Graduate fellowships: San Francisco Bay zooplankton feeding ecology
A new NSF-funded opportunity for two graduate research assistantships in
zooplankton ecology, at the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies,
located on San Francisco Bay (http://rtc.sfsu.edu/)
Estuarine zooplankton ecology: what do the juveniles eat?
Collaborative research between labs of Wim Kimmerer
(http://rtc.sfsu.edu/in_kimmerer.htm) and Sarah Cohen
Funding for graduate students pursuing a Master’s degree in Biology at San Francisco State
University begins Fall 2010. Students will work as part of a dynamic collaborative team,
with one focused more on zooplankton culture assays and the other on molecular methods
to determine diet. This project also relates to larger, multi-investigator efforts to discover
the basis for population declines of endangered Delta smelt and other species in San
Francisco Bay. Application deadline is February 1, 2010. Details at:
http://rtc.sfsu.edu/grad_apply.htm#. Email sarahcoh@rtc.sfsu.edu for more information.