AT Biology Final Exam Topics 2013-2014 1) Ch. 22 – Descent with

AT Biology Final Exam Topics 2013-2014
1) Ch. 22 – Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution – theory of inheritance of acquired traits
b. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution – theory of natural selection.
i. Ideas that influenced Darwin
1. Alfred Russell Wallace
2. Artificial selection (selective breeding)
3. Overproduction
4. Variation
5. Adaptation
6. Competition
7. Selecting agent
8. Survival of the fittest
c. Evidence of Evolution
i. Direct observation
ii. Fossil record
iii. Homology – suggests common ancestor (divergent evolution/adaptive radiation)
1. Structural homology (homologous structures)
2. Molecular homology (comparative biochemistry)
iv. Biogeography
v. Anatomical similarities in vertebrate embryos
vi. Vestigial structures
vii. Analogous structures
1. Convergent evolution
2) Ch. 23 – Evolution of Populations
a. Microevolution
b. Sources of genetic variation
i. Mutations
ii. Sexual reproduction
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes
2. Crossing over
3. Random fertilization of the egg by a sperm
c. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
i. Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
1. No mutations
2. Random mating (no selection of mates)
3. No natural selection
4. Extremely large population size
5. No gene flow (migration)
ii. The Hardy Weinberg equation
1. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
2. Be able to solve problems using the equation
d. Factors that alter allele frequencies
i. Natural selection
ii. Genetic drift
1. Bottleneck effect
2. Founders effect
iii. Gene flow
e. Relative fitness
f. Modes of Selection
i. Directional selection
ii. Disruptive selection
iii. Stabilizing selection
g. Sexual selection
i. Sexual dimorphism
ii. Intrasexual selection
iii. Intersexual selection (mate choice)
h. Preservation of genetic variation
i. Diploidy
ii. Balancing selection
1. Heterozygote advantage
2. Frequency dependent selection
i. Neutral Variation
3) Ch. 24 – The Origin of Species
a. Speciation
b. Reproductive isolation
c. Reproductive barriers
i. Prezygotic barriers
1. Habitat isolation
2. Temporal isolation
3. Behvarioral isolation
4. Mechanical isolation
5. Gametic isolation
ii. Postzygotic barriers
1. Reduced hybrid viability
2. Reduced hybrid fertility
3. Hybrid breakdown
d. Modes of Speciation
i. Allopatric speciation
ii. Sympatric speciation
1. Polyploidy
a. Autopolyploid
b. Allopolyploid
2. Habitat differentiation
3. Sexual selection
e. Hybrid Zones
f. Tempo of Speciation
i. Punctuated equilibrium
ii. Gradualism
4) Ch. 25 – The History of Life on Earth
a. Early earth’s conditions
b. Sequence of first life form
i. Abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules
ii. Joining of these small molecules into macromolecules
iii. Packaging of molecules into “protobionts”
iv. Origin of self-replicating molecules (RNA)
c. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey’s experiment
d. Origin of eukaryotes through serial endosymbiosis
5) Ch.26 – Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
a. Binomial Nomenclature
b. Phylogeny
c. Classification
d. Cladistics and cladograms
i. Monophyletic
ii. Paraphyletic
iii. Poyphyletic
e. Derived characterisitcs
6) Ch. 27 – Bacteria and Archae
a. Main/unique characteristics
b. Structure
7) Ch. 38 – Angiosperm Reproduction
a. Flower structure – describe structure and function
i. Stamen
1. Anther
2. Filament
ii. Carpel
1. Stigma
2. Style
3. Ovary
4. Ovule
iii. Petal
iv. Sepal
v. Receptacle
b. Development of male gametophyte in angiosperms – describe structure and function
i. Microsporangium
ii. Microsporocyte
iii. 4 microspores
iv. Generative cell
v. Tube cell
c. Development of female gametophyte in angiosperms – describe structure and function
i. Megasporangium
ii. Megasporocyte
iii. Micropyle
iv. 3 Antipodal cells
v. 2 polar nuclei
vi. 1 egg
vii. 2 synergids
d. Growth of pollen tube and double fertilization
i. Endosperm
e. Seed Structure
i. Monocot vs. Dicot
ii. What will each of the following become:
1. Epicotyl
2. Hypocotyl
3. Cotyledon
4. Radicle
f. Seed germination
i. Imbibition of water required
ii. Monocot vs. Dicot
8) Ch. 39 – Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals
a. Discuss experiments performed to determine the mechanism by which phototropism
b. Effect of
i. Auxin
ii. Cytokinin
iii. Giberrellin
iv. Brassinosteroid
v. Abscisic acid
vi. Ethylene
c. Apical dominance
d. Effect of red and far-red light on seed germination
e. Photoperiodism
i. Phytochrome
1. Pr
2. Pfr
ii. Short day plant vs. Long day plant
iii. Reversible effects of red and far-red light on photoperiodic response
f. Experimental evidence for flowering hormone
g. Gravitropism
h. Thigmotropism
9) Ch. 40 – Animal form and function (tissues).
a. Anatomy vs. physiology (structure vs. function)
b. Contact with environment
c. Thick vs. thin organism
d. Interstitial fluid
e. Tissues, organs, organ systems
f. Negative feedback (Homeostasis)
g. Types of tissues
i. Epithelial
ii. Connective
iii. Muscle
1. Skeletal
2. Smooth
3. Cardiac
iv. Nervous
h. Thermoregulation
i. Endotherms
ii. Ectotherms
10) Ch. 43 – Immune system
a. Innate Immunity
i. Inflammation
1. Mast Cells, histamine, blood vessels dilate and become more permeable
2. Symptoms: red, swelling, pain, warm
b. Acquired Immunity
i. Humoral response
ii. Cell mediated response
c. Types of lymphocytes and their roles
i. Helper T cells
ii. B cells
iii. Plasma cells
iv. Cytotoxic T cells
d. Antibody structure
e. Antibody mode of action
i. Viral neutralization
ii. Opsonization
iii. Complement system
f. Antigen
g. Epitopes
h. Antibody/Antigen interaction
i. Class I MHC
j. Class II MHC
k. CD 4
l. CD 8
m. Perforin and Granzymes
n. Clonal selection of B cells
o. Memory cells
p. Primary immune response vs. Secondary immune response
q. Passive immunity vs. Active immunity
r. Blood typing and safe blood transfusions
s. Allergies
t. Autoimmune diseases
i. Diabetes Type I
ii. Lupus
iii. Multiple Sclerosis
iv. Rheaumatoid Arhtritis
u. Immunodeficiency diseases
i. AIDS and HIV infection
v. Tissue and Organ Transplants
w. Cancer and immunity
11) Ch. 48 – Neurons
a. Neuron structure
i. Cell body
ii. Dendrites
iii. Nucleus
iv. Axon
v. Synaptic terminals
vi. Schwann cells
vii. Myelin sheath
b. Types of neurons
i. Sensory
ii. Interneurons
iii. Motor neurons
c. Resting potential of neuron – describe the role of the following membrane proteins:
i. Sodium Potassium pump
ii. Passive potassium channels
iii. Passive sodium channels
iv. Voltage gated potassium channels
v. Voltage gated sodium channels
d. Action potential of neuron – describe the role of the membrane proteins from above
i. Depolarization
ii. Rising phase of the action potential
iii. Falling phase of the action potential
iv. Undershoot
e. Saltatory conduction
f. Chemical synapse – role of the following:
i. Synaptic vesicles
ii. Voltage-gated calcium channels
iii. Neurotransmitters
iv. Ligand-gated ion channels
12) Ch. 49 – Nervous system
a. Hierarchy of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system
i. Efferent vs Afferent neurons
ii. Motor system vs. Autonomic nervous system
iii. Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Division
1. Fight or flight response
13) Ch. 53 – Population Ecology
a. Density
b. Dispersion
i. Clumped
ii. Uniform
iii. Random
c. Population dynamics
i. Birth rate
ii. Immigration
iii. Death rate
iv. Emigration
d. Survivorship curves – describe characteristics and give example of each
i. Type I
ii. Type II
iii. Type III
e. Population growth – describe characteristics and give example of each
i. Exponential growth (J curve)
1. r selected species
ii. Logistic growth (S curve)
1. Carrying capacity (k)
2. k selected species
f. Limiting factors – give examples of each
i. Density dependent factors
ii. Density independent factors
g. Predator vs. Prey relationship/curves
h. Demographic transition
i. Age structure pyramids – rapid growth, slow growth, no growth
14) Ch. 54 – Community Ecology
a. Interspecific interactions – describe and give example of each
i. Competition
ii. Predation
iii. Herbivory
iv. Symbiosis
1. Parasitism
2. Mutualism
3. Commensalism
b. Competitive exclusion
c. Ecological niches
d. Resource partitioning
e. Influence of interspecific competition on species’ niche
i. Fundamental niche
ii. Realized niche
f. Character displacement
g. Defensive coloration in animals – describe and give example of each
i. Cryptic coloration (camouflage)
ii. Aposematic coloration
iii. Batesian coloration
h. Food chains – be able to give a terrestrial and marine food chain
i. Food chain vs. Food web
ii. Trophic levels
i. Ecological Succession
i. Primary succession
ii. Secondary succession
15) Ch. 55 – Ecosystems
a. Pyramid of energy
b. Pyramid of numbers (population)
c. Pyramid of biomass
d. Biogeochemical cycles
i. Water cycle
ii. Carbon cycle
iii. Nitrogen cycle
iv. Phosphorus cycle
e. Primary production
i. Gross primary production
ii. Net primary production
f. Effect of human activities – describe cause and effect of each
i. Nutrient enrichment (eutrophication of lakes)
ii. Acid precipitation
iii. Toxins in the environment (biological magnification)
iv. Greenhouse gases and global warming
v. Ozone depletion
16) Ch. 56 – Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology
a. Conservation biology
b. Restoration biology
c. Three levels of biodiversity
i. Genetic diversity
ii. Species diversity
iii. Ecosystem diversity
d. Threatened vs. Endangered vs. Extinct species
e. Benefits of species and genetic diversity
i. Foods
ii. Industrial products
iii. Medicines
f. Three threats to biodiversity – be able to describe and give examples of each
i. Habitat destruction
1. Habitat fragmentation
2. Deforestation
ii. Introduced species
iii. Overexploitation
g. Landscape structure and biodiversity
i. Edges and the edge effect
ii. Ecotones
iii. Fragmentation
h. Establishing protected areas
i. Biodiversity hot spots
ii. Zones reserves
i. Restoration ecology
i. Bioremediation
j. Sustainable biosphere initiative
17) Review following labs
a. Population genetics
c. Transpiration
d. Fetal pig dissection
18) Lab skills
a. Graphing
i. Plotting
ii. Analysis, finding pattern
b. Determining rate/slope
c. Experimental design – controls, independent variable, dependent variable, constants
d. Tables – creating tables and reading tables
e. Calculating mean (average)
f. When and how to use chi-square