Media Coverage Report

Media coverage for the Open University,
September 20 2003 – November 25 2003
Media Relations Office
News releases issued
Media enquiries
Media coverage
Bouquets for the OU
1.1 Contents
Section 2
Report highlights
OU news and developments
E-learning and the e-university
Expert comment
Research news
Beagle 2 Mars lander project
Negative and sensitive coverage
Students and staff
Lifelong learning
News from the regions
Broadcast features
And finally …
1.2 The Media Relations Office
The Open University Media Relations team, part of the university's Communications
Group, is made up of:
Gary Spink
Head of Media Relations
Eulina Clairmont
Media Relations Officer 53248
Neil Coaten
Media Relations Officer 52580
Diane Cassidy Team Secretary
During the period of this report, the team has welcomed two new media relations
Louis De La Foret
Media Relations Officer 53256
Gabi Nobis
Media Relations Officer
1.3 News releases issued
During the 10-week period covered by this report, 24 news releases were issued by
the Media Relations team. Subjects included:
 the increasing numbers of students aged 24 and under who choose the OU;
 the launch of Exploring Mars: Beagle 2 and the Search for Life short
 the forthcoming peak-time OU/BBC series Rough Science (series four);
 the OUBS Annual Lecture 2003 by Air Chief Marshal Sir Brian Burridge;
 the presentation of the Medical Futures Best Innovation award to the
university’s Brain and Behaviour Research Group;
 the launch of a multi-million pound socio-cultural research centre;
 the launch of OUBS research that is investigating how patients use the
 the appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof David Vincent;
 the tenth anniversary of OUBS’s work in Bucharest;
 Languages staff pinpointing an increase in the number of OU students of
Spanish to the interest in footballer David Beckham moving to Madrid;
 family members and spouses studying together (to mark Family Learning
 Walton Hall campus events, including the annual computing lecture for
sixth form students.
Copies of all news releases issued by the Media Relations team can be downloaded at
1.4 Media enquiries
The figures below show the number and source of media enquiries received by the
media relations office during the period of this report (September 20 2003 to
November 25 2003).
From newspapers (national, local, TES and THES)
From magazines (general interest, specialist and trade press)
From radio
From television
From others (including website operators)
1.5 Media coverage
The figures below show the number and source of media coverage for the Open
University during the period of this report (September 20 2003 to November 25
In national newspapers
In regional newspapers
In specialist and trade titles
In general interest magazines
These figures include press cuttings for OU/BBC series broadcast during the period,
including Landscape Mysteries; What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us; and The
Mark Steel Lectures.
1.6 Bouquets for the Open University
“Through its current initiatives, its future plans and its excellent work during the past
30 years, the Open University has been totally committed to widening access to
education not just in social terms, which is the most easily perceived form of
exclusion, but also in geographical terms.”
Alasdair Morgan MP, Convenor of the Scottish Parliament’s Enterprise and Cultural
Committee, speaking at an OU reception to mark the Conference of Commonwealth
Education Ministers in Edinburgh
“The Open University has become an integral part of British life and is one of
Britain’s greatest exports to the world.”
Cherie Booth QC, speaking at the anniversary dinner of the OU Law Alumni Group
“The Open University are currently producing some of the finest and most intelligent
programmes on television (thanks in part to increased funding), and I’m glad to see
that they’ve relied on the knowledge and experience of the veteran [presenter
Aubrey] Manning (yet another of the growing number of grey foxes on the box),
rather than hiring yet another twentysomething autocutie without a single thought in
their head.”
TV reviewer Victor Lewis-Smith, The Evening Standard
“If it wasn’t for the OU’s flexibility and the way it adapted to accommodate what was
going on in my life, I wouldn’t have got my degree or this fantastic opportunity.”
OU graduate Louise Heppell, who has won a place to train as a doctor
Report highlights
OU academics have provided media comment in areas as diverse as innovative transport
projects in Cuba, the number of female vice-chancellors in the UK, and householders suing a
junk mail distributor after their mail allegedly injured his dog. And media coverage has been
recorded in publications as varied as British Baker magazine, New Statesman and Money
The OU/BBC series of Landscape Mysteries, The Mark Steel Lectures and What the
Industrial Revolution Did For Us together attracted more than 120 press cuttings.
Guardian journalist Simon Midgley established that the Open University is an “outstanding
example of successful distance and e-learning” in a feature.
The Guardian
University news that attracted widespread coverage included the university’s own “Beckham
Effect” (which is encouraging more people to take up studying with Spanish); the increasing
numbers of students aged 24 or under now studying with the OU; and the OUBS’s Annual
Lecture by Air Chief Marshal Sir Brian Burridge.
The Beagle 2 Mars lander project, whose lead scientist is Prof Colin Pillinger of the
university’s Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute, continues to attract a
comprehensive range of coverage.
OU news and developments
More and more young people (aged 24 and under) are choosing to study with the Open
University, reported a range of media.
The Times (Public Agenda section); Times Higher Education Supplement; BBC East Ceefax;
BBC News Education website; MKWeb website
Sixth form students could start university degree courses – possibly through the OU – before
the age of 18 under reform plans outlined by Mike Tomlinson, who is heading a Government
inquiry into the examination system.
The Independent
Previews of the OUBS Annual Lecture 2003 by Air Chief Marshal Sir Brian Burridge were
carried by national broadsheets.
The Guardian (Rise section); The Independent
News that the university was ranked fifth in the Sunday Times University Guide 2003 table
for teaching quality at the UK’s HE providers continued to attract media coverage.
Congleton Chronicle; Crosby Herald; Southend Evening Echo
The OU’s own “Beckham Effect” attracted widespread coverage. Course teams in Spanish
within the Faculty of Education and Language Studies believed that the footballer’s move to
Madrid had inspired many more people to learn Spanish.
The Independent; Evening Standard (x2); Glasgow Herald; Manchester Evening News;
Further Education Today; MKWeb website;
The appointment of Prof David Vincent to the post of Pro-Vice-Chancellor was featured in
selected regional media. Prof Vincent is a graduate of the University of York.
York Evening Press; MKWeb website
A dinner for OU law alumni, which was attended by Cherie Booth QC, was featured in a
specialist legal title.
The Lawyer
Readers were encouraged to take part in a web-based climate prediction project, in which the
university is one of the partners.
Financial Times; Irish Times; Milton Keynes Citizen; Hertfordshire Star; Web User
The project was also featured on national TV and radio news broadcasts, but there was no
specific reference to the OU in these.
An obituary for Prof Richard Maidment, chief executive officer of Open University
Worldwide (USA) was carried in The Times.
The launch of OU research projects that are investigating patients’ use of the internet was
featured in a specialist business title.
Financial Adviser
UK national media reported on the celebrations held in Bucharest to mark the tenth
anniversary of the partnership between the OUBS and the University of Bucharest.
The Independent; The Times
Specialist media continued to report on the tributes that the university paid after the death of
Lord Perry of Walton, the university’s first Vice-Chancellor.
The work of the OUBS’s Public Interest and Non-Profit Management Research Unit was
highlighted in a publication from the Association of Business Schools. In another publication,
also from the ABS, MBA case studies from the OUBS were featured.
ABS Media Bulletin; ABS Pillars of the Economy Annual Report
Specialist education and national media continues to refer to the launch of the Centre for
Excellence in Leadership for college principals and chief executives. The OU is one of the
project’s partners.
The Independent; Times Higher Education Supplement
As part of the national Campaign for Drawing, Faculty of Technology and Knowledge Media
Institute staff launched RoboDoodle, a web-based doodling tool for children.
MKWeb website; BDaily news website
The launch of a teacher training scheme, in which the university is involved, was featured.
The scheme gives would-be teachers the opportunity to spend time in a classroom before
committing to a teacher training programme.
MKWeb website; BDaily news website
Local Milton Keynes media referred to an MK Community Foundation Network weekend
event being held at the Walton Hall campus.
Milton Keynes Citizen
E-Learning and the e-university
“There are probably more scoundrels in e-learning than there are in used car sales at the
moment,” begins a Simon Midgley story in Education Guardian. But he was quick to
establish that the Open University is an “outstanding example of successful distance and elearning”. An interview with Professor Robin Mason, of the OU’s Institute of Educational
Technology, established that the OU “is hugely innovative” in e-learning.
The Guardian
The Guardian also took a look into the future to see how children will learn 30 years from
now. The article mentions that “The Open University has already shown that you can deliver
real education without everybody being in the same place at the same time.”
The Guardian
Former OU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Diana Laurillard was interviewed by the THES
about e-learning and made several references to e-learning at the OU.
Times Higher Education Supplement
The Open University was mentioned in a story about IT professionals being brought in to help
with the Government’s e-learning priorities. The first course on the UKeU platform is a
postgraduate certificate in Learning in the Connected Economy developed by the OU with the
University of Cambridge.
The OU’s on-line courses were featured in an article encouraging e-learning in Ireland.
Irish Times
Expert Comment
Academic comment in
print media
Academic comment on
broadcast media
Press articles by OU
Published letters by OU
New titles by OU
5.1 Academic comment in news articles
Dr Troy Cooper
Faculty of Social Sciences
About young people being pressurised into dieting by speaking electronic scales.
Sunday Independent, Plymouth
Dr Mark Fenton-O’Creevy
Open University Business School
About the importance of healthcare institutions recognising their customer sectors
The Independent
Prof Brenda Gourley
About the increase in the number of female vice-chancellors in the UK HE sector.
AUTLook, magazine of AUT union
Dr Frank Monaghan
Faculty of Education and Language Studies
Dr Monaghan was among the judges of a national competition to find Britain’s Best
Business Name. It attracted local media coverage in the areas in which the finalists
were based.
Derby Evening Telegraph; Isle of Wight County Press; Loughborough Echo; Western
Morning News; BBC Radio Berkshire; BBC Radio Newcastle; Home 107.9FM;
British Baker
Prof John Naughton
Faculty of Technology
About the keeping of online diaries
Sunday Tribune, Ireland
Prof Colin Pillinger
Faculty of Science
Alongside his comprehensive media comment about the Beagle 2 Mars lander project
(see section 7), Prof Pillinger also provided comment about NASA plans for a probe
to Pluto.
The Observer
Prof Steven Rose
Faculty of Science
Prof Rose was among the academics who provided a response to this Q&A question:
‘How can you drill a hole through your head and survive?’
The Guardian
Prof Gary Slapper
The Law Programme
About contracts for lawyers on the model of contracts for GPs
Law Society’s Gazette
Prof Russell Stannard
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science
About his participation in a Science and Religion Forum event.
The Guardian
Dr Ian Wright
Faculty of Science
About the risks attached to space exploration. Times Higher Education Supplement
5.2 Academic comment on broadcast media
Prof Gary Slapper
The Law Programme
About a householder suing a direct mail distributor after his pet was injured by junk
BBC Three Counties Radio
Dr Kerry Murphy
Faculty of Science
About stress leading to the suggestion that the busier people are the more they forget.
BBC Radio Five Live
Prof Steven Rose
Faculty of Science
Prof Rose continued his regular appearances on The Moral Maze.
Radio Four
Dr Hazel Rymer
Faculty of Science
Dr Rymer appeared on Radio Four’s In Our Time programme.
Prof John Zarnecki
Faculty of Science
About the break-up of Galileo craft, which was investigating Jupiter. BBC One News
5.3 Press articles by Open University representatives
Prof Andrew Blowers
Faculty of Social Sciences
Prof Blowers wrote about new approaches to the problem of selecting waste sites
within local communities.
New Statesman
Michael Coyne
Faculty of Arts
Michael Coyne’s feature about the history of the western movie appeared in a
national newspaper.
The Times
Prof Colin Pillinger
Faculty of Science
Prof Pillinger’s column described how to encourage people to take an interest in
The Independent
Dr Jill Reynolds
School of Health and Social Welfare
Among the co-authors of an article about partnerships within the health sector was Dr
Jill Reynolds.
Community Care
Prof Gary Slapper
The Law Programme
Prof Slapper’s regular columns about legal issues continued in The Times.
He also wrote a column about the society’s need for an increase in the number of
Law Society’s Gazette
In addition, he suggested an introductory reading list for law students.
The Times
A column about recovering unforeseen losses through the courts was also his work.
The Times
Dr James Warren
Faculty of Technology
Dr Warren was the co-author of a specialist title feature about innovative transport
projects in Cuba.
Traffic Engineering & Control
5.4 Published letters by Open University representatives
Prof Andrew Dobson
Faculty of Social Sciences
About the results of Government field trials for GM crops.
The Guardian
Dr Matthew Weait
The Law Programme
About the case of a defendant convicted for transmitting HIV to his sexual partners.
The Times
5.5 New titles by Open University representatives
Prof John Storey
Open University Business School
Leadership in Organisations: Current Issues and Key Trends, edited by Prof John
Storey, was referred to in the Work in Progress column.
The Guardian
Research news
Please see SECTION 7 for information about media coverage of
the Beagle 2 Mars lander project
Faculty of Technology
A beer mat (named Aeromat) designed by the OU’s Ian Johnston, was commissioned
by a UK brewery looking for the best beer mat to flip. The design was popular with
not only the brewery but also the media.
The Sun; The Times; Metro; Press Association; Chester Evening Leader; Dundee
Evening Telegraph; Glasgow Herald; Halifax Evening Courier; The Journal,
Newcastle; Hereford Times; Kettering Evening Telegraph; Northampton Chronicle
and Echo; Oxford Mail; The Scotsman; Scottish Daily Record; Western Mail Series;
Wolverhampton Edition Express and Star; Worcester Evening News; Wrexham
Evening Leader; The Publican Newspaper; BBC1 Look East, BBC 1 West Midlands,
BBC Radio Four Today programme; BBC Radio Five Live; BBC Radio Berkshire,
BBC News website; Ananova website
Faculty of Education and Language Studies
Research undertaken by the OU, together with Staffordshire University, on Allocating
School Resources was published in the media despite still being a working document.
The British Education Research Association (BERA) provided the journalists with
the papers.
Daily Mail; Sunday Telegraph; Money Week
Faculty of Science
The Award won by the OU’s Brain and Behaviour Research Group for research into
Alzheimer’s disease was featured.
BBC Three Counties Radio
Faculty of Social Science – Department of Geography
A report by Prof Doreen Massey presented at the Royal Geographical Society annual
conference has appeared in both specialist and regional media. She was among
authors who espoused the view that Whitehall departments should be moved out of
London. The OU was mentioned in the following publications.
The Guardian, The Financial Times; Western Morning News; New Urban Futures;
Regeneration and Renewal
Prof Massey and/or her research were also featured in the following articles, however
these did not specifically mention the OU.
The Times; Press Association; Hartlepool Mail; Newcastle Evening Chronicle; The
News, Portsmouth (x3); Oldham Chronicle; Scarborough Evening News; Sheffield
Star; Western Morning News; Yorkshire Evening Post; Planning;
Open University Business School
A report undertaken by the OUBS for a leading High Street bank, which found that a
quarter of company owners will base their voting intentions on which party is best for
business, was the catalyst for a story on business influences on politics.
The Sunday Express
A survey by the OUBS on charity boards was included in an article detailing what it
takes to be appointed as a trustee.
The Guardian
Research by OU Professor Angus Laing on a patient’s use of the internet to selfdiagnose or check on information received by doctors was featured on a specialised
The Association of Business Schools (ABS) website
Other Research
A study by the OU’s Prof Bob Spicer and Prof Nigel Harris into the effects of
weathering on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was featured in an article on longterm global climate change.
The Daily Telegraph
An OU Secondary School’s Curriculum and Staffing Survey featured in an article on
teacher qualifications.
The Morning Star
A specialist publication reported that the Technology faculty’s Stephen Potter has
been appointed to prepare a paper on how fiscal measures could be used to encourage
Local Transport Today
Research, led by Dr Liz Forbat, formerly of the School of Health and Social Welfare,
on carers and dementia was featured on a business and education website.
BDaily website
Beagle 2 Mars Lander
Media coverage general
Media coverage (Nov 11
7.1 Introduction
With the Beagle 2 Mars Lander due to touch down on Christmas Day, coverage in the
media continues on a daily basis. The project’s lead scientist, Prof Colin Pillinger,
who works in the university’s Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute,
continues to be a popular spokesperson with the media.
A media briefing on November 11, providing a status report on the mission, created
another flurry of activity in the media.
Media analysis resources used by the university’s media relations team do not allow
for a detailed breakdown of the source and content of all worldwide items.
Coverage is expected to grow exponentially from Christmas Day onwards. There will
be an all-night vigil for media on Christmas Eve and daily media briefings from
Christmas Day onwards (until media interest decreases). The Open University in
London regional centre in Camden will be the media venue for these initial press
7.2 Media Coverage – General
Among national publications in which Beagle 2 coverage has appeared are:
Daily Telegraph (x 2)
Weekly Telegraph
Education Guardian
Sunday Times
Sunday Telegraph
Times Literary Supplement
BBC News website
The Guardian
TES – Times Education Supplement
Beagle 2 received coverage in the following regional publications:
Leicester Mercury (x13)
Hull Daily Mail (x3)
Bristol Evening News (x 2)
Teesside Evening Gazette ( x 2)
Cambridge Evening News (x 2)
Birmingham Post (x 2)
Milton Keynes Citizen
Hertfordshire Mercury
Western Daily Press
Stevenage Mercury
Bristol Evening Post
Stevenage Comet
Cannock Chase Mercury
Western Mail Series
North West Evening Mail
Heartland Evening News
Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph
Bedworth Echo
South Wales Evening Post
Grantham Journal
Lincolnshire Echo
Sleaford Target
South Wales Argus
Croydon Advertiser
Cambridge Town Crier
Hartlepool Mail
London Evening News
Aberdeen Press & Journal
Broadcast programmes featuring Beagle 2 included:
Alex James’ Life on Mars, Discovery Channel
BBC News Website – video coverage of Mars Mission in the classroom
Scrapheap Challenge (included Beagle 2 animation)
BBC Three Counties Radio
Prof Colin Pillinger and the Beagle 2 project were featured in Backroom Boys: The
Secret Return of the British Boffin by Francis Spufford. Several national titles carried
reviews of the book, which made reference to Prof Pillinger.
Financial Times; The Observer Review; Yorkshire Post
7.3 Media Coverage – November 11 Briefing
The following media were among those whose representatives attended and prepared
stories from the Mission Status Report Media Briefing:
Bristol Evening Post (x2)
BBC News
Sky News
Western Daily Press
BBC Look East
Ananova website
Metro London
Lincolnshire Echo
Aberdeen Press & Journal
The Daily Mirror
International Herald Tribune
Manchester Evening News
The Daily Telegraph
The Chemical Engineer
The Independent
Cambridge Evening News
Negative and sensitive coverage
National media reported on the case of a prison officer who went to court to claim back a
share of monetary damages awarded previously to the inmate who was responsible for
torturing him. The coverage made reference to the fact that prisoner Marvin Pomfret is
studying for an arts degree with the Open University.
The Daily Mail; The Daily Telegraph
London Jewish News reported concerns from the Union of Jewish Students that anti-Semitic
postings had been put on a message board used by OU students. An OU spokesman was
quoted as saying: “We completely refute claims that we condone or endorse anti-Semitic
comments in any of our conferences.”
London Jewish News
The murder of OU lecturer Dr Elizabeth Howe at a residential school in York in July 1992
was briefly referred to in a profile of author Helen Fielding. The two were close friends, the
media reported.
Daily Mail
A case at the Technology Construction Court involving the university and contractor Becks
Building Services was featured in a specialist title. At the time of the article’s publication, the
case remained ongoing.
H&V News
Students and staff
2003 graduates
Former students and
pre-2003 graduates
Current students
OU staff and
Current and former Open University students and staff are often featured in
all types of media. Many of them mention their OU connections in an article
that has an unconnected theme. The lists that follow are by no means
9.1 2003 graduates and successful students
The Dumfries and Galloway Standard reported the hat-trick of graduates in a
Lockerbie family. Robert and Frances Togneri both got Bachelor of Science (Hons)
degrees from the Open University, while their son took a BA (Hons) in Journalism
from Napier University.
The South Wales Argus also tells of a treble in the Barber family. Chris Barber got his
MBA from the Open University as his mum, Janet, got her BA in art and history. Mr
Barber earlier earned an MSc in computing from the OU.
The Groundsman magazine reports that Ray Norris, head groundsman at Clayesmore
School, Dorset, has been awarded a BSc from the Open University.
9.2 Former students and pre-2003 graduates
Former students whose studies were mentioned in press articles included the
 The Hemel Hempstead Gazette told of Hertfordshire’s first black headmistress,
Yvonne Davis who got a degree in social science from OU before becoming head at
Alban Wood Infants and Nursery School in Garston.
 Single parent Jacqui Jackson was profiled in the Daily Express. She has seven
children, four of them autistic, and as the Express put it: “Oh yes, and in her spare
time she’s gained a degree (Open University, social science), written a book (on
parenting) and is now working on a second.”
 Disability Now magazine featured Andy Baldock, who was a machine operator
with few qualifications and muscular dystrophy. After seven years, and his Open
University degree; he’s now a maintenance controller for the same company.
 At the age of 15 Thomas Brennan was barely able to write, according to Ireland’s
Sunday Business Post. Now he’s got an undergraduate and PhD from the Open
University, and his own successful conservation consultancy specialising in the nontoxic treatment of dry rot.
9.3 Current students
Among current students who mentioned their studies in press articles were the
 The Derby Evening Telegraph reported on ballet dancer Adam Temple appearing
in a production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Northern Ballet Theatre.
When Adam’s not dancing he’s studying computing with the Open University.
 The new wildlife officer for Calderdale Police is PC Roman Soltan, who’s studying
Natural Science at the Open University.
 Isabella Moore, the first female president of the British Chambers of Commerce, is
studying for an Open University degree in European Studies, reported the Financial
9.4 OU staff and representatives
“Help! I’m stuck in a hairstyle rut!” cried part-time Open University lecturer Sarah
Turnbull. So Woman’s Own magazine gave her a hairstyle makeover.
A former warden of Bassingbourn Village College, Lt Col. Frederick William Patrick
Charles Thorne, known as ‘Pat’, has died aged 89. The Cambridge Evening News
reported on a memorial service for the man who was one of the first Open University
Country Landowner magazine wrote about Monkey World, an ape rescue centre in
Dorset run by Dr Alison Cronin and her husband. Dr Cronin took an Open University
PhD in animal behaviour.
Open University maths tutor Bob Davies has retired after 30 years, reported the East
Grinstead Courier.
Lifelong learning
General features
Current courses
Future courses
10.1 General features
Readers were encouraged to consider studying with the Open University through
articles in the following:
Regional titles:
Banbury Cake
Barrow Advertiser
Bolton Evening News
Exeter Express & Echo
Hackney Gazette
Harborough Mail
Isle of Man Examiner
Milton Keynes Citizen
Newcastle Upon Tyne Journal
Specialist titles:
BBC Music Magazine
Health Business
Venue – Adult Education Guide 2003(Bristol)
10.2 Current courses
The OUBS MBA was featured in a report profiling a new global university. The
article mentioned the success of the OU course, as illustrated by the number of
graduates. It was also featured in the same publication on the cost of investing in
one’s business future.
The Independent
A general introduction to the work of the Open University Business School was
carried in a specialist business title.
Investment Now
The OU’s qualifying LLB by distance learning was profiled in an article written by
Director of the Law Programme at the Open University, Prof Gary Slapper.
The Times
An OU training programme in social work was featured in local media.
Westsound News
The OU’s taster courses in creative writing were featured on regional radio.
BBC Radio Newcastle
An offer of one free German language course to firms that book 10 beginner classes
was picked up on by the Newcastle Upon Tyne media.
Newcastle Upon Tyne Evening Chronicle, Newcastle Upon Tyne Journal
The OU’s Spanish course – En Rumbo was profiled in a specialist publication.
Living Spain
10.3 Future courses
Among the new OU courses highlighted in media articles were:
Beagle 2 short course in:
MKWeb; BBC News online
Graduate Diploma in Mathematics Education in: Further Education Today
Winning Resources and Support in:
The Weekly Telegraph
The Guardian – Rise x2
London Evening Standard
Care, Welfare and the Community in:
Carlow Nationalist &
Leinster Times
Nuneaton Evening
Southern Daily Echo
National Occupational Standards (for gas network and pipelines engineering
management, accredited by the Open University Awarding Body
International Gas Engineering and Management
11.4 Other Items
A two-day ARC national conference at which OU Senior Lecturer Anna Craft was
key speaker was featured
Nursery World
A Northern Ireland Food Technology and Supply Management course, validated by
the Open University, was featured.
Belfast Telegraph
A business website featured a story on OU families studying together in the run-up to
Family Learning Weekend
News from the regions
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 6
Region 9
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in
London that attracted coverage included:
 an open day for information on Open University courses in Croydon.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
South that attracted coverage included:
 news of the Open University collaborating with University College
Northampton, University of Luton, De Montfort University and Milton
Keynes College to set up a new city centre campus with the aim of providing
a flexible higher education facility for people in Milton Keynes.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
South-West attracted coverage included:
 An article in The Bath Chronicle about Hayesfield School, a technology
college, that says it is hoping to offer Open University courses.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
West Midlands that attracted coverage included:
 a regional press article about the number of people – 15,000 – in the West
Midlands who choose to study with OU.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
East of England that attracted coverage included:
 news of the i10 consortium, the region’s leading Higher Education
institutions, including the Open University, using collective expertise and
resources available to businesses in the region.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
North that attracted coverage included:
 several newspaper mentions of the visit by the German ambassador to the
UK, Thomas Matussek, to Newcastle where he helped to unveil the Open
University’s latest beginners’ German course.
 Managers from three district councils in Northumberland are part of a
development training programme run in conjunction with the Open
University to deliver services more effectively and efficiently. The
programme includes leadership, performance management and change
management and is part-funded with a £15,000 grant from the Learning and
Skills Council.
Region 10
Region 11
Region 12
Region 13
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in Wales
that attracted coverage included:
 The OU sponsorship of the Management Achievement category in the
Welsh Woman of the year Awards 2003.
 A charity worker from Wrexham who has helped with the Open
University’s Summer School for students with special needs.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in
Scotland that attracted coverage included:
 career guidance for adults meetings involving Open University
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in Ireland
that attracted coverage included:
 Eleven articles detailing various Open University information meetings
around Ireland including one written in Gaelic.
Events and activities organised by or featuring the Open University in the
South-East that attracted coverage included:
 news of a Lifelong Learning open day aimed at people over 50 and
sponsored by the Open University.
Broadcast Features
Coverage for BBC/OU
Local radio and TV
12.1 Coverage for BBC/OU programmes
Landscape Mysteries:
Coverage for Landscape Mysteries, an Open University/BBC series in which
presenter Professor Aubrey Manning embarks on a set of journeys in an
attempt to solve mysteries arising in the landscape, has been steady.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage for Landscape
Mysterious have been recorded at time of report. More coverage of the final
programme in the series is expected.
TV Listings magazines previews and features
National press previews (TV supplements
and daily TV pages)
National press articles (non-TV sections)
Regional press previews and reviews
(TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV section)
Specialist titles (e.g. film magazines)
Broadcast features
The Mark Steel Lectures:
The Mark Steel Lectures, an Open University/BBC series in which author
and stand-up comedian Mark Steel delves into the lives and works of famous
historical figures, has been popular with the media.
The following statistics for press and broadcast coverage for The Mark Steel
Lectures have been recorded:
TV Listings magazines previews and features
National press previews (TV supplements
and daily TV pages)
National press articles (non-TV sections)
Regional press previews and reviews
(TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV section)
Specialist titles (e.g. film magazines)
Broadcast features
What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us:
The Industrial Revolution, a BBC/OU co-production presented by Dan
Cruickshank was enthusiastically covered by the media, with over a 100
articles in national, regional and specialist media. An Industrial Revolution
national road show and the release of a book of the same title (written by
Gavin Weightman) generated further publicity.
TV Listings magazines previews and features
National press previews (TV supplements
and daily TV pages)
National press articles (non-TV sections)
Regional press previews and reviews
(TV supplements and daily TV pages)
Regional press articles (non-TV section)
Specialist titles (e.g. film magazines)
Broadcast features
12.2 Local Radio and TV
OU graduate Jackie Jackson, a mother of seven, including four boys who
suffer from autism was profiled on radio about her new book
BBC Radio Leeds
And Finally …
Coverage of Lenny Henry’s OU studies continues in local and national media. He also made
reference to his studies in a number of TV interviews.
The Observer, Sunday Telegraph, V Graham Norton,
The Kumars at No 42, This Morning
The OU was recommended in a letter to the editor, by an OUBS MBA student, to readers of
an Oxford University magazine.
Oxford Today
People enrol in the Open University for a variety of reasons. A student featured in a woman’s
magazine did so after ringing a psychic hotline to get advice about her dead-end job.
Woman’s Weekly
The OU’s Internet and Arts course was mentioned in an article profiling Duggie Fields,
whose website forms part of the course.
Borehamwood Times
University of Derby retiring Chancellor, referred to the OU (‘which I have long admired’) as
one of two universities that, if he had the choice, he would have been Chancellor of.
Derby Evening Telegraph
Another (soon to be even more) famous student gave the OU a plug in the media. Holly
Willoughby, a former underwear model, will next year take over as host of SMTV. Holly is
studying for a psychology degree at the OU.
Brighton and Hove Leader
One of the OU’s more famous students, Jerry Hall, was again mentioned in the media as
studying for an OU degree in humanities
The Daily Telegraph
Home wanted – for a full size Leonardo-designed prototype tank. The story of the struggle to
find a home for the tank, funded by the OU, after filming of the BBC/OU co-production
Leonardo wrapped up, was featured in a BBC’s staff newspaper.
The OU was the answer! Included in a column which asks readers three questions, was the
following ‘Which is the largest university, in terms of student numbers, in the UK?’ The
answer was, of course, the OU, with a lead of 160,000 students.
The Portsmouth News
The efforts of OU staff who took part in an all-day drinking session – coffee that is – to raise
money for Macmillan Cancer Relief was recognised in a local paper. Milton Keynes Citizen
Meanwhile OU staff in Cambridge were singing their hearts out at the Open Sing (sponsored
by the OU).
Cambridge Evening News
OU staff weren’t the only ones showing an appreciation for music. OU students were using
music to help them study for their exams – with a number of dedication requests by OU
students on radio noted.
Classic FM