A Course Guide to ELE 100 Introduction to Engineering May 2004 Course Objectives The overall objective is to introduce students to engineering as a profession and as a college major. Introduction to the profession is accomplished in part by reading assignments and homework questions. Introduction to the major and the profession is accomplished by learning and using mathematics, chemistry and physics as they pertain to a particular design project. In the process, good practices are developed in problem solving techniques, computer solution of problems, oral presentations, written laboratory reports and papers, and team work. Objectives of the course are that students will: 1. Learn and use good practices for success such as showing up, on time, prepared, and paying attention. [Syllabus] 2. Learn and practice good note-taking techniques. [Handout and class exercise] 3. Learn how to solve problems and present solutions using spreadsheets. 4. Learn and apply fundamental electrical and mechanical principles; and write a paper that instructs the reader about those principles. 5. Learn about and practice oral presentations using presentation software. 6. Learn and practice performing laboratory experiments and writing laboratory reports. 7. Learn html programming and use a web page to communicate work assignments and progress and to share work products. 8. Learn and apply principles and practices of teamwork. 9. Learn principles of engineering design and apply those principles to design, build, test, and demonstrate a working artifact. There is also an objective to advance the students in their basic preparation, problem solving and analysis capabilities, and professional maturity, the three broad program outcomes. In the Program Outcomes document, those areas of particular emphasis for this course are italicized. [Program Outcomes] Challenges 1. Varied preparation and motivation of students. 2. Multiple objectives. 3. Learning materials distributed among many sources. 4. Coordination with ENG 100 5. Scheduling with technician for class time project work 6. Scheduling of resource person for Myers-Briggs session 1. Varied preparation and motivation of students The course is required of electrical engineering majors. Consequently, many students come prepared in high school mathematics, chemistry, and physics and are motivated to succeed in engineering. Some students have been out of school for several years and have some practical experience and are mature and ready to work. The course is open to students who are considering engineering as a major and a career but who have minimal background in mathematics and science. The challenge is to provide a sufficiently challenging course to the well-prepared and motivated students, yet not overwhelm the less well-prepared students. A second challenge is to motivate those who don’t realize that they need to show up, prepared, and prepared to work. High school algebra is a prerequisite for the course. Students need to use symbols in formulas and understand the idea of solving for an unknown quantity. They need to have some background in plotting mathematical functions of the type y=mx+b. Some understanding of trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent is useful. This knowledge is further developed through introduction of concepts of physics related to the design project and utilized while using spreadsheets to solve problems and display results graphically. It is further developed during laboratory exercises. Because learning materials are drawn from multiple sources, because much of the learning is achieved only in class, and because teamwork necessitates participation, attendance has been strongly encouraged. It will be required in the future because poor performance has been directly related to lack of attendance and has resulted in dysfunctional teams. At the first class session, a pre-course questionnaire is completed by the students. [PreCourse Questionnaire] This questionnaire provides a self-assessment of students’ knowledge and skills to be acquired in the course. It is completed again at the end of the course. Students’ names are included so that changes in individual students can be assessed. The pre-course questionnaire is also a valuable way to identify students who have particular skills, e.g. in spreadsheets or web page construction. These students become resource people to assist others in these exercises. 2. Multiple objectives Not only are there multiple objectives, the objectives are wide-ranging and include development of several skills as well as acquisition of knowledge. The key to achieving the objectives is to focus as many as possible on the design project. Thus, physical principles learned are those that directly relate to the project. Spreadsheet techniques are those used in modeling physical phenomena and presenting data related to the project. Oral presentations and written assignments are to demonstrate understanding not only of the concepts but also understanding of the principles of good oral and written communication. 3. Learning materials distributed among many sources. The required textbook includes discussion and illustration of many of the topics, e.g. profession of engineering, teamwork, design principles, etc. Others, such as spreadsheets and web page programming, are not included. The textbook serves as an organizing medium, and reading and answering questions in the book are assigned. Those exercises are extended by instructor-prepared lectures, tutorials, classroom exercises, and laboratories. Additional printed texts and guides are recommended. [See Syllabus] 4. Coordination with ENG 100 One section of ENG 100 College Writing is linked to ELE 100. All the students in that ENG 100 section are also in ELE 100. However, all the ELE 100 students are not in ENG 100. There is some coordination and sharing between ENG 100 and ELE 100 instructors so that the work of both courses is somewhat related. 5. Scheduling with technician for class time project work The design project includes construction of a device to achieve a specified purpose (described below). Students need to identify materials and parts and construct a working device. This requires the assistance of the technician. There are certain class periods that are devoted to shop work. The technician needs to be available to provide expertise, advice, and assistance. 6. Scheduling of resource person for Myers-Briggs session In relation to learning styles and teamwork, students learn their own styles and preferences, both through reading and homework and through completing the MyersBriggs Type Inventory (MBTI). In a major portion of a class period, a resource person from Career Services (Mariah Gaughan) provides background and exercises to introduce students to the various styles. This session needs to be relatively early in the semester in order that its benefits can manifest themselves during the semester. Components of the Course Various components of the course are interwoven but fall into n major categories: problem solving, concept mastery, discovery, communication, teamwork, and design. Then do sequencing of activities. Problem Solving Background is provided by the textbook [Syllabus]. A problem-solving method [Problem Solving] is outlined in class and students do a physics problem using the problem-solving steps. A spreadsheet guidebook is recommended [?]. Along with an introduction to Excel spreadsheets [Excel Notes I & II], students learn and practice solving problems using spreadsheets. In Spring 2004, these exercises all revolved around the trajectory of a baseball. Content provided by lecture included: concepts of distance, velocity, and acceleration as a function of time and their mathematical expressions; definition of trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent; shape of the curves described by the mathematical functions; concept of linearity, and construction of a y(x) expression from x(t) and y(t) expressions. The y(x) for the baseball trajectory is a function of both x and , which provides for opportunity to introduce functions of two independent variables. [Trajectory Notes I & II] Spreadsheet techniques include: basic operations; solution of formulas; relative and absolute addressing; incrementing a variable; built in functions; xy scatterplots; multiple plots on single set of axes; best fit curve to a set of data and correlation coefficient; plot labeling, scaling, secondary axis; and surface plots (two independent variables). Concept Mastery Concept mastery comes from reading the book, answering questions in the book, classroom lectures and note-taking, oral presentations, and written research paper, laboratory reports and project report. The concepts relate to the engineering profession, learning styles, etc. in book and the design project. The electromechanical design project is to design, develop, build, test, and demonstrate a small vehicle to transport a load up an incline, e.g. a ramp, using only two AAA batteries as the energy source. Concepts related to this project include voltage, current, resistance, electrical power, energy, work, force, distance, velocity, acceleration, magnetic fields and forces, linear and rotational velocity, work and power, and efficiency. Operation of batteries, dc motors, and gears is described in a series of tutorials, presented in class and available as electronic documents. Associated documents accompany pertinent laboratory guidelines in the Discovery section. Mechanics principles are presented in three segments [Mechanics I, II, and III]. Discovery Discovery is accomplished through laboratory exercises and demonstrations. Concept documents and laboratory exercises include: Concept Electrical Principles Battery Principles Basis of Motor Action (redo as armature electromagnetic) Laboratory Voltage, Resistance, and Current Battery Depletion Magnetic Fields; and force demonstration [Photo] Power Supply and Motor Battery and Motor Communication There are opportunities to develop oral, written, computer and interpersonal communication skills. It has been observed that students rarely take class notes unless encouraged to do so. Since considerable material in engineering courses is presented as chalk talk, note taking is a communications skill that needs to be mastered. Consequently, part of a class session is devoted to presenting principles of good note taking [Recommendations About Note Taking] followed immediately by a chalk talk following which the student notes are collected, evaluated, and returned. Background for oral presentations is provided by a computer assisted presentation on giving a computer assisted presentation [Oral Presentation.ppt]. Students do an individual presentation of their personal web page using the projected web page itself. They also do a computer assisted presentation as a team on the principles of operation of batteries, dc motors, and gears, and a team presentation of their proposed vehicle design [Design Proposal Presentation]. Students evaluate each other on their presentations, thereby recognizing good and not-so-good presentation behaviors to be incorporated or avoided in their own presentations. [Guidelines for Presentation Evaluation] Guidelines for written communications is provided by a recommended manual [Syllabus], by English Department guidelines (modified) [Criteria for Composition Grading], and by the textbook. [Guidelines for Laboratory Reports], [Guidelines for Research Paper and Presentation], and for the final project report [HexA Challenge Design Report] are provided. The portfolio assembles the course assignments, documents, guidelines, and work products and includes reflections by the students on their experiences and learning [Portfolio]. An interim portfolio about a third of the way through the course provides a reminder of the requirement an opportunity for feedback on quality and completeness [Interim Portfolio]. Students learn to create a web page using XHTML programming. They incorporate text, photographs, various fonts and colors, and learn about web page layout and style. Tutorials are provided [HTML 1, 2, &3], as are references to web sources, a [Guide for Creating a Good Web Page], instructions for transferring the web page to the Electrical Engineering server [Transferring Your Document to a Server] and a recommended textbook [Syllabus]. In addition to web sites for individual students, web sites are set up for each team to use to submit their contributions to laboratory reports, to the project design, and to the final report. Students gain background in interpersonal communications through learning styles readings and MBTI discussions. They gain experience in team communications through the laboratories, the team design project, and by teamwork exercises. Teamwork Background is provided by the textbook, by handouts, and class discussion. The [LOST AT SEA] exercise illustrates the benefits of teams in solving problems, due to diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and ideas. The [Team Dynamics Exercise] illustrates principles of design as well as teamwork needed to build a competitive paper tower. Handouts are provided outlining characteristics of a high performance team [What Is A Team?] and [Team Players], strategies for resolving conflicts [Conflict Strategies], and roles and responsibilities of team members in meetings and as a working group, and [Brainstorming Principles and Practices]. Teams are formed tentatively early in the semester based on self-reporting of team leadership skills in the pre-course questionnaire, by observations of the instructor, and to some degree by MBTI types. The instructor observes the teams in action and makes reassignments as necessary and as expeditiously as possible so that the final teams can be long-lasting and high-performing. Teamwork is an explicit part of the course. Students evaluate one another on their team skills and work contributions [Self/Peer Team Assessment], and the instructor includes it as an element in the course grade. {Kristen needs to get this in electronic form.} Design The design challenge for the project used so far is as follows: Design and construct a wheeled vehicle that will go, under its own power, up the ramp on the first floor of the John Mitchell Center using two AAA batteries as the sole energy source. The vehicle must employ the motor provided. The vehicle must include a payload area capable of containing “lead” shot. The goal is to transport the most mass the most quickly. The cost should be no more than $15. You will be reimbursed up to $10 per team for materials upon submission of receipts. Your team will design, construct, test, and demonstrate a vehicle fitting the above goal and constraints. [The HexA Challenge] Background on the design process is provided in the textbook. The nature of design is presented in class [DesignNature.ppt]. Students are provided with [Brainstorming Principles and Practices] and an opportunity to use them in designing their vehicles. The students are coached to develop a list of design objectives for their vehicle, e.g. loadcarrying, efficient, strong, lightweight, etc. Teams develop their own objectives, e.g. fast versus massive, and their designs, e.g. materials, number and size of wheels, etc. They design the vehicle. They collect materials and, with the assistance of the technician, construct it. They make decisions based on knowledge gained in class and in the laboratory. They have learned what power can be expected from AAA batteries and for how long; they know what the maximum power output of the motor/gear combination is and at what load that occurs. For a particular driving wheel size, gear ratio, and known optimum operating point for the motor/gears derived in the laboratory, they predict the velocity and the mass of their vehicle for optimum performance. Class time is provided for testing the vehicles. Problems are uncovered in testing. Experience is gained as to the actual performance of the vehicle. Following final corrections and improvements, the vehicles are “raced”, that is, the performance is compared to the predicted performance. A team can “win” either by having the best performance or by having the performance closest to the predicted performance, or both. [HexA Challenge Scoring Sheet] A Suggested Schedule Syllabus, Outcomes, Name Game, Problem Solving HexA Design Challenge introduced Problem Solving, Spreadsheets: problems related to HexA Electrical Principles and Lab Battery Principles and Battery lab Shipwreck Web Page and presentation Interim Portfolio Team Tower More HexA Design Principles Teamwork Vehicle design started Motor Principles and Labs Team reports using web Vehicle design continued Vehicle design proposal presentation Mechanics Paper on Batteries, Motors, and Gears Vehicle construction Vehicle testing Vehicle racing Project Report using web Portfolio