unit 4 quiz key terms- review sheet

Nucleus: the control center of plant AND animal cells that contain all genetic
Chromosomes: bundles of DNA
Mitosis- cell division process that makes more exact copies of body
cells with the same amount of chromosomes
Asexual Reproduction: Only one organism needed to make more of its own kind
with same genetic information (ex- bacteria, hydra and yeast budding,
sponges, starfish, potatoes, trees)
Meiosis- cell division process that makes sex cells that have half as
many chromosomes
*Sexual Reproduction: when 2 sex cells come together to make a
new genetically different organism
*Fertilization: joining of female eggs and male sperm sex cells
*Zygote: the cell that is formed by fertilization
Science- Ms. Sowin
Class Work/ HW # 7- Unit 4 Quiz Review Sheet!!!
1. (AIM 1) Do you think technology is helping you learn Science? Why or why not?
2. (AIM 2) What are 2 characteristics of all living things?
3. What is the building block of all living things?
(1) the atom
(2) the nucleus
(3) the cell
(4) the body
4. Which cell organelle contains the genetic information for plant and animal cells?
(1) cell membrane
(2) chloroplast
(3) nucleus
(4) cytoplasm
5. What are the bundles of DNA called?
(1) chromosomes
(2) chloroplasts
(3) cytoplasm
(4) cell wall
6. (AIM # 3) How do all body cells reproduce?
(a) mitosis
(b) meiosis © mitosis and meiosis (d) sexual reproduction
7. A cell with 10 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. How many chromosomes are in the new
body cells after mitosis is completely over?
(a) 20
(b) 10
(d) 0
8. Which step must occur before mitosis can begin?
(a) the cell’s DNA is copied
(b) The nuclear membrane breaks down
© the chromosomes separate (d) the cell splits in half
9 (AIM 4) A cell with 46 chromosomes undergoes meiosis to produce an egg cell. How
many chromosomes are in the egg cell?
(a) 92
(b) 26
© 23
(d) 20
10. What kind of cells are produced by meiosis?
(a) nerve cells
(b) sperm cells
© skin cells
(d) muscle cells
11. Why do sperm and egg cells have half as many chromosomes as body cells?
12. (AIM 5) How is the hydra shown in the picture reproducing?
asexually, by budding (b) sexually, by budding
© asexually, by fission
(d) sexually, by fission
13, How does the genetic material of a new asexual reproduction organism compare to that
of the parent organism?
(a) It is exactly the same
(b) It is a little different
© It is completely different
(d) It is haploid
14. Which organism can have exactly the same genes as its parent?
(a) a dog
(b)a shark
(c) a human
(d) a starfish
15. A large colony of bacteria has grown from a single individual that landed on a kitchen
cutting board. What do you know about all the individuals in the colony?
(a) They came from the refrigerator (b) They reproduced sexually
© They have the same genes
(d) They have different traits
16 (Aim 6) A wolf receives genes from each of its parents. About how many of its genes
come from its mother?
(a) all of its genes
(b) half of its genes
(c) most of its genes
(d) none of its genes
17. Plants that have inherited genes from two parents are grown from
(a) seeds
(b) stems
(c) roots
(d) leaves
18. Hypothesize what would happen to flowers if no bees
were alive.
19. Which organism reproduces both sexually and
(a) goldfish
(b) black bear
(c) strawberry plant
(d) rattlesnake
20. What is the scientific term for the process that joins egg and sperm cells?
(a) fertilization
(b) zygote (c) asexual reproduction (d) germination