOS site) began in March 2007. Installation of the HFR hardware was
completed on March 15, 2007 (Figure A-5). In May, Mr. Bob Blanchard of Old Creek Ranch
installed a low-profile electric fence to provide protection to the SCM site from his grazing
cattle. On May 18 2007 a portable generator was brought to Diablo Canyon and DCLR was run
for 2.5 hours. At 4.435 MHz (via SCCOOS broadcast permit) with 150 kHz bandwidth DCLR
produced radial vectors out to 210 km.
Figure A-5. Transmit antenna of Cal Poly’s southernmost long-range ocean surface current
mapping system, DCLR, located at PG&E’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.
On June 12 2007 Brian Zelenke made an invited presentation to PG&E’s Land Stewardship
Team regarding Cal Poly’s SCM progress at the DCPP. The additional utility to PG&E of
overlapping RAGG’s and DCLR’s coverage and producing 6 km, 5° total vectors was discussed.
Cal Poly’s SCM network was designed to provide 1 km, 1° total vector coverage out to 60+ km
with further 6 km, 5° coverage out to ~200 km along the San Luis Obispo county coast. This
dual overlapping coverage of Cal Poly’s CeNCOOS long-range SeaSondes with the standardrange coverage of the SCCOOS SeaSondes was regarded as particularly useful.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
On September 26, 2007 Cal Poly installed a mobile solar generator (Figure A-6) at DCLR, which
began operating on October 23 2007.
Figure A-6. Mobile solar generator (center, foreground) and WildBlue broadband internet satellite
dish (left, background) at DCLR. The mobile solar generator’s twelve solar panels charge the eight
batteries inside the trailer, allowing the solar generator to provide 300 watts of power
continuously, day and night, to the SCM electronics.
The Cal Poly Ragged Point long-range system (RAGG) is operating on a NOAA/NOS frequency
approved by Jack Harlan. On May 15 2007 WildBlue satellite internet service was installed at
RAGG, and RAGG began making measurements and contributing radial data to the national
network on May 17 2007 (
RAGG was calibrated with an APM on 3 August 2007. To accomplish this, Brian Zelenke
obtained permission from PG&E allowing Cal Poly vessels to enter the 2000 yd radius maritime
exclusion zone surrounding the DCPP. Brian Zelenke performing the land-based operations at
RAGG, while Dan Elmore performed the ship-based operations aboard the Bonnie Marietta, and
COS assisted remotely via computer. The APM was applied to RAGG’s radial processing
(Figure A-7 and 8).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-7. Antenna loop pattern measured at RAGG without smoothing (left) and with 20°
smoothing (right). 20° smoothed pattern has been installed as RAGG’s APM.
Figure A-8. Radial surface current velocities measured by RAGG before the APM was applied (left
panel) and one week later with the APM applied (right panel). Note the more realistic distribution
of the vectors with the APM applied as well as the improved response to ionospheric interference
(e.g., less vectors missing through mid-range band).
A security zone surrounding DCPP prohibits vessels from entering the waters within two
nautical miles of the plant (viz. United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 33 – Navigation
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
and Navigable Waters, §165.1155 Security Zone; Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Avila
Beach, California). Cal Poly successfully negotiated with PG&E staff to allow an APM of DCLR
within these waters. On 12 October 2007 PG&E provided its own captain and vessel, free of
charge, to perform the APM. Cal Poly technician Dan Elmore rode aboard the PG&E vessel
performing the ship-based operations while Brian Zelenke completed the land-based APM
operations with remote assistance from COS. Additionally, that same day another APM
calibration was performed at the DCPP for Cal Poly’s standard-range SCM site (DCSR),
operated under the auspices of the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
(SCCOOS), in order to conserve use of PG&E staff time and resources. With the APM of
DCLR, which was applied to DCLR’s radial processing (Figures A-9 and A-10), Cal Poly’s
entire SCM node for CeNCOOS is now fully calibrated. Together, RAGG and DCLR provide
data for vector currents in the area (Figure A-11).
Figure A-9. Antenna loop pattern measured at DCLR without smoothing (left) and with 20°
smoothing (right). 20° smoothed pattern has been installed as DCLR’s APM.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-10. Radial surface current velocities measured by DCLR before the APM was applied (left
panel) and one week later with the APM applied (right panel). Note the more realistic distribution
of the vectors with the APM applied.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-11. Total ocean surface current vectors produced by the overlap of RAGG and DCLR.
Coverage overlaps the NOAA NDBC Cape San Martin buoy (#46028) and the Santa Maria buoy
In October 2007, 19 cattle breached the protective electric fence surrounding the SCM site
(Figure A-12). Cattle tend to use upright objects (e.g., trees, poles, corners of buildings) as
“scratching posts” and, in the act of rubbing up against the WildBlue satellite internet dish at
DCLR, disabled communications to the SCM site. The cattle also rubbed up against the mobile
solar generator, antennas, and supporting guy wires but these structures were undamaged. A
WildBlue technician came that same day to repair the satellite internet dish, restoring
communications. In response to the cattle breach, Old Creek Ranch owner Mr. Bob Blanchard, in
consultation with PG&E staff, requested the use of Cal Poly’s mobile solar generator at DCLR as
a source of power for the surrounding electric fence. Cal Poly staff and the manufacturers of
DCLR’s mobile solar generator and the generator’s solar charge controller determined the
amount of power drawn by the electric fence. The amount of electricity consumed by the fence
(<2 W continuous) was sufficiently small to allow the fence to be powered by the mobile solar
generator in addition to the SCM electronics. An energizer was connected to DCLR’s mobile
solar generator, electrifying the surrounding fence. The SCM site and electric fence have
operated continuously since without incident.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-12. Cattle from the Old Creek Ranch at the DCLR site after breaching the electric
fence October 2007.
A6. Short-range SCM array
 Install an array of short-range SCM instruments in San Francisco Bay (four
transceivers and one bi-static repeater) to cover the region between the Port of
Oakland and Carquinez Strait. The initial sites for this array are:
 The south end of Angel Island (or north end of Treasure Island)
 Romberg Tiburon Center waterfront in Tiburon
 South San Francisco
 Carquinez Strait
 China Camp
The existing array will be analyzed to determine whether any systems need to be relocated
(March 2007).
The Berkeley (BRKY) data output was significantly improved by finding and correcting an
incorrect processing configuration. Several walking calibrations were conducted at BRKY for
reprocessing and operation at different frequencies. Settings on BRKY were optimized to
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
improve signal quality and reduce interference from outside local sources.
The RTC1 data were significantly improved by adjusting First Order lines. A large data gap to
the north near the Richmond Bridge during ebb tide was consistently evident in RTC1 data for
over 7 months. By adjusting First Order lines, accurate data are now collected in the northern
sector. The reprocessed data is in the archives. The First-Order line settings were optimized on
all San Francisco Bay systems.
All operational SFSU high-resolution sites were configured to produce 30-minute radials
(instead of 60 minute radials). The results show improved capture of the complex ebb/flood
current structure in San Francisco Bay.
SFSU is currently in the process of contracting Shaw Environmental to install a conduit that will
enable re-deployment of the HFR installation at Treasure Island.
A7. SCM operations
 Daily maintenance of operational SCM sites.
 Bi-annual calibration of operational SCM sites.
 Hourly download and delivery of radial data from operational SCM sites.
 Monthly (or weekly) download and archive of raw data from operational SCM
Develop detailed operational protocols for instrument operations, maintenance, and
calibration, and the storage, back up, and transmission of data (March 2007).
Several activities improved the performance of the arrays overall:
 Designed sacrificial anode to prevent galvanic corrosion of CODAR monopole base.
 Designed retrofit of CODAR antenna box to replace helicoils with stainless steel threaded
 Conducted research into non-metallic replacement for CODAR masts - made
recommendations to CODAR and new masts were purchased and deployed.
 Observed auger mast bases (designed in 2006) and tested improvements to original
HSU COCMP PIs have negotiated with the HSU CICORE PIs to share temporarily disk space to
create a web presence for COCMP-HSU and have begun discussions for a longer-term server
solution at HSU.
BML completed a GPS upgrade and repairs, including a new weather enclosure, at the Gerstle
Cove 12MHz site. Communications at the site are still being resolved; there is limited cell phone
coverage and the equipment needs to be low profile since it is in a State Park. A data gap of 3
months due to equipment failure was experienced, which argues for a pre-emptive hardware
swap-and-repair plan.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
BML purchased updated computer and storage hardware for their local data archiving station;
additional storage will allow the recovery of historical data (2001-2003) from tape and DVD to
disk for improved access.
BML used HFR data from June through August of 2007 to investigate the data coverage and
quality of the newly installed long-range systems at Point Arena (PAFS) and Bodega Marine Lab
(BMLR). As wave height increases, the area of HFR coverage increases (Figure A-13). The
coverage area of the combined totals from two sites is presumably more sensitive to wave height
than the radial coverage area from single site because of the geometrical layout of the system.
This investigation has established confidence in the current measurements and could be useful
for determining the optimum sites for possible future system expansion.
Figure A-13. Total long-range (5 MHz) HFR coverage area from Bodega Bay (BMLR) and Point
Arena (PAFS) for June through August 2007, with wave height (Hs) measured at NDBC buoy
46013 superimposed. The coverage area indicated here does not include measurements from
any of the standard range systems in the area.
SFSU Central Site Processing Efficiency was improved by updating the SFSU Central Site COS
and OS software and configuring Central Site system to be more efficient in processing total
vector data from both standard-range and high-resolution systems simultaneously. Web-posting
Efficiency was improved by using new, more efficient web-posting scripts to post total vector
Ascii and Portable Network Graphics (png) files to and the webserver.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
File Transfer Efficiency from Remote Sites to Central Sites was improved by new shell scripts
that utilize rsync secure file transfer instead of slower, less consistent Timbuktu transfers. The
Central Site was optimized to process and post half-hour totals produced from half-hour radials.
SFSU staff worked on improving QA/QC data from all sites and initiated discussion of standard
protocols (archiving, operating procedures, etc.) within COCMP-NC. Specifically, work to
improve QA/QC includes comparing SF Bay HFR measurements to other data sources such as
tide gauge data and the USGS SF Bay modeled current data.
SFSU created an Archive Protocol Draft, which details what type of files to log on operational
CODAR systems and how often to archive them. SFSU produced an “Outage Document”, which
tallies all outages and periods of degraded data quality and the cause from each SFSU system
from October 2006 through the present.
The UCSC/NPS HF radar group compiled statistics of HF radar failures for the instruments
around Monterey Bay dating back to 2003. The first step in the process was to review
individual log entries to create a comprehensive list of the most common failure modes.
Those modes were converted into a set of numerical codes and a database was created that
tags each instrument failure with a date and time, the instrument location, the log entry
technician, and the appropriate numerical code (
The numerical codes themselves were designed to easily denote major categories and
subcategories and to facilitate statistical analyses.
The failure mode database was updated through December for nine CODAR/Seasonde sites in
the Monterey Bay area. The failure statistics by subcategory are shown separately for the periods
2003-2005 and 2006-2007 in Figure A-14. The overall largest percentage of failures has been
attributed to hardware subcategory number 160. Closer inspection shows that most of those
failures had failure code 161 (Figure A-15), which indicates that the acquisition computer had
frozen. That particular failure mode code can be equally well associated with software failures.
Hence, combined with the other large numbers of software-related failures, it is clear that the
SeaSonde acquisition software package, and the particular computer platforms and operating
system that it runs on, is implicated in a very large percentage of system failures. Furthermore,
the percentage of software related failures were not reduced in the period 2006-2007 compared
with earlier years indicating that these problems persist. Other failure modes, such as those
related to human configuration errors, were substantially reduced in the later years. These results
were presented by J. Paduan at ROW7 (see G5 below) and a number of other HF radar operating
groups nationwide have pledged to begin assembling similar data sets based on the failure code
structure developed by the UCSC/NPS group.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-14. Failure mode statistics for nine different CODAR/Seasonde HF radar sites in the
Monterey Bay area by general categories and sub-categories.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure A-15. Failure mode statistics for nine different CODAR/Seasonde HF radar sites in the
Monterey Bay area by sub categories within the general category of hardware failures.
UCSC/NPS also completed work to port the real time mapping functions hosted by the server at
the HF MBEST Center in Marina to a new server located at UCSC. Related to that move is an
effort to convert the real time mapping procedures to run using the new routines contained in the
HFR_Progs Matlab toolbox. Real time data flow into the UCSC central site computer was
upgraded to include real time input from all Bodega, San Francisco, and Monterey Bay area
systems and the Ragged Point long range system to the south.
SFSU staff monitored the system status and diagnostic data several times per day and maintained
operational status through on-site and on-line troubleshooting as required. Examples of problems
requiring action included:
 Mast rotation due to tendency of insulator screws to back out (Montara, RTC)
 Severed cables contributing to antenna failure at Fort Funston
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Insulator melting at Montara due to induced current from a balun1
Takedown of Treasure Island system during Navy remediation work; SFSU confirmed
permission for relocation of the Treasure Island antenna once work is completed
(anticipated second quarter 2007)
 Failure of Central Site computer power source
 Repair several systems after winter storm outages
SFSU staff updated individual system site logs and aggregated system crash/outage log.
NPS developed several operating protocols during this period:
 Development and implementation of acoustic modem automated dial-up protocol
programs to retrieve real time data from the HF radar sites at Pescadero (PESC) and
Granite Canyon (GCYN) where various attempts at wireless Internet and cellular phonebased Internet connections had proved to be unreliable.
 Development of an SQL-based (FilemakerPro) database to record and analyze failure
modes for real time HF radar operations. The database can be accessed online from the
links at:
 Development of an SQL-based (FilemakerPro) database to record and analyze the
technical effort of the HF radar technical staff.
There were monthly COCMP technician conference calls during which the technicians assisted
each other with advice on site installation and permitting issues. They coordinated radar settings
and maintenance and worked to create a statewide HFR “best practices” document. These
activities were also continued during the weeklong ROW-G conference described in Section F8
A balun is a small transformer that connects between a BALanced electrical line and an UNbalanced line.
CODAR employs this device to assist in tuning their 12 MHz transmit antennae. Although the device is effective as
an antenna tuner, it also creates an electric current in the surrounding aluminum mast, and as that current seeks a
ground, a plastic insulator has been melting as the current arcs across a gap.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
The second objective of COCMP-NC is to improve upon the existing program of nowcasting and
forecasting surf conditions along the CA coast. The existing California Data Information
Program (CDIP) operational wave forecast system ( provides information
for current surf conditions based on ocean swell, but not waves, and a forecast model for Pt.
Reyes, Monterey Bay and the Central Coast. The data are derived from a small number of
directional wave measurement buoys and the resolution of the surf conditions along shore is on
the order of one kilometer. This COCMP-NC component will increase the alongshore resolution
from 1 km to 200 m. As an example, the present product does not resolve surf conditions at
Mavericks near Half Moon Bay. COCMP-NC will also extend the model to include estimates of
the longshore current magnitudes and directions driven by breaking waves in the surf zone. The
extended modeling capability will be calibrated using continuous measurements in Monterey
Bay and, over shorter periods, other contrasting locations such as Ocean Beach. A goal to link
the nearshore current estimates with the 3-D coastal current model described in Section E3.
B1. Surf-zone longshore current model
 Continue existing CDIP model surf forecasting for portions of the CA coast at a
relatively low along shore resolution (1 km) based on ocean swell conditions.
 Extend existing CDIP operational wave forecast system to include estimates of
surf generated by both waves and swell with an alongshore resolution of 200 m
for the entire coastline.
 Collect and reformat available bottom bathymetry data for the continental shelf
north of Pt. Conception to support/improve the CDIP wave and longshore current
 Compare model estimates with directly measured longshore currents in Monterey
Bay. This validation of preliminary results will continue in later years.
 Relate model-observation discrepancies to presence of rip current cells as
observed in video imagery.
 Implement the longshore current model for regions of high surf impact along the
coastline north of Pt. Conception.
Extend existing CDIP operational wave forecast system to include estimates of surf
generated by both waves and swell with an alongshore resolution of 200 m from San
Francisco to Monterey.
Compare model estimates with directly measured longshore currents in a one-month
field demonstration program for nowcasts in Monterey Bay. The field demonstration
program is leveraged funding with the Office of Naval Research and will be a
comprehensive measurement of currents in the nearshore. A component of the program
is to determine the mixing of particles to the offshore.
Relate model-observation discrepancies to presence of rip current cells as observed in
video imagery during the field demonstration program.
Beta testing of longshore current prediction is being conducted based on real time spectra
provided by CDIP for the section of coast from Pacific Grove to Moss Landing. Spectra are also
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
being provided in real time along the shoreline for the Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Mateo and San
Francisco County coastlines (200m spacing along the 15m depth contour), for which longshore
current predictions are to be computed following the model tests.
Wave data and current estimates for the beta test are now regularly updated online at Alternatively, visit CeNCOOS at, click on “Coastal Conditions”, then “Waves”, and then select the link
for “Monterey Bay Wave Data”. Figure B-1 (from website) depicts model-predicted wave
heights, periods and directions, on a map of Monterey Bay, on which in situ Naval Postgraduate
School (NPS) measurement sites are also marked.
Figure B-1. Monterey Bay nearshore wave/current prediction and measurements. Multicolored
lines parallel to coastline show the variation of model-predicted wave height (Hs), peak period
(Tp), and mean direction (alpha) for 166 locations spaced at 200m. Blue stars show NPS video
and ADCP measurement sites.
B2. Surf-zone measurements in Monterey Bay
 Install and maintain current meters and overhead video systems at multiple surfzone sites in Monterey Bay.
 Determine hourly wave and longshore current estimates for each surf-zone site.
Archive/deliver data.
Continue maintenance of current meters and overhead video systems at multiple surfzone sites in Monterey Bay.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Determine hourly wave and longshore current estimates for each surf-zone site.
Archive/deliver data.
Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs)
The Naval Postgraduate School ADCPs provide in situ wave and current information at sites
near Monterey, Sand City, and Marina. Pressure and velocity time series from the instruments
are processed using the Maximum Entropy Method to generate frequency directional spectra,
from which wave field quantities are extracted at each site. A sample cross-shore velocity profile
and directional wave spectrum from the Marina site are provided in Figure B-2; these data are
available in near-real-time at the following website:
Plots of recent ADCP statistics on wave height, period, and direction for the three sites are
updated hourly together with CDIP model output at the above mentioned web location
(, where archived data may also be downloaded.
In present comparisons, the model consistently matches the measured wave heights and periods
at the NPS sites, but estimates of wave direction and alongshore current sometimes differ
significantly from the measurements (as illustrated for the Marina site in Figure B-3).
Rectified, time-averaged images from each of the four video sites (see Figure B-1) are analyzed
to generate estimates of the frequency of rip channels along the shoreline. In rectified timex
images, the wave breaking in the surf zone is visible as a bright stripe while rip channels appear
as darker incisions transecting the surf. An automated code examines the averaged surf zone
intensities at each alongshore location and estimates the number of rip channels by counting
intensity minima. When recent image data are available, these estimates are included in
parentheses below the name of the corresponding site (Figure B-4).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-2. Time stack of velocity profiles (top) and sample frequency directional spectrum
(bottom) from ADCP at Marina, CA.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-3. Comparison of modeled and measured wave data over a 5-day period for Marina site,
southern Monterey Bay, CA. While modeled wave heights and periods generally track well with
data, wave angle and associated alongshore velocities occasionally diverge from measured
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-4. Alongshore variation of significant wave height, peak period, wave approach angle,
and alongshore velocity as estimated by the CDIP model (blue line) and the available NPS ADCPs
(red asterisks). Values are for approximately the 15-m contour from Monterey in the south to Moss
Landing in the north (approximately 25 km distance). Rip channel occurrence estimates obtained
from the four camera locations are included in parentheses immediately below the site names of
the top panel.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Rip Current Experiment – RCEX
The exchange of terrestrial pollutants to the offshore is initiated within the surf zone. Surf zone
mechanisms important to carrying pollutants offshore are advection by undertow of the waves,
rip currents, shear instabilities of longshore currents and diffusion. The distance offshore that
undertow and rip currents carry pollutants is primarily dependent on wave height and in the case
of rip currents, also morphology. Shear instabilities are a function of the strength and shear of the
longshore current, which is dependent on wave height and direction.
A comprehensive nearshore demonstration project was conducted (RCEX) from 14 April to 18
May 2007 to examine rip-current circulation patterns in greater detail. The objective was to
determine how pollutants introduced at the shoreline are transported offshore, particularly by rip
currents. The project was funded primarily by ONR with additional funding from COCMP. The
field site chosen measured approximately 300m in the alongshore direction and 250m in the
cross-shore direction at a beach located in Sand City, CA. For this experiment, an inexpensive
drogue was designed using handheld, off-the-shelf Global Positioning System (GPS) devices.
MacMahan and Brown (2007) developed a method to increase the horizontal accuracies of
inexpensive ($150) hand-held differential GPSs to <40 cm (absolute position error) and a
velocity error of <1 cm/s, which were implemented on a surf zone drifter. This allowed a large
number of drifters (~30) to be deployed simultaneously and capture high-resolution temporal and
spatial velocity data. Lagrangian currents were measured with drifters (see below) deployed on
six days during the experiment. Drifter deployments occurred on 27 April, and 4, 5, 7, 10, and 15
May 2007. Drifter deployment periods lasted approximately three hours and were consistently
conducted during the morning in order to examine how the current structure varied with different
parts of the tidal cycle. During the deployment periods, drifters were deployed in groups of 8 to
12. Drifters were removed from the water when they started to drag along shoals and were kept
on the beach until 8 to 12 could be redeployed as a group. A link to the RCEX experiment is at:
Data from stationary instruments were used for comparison to help confirm mean-flow strengths
and directions. A 250 m alongshore array consisting of seven digital electromagnetic current
meters collocated with pressure sensors and a cross-shore array of four Acoustic Doppler Current
Profilers were installed for the experiment. The instruments were mounted on 10-foot pipes airjetted into the bed.
Beach and bathymetric surveys were conducted frequently during the experiment to capture
morphologic changes. Large extent surveys of the beach elevation were conducted by AllTerrain Vehicle on 15 March and 9 May 2007. Elevation and bathymetric surveys of the field
site on foot with a GPS-equipped backpack were conducted on 20 March, 19, 22, and 23 April,
and 2, 8, 11, and 18 May 2007. Bathymetric surveys of the site were conducted via wave-rider
(personal watercraft) on 20 March, 21 April, and 1, 11, and 18 May 2007 in order to overlap
coverage from the walking surveys. Additionally, the instrument locations were surveyed on 22
April, and 11 and 18 May 2007. Overall a total of 15 elevation and bathymetric surveys and 3
instrument location surveys were conducted. A sample combined survey is provided together
with the rip current circulation patterns in Figure B-5.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
The drifter data gives a detailed, quantitative, Lagrangian description of the circulation within
rip-current cells (Figure B-5). The preliminary results have provided a new understanding of
flow patterns of rip currents, documenting for the first time in the field their complex flow
circulation patterns. These results illustrate the symmetry of the flow, the alongshore shear, and
the size of the rip current, but they do not indicate the existence of a rip current head, as is
commonly described in the literature. Results from additional rip current deployments
demonstrate strong rip current asymmetry associated with persistent eddies. This is of interest
since the waves in Monterey Bay primarily refract to shore-normal allowing the rip currents to
persist year round. During smaller waves and/or during high tides when the morphodynamic
coupling is reduced, the drifters move alongshore in a sinusoidal alongshore pattern mapped by
the rip current channels; this has never been documented quantitatively until now. This system
will allow evaluation of complex flow patterns of rip currents in locations and wave conditions
previously deemed too difficult and too hazardous to deploy in situ instrumentation.
Figure B-5. Three-hour and 5m-square bin averaged velocity estimates (white arrows) computed
using a forward-difference scheme of positions obtained from GPSs mounted on surf zone
drifters deployed on May 4, 2007 at Monterey Bay, CA, a natural beach with persistent rip currents.
Small white dots represent 5m-square spatial bins with less than five observations. The green
arrows and text in the upper right-hand corner provide vector scales. The dashed magenta line
represents the cross-shore extent of the surf zone determined through time-averaged video
imaging. A GPS was placed on a human (red-dotted line). The white circles on the red-dotted line
with numbers represent minutes starting at zero minutes for the human drifter track. Two human
track revolutions are plotted. The local bottom morphology is contoured and shaded in the
background, where blue represents water and yellow represents sand.
Long-term observations of rip current morphology and mega-rip pulsations, owing to their
episodic nature, are required to estimate the cross-shore exchange in rip currents. An X-band
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
radar can provide proxies for bathymetry owing to depth-limited breaking (Thornton and Guza,
1984; Ruessink et al., 2000) and depth inversion owing to phase speeds (Farquharson et al.,
2005), wave direction (Borge et al., 1999), wave groups (Dankert et al., 2003; Niedermeier et.,
2005), and offshore movement and extent of rip current pulsations (Frasier and Trizna, personal
communication). An ISR X-band radar system was installed at Sand City in the spring 2007 for
the RCEX (Figure B-6).
Figure B-6. X-band radar coverage and the site of the instrumented surf zone.
Video monitoring has been used to estimate bathymetry and rip current occurrence (Thornton et
al., 2007), but it is limited to daylight hours and requires a relatively high vantage point. Radar
monitoring can provide similar aspects as video, but is not limited to daylight hours and does not
require a high vantage point, though its footprint is approximately 10 times larger than that of
video. The primary backscatter signal of a radar pulse occurs when the wavelength of small
capillary waves are half the radar wavelength (~3cm), referred to as Bragg scattering. Capillary
waves are present under direct forcing by winds. Thus, radar does not operate in glassy sea
conditions, but Monterey Bay has persistent coastal winds, with diurnal sea breezes occurring in
the afternoon, providing an opportunity for relatively continuous observations. Breaking waves
increase the backscatter intensities within the surf zone and are always present. Estimates of
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
local bar morphology and the occurrence of rip currents are obtained using time-averaged and
variance techniques. Rip currents are identified by their wave-current interaction signature
creating surface roughness detectable by the X-band radar. Rip current pulsations and associated
vortical eddies were observed with an X-band radar system at NCEX by Frasier et al. (personal
communication). Examples of radar images and the coverage during RCEX are shown in Figures
B-7 and 8.
Figure B-7. Example of X-band radar image showing breaking wave patterns defining the rip
current morphology and a mega rip emanating from the surf zone.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-8. Example of plots generated by currently ongoing radar analysis. Upper right panel
shows a single sample radar image, on which the ocean waves are visible to the right (and
freeway traffic to the lower left). Lower right panel shows a summed average image, on which rip
channels may again be detected as darker shore-normal stripes near the center of the image.
Upper left panel provides estimates of directional (wave number) spectra for varying wave periods
(Vertical axis is alongshore component k y and horizontal axis is cross-shore component kx).
Lower left panel (work in progress) will provide a time stack of wave frequency spectra (with
frequency and period on y-axis, time on x-axis, and spectral energy delineated by color range).
As part of the surf-zone measurements in Monterey Bay, Dr. Moline (Cal Poly) was able to
leverage funds from the Office of Naval Research to participate in and contribute to this activity.
The transition zone was specifically targeted to complement observations made by the Naval
Postgraduate School as part of the RCEX experiment. The near shore transition zone, defined as
outside the surf zone to 2 km offshore in depths of 10-40 m, is poorly observed because it lies
inshore of HF Radar coverage. The societal relevance of the transition zone is clear—it is heavily
utilized commercially and recreationally and is an area directly impacted by point source and
non-point source pollutants. Continuous in situ observation of the transition zone is difficult but
is becoming increasingly feasible as several technologies improve.
Cal Poly’s goal in the context of COCMP was to provide a near-real-time physical description of
the transition zone along a 2 km section of beach for CDIP model parameterization and
validation for Central and Northern California. Cal Poly used the Cal Poly REMUS AUV
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
systems (Figure B-9) to gather near shore sub-surface observations of the area along Sand City,
CA. Three surveys covering 43 km were completed between 5/19/07 and 5/22/07. Each survey
included a near shore grid that ran 2 km alongshore by 1 km offshore (Figure B-10). Relevant
parameters measured included bathymetry, upward- and downward-looking ADCP, salinity,
temperature, turbidity, CDOM fluorescence and chlorophyll fluorescence.
All data are available online at for general use by the group. It is
anticipated that the investigators from the RCEX experiment will work together toward an
integrated product in 2007/08.
Figure B-9. Example of recovery of the REMUS AUV that took place off Sand City, CA in May 2007.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-10. Example of 2 km x 1 km grid and bathymetry from the REMUS AUV during the
experiment. Grid pattern extended into the surf zone to 3 meters depth. The cross hatches labeled
with an “R” indicate the location of the Naval Postgraduate School bottom instrumentation.
An application of the directional wave spectra information is the ability to predict alongshore
sediment transport along with the longshore current. The California Coastal Sediment
Management Master Plan (Master Plan) is an ongoing collaborative effort between federal, state
and local agencies, and non-governmental organizations to evaluate California’s coastal
sediment management needs on a regional basis (CSMW, 2006). The Master Plan is being
facilitated by the California Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup (CSMW), a task force of
agencies and private groups that is chaired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the
California Resources Agency (CRA). An important component of this program is to be able to
predict the alongshore sediment transport along the coast of California.
The ability to predict sediment transport is demonstrated by the video analysis of the images
acquired at three sites in Southern Monterey Bay by tracking rip channel migration to test the
hypothesis that the rip channel migration is due to alongshore sediment transport. Video images
from three of the four NPS camera sites, Sand City, Stilwell, and Marina, are being used for
identifying and tracking rip channel locations in this study. The Sand City and Stilwell datasets
encompass three years (Nov 2004 – Nov 2007), while the Marina image dataset covers a single
year (Jan – Dec 2007). Rip locations were manually identified by visually selecting and marking
off intensity minima on alongshore transects through the rectified timex images (see, for
example, Figure B-11). By selecting channel positions on sequential, daily-averaged images
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
from the Sand City, Stilwell, and Marina sites, a database of timelines was compiled for each
location, tracking the development, migration, and extinction of rips in the field of view of the
video cameras (Figure B-12). The daily mean migration rates of the rip channels are calculated
from each timestack by obtaining three-point mean slopes for all dates and locations where the
timelines appear continuous, then taking the average across the rip field of the rates of change for
each day. This alongshore averaging technique allows the varied motions of multiple rips to be
represented by a single line and also contributes to reducing the subjective errors mentioned
above. The mean migration, Rm, is derived by cumulatively summing daily average migration
rates and describes the average overall displacement of the entire rip field.
Daily rip migration rates averaged less than 0.5 m/day but ranged up to almost 25 m/day at
Marina in the winter. Five-day rates were as high as 18 m/day, while ten-day maxima were
generally below 12 m/day. Mean rip field migrations are plotted for the three locations in Figure
B-13. The Stilwell site shows definite seasonal trends, with displacements of several hundred
meters in both directions during winter and early spring, accompanied by very limited motion in
the summer and early fall. Motion at Sand City is consistently to the north, while migration for
the single year recorded at Marina appears fairly similar to Stilwell for the same period.
Alongshore sediment transport, Qs, is calculated using transport formula developed by the
Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC, 1984). The formulation provides a cross-shore and
depth-integrated estimate of total alongshore transport. It is based on energy flux and requires
only radiation stress and phase velocity as input parameters:
Qs  KS xy Cb
where K is an empirical, dimensional constant, Cb is wave celerity at breaking , and Sxy is
alongshore radiation stress (wave induced momentum flux) obtained from the directional wave
spectra calculated in 12 m water depth. It is recalled that the alongshore current, V, is also a
function of the radiation stress:
S xy
The radiation stress term in the two formulations is sensitive to the determination of the
orientation of the shoreline. Therefore, the test of the sediment transport formulations is also a
test of the longshore current forcing.
It is obvious in comparing the mean net rip migration (Figure B-12) with the calculated
alongshore sediment transport (Figure B-13) that they are well correlated. Correlation
coefficients are 0.96, 0.83, and 0.89 at Sand City, Stilwell, and Marina, respectively. As
substantiated by both the migration and transport patterns, the northwestward-facing shoreline at
Sand City appears to result in an almost year-round southerly approach angle for incident waves
and a steady northward current along the shoreline. As a consequence, both mean migration and
net transport are to the north (Figure B-14). Distributions of daily rates at the site are also
noticeably skewed toward the north. At Stilwell, the clear seasonal oscillations in mean
migration and net transport suggest that the average wave approach angle to this section of the
coastline is very close to shore-normal. In the summer and fall, waves from the northwest
gradually move sediment (and rip channels) southward, while swell from the southwest reverses
the flow in the winter and rapidly shifts the balance back to the north. Similar trends were seen in
the one year of data at Marina, which began with a northward flow in January and February, then
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
turned southward for the next nine months before beginning another reversal. The high
correlations give confidence in utilizing the results of the directional wave spectral calculations.
The net migration distributions are near Gaussian showing both northerly and southerly transport
and currents, whereas the distribution of the CDIP wave forcing only predicts northerly currents
and transport owing to the shoreline orientation at Sand City. The discrepancy appears due to the
forcing of currents by the large alongshore wave momentum due to the large variation of wave
heights in the bight of the Monterey peninsula. This forcing is being incorporated into the
alongshore current and sediment transport models.
The net transport and hence currents to the south at Fort Ord and the net transport (currents) to
the north at Sand City imply that there must be a region of convergence with offshore flow
somewhere in between. This is important to the understanding of the sediment budget and
erosion mitigation, and to the understanding of offshore transport of currents carrying pollutants
PIV estimates of alongshore velocities
High frequency, rectified color video images from the NPS site at Sand City are currently being
analyzed to test their capabilities of predicting alongshore currents in the nearshore region. A
particle-imaging-velocimetry (PIV) technique is used to examine consecutive images and
determine the highest correlations between offset sectors. Optimal offset values are divided by
the video series timestep to generate vector velocity fields such as that shown in Figure B-15.
To help verify analytical estimates of the alongshore current described earlier, the shore-parallel
component of the PIV velocity fields may be extracted to obtain a more empirical alongshore
current estimate. Although this has yet to be fully implemented for COCMP, an example of
alongshore current estimates computed for RCEX experiment data may be viewed in Figure B16.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-11. Example of intensity image and transects used for visually marking alongshore rip
channel locations. Top panel shows rectified time-averaged image from Stilwell site; bottom panel
plots image intensity versus alongshore location for three colored alongshore transects of the
above image. Selected intensity minima corresponding to rip locations are indicated with vertical
arrows. Uncertainties in visual estimates are approximately 20m.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-12. Timestacks of rip channel locations at Sand City (top panel), Stilwell (middle), and
Marina (bottom) camera sites. In each panel, individual selected rip locations are plotted as single
points for each day, with alongshore location on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. Three years of
video data are available for the Sand City and Stilwell sites, while the Marina image data records
include 2007 only.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-13. Mean rip migration for the three video study sites (blue lines), calculated by
cumulatively summing daily rates of migration. The generally uniform migration direction at Sand
City contrasts with the oscillatory behavior seen at Marina and Stilwell, though seasonal wobbles
are apparent at all three sites. Also plotted are cumulative migration estimates generated by
applying (1/nω1) filter to Fourier transformed rates (dashed lines). Correlation coefficients relating
cumulative sums and filtered rates are shown in each panel.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-14. Net sediment transport (thick solid lines) as predicted by CDIP model for Sand City
(top), Stilwell (middle), and Marina (bottom). Note different y-axis scale for Sand City site. Values
computed by cumulatively summing daily transport rates. Also plotted for each site is simulated
net transport obtained by applying (1/nω) filter (dashed lines). Correlation coefficients of
simulated and actual transport included in lower left of each panel. Top panel also shows net
transport including local current effects as measured by ADCP (thin solid line).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-15. Example velocity grid computed with PIV correlation methods from two consecutive
images recorded during the RCEX experiment, May 2007. Black arrows depict estimated surface
velocities at each grid location.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure B-16. Time-averaged alongshore velocities for the RCEX site in Sand City, CA, obtained
from high-frequency video images recorded on May 15, 2007 and plotted over bathymetry (blue =
deeper water; red = shoreline). Velocities depicted with black arrows are exaggerated by a factor
of ten to make them visible relative to the higher velocities further offshore (yellow arrows).
Results depict an alongshore current flowing northward at approximately 10 cm/s, and show
some variations in response to the rip channel morphology.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
In order to develop high-resolution models of coastal ocean circulation, it is necessary to drive
the ocean model with a realistic high-resolution atmospheric model. COCMP-NC will work with
the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Monterey to obtain the needed atmospheric model.
The NRL-developed Coupled Ocean Atmospheric Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS™)
( model has been used to force the coastal
circulation model run for Monterey Bay. The model grid needs to be extended to a larger area
domain in order to develop a coastal circulation model for a larger region of the coast. To reduce
computing costs, the standard procedure is to run the model in a nested mode: very high
resolution (small spatial grid size) in the region to be forced and successively coarser resolution
away from the region of interest. In order to have accurate boundary conditions, the coarse
resolution component of the model has to cover a large area.
C1. High-resolution operational wind products for the COCMP-NC region
 Configure atmospheric model (COAMPSTM) with four nested grids (horizontal
resolutions of 81, 27, 9 and 3 km). The 9-km domain will span entire COCMPNC region and 3-km domain will cover the primary population centers of NC
 Provide 48-hour model forecasts, updated twice daily. Model forecast will include
hourly estimates of surface wind and fluxes (heat, moisture, momentum,
 Monitor the statistical performance of the COAMPSTM atmospheric model and
quantitatively assess the skill of predictions through comparison with directly
measured wind, temperature and pressure.
Deploy COCMP-NC region functional COAMPSTM model (September 2005-Done).
Provide real-time delivery of hourly-predicted surface fields of wind, temperature,
moisture, precipitation, sea surface temperature and surface heat fluxes derived from twice
daily model forecasts (February 2006-Done).
Overview of NRL Activities
The Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division (NRL-MMD) is involved
primarily in the wind-modeling program within the COCMP. The major portion of the NRL
MMD effort involves the generation of high-resolution wind products and surface flux products
for the COCMP-NC region. We have utilized the atmospheric components of the
Coupled/Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®)2 to create real-time,
high-resolution wind fields for the Northern and Central California coastal areas. The real-time
model forecasts have been continued to be conducted to 48-h in length twice daily using an SGI
Origin 3000 at FNMOC and post-processing at the NRL-Monterey computational facility. The
forecast results are disseminated at a web site ( ) and an anonymous ftp site. The forecasts are also available via the Center for
Integrated Marine Technology website ( The success rate for the real time
forecasts was at the 100-percentile level for the first quarter 2007. NRL scientists are currently
COAMPS® is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
constructing additional diagnostics and verification tools to enhance the monitoring capabilities
for the system.
In January 2007, NRL completed the implementation of COAMPS version 4.0 (COAMPS4.0).
This was a major software upgrade that included improved representations for the boundary
layer, microphysics, surface fluxes, and a structural change to the code that will better support
the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), which will be implemented in the next year to
facilitate air-sea coupled modeling.
The COAMPS web site was upgraded to include surface station time series in the form of a
“meteogram”. The different sites time series sites available are shown in Figure C-1. An
example of a forecast meteogram for Half Moon Bay is shown in Figure C-1. The meteogram
includes temperature, relative humidity (shading) for levels above the surface, along with 10-m
wind speed (m s-1) and direction, 2-m temperature (°C), and precipitation rate (mm/hour). NRL
constructed quantitative verification tools to automate the forecast evaluation and monitoring
process and to allow a direct comparison between the meteograms and observations.
In June 2007, NRL completed the implementation of a new version of the COAMPS planetary
boundary layer (PBL) parameterization. This was a major developmental effort supported
through other sources. The COCMP-NC forecast area was used as a testbed for this new PBL
representation. Qualitative evaluation of the forecasts suggests that the model predictive skill of
low-level clouds is improved using the new PBL representation. This improved representation of
clouds should benefit ocean models that use COAMPS fields because of improved radiative
forcing. More quantitative verification of the new model needs to be performed using the
available observations in the COCMP-NC region.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure C-1. Location of COAMPS meteogram locations (upper panel) and an example
meteogram for the Half Moon Bay surface station site (lower panel). The meteogram includes
temperature, relative humidity (shading), 10-m wind speed (m s-1) and direction, 2-m
temperature (°C), and precipitation rate (mm/hour).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
C2. Coastal wind observations
 Install and maintain sensors for wind, air temperature, and air pressure
observations at SCM sites selected by COCMP-NC and SCC personnel.
 Determine hourly wind, temperature and pressure conditions for each site.
 Archive/deliver data.
No activities funded for year 3.
A coastal meteorological station was installed at Pescadero (PESC) HF radar site in San Mateo
county. UCSC technicians configured their equipment to host real-time data input from the site.
Data are transferred using the new satellite communications system installed at the site and they
should be released following a series of checks and calibration exercises. Configuration testing is
underway to be able to post the data in real time via the community site:
SFSU evaluated Airmar meteorological stations for co-deployment at appropriate COCMP sites.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
At present, there is an operational two-dimensional (2-D) circulation model for San Francisco
Bay. The Tidal, Residual, and Intertidal Mudflat model (TRIM2) is presently hosted at To preserve this model, which otherwise will be
discontinued, COCMP-NC will assume operation of the model. Operation will continue until a
suitable 3-D model for operational usage becomes available. It is anticipated that such a model
will not be available during the lifetime of this program and hence it is necessary to maintain the
present capability. Effort will be made to link the TRIM2D model with the 3-D coastal
circulation model.
D1. San Francisco Bay circulation model
 Transfer and maintain the San Francisco Bay TRIM2 circulation model.
 Maintain and develop model-based products on San Francisco Bay
 Maintain and expand the observational data presently provided on the SFPORTS
web page
Complete the transfer of the TRIM2D model from the USGS server to a server at SFSU
(March 2006). This function is needs to be resolved by the COCMP oversight team.
D2. San Francisco Bay Model planning
 Work with SCC staff, consultants and regional modeling groups to develop
consensus on appropriate 3-D San Francisco Bay modeling development plan.
Ongoing as events develop.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
COCMP-NC will implement an existing high-resolution coastal ocean 3-D circulation model to
cover the same region covered by the standard range SCM instruments, the region from Pt. Sur
northward to Salt Point. Similar to the atmospheric model, the ocean model is nested in a grid of
increasing cell size. The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) has been configured for
Monterey Bay and successfully demonstrated in operational mode
( and ). First the
model grid domain has to be extended to north of Bodega and then the model run with forcing
from the COAMPS™ atmospheric forcing. Further model development will be to couple the
model with the surf estimates of longshore currents (B1). A long-term goal is to improve the
model forecast ability through development of the techniques for assimilating the SCM surface
current measurements into the ROMS model. The ROMS model development will be done by
colleagues at University of California, Los Angeles, and the ROMS operational runs will be done
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Both institutions are COCMP-SCCOOS members and will be
doing similar work for the modeling in southern California.
E1. Central California high-resolution modeling
 Extend the existing Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) high-resolution
model domain northern boundary from Monterey Bay to north of Bodega Bay.
Develop a new nested domain covering northern California to the Oregon border
(December 2007).
The JPL and UCLA ROMS teams are in the process of finalizing a new ROMS domain for the
entire CeNCOOS region. The proposed configuration will be a single model domain with a
resolution on the order of 3 km. The boundary condition will come from the Pacific basin-scale
ROMS or other operational models at somewhat coarser resolutions. The goal for this coming
year is to finish the development and testing of this new ROMS configuration, and implement it
for real-time operations.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure X. Proposed CeNCOOS ROMS domain at 3.3 km.
E2. ROMS operations
 Implement ROMS in operational mode, providing a real-time synthesis of
COCMP-NC and other data and hourly now-casts of subsurface current,
temperature, and salinity fields.
Continue using the present MB 3 ROM nest (three resolutions) to resolve issues involved
with reaching operational mode.
The HF radar data assimilation scheme has been developed, and JPL implemented the HF radar
data assimilation into real-time ROMS operation. The Monterey Bay configuration of ROMS
has been implemented for real-time operations. Using an incremental 3DVAR data assimilation
scheme with an assimilation window of six hours, the ROMS nowcast (also known as analysis)
is issued every six hours at 03, 09, 15, and 21 GMT hours. Both the real-time data and images
are available from an experimental web site at JPL (
E3. Ocean circulation model development
 Explore possibility of developing ROMS code to include shallow nearshore
waters and wave-induced surf-zone currents from B1.
 Explore optimal techniques for assimilation of SCM observations (A7) in 3-D
ROMS ocean circulation model.
Systematic progress toward incorporating wave inducted current affects into the ROM
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Continued testing of SCM data assimilation.
COCMP UCLA Circulation Model Research Development with Focus on Nearshore for
Northern California
Research Group:
The UCLA research project group includes Prof. James McWilliams, Dr. Xavier Capet,
Dr. Charles Dong, Dr. Kayo Ide, Dr. Alexander Shchepetkin, and Dr. Yusuke Uchiyama.
2007 Work Goals:
 Evaluate the ROMS forward model by comparing simulations with available
observations and adjust ROMS configuration if necessary.
 Improve the ROMS tidal simulation by adjusting the tidal boundary conditions and
bottom topography; evaluate the tidal ROMS performance by comparing simulations
with the tide gauge measurements and satellite altimetric observations.
 Refine the HF radar data assimilation scheme by constructing more realistic error
 Develop the necessary web-based infrastructure and implement the MM5 mesoscale
atmospheric model ROMS tidal-resolving circulation model for real-time forecasting and
demonstrate its real-time operations.
 Define and produce the model-based products for practical applications, in collaboration
with other partners and application users.
Technical Accomplishments:
California Grid Configurations (Tasks E1-E3): As a result of further model-data comparisons
and the CenCOOS requirement to span the full range of CODAR sites, we have designed and are
testing a new set of grid configurations. These include a U.S. West Coast outer domain (L0) with
horizontal grid resolution dx = 5 km that does a good job of reproducing the seasonal cycle
(Figure E-1), interannual variation in ENSO (Colas et al., 2008), and eddy kinetic energy
distribution as measured by satellite altimetry (Figure E-2). An embedded subdomain that spans
all of the California Coast (L1 with dx = 1.5 km) is now being tested. A version of this L1
configuration, perhaps with some compromises in extent and resolution for computational
expediency, will become the new basis for the COCMP data assimilation with CODAR. And
further fine-scale grids (L2 and L3) will be embedded within L1 for shelf and near-shore
processes; the first tests with the new L2 and L3 are being carried out in Southern California,
before being emulated in the North.
Submesoscale Processes (Task E1): The analysis of high-resolution solutions for the U.S. West
Coast has led to considerable insight into oceanic submesoscale processes and their interplay
with the mesoscale (Capet et al., 2008a,b,c). In particular, both frontogenesis induced by the
mesoscale strain field and some type of frontal instability are the key ingredients for the
energization of the submesoscale, and submesoscale currents have several significant effects that
must be parameterized: conversion of potential to kinetic energy, restratification of the surface
boundary layer, material exchange between the boundary-layer and pycnocline, and energy
dissipation by a forward cascade process (Figure E-3).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure E-1. Sea level anomaly (cm) climatology from ROMS USWC model (left) and satellite
observations (right), for winter (Jan-Mar) and summer (Jul-Sept). Contour interval is 2 cm.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure E-2. Eddy kinetic energy (EKE) [cm2 s-2] for the ROMS U.S. West Coast model (left) and
satellite observations (right). EKE for the observations is based on the improved DUACS SSH
product for the period 2001-2006 (
Figure E-3. Instantaneous surface temperature (C; left) and vertical vorticity (normalized by f;
right) a computational simulation of an idealized California Current with a horizontal grid scale of
750 m. Notice the 100 km mesoscale eddies and the 10 km submesoscale surface fronts and
vortices (Capet et al., 2008a).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Central California Tides (Tasks E2-E3): We included tidal boundary forcing and response in
coastal simulations of both the Monterey region and the Southern California Bight. Wang et al.,
(2008) shows that the simulation skill is rather good for barotropic tide in the Monterey region in
the standard model configurations with a grid scale of several km. But the internal tide generated
around the edge of the shelf is underestimated in its amplitude using this grid resolution; it does
improve with finer resolution, and its pattern presently has only an intermediate skill in
comparison to moored and CODAR currents.
Surface Waves and Current Interactions (Task E1): Surface gravity waves have several
important effects on oceanic circulation. These include enhanced bottom stress (with associated
sediment resuspension) and alongshore-and rip-current acceleration in shallow water; enhanced
mixing due to breaking waves in the surface boundary layer; and wave-averaged vortex-force
and tracer advection associated with Stokes drift. We published a study of sediment transport in
the Southern California Bight (Blaas et al., 2008); implemented a regional wave simulation
capability using the Simulating WAves Nearhore (SWAN) model that will soon be applied to
Northern California; and are systematically working to incorporate the set of wave effects in
Variability Downscaling for California (Task E3): Substantial changes occur along California in
association with global and Pacific-basin scale climate variability. The CenCOOS modeling
approach is to embed regional ROMS simulations using the larger-scale information as boundary
and initial data; this is called downscaling. As a prototype we have made such a study of
interannual variability along the North American West Coast during a period in which the
biggest event is the 1997-98 El Niño event (Figure E-4). The most important downscaling
mechanism involves changes along the Equator that propagate poleward along the coast that
cause changes in sea level, alongshore and upwelling currents, and thermocline depth. Off Baja
and central California and Oregon significant cross-shore pathways prevent long-range poleward
displacement of coherent water masses. The cross-shore pathways arise because the poleward
flow underlying a coastal wave tends to destabilize and generate eddies in the vicinity of the
major capes. The skill shown in Fig. 2 is only moderately good so far; nevertheless, local
variations induced by large-scale events are necessary for modeling local circulation.
Data Assimilation (Task E2): In collaboration with JPL we published a technical description of
the data assimilation approach being employed with ROMS (Li et al., 2008a,b) and its
application in the 2003 AOSN experiment near Monterey (Chao et al., 2008), including
comparisons against independent CODAR and mooring measurements. Separately, techniques
for assimilating CODAR are in development (led by JPL, for now).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure E-4. Multi-year Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) time series measured by tide gauges (red) and
modeled on the basin-scale by ROMS (green) and by NCAR’s Community Climate System Model
(blue) (Capet et al., 2008 d). The geographical locations are Santa Cruz (0º45’S, 90º19’W),
Manzanillo (19º03’N, 104º20’W), Los Angeles (33º43’N, 118º15’W), Monterey (36º36’N, 121º53’W),
and Crescent City (41º45’N, 124º11’W). The final panel is a temporal zoom for Monterey during the
1997-98 El Niño event.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
COCMP-NC is designed for the automated 24/7 production of data and products. The
communications network will be set up to ensure that data from each instrument are uploaded
regularly to both the node central sites and the main data distribution center. Product production
and posting will occur continuously. COCMP-NC will collaborate with COCMP-SCCOOS to
provide an integrated data management and communications structure. The Real-time
Observatories, Applications, and Data management Network (ROADNet) presently integrates
SCM data from three national sites (UCSD, UCSB, and Rutgers University). COCMP-SCCOOS
proposes to expand this integration to include all of the COCMP SCM sites, both north and
south. ROADNet has the capability to include many different sensor types into a common data
buffering, transport and analysis system. COCMP-NC will work with COCMP-SCCOOS to
build a common data and products delivery system for easy public access.
F1. SCM data (A)
 Develop a common format for reporting and storage of hourly radial data from
each SCM instrument (A7), including translation support for data transfer
protocols commonly used in the marine science community (e.g., DODS,
 Centrally archive all SCM radial current data at the COCMP CORDC aggregation
server at UCSD.
 Locally archive hourly radial current data and 10-minute raw data from each SCM
Develop the strategy for data delivery to CORDC servers (September 2005-Initial CORDC
ORB Server installed October 2005).
BML conducted preliminary analysis of data from its pair of long-range units and is conducting
an ongoing detailed comparison of the measurements from the long range and standard range
systems. From May to September 2007, BML provided radial data for GCVE, BML1, PREY to
D. Kaplan and C. Halle. New computer hardware and a RAID array are being utilized at BML to
consolidate archived SCM data from 2001-2007. BML also collaborated on
upgrading/expanding the suite of publicly available user tools for processing HFR data:
 HF Radial Processing Tools
o GetRadialStatistics.m: Derives “first order” statistics (goodness measures).
o PlotRadialStatistics.m: Plots the afforementioned statistics, multiple sites can be
o ReplaceHFRadials: Steps through a directory, loads radial files, replaces the radial
measurements in the old radial structures with more current or updated radial
 Totals Processing Tools
o InvHFRadarErrorFlagging: An interactive program that determines what
measures of goodness are available in the totals structure (GDOP, etc.), then
allows the user to vary the allowable error levels and see what the results are.
 General Processing Tools
o GetEOFs.m: Obtain EOFS, options for normalization, reconstructing the original
signal based on user specified parameters.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
o GetHFVortDiv.m: Get gradients, vorticity, and divergence. User can specify
largest allowable gap to be used to obtain the output, also options for smoothing.
o MakeContour.m: User inputs an elevation file and desired spacing, routine
outputs the contour points.
o AddLineToLog.m: Adds text line to specified log file.
o ExtractVelocities.m: Obtains velocities at a selected lon/lat locations.
o MakeTransect.m: User can create a straight line transect, with specified spacing,
via a number of options, interactive depending on options used.
Plotting Tools
o PlotNonHFRadarData.m: A very generalized version of colordot. Useful for
Wave and radial SCM data from the BML operated sites was provided to CODAR Ocean
Sensors for analysis and to support further development of processing software.
SFSU staff began the process of establishing independent access for BML and Monterey sites to
the RTC ORB via independent portals (with help of Mark Otero at SIO). Data from the Bodega
long-range systems are being sent to the RTC ORB site.
SFSU archived raw data from their sites during monthly visits, maintained and updated the
central archive of data at RTC, participated in data sharing with CenCOOS and Scripps
(CORDC), and reprocessed Total current data using different site parameters to assess quality of
Radial data. The SFSU Central Site was updated to produce half-hour total vectors (i.e. total
vectors for San Francisco Bay are now produced every 30 minutes (at ~20 min and ~50 min after
the hour). SFSU is working on wave data analyses on the SFSU Standard-Range systems and
experimenting with San Francisco Bay waves produced from SFSU high-resolution systems.
SFSU staff and students worked on a data quality study, specifically a baseline comparison study
between RTC1 and BRKY to show data accuracy. A short white paper with the results will be
In the second quarter of 2007, UCSC staff initiated an extensive reprocessing effort to apply new
calibration data to much of the HF radar data collected in the Monterey Bay region since August
2006. The reprocessed data were organized and published to a new archive site from which
retrospective data from all sites dating back to 1994 can be downloaded (see In the third quarter, reprocessing and analysis efforts
were expanded to include San Francisco Bay and Bodega Bay data as well. Quality controlled
data from 14 HFR sites along the central California coastline for the one-year period beginning
July 2006 are now available and have been used to produce annual mean and variability products
described below. The combination of access to this quality controlled archive and the release of
the HFR_Progs analysis toolbox has made it possible for a wide variety of users to begin
working with large amounts of surface current mapping data.
Partly as a result of this effort to organize and back-up HFR data and derived products, the need
to procure and configure a stable, large data server was identified. An 8 TB RAID and
accompanying Apple xServe system were researched and procured by the Monterey Bay HF
radar group, and installed and formatted at UCSC. Raw and processed data for the region data
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
back to 1994 have been copied onto the server. In addition, organization of the data, particularly
the hourly radial files for each radar site, has been improved and documented to allow outside
users better access. This includes documentation of the important activity of reprocessing raw
spectral data into revised radial files, which occurs when improved antenna pattern data become
available or when errors or changes in phase settings occur. All of the processed data are stored
on the server and the most up to date versions are documented in a set of “recommended data
files.” For example, see:
A new data “portal” for communications to the UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(SIO) real time server was installed at the UCSC central site. It is co-located with the new RAID
data server and the real-time web products server. Real time radial current files are copied
automatically from the web server to the portal, which continuously mirrors its data with the
Scripps real time server. Radial current data from the Monterey Bay area now flow directly into
the national HFR network via this new portal. Plans have also been made to install another server
at the UCSC central site in 2008. It will be a “node” for the SIO real time server, which will
continuously mirror all of the national HF radar radial current database and allow users outside
Scripps to build real time products from the national database.
With Cal Poly’s SCM node for CeNCOOS complete and both its long-range sites processing
measurements with APMs, all the ocean surface current measurements contributed to the
national network by Cal Poly as part of CeNCOOS are fully calibrated. The use of these
calibrated data by the national network allows the ocean surface currents to be calculated more
accurately and thus greatly improves the quality and reliability of the measurements (Figure F-1).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-1. Ocean surface currents at 6 km resolution measured within the COCMP domain on
Christmas Day, December 25, 2007 at 0000 UTC.
F2. SCM products (A)
 Produce web accessible hourly and daily surface current maps derived from
overlapping SCM sites (as available).
 Deliver these maps on-line both locally and via CORDC interface.
 Work with public and SCC staff to assess and address the need and feasibility of
additional SCM-based products, e.g., trajectory visualizations and particle
statistics. Identify priorities and begin development of these products.
Assess needs for additional SCM-based products and develop priority list for new products
(September 2007).
On June 4 2007 at 1200 UTC the national network began using radial maps produced by Cal
Poly’s RAGG (long-range) and ESTR (standard-range) SCM sites to produce total vectors. Cal
Poly’s DCLR site began making measurements and contributing radial data to the national
network on September 27 2007 ( With
the addition of DCLR (CeNCOOS, long-range, un-calibrated), the national network is using
radials measured by Cal Poly’s existing RAGG (CeNCOOS, long-range, calibrated), ESTR
(SCCOOS, standard-range, calibrated), and DCSR (SCCOOS, standard-range, un-calibrated)
SCM sites to produce measurements of ocean surface currents (Figure F-1).
Researchers at BML worked with the National Park Service to conduct a baseline water quality
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
assessment of selected coastal regions, including Point Reyes and the Golden Gate National
Recreation Area. The focus of the study was to understand general water quality levels and
water/pollutant transport pathways. In support of the assessment, surface currents maps derived
from CODAR measurements were used to describe the circulation patterns.
BML also used SCM data to look at patterns of outflow from San Francisco Bay and surface
circulation in the Gulf of Farallones in relation to wind and other types of forcing (in
collaboration with David Kaplan's look at the patterns over the whole of the array). In August
2007, total vector plots and simulations were provided to the BML Director to support the State
Water Resources Control Board’s renewal of BML’s seawater outfall.
In October 2007 surface current trajectory demonstrations were developed by BML in support of
an appeal to extend the Marine Protected Area boundaries in Northern California, and the
products were delivered by National Marine Sanctuary and Bodega Marine Laboratory staff
before California congressional personnel.
C. Halle of BML (in collaboration with Kaplan, Cook, and Paduan) is developing quality
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) metrics that include measures of goodness for each radial,
and processes for both radials and totals coverage. The latest processing algorithm is based on
analysis of the newly installed long range system, and includes temporal “cleaning” of radial
data, as well as a few repeated quality control processes for the total vectors based on both
temporal and spatial statistics. The method has been repeated for the standard range systems
located near Bodega Marine Lab and appears to produce reliable current estimates, without being
unduly harsh and discarding seemingly “valid” measurements.
Further development of these methods will include feedback from the larger user community, as
well as the adaptation of the processes to a wide variety of users. The initial toolbox has been
used for preliminary current mapping of recently acquired long-range data sets from Point Arena
and Bodega Bay (Figure F-2).
Ongoing internal discussions among researchers at BML, as well as external discussions with
researchers at UC Santa Cruz and the Naval Postgraduate School, have generated several ideas
for additional web-based products and environmental indices that could be useful for a wide
variety of data users. Meetings are planned in the near-term to discuss further development and
focus these efforts.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-2. Initial "daily" current averages from the 15-hour test period of the long-range radar
stations BMLR (Bodega Bay) and PAFS (Point Arena; noted as MEND in figure). Top image shows
the vectors mapped to a 5 km grid, the other shows vectors mapped to a 10 km grid.
A central product of this program is the open-source HFR_Progs Matlab toolbox, which was
released at the beginning of 2007. This open-source, community toolbox was built on the
original HFRadarmap toolbox written by M. Cook of the Naval Postgraduate School. COCMP
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
developer David Kaplan (UCSC) wrote the core utilities in HFR_Progs., which has many
benefits in terms of efficiency and integration of open modal analysis (OMA) mapping and
trajectory functions. Subsequent versions of the toolbox improve upon the domain and grid
generation tools, the error estimates for currents, data visualization functions, and the OMA
mapping tools (see:
Extensive testing and updating of the real-time HF radar product software has been conducted by
the UCSC/NPS technical staff. The entire real-time processing stream has been re-written and
optimized based on the new Matlab HF radar toolbox, HFR_Progs (see: The real-time “wrappers” are being
implemented by the UCSC/NPS technical staff. The new code is much faster than the older
version (HFR_Toolbox) and it is capable of handling the much larger mapping domains in
COCMP. Other improvements relate to the critical step of spatially interpolating the velocity
field prior to trajectory computations, which is now accomplished using the Open Model
Analysis (OMA) mapping procedure of Kaplan and Lekien (2007).
The toolbox has enabled efficient analysis of very large amounts of HF radar mapping data that
could not easily have been processed using earlier tools. As part of D. Kaplan's work and his
report at ROW7 (see G5 below), data for the entire 14-site central California area were processed
together to create surface current statistics for April 2007 (Figure F-3).
Figure F-3. Monthly averaged surface currents (left) and speed uncertainty (right) for April 2007.
This was part of a larger effort to use analysis of SCM historical data to generate products.
Specifically, quality controlled data from 14 standard range HFR systems along the central
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
California coastline were assembled and analyzed to describe the mean flow patterns and their
relationship with wind measured at the offshore NOAA/NDBC moorings. In addition to the
unprecedented size of the directly observed ocean current field, the results show important
physical connections with the wind field that can be used to extend information contained in the
observations over much longer time periods.
The results also show that the observed period in spring 2007 represented a period of relatively
strong flow in the region (Figure F-4). Satellite imagery (not shown) suggests that the persistent,
strong flow north of Point Reyes was associated with an upwelling filament originating further
north near Point Arena. The April pattern represents a strong equatorward example of the
dominant current pattern shown in Figure F-5. The first empirical orthogonal function (EOF)
pattern presented in the figure shows how much of the variability in the coastal currents is
described by a single mode. Even more importantly, the time variability of that first mode is
highly correlated with the time variability of the first mode of wind variations in the region as
shown in Figure F-6. This shows that the major pattern of coastal ocean currents, including
direction and magnitude, is well predicted by wind variations. Despite this good prediction
capability, additional information is contained in the surface current residual flows. The residual
amplitudes of the 1st mode surface current pattern that result after removing the wind-correlated
portion are shown in Figure F-7. They show that late 2006 had anomalously strong poleward
flow while the spring of 2007 had anomalously strong equatorward flow, as is illustrated in
Figure F-4.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-4. Mean surface current velocity during April 2007 as observed by 14 HF radar stations
along the central California coastline maintained by COCMP. The strong currents north of Point
Reyes in the month-long average represent a particularly strong circulation feature.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-5. First mode EOF pattern for surface current based on HF radar data from 14 coastal
sites during the period August 2006 through July 2007. This pattern explains 37 % of the variance
in the data set.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-6. First mode EOF pattern for wind at the NOAA/NDBC moorings (left) for the period
January 1990 through July 2007 and the comparison of the 1 st EOF mode time variability for ocean
surface currents against the 1st EOF mode time variability for winds.
Figure F-7. First mode EOF Surface current amplitude after removing best-fit wind-correlated
portion for August 2006 through July 2007.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Data from the SFSU coastal sites and the NDBC buoy offshore were used to do a comparison of
wave data output from each source. Preliminary wave height comparisons from December 2006
reveal strong correlation (correlation coefficients 0.71-0.83). This project is still underway.
SFSU and Monterey Bay coastal HFR data were used to produce trajectory tracks of drifters
released during Safe Seas 2006. The results from the HFR trajectory coincided with the reported
locations of found drift cards. Data from SFSU HFR sites and NOAA's Quick Release Estuarine
Buoy (QREB) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) were used to compare current data
recorded from each instrument. Preliminary results show strong cross-shore correlation, and very
strong along-shore correlation. Regan Long (SFSU) presented these results at the Marine
Technology Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MTS/IEEE) meeting in
October 2007 (Long and Barrick 2007). Reprocessed SFSU data were provided to graduate
students for Conservation Biology and Oceanography thesis work. Data from SFSU coastal sites
were used to create trajectories for the search for Jim Gray, the sailor lost at sea in late January
NPS installed bi-static mapping software on the Santa Cruz (SCRZ) HF radar site in
cooperation with Codar Ocean Sensors. This experimental development effort is producing
real-time elliptical current maps based on the bi-static collection of data between SCRZ and
the Granite Canyon (GCYN) HF radar site (Figure F-8; Elliptical measurements differ from radial
measurements in that a transmitter that is some distance away from a receive antenna is used.
Radial measurements, if a transmitter is located at the same place as the receive antenna, can
still be performed, but the benefit of performing ellipticals lies in achieving greater coverage
and longer range.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-8. An elliptical current map based on the bi-static collection of data between Granite
Canyon (transmit) and Santa Cruz (receive).
F3. Surf-zone data (B)
 Archive online model output on surf-zone waves and current (B1).
 Archive online surf-zone observations of longshore current and waves (B2).
 Develop user interface to allow for easy extraction of wave height, wave
direction, and longshore current time series for a user-specified location and time
range within COCMP-NC.
Archive online model output on surf-zone waves and current (B1).
Archive online surf-zone observations of longshore current and waves (B2).
A comprehensive nearshore experiment is being conducted in Monterey Bay 15 April to 16 May
2007. The data will be displayed at:
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
F4. Surf-zone products
 Develop real-time on-line access to hourly maps of surf-zone wave and longshore
current conditions.
 Develop error index to indicate the confidence level associated with surf zone
wave and longshore current estimates, based on knowledge of offshore
bathymetry and presence of rip-current-dominated beach configurations (in
addition to model-observation comparisons).
 Assess need and feasibility of additional surf-zone products, e.g., excursion
distances; offshore exchange rates. Identify priorities and begin development of
these products.
Develop error index to indicate the confidence level associated with surf zone wave and
longshore current estimates, based on knowledge of offshore bathymetry and presence
of rip-current-dominated beach configurations (in addition to model-observation
Assess need and feasibility of additional surf-zone products, e.g., excursion distances;
offshore exchange rates. Identify priorities and begin development of these products.
A comprehensive nearshore experiment was conducted in Monterey Bay 15 April to 16 May
2007. See
F5. Wind data and products (C)
 Create web accessible output from operational COAMPSTM wind circulation
model. (C1)
 Create web accessible archive of model wind fields. (C1)
 Create web Accessible archive of wind, air temperature and pressure
observations. (C2)
 Develop real-time online access to hourly maps of wind field.
 Assess need and feasibility of additional wind products, e.g., real-time data
overlays of wind observations and model output. Identify priorities and begin
development of these products.
A coastal meteorological station was installed at Pescadero (PESC) HF radar site in San Mateo
county. UCSC technicians configured their equipment to host real-time data input from the site.
Data are transferred using the new satellite communications system installed at the site and they
should be released following a series of checks and calibration exercises. Configuration testing is
underway to be able to post the data in real time via the community site:
F6. San Francisco Bay current modeling products (D)
 Archive hourly and subtidal model-based maps of circulation.
 Assess need and feasibility of additional TRIM2D products, e.g., histograms of
expected conditions at specific sites; revised tidal current charts; forecasts of
currents in navigation channels. Consider combination of short-range SCM data,
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
SFPORTS current profile data, and model output in generating products. Identify
priorities and begin development of these products.
No 2007 products
F7. ROMS products (E)
 Archive hourly and subtidal model-based maps of 3-D circulation.
 Develop real-time on-line access to hourly maps of 3-D circulation.
 Assess need and feasibility of additional ROMS products, e.g., real-time data
overlays of ROMS-predicted currents and observed currents and winds. Identify
priorities and begin development of these products.
Distribute details of the archive database for 3-D circulation (March 2007).
Now with the Monterey Bay ROMS running operationally in real-time, we plan to develop
more ROMS products in the coming year. This includes more diagnostic images such as
side-by-side comparisons between (1) the HF radar observed and the ROMS analyzed current
map, (2) glider derived and ROMS analyzed vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, (3)
tide gauge measured and ROMS analyzed sea level fluctuations. We also plan to develop an
interactive trajectory tools using both the HF radar derived and ROMS analyzed current data.
Once developed, we will transfer these ROMS products to the COCMP main web site.
F8. User collaboration
 Identify and coordinate with a wide range of potential users of operational and
potential COCMP-NC products to ensure that maximum user benefit is obtained.
 Develop a portfolio of products including ones that combine assets from multiple
COCMP-NC activities and other observing programs.
 Participate in planning and implementation of state and national integrated ocean
observing systems. Plan COCMP-NC integration into CeNCOOS (Central and
Northern California Coastal Ocean Observing System) or similar regional
 Work with SCC staff to produce written promotional materials documenting
COCMP-NC products.
Collaborate with CeNCOOS to work toward the establishment of a Regional Association
and to develop a user community (March 2006).
Researchers at BML are working with the National Park Service to conduct a baseline water
quality assessment of selected coastal regions, including Point Reyes and the Golden Gate
National Recreation Area. The focus of the study is to understand general water quality levels
and water / pollutant transport pathways. In support of the assessment, surface currents maps
derived from CODAR measurements are being used to describe the circulation patterns.
Researchers at BML (Halle/Largier) are collaborating with those at the Naval Postgraduate
School (Cook/Paduan) and UCSC (Kaplan) to develop the suite of publicly available tools for
HFR Processing. The current development focus is in the area of radial data quality control and
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
"advanced" cleaning for totals generation. C. Halle participated in a meeting 21 September 2007
with Paduan, Cook, and Kaplan (Largier via phone) to discuss data QA/QC, archiving, data
flagging, maintenance logs, community toolbox, post-Kaplan transition, science issues, future
collaborative efforts, and web products. A prototype method of quality control for the long-range
data has been developed and tested on both the long range and standard range systems located
near BML. Researchers are also involved in ongoing consideration of the development of webbased HFR products/indices.
COCMP scientists and technicians were directly supported NOAA Office of Response and
Restoration (OR&R) and California Department of Fish and Game Office of Spill Prevention
and Response (OSPR) personnel with real time data and short term predictions during the Cosco
Busan oil spill incident in and offshore of San Francisco Bay beginning 7 November 2007.
Newell Garfield was in direct contact with response managers during the emergency—upon
learning of the spill, the SF Bay HFR group ensured that all of their systems were operating and
that the central site was producing the netCDF files that NOAA OR&R could use with their
pollution tracking GNOME model. Additionally, Ms. Regan Long (SFSU) initiated a trajectory
model using CODAR software and posted model animations with trajectories online for public
use. CeNCOOS publicized the availability of these resources. Standard COCMP products from
the real time server at UCSC were delivered as well. On November 8, N. Garfield met with Tim
Reed (Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary) to confirm that Tim had access to any
information that he would need and would be ready to provide whatever information OSPR
might request.
The spill occurred right at the edge of the HFR coverage of the Bay; currently there is not an
antenna site with a good view of the Bay Bridge, the site of the initial spill. The spill occurred
during a flood tide that caused southward flow and spill trajectories left the coverage area.
However, during the following ebb tide and subsequent tidal cycles, the HFR trajectories
matched well with the maps produced by OR&R and visual reports of oil on the shorelines of
Alcatraz and Angel Islands and San Francisco. Within the limits of coverage, the trajectories
match well with what occurred.
At all times there was excellent communication between OR&R, OSPR and the COCMP
program. The procedures and contacts used during the incident drew heavily on the experiences
from the Safe Seas 06 exercise one year earlier, which provided for a clear understanding of the
chain of command and where and how the COCMP generated data could be used. Paduan and
Garfield have worked with NOAA OR&R to understand the mechanics of the GNOME model
and have an excellent understanding of how to best provide the COCMP information to OR&R.
In addition, lessons learned from the recent incident are being combined with lessons from Safe
Seas 06 as part of the report for the companion NOAA/CRRC development project of Garfield
and Paduan.
The UCSC technical group made available quality controlled retrospective data for the central
California area through the new archive web site; multiple users, including two M.S. students
and one for-profit company, have begun accessing the data. In addition, the group has assisted
several other groups to begin using the new HFR_Progs Matlab toolbox. J. Paduan and D.
Kaplan attended and helped to organize ROW7 (see G5 below). The entire program's HF radar
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
technical group continued to hold monthly teleconferences and regular exchanges about sharing
data, equipment, and experiences.
Many of the COCMP technicians attended the third annual Radiowave Operators Working
Group (ROWG) meeting in San Diego from September 10-13, 2007. Brian Zelenke presented
Cal Poly’s contributions to COCMP and made a technical presentation on the mobile solar
generators being used by Cal Poly at Diablo Canyon. Jim Pettigrew (SFSU) presented a technical
poster describing a helicoil retrofit and protective anode and provided Canadian and Australian
HFR technicians with latest auger base design. Regan Long (SFSU) presented two posters – one
describing all operational systems under SFSU and the other describing the COCMP-SFSU
team. The ROWG conference focused on state-of-the art HFR and SCM and provided an
opportunity to showcase COCMP as well as learn from the larger national and international
SFSU technicians from both the COCMP and the Center for Integrative Coastal Observation,
Research and Education (CICORE) programs provided logistical support for deployment of a
new Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) buoy off the Golden Gate on 25 July 2007 at 37
46.883'N, 122 35.933'W, 50 feet depth (Figure F-9; CDIP Station 142, NDBC 46237). Regional
pilots and ship captains requested this buoy to provide more accurate forecasts for the San
Francisco Bar to improve decision-making and ensure safe crossings. The SFSU technicians
were trained in buoy deployment and recovery and are on call to recover the buoy if it breaks
They buoy detached from its mooring on 26 December 2007 when winds were from the NW at
30-35 knots and seas were over 16 feet. On 27 December, the SFSU technicians secured a vessel,
the White Holly, a 130' former buoy tender built 1940, captained by Captain Vince Bracken and
used GPS-tracking equipment to recover the buoy that afternoon. The buoy was redeployed on 1
January 2008 very close to its original position.
Krista Kamer worked with CIMT and CeNCOOS staff to develop a fact sheet on surface current
mapping in the CeNCOOS region. This product is still under development.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure F-9. Location of CDIP wave buoy deployed on 25 July 2007 (left); the buoy after it was
deployed (right).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Program management is to assure that the first and subsequent years of this program are
completed within budget, on schedule, and in accordance with approved procedure, applicable
laws, and regulations. This program management includes oversight of the six subcontracting
institutions, outreach to users and working with the Conservancy to secure matching funds.
Although specific components and SCM sites will be managed by individual investigators at
specific institutions the COCMP-NC Executive Committee will provide the overall management
oversight and will be the primary contact with the Conservancy. The Executive Committee will
also represent COCMP-NC in front of the Conservancy’s external oversight review committee.
Program deliverables are listed under tasks A through F and are summarized here.
Dr. David Kaplan resigned during this period to accept a permanent position at a different
institution. Dr. Chris Halle (UC Davis/BML) and Mike Cook (NPS) have joined COCMPNC to continue product development efforts. Ms. Aimee Good and Dr. Krista Kamer were
hired at SFSU to support COCMP-NC. Ms. Good handles fiscal affairs and Dr. Kamer
coordinates reporting to the Conservancy. Two additional technicians were hired: a full time
technician at HSU and a half time technician at BML.
G1. Staff
 Recruit top-quality staff.
 Organize common staff training.
 Supervise staff, allowing for innovation in the program.
HSU hired a second technician to support radar site selection, permitting, and instrument
installation. Ms. Laurie Roy began working 100% time in September 2007. BML also hired
additional staff to assist with operations and maintenance of 5 HFR sites. New hire Marcel
Losekoot began working 50% time in September 2007.
BML technicians Marcel Losekoot and Deedee Shideler completed CODAR Ocean Sensors
training in October 2007.
Ms. Aimee Good and Dr. Krista Kamer joined COCMP at SFSU during 2007. Ms. Goode
assists with the many tasks associated with fiscal reporting. Dr. Kamer is responsible for
overseeing reporting to the Conservancy and assuring compliance with stated deadlines. She
will also assist in any program reviews, organizational needs and outreach efforts. SFSU also
hired a graduate student to assist with data processing analyses.
The UCSC HF radar technical staff moved their office and laboratory spaces from the UC
MBEST Center in Marina, California to a new location in the Thinman Labs building on the
UCSC campus. The new location promises to be more cost effective as well as providing better
Internet support and better access to observing system colleagues working through UCSC.
The Monterey Bay node filled its third technical support slot by expanding the role of Mr.
Michael Cook of NPS to include 50% time to support the hardware field requirements for the
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
southern HFR sites from Point Sur to Monterey. During the final quarter, UCSC contracts and
grants officials worked with SFSU and NPS to reallocate the necessary funds for Mr. Cook.
COCMP HFR product developer Dr. David Kaplan resigned during this period to accept a
permanent position in France in a research group focused on fisheries science and the study of
marine protected areas. The group recruited new development engineer Dr. Chris Halle (UC
Davis), who, along with senior programmer Michael Cook (NPS), will carry on product
development and outreach efforts for which Dr. Kaplan had been responsible.
G2. Equipment
 Purchase equipment.
 Collect and organize quotes and receipts related to all major equipment purchases.
Purchase remaining long-range Systems.
Start to develop a replacement/renovation plan.
An ISR (Dennis Trizna) x-band radar system was rented to monitor waves and currents during
the comprehensive surf zone and nearshore experiment in Monterey Bay 15 April to 16 May
2007 to evaluate the system. If the evaluation is positive, the intent would to eventually purchase
such a system. This system is similar to WAMOS, but less expensive. The entire system is
~$80K, which includes a turn key system with the hardware and software. The rental cost is
$11K for two months. This includes a key to the analysis software for one-year.
The Monterey Bay HFR operating node purchased an 8TB RAID server.
Use statistics and cost justifications were compiled for vehicle use in support of the field
program. Clear benefits were shown for both vehicle purchase and long-term lease options
compared with continued use of personal vehicles to support the program. Useful data is
available from the first year's operation logs for the UCSC-purchased Scion xB that can be used
to characterize miles driven and fuel costs in support of surface current mapping operations (see
Fig. G-1).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Figure G-1. Use statistics for the UCSC-purchased Scion-xB vehicle showing fuel purchased
and miles per gallon (upper) and the accumulated miles traveled and operating costs (lower).
G3. Sub–contracts
 Develop and oversee subcontract awards from SFSU to other institutions.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Develop routine reporting procedures in support of integrated function and
management of program (each institution develops a brief quarterly progress
Maintain appropriate back-up documentation as required by the grant agreement.
Set up subcontracts at the lead institutions (April 2005-Completed October 2005).
Provide quarterly reports on subcontract expenditures.
G4. Oversight and Travel Management
 Establish Executive Committee to plan, monitor, review and supervise operations
across multiple institutions in COCMP-NC and to represent COCMP-NC in
developing external collaborations.
 Oversee project workshops and travel
Convene a COCMP-NC workshop for all participants (March 2007).
A COCMP-NC-wide workshop was held in San Francisco on 27 March 2007 at which a
number of system-wide technical and management issues were discussed and prioritized.
G5. Collaborations
 Convene combined COCMP-NC and COCMP-SCCOOS workshops.
 Convene workshops for user input and user driven product development.
 Attend Conservancy-led COCMP meetings as needed.
Continue to work with SCCOOS and CeNCOOS on product development and user
In April 2007, J. Paduan and N. Garfield attended the annual workshop for the Coastal Response
Research Center (CRRC;, which is a NOAA-sponsored spill response
effort. CRRC is providing funding to SFSU and NPS to follow up on the results from the Safe
Seas 2006 exercise and to quantify the performance of the HF radar-based trajectory forecast
product developed by COCMP.
J. Paduan and the UCSC technical group hosted Prof. Bruce Lipphardt of the University of
Delaware for one week in April 2007 during which time a review of normal mode mapping
procedures was conducted and Prof. Lipphardt and his student, P. Muscarella, were trained on
the new HFR_Progs Matlab toolbox.
On 29 April 2007, J. Paduan participated in the all-day environmental outreach event at the UC
MBEST Center for teenagers (see: He installed and manned a
COCMP booth that described the program and hosted real time surface current mapping
J. Paduan and D. Kaplan attended the 7th International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop
(ROW7) in May 2007 (see and contributed presentations on
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
the multi-year HF radar failure mode data statistics and the new HFR_Progs Matlab processing
toolbox, respectively.
As a result of the presentation of the HFR_Progs toolbox to members of the COCMP program
and at the ROW7 workshop, a number of HFR groups have began to use and contribute to the
HFR_Progs toolbox, among them groups at UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, SFSU, Rutgers, U.
Delaware, and U. du Littoral, France. We also began the process of updating the tools used by
the SIO national HFR website to the newest version of the HFR_Progs toolbox.
On 8 June 2007, J. Paduan participated in a workshop on applying environmental observing
system assets in the central California region to problems related to Homeland Security. The
workshop was sponsored by MBARI, NPS, and Congressman Sam Farr's office.
SFSU technicians from both COCMP and CICORE provided logistical support for
deployment of a new Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP) buoy off the Golden Gate 25
July 2007. Regional pilots and ship captains requested this buoy to provide more accurate
forecasts for the San Francisco Bar to improve decision-making and ensure safe crossings.
Technicians were trained in buoy deployment and recovery and will be on call to recover the
buoy if it breaks free.
The year-long, multi-site analysis statistics for ocean currents in the region offshore central
California that were described above were presented at the Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference
(Kaplan, Paduan, Halle, and Largier) during the week of 17 September 2007 at the Sleeping
Lady Resort in eastern Washington State. Also presented at EPOC were results from trajectory
modeling in support of the oil spill mitigation and search and rescue missions and, in particular,
with reference to the 2006 Safe Seas Experiment (Paduan and Garfield).
Many of the COCMP technicians attended the third annual Radiowave Operators Working
Group (ROWG) meeting in San Diego from September 10-13, 2007. Brian Zelenke presented
Cal Poly’s contributions to COCMP and made a technical presentation on the mobile solar
generators being used by Cal Poly at Diablo Canyon. Jim Pettigrew (SFSU) presented a technical
poster describing a helicoil retrofit and protective anode and provided Canadian and Australian
HFR technicians with latest auger base design. Regan Long (SFSU) presented two posters – one
describing all operational systems under SFSU and the other describing the COCMP-SFSU
team. The ROWG conference focused on state-of-the art HFR and SCM and provided an
opportunity to showcase COCMP as well as learn from the larger national and international
Regan Long submitted an abstract to Ocean Sciences 2008 in Orlando FL on wave data from five
CeNCOOS HFR sites.
Krista Kamer, with input from Heather Kerkering (CeNCOOS) and Toby Garfield, created a
poster for the Ocean.US/Global Maritime Situational Awareness Summit, “Embracing the Full
Spectrum of Environmental Information from Ocean Observations to Achieve MDA” that was
held in Washington DC on 24-26 September 2007. The poster highlighted how assets in the
CeNCOOS region, including those of COCMP, inform maritime domain awareness (MDA).
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
COCMP participants (Garfield, Paduan, Largier, and Kamer) participated in the two-day
workshop on marine protected area (MPA) monitoring convened by the Coastal States
Organization with input from the California Ocean Protection Council. The workshop, held 2526 September 2007 in San Francisco, outlined options and priorities for marine monitoring
related to assessing the success of newly designated MPAs. The surface current mapping
capability of COCMP figured prominently in the discussions, which centered around both MPA
and water quality monitoring.
A majority of the principal investigators for the project met in San Francisco on 28 September
2007 to assess progress and plan for future activities. The bulk of the discussion and decisions
was focused on how to hire the best person to support web development and maintenance for the
many new products that are expected during the coming year.
On October 4 2007, Jeff Paduan made and invited presentation on COCMP infrastructure and
products to the regional remote sensing workshop sponsored by UCSC and NPS.
Newell Garfield and Jeff Paduan contributed to presentations at the Clean Gulf 07 conference in
Texas 13-16 November 2007, which was devoted to spill mitigation techniques for the Gulf of
In December 2007, M.S. thesis student, Luke Spence, of NPS completed his thesis based on
COCMP surface current data (Spence, 2007).
G6. Funding opportunities
 Seek supplementary funding for enhanced operations and product development.
 Develop and plan, in collaboration with Conservancy staff, for operational
funding of program.
Contribute to CeNCOOS planning and implementation (ongoing).
Continue to pursue extramural funding to extend the observatory.
J. Paduan and D. Kaplan met with the director of the NOAA/IOOS HF radar program, Jack
Harlan, and developed and submitted to him a new proposal to continue working on HF radar
error sources and statistics during FY08 in collaboration with K. Laws of UCSC.
COCMP participants contributed to the writing of the 3-year operations proposal for the Central
and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS). The COCMP-based HF radar
infrastructure is a prominent component of the CeNCOOS proposal. If funded, the CeNCOOS
proposal will bring significant, additional web products, data management, and outreach support
G7. Reporting to the Conservancy
 Submit quarterly email reports on expenditures
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Submit semi annual informal COCMP-NC and Conservancy meetings
Submit annual written report
Provide reports to SCC as required by the COCMP contract.
Dr. Krista Kamer prepared and submitted the 2006 Annual Report and the 2007 Progress Reports
1-3 to the Conservancy.
Ms. Aimee Good provided financial reports to the Conservancy.
J. Paduan, E. Thornton, and D. Kaplan (Monterey Bay area node) and N. Garfield (SF area node)
provided presentations for the annual review in January 2007 in Orange County.
COCMP PIs participated in a one-day review at the SCC offices in Oakland, 2 October 2007.
Paduan, Garfield, Thornton, MacMahon, Guza, and O'Reilly participated in a one-day review of
the COCMP surf zone component activities at the SCC offices in Oakland, 9 November 2007.
G8. Indirect charges
 Indirect charges, by agreement with SCC, are capped at 20%.
No deliverable, this item is only for internal book keeping.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Blaas, M., C. Dong, P. Marchesiello, J.C. McWilliams, and K.D. Stolzenbach, 2008: Sediment
transport modeling on Southern Californian shelves: A ROMS case study. Contin. Shelf Res., in
Borge, J.C.N., S. Lehner, A. Niedermeier and J. Schulz-Stellenfleth. 2004. Detection of ocean
wave groupiness from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C07005,
Capet, X., J. McWilliams, M. Molemaker, and A. Shchepetkin, 2008a: Mesoscale to
submesoscale transition in the California Current System: Flow structure and eddy flux. J. Phys.
Ocean., in press.
Capet, X., J. McWilliams, M. Molemaker, and A. Shchepetkin, 2008b: Mesoscale to
submesoscale transition in the California Current System: Dynamical processes and
observational tests. J. Phys. Ocean., in press.
Capet, X., J. McWilliams, M. Molemaker, and A. Shchepetkin, 2008c: Mesoscale to
submesoscale transition in the California Current System: Energy balance and flux. J. Phys.
Ocean., submitted.
Capet, X., F. Colas, J. McWilliams, and A. Shchepetkin, 2008d: Changes in the ocean dynamics
off Central and Northern America during El Ni ˜no 97-98: A numerical study. Prog. Ocean.,
Chao, Y., Z. Li, J. Farrara, J.C. McWilliams, J. Bellingham, X. Capet, F. Chavez, J.K. Choi, R.
Davis, J. Doyle, D. Frantaoni, P. Li, P. Marchesiello, M.A. Moline, and S. Ramp, 2008:
Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Data-Assimilation Ocean Forecasting System
off the Central California Coast. Deep Sea Res., submitted.
Colas, F., X. Capet, J.C. McWilliams, and A. Shchepetkin, 2008: 1997-98 El Nino off Peru: A
Numerical Study. Progress in Oceanography, in press.
Dankert H, J. Horstmann, S. Lehner, W.G. Rosenthal. 2003. Detection of wave groups in SAR
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Kaplan, D.M., and F. Lekien. Spatial interpolation and filtering of surface current data based on
open-boundary modal analysis, J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 112, C12007,
doi:10.1029/2006JC003984, 2007.
Li, X., Y. Chao, J.C. McWilliams, and K. Ide, 2008a: A three-dimensional variational data
assimilation system for the Regional Ocean Modeling System: I. Formulation. J. Geophys. Res.,
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Li, X., Y. Chao, J.C. McWilliams, and K. Ide, 2008b: A three-dimensional variational data
assimilation system for the Regional Ocean Modeling System: II. Implementation and
experiments. J. Geophys. Res., submitted.
Long, Regan M. and Donald E. Barrick, 2007: Surface current measurements during Safe Seas
2006: Comparison and validation of measurements from high-frequency radar and the Quick
Release Estuarine Buoy. Presented at MTS/IEEE 2007, Vancouver BC, Canada. Published in
conference proceedings.
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Spence, L. 2007. On the calculation of particle trajectories from sea surface current
measurements and their use in satellite sea surface products off the central California coast. M.S.
Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, 94 pp.
Thornton, E.B. and R.T. Guza. 1983. Transformation of Wave Height Distribution. J. of
Geophysical Research, 88 (C10), 5925-5938.
Wang, X., Y. Chao, C. Dong, J. Farrara, Z. Li, J.C. McWilliams, J.D. Paduan, and L.K.
Rosenfeld, 2008: Modeling tides in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Res., submitted.
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Table 1. COCMP-NC Budget listed by Institution and Category with annual and Total cost
NC Subtotal
Budget by Institution
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
To SCCOOS Budget for Management Purposes:
SIO data management
NC Transferred to SCCOOS
NC Total Effort
Budget by Category
HF Radar Equipment
HF Radar Labor
Nearshore Equipment
Nearshore Labor
Supervisory PI Labor
Admin/Outreach Labor
Products & Data Labor
Indirect Charges
SIO data management
Wind Modeling
NC Total Effort
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Table 2: Principal Investigator Contacts
Project Investigator
Newell Garfield
San Francisco State
Project co-PI
Jeffrey Paduan
Naval Postgraduate School
Program Executive Committee
Newell Garfield
San Francisco State
Jeffrey Paduan
Naval Postgraduate School
Mark Moline
California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo
John Largier
UC Davis, Bodega Marine
Other project
Greg Crawford
Humboldt State University
Jamie MacMahan
Naval Postgraduate School
Edward Thornton
Naval Postgraduate School
James Doyle
Naval Research Laboratory
Krista Kamer
San Francisco State
UC Santa Cruz
David Kaplan*
Chris Halle
Mike Cook
UC Davis, Bodega Marine
Naval Postgraduate School
COCMP-NC Investigators supported by SCCOOS
Eric Terrill
Scripps Institution of
Robert Guza
Scripps Institution of
William O’Reilly
Scripps Institution of
James McWilliams
UC Los Angeles
Yi Chao
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
*Resigned in 2007
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Table 2: COCMP-NC technicians
Regan Long*
Jim Pettigrew
Dan Atwater
Julio Figueroa González
Deedee Schideler
UC Davis
Brian Zelenke
Cal Poly
Dan Elmore
Cal Poly
Shannon Stone
Laurie Roy
*Resigned in 2007
COCMP-NC Annual Report 2007
Table 3: COCMP-NC Project Summary
Surface Current Mapping (SCM)
Implementation plan
Selection of antenna sites
Radio licenses and site permits
Standard range SCM
Long-range SCM
Short-range SCM
SCM operations
Surf-zone models and observations
Surf-zone longshore current model
Surf-zone measurements
Wind modeling and observations
COAMPS wind products
Coastal wind observations
SF Bay circulation model
TRIM2 model in SF Bay
3-D model planning
Coastal ocean circulation modeling
Central CA high-resolution model
ROMS operations
Ocean circulation model
Data Handling and Product
SCM data
SCM products
Surf-zone data
Surf-zone products
Wind data and products
SF Bay current modeling products
ROMS products
User collaboration
Program management
Oversight and travel management
Funding opportunities
Reporting to the Conservancy
Indirect charges
Primary Contacts
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Paduan & Largier
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Thornton and Guza
Doyle and Executive Comm.
Executive Committee
Chen & Garfield
Garfield and others
McWilliams and Chao
Secondary contacts
Executive Committee & Terrill
Executive Committee & Terrill
Executive Committee
Executive Committee and Doyle
Chen and Garfield
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Each PI
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Kaplan and Kamer
Kamer and Good