12 October 2000 Nature 407, 750 - 754 (2000) © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. <> Somatic support cells restrict germline stem cell selfrenewal and promote differentiation AMY A. KIGER*, HELEN WHITE-COOPER† & MARGARET T. FULLER*‡ * Department of Developmental Biology and ‡ Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305-5329 , USA † Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.F. (e-mail: fuller@cmgm.stanford.edu). Stem cells maintain populations of highly differentiated, short-lived cell-types, including blood, skin and sperm, throughout adult life1. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate stem cell behaviour is crucial for realizing their potential in regenerative medicine2. A fundamental characteristic of stem cells is their capacity for asymmetric division: daughter cells either retain stem cell identity or initiate differentiation. However, stem cells are also capable of symmetric division where both daughters remain stem cells3-6, indicating that mechanisms must exist to balance self-renewal capacity with differentiation. Here we present evidence that support cells surrounding the stem cells restrict self-renewal and control stem cell number by ensuring asymmetric division. Loss of function of the Drosophila Epidermal growth factor receptor in somatic cells disrupted the balance of self-renewal versus differentiation in the male germline, increasing the number of germline stem cells. We propose that activation of this receptor specifies normal behaviour of somatic support cells; in turn, the somatic cells play a guardian role, providing information that prevents self-renewal of stem cell identity by the germ cell they enclose. The identity of Drosophila male germline stem cells and their physical relationship with surrounding somatic cells are known, providing an excellent model for genetic analysis of stem cell regulatory mechanisms. Male germline stem cells lie at the testis apical tip, in intimate contact with somatic hub cells and enveloped by somatic stem cells termed cyst progenitors (Fig. 1)7. Germline stem cell divisions normally have asymmetrical outcomes: the daughter adjacent to the hub retains stem cell identity and self-renewal capacity, while the daughter displaced from the hub becomes a gonialblast and initiates differentiation ( Fig. 1, arrow I)7, 8. Cyst progenitors also divide asymmetrically to selfrenew and produce a cyst cell, two of which enclose each gonialblast and its progeny7-9. The gonialblast initiates synchronous mitoses with incomplete cytokinesis, producing interconnected spermatogonia (Fig. 1, arrow II). After these four amplifying divisions, the resulting sixteen spermatogonia cease mitosis and enter meiosis as spermatocytes (Fig. 1, arrow III). Progression of germline differentiation occurs in a spatial gradient, with small, mitotic cells at the apex and larger, differentiating spermatocytes more distal (Fig. 2a, c). Figure 1 Three critical decision points in Drosophila early male germ cell differentiation. Full legend High resolution image and legend (51k) Figure 2 Egfr+ restricts proliferation of early germ cells. Full legend High resolution image and legend (77k) The asymmetric outcome of stem cell divisions could result from differential inheritance of intrinsic determinants, exposure to extrinsic signals, or both. We found that Egfr+ function in somatic cells is required to restrict self-renewal of Drosophila male germline stem cells and allow differentiation, indicating a role for extrinsic signals. Adult males with a temperature-sensitive mutation in Egfr (Egfr ts mutants)10 were raised at permissive temperature then shifted to restrictive temperature. Although all stages of spermatogenesis were initially present, by one week at non-permissive temperature, testes were filled with massive numbers of early germ cells with small, Vasa-positive nuclei (Fig. 2b, d). Notch protein was normally detected in stem cells, gonialblasts and spermatogonia but not in spermatocytes (Fig. 2e). In Egfr ts testes, the number of Notch-positive cells was greatly increased (Fig. 2f). The early germ cells appeared to proliferate at the expense of differentiation, as spermatocytes and spermatids were absent or markedly reduced in number. Many early germ cells in Egfrts mutant testes displayed expression markers, subcellular structures and cell division behaviour characteristic of stem cells or gonialblasts. The M34a 9 insert drives -Galactosidase expression in germline stem cells and gonialblasts at the testis tip (Fig. 2g). In all Egfrts mutant testes examined, the number of M34apositive cells increased dramatically, both at and displaced away from the apex (Fig. 2h). Drosophila germ cells contain characteristic spectrin-rich structures: the ballshaped spectrosome in stem cells and gonialblasts and the branched fusome in spermatogonial and spermatocyte cysts11. In wild-type testes, cells with spectrosomes appear in a rosette one or two cells deep around the hub ( Fig. 2i). Egfrts mutants had many more cells with ball-shaped spectrosomes, both near the tip (Fig. 2j) and displaced down the testis (Fig. 2k). Dumbbell-shaped spectrosomes were also common, as in recently divided stem cells or cystoblasts in the female germline12. In wild-type testes, germ cells undergo mitotic division only at the apical tip. Stem cells and gonialblasts divide as single cells while interconnected spermatogonia divide in synchrony7 (Fig. 2l). Egfr ts mutants had single cells in metaphase, consistent with stem cell or gonialblast identity, throughout the testes ( Fig. 2m, arrows). The earliest germ cells accumulating in Egfrts mutant testes resembled stem cells based on expression of the stem cell marker escargot (esg)13. esg function is required for maintenance of male germline stem cells (G. Hime and M.F., manuscript in preparation). In wild-type testes, esg messenger RNA was detected in somatic hub cells and the adjacent rosette of germline stem cells, but not in gonialblasts or spermatogonia (Fig. 3a). In all Egfrts mutant testes examined (n = 36), esg mRNA appeared in many individual, paired or small clusters of cells scattered throughout the testes (Fig. 3b–d). In 29 testes, esg-positive germ cells also appeared in an enlarged rosette at the tip (Fig. 3b). In seven testes, the hub was displaced from the tip (Fig. 3d) or not detected. The number of esg-positive germ cells per testis ranged from twenty to hundreds, proportional ( 10%) to the total number of accumulated early germ cells. The increased number of cells with stem cell division behaviour, spectrosomes and marker expression suggested that without Egfr+ function stem cells may divide symmetrically, producing two daughters that retain stem cell identity. Stem cell characteristics were even maintained in cells displaced away from the hub, outside the normal stem cell niche. Figure 3 Egfr+ restricts germline stem cell self-renewal. Full legend High resolution image and legend (29k) Wild-type Egfr function also appeared to restrict mitotic amplification divisions and allow spermatogonia to differentiate (Fig. 1 , arrow III). Cytoplasmic bag-of-marbles protein (Bam-C)14, 15 is normally expressed in two-cell cysts to early sixteen-cell cysts (Fig. 4a). In Egfrts mutants, the number of germ cells lacking detectable Bam-C at the tip was increased (Fig. 4b), consistent with expansion of the stem cell and gonialblast populations. In addition, Egfr ts testes had large clusters of Bam-C-positive cells with far more than 16 cells per cyst (Fig. 4b). Consistent with failure of spermatogonia to cease mitotic division, clusters of 16 or more cells in synchronous mitosis (Fig. 4c) and groups of interconnected cells with fusome running through more than 15 ring canals (Fig. 4d) were common. Thus, Egfr+ function is required to restrict self-renewal or proliferation and allow at least two critical differentiation choices during spermatogenesis: the stem cell to gonialblast switch, and the spermatogonia to spermatocyte transition. The large Bam-C-positive cysts may originate from cells that made the stem cell to gonialblast transition and initiated spermatogonial divisions before depletion of Egfrts function. Figure 4 Egfr+ restricts spermatogonial amplification divisions. Full legend High resolution image and legend (69k) Egfr function is not required in the germline to restrict germline stem cell self-renewal or allow differentiation of gonialblasts, spermatogonia or spermatocytes. Germline clones homozygous for an Egfr null or Egfrts allele produced cysts with 16 differentiating spermatocytes (Fig. 5a). None of the homozygous Egfr mutant germline clones (n = 86) showed overproliferation of early germ cells. Somatic cyst cell clones homozygous mutant for Egfr were not recovered, indicating that loss of Egfr function in individual cyst progenitors may cause cell lethality or block differentiation. Figure 5 Egfr+ activity in somatic cells regulates germline stem cell differentiation. Full legend High resolution image and legend (62k) Normal differentiation of Egfr mutant germline clones indicated Egfr+ acts in somatic cells to restrict germline stem cell self-renewal and allow differentiation. Parallel analysis of the Egfr downstream effector D-Raf16 identified cyst cells as the critical somatic cells involved17. Consistent with activation of Egfr signalling in cyst cells, wild-type cyst cells associated with early germline had high levels of activated MAPkinase18 (Fig. 5b). In addition, expression of vein–lacZ was detected in both early and late cyst cells (Fig. 5c). Expression of vein, an Egfr ligand, is a downstream target of Egfr activation in several tissues19-21. Egfr may be activated in cyst cells in response to a germline-derived ligand: an enhancer trap in the Egfr ligand spitz was expressed in germ cells (Fig. 5d). Expression of spitz in male germ cells may activate Egfr on somatic cyst cells, much as expression of an oocyte-derived ligand activates Egfr in overlying somatic follicle cells during oogenesis, inducing vein expression and eventual patterning of the egg19. As Egfr+ appears to act in somatic cells to allow germline differentiation, we assayed effects on hub and cyst cells in Egfrts mutants. The hub was present in most Egfrts testes (Figs 2d, 3b, 5f). Staining for a nuclear marker22 normally in paired cyst cells surrounding 16 spermatogonia also revealed pairs in the mutant. However, in distal regions of Egfr ts testes, the paired cyst cells were often associated with more than 16 germ cells (Fig. 5f, inset). Early cyst cells often formed improper associations with early germ cells in Egfr ts testes. In general, accumulation of early germ cells was not associated with a corresponding increase in the total number of cyst progenitor or early cyst cells. In addition, often more than two cyst cells surrounded a mass of early germ cells (observed in 17/50 Egfrts testes) (compare Fig. 5e and f). In one case, we observed an isolated cyst of germ cells with over 15 cyst cell nuclei. Cyst cells surrounding a germline mass might continue to divide rather than differentiate. Alternatively, multiple cyst cells may be recruited during cyst formation. In either case, disruption of the normal association between cyst cells and germ cells could allow proliferation of early germ cells at the expense of differentiation. Signals from somatic support cells are suggested to specify germline stem cell selfrenewal and prevent differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans 23, Drosophila oogenesis6, 14, 24, 25, and mammalian spermatogensis26. Our results suggest an additional role: extrinsic signals from somatic support cells restrict germline stem cell self-renewal and ensure that one stem cell daughter adopts the gonialblast fate and initiates differentiation (Fig. 1, arrow I). We propose that Egfr+ activation in cyst cells sends a signal that prevents self-renewal of stem cell identity by the germ cell they enclose. Without Egfr+ function, the cyst cells do not send the proposed signal and both daughter cells can retain stem cell identity, increasing stem cell number. Thus, support cells act as guardians, reining in the capacity for expansion of the stem cell population through symmetric division and ensuring the correct balance between self-renewal and differentiation. Mammalian haematopoietic and spermatogonial stem cell populations markedly expand after transplantation3, 5. In the Drosophila female germline, stem cells can divide symmetrically to replace lost neighbouring stem cells6. We propose that, as in the male germline, guardian mechanisms may normally control capacity for extensive stem cell self-renewal in other stem cell systems. Methods Egfrts mutants Egfr tsla/EgfrCO trans-heterozygotes10, 27 were raised at 18 °C, shifted as adults to 29 °C, and aged for one week. Controls were heterozygous siblings. Cytology Whole testes stained28 with 1:10 anti-FasciclinIII (Goodman), 1:10,000 antiVasa (Lehmann), 1:1,000 C17.9C6 anti-Notch (Artavanis-Tsakonas), 1:200 anti-alphaSpectrin (Branton), 1:100 anti-phosphorylated-Histone-H3 or anti-phosphotyrosine (Upstate Biotechnology), 1:1,000 anti-Bam-C (McKearin), 1:1,000 anti-Eyes-Absent (Bonini), 1:200 FITC- or TRITC-conjugated anti-IgG (Jackson Immuno Research), and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, Molecular Probes). -Galactosidase activity from P{PZ}spi 01068 (Shilo), P{PZ}vn 10567 (Simcox), M34a, 600 and I72(ref. 9) detected with X-Gal. For activated-MAPK, testes dissected in 10 mM Tris-Cl pH 6.8, 180 mM KCl, 50 mM NaF, 1 mM NaVO4, 10 mM -glycerophosphate were immuno-stained using 1:250 anti-dp-ERK (Sigma M8159), 1:2,000 biotinylated-anti-mouse (Vector), and 1:1,000 extravidin-HRP (Sigma). In situ hybridizations used digoxigenin-UTP riboprobes from esg complementary DNA (Hayashi). Mosaic analyses Marked germline clones homozygous for EgfrCO (shown) or Egfrts induced in adults using MARCM with 37 °C heat-shock for one hour29. Full genotype: UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP/Y;FRT G13,topco/FRT G13,tubP-GAL80;tubP-GAL4/+. Flies aged at 25 °C for 6 days scored for germline phenotypes and GFP expression by phasecontrast and fluorescence microscopy. 50 EgfrCO testes (n = 182) and 36 Egfrts testes (n = 93) had GFP-germline cells: none showed germline overproliferation. Egfr mutant GFP-cyst progenitor clones were not detected (n = 275), compared with 35 in controls (n = 60). Received 4 July 2000; accepted 4 August 2000 References 1. 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Links Acknowledgements. We thank J. Kumar and K. Moses for the Egfrts allele; S. DiNardo, D. Traver, S. Kim and Fuller lab members for communication of unpublished data and helpful comments; and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (A.A.K.) and the National Institutes of Health (M.T.F.) for financial support. Figure 1 Three critical decision points in Drosophila early male germ cell differentiation. Germline stem cells (S) and somatic cyst progenitor stem cells (grey) surround somatic hub cells (hatched grey) at the testis apical tip. Arrow I, asymmetric germline stem cell division produces a new stem cell and a gonialblast (G), which becomes enclosed by two somatic cyst cells (black). Arrow II, gonialblast initiates four rounds of mitotic amplification divisions with incomplete cytokinesis. Arrow III, cysts of sixteen interconnected spermatogonia exit mitosis and initiate spermatocyte growth, meiosis and terminal differentiation. Figure 2 Egfr+ restricts proliferation of early germ cells. Cytology of testes from wild-type (WT; a, c, e, g, i, l) and Egfrts (b, d, f, h, j, k, m) Drosophila. Asterisks, apical tips of testes. a, b, DAPIstaining. Arrowheads, spermatogonia/spermatocyte transition. c, d, Nuclear size increases with differentiation in control (c) but not Egfrts (d) testes. Green, anti-Vasa, germline nuclei; red and arrow, anti-FasIII, hub; blue, DAPI. e, f, Anti-Notch staining. g, h, Staining for M34a. Arrowhead, wild-type stem cells and gonialblasts; black arrow, marked cells at Egfr ts tip; white arrow, marked cells displaced from Egfr ts tip. i-k, Anti-alpha-Spectrin staining. Arrow, spectrosomes; forked arrows, fusomes; green and arrowhead (K ), few ring canals 28 in Egfrts displaced cells with spectrosomes. l, m, Staining with anti-phosphorylated-Histone-3 (green) and DAPI (red). Arrowhead, synchronous wild-type spermatogonial division; arrow, single dividing cell. Figure 3 Egfr+ restricts germline stem cell self-renewal. Germline stem cells (arrows) and somatic hub (arrowheads) stained for escargot mRNA. a, Control. Hub and surrounding rosette of 9 germline stem cells (inset, higher magnification of testis tip). b-d, Egfrts. Many isolated (arrows), pairs or small clusters (forked arrows) of esg-positive cells displaced from apical tip. b, Hub at tip. c, Distal testis region with many esg-positive cells. d, Mislocalized hub. Figure 4 Egfr+ restricts spermatogonial amplification divisions. a, b, Anti-Bam-C (green). DAPI (blue). In wild-type testis (a), Bam-C is detected in spermatogonia (bracket) but not stem cells or gonialblasts (asterisk to bracket). In Egfrts testes (b) there are expanded Bam-C-negative (asterisk to bracket) and Bam-C-positive populations (bracket). Arrow, cyst of Bam-C-positive cells with more than sixteen spermatogonia. c, Egfrts testis stained with anti-phosphorylated-Histone-3 (green). Sixteen spermatogonia undergoing extra round of synchronous mitosis. d, Egfr ts testis stained for anti-Spectrin (red), anti-phosphotyrosine (green) and DAPI (blue). Large cluster of cells resembling spermatogonia, with branched fusome (arrows) and multiple ring canals (arrowheads). Figure 5 Egfr+ activity in somatic cells regulates germline stem cell differentiation. Asterisk, testes apex. a, EgfrCO homozygous germline clone showing stem cell (arrowhead), spermatogonia (short arrow) and 16 spermatocytes (arrow). b, Wild type. Active MAP-kinase in cyst cells neighbouring germline stem cells (arrowheads) and spermatocytes (arrows). c, vein enhancer trap in cyst cells. d, spitz enhancer trap in germline. e, f, 600 enhancer trap in hub (arrow) and cyst cells (arrowheads) in wild-type (e) and Egfr ts (f) testes. Multiple cyst cells are associated with many germ cells. Inset, Egfrts. More than sixteen germ cells (DAPI, blue) with two Eya-positive cyst cell nuclei (green, arrows).