United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service POND Pond Design with Storage Indication Routing Version 2.01 March 2001 written by: Clinton W. Liezert PE Civil Engineer E-34669 POND.EXE Version 2.0 Table of Contents Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 Supporting Files ......................................................................................................................2 Loading POND ........................................................................................................................3 Main Menu ...............................................................................................................................3 Design Options ........................................................................................................................3 Stage-Storage Information .....................................................................................3 Hydrology options ....................................................................................................4 Entering watershed data ...........................................................................4 Inputting hydrograph coordinates..........................................................6 Material Selection ....................................................................................................6 Computing Elevations.............................................................................................7 Hydrograph Plots .......................................................................................9 Data File Management ..........................................................................................................9 Retrieving Data .........................................................................................................9 Saving Data ................................................................................................................10 Removing Data Files ...............................................................................................10 Options ......................................................................................................................................10 Clear Memory............................................................................................................10 Inputting Discharge Rating Data..........................................................................11 Modifying parameters and default values .........................................................11 Program Details ........................................................................................................12 Switching active printers ........................................................................................12 Temporary exit to DOS ..........................................................................................12 Quitting POND........................................................................................................................13 Technical Information ...........................................................................................................13 Format of saved data ...............................................................................................13 Pipe tables ..................................................................................................................14 Design details ............................................................................................................16 Appendix P Page - i - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Introduction: The pond program was designed to deal with the complete design of small to medium sized water impoundments as well as to evaluate the design of large existing facilities. The program has a great deal of diversity and provides many options related to designing and evaluating ponds. The features include: Development of a stage - storage curve or relationship. Develop hydrology internally (frequency and maximum probability). Accept an inflow hydrograph from other sources. Consider a variety of spillway types and materials. Develop a stage - discharge relationship internally. Accept a stage - discharge relationship from other sources. Route hydrographs through structures using storage indication methods. Provides warnings where designs might be considered inefficient or in conflict with design standards or state law. In this approach to pond design, the principal and emergency spillway systems are presumed (guessed at) and the design storms are applied to the system. The elevations related to this system are calculated and displayed. If the results are not acceptable to the designer, the spillway systems are modified and the system is routed again. This process is repeated until the results are satisfactory. Appendix P Page - 1 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Supporting Files: The pond design program is contained in a file called "POND.EXE". In order to run, it must be supported by several additional files on the default drive. They are: BRT71EFR.EXE This is a runtime module that is copyrighted to Microsoft Quick BASIC OH_ENG.CFG The file containing all of the specifics about your computing system such as type of printer. CLIMATE.DAT A data file that contains the rainfall information. This file is constructed in a format that requires a special editor (CLIM_ED) to modify. Do not attempt to change it with any other editor. Without this file, rainfall information can not be retrieved and that information will need to be manually entered. POND.STD This file contains the default values or any standard values that may apply to this program. Normally this file contains information that is managed from within the POND program. (''modify parameters") POND.ST2 A file that contains many default values and controls that the program uses. This is an ASCII file that can be modified although it is not highly recommended. POND.HLP A file that contains the help information for this program. The program will run without this file but there will obviously be no help information available and a file with this name that contains no data will be created. PIPES.PND Contains the types of pipe materials and associated "n" values that are available to the program. Should additional materials become available, they can easily be added to the system. Just be certain that the structure of the file is maintained. DIMHYD.DAT A file that defines the dimensionless hydrograph. The information is this file is necessary for the hydrograph development routine. RAIN*.DAT There is a table for each of the rainfall distributions that are available. Each file contains the data definition of the associated distribution pattern. Appendix P Page - 2 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Loading POND: "POND" can be loaded in one of two ways. Make certain that you are in the subdirectory where the engineering programs reside. The main "Ohio Engineering Menu" can be loaded first by entering "ENGMENU" at the DOS prompt ( C> ) and then selecting the "Pond Design" program from the choice list. The second option is to simply enter "POND" at the DOS prompt. POND Main Menu - Design Files Options Quit When the program is first activated, a menu similar to that above will be displayed. The marker identifies the function that is currently active. Pressing "F1" will display a small description of the function. Pressing "Enter" () or the left mouse button will activate the current function, and display a list of options available under that function. The first letter can also be used to activate any of the specific selections. The right and left arrow keys or the mouse can be used to move the marker. Design Options: Design ║ Files Options Quit Stage-Storage Calculations Hydrology Material Selection Compute Elevations Stage-Storage Calculations: In order to calculate a storage indication routing, the storage capabilities of the structure needs to be known at various elevations. This portion of the program provides the tools to develop this information. The first entry requests the elevation at the lowest point along the centerline of the dam. This information is used as a starting point for the structure as well as being instrumental in determining the design criteria. Subsequent lines will request an elevation and the area of the water surface at that elevation. Fifteen entry lines are available. It is not necessary that all of the lines be used but the better the site is defined, the better the final results. At least one line of information above the final water elevation is required. As the elevation and area flooded are entered, the accumulative storage is calculated. The first calculation is based on 0.4 x elevation difference x sum of areas. All subsequent calculations are based on 0.5 x elevation difference x sum of areas. Several publications Appendix P Page - 3 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 uses this procedure to account for the unevenness that typically exists along the bottom of the pond. This is pointed out so that you can make necessary adjustments if they are appropriate. Should the accumulated storage column display as series of asterisks (*******), it is an indication that you have entered bad data. Either the elevation is less that the previous line or the area flood area is smaller than that on the previous line. When this screen is complete, you can either return to the main menu or press PgDn to go to the hydrology screen. PgDn will direct you to the standard hydrology procedures but it will not offer all of the hydrology procedures that are available from the main menu. Hydrology: Design ║ Files Options Quit Stage-Storage Calculations Hydrology Material Selection Compute Elevations Enter Watershed Data Input Hydrograph Coords Enter Watershed Data: Two methods are available for inputting the hydrology into the system. The first involves entering the watershed characteristics and relying on the program to develop the hydrology. This is the first selection on the menu. When this option is selected, a data form will appear on the screen. The following discussion is related to the questions that are asked on this form. Job: Landowner - enter the name of the person that owns the pond site. This is the name that will appear on the printed reports for the completed design. County - this should be the county where the pond site is located. By entering the county name (and spelling it correctly) the rainfall amounts that are required will be automatically retrieved. Designed by - this should be the name or initials of the person that is to receive the nice plaque for design such a nice pond. It is also the name of the person who will sign the check if the pond washes out. Watershed: Drainage Area (acres) - enter the number of acres involved in the area that sheds water to the pond site. This values is required in order to classify the structure and well as to complete the design. Appendix P Page - 4 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Runoff Curve Number - this number represents the ability of the watershed to convert rainfall to runoff. The procedure for developing this number is covered in several pieces of literature including the National Engineering Field Handbook of the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). Watershed Length - this value should represent length of the path that would require the most time for a drop of water to travel across the watershed to the pond site. Average Watershed Slope (%) - enter the average slope of the watershed in percent (ft / 100 ft.). This value should represent the entire watershed area and not just the path that the water takes. Time of Concentration (hrs) - once the above numbers have been entered, this value should be automatically calculated. If you by chance come up with a better value using another method, you can overwrite the calculated value with your own. Principal Spillway: Design Frequency - enter the storm event frequency that should be used for the design of the principal spillway system. Most often this entry will default based on information that was previously entered. xx yr. - 24 hr rainfall (in) - this entry represents the rainfall amount that is associated with the frequency that was entered on the previous line. If the county was properly identified, this value should be automatically retrieved. Design Discharge (cfs) - if the previous values on this screen are complete and appropriate, this value will automatically be calculated. The computation involves the generation of all of the coordinates of the inflow hydrograph. This might take a few seconds if you are using a computer with an older processor. Emergency Spillway: Design Frequency - this frequency represents the statistical number of years that are acceptable between times that the emergency spillway experiences flow. xx yr. - 24 hr rainfall (in) - the rainfall associated with the frequency entered on the previous line. Design Discharge (cfs) - as before, this value will be calculated automatically when all of the data is available. (option where design Percent of Max Probable Precip - if the design is to be base on a is based on PMP) probable maximum analysis (determined within modify parameters), this entry indicated the percent of the probable Appendix P Page - 5 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 maximum precipitation should be used in the emergency spillway design. Maximum Probable Precip (in) - the maximum probable precipitation for the area where the pond is located. Once again, this value should be automatically retrieved. Design Discharge (cfs) - the design discharge for the emergency spillway will be calculated automatically. Rainfall Type: Rainfall type refers to the distribution of rainfall that normally occur in the area involved. This value is usually I, IA, II or III. In Ohio and the majority of the US a value of II should be used. Further information can be found in Section IV of the NRCS National Engineering Handbook or Chapter 2 of the NRCS National Engineering Field Handbook. Input Hydrograph Coords: The other method of providing hydrology information is to enter the coordinates of the hydrograph manually. This hydrograph information normally will come from another source such as stream gage records that record the actual discharges for specific storms, TR20 (project formulation) computer runs, etc. A form will appear to be filled in that defines the inflow hydrographs that are to be used to route the principal and emergency spillway events. The following information will be requested: Watershed drainage area - enter the number of acres that drain to the pond site. Time in hours - break the hydrograph into units of time that will best define the shape of the hydrograph. Times that define the straight sections of the hydrograph can be longer than those that define the curved portions. Principal Inflow - reading from the principal spillway inflow hydrograph, enter the discharge in cubic feet per second (cfs) that is associated with the time on this particular line Emergency Inflow - do the same for this entry as before except read from the emergency spillway inflow hydrograph. Material Selection: Using this selection, information about the spillway systems is entered. Type of Principal Spillway - Pressing F4 will cause a list of the types of spillway system that can be analyzed by the program. If the desired type does not exist, a rating curve for the type you prefer can be entered. This procedure will be covered later. Principal Spillway Materials - F4 will provide a list of the materials, and the associated "n" values, that are available to the system. Appendix P Page - 6 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Emergency Spillway Retardance - Once again, F4 will provide a list of values that the program uses. Information related to retardance can be found in the (NRCS) National Engineering Handbook. Basically the retardance reflects the resistance to flow in the emergency spillway because of the grass. "D" would typically be used in conditions where one could expect good maintenance (frequent mowing) in the emergency. If the grass is allowed to pretty much go wild, a "B" retardance would likely be used. Compute Elevations: This is where all of the action is in the POND program. A form will appear that contains much of the information about the pond. Several of the items will be "seeded" with information that is typically used for pond designs. There are also several special purpose keys that are available on this screen. As discussed earlier, the philosophy of this program is to estimate (or guess) a pond system and compute the resulting elevations. If the resulting elevations are unacceptable, adjust the properties of the pond system accordingly and recompute. It is much the same as the way in which the son of an SCS engineer described his dad's work to his grade school class. He said "My dad builds dams and then stands back to watch how high the water gets." This is pretty much how the program works. The following information will be listed on the form: Waterline Elevation - This is the elevation of permanent water or the pool elevation. It is the elevation at which water begins to flow through the spillway system. Principal Spillway Outlet Elevation - Enter the elevation of the flow line (invert) at the outlet end of the principal spillway pipe. The program uses this information to compute the head or water pressure on the spillway system. Invert of Pipe @ jct w/ Riser - This is the flowline elevation of the principal spillway (horizontal) pipe at the point where it joins the riser (vertical) pipe. As you might expect, this question information will not be requested if a hooded inlet or bleeder pipe spillway system was selected earlier. Principal Spillway Diameter (in) - Enter the diameter of the principal spillway (barrel) in inches. This is the diameter that you would prefer to use. It is wise to be certain that the size you select is manufactured in the material that was selected earlier. Riser Diameter (in) - Initially, a size will be displayed that is compatible with the size of the spillway system that was selected. This initial value will normally provide a combination of riser and pipe that is hydraulically efficient. If you don't like the size that initially appears, change it with a willingness to accept the consequences. Emergency Spillway Width (ft) - Enter the preferred width of the emergency spillway. This width should be measured within the level (control section) portion of the emergency. Appendix P Page - 7 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Top Width of Dam (ft) - Enter the desired top width of the embankment. The program will start with a number that is based on the height of the dam, but you are free to change it. Width of Upstream Berm (ft) - It is common to construct a berm across the upstream side of a dam to help deal with wave action. On some occassions, a semi-circular berm is constructed around the riser to help support it. In either case, the dimension of this berm is entered here and it's width affects the length of the spillway system. Freeboard (ft) - This is a safety factor that is included in pond design and represents the distance between the elevation in the pool when the emergency spillway is flowing at design depth and the elevation of the top of dam. This value is usually tied to a design standard. Upstream Sideslope - This is the slope ratio of the upstream (water side) surface to the embankment. It is expressed in feet of run per foot of rise. For example, 3:1 infers that there will be one foot of elevation for each three feet horizontally. Downstream Sideslope - This is the same definition as above except that it relates to the downstream side of the embankment. When the form has been completed, the computation can be done. This process is activated by pressing the F9 key. As the process proceeds, several messages will be displayed indicating the progress of the calculations. On some of the newer computers, these messages may not appear long enough to read, so for those with computers with "blazing" speed, the following things are being done. The program will begin by building the data sets that are required for the routings. It will then route the principal spillway storm event and set the elevation of the emergency spillway. Then the emergency spillway storm will be routed to determine the depth of flow in the emergency spillway. Freeboard will be added to set the top of dam elevation. As part of the design process, the program has to make a few assumptions to determine the actual length of the pipe that is involved in the spillway. The routings are all done based on this assumed pipe length. Once the elevations have been determined by the routings, the length of pipe can be calculated with more assurance. If there is a significant discrepancy between the length that was computed and the length that was assumed, the difference will be displayed and you will be asked if you would like to recalculate the design based on the new length. You will have to decide how much variation you want to accept in your designs. When the design has been completed, there may be another message appear that identifies some conditions related to the design. For example, you might be told that this project might fall within state regulations, or the weir is controlling and a larger riser might result in a more efficient design, or several other tidbits of information. The program is not affected by these statements. They are presented for information only and you are the only one that can react to them. Once the computations are complete and the results are displayed on the screen, there are two key stroke combinations that might be of interest. Alt P - will cause the inflow and outflow hydrographs for the principal spillway routings to be displayed on the screen. Appendix P Page - 8 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Alt E - will cause the inflow and outflow hydrographs for the emergency spillway routings to be displayed on the screen. (See the plot below.) Alt P - while the plots are on the screen, will cause the hydrograph plots to be printed on the printer. Data File Management: Design Files Options Quit º Get a Job Save a Job Remove a Job Get a job: This feature allows you retrieve data that has been stored or saved on previous occasions by this program (POND). You will be shown a list of the data files that are available on the default drive. If your data is on a different drive or in a different subdirectory than the default, pressing Alt C will afford you an Appendix P Page - 9 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 opportunity to select an alternative drive and a new list will appear. Cursor to the job that is desired and press return () and the data will be retrieved. Save a job: This selection will provide the information required to save the data for the job that is currently in computer memory. It is wise to visit this area frequently while a large job is being entered so that portions of your work is not lost. You never can tell when the lights might go out or someone might accidentally hit the reset button. A screen will appear that identifies the data that is to be saved. Refer to the main guide for the Ohio Engineering programs for discussion related to the file naming procedures and assistance related to the information that is requested on this screen. The code used to identify POND data in the file naming scenario is "PND". Remove a job: Many of us do not like to throw anything away but occasionally reality sets in and we concede to the need. There might be test jobs, old jobs or jobs that you don't want the boss to see that should be removed from the system. This selection works in a similar manner to retrieving data files. Once the desired file has been selected, you will be asked to confirm your request. It is desirable to remove data files using this procedure rather than simply erasing them with DOS commands. This procedure also will properly manage other related files that the DOS procedures do not know about.. Options: Design Files Options Quit º Clear Memory Input Discharge/Rating Data Modify Parameters Program Details Switch Printers Temporary Exit to DOS Clear memory: If you get to the point that you have things so messed up that you would like to start over, this is the routine to use. It will give you a fresh start. Everything previously in memory will be gone after this operation. If there is a chance that you may change your mind, it might be wise to save the data before proceeding with this option. Appendix P Page - 10 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Input Discharge/Rating Data: There may be occasions when it is desirable to design or evaluate a pond or structure that has a spillway other than a pipe system or one that has a unique pipe system. This option provides the means of entering stage-discharge information for nearly any type of spillway that you can imagine. Basically, if you can determine the hydraulic capabilities of a spillway system at a variety of elevations, that spillway can be considered in a pond. Upon selecting this process, a data entry form will appear in which you enter elevations with respective discharges. Begin the data at the normal waterlevel in the pond and try to provide enough information to cover the storm events that the pond will be subjected to. Modify Parameters: A screen will appear with several items of information that are used within the program. Several of them appear as default values. The following items relate to this screen. Top width of dam (ft) - enter the value that is typically used at your location. Width of berm at waterline (ft) - the value will be used as a default. Upstream sideslope - the value will be used as a default. Downstream sideslope - the value will be used as a default. Length of pipe extending beyond dike (ft) - this value relates to the amount of pipe that extends beyond the point where the principal spillway pipe intersects the downstream sideslope of the embankment. Over the years we have used a value like six (6) feet, but this value might change from site to site. Length of riser extending below pipe - enter the amount of riser that extends below the point where the principal pipe (horizontal portion) connects to the riser. This is the portion that is typically filled with concrete to act as ballast. Once again, this value might change from site to site. Position of riser - pressing F4 will provide choice list outling several variations of placing the riser. This affects the computation of pipe lengths. Type of Principal Spillway - press F4 and select the typical spillway type that is used in your office. Principal Spillway Materials - use F4 and select a default material for the typical pond in your office. Emergency Spillway Retardance - the default retardance. Should the emergency design be based on a frequency or a percent of probable maximum precipitation (F/P) - most ponds or structures that Appendix P Page - 11 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 are built under NRCS standard 378 are based on a "frequency" type storm, such as a 10 yr.or 25 yr. event. There are occasions however, where the design needs to be based on a "probable maximum precipitation" (PMP) event . For example, structures that fall within the control of state regulation. Selecting "P" will cause the program to user the PMP approach. Principal Spillway Design Frequency (24 hr) - the default frequency for the principal spillway routing. Emergency Spillway Design Frequency (24 hr) - if PMP was selected for the emergency spillway design, this option will not appear. If is does appear, enter the value that you want for a default value. Hydrograph Development Time Increment – this is the time increment that the program uses to generate the necessary hydrographs. If the watershed is either extremely small or extremely large, you might experience anomalies in the results. In these situations it may be necessary to adjust this time interval. For more details refer to NRCS technical paper 149. If you have made changes to this screen, two options will be presented when you exit from the screen. This first will ask if you want to save the information for future jobs. If you answer "yes" , the new values will be loaded next time the pond program is run. The second option asks if you want to use the new values for the current job. A "no" response will cause the program to revert to the previous values. A "yes" response will cause the program to use the new values until such time you exit the pond program. The next time the program is loaded the old values will be used. Program Details: This selection will display some of the controlling features of the program as well as the date of the last change to the program. Switch Printers: If you have the ability to use two different printers with your system, this option will allow you to change the identity of the printer that the program uses. Basically, this action changes the value of the codes that control the manner in which the printer behaves. For example, the codes that cause the printer to print in compressed code, etc. Temporary Exit to DOS: Many times it would be nice or even necessary to execute a DOS command while in the program. As an example, you can't remember the subdirectory where your data is so you need to check several subdirectories or even diskettes. This option will quickly return to the system prompt and still keep your program and data in memory. When you are ready to return to the program, simply enter "exit" . There is one important point to remember! Be certain that you have returned to the subdirectory that contains the engineering program before entering "exit". Appendix P Page - 12 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Design Files Options Quit º Return to Engineering Menu Exit to DOS System Quit: The response to “quit” can generate several responses depending upon how your particular system is set up. If the main “engmenu.exe” file is available, you might be offered an option of returning to the Engineering Menu, exiting to the operating system (which could be the DOS prompt, windows, or the batch file that originally called the pond program) or going directly to one of several other engineering programs. If this “engmenu.exe” file does not exist, you will simply be asked to confirm that you really do want to quit. In any case, you will be warned if unsaved data has been entered so that you will have at least two chances to accidentally lose your data. Technical Information: The following information is provided in an effort to make the program more understandable, creditable and flexible. It might also provide the information necessary to salvage jobs that have problems and in some situations add data that will improve the applicability in your locale. Saved Data Format: The following is a sample of the form in which data is saved. Spaces have been added after the delimiters to make it easy to read and the information in the boxes is intended to identify the data and is not part of the data file. format key "Data Format 1.0", elevation 99.5, 99.7, 99.9, 100.1, 100.3, 100.5, 100.7, 100.9, 101.1, 101.3, 101.5, 0, 0, 0, job name "Computer Fair 1993", area flooded 4.55, 4.65, 4.75, 4.85, 4.95, 5.05, 5.15, 5.25, 5.35, 5.45, 5.55, 0, 0, 0, county "Fairfield", accumulative storage 20.202 21.12198 22.06201 23.02199 24.00201 25.002 26.02198 27.06201 28.12199 29.20202 30.302 0 0 0 Appendix P Page - 13 - designer "cwl", start elev 88.4 POND.EXE Version 2.0 0, 0, 0 drainage area 122, curve number 76, watershed slope 3, rainfall distrib. "II", principal frequency 10, emergency frequency 25, 3, 5, 1, 1 99.5, 7.5, 88, 10 5, 2, 3, 12, 18, 1, "F", 26.9, 25, .2 0, 0 watershed length 3770, time of concentration .9972845 principal design peak 96.52804, 20 principal type waterline elevation berm width freeboard emergency design peak 128.7785 principal design rainfall 3.7 principal material outlet elevation upstream sideslope E/S design on Frequency or PMP input hydrograph drainage area emergency design rainfall 4.2 emergency retardance elev pipe at riser principal location top width of dam downstream pipe riser emer sideslope diam. diam. width Probable Percent Increment used maximum of PMP for rating tables precip. for design input hydrograph exists Note : if an input hydrograph exists, the coordinates will appear here. Note : if a discharge – rating curve exists, the coordinates will appear here. <eof> Pipe Table Format pipes.pnd): pipe material, "Smooth iron", "Concrete", "Plastic (pvc)", "Corrugated plastic", "Corrugated metal", manning's N .011 .013 .01 .024 .025 "Standard" File(s) Format: POND.STD This file contains the default values that are controlled by the "modify parameters" option. "Default Top Width ..........", "Default Berm Width .........", "Default Upstream Sideslope .", "Default Downstream Sideslope", "Length of Pipe Beyond Dam ..", "Riser below jct w/ pipe ....", "Position of Riser ..........", 10 5 2 3 6 1 1 Appendix P Page - 14 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 "Default Principal Spillway Type .....", 3 "Default Principal Spillway Material ", 5 "Default Emergency Spillway Retardance", 1 "Default Principal Spillway Frequency ", 2 "Default Emergency Spillway Frequency ",25 POND.ST2 This is an ASCII file that contains many of the default values and control values used in pond design. This file is considered "read only" by the program. "Program Identifier .................................","OH-Ver-1.0" "Date of last revision to the program ....", "4/14/94" "Weir flow coefficient ", 3.33 "Use orifice C ## until diam = ## then use orifice C ##", 0.65, 18, .72 This indicates that a orifice control coefficient of 0.65 will be used until the pipe diameter is eighteen inches and then the coefficient will change to 0.72. "Pipe Length Variation (ft)", 1 "Minimum Pipe Diameter ", 2 "Maximum Pipe Diameter ", 60 "Maximum Riser Diameter ", 100 "Riser to Pipe Ratio " 1.25 "Minimum E/S Width ", 4 "Maximum E/S Width ", 200 "Minimum Top Width ", 6 "Maximum Top Width ", 50 "Minimum Berm Width ", 4 "Maximum Berm Width ", 20 "Minimum Sideslope ", 2 "Maximum Sideslope ", 20 "Rainfall Distribution Type", "II" "Default Freeboard" , 1 "Routing Time Increment ", . 1 "Maximum Drainage Area ", 1000 "Storage x Effective Height", 3000 "Effective Height#1 / Storage", 25, 50 "Effective Height#2 / Storage", 35, 15 "Percentage / depth ", 25, 8 "Percentage / depth ", 50, 6 "Top Width / height ", 8, 15, 10, 20, 12, 25, 14, 35, 15, 40 Indicates that an eight foot top width is used to a height of 15 feet, a ten foot top width until twenty feet in height, etc "Steepest sideslope / minimum combined ss", 2, 5 "DA / Hght / Freeboard ", 20, 20, 1, 100, 20, 2, 320, 40, 3 "DA / pipe frequency / pipe stage" , 10, 0, .5, 100, 2, ,1 320, 10 ,1 "Pipe Size Options " , 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 ,60 "DA / E/S Freq / Hght / Storage", 20, 10, 20, 50, 20, 25, 20, 50, 20, 25, 20, 50, 50 "State Height / Storage", 6, 15, 10, 50, 25, 50 "Increment used for Discharge-Rating Curve", 0.2 "E/S Design on (F)requency or (P)ercent of PMP","F" "Percent of PMP used for E/S design", 25 "Override standard 378 stage-freeboard requirements", 0 "Minimum freeboard when complying with 378",1 Appendix P Page - 15 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Design Details: The following information is somewhat technical and is included for those individuals who are skeptical, inquisitive or really care about what is going on. Basically, three items are necessary in order to flood route a pond structure. They are a stage - storage relationship, the inflow hydrograph, and a stage - discharge relationship. Stage - Storage Relationship: As discussed earlier, the stage - storage relationship is developed within the program. It begins at the lowest point along the centerline of the embankment. (This value is also used to classify the structure.) As areas are entered at increments of elevation, the resulting volumes are calculated. The first increment of storage is calculated using four tenths of the difference in elevation times the sum of the areas. (The area at the low point is considered zero.) All subsequent increments of storage are calculated using the average end area method. The relationship can be developed with as little as two elevations and one area but the design will be far more accurate if sufficient data is entered to fully define the true storage capabilities of the site. Inflow Hydrograph: If the coordinates of the inflow hydrograph were entered, the program will interpolate between the coordinates to determine the intermediate values that are needed to do the routing. If the program is told not to use the input hydrograph or one is not available, it will generate the inflow hydrographs for the principal and emergency storm events. It used the data provided, including the deltaD, to build a series of triangular hydrographs and then adds these hydrographs to form the composite hydrograph. Further details on this procedure can be found in NRCS Technical Paper 149. Stage - Discharge Relationship: If the stage - discharge relationship was entered, the program uses it directly. If there is not a relationship available, the program builds one using the following equations: Inlet of hood with H/D < 1.1 Q ( D / 12)5/ 2 e(ln(H / D) 2 0.049736 ln( H / D) 1.696568 0.759034) Slug flow on a hooded inlet. Q (( H / D 1.1) / 0. 25 2. 5) ( D / 12)5/ 2 Appendix P Page - 16 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Weir flow on the riser: Q CAH 3/ 2 Orifice flow at the inlet of the riser and at the inlet of the principal spillway pipe. Q CA 2 gH Full pipe flow: Q D2 4 64. 4 H 2 (5087 n2 / D 4 / 3 ) L Emergency Spillway flow: Q q ESwidth Where: Retardance Hp q B All values 4.8585 H p 4.7396 0 to 0.6 0.6667 H p C D 0.6 to 1 0.065 e (3.0835H p ) >1 5 H p 3.5 0 to 0.6 0.8333 H p 0.6 to 1 0.0589 e (3.5835H p ) 5 H p 3 >1 H = head in feet. D = Diameter of pipe in inches. C = orifice or weir flow coefficient. A = cross-sectional area of the pipe. n = Manning's coefficient e = 2.71828. ln = natural logarithm. q = discharge per foot of width ESwidth = width of the emergency spillway in feet. Hp = head on flow in emergency spillway. Appendix P Page - 17 - POND.EXE Version 2.0 Note: The equations for the emergency spillway solutions were derived through curve fitting the data from the NRCS Engineering Field Handbook. It is felt that this solution is adequate for smaller, shallow flowing, spillways. The results will become increasingly conservative as the flows become larger. In these cases, more sophisticated methods should be used to determine the flows with the results incorporated in a discharge rating curve. Flood Routing: I1 I2 S Q S Q 1 1 Q1 2 2 2 T 2 T 2 Where: I = inflow at times 1 and 2. Q = outflow at times 1 and 2. S = storage at times 1 and 2. T = time interval. Appendix P Page - 18 -