Information about the job Teacher Trainer (ALP) This statement is for information and guidance only and is not to be treated as forming part of any contract that may be made with a candidate. The British Council will not be liable for any costs incurred in connection with the preparation or delivery of applications. Job title Teacher Trainer - Academic Language Support Programme for Mathematics and Science Teachers (ALP) – Up to 3 posts Reference Location Qatar Contract Post 1: 28 Dec 2010 – 31 March 2011 Post 2: 28 Dec 2010 – 13 Feb 2011 Post 3 (if no Science Subject Specialist can be recruited) To start asap – 31 March 2011 How to apply Complete the enclosed application form and send to, by 0600 hours on Monday 5th July 2010. Applications should be sent by e-mail. Applications received after this date will not be accepted. Applications will not be acknowledged. CVs are not accepted. In support of your application, please provide evidence that you meet the following: behavioural competencies skills, knowledge and experience any specialist qualifications stated in the person specification. Confine your answer for each competency to a maximum of 200 words and organise your evidence against each following the STAR structure: Situation a brief sentence or two to set the scene and give the context Target (or Task) the specific aspects you focussed on and why Action what you actually did, how and when you did it, and the rationale for your choices Result what the outcome was and the difference it made Evidence in excess of 200 words will not be assessed Before completing this form you must also read the enclosed guidance on completing the application form. Please do not attach a CV (or any other document) unless it has been requested as part of the recruitment process; they will not be used to make selection decisions. This is to ensure that all candidates are treated consistently. Selection Candidates who appear, from the information available, to have the qualifications, behavioural competencies, skills, knowledge and experience that best match the stated requirements for the job will be invited for interview. We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria. If five or more candidates meet all the essential criteria at the shortlisting stage, then desirable criteria may also be used. At interview candidates will be interviewed against both the essential and desirable criteria. When making the final selection decision if it is not possible to select a candidate using essential criteria only then desirable criteria will be used to make the final decision. The British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunity. We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria. 1 Job aim To deliver quality programmes for Maths and Science teachers working in Independent schools in Qatar so that they are better able to teach their subjects effectively through English language medium. To do this through own inputs, supported by senior trainers, and contributions to team. Duties Duty 1 – 50% Deliver training sessions for Maths and Science teachers working in Qatar Independent schools (under guidance of senior trainer and at times team training with colleagues); using materials developed specifically for this purpose, which will require ongoing adaptation, revision and supplementing in some cases. Sessions to have a focus on CLIL methodology. Up to 20 hours contact time (including school visits). Provide cover, when required, for colleagues on any of the 3 Phases of ALP. Duty 2 – 30% Deliver aspects of the teacher development programme in allocated schools, observing classes and giving developmental feedback, teaching demonstration classes, offering remedial workshops and other teacher development activities as directed by, and with the guidance of, senior trainers. Duty 3 – 10% Contribute as a member of the training and development team. Contribute feedback and ideas for improvement of the training programme and materials. Duty 4 – 10% Assist Senior Trainers in the preparation of regular reports - both general progress reports and reports on progress of individual participants Standards Duty 1 Assessments of participants and positive feedback from participants, senior trainers and SEC on training delivered show that course objectives are being met All assessment tasks are administered and marked on time Feedback from participants is collected regularly and on time All sessions delivered punctually to timetable with high level of attendance Records of training delivered are kept up to date in the agreed format Regular meetings with trainers teaching the same group and peer observation Satisfaction of Project Director, Project Manager, Lead Consultant and Qatar Supreme Education Council Duty 2 Positive feedback from participants and school management on relevance and quality of inputs Number and quality of countersigned written observation feedback sheets Satisfaction of Project Director, Project Manager, Lead Consultant and Qatar Supreme Education Council Duty 3 Attendance at team meetings with positive contributions Contributions to any materials banks or other shared resources Contributions to the smooth running of systems and processes used by the training team Positive relationships with other team members to satisfaction of project manager Duty 4 Reports submitted on time Individual reports provide useful developmental feedback to participants on their progress General progress reports contribute to continuous improvement cycle Claims for school visits, etc are presented in the agreed format with full details and receipts provided 3 Essential competencies Flexibility; Level 2 Applies procedures flexibly. Applies rules or procedures flexibly, depending on the individual situation, to accomplish tasks or activities more effectively. Responds effectively to changing circumstances. Remains focused when faced with competing demands. Makes reasonable adjustments to ensure maximum effectiveness and motivation of self and others. Teamworking; Level 2 Proactively shares information and learning with colleagues. Addresses conflicts or issues within the team in a positive and open manner. Provides clear feedback to team members. Uses understanding of different interests and agendas to achieve positive outcomes. Uses emotional intelligence to understand team dynamics and to harmonise and synergise energies of the team Intercultural Competence Higher Level 1 Draws and accumulates lessons from different cultures, experiences and challenges to develop self-knowledge and insight; adapts easily to different cultural settings; integrates people of different backgrounds into teams in order to achieve objectives Subject Knowledge; Level 1 The ability to analyse and describe issues related to teaching and learning languages, maths and science and teaching other subjects through English; the ability to communicate this knowledge effectively and in ways appropriate to teachers. Training Skills; Level 1 The ability to prepare training sessions that fulfil course objectives, employ appropriate methodology and meet trainees needs; to plan, control and facilitate interaction in the training room that is appropriate to training activities taking place and promotes learning, taking into account different needs and abilities of participant trainees. Teacher Development Skills; Level 1 The ability to mentor teachers in a supportive and constructive way; to observe lessons and give appropriate constructive feedback and to analyse teachers’ level and style and prepare appropriate interventions to facilitate their development Native speaker level speaker of English with a first degree, PGCE in TEFL or internationally recognised Diploma in TEFL (UCLES DTEFLA/DELTA, Cambridge ESOL or Trinity College London Diploma in TESOL or equivalent) At least 5 years’ full-time TEFL experience post qualification Teacher Education experience, ideally in an overseas context Desirable competencies Previous Experience of Working with Ministries of Education/government agencies MA in TEFL/Applied Linguistics (or equivalent) Content and Language Integrated Learning teaching experience (CLIL) First degree in science, and/or experience of teaching science at secondary level, ideally in an overseas context or EAL setting. Special requirements Appointment to this role is subject to approval of CV by Supreme Education Council, ability to get a work visa in Qatar (which includes a compulsory HIV test), Criminal Records Bureau checks in the UK, and, where appropriate, equivalent systems overseas. This position is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and therefore all convictions, cautions and bindovers, including those regarded as ‘spent’, must be declared. Due to local law restrictions accompanying partners must be married. The normal working week in Qatar is Sunday to Thursday; however, a Saturday-Wednesday working week may be required to meet participants’ needs. At peak periods, you may have to work a split shift on some days (eg carry out school visits in the morning and then teach 4-7pm). Trainers are expected to make their own transport arrangements to carry out school visits, but receive reimbursement of reasonable transport costs against receipts. Salary Salary is paid monthly in arrears. We anticipate the starting salary for this job will be QR 13,500-14,500 per month + terminal gratuity. 4