Q4 Can Council remove the hazardous wood

Mayor S. Lee
Deputy Mayor R. Graham
Mr I. Whitfield
Ms A. Tilbury
Mrs V. Oliver
Mrs S. Limbert
Mrs J. Baker
Mr T. Romano
(Presiding Member)
Mr Stephen Cain
Mr D. Green
Chief Executive Officer
Director, Administration & Community
Director, Finance & Corporate Services
Acting Director, Planning & Development
Director, Engineering & Works
Personal Assistant to CEO
Mr A. Crothers
Mr M. Ross
Mr M. Littleton
Ms V. Viljoen
and approximately 30 electors of the City of Cockburn.
At 7:30pm, the Presiding Member opened the meeting and explained the
meeting’s procedure.
Copies of the Annual Report were available at the door for members of
the gallery.
There were questions from the gallery regarding the Annual Report, as
Colin Crook (Doolette Street, Spearwood) Q1
Current Cash Assets - Increase of $7M in a year with zero rate
increase. How does Council justify a 4% increase in rates the next
Rates are set each year to make up the difference between Council’s
budgeted expenditure required for the year less income to be received.
Annual General Meeting of Electors – 31 January 2006
The requirement for a rate increase therefore varies from year to year
depending on the level of services and works Council wishes to
undertake in any particular year.
Q2. Councillors’ Vehicle Allowance – How is a 35% increase acceptable?
A2. The increase in Vehicle Allowance paid to Elected Members is a result
of some Elected Members submitting claims for a number of months
rather than on a monthly basis, which could relate to the previous year.
Q3. Interest rate/risk exposure – How have the original ‘managed funds’
jumped from $10M to the present $37.8M? Are these ‘managed funds’
ever drawn on?
A3. It cannot be ascertained where Mr Crook’s figure of $10M referred to
comes from. In 2003/04 Council had $31M in Managed Funds “Managed Cash Funds” is referred to in the section of the financial
statements that indicate how Council’s surplus funds held are invested.
Some funds are held in cash, some in direct securities such as term
deposits and the balance held in Managed Cash Funds where the
amount deposited is “managed” by professional fund managers. The
amount held in Managed Funds varies throughout the year as funds
are received and expended.
Q4. New rateable properties in financial year – How many and how much
in ‘new’ rates?
A4. The increase in rateable properties in the financial year was 1,402.
This was higher than a normal year as there were a number of
properties created late in the 2003/04 financial year which had not
been rated. The additional rates levied on these properties in 2004/05
was $756,308.
Coogee Beach Kiosk - Led to believe cost is $500,000 for a
greenhouse. Is the amount of glass a liability? Can Council influence
opening hours, i.e. very early in summer months?
A5a. The project is budgeted to cost $550,000. However, it is expected that
the project will cost approximately $500,000, although the exact cost
won't be known until completion.
A5b. Mayor Lee conceded that personally he had some reservations. He
thought the building was a beautiful asset to the area, and perhaps
with the extra funds Council may need to install shutters for protection
after hours. However that was not the official Council policy.
A5c. Under the Commercial Tenancies Act the Council cannot control
operating hours, although the proposed operating hours were specified
in the successful tender.
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Q6. The Mayor’s message in the Annual Report regarding the CCDS and
the $10.6M – how much influence did the Spearwood Community
Association (SCA) have on the distribution of these funds?
A6. The SCA is represented at the regional meetings and are represented
throughout the process of the community consultation. There was a
time when it seemed to go into a hiatus or a moratorium, but they are
welcome to attend the meetings.
Q7. The document itself is excellent and no errors
Congratulations to all concerned. How much did it cost?
A7. $7,200 to produce the 300 copies of the document.
Mayor Lee acknowledged and welcomed Mr Les Richardson, the City of
Cockburn’s Citizen of the Year.
Presentation by Mr Stephen Cain, CEO
Mr Cain gave a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation on the various
major projects currently underway in the City of Cockburn, and
outlined some of the Council’s strategic planning for the foreseeable
future. The presentation was well received by all present.
Mayor Lee thanked Mr Cain for his presentation and also
congratulated him on his being invited to sit on the Governing Council
of Challenger TAFE.
Written Questions on Notice
Colin Crook (Doolette Street, Spearwood) - MOTION
Concerning standing Orders on Public Question Time. The changes
made last year restrict people from having a say in the affairs of the
City, which is contrary to what the Local Government Act intends. The
motion is intended to take Public Question Time back to where it was
two years ago.
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MOVED Colin Crook (1 Doolette Street, Spearwood) SECONDED
Bert Renner (10 March Street, Spearwood) that Council debate openly
and reconsider the recent changes made to Standing Orders regarding
Public Question Time, and in response to electors wishes shown
tonight, remove the new clauses at items 4.54(1) 2 and 4 which refer to
“subject to time restraints, etc.
Every ratepayer/resident who attends a Council Meeting must be
treated equally and allowed to put their question regardless of time.
The process that this Council inherited from the days of the Inquiry
have served us quite adequately up to this time and I well remember
the Mayor himself being allowed up to half an hour on a number of
occasions to make his point when he was relegated to the public
gallery. There were no complaints then. Also it is made quite obvious
in Standing Orders that items 1 – 4 refer to questions without notice,
while the contents of item 5 are “in addition” (i.e. of secondary
importance). Why should written issues take precedence, and at the
expense of verbal questions? If this is how Council interprets its own
rules then an investigation by an outside body is due. Open and
accountable government was what the public demanded and Question
Time was supposed to deliver it. With the present process this is not
At this point, Mayor Lee advised the meeting that Motions could come
from the floor, they did not have to be put in writing; however those in
writing would be dealt with in the first instance. A vote would then be
taken of Electors (only residents or ratepayers of the City). Whatever
was passed at the AGM would be brought forward with a report
attached, to a future meeting of Council where it would be considered
by Council. Whatever was passed at the AGM would not necessarily
just happen; rather it would be brought to Council for consideration at
its March 2006 Meeting.
Mayor Lee advised the meeting that a written question had been
received from Mrs Robyn O’Brien, however it had been received late.
It was a very long and complicated question and Mayor Lee requested
the Chief Executive Officer to respond to it in writing. Mayor Lee
invited Mrs O’Brien to come forward and speak for the allocated three
minutes timeframe, but reiterated there would not be a response this
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Robyn O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster)
Mrs O’Brien believed that her question had been received within the
time limit (sent at 4.28pm, 31 January 2006), however the Director,
Administration and Community Services confirmed that the
advertisement for the meeting stated that all questions were required
to be received by Council by 5.00pm on Friday, 27 January 2006.
Q1. Will the Council please disclose in writing and at this meeting to
me what was said at the meeting the Mayor referred to at the
November 2005 Council meeting; when he said that he and Fran
Logan and Water Corp had met and the landowners did not know of
the outcome of that meeting. The Mayor says this in answer to Val
Oliver's request for an amendment to the planning officer Mike Ross
submission to the EPA. Q2 Why did the Mayor feel it was unnecessary
to ask Water Corp to complete all three stages of odour control in their
Strategic Environmental Report which was our request in Val Oliver's
motion that he spoke against, as all 3 are necessary before odour will
be reduced from homes in the Urban Deferred area, and the current
and future odour emissions according to their SER show that even
after Stage Two we will be affected above the Environmental Act and
the Corp is currently in breach and will be continually be in breach of
the EPA Act and DOE and EPA acceptable standard of 5OU's? Q3.
Why did the Mayor say in the November 2005 Council meeting when
he spoke against Val Oliver's motion, that the motion did not come
through a Councillor and he understood the motion came straight from
a ratepayer and a Council officer had not seen it or drafted it? I rang
Val the next day and she said that she emailed the motion in to Valerie
and then came in to the Council offices that afternoon and talked with
Mike Ross and he looked at the motion and said it didn't have to be
changed, so it did go through a Council Officer. Can you confirm the
true case tonight and in writing please? Q4. The Mayor also said in
speaking against the motion that Tony Romano was drafting a motion
and that Val's had come in before and he didn't know why? I ask Tony
Romano to reply in the Ratepayers Meeting tonight with the true facts
which are that I asked Sue Limbert and all Councillors by email a week
before the meeting if an alternative motion could be put forward as
Mike Ross' submission did not protect the community from odour
above 5 OU's and she said Tony had been asked to do this but
couldn't tell me what the motion would say. As the Planning Dept were
still trying to rezone our land to public parks and recreation we felt we
needed to know the wording of the motion or ask another Councillor to
put forward a motion if they agreed to. This is proper procedure. I rang
Tony the day before the meeting and twice on the morning of the
meeting and he still had not drafted the motion as late as 11.30 a.m.
on the day of the meeting. He said he wasn't sure if he could tell me
what the wording was and I said I had to know or else we would try to
have another motion drafted. He said that was undemocratic. Q5.
Mike Ross was asked what was the difference between the two
motions and he did not disclose to the Council that the main difference
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was that Val asked in her motion for Council's submission to request
that the Water Corp complete all three stages of odour control because
the SER Report says that only after Stage 3 would odour reduce below
5 OU. Q6. Did the Council pay for all or part of the costs of Michael
Coates who did the Due Diligence report on the Lake Coogee Golf
Course and how much did it cost taxpayers?
The Mayor confirmed that the Chief Executive Officer would respond in
writing to Mrs O’Brien.
Colin Crook (Doolette Street, Spearwood) Friends of Coogee Beach
On behalf of the
For the information of landowners on Ocean Road, is Watsonia
ever going to move out, and when will the land be rezoned from
light industry to residential?
Watsons Foods currently operate their meat processing plant
and in recent years relocated their abattoir to a rural location.
Watsons Foods have not revealed any plans to Council to
relocate their current operations. The subject land is included
in a "Special Use Zone" in the City's Town Planning Scheme
No 3 which specifically recognises Watsonia's small goods
operation. The land subject to Watsonia's operations will not
be rezoned to residential while their operations continue.
Who is responsible for the limestone rubble on Coogee Beach and when is it going to be removed?
Council was not aware of the existence of limestone rubble on
Coogee Beach. Council has a maintenance contract in place
and will refer the matter to its contractor for inspection and
What justification is there for the regular churning up of Coogee
Beach by the mechanical sweeper? The results do not justify
the damage. Send him up to CY O’Connor beach where he
could do some good.
The City is not aware of problems associated with cleaning the
beach. The beach cleaning machine is not intrusive and does
not interfere with the general form of the beach. The machine
separates litter from sand and collects the litter for removal. No
demand has been identified at CY O’Connor Beach. The
machine can be used in this location if there is a demonstrated
Questions from the Floor
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Murray O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster) - MOTION
My wife and I asked Clr Limbert to put an item on the December
Council Agenda 2005, because we were sent a letter by Mike Ross
saying that after being prosecuted by Council for renting our home, we
were told we were still being unlawful by not living in the house even
though the home was so badly damaged that it is not able to be lived
in. Mr Ross replied to Clr Limbert saying that Council could not
entertain the requests we made to bring the home into compliance with
the Town Planning Act and so said there was no requirement to place
the matter before Council.
My wife then asked Sue if a ratepayer could be refused to have
something put on the Agenda for Council to consider. Sue replied by
email on 9 December 2005 saying that the Acting CEO said that any
item to be put on the Agenda would need to be approved by the
Mayor. Is this true? If it is, and the Mayor has a dislike for us because
we went public with his secret golf course proposal for our land last
year, then is it democratic that he or Mike Ross can prevent an item
being listed on the agenda for Councillors to vote on and perhaps get
Council Legal opinion on the matter?
As it stands now, we have been accused by Mike Ross over the phone
of being dishonest and misleading, and are informed by letter that we
are still living unlawfully; and yet when we want to have an amendment
or reconsideration of our original development approval for the
auxiliary residence due to the changed circumstances of our parents
either dying or being in nursing homes, we are prevented from even
being heard by Council at a meeting in a democratic way. We have
now had a home vacant for over eight months with no prospect of a
resolution. Why? Why are we treated so differently when Council
negotiates with many owners who have breached the Town Planning
Scheme and works towards a resolution? In our case we have been
prosecuted, had a media story published by Council and been called
dishonest and misleading by a Council Planning Officer who has now
defamed us.
Is any Councillor prepared to move a motion to have our request of
December considered by Council and to investigate the allegations
made by Mike Ross about our character?
Mayor Lee advised that he has the right to put late items on the
Agenda coming up to a meeting night, but the reason Mr Ross said
there was no point putting the item on the Agenda was because what
Mrs O’Brien wanted to achieve could not be achieved under our
scheme. The Mayor asked Mr Ross if that was correct.
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Mr Ross advised that effectively that was correct. The approval that
had already been granted was for ancillary accommodation. That was
the purpose of the application and that ancillary accommodation was
what was built; but that is not what transpired and that is why the
prosecution occurred, and why the O’Briens pleaded guilty to that
charge and were fined accordingly.
Mrs O’Brien spoke for the Motion.
MOVED Murray O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster) SECONDED
Robyn O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster) that the item that we wished
to be placed on the December 2005 Agenda be put before a future
meeting of Council.
Bert Renner (10 March Street, Spearwood) –
Congratulated the Chief Executive Officer on an excellent presentation.
Two to three years ago we asked how much of Council’s funds
were in long term investments. We were advised the figure was
approximately $33.0 million which could not be touched for a
certain period. A lot of investigations have been carried out,
specialists have been called in, and outlays set aside for
machinery. Are the funds of $33.0 million still in place or have
you borrowed monies?
The Mayor advised that Council had no borrowings and the
funds were still in place, however it is money invested wisely
and according to a structured policy where Council can only
have a certain percentage invested on 30 day call, immediate
call or five year call. It is a very complicated process that errs
on the side of safety given that Council is dealing with
Ratepayers’ funds.
At the same time Council has a
responsibility to Ratepayers that the funds are invested such
that we obtain an acceptable return and thus the interest going
towards funding certain capital works as mentioned earlier. The
level of funds fluctuates and where those funds are stored also
fluctuates and that is why Council has a financial investment
company called Oakvale Capital who provide advice as to
where the funds should be invested.
Mr Renner asked if the $33.0 million (more or less) was still
available and we do not need to increase the rates over the
normal CPI.
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Mayor Lee advised there was approximately $48.0 million
invested at this time.
Mr Don Miguel (Rossetti Court, North Lake) –
Commended Mr Cain on his presentation and his vision for Cockburn.
Suggested it would have been better to have a separate meeting just
on the presentation as there were a lot of questions the ratepayers
would like to ask. Mr Miguel also noted that the presentation took 22
minutes and perhaps the Mayor would extend the meeting by that time.
Mr Miguel’s main concern was that he had difficulty with the
report. Is the Councillors’ remuneration fees and the meeting
fees on top of their remuneration?
Mayor Lee advised that Councillors received just a remuneration
which covered the meetings.
Mr Miguel felt the Mayor was a little harsh in the way he treated the
public, that he ran a very tight meeting and that this was the one time
in the year where the Mayor could see his way clear to be more
relaxed and give the public more time and be a little more courteous.
Mr Miguel objected strongly to some of the Councillors and Officers
having their backs to the gallery as he considered it to be bad practice
and extremely rude.
Val Leitner (Palm Rose Court, North Lake) – MOTION
Commended the Chief Executive Officer on his presentation.
Ms Leitner spoke about the workshops that had been held last year for
the seniors, to find out what the seniors wanted for Cockburn. Out of
the workshops came the Regional Seniors Group where members
from each seniors club formed a group to keep going with this strategy.
A survey was carried out and the overwhelming response that a
seniors’ centre was required. Ms Leitner spoke of the seniors’ centre
at Rockingham and the benefits thereof to the community.
MOVED Val Leitner (3 Palm Rose Court, North Lake) SECONDED
Diane Cook (20 Larkspur Cross, Yangebup) that the City of Cockburn
consider the construction of a senior centre and that it be at a location
that is well serviced by public transport.
Page 9
Martin Reeve-Fowkes (Maritime Terrace, Coogee) Raised the issue of the security patrols and believed it was time
Council revisited their effectiveness. We were supposed to receive
quarterly reports on how effective they have been. It costs a lot of
money which is paid to the City of Melville, and we need some
statistical information on the percentage of calls in Melville and in
Cockburn so that we can see what we have paid for and how effective
they are. Do not know whether Council has that information nor
whether they will issue it.
Mayor Lee advised Council will be having a very comprehensive
review and briefing in February, however he passed over to the Chief
Executive Officer to expand.
Mr Cain advised that he had received today a detailed analysis of the
past 12 months of the security service, identifying those things Council
asked the security to do and identifying what they could not do. That
report will go to Council, probably to the March meeting. The data on
all the call outs should be on the Council website very soon, and it has
had to be adjusted to cater for this facility. There will be four basic
KPIs on the website identifying response time to incidents. Council
has a standard which says they must patrol every street within
Cockburn every three days and regarding the suburbs they go to, etc.
Staff are aware there is one potential shortfall within the security
service which that relates to the degree of intervention they can do with
an incident. Mr Cain has asked the Director of Community Services at
Melville to address this issue. For example there was an incident
where a member of the public called the security services and the
police. The security service was there within 10 minutes and the police
were there within an hour (a situation where there was a break-in and
entering). The limitation is the security service is there to patrol but in
these circumstances they cannot intervene. We are looking at a two
tier service where someone can intervene where necessary, perhaps
on a crowd control type basis.
Mr Reeve-Fowkes asked that Council look at going it alone, without
Melville. The Memorandum of Understanding was for five years and
will be up in a couple of years.
Colin Crook (Doolette Street, Spearwood) Q4
Can Council remove the hazardous wood chips from beach
accessways as they cause septic infections?
The Mayor advised Council would not be removing the wood
Why are there still sand hazards on the Coastal DUP?
Page 10
The City has a regular program for sweeping paths. The
proximity of the paths to the coast and sand dunes combined
with the on-shore winds makes it difficult to maintain the paths
free from any sand. It is regularly maintained, but sand is there
as it is a beachside area.
Mr Crook did not believe the answer was acceptable.
Mayor Lee suggested Mr Crook write a letter to Council
requesting maintenance be increased.
Can a bitumen filler be placed on the recently improved access
path from the Rollinson Road car park to the DUP to safeguard
cyclists’ safety?
The request will be forwarded to the appropriate Officer for
inspection and action.
On behalf of the Friends of Coogee Beach - Why are the
Friends of Coogee Beach no longer invited to help with the dune
planting at Coogee Beach? Council uses our name but ignores
our input.
Unfortunately the group that was formed to help re-vegetate the
sand dunes at Coogee Beach has become defunct. Many of the
members of the group did not reply to the letter sent by
Council’s Environmental Services Section asking if they wished
to remain members. The poor response is unfortunate.
Council has intentions of trying to form another group to assist
with the future re-vegetation of the dunes. Council would
welcome Mr Crook as a member of this group, when it is
advertised. Council hopes to enlist the assistance of the Swan
Catchment Council’s Southern Metropolitan Coastcare Officer
with this endeavour.
Murray O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster)
Asked whether the report on the security service was going to
be tabled at the March Council Meeting.
Mayor Lee advised that the Officers who run the services will
make a presentation to the Elected Members in March and if
Council wishes it to go forward to Council, or if there is a reason
the Officers need to bring it to Council, it will go to a Council
meeting sometime after March.
Page 11
Will the ratepayers get a chance to have a look at the proposal
and have an input? Security may drive by every three days, but
they do not get out. Mr Reeve-Fowkes has some ideas as a
community member to put forward on the policy.
Mayor Lee advised the report would be on the Key Performance
Indicators and ratepayers would have input.
At this point, Mayor Lee advised there has been some question of
access to Councillors. Access to Councillors has never been easier.
In every edition of “Soundings” which is sent to every household in the
City of Cockburn, all Councillors’ contact details are recorded. Contact
may be via their home phone or mobile phone, via email or via
facsimile. Ratepayers may call to make an appointment to see them or
the Mayor, and full and open access exists for 12 months of the year,
not just at the AGM. Contact details are also included in the Annual
Report which the public may take with them this evening.
Robyn O’Brien (5 Fawcett Road, Munster)
Why don’t Councillors reply when you email them? Mrs O’Brien
advised she had emailed every Councillor before the November
meeting and not one had replied. She then phoned Clr Limbert
and Clr Oliver and they were the only ones who replied. She left
two messages on Clr Tilbury’s phone and she did not phone
back. She tried every other Councillor’s mobile and fax as listed
in the Cockburn “Soundings” and could not get hold of them.
She tried at different hours of the morning and evening so it is
not easy to get hold of Councillors.
Mayor Lee advised Mrs O’Brien that if she sends an extremely
lengthy, generic email to everybody, then those Councillors who
are busy and have a heavy workload may anticipate someone
else will respond to a lengthy and generic email. Mayor Lee
advised Mrs O’Brien to target her emails, put specific questions
and dot points, and he guaranteed she would be successful in
receiving a reply.
Mrs O’Brien stated that it was a specific request asking
Councillors if they would consider the information (provided in
her email) when voting on the amendment that Mr Ross was
putting forward.
Mayor Lee advised that a number of Councillors were saying
they had spoken with Mrs O’Brien.
Mrs O’Brien confirmed that Deputy Mayor Graham had advised
her he would be away.
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Mayor Lee reiterated his advice that Mrs O’Brien should be
more specific with her questions and to target her
correspondence to individuals, however a generic email asking
Councillors to consider its contents does not necessarily require
a response.
Mrs O’Brien said the email requested Councillors get back to
Mayor Lee stated that Mrs O’Brien had made contact with and
spoken to many Councillors and he found her complaint
Bert Renner (10 March Street, Spearwood) –
It was reported in the newspaper that the Mayors of the
surrounding areas (including Cockburn) applauded the dry dock
that is planned for military purposes. Mr Renner stated that with
the Collins Class, the best you can get out of the water is 99
metres – so it (the size of the dry dock) should be 120 metres
for a destroyer.
Mayor Lee advised that ultimately the dry dock will be capable
of servicing a ship the size of a small oil tanker and the dry dock
will be extended to around 250 metres. The plan is to build the
ships in the yard and roll them out; as the ship gets longer the
dock gets longer, and then they will be floated out.
Colin Crook (Doolette Street, Spearwood) Q8
Re the Locality Signs on Cockburn Road - Why did the Mayor
assure the public that there was no plot to mislead them on the
actual location of the marina development which at that time
was in Spearwood, not Coogee? Obviously the Council were
“plotting” to introduce the new North Coogee locality. Why not
admit that this was the reason for a lack of signage at that time?
Mayor Lee asked Mr Crook when did planning become
“plotting”. Council, in its wisdom, decided to call that section of
coast North Coogee and Mayor Lee applauded Council for
having the foresight to do so.
CEO's Report in the Annual Report - A.M.C - Do the present
Members recall the total opposition to the A.M.C. just prior to the
enquiry? What an about face now! Is it not possible that a
similar blunder has been made regarding Roe 8?
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Mayor Lee stated that if Mr Crook were asking was it possible
that one day Council may change its mind about Roe 8 then,
yes, anything was possible. Council decisions were not set in
stone and a future Council may issue different policies.
Re Spearwood Ave, Spearwood When is the western
extension to be built? (i.e. between Hamilton and Cockburn
The Spearwood Avenue link between Cockburn Road and
Hamilton Road is programmed for construction in the 2007/08
financial year with design works to commence as a matter of
priority, and there may be an opportunity to bring it forward to an
earlier date. That decision has not been made as yet.
On behalf of the Spearwood Community Association –
Re Dubove Reserve:
Why can’t the 2 seats requested be supplied?
Why aren’t the goal posts repainted?
Why isn’t the debris from the trees removed from roads/
Where is the promised signage?
Which Councillor is prepared to come into Spearwood and help
Officers are currently investigating the request for seats.
Goal posts are inspected and if necessary painted at the
end of summer.
Carparks are monitored and swept on an ‘as needs’
basis. This matter will be actioned in the near future.
Officers are currently investigating the request for
Phoenix Road Entry Statement (Stock Road) When is Council
going to build this long-requested project?
MRWA rejected the City’s application to establish the art work
and entry statement at the intersection of Phoenix Road and
Stock Road. The entry statement has been subsequently
relocated to the intersection of Phoenix Road and Doolette
Why wasn’t this meeting advertised in the local papers?
The AGM of Electors was advertised in the local newspapers
When is this Council going to acknowledge the huge part that
Don Miguel played in the coastal industries clean up?
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Mayor Lee took this as a rhetorical question.
I request that due respect be paid to ex Councillors who attend
Mayor Lee thanked Mr Crook for his comment.
Withdrawn by Mr Crook.
Re-Election Funding – Why haven’t the members of “the team”
who obviously were helped by the Mayor’s campaign, declared
this in their Annual Financial Returns?
Mayor Lee stated that, as previously advised, any election
matters were not to be discussed and Mr Crook could take the
matter up with the individuals involved. All donations received
by Mayor Lee were dealt with in accordance with the Act.
Withdrawn by Mr Crook.
With the temporary closure of Ocean Road, is the alternative
(i.e. King Street) going to endure difficulties?
An increase in traffic on other local access roads as a result of
the closure of Ocean Road is anticipated. Local access roads
will be monitored throughout the closure and any problems
addressed at that time.
There being no further questions, the Presiding Member thanked everyone
for participating.
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