Chapter 5 Study Guide

Chapter 8 & 9 Study Guide
The Chapter 8 & 9 Test will cover all sections in both Chapter 8
and 9. The test will have both a multiple choice and written
For the test, you have the following resources to use to study:
Chapter 8 & 9 Chapter Vocabulary
Science Textbook pages 232-289
Study Guide B pages 110-137
Chapter 8 and 9 Notes
Rock Puzzles completed in class
Timeline Activity
For the test, make sure you understand the following concepts:
What is the difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism?
What is superposition? And what does it tell geologists about the relative age of
the rocks.
What is the Law of Crosscutting relationship?
Make certain you understand rock puzzles.
What do you call molten rock that squeezes through existing rock?
What does a paleontologist study?
What is relative dating? Absolute dating techniques?
Where are most fossils preserved?
Why are cyanobacteria important?
Know what types of fossils are found at La Brea Tar Pits.
(Check out their website:
Know the Geologic order from Precambrian Time, Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era
to Cenozoic Era.
Which era is often called, “The Age of Reptiles?” And “The Age of Mammals?”
What is Pangaea and what geologic time period ended when it was formed?
What geologic era did life appear on Earth? Fish with backbones? Birds?
Modern man?