TO: Family Support Supervisor FROM: Loretta Bolton, Adult Medicaid Basic Part I DATE: July 29, 2006 SUBJECT: Training Objectives Dear Supervisor: Your employee has recently completed Adult Medicaid Basic Part I training. I want to share with you the objectives of this training and the tasks that your employee should be able to perform after completing this training. It is our intent that by sharing this information, you will be better prepared to assist your employee as they employ this training on the job. It is also important to remember that allowing your employee to practice these skills in the local office will reinforce the knowledge and skills acquired during this training. The Adult Medicaid Basic Part I Objectives are as follows: Overall Goals for Adult Medicaid Part I: Acquaint new Adult Medicaid caseworkers with the technical, resource and income policy components for Adult Medicaid cases. Introduce the specific technical, resource and income considerations involved with Long Term Care/Vendor Payment cases, while providing an opportunity to practice interviewing skills and KAMES and PA-62 entries. Upon Completion of Training, Participants will be able to: List AMA benefits and services. Describe/differentiate between Medicare Part A, B and D, and the coverage each provides. Differentiate between SSI, SSA and other entitled benefits. Identify potential SSI recipients and describe benefits received with SSI. Complete the PAFS-97 and PAFS-5.1. Refer potentially eligible individuals to SSA to apply for entitled benefits. Identify potentially eligible AMA recipients. Complete KPC applications for those not technically eligible for AMA. Navigate the SDX system and locate needed information. Define Long Term Care and Waiver Services. Identify the individual(s) in their office who is responsible for inquiring RDS and assigning LTC Confirmations for SSI Individuals. Describe how to process SSI Only and SSI Alert cases for LTC. Obtain LTC provider numbers and information using KAMES Inquiry. Correctly complete PA-62 documents for SSI LTC approvals, changes and discontinuances. Spot check SSI alert cases for SSI discontinuance on SDX. Utilize and access KAMES Inquiry for LTC Income & Resource Scales. Utilize VOL. IV-A to obtain needed policy information. Conduct interviews to obtain necessary information/verification needed for LTC Cases. Demonstrate the application process for LTC, including Nursing Facilities, Hospice & Home Community Based Service (HCBS) for singles and couples. Identify clients admitted to Long Term Care programs, utilizing Inquiry on KAMES and "paper" confirmation notices. Correctly determine technical eligibility for AMA and Long Term Care vendor payment. Distinguish between different types of Burial reserves, Life Insurance and forms necessary to allow deductions, including how to obtain correct and current Cash Value of policies. Demonstrate how to verify and process "special" resource rules for Long Term Care. Explain Qualifying Income Trust and procedures for QIT. Initiate a property records checks and liquid resource checks when appropriate, and complete required forms. Calculate ineligibility periods for transfer of resources. Apply the Homestead property policy for LTC cases. Explain Estate Recovery and employ the correct policy to cases. Correctly determine resource eligibility, including countable/excluded resources. Recognize and apply allowable income deductions. Utilize various methods of income verification. Determine income eligibility, including countable/excluded income. Recognize allowable spousal income deductions, calculate Community Income Allowances and complete required forms. Correctly calculate Community Spouse Resource Allowance and complete required forms. Calculate parental income applied to children in Long Term Care. Correctly consider countable resources for children in Long Term Care. Explain and determine vendor payment, patient liability, effective dates and Medicaid services to potential clients and their interested parties. Integrate and correctly utilize forms related to the Long Term Care programs. Thoroughly document all case actions on Long Term Care Cases Correctly process LTC vendor payment cases on KAMES, using correct household member identification codes, and obtaining correct liability. Note: This list of objectives is also included in the Participant Self-Assessment, which is Assignment #1 in the Learning Reinforcement Workbook. This Self- Assessment is to be completed by each participant, who will then meet with you (or your designee) to discuss their comfort level with each of these skills. Tips for Promoting Learning Transfer: Review the Participant Self-Assessment with your employee, and discuss their comfort level with the policies and procedures from Part I. Ask your employee in which areas they feel they need the most help. Ask the employee to describe the kind of help they would like (practice, explanation, observing, etc.) Provide the employee with time to practice each of the objectives. Ask the employee to demonstrate how to perform skills/tasks discussed in AMA Part I. Offer constructive support to the employee as you observe them completing tasks. (Remember, errors are wonderful learning opportunities!) Compliment the employee for tasks done well. (You get what you praise!) Pair the employee with one of your high performing workers so they can observe a skilled employee performing the learned task. I hope this information is helpful to you. If you find your employee seems to be having problems with specific areas of policy or procedures, please do not hesitate to contact me, so we can note trends, and constantly make improvements to our curriculum. Thank you for your continued support for learning!