English 105 Assessment Results Presented in the following order: Spring 2007 Fall 2006 Comparative Results Fall 2006/Spring 2007 Comp 1 Assessment Analysis Spring 2007 Purpose The Spring 2007 Comp 1 writing assessment was undertaken as part of DMACC’s institutional accreditation process (AQIP). The writing assessment itself has been evolving over several semesters. Methodology The Spring 2007 semester Comp 1 (ENG 105) assessment represents an on-going district-wide, holistically scored, portfolio assessment program. All face-to-face Comp 1 classes on all six campuses were part of the project, representing a total of 950 students. (There were 1,728 students who took Comp 1 in the fall.). Each student portfolio submitted for the assessment included a reflective letter, generated by the student, to be assessed by trained faculty readers. A scoring rubric was used to evaluate the letters Each letter was read and evaluated by two different readers Prior to the assessment, the following steps were taken: 1. In January, just prior to the Spring 2007 semester, a memo was sent to all Comp 1 instructors which included: A reminder to include the five Comp 1 goal statements on the course syllabus A reminder to collect portfolios from Comp 1 students FAQs regarding the assessment Business letter format requirements for the reflective letters 2. One reader-training session was held in January. 3. Joe DeHart, Executive Director of Planning and Research, determined the sample size of 282 students. After the March drop date, a random list of 500 names was generated. 4. Susan Pagnac, Assessment Coordinator, contacted each Comp 1 instructor requesting them to submit portfolios from those students selected for the assessment. A total of 345 student portfolios (out of 500) were actually collected. Of those portfolios collected, 336 were useful for the assessment (67.2%). DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 1 of 22 Reasons for not submitting or using requested portfolios included: Students were registered, but were no longer attending class Portfolios submitted did not include the reflective letter On Saturday, June 16, 2007, twenty-four highly trained readers scored the reflective letters in two hours. Two different readers scored each letter. The scores were entered on an Excel spreadsheet and the scoring graphs (shown below) were created from that data. The readers also wrote a reflective evaluation of the writing assessment. Their comments will help us refine the next assessment (January 2008). DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 2 of 22 Findings Summary Data Graph 1 COMP 1 Assessment - Fall 06 & Spring 07 Mean Score by Goal Source: DMACC English Department 5.00 Fall 06 Mean 4.50 Spring 07 Mean 4.00 3.35 3.50 3.19 3.10 Mean Score 3.00 2.83 2.77 2.76 2.53 2.50 2.58 2.41 2.55 2.69 2.39 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Goal 1- Recursive Writing Goal 2- Critical Reading Goal 3- Standard Written English Goal 4- Research Techniques Goal 5- MLA Format Overall Score This bar graph breaks down the mean scores by each one of the five goal statements (see below) and also shows the overall score. The graph also compares the data to the Fall semester mean scores. Both the individual mean scores and the Fall/Spring mean score comparison will provide useful benchmarks for future assessments. The five Comp 1 course goals are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demonstrate effective writing as a recursive process. Demonstrate critical reading strategies. Demonstrate the application of the conventions of standard written English. Demonstrate the effective use of research techniques. Demonstrate the proper use of Modern Language Association (MLA) format, including page layout, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. While a bar graph provides one kind of aggregate information, a line graph is a better way to express the distribution of the scores. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 3 of 22 COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Score by Goal Number of Responses Summary Data Graph 2A Source: DMACC, English Department 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Score 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Recursive Writing 23 43 65 91 41 Critical Reading 42 68 79 57 17 Standard Written English 0 27 112 107 17 Research Techniques 39 59 95 57 13 MLA Format 29 53 91 76 14 Overall 10 81 107 59 6 COMP 1 Assessment- Spring 2007 Number of Responses per Score by Goal Number of Responses Summary Data Graph 2B Source: DMACC English Department 160 140 120 100 Score 80 60 40 20 0 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Recursive Writing 56 64 79 88 38 Critical Reading 81 83 65 75 21 Standard Written English 2 37 98 154 34 Research Techniques 93 65 76 78 13 MLA Format 77 59 90 71 28 Overall 31 114 100 70 10 DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 4 of 22 These composite line graphs (2A & 2B) make useful comparisons of the scoring distribution of each goal statement and also show each line in reference to the overall score. Each of the five goals measured are interpreted individually. While both sets of overall scores were distributed in fairly typical bell curves, the respective Fall/Spring line graphs reveal some interesting patterns. Interpretation As is evident by the bar graphs (Summary Data Graph 1), Goals 1 & 3 for both fall and spring were the highest scoring goals. There was also significant movement to the right of the Spring 2007 Goal #3--Standard Written English. While this does not mean that the other measures were not successful, it does point out some places where the department can focus its attention for improvement. Summary Data Graphs 2A and 2B (rather than the bar graph) better illustrate areas that can be improved. Composite Score Graph COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses per Overall Score Source: DMACC English Department Fall 2006 40.68% Spring 2007 35.08% 30.77% 30.80% 22.43% 21.54% 9.54% 3.80% 3.08% 2.28% 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Score The Fall 2006 composite score graph line represents a fairly typical bell curve, though it is weighted slightly to the left. The Spring 2007 graph line shows a distinct shift to the left. There was roughly a 10% drop in the number of letters that scored a three and there were corresponding increases in the left portion of the graph line. Future departmental assessment goals might include class strategies for pushing this aggregate score to the right and increasing the number of portfolios rating higher than a three on the five-point scale. A faculty discussion of best practices would aid in this endeavor. This will be discussed at the English Faculty Retreat on September 28. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 5 of 22 DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 6 of 22 Goal 1: Demonstrate effective writing as a recursive process. COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses for Goal 1 - Recursive Writing Score Source: DMACC English Department Fall 2006 Spring 2007 0.35% 0.25% 0.27% 0.20% 0.24% 0.17% 0.16% 0.16% 0.12% 0.09% 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Score The shape of the data dispersion indicates that the majority of Comp 1 students understand the recursive nature of writing. It also indicates that those Comp 1 students who understand the process know it well, while those students who don’t understand the process REALLY don’t understand it. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 7 of 22 Goal 2: Demonstrate critical reading strategies. COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses for Goal 2 - Critical Reading Score Source: DMACC English Department Fall 2006 Spring 2007 30.04% 24.92% 25.86% 23.08% 25.54% 21.67% 20.00% 15.97% 6.46% 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 6.46% 5 Score The mean score of Goal 2 in the fall semester was 2.53 (the lowest average score), and the shape of the curve drops off considerably on the right. The comparable mean score in the spring semester was 2.41 (the second lowest score). There were a significant number of spring semester reflective letters that did not mention Goal 2. The reflective letter scores suggest that not all of the Comp 1 faculty is addressing Goal 2 in their respective classrooms. It also appears that while students in Comp 1 possess some sense of basic critical reading strategies, more could be done to prepare them for the kinds of reading necessary for the research-writing component of Comp 2. This is something to discuss at the September 28 English Faculty Retreat. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 8 of 22 Goal 3: Demonstrate the application of the conventions of standard written English. COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses for Goal 3 - Standard Written English Score Source: DMACC English Department 47.38% Fall 2006 Spring 2007 42.59% 40.68% 30.15% 11.38% 10.46% 10.27% 6.46% 0.62% 1 - 1.9 0.00% 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Score The shapes of these graphs clearly demonstrate that most Comp 1 students have a basic competence in standard written English. This is not to say, however, that the goal has been met. The department needs to meet and set a standard for future assessments. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 9 of 22 Goal 4: Demonstrate the effective use of research techniques. COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses for Goal 4 - Research Techniques Score Source: DMACC English Department Fall 2006 Spring 2007 36.12% 28.62% 24.00% 22.43% 23.38% 21.67% 20.00% 14.83% 4.94% 4.00% 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Score The Fall 2006 midpoint score of 2.58 and the overall shape of the line graph suggest that while students may have a basic understanding of research techniques, more could be done to prepare students for Comp 2. The Spring 2007 line graph shape, especially in relation to the fall graph raises some questions, especially in terms of the rise of scores in the one range and the drop in the three ranges. Like the interpretation of Goal 2 (demonstrate Critical reading strategies), there are concerns that not all faculty are teaching to this competency. This graph and the Goal 2 critical reading graph track very closely and suggest that the teachers who focus on research techniques in Comp 1 may also do a better job of focusing on critical reading skills. As noted before, this is something that will be discussed at the English Faculty Retreat. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 10 of 22 Goal 5: Demonstrate the proper use of Modern Language Association (MLA) format, including page layout, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. COMP 1 Assessment Percentage of Responses for Goal 5 - MLA Format Score Source: DMACC English Department Fall 2006 Spring 2007 34.60% 28.90% 23.69% 27.69% 20.15% 21.85% 18.15% 11.03% 8.62% 5.32% 1 - 1.9 2 - 2.9 3 - 3.9 4 - 4.9 5 Score Again, the shape of the graph has a strong correlation to the critical reading and the research techniques goals (Goals 2 & 4). The reasons for the spring semester 12.66% rise in scores in the 1 to 1.9 range are related to the parallel increases in the Goal 2 and Goal 4 scores. Focusing more on these three goals (Numbers 2, 4 & 5) is also something that the department needs to discuss. Conclusion While it is premature to make any specific claims about Comp 1, the information collected by the analysis provides a statistically valid set of benchmarks for future assessments. After at least three semesters of collecting and interpreting district-wide data, we will be able to see trends and determine the success of any practices we implement. Where do we go from here? Determine when we have been successful with our measures Share best practices/ strategies for teaching lower scoring goals Suggest changes in course competencies Discuss Comp 2 pilot assessment process Discuss developmental assessment pilot process (ENG 060 College Prep Writing 1 & ENG 061College Prep Writing 2) Discuss on-line course assessments Report on the inclusion of dual credit classes in future assessments DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 11 of 22 An English faculty retreat was held on Sept. 28 with all district comp teachers (full and part time) and the above items were discussed. A retreat report will follow. +++++++++ Comp 1 Assessment Analysis Fall 2006 Purpose The Fall 2006 Comp 1 writing assessment was undertaken as part of DMACC’s institutional accreditation process (AQIP). The writing assessment itself has been evolving over several semesters. Methodology The Fall 2006 semester Comp 1 (ENG 105) assessment represents the first district-wide, holistically scored, portfolio assessment program. All face-to-face Comp 1 classes on all six campuses were part of the project, representing a total of 1,728 students. Each student portfolio submitted for the assessment included a reflective letter, generated by the student, to be assessed by trained faculty readers. A scoring rubric was used to evaluate the letters Each letter was read and evaluated by two different readers Prior to the assessment, the following steps were taken: 5. In August, just prior to the fall 2006 semester, a memo was sent to all Comp 1 instructors which included: A reminder to include the five Comp 1 goal statements on the course syllabus A reminder to collect portfolios from Comp 1 students FAQs regarding the assessment Business letter format requirements for the reflective letters 6. Two reader-training sessions - November 2006 and January 2007. 7. Joe DeHart, Executive Director of Planning and Research, determined the sample size of 325 students. After the November drop date, a random list of 400 names was generated. 8. Susan Pagnac, Assessment Coordinator, contacted each Comp 1 instructor requesting them to submit portfolios from those students selected for the assessment. A total of 262 student portfolios (out of 400) were actually collected. Reasons for not submitting or using requested portfolios included: Students were registered, but were no longer attending class One adjunct instructor moved at semester’s end without submitting the portfolios Portfolios submitted did not include the reflective letter DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 12 of 22 On Saturday, January 20th, 2007, twenty-five trained readers scored the reflective letters in just under two hours. Each letter was scored by two independent readers. The scores were entered on an Excel spreadsheet and the scoring graphs (shown below) were created from that data. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 13 of 22 Findings Summary Data Graph 1 COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Average Score by Goal Source: DMACC, English Department 5.00 Mean Score Standard Deviation 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.19 3.10 Score Score 3.00 2.77 2.83 2.58 2.53 2.50 0.84 1.00 0.99 0.71 1.02 1.08 1.50 1.14 2.00 0.50 0.00 Goal 1- Recursive Writing Goal 2- Critical Reading Goal 3- Standard Written English Goal 4- Research Techniques Goal 5- MLA Format Overall Score Goal Goal This bar graph breaks down the mean scores by each one of the five goal statements (see below) and also shows the overall score. Of the five goals measured, Goal 3 (demonstrate the application of the conventions of standard written English) scored the highest at 3.19 (on a five point scale) and Goal 2 (demonstrate critical reading strategies) scored the lowest at 2.53. The overall score of 2.83 reflects the bell shaped dispersion of the data. Both the individual mean scores and the respective standard deviations will provide useful benchmarks for future assessments. The five Comp 1 course goals are: 6. Demonstrate effective writing as a recursive process. 7. Demonstrate critical reading strategies. 8. Demonstrate the application of the conventions of standard written English. 9. Demonstrate the effective use of research techniques. 10. Demonstrate the proper use of Modern Language Association (MLA) format, including page layout, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. While a bar graph provides one kind of aggregate information, a line graph is a better way to express the distribution of the scores. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 14 of 22 Summary Data Graph 2 COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Score by Goal Source: DMACC, English Department Number of Responses Number of Responses 120 100 Recursive Writing Critical Reading Standard Written English Research Techniques MLA Format Overall 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Recursive Writing 23 43 65 91 41 Critical Reading 42 68 79 57 17 Standard Written English 0 27 112 107 17 Research Techniques 39 59 95 57 13 MLA Format 29 53 91 76 14 Overall 10 81 107 59 6 Score Score This composite line graph makes a useful comparison of the scoring distribution of each goal statement and also shows each line in reference to the overall score. Each of the five goals measured are interpreted individually. While the overall scores were distributed in a fairly typical bell curve, the respective line graphs reveal some interesting patterns. Interpretation As is evident by the bar graph (Summary Data Graph 1), Goals 1 & 3 were the highest scoring goals. While this does not mean that the other measures were not successful, it does point out some places where the department can focus its attention for improvement. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 15 of 22 Composite Score Graph COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Overall Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Overall 1 2 3 4 5 10 81 107 59 6 Score Score The composite score graph represents a fairly typical bell curve and is weighted slightly to the left. Future assessment goals might include pushing this aggregate score to the right, by increasing the number of portfolios rating higher than a three on the five-point scale. A faculty discussion of best practices would aid in this endeavor. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 16 of 22 Goal 1: Demonstrate effective writing as a recursive process. COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Recursive Writing Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Goal 1- Recursive Writing 1 2 3 4 5 23 43 65 91 41 Score Score The aggregate score of 3.1 and the shape of the data dispersion indicate that the majority of Comp 1 students understand the recursive nature of writing. It also indicates that those Comp 1 students who understand the process know it well, while those students who don’t understand the process REALLY don’t understand it. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 17 of 22 Goal 2: Demonstrate critical reading strategies. COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Critical Reading Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Goal 2- Critical Reading 1 2 3 4 5 42 68 79 57 17 Score Score The average score of Goal 2 was 2.53 (the lowest average score), and the shape of the curve drops off considerably on the right. It appears that while students in Comp 1 possess some sense of basic critical reading strategies, more could be done to prepare them for the kinds of reading necessary for the research-writing component of Comp 2. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 18 of 22 Goal 3: Demonstrate the application of the conventions of standard written English. COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Standard Written English Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Goal 3- Standard Written English 1 2 3 4 5 0 27 112 107 17 Score Score The shape of this graph clearly demonstrates that most Comp 1 students have a basic competence in standard written English. This is not to say, however, that the goal has been met. The department needs to meet and set a standard for future assessments. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 19 of 22 Goal 4: Demonstrate the effective use of research techniques. COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per Research Techniques Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Goal 4- Research Techniques 1 2 3 4 5 39 59 95 57 13 Score Score The midpoint score of 2.58 and the overall shape of the graph suggest that while students may have a basic understanding of research techniques, more could be done to prepare students for Comp 2. It is also interesting to note that this graph and the critical reading graph track very closely. This suggests that the teachers who focus on research techniques in Comp 1 may also focus on critical reading skills. DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 20 of 22 Goal 5: Demonstrate the proper use of Modern Language Association (MLA) format, including page layout, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page. COMP 1 Assessment- Fall 2006 Number of Responses per MLA Format Score Source: DMACC, English Department 120 Number of Responses Number of Responses 100 80 60 40 20 0 Goal 5- MLA Format 1 2 3 4 5 29 53 91 76 14 Score Score Again, the shape of the graph has a strong correlation to the critical reading and the research techniques goals (Goals 2 & 4). Focusing more on these three goals (Numbers 2, 4 & 5) is something that the department needs to discuss. Conclusion While it is premature to make any specific claims about Comp 1, the information collected by the analysis provides a statistically valid set of benchmarks for future assessments. After at least three semesters of collecting and interpreting district-wide data, we will be able to see trends and determine the success of any practices we implement. Where do we go from here? English faculty retreat Sept. 28 (tentative) all comp teachers—full and part time Determine when we have been successful with our measures DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Page 21 of 2 Share best practices/ strategies for teaching lower scoring goals Suggest changes in course competencies Discuss Comp 2 pilot data Discuss developmental assessment pilot data (ENG 060 College Prep Writing 1 & ENG 061College Prep Writing 2) +++++++++ Comparative Results Fall 2006 with Spring 2007 4.00 2.74 2.83 2.69 2.74 2.77 2.43 2.58 2.39 2.55 Fall 2007 Mean 3.05 3.19 Spring 07 Mean 2.50 2.41 2.50 2.53 2.97 2.76 3.10 3.00 3.35 Fall 06 Mean 3.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Goal 1- Recursive Writing Goal 2- Critical Reading DMACC Comp I Writing Assessment Goal 3- Standard Written English Goal 4- Research Techniques Goal 5- MLA Format Overall Score Page 22 of 2