3/22/14 Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 2014 Choir Lit Plan— Prelude: In Remembrance- Debra Govenor—Octavo Entrance Chant Procession: Glory in the Cross (Steven Janco)—Octavo Blessing of Oils Blessed Be God Forever—Sheet Cantor Men Intone, All repeat in Unison, parts after vs. 1 Repeat after Cantor 1st time; after verses, all come right in on the refrain (like a psalm) Kyrie: Mass of Renewal Gloria: Mass of Renewal Liturgy of the Word Psalm: Psalm 116: Our Blessing Cup (Joncas)—JS 94 Cantor: Choir: “Ahs” after Verse 1, Repeat refrain twice each time. Instruments: Intro—Flute alone Guitar/piano in last measure of refrain. Maury-- piano. organ with choir Repeat refrain twice each time. Gospel Acclamation Gospel Accl. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory…” Men Intone Washing of Feet As I Have Done For You (Schutte)—Octavo or Preparation: Ubi Caritas Chant Mode VI Verses 1 solo 2 Women 3 parts 4 Men, all 5 & 6 JS 374 Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 2014 Choir Lit Plan— Liturgy of the Eucharist Mass Parts On Sheet Sanctus –Chant—JS 170 (LATIN) Mystery of Faith—Mass of Renewal, Opt III, Save us savior of the world… Great Amen—Danish Amen Agnus Dei- Chant JS 174 Communion: 1. In Remembrance of You Peloquin Octavo 2. Gift of Finest Wheat JS 791 3. Adoramus Te -Palestrina - sheet Concluding Rite Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Pange Lingua in Latin JS 377 Choir in procession: Verse 1-4 while processing, repeat until in Chapel Last two verses sung while in the chapel Please leave in Silence as we contemplate this Holy Week Holy Thursday 7:00 pm. Arrival Time: 6:30 pm. I will need a head count to make sure we have enough seats for all, even if it means going to the pews in front of the choir loft. Attire: Concert attire— Men: White shirts, tie, black pants Women: White tops, black pants or skirt Octavos Glory in the Cross Steven Janco Octavo Blessing of the Oils/Blessed Be God Forever Sheet Mass of Renewal Booklet As I Have Done For You In Remembrance of You Schutte Peloquin Octavo Octavo Adoramus Te Palestrina Sheet In Remembrance Debra Govenor Octavo