All Classes Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Tuesday 9/8/09 Gain understanding of classroom routines and procedures. Introduction of Ms. Papkin CCCS: 4.5 Introduction of Classroom Procedures (i.e. HW, Participation, Absences/Tardy, etc.) Student Information Worksheet, “Who I Am” Sheets, and Routines/Procedures hand out. Welcome! Check your schedule to make sure you are in the correct classroom. 1. Teacher introduces students to classroom procedures. 2. Teacher provides Information sheets for students to complete. 3. Teacher uses an ice breaker activity to introduce the students to each other. 1. Complete “Who I Am” worksheet 2. Bring in a notebook and a pencil Summary of day’s activity and HW assigned Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Wednesday 9/9/09 Interpret and discuss the concept of real numbers CCCS: 4.1.12 A1, A2 Real Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. Arranging integers from least to greatest. Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on real/rational/irrational numbers 3. Notes/Examples on real number properties 4. Practice problems 5. Review completed problems Homework HSPA Power pg. 8 #1-7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity and HW assigned Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 9/10/09 Apply & Understand Basic Properties CCCS 4.1.12 B2 Commutative, Associative, Distributive, Identity, Inverse Properties Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. Which explains the distributive property? Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework HSPA Power Pg. 13 # 5, 7, 8 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 9/11/09 Exhibit number sense and concepts on pre-test CCCS 4.1.12 A1,A2,B2 Pre-Test, Multiple Choice and Open-Ended Calculator and Pencil Clear your desk and take out a pencil Class work Pre-Test Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 9/14/09 Apply and combine knowledge of order of operations to compute rational numbers. CCCS 4.1.12 B1 Order of Operations Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. What operations are needed to find the answer? Class work 1. Review vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework HSPA Power pg. 16 – 17 #1 - 7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday 9/15/09 Analyze and modify numbers to simplify number expressions with exponents. 4.1.12 B2, B4 Exponents Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. In your own words, describe what the purpose of an exponent is. Class work 1. Review vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg. 5 #1 - 3 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Wednesday 9/16/09 Apply prior knowledge of exponents to scientific notation CCCS 4.1.12 B4 Scientific Notation Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. Example 1 pg. 18 Class work 1. Review vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework HSPA Power pg. 25 #7 - 8 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connection Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 9/17/09 Estimate & use roots CCCS: 4.3.12 C1 Square roots, cube roots, & nth roots Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. Estimate the value Class work 1. Review vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework HSPA Power pg. 29 #7-9 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 9/18/09 Assess when a number is prime or composite Determine factors and multiples CCCS 4.1.12 A1 Primes, Factors & Multiples Textbooks, Binders/Notebook, Notes, Pencil. Which number is the least common multiple? Class work 1. Review vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework Review for quiz Monday Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 9/21/09 Efficiently complete quiz CCCs 4.1.12 A1, A2, B1, B2, B4; 4.3.12 C1 Quiz Calculators, Pencil Take a calculator, take out a pencil, and have a clear desk Class work Quiz Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Tuesday and Wednesday 9/22/09 – 9/23/09 Compare situations using ratios and proportions CCCs 4.1.7 A5, 4.1.8 A3 Ratios and Proportions Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, 4 pieces of poster paper Example 1 page 30 #13 page15 Work together in a group to solve the given problem. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems HSPA Power pg.32 # 1 – 4 HSPA Power pg.33 # 5 – 8 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Thursday and Friday 9/24/09 – 9/25/09 Understand and apply the concept of percents to discounts, mark up, and tax CCCs: 4.1.8 A3,5,6 Percents Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, White boards Example 1 pg. 34 Model Problem pg. 15 Work together in a group to solve the example problems. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg. 16 – 17 # 1 – 9 NJ HSPA pg. 17 # 10 – 17 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Monday - Thursday 9/28/09 – 10/01/09 Understand and solve problems involving ratio and percent CCCs 4.1.7 A5, 4.1.8 A3,5,6 Ratios, Proportions and Percents Pencil, Paper, and Calculators Take a worksheet. Work for 10 minutes independently Then 5 minutes with a partner Work together in a group to solve the open-ended problem. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems Percent worksheet 1 Percent worksheet 2 HSPA Power # 1 – 4 HSPA Power # 5 - 7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 10/02/09 Perform proficiently on Percent Benchmark Quiz CCCs 4.1.7 A5, 4.1.8 A3 Percents Pencil and Calculator Clear your desk. Take out a pencil and a calculator Class work Quiz Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Monday and Tuesday 10/05/09 – 10/06/09 Review Cluster 1Number Sense, Concepts, and Applications CCCs 4.1.12 A1, A2, B1, B2, B4; 4.3.12 C1, 4.1.7 A5, 4.1.8 A3,5,6 Cluser 1 topics Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators How many equivalent ratios are there? Simplify Evaluate Work together in a group to solve the given problem. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg. 11 # 4, 12 pg. 14 #1,2,3,7,9 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 10/08/09 Perform efficiently on cluster 2 pretest CCCs 4.2.12 A, B, C Pretest Pencil, Calculators Clear your desk, take out a pencil, take a calculator Class work Quiz Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Friday 10/09/09 Visualize and apply geometric properties CCCs 4.2.6 A1,2; 4.2.8 A1,2,3 Geometric Terms Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Example 1 on pg. 56 Work together in a group to solve the given problem. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg.26 – 27 #1, 5, 6, 7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Monday - Tuesday 10/12/09 – 10/13/09 Classify special quadrilaterals based on side length, angle measure, and parallel sides CCCs 4.2.6 A1,2; 4.2.8 A1,2,3 Geometric Terms: Quadrilaterals Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators NJ HSPA Model Problems 1 and 2 Introduce new vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg.31 #1-7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Wednesday 10/14/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Find the area of the remaining portion given two rectangles, apply the concept of percents to the rectangles dimensions CCCs 4.2.7 A1, 3 Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Spatial Sense and Geometry Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Work for 10 minutes independently HSPA Math Level A Question Quest pg. 11 Work together in a group to solve the given problem. Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Geometry Companion Question Quest pg. 27 Review completed problems HSPA Power pg. 58-59 #1-7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Thursday 10/15/09 Review and apply geometric properties for polygons CCCs 4.2.7 A1, 4.2.8 A3 Polygons Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, Safari Video on Polygons HSPA Math Level B Question Quest pg. 75 Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Review Notes Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Friday 10/16/09 Visualize and apply key parts of a circle and determine the circumference and area. CCCs 4.2.7 E1 Introduction to Circles Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Quick Quiz Selected Problems from HW Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems HSPA Power pg. 62 – 63 #1-7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Monday 10/19/09 Solve problems involving direct and indirect measurement CCCs 4.2.8 D3 Proportional Dimensions Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, Safari Video on Polygons Geometry Companion Question Quest pg. 37, work for 10 minutes independently Work together in groups to solve the given problem Review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg. 32 #14-20 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Tuesday - Wednesday 10/20/09 – 10/21/09 Recognize Common 3-D figures and apply geometric properties CCCs 4.2.6 A1,2; 4.2.8 A1,2,3 Introduction to polyhedrons and spatial relationships Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, Safari Video on Polyhedrons NJ HSPA pg.39 Model Problems 1(The students will create the object) HSPA Power pg. 64 Example 2 and 3 Introduce new vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg.40 – 41 #1-10 HSPA Power pg. 66-67 #1-7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Thursday - Friday 10/22/09 – 10/23/09 Find the surface area and volume of a figure CCCs 4.2.8 E3 Surface Area and Volume Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, Safari Video on Polygons HSPA Power pg.68 example 1 HSPA Power pg.69 example 2 and 3 Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Quick Quiz from hw problems HSPA Power pg. 70 – 71 #1-7 Review Notes Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Identify lines and angles and their relations CCCs 4.2.12 A3 Math topics Perpendicular, Parallel and Skew lines. Angle Congruence Material Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, PPT on Math topics Anticipatory Set: Do now Activities Monday - Tuesday 10/26/09 – 10/27/09 Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Label the lines as parallel, perpendicular or skew Label the angles and find the measure of the angle Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics Practice problems Review completed problems NJ HSPA pg. 35 -36 #1-10 NJ HSPA pg. 41-42 #1-3, 8, 15, 18,19,22 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Wednesday - Friday 10/28/09 – 10/30/09 Apply the principles of congruence, similarity, and transformations to geometric figures. CCCs 4.2.8 A4 Congruence, Similarity and Transformations Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators, Graph paper, Whiteboards Model Problem Pg. 45 , pg. 47 Model Problem Pg. 49 Quiz Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Quiz based on hw problems NJ HSPA pg. 46 #6-9 and pg. 48 #5-10 NJ HSPA pg. 54 – 55 #9-35 odd Review Notes Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 11/09/09 Review of the Quarterly CCCs 4.1.12 A1, A2, B1, B2, B4; 4.3.12 C1; 4.2.8 A4 Number Sense and Geometric Properties Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators 48 is not a multiple of 36 because The measure of the angle of a triangle are in the ratio of 2:2:5. What type of triangle is it? Class work Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg. 19-22 #2 – 32 even Study Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday 11/10/09 Perform efficiently on the quarterly CCCs 4.1.12 A1, A2, B1, B2, B4; 4.3.12 C1; 4.2.8 A4 Number Sense and Geometric Properties Pencil, Quarterly, Calculator Clear your desk, take out a pencil, take a calculator Class work Quarterly Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Wednesday 11/11/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Review Quarterly Problems and Similarity CCCs 4.2.8 A4 Math topics Number Sense and Geometric Properties Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator In a pet store the ratio of cats to dogs is 6:9. There are 36 cats in the pet store, how many dogs are there? In 2001, a salad was sold for $4.00. The salad is now sold for $4.50. What is the percent increase? Class work Review Quarterly NJ HSPA Model problems 1 and 2 page 47 Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg.48 #1-7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 11/12/09 Review, recognize, analyze and apply geometric properties CCCs 4.2.8 A1 Geometric Properties Textbook, Notebook, Pencil, Calculator Each of the interior supports for a roof are perpendicular to a rafter. Solve for the measure of x. Class work Review problems in NJ HSPA on pg. 43 #15 – 24 Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA Pg. 43 #25 - 28 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 11/13/09 Open-Ended Fridays CCCs 4.2.8 C1 Coordinate Geometry Pencil, Paper, Calculator Take a worksheet and work for 10 minutes independently Class work Open-Ended Question Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 11/16/09 Use reflections, translations, and dilations to solve for the coordinates of images. CCCs 4.2.8 A1, A2 Reflections, Translations, and Dilations Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, Graph Paper The image A’(1, -1), B’(4, -1), C’(3, -3) was reflected over the x-axis. What are the coordinates of the preimage? What can you conclude about the preimage and the image? Class work NJ HSPA Model Problems 1 pg. 50 using graph paper. Translating coordinates NJ HSPA Model Problems 1and 2 pg. 52 using graph paper Homework NJ HSPA pg. 53 – 54 #4-16 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday-Wednesday 11/17/09 – 11/18/09 Understand and apply the concept and use of vectors CCCs 4.2.12 C2 Vectors Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Students will work in groups and solve NJ HSPA Model Problems 1 and 2 on pg.65 Class work Introduce and review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg. 65 #1-6 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 11/19/09 Understand and apply the concept and use of vectors CCCs 4.2.12 C2 Vectors Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Quiz on Macro B Class work review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg. 68 #26 - 30 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 11/20/09 Cluster 2 Post-Test CCCs 4.2.12 C2 Geometric Properties Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Clear Your Desk, Take out a pencil, Take a calculator and a formula sheet Class work Post-Test Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 11/23/09 Review Cluster 2 Test CCCs 4.2.12 A2-4, B1, C2 Geometric Properties Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Question 1, 7, 9 from post-test Class work Students will work in groups to solve open-ended questions from post-test Homework HSPA Power pg. 112 – 117 #1-27 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Tuesday 11/24/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Have a conceptual understanding of geometric terms and properties of geometric figures. CCCs 4.2.6 A1,2; 4.2.8 A1,2,3 Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Geometric Properties Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Question 2, 3, 8 from post-test Class work Students will work in groups to complete hw problems that will be handed in at the end of the period. Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Wednesday 11/25/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Have a conceptual understanding of geometric terms and properties of geometric figures. CCCs 4.2.6 A1,2; 4.2.8 A1,2,3 Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Geometric Properties Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Take a worksheet Class work Students will work in groups to complete the given task. Homework Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday - Thursday 11/30/09 – 12/03/09 Determine, interpret, and use probabilities to solve problems involving simple and compound events CCCs 4.4.12 B5 Probability, Counting Principle Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming Take one card from the deck Find the probability or odds of the event Probability worksheet Entrance Slip Class work review vocabulary Notes/examples on math topics and homework Practice problems Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg.107 #1-4 HSPA Power pg.140#1-7 Close up Wrap up NJ HSPA pg. 110-111 #1-12 HSPA Power pg. 137 #1-7 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Friday 12/04/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Open-Ended Friday CCCs 4.2.12 E2 Math topics Geometric Figures Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Work on front of the worksheet for 5 minutes Class work Put 4 problems on the board. Work on the back side of the worksheet with a partner. Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 12/7/09 Determine, interpret, and use probabilities to solve problems involving simple and compound events CCCs 4.4.12 B5 Probability, Counting Principle Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming The rectangular garden shown contains a rectangular, brick walkway. What is the probability that a seed tossed randomly into the garden will land on the walkway. Class work Question Quest pg.69-70 Homework NJ HSPA pg.114-115 #11-19 odd Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday - Tuesday 12/14/09 – 12/15/09 Understand and apply the concept networks CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Networks Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming Networks worksheet HSPA Power pg. 143 ex. 2 and 3 Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems How can we use networks in our everyday lives? Are you able to apply networks to your life? Homework Networks worksheet HSPA Power pg. 144 - 145 #1-7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Wednesday - Thursday 12/16/09 – 12/17/09 Interpret Statistical Measures CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Frequency Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming NJ HSPA pg.127 Model Problems 1 & 2 Quest Question pg. 69 Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems How will keeping track of you test grades help you determine your marking period grade? Homework NJ HSPA pg.128 – 129 #1 – 6 NJ HSPA pg.128 – 129 #7 – 11 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Friday 12/11/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Open-Ended Friday CCCs 4.2 .12 Math topics Geometric Figures Activities Material Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Anticipatory Set: Do now Work independently for 10 minutes Class work Work with a partner to complete OEQ Put answers on board and grade Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Tuesday – Thursday 12/09/09 – 12/10/09 Understand and interpret statistical distributions CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Scatter plots, Correlation, Outliers, Graphs Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming Anticipatory Set: Do now HSPA Power pg. 127 ex.2 and 3 Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework NJ HSPA pg. 118 #1-8 HSPA Power pg. 128 – 129 #1-7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Friday 12/18/09 Objectives: Students will be able to Open-Ended Friday CCCs 4.2.12 E2 Math topics Geometric Figures Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator Work on front of the worksheet for 5 minutes Class work Solve problems with a partner, grade according to the rubric, and score others OEQ Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 12/21/09 Perform efficiently on Cluster 3 Test CCCs 4.2.12 E1 Cluster 3 Test Probability, Central Tendency, Networks Pencil, Test, Calculator Take a Test, Scantron, Calculator Class work Cluster 3 Test Homework Complete project, due Wednesday Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday 12/22/09 Create Math Portfolios CCCs 4.5 D6 Portfolios Pencil, Test, Folders Take your folder and rubric Class work Creating portfolios “How will portfolios help to improve our understanding of the given material” Homework Complete project, due TOMORROW Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Wednesday 12/23/09 Introduce and analyze cluster 3 projects CCCs 4.5 C 2, 3 Cluster 3 Project Probability, Correlation, Networks Project Have your project ready for presentation Class work Students will be presenting projects according to topic of choice (probability, correlation, networks) Homework Happy Holidays Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 1/04/10 Review the concept of probability, central tendency, and networks CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Probability, Central Tendency, Networks Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator 1. Find the probability of selecting a red king and landing on an odd number. 2. From the five test scores shown 90 73 86 89 97 what must the sixth test score by in order the average to be 89? Class work Students will work in groups on problems on probability, central tendency and networks. Each group will rotate to each topic Homework Correct selected problems from previous test. Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Monday - Wednesday Objectives: Students will be able to Review the concept of probability, central tendency, and networks CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Math topics Material Activities Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up 1/04/10 – 1/06/10 Probability, Central Tendency, Networks Pencil, Notebook, Textbook, Calculator, United Streaming 1. Find the probability of selecting a red king and landing on an odd number. 2. From the five test scores shown 90 73 86 89 97 what must the sixth test score by in order the average to be 89? 3. Redbook pg. 136 3 and 4 4. Redbook pg. 134 ex. 1 – 3, pg. 144 3, 7 1. Students will work in groups on problems on probability, central tendency and networks. Each group will rotate to each topic. 2. Redbook pg. 143 example 2, Bluebook pg. 153 1-6 3. When is mean, median, and mode most useful? Correct selected problems from previous test. Redbook pg. 120 1 – 7 Redbook pg. 123 ex. 3 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Thursday Review the concept of probability, central tendency, and networks CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Probability, Central Tendency, Networks Pencil, Test, Calculator Anticipatory Set: Do now Take a test and a calculator Class work Test Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up 1/07/10 Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 1/08/10 Open – Ended Fridays CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Open – Ended Question Pencil, Calculator, OEQ Worksheet Work for 10 minutes independently Class work Work for 5 minutes with a partner Students will work in groups to answer and correct OEQ Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Class work Homework Close up Wrap up Monday 1/11/10 Work on Math Portfolios CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Portfolios Folders, Tests, Rubric Take your folder and rubric 1. Correct selected problems from test 2. Work with a partner to compare corrected problems Review Notes Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday – Thursday 1/12/10 – 1/14/10 Recognize and extend a variety of patterns CCCS 4.3.8 A1 Computational and Visual Patterns; Sequences and Series Textbooks, Notebooks, Pencil Bluebook pg. 178 – 179 model problems Bluebook pg. 181 – 183 Arithmetic, Geometric, and Fibonacci Sequence examples Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework Bluebook pg. 180 – 181 #14 – 18 Bluebook pg. 186 – 187 # 13 - 20 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 1/15/10 Open – Ended Fridays CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Open – Ended Question Pencil, Calculator, OEQ Worksheet Work for 10 minutes independently Class work Work for 5 minutes with a partner Students will work in groups to answer and correct OEQ Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday - Wednesday 1/19/10 – 1/20/10 Use various types of functions to represent mathematical situations CCCS 4.3.12 B2 Functions Textbooks, Notebooks, Pencil, United Streaming Redbook pg. 187 Example 2 & 3 Bluebook pg. 199 #1, 3-8, 11 Bluebook pg. 206 – 207 #2 - 6 Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework Redbook pg. 188 #1-4, 6 Redbook pg. 164 – 165 #1-7 Redbook pg. 184 – 185 #1-7 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 1/21/10 Use various types of functions to represent mathematical situations CCCS 4.3.12 B2 Functions Textbooks, Notebooks, Pencil, Quiz Review worksheet on functions Class work Quiz Homework No HW Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 1/22/10 Open – Ended Fridays CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Open – Ended Question Pencil, Calculator, OEQ Worksheet Work for 10 minutes independently Class work Work for 5 minutes with a partner Students will work in groups to answer and correct OEQ Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday - Wednesday 1/25/10 – 1/21/10 Use algebraic concepts to concisely express mathematical situations CCCS 4.3.12 B2 Algebraic Expressions Textbooks, Notebooks, Pencil, United Streaming Redbook pg. 175 Example 2 & 3 Redbook pg. 170 Example 2 & 3 Select Problems about Algebraic Expressions Class work 1. Introduce new vocabulary 2. Notes/Examples on math topics 3. Practice problems 4. Review completed problems Homework Bluebook pg. 220 #1 - 15 Redbook pg. 172 - 173 #1-7 Review Notes for Quiz Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday 1/28/10 Use algebraic concepts to concisely express mathematical situations CCCS 4.3.12 B2 Algebraic Expression Textbooks, Notebooks, Pencil, Quiz Review worksheet on algebraic expressions Class work Quiz Homework No HW Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Friday 1/29/10 Open – Ended Fridays CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Open – Ended Question Pencil, Calculator, OEQ Worksheet Work for 10 minutes independently Class work Work for 5 minutes with a partner Students will work in groups to answer and correct OEQ Homework Review Notes Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday - Tuesday 2/01/10 – 2/02/10 Review of the Quarterly CCCs 4.1.12 A1 Central Tendency, Patterns, Permutations & Combinations, Equations, Functions Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Solve the 3 given problems on equations and combinations Class work Quarterly Review Sheet Homework Study Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Wednesday 2/03/10 Review of the Quarterly CCCs 4.1.12 A1 Central Tendency, Patterns, Permutations & Combinations, Equations, Functions Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Complete the OEQ Class work Quarterly Review Sheet Homework Study Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Thursday - Friday 2/04/10 – 2/05/10 Continue to complete math portfolio CCCS 4.5 D6 Portfolios Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Take your folder Class work Students will review previous tests and quizzes and complete corrections Homework Complete writing sample Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Monday 2/08/10 Open – Ended Fridays CCCS 4.4.12 A5 Open – Ended Question Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Take an OEQ work for 10 minutes independently Class work Review OEQ with the entire class Homework Review Clusters 1 – 4 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday 2/09/10 Practice HSPA Testing CCCS 4.5 A1 Clusters 1 - 4 Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Redbook pg. 195 - 199 Class work 10 Multiple Choice and 2 OEQ Homework Review Clusters 1 – 4 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework. Math Connections Objectives: Students will be able to Math topics Activities Material Anticipatory Set: Do now Tuesday 2/17/10 Review Practice HSPA Test CCCS 4.5 B3 Practice Test Pencil, Paper, Textbooks, Calculators Find your name and your partners and begin reviewing Redbook pg. 195 - 199 Class work Students will share their thoughts and reasoning on the Practice test Students will create the best strategy for solving each problem Homework Review Clusters 1 – 4 Close up Wrap up Summary of day’s activity, HW assigned, and what will happen during next class session Evaluation/Reflection Student evaluations, observations, class work, homework.