Minutes of an Assets Committee Meeting held at 7pm on
Wednesday, 7th March 2012 in the Parish Council Meeting Room.
1. Present: Mr M Narborough (Chairman), Mr D Price, Mr H Hofmeister,
Mrs M Albinson, Mrs D Gotts, Mr D Gerrard, Mr R Williamson, Rev D Tate,
Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk) and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).
Public: Mr Andrew McCallum, Mrs Denise McCallum and Mr Ken Reynolds.
Apologies: Ms D Scott
2. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting on 7th December 2012: Mr
Narborough proposed that the minutes were a correct record; this was seconded
by Mr Hofmeister, with one abstention from Rev Tate these were agreed and
signed by the Chairman.
3. To record declarations of any Interests, personal or prejudicial: Mrs Albinson
declared a personal interest as she is a church member.
4. To receive questions from the Public: Mr Narborough explained that a letter
had been received from Mr Andrew McCallum who is the tenant of Allotment Plot
number 35. Mr Narborough stated that the letter had been circulated to all
Mr McCallum said that he was present at the meeting along with his mother Mrs
Denise McCallum, so that they could answer any questions or concerns that
members may have.
Mr Narborough referred to Mr McCallum’s letter and confirmed that he had
written to the Parish Council in response to a complaint which had been made
regarding the use of cockle shells on his plot. Mr Narborough referred to the
Tenancy Agreement and the Additional Clauses and confirmed that there is no
reference to the use of cockle shells. Mr Narborough went on to state that Mr
McCallum had made a very nice job and that the plot looks tidy.
Mrs Cornwell stated that in the past requests have been received from the
Allotments Club to use cockle shells and the Parish Council had always been
against the idea. Mrs Cornwell did however confirm that the shells used by Mr
McCallum have been washed and are clean.
Mr McCallum commented that the shells he has used are the same as those
used at the Kings Lynn Golf Club.
Mr McCallum also stated that he had erected a shed and asked if it was possible
to erect a small fence around his plot and to erect a greenhouse. Mrs Cornwell
stated that in the past glass has been broken at the Allotments and the erection
of a greenhouse would be at Mr McCallum’s own risk. After brief discussion it
was agreed that a fence may be put up, as long as the boundary is kept at an
acceptable width to allow a wheelbarrow through. It was also stated that the
fence should be erected between 6 and 12 inches inside the plot. Mr McCallum
thanked members and was happy with the answers he received.
Rev Tate spoke regarding the cockle shells and felt that the matter needed
further discussion. He was concerned regarding the future implications should a
decision be made in haste.
Other members felt that after reference to the Additional Clauses and in
particular Clause 3, no rules had been broken. It was felt that Mr McCallum
should not be held responsible as he had not broken his agreement.
Mr Reynolds said that the matter of cockle shells at the Allotments had gone
back 15 years; he said that problems with rats had been caused by allowing
shells to be used. Mr Reynolds commented that at this time of year rats are
hungry, he confirmed that recently rats have been seen at the Allotments and the
rat man had been called. He commented that is the reason why 15 years ago the
use of shells was stopped.
Questions were asked what provoked the matter. Mrs Cornwell confirmed that a
telephone call had been received to the Parish Office. After further discussion,
members felt that the matter should be discussed further and that a decision
could be reached at the next Assets Committee meeting. Mr McCallum thanked
members for giving him the opportunity to speak and left the meeting.
Mr Reynolds explained that he was present at the meeting to discuss the lack of
posts on the South side of The Green; he said that money had been allocated in
the past to replace posts as and when necessary. Mr Reynolds stated that some
posts are now only 6 inches high and could be a potential trip hazard.
Mrs Cornwell confirmed that £500 has been allocated in the Precept to carry out
the replacement of posts; she confirmed that when the money is received the
necessary work will be carried out.
5. To discuss matters in relation to:
Hedge: Mrs Cornwell explained that an e-mail had been received from Mr Mike
Worlledge regarding the hedge at the entrance to the Allotments. Mr Worlledge
had suggested that the hedge should be cut back before the growing season and
before the birds start to nest and again in the autumn. Mr Worlledge also felt that
when leaving the allotment’s his car bonnet is across the cycle path / footpath
before being able to view in either direction along Grimston Road. After
discussion and confirmation that a site visit had taken place, Mr Gerrard felt that
cutting the hedge once a year after the nesting season is sufficient. Mr Gerrard
proposed that the Parish Council should keep to its existing Agreement
and carry out one cut per year, this was seconded by Mr Hofmeister, with
one abstention all other members were in favour. It was also agreed that
there is sufficient width on the cycle path / footpath to view clearly in both
directions without any alterations to the Allotment Hedge being necessary.
Boundary Tree: Mrs Cornwell informed members that on the Southern Boundary
of the Allotments near to the flat roofed houses two or three large trees have
been causing problems. On Sunday 26th February 2012, Mrs Cornwell received a
call from the fire service as one of the trees was alight. Mrs Cornwell wished to
give thanks to Borough Councillor Elizabeth Nockolds, for her help with the
situation. Mrs Cornwell attended the scene.
Mrs Cornwell explained that she had contacted the Borough Council to seek
clarification as to who owned the trees and therefore who is responsible for their
upkeep. Kindly, the Borough Council was able to contact the Land Registry
Department who clarified that the strip of land behind the properties at Burghley
Road belongs to the owner of 52, Burghley Road. Confirmation was received that
all the trees lie within the property boundary of 52 Burghley Road and are
therefore the responsibility of Mr Thomas Riches the property owner. Mrs
Cornwell confirmed that the Borough Councillors details for Gaywood North had
been given to Mr McGivern, property owner of No 54 Burghley Road.
Further concerns were raised regarding the trees and one member who had
recently visited the Allotments had stated that they were dangerous and could
possibly fall causing damage to the Allotments. After lengthy discussion it was
agreed that Mrs Cornwell should write to the owner of the trees and request that
due to Health and Safety reasons and the fact that the trees overhang the
Allotments, they should be cut. Mrs Cornwell added that she would also contact
the fire service who had taped off the area, to see if the tape can now be
removed. Mrs Cornwell hoped to have an update regarding the matter by the full
Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 13th March 2012.
Village Hall:
Update Hand Dryers: Mrs Cornwell informed members that the purchase of the
Hand Dryers had taken place; she confirmed that they are now owned by the
Parish Council and were purchased at a cost of £60 +VAT each.
Chairs: Mrs Cornwell confirmed that funding is in the budget for the purchase of
50 additional Banquet Style chairs and when the Precept is received, she would
go ahead and order the chairs from the company in Wisbech as previously
Car Park: Mr Narborough was pleased to report that the work on the drainage of
the Car Park had been completed. He confirmed that it had been an excellent job
and that winter had passed with no problems.
The Green:
In the absence of Ms Scott, Mrs Cornwell spoke regarding an item which had
been requested at Mr David Bird’s appraisal. It was requested that the installation
of a new dog waste bin should be considered at the Appledore Close corner of
The Green. Mrs Cornwell confirmed that the cost of a bin would be £168 +VAT.
Mr Price proposed that the Parish Council should purchase a new dog
waste bin, this was seconded by Mr Williamson, with all members in favour.
St Mary’s Churchyard:
Request to re-plant Red Hawthorn: Mrs Cornwell provided an update regarding
the request to re-plant the Red Hawthorn trees at St Mary’s Cemetery. She
explained that the paperwork had been received from the Diocesan Office,
including notices which she had put up at the Church and in notice boards. The
notices have to be displayed until 20th March 2012, after this time it is hoped that
the paperwork will be sent to the relevant Bodies and a faculty will be received so
that the trees can be ordered ready for planting in the autumn.
Request for planter: Mrs Cornwell referred members to a request which had been
received from Mrs Marian Smith, the Churchwarden. It was explained that Mrs
Smith had hoped that the Parish Council would provide a planter to be placed at
the back of the Church. After brief discussion, members felt that further
information should be obtained to confirm what type of planter is required, the
costs involved and who will maintain the planter once installed. Mrs Cornwell
agreed that she would contact Mrs Smith to obtain further information.
Rules Governing the Management of the Cemetery: Mrs Cornwell explained that
this item had been put on the Agenda as recently a Stonemason had written to
the Parish Council asking for permission to be granted to erect a Memorial
Headstone which did not comply with the sizes, colour or style, stated within the
Rules Governing the Management of the Cemetery.
Mrs Cornwell explained that when a request for a new memorial is received, it is
received in letter form, providing details of who it is for, the inscription, the
relevant sizes, the colour of the stone and the style. It was confirmed that most
are straight forward requests, which are subsequently accepted and sent back to
the stonemason to confirm they are agreed.
Mrs Cornwell explained to members that two weeks ago a request had been
received for a new memorial stone which was larger than the sizes stated in the
rules and it was also two coloured. The memorial was subsequently refused. The
stonemason then contacted the Parish Office to see if it could be looked at again,
and as a result of an appeal, discussed by the Chairman of the Parish Council
and various Chairmen of Committees, it was decided that due to its size and
style the memorial would not be accepted
Mrs Cornwell informed members that the Rules Governing the Management of
the Cemetery were last updated twelve years ago, since that time things have
become more modern and it was suggested that to protect the Cemetery an
update of what is acceptable should be discussed.
After brief discussion it was agreed that Mrs Cornwell would provide all members
with a copy of the Rules Governing the Management of the Cemetery and the
matter would be discussed at the next Assets Committee Meeting when any
amendments can be suggested.
Mrs Cornwell stated that one or two issues had been raised lately, last year
letters were issued to the next of kin, requesting that growing plants and bulbs
are not used and this year there has been a huge rise in the number of loose
chippings being used particularly around Ashes Plots, which may cause Health
and Safety issues or cause damage to other stones during the grass cutting
Mr Price stated that the Cemetery belongs to the Parish Council and the
standard set is what members have agreed.
Parish Office:
Nothing to report.
Finally Mr Narborough added that the Picnic on the Park committee is looking for
volunteers to assist with the marshalling of the Car Parks at this year’s event. If
anyone is able to help, could they please let them know.
Also, Rev Tate referred to the Jubilee Challenge and stated that he had heard a
radio announcement that a nomination had been received from Wootton Park to
become a Field in Trust. It was said that a Field in Trust would be protected in
the future from any development.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.
6th June 2012