Personal Development Key Stage 3 Layer 3 THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities 8 Internal and understand that decisions are Ask pupils to thought shower (come up with as many Thinking, Problem external Solving, Decision not made in a vacuum ideas as possible) how decisions are made. Pose the influences Making question, ‘You are going to the cinema with your Make links between mates, what will you wear?’. cause and effect Reflect on the answers and discuss the reasons for these answers. On a flipchart categorise the responses under the following: Being Creative o Internal influence, eg, comfort. Making new o External influence, eg, look good. connections between ideas/information Why do we make the choices we do? What, or who, influences the choices we make? In groups children should discuss the questions above. Record the groups’ responses on a flip chart. How do our feelings and emotions influence our choices. understand the influence of peers in the decisions that we make The Smarties Game – give each pupil a smartie and an instruction, either ‘don’t eat it and try to persuade others not to’ or ‘eat it and try to persuade others to’. Pupils should feedback on the task. What sort of strategies did the persuaders use? How did they feel when they were being persuaded. Self Management Manage emotions and behaviour in a range of situations THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Class discussion around group dynamics, decisions, gender differences etc. Link to feelings and emotions. Managing the decision making process develop and use a framework to assist in the decision making process In pairs, pupils talk about a difficult decision they have had to make. How did they reach that decision? What steps did they take when making that decision. Feedback on how the decision was reached in the form of steps on a flipchart. Introduce an existing decision making framework and discuss the similarities between the two. Working With Others Develop routines of turn-taking, sharing and cooperating Listen actively and share opinions Applying a decision making framework to a scenario which requires a decision For example: o You are at a friend’s house with your mates. One brings some cans of beer and asks if you would like one. o You are at a friend’s house and it is getting late. o You need to be home soon but a good film has just started. Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Make connections between learning in different contexts Personal Development Key Stage 3 Layer 3 THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities 8 Understanding understand that decisions Thinking, Problem Consider the previous scenarios and examine the the Solving, Decision have consequences, both positive and negative consequences of the decisions consequences Making good and bad made. of decisions Examine options, Would your decisions have been different next time. to evaluate their learning and how they weigh up pros and Why? based on experience shape our cons behaviour Personal Development Key Stage 3 Layer 3 THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities 9 Personal Thinking, Problem understand the importance of Thought shower areas in their life they are responsibility Solving, Decision personal responsibility responsible for (eg, personal hygiene) versus those and self Making they are not responsible for (eg, paying the management Justify methods, mortgage/rent). Feedback on flip chart. opinions and conclusions Hold a class discussion about the importance of Examine options, taking responsibility for the decisions that you make weigh up pros and and the importance of having a balance of cons responsibility. ‘What’s it to do with me?’ quiz. Pupils are given a range of scenarios with three answers A,B,C. For example, Your bedroom’s a mess and your friend is coming to stay over. Do you: A) Clean your own room, it’s a poor reflection on me if it’s a mess! B) Say to yourself ‘I’ll do it later if I’ve time’ C) Leave it as it is. It’s not my job, mum will clean it. This quiz can be a pen and paper exercise or a debate. THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Self Management set personal targets to Each pupil chooses one issue they would like to Set personal targets increase their personal become more personally responsible for. They and review them responsibility and review should target three areas: school, home and Organise and plan them friendships. Develop an action-plan involving planning, carrying out and reviewing, which is time- how to go about a task bound. Review learning and some aspect that might be improved Delaying understand the concept of Discussion around the culture of immediacy (getting Being Creative gratification, Experiment with ideas immediacy the things you want without needing to wait). learning to wait and questions Thought shower the advantages and disadvantages Thinking, Problem and record these on a flipchart. understand the balance Focus on the disadvantages. Would delaying getting Solving, Decision between immediacy and Making what you want reduce the disadvantages? delayed gratification Examine options, weigh up pros and Group discussion. Think of situations where it is cons Generate better to delay getting what you want. possible solutions, try out alternative approaches, evaluate outcomes Personal Development Key Stage 3 Layer 3 THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities 9 Will power to understand what we mean Thought shower ‘what is willpower?’ Pupils think of Managing Information by willpower and the internal lots of words associated with willpower, eg, Ask focused questions and external factors that persistence, determination, commitment, focus and Thinking, Problem impact on it self discipline. Solving, Decision As a class, discuss the things that affect our Making willpower. Make links between cause and effect Self Management to recognise that willpower is Washing line activity. Be aware of personal individual we all have In pairs pupils are given a set of statement cards strengths, limitations different degrees of will around situations related to willpower to discuss. and interests power at different times and They then place these on the washing line (use the contexts depending on left side if they indicate weak willpower; use the right values, beliefs and the if it shows strong willpower). For example, smoking, situation studying for exams, eating three bags of crisps in a row, playing computer games all night, watching TV Working With Others all day on Saturday, etc. Give and respond to feedback Circle time activity. Give every pupil a Post-It note and ask them to write Develop routines of turn-taking, sharing down one area where they would like to increase their willpower. Pupils then stick this on their blazers and cooperating and look at each other’s sticker. Select one or two of these areas and as a class, discuss some strategies that could help. THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Self Management to understand all the internal Individually, pupils record strategies which might Review learning and and external factors that help strengthen their willpower. some aspect that influence will power might be improved Personal Development Key Stage 3 Layer 3 THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities 10 Creative and Thinking, Problem that thinking is an Individually pupils think about a rash decision they critical thinking Solving, Decision important part of decision have made and the consequences of this, to what in decision Making making extent do they feel that the consequences were making Make links between positive or negative? Think, pair, share. cause and effect Examine options, Discuss the importance of rational thought before weigh up pros and decisions are made. How can rational thought be cons compromised? For example, the influence of alcohol, drugs, peers, adrenalin, emotional state. about the importance of critical and creative thinking in making decisions Nine dot exercise. Pupils draw nine dots, three in each line, to make a square. They must join all nine without lifting their pencil. Feedback on how they arrived at the answer (hint: think outside the box!). This should lead to a definition of creative thinking (having unusual ideas and innovative thoughts and being able to put things together in imaginative ways). Give out checklists on creative thinking and in groups compare this to your feedback. Being Creative Make ideas real by experimenting with different designs, actions, outcomes Experiment with ideas and questions THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Introduction to critical thinking. Debate an issue, for Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision example, which method of mobile phone Making communication is better, text or talk. Justify methods, Divide class into pairs to discuss and then present a opinions and reasoned judgement on which is best. Pupils should conclusions explain the reason behind their decision. Influences on decision making to understand internal and external influences on behaviour Discuss the process involved in arriving at the judgement and give out a checklist on ‘critical thinking’, compare this to feedback. Talk them through each statement and help them to develop their own understanding, with appropriate examples linking to their own experiences. Self Management Compare their approach with others and in different contexts The class are given a number of scenarios around decisions which are important to them in Year 10. Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Make links between cause and effect What influences the decisions they make, for example, subject choices, relationships etc. Divide the influences into two groups as feedback is given: o External - friends, parents, teachers. o Internal - self-esteem, motivation, ambition, desires, values and beliefs. As a class, discuss how we can become more aware of what drives our behaviours and how much control we have over this. to understand the impact Provide groups with a number of magazines Working with Others Listen actively and share opinions Managing Information THEME: Managing Influences and Making Decisions AIM: To explore and understand the impact of internal and external influences on our behaviour and decision making process. Year Sub-theme Suggested Learning Intentions Possible Activities/Resources Development of Pupils are learning: Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities of societal norms on /newspapers. Each group are given an issue Select most decision making (substance abuse, relationships, physical appearance). appropriate info. for They then create a collage and give a talk on the role task of society and media in the decisions we make. Communicate with a Pupils could use digital imaging software to present sense of audience and their collage. purpose Whole class discussion on what shapes societal norms, eg, government policies, advertising campaigns (health promotion), media etc.