Valley View Elementary PTC Minutes November 18, 2010

Valley View Elementary PTC Minutes
November 18, 2010 - 6 pm
13 members present
Treasurer Report: Need a new treasurer. Hope (Morales) has resigned due to her internship taking so much
time. Misty will help until a new treasurer can be found. Hope will continue through December 3.
Balance: $5419.39
Krispy Kremes:
Need 3-4 days notice to let the KK company know.
Start selling November 22 - Dec 3. All orders AND money due Dec 3.
Order forms - 1 per students. Prices: glazed $10, chocolate $12.
Pick up Dec 9 (Edward?) ad deliver to school Dec 10 from 3 pm-6 pm
Popcorn party for the classes in K-2 and 3-5 that raise the most money.
**Krispy Kreme sales did not start on November 22 due to lack of purchase order. To have started would
have put us out of compliance.
Can Food Drive:
Kinder asked to do this for the CC month of caring.
Pickle party will be given to the class who collects the most.
5th grade teachers asked to re-do the designs. They want to include the whole school and not just 5th grade.
Designs are due November 23. Must be hand-drawn by the student in school using one color. Limited to 30
minutes of school time.
Each class is to vote on the top choice - narrow down to 5-6 total (Gaucher) Then the whole school will vote
on November 30.
Teachers keep a tally sheet for number of votes on the final choices. Turn in to Misty.
Kinder - bus fee of $85 for field trip to Fire Station. Approved.
Discussion on caps for each grade level to receive during the year - tabled until next meeting.
5th grade request for Lubbock trip ($2752 for bus and $670 for entrance fees for total of $3422) and t-shirts
Discussion - transportation by yellow bus or cheaper company.
Tabled until more information could be obtained.
5th grade request for money for the Narnia movie. Movie has been denied by Ms. Harris.
At the last staff meeting, staff suggested alternating dates for the PTC meetings. Discussion: one night a
month on a set time is consistent. Other ways to be involved. If there is an interested in another time, it will
be considered. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
Lily volunteered to go through Title 1 surveys to look at times.
Lily volunteered to send emails to parents informing them of upcoming meetings and activities. Ms. Harris
will send folders of email addresses to Lily.
Jody Brown (sec'y) will send minutes of each meeting to Lily to send out. Also, she needs to send one to
Sharee Hanes so she can post it on the webpage.
Thank yous: Are they being sent out? (Yes.) Could we think about pictures on posters for a thank you?
Currently using VV logo on note cards.
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 16 at 6 pm
Submitted by Patty Harris