MGMT 313 - Team Contract Consolidated Resources (Team #3) Team Members and Representative Information: Sarah C Phone: xxx-xxxx Cell: xxx-xxx. Email: xxx@xxx Other Information: Once Sarah starts work, she can’t meet on Monday or Wednesday. Experience: Retail – employee training, sounding board for ideas, customer relations. Skills/Resources: Editing, individual/group work, detail oriented, ok w/computers and public speaking. Goals: To have fun, get an “A” and possibly make some friends. Frank L Phone: xxx-xxxx. Email: xxx@xxx Other Information: Frank has class from 10-2 MTWRF. If we need to meet on the weekends, he would like to be notified in advance. Goals: Get a good grade. Erin J Phone: xxx-xxxx Email: xxx@xxx Other Information: Erin is busy until 2:00 TR, 6:00 MW and 1:30 Friday. She is available on the weekends. Experience: Various reception duties, waitress. Skills/Resources: Paper work/organization, computers and various applications; has a color printer. Goals: To have fun and get an “A”. Liz K Phone: xxx-xxxx Email: xxx@xxx Other information: Once Liz starts work, she will be working Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Until then, she is fairly open. She has class until 4:00 MW and 12:00 TR. Experience: Has worked in numerous management and marketing teams at Costco Corp. and the Plateau Country Club. Skills/Resources: English minor (good at writing and editing); close to campus. Goals: To learn about and experience various new roles in teams, to get an “A” and to have fun. Kevin M Phone: xxx-xxxx. Cell: xxx-xxxx Email: xxx@xxx Other information: Kevin has class MW until 12:00 and TR until 2:00. He can’t meet Monday, Wednesday or Thursday nights, or Saturday during the day. Experience: Lots of experience working with small groups in commercial fishing and training/supervising. Skills/Resources: Good organizational skills, editing; proficient with computers. Goals: To add to my teamwork skills, get an “A” and have fun. Guiding Principles: Everyone should feel satisfied with the decisions we reach as a team. Our feedback will remain positive. We will support other’s ideas and opinions. We will strive to listen and understand our teammates before making any judgments. We will make it a priority to resolve conflicts that affect the team as a whole. Our conversations will be positive and motivating to the team’s overall moral. We will strive to have fun while staying on task and accomplishing our goals. We will be available to help our teammates when they encounter a problem or feel overwhelmed. Preliminary Focus on Purpose: External Stakeholders: Professor Tyran, the other students in our Management 313 class, and the members of the community that we will be interviewing and corresponding with on a regular basis for our project. Needs of Stakeholders: Obtain knowledge for future use in regards to multi-team project teams (MTPT) and negotiation issues. Essential Purpose: Learn and teach from our experiences. Ultimate Goal: As our team members and classmates graduate and enter the job market, we would like everyone to become more experienced and marketable with knowledge of MTPT and negotiation issues. Mission Statement: We strive for achievement in our team endeavors, and aim to fulfill our duties of educating others about multi-team project teams and negotiation issues. Group Roles: Record Keeper: Kevin 1) Create agendas for each meeting and distribute a copy to each team member no less than two days prior to the meeting 2) Record minutes 3) Actively participate in record keeping during meetings Editor/Proofreader/Writing: Liz 1) Edit all writing assignments for basic grammar errors 2) Strive to enhance literately content to make assignments more enjoyable to read 3) Provide transitions to effectively combine individual pieces written by group members into a single, following paper to be handed in 4) Focus on the fundamental of the team project paper and the team process paper Liaison: To the Team Members – Frank 1) Correspond with each group member about questions, concerns, and task progress as needed 2) Send out a group e-mail two days prior to each meeting to remind everyone of tasks that need to be completed for the meeting and any materials that will be required 3) Organize and notify team members of fun activities!!! Liaison: To Professor Tyran – Sarah 1) Meet with Professor Tyran (during her office hours) about any pressing issues/concerns we encounter at our meetings 2) Check-in with Professor Tyran about our team’s progress on specific assignments Liaison: To the Interviewees - Erin 1) Set-up an appointment with the interviewees at least 2 weeks in advance 2) Meet with interviews as scheduled 3) Send them a thank you note after the interview Multimedia Coordinators: Erin & Sarah 1) Concentrate on displaying creativity and advanced computer skills when creating power points, graphs, and other design elements 2) Share research tips with other group members Members at Large: All 1) Come prepared to meetings 2) Actively participate in meetings 3) Research and coordinate data/findings 4) E-mail and correspond with other team member outside of meetings and class time The Division of Labor: Criteria: The above roles have been designated according to strengths and personal interests. Method: Work will be divided up equally amongst team members at team meetings. Personal preferences and roles will be given consideration during this process. Team Plan: *See attached Matrix/Calendar at the back of the folder Meeting Management: Frequency – At least two hours every Tuesday starting at 6:00pm in the Sky Bridge of WWU Library, and as otherwise needed. Scheduling – As dictated by the attached matrix/calendar; alterations may be made to accommodate work conflicts. Attendance – Mandatory; exceptions made under work circumstances only. Communication – Check and respond to emails, actively participate in meetings. Attitude – Motivate others with a good work ethic and a positive attitude. Decision Making – Consensus, everyone’s opinion is given equal consideration. Conflict Management – Negotiation…this is our interaction issue! Accountability Process: Completed tasks should match deadlines outlined in the time matrix; if they do not, the schedule will be altered so that group members are required to turn in a rough draft several days in advance (at least 2 days prior to the original deadline). Remind group members of what is expected of them at meetings and during class time to ensure that no one falls behind. Check-up on actions and schedule intermediate peer reviews for weekly Tuesday meetings. Distribute the workload according to specified roles and responsibilities outlined in the contract; if workload is not equal, redistribute according to skill and time availability. Contact our team member liaison (Frank) if you need more time, or require help to complete a particular task. Rewards and Punishments: Project Points: Equal distribution. Non-performance and Failure to Meet Commitments: If an issue arises where a particular member is not pulling his/her weight, the team will call an emergency meeting. At the meeting, the person who has fallen behind will have a chance to explain why s/he has not been able to meet his/her deadlines. The team will then redistribute work according to time availability, and meet more often to facilitate and monitor other members’ progress. Disruptive Behavior: If we feel that one member has gone as far as to consistently hinder team progress, we will first provide them with a warning. Punishments: If their behavior continues, we will be forced to inform them that points will be deducted in the end. Negative Feedback: Everyone should have equal ground to voice their opinions without being attacked. If there is a problem, it should be discussed in front of everyone, and without pointing fingers at any particular team member. In the worst-case scenario that points need to be deducted, the person should be informed at a group meeting. Hopefully, this will encourage an increase in performance in the future. No one wants to let their team down, but gossiping and telling secrets behind each other’s back is not going to inspire them to work. It will only create a negative working environment. Rewards: Positive encouragement An “A” on the project Friendships Ice Cream (and any other fun activities)!!! Follow-Up: Time-outs: A team member can call an emergency meeting whenever s/he feels that it is necessary to discuss a pressing issue/problem. Team members must work together to schedule a time as soon as possible. Revisiting our Contract: Revisit the task matrix for clarity and changes that need to be made when unclear situations arise. Contract Revisions: Alterations to specific sections of this contract will be made only with a unanimous vote from all five group members. October 13 14 15 16 17 Bring 5 research Meeting @ 6:00 @ Talk to Tyran about Skybridge / Finish Interview ?'s interview questions Start interview ?'s compile info Sarah sources to class / Erin Bring 5 research Meeting @ 6:00 @ sources to class / Skybridge / Finish Interview ?'s Start interview ?'s compile info Liz Bring 5 research Meeting @ 6:00 @ sources to class / Skybridge / Finish Interview ?'s Start interview ?'s compile info Bring 5 research Meeting @ 6:00 @ Skybridge / Finish Interview ?'s Start interview ?'s compile info Frank sources to class / Kevin Interview Email Members about Progress Meeting @ 6:00 @ Bring 5 research Finish Interview ?'s sources to class / Start Skybridge / / Distribute Minutes interview ?'s / Agenda compile info October 20 21 22 Sarah Start Writing Paper Meeting @ Skybridge, Organize sections 6:00 / Discuss Paper in Class of paper and Interview Erin Determine sections Start Writing Paper Meeting @ Skybridge, 6:00 / Discuss Paper of interview to use in Class and Interview in presentation Liz Start Writing Paper Meeting @ Skybridge, 6:00 / Discuss Paper in Class and Interview Frank Start Writing Paper Meeting @ Skybridge, 6:00 / Discuss Paper in Class and Interview Start Writing Paper Meeting @ Skybridge, Kevin in Class / Agenda 6:00 / Discuss Paper and Interview 23 24 Have first proof of paper done or close to completion Email Members about Progress Distibute Minutes October 27 28 29 30 31 Sarah Have Paper Completed Study for Test / Talk to Tyran about Progress TEST!! Happy Halloween!! Erin Have Paper Completed Study for Test TEST!! Happy Halloween!! Liz Have Paper Completed Study for Test TEST!! Have First Draft of Paper Proofread Happy Halloween!! Frank Have Paper Completed Study for Test TEST!! Email Members about Progress Happy Halloween!! Kevin Have Paper Completed Study for Test TEST!! Happy Halloween!! November 3 4 5 6 7 Finish putting presentation together Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Sarah Discuss Presentation Format Erin Discuss Presentation Format Start arranging Power Point slides Finish putting presentation together Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Liz Discuss Presentation Format Finish Final Touches of Paper Finish putting presentation together Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Frank Discuss Presentation Format Finish putting presentation together Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Kevin Discuss Presentation Format / Agenda Finish putting presentation together / Distribute Minutes Practice Presentation Practice Presentation November 10 11 12 Sarah Practice Presentation if Needed Practice Presentation if Needed Project Presentation Day! Erin Practice Presentation if Needed Practice Presentation if Needed Project Presentation Day! Liz Practice Presentation if Needed Practice Presentation if Needed Project Presentation Day! Frank Practice Presentation if Needed Practice Presentation if Needed Project Presentation Day! Kevin Practice Presentation if Needed Practice Presentation if Needed Project Presentation Day! 13 14