Grade 6: – Quarter 4 Italicized benchmarks are taught and assessed in more than one quarter HCPS III Language Arts Benchmarks: LA.6.4.5: Incorporate information from references by quoting, paraphrasing, and/or summarizing LA.6.4.6: Describe reasons for citing sources (e.g. giving credit to original source, providing information for readers to follow up on an idea) LA.6.4.7: Cite various grade-appropriate sources using a consistent format when reporting information LA.6.5.4: Vary sentence structure and grammatical forms (e.g., forms of adjectives, prepositional phrases, compound sentences) to improve clarity LA.6.6.3: Give short prepared oral presentations to inform and persuade LA.6.6.4: Use appropriate listening strategies (e.g. listening attentively, taking notes, asking questions) to learn from an oral presentation LA.6.6.6: Adjust volume, pitch, tone, and voice to support the content of the message LA.6.6.7: Use emphasis and repetition to highlight important points LA.6.6.9: Describe a variety of messages conveyed by visual media LA.6.1.1: Use new grade-appropriate vocabulary, including content area vocabulary, learned through reading and word study, including structural analysis of word parts LA.6.2.2: Use knowledge of organizational structure (e.g., logical, classification) to construct meaning from texts LA.6.2.4: Identify evidence used to support an argument LA.6.4.1: Write in a variety of grade-appropriate formats for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as: narratives that establish a point of view and experiment with a range of devices (i.e., dialogue, suspense, flashback) poems that experiment with poetic devices (figurative language, graphic elements) to convey a theme or impression reports with a narrowed focus that allows for thorough treatment business letters responses to literature functional pieces that complete a task or fulfill a civic responsibility pieces to reflect on learning and to solve problems LA.6.4.2: Form and use the following grammatical constructions correctly when editing writing: consistent verb tense across paragraphs comparative and superlative forms of adjectives coordinating and subordinating conjunctions prepositional phrases compound sentence joined by semicolon rather than conjunction and comma subject-verb agreement with intervening phrase LA.6.4.4: Use a variety of strategies and resources to spell grade-appropriate words LA.6.5.2: Use an organizational structure (e.g., chronological, comparison and contrast, spatial order, climactic order, order of importance) to support meaning LA.6.5.5: Adjust voice to suit the audience and situation (e.g., informal note to a peer, business letter to organization, research report) HCPS III Mathematics Benchmarks: MA.6.2.1: Apply the order of operations when calculating with whole numbers MA.6.4.1: Estimate the circumference and area of a circle (with no reference to a formula) MA.6.4.3: Apply strategies and formulas to solve area and perimeter problems involving polygons (e.g., regular hexagons) and complex shapes (i.e., shapes composed of two or more common shapes) MA.6.10.1: Interpret and solve problem situations involving two different variables MA.6.10.2: Use fact families to solve for an unknown in an open sentence MA.6.10.3: Evaluate algebraic expressions MA.6.3.2: Recognize situations in which it is more appropriate to estimate than to compute an exact answer HCPS III Science Benchmarks: SC.6.3.1: Describe how matter and energy are transferred within and among living systems and their physical environment SC.6.7.1: Describe examples of how forces affect an object’s motion SC.6.7.2: Explain that electric currents can produce magnetic effects and that magnets can cause electric currents SC.6.1.1: Formulate a testable hypothesis that can be answered through a controlled experiment SC.6.1.2: Use appropriate tools, equipment, and techniques safely to collect, display, and analyze data SC.6.2.1: Explain how technology has an impact on society and science SC.6.2.2: Explain how needs of society have influenced development and use of technologies HCPS III Social Studies Benchmarks: SS.6.3.2: Compare the writing, artifacts, and architectural remains from the Maya, Aztec, Inca, and early Pacific Island societies SS.6.3.8: Explain the impact of the Renaissance and the European voyages of exploration SS.6.6.1: Examine the ways in which different cultures have influenced families and communities SS.6.7.2: Describe the impact of printing, the compass, and gunpowder in China and Europe SS.6.8.2: Describe, in terms of opportunity costs, why it was so difficult for Christopher Columbus to find financial support for his voyages SS.6.1.1: Define causal relationships in historical chronologies SS.6.2.1: Frame and answer questions through historical research SS.6.2.2: Explain the past on its own terms; not judging it solely by present-day norms and values HCPS III Fine Arts Benchmarks: Still in development HCPS III Health Benchmarks: Topic: Personal Health and Wellness HE.6-8.5.1: Use effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills HE.6-8.5.2: Use effective behaviors that communicate care, consideration, and respect of self and others HE.6-8.6.1: Describe decision-making processes related to health-related decisions HE.6-8.6.2: Assess health-related decisions for consequences that affect oneself and others HE.6-8.6.3: Evaluate personal health strengths and risks to set personal goals HE.6-8.7.1: Use effective strategies to influence and support others in making healthful choices HE.6-8.7.2: Use appropriate methods to communicate accurate health information and ideas HE.6-8.7.3: Describe how barriers can affect the communication of information, ideas, feelings, and opinions HCPS III Physical Education Benchmarks: PE.6-8.1.1: Use mature (proper) movement forms appropriately in the context of modified games or activities, such as sports, dance, exercise, and gymnastics PE.6-8.1.2: Use combinations of movement forms in the context of modified games or activities, such as sports, dance, exercise, and gymnastics PE.6-8.2.3: Apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in physical activities PE.6-8.3.1: Identify opportunities for physical activity outside of the physical education class PE.6-8.4.1: Describe the principles of training and conditioning and how they affect the components of health-related fitness PE.6-8.4.2: Set goals for improving the components of personal health-related physical fitness HCPS III World Languages Benchmarks: WL.IS.6-8.1.1 Ask and answer social questions to get information or to maintain a conversation WL.IS.6-8.3.1 Use oral language skills to make simple presentations HCPS III Career and Technical Education Benchmarks: CTE.6.1.1: Develop a process to invent a product or procedure to meet a need or improve upon an existing technology CTE.6.2.1: Establish personal and learning goals related to career and life interests CTE.6.2.2: Explain the consequences of appropriate or inappropriate behavior in specific school, social, and work situations