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Peter Faulks – Web Page Teaching – How To

Task No & Title:


BSBCMN203A Communicate in the workplace

04_02 Working The Chain Gang

Suitable for Classes: Certificate II Business

Area: Technology & Enterprise



Date Due:

Task Brief:

Files Required

Mr Peter Faulks

1 or 2 lessons Double period preferred

During lesson

Boxes of Smarties (Small 12 per Bag) One big bag of

Smarties, Coloured paper Scissors, Sticky tape

Items highlighted in yellow are tasks for you to complete

Items in Purple are help tips

National Corporate Training

Unit Number Title Study


1 BSBCMN201A Work effectively in a business environment

2 BSBCMN202A Organize and complete daily work activities

3 BSBCMN203A Communicate in the workplace

4 BSBCMN204A Work effectively with others





5 BSBCMN205A Use business technology

6 BSBCMN211A Participate in workplace safety procedures



7 BSBCMN213A Produce simple word processed documents 40

8 BSBCMN214A Create and use simple spreadsheets 20

9 BSBCMN108A Develop keyboard skills

10 BSBCMN107A Operate a Personal Computer



Integrate Commercial computer packages

Design Organizational Documents using computer






Task 04_02 Working The Chain Gang

Lesson 1 (may continue to Lesson 2 or may be used in a double lesson)

Teacher Note: Although this is a lesson from an Economics class that I taught use it here mainly for group cooperation.

Teacher requires: o 2 Packets of mini Smarties about 12 per bag (Local shop)

Open and issue 1 Smartie box to each group. o 4 Pr Scissors o Assorted A4 Coloured paper at least 200 sheets Pink,

Blue, White etc. o 6 small rolls of sticky tape (Not on dispensers) o 1 Big bag of smarties (For teacher to manage) o 3 tags Numbered 1, 2 and 3 o 3 Note pads (1 for each group)

The Chain Gang Teacher Notes

Students form groups of equal numbers 4, 5 or 6 per group made up of 50/50 male, female if possible. (If a large class double up on groups i.e. 2 First world

Countries, 2 Second world Countries, 2 Third world Countries etc.)


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The groups will begin as either a well resourced country (1) Semi Resourced

(2) and Poor (3) they will produce quality paper chains given the resources issued.

The groups will be asked to form a government, which must include a

President, Treasurer, Marketing & Sales Member, and an Auditor (report keeper). Groups can elect each person. They should also pick a name for their country that reflects the staus of the drawn country. ( You may award a gift for the best named country i.e. a piece of sticky tape!


Fold three tags numbered 1, 2 and 3. (More if extra groups)

Cut then fold inwards

First World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

1 roll of sticky tape,

2 boxes of "Smarties"

Second World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

2 boxes of "Smarties"

Third World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 box of "Smarties

First World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

1 roll of sticky tape,

2 boxes of "Smarties"

Second World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

2 boxes of "Smarties"






Third World Country

20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 box of "Smarties


The president from each country will pick one of the folded tags and the numbered tags (1, 2 or 3) Tag 1 is best this will determine the status of their country. (they may of course pick tag 3 the worst)

It’s the luck of the draw.

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The Auditor will record the dealings for each of the group and list the starting resources

– The Auditor and Treasurer use the log of actions and reactions.

The groups will have initially ten (10) minutes to produce their first chains

(goods), make sales and purchase more paper or resources. After the first sale they can produce at any time.

Tag 1 = First World Country Resource Rich Group


20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

1 roll of sticky tape,

2 boxes of "Smarties"

Tag 2 = Second World Country Middle Resource Group


20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 pair of scissors,

2 boxes of "Smarties"

Tag 3 = Third World Country


20 Sheets of coloured paper,

1 box of "Smarties"

Resource Poor Group

Groups will make paper chains from A4 coloured paper and offer links of chain for sale (credits) to the entrepreneur (teacher).

The Marketing/Sales person is the ONLY person allowed to take the chains for sale

Teacher decides how much each chain is worth to the world economy.

Depending on quality chains will be sold for approximately five (5) credits each chain or more or less (depending on quality). Students should feel free to barter and negotiate the best price for their chains.

Chains must contain a minimum of three colours and be at least five links long.

Credits can purchase the following:

10 Credits = 2 Sheets of coloured paper

50 Credits = 1 Pr Scissors

100 Credits = Roll of Sellotape

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Occasionally "Smarties" will be used as a Resource and the entrepreneur

(teacher) will announce that a particularly coloured "Smartie" is worth a resource. (Did the students eat their resource?) Teacher should be creative ion when to declare a crisis.

Smartie Resource (make up your list) Value

5 red smarties = 1 sheet of paper Red Sun

Green Water

Brown Earth

5 green smarties = 3 cm of Sticky tape


Blue Oil 3 blue = 1 box Smarties or 2 sheets of paper




The students will:

1. Gain an insight to the value of resources

2. Work collaboratively to achieve and outcome

3. Gain some understanding of Economic trading

Change this to a report on how well they worked as a group


Students present reports from the Auditors and have an open discussion on how resources impacted of their performance.

Introduction (From Economy Class

– Change to suit working as a group)

Brainstorming –

Is the world flat in Economy terms?

Is one country richer than another?

Do Resources alter the ability of countries to compete in a world market?

Following are Student worksheets

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Name of Country:

Starting as (circle): First World Second World Third World

Names of group members and roles, Member, and an Auditor (report keeper)

Name Role




Marketing & Sales





Member (Role)

List duties you expect each member of the group would have in a real world situation: i.e. Treasurer of a country …



Marketing/Sales (What would be a more correct term in a government?)



List any take overs – rebellions or actions

How well did your group work together?

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Auditors Report for analysis



Start of your country list your resources issued

Coloured Scissors Smarties


R G Br Pur Bl Y Pi ?

Sticky Tape

List sales or negotiations

Chains sold Purchases made

Paper, smarties,

Scissors, tape etc.

R G Br


List by colour

Pur Bl Y Pi ?


List your resources at end of lesson

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Evaluation (For Group work)

Each Student presents a report on the way each group collaborated

(3 paragraphs or one page)

Question & Answer period.

President (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to, how well did you manage your group?)

Treasurer (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to, did you have any issues with purchases that may or may not suit members thoughts?)

Marketing (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to, what strategies did your group undertake?)

Auditor (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to, how hard was your group to finance did you make money?)

Member (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to)

Member (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to)

Member (Write what you think are your responsibilities to the country that you belong to)

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Student Name: Date submitted:

I declare this evidence to have been produced by me the undersigned.

Candidate’s signature:

Title of Portfolio evidence presented (include Unit No and section i.e. 03.05)


Outcomes from learning programs (including self-learning and online learning)

Assessment feedback (from a trainer or assessor)

Observation checklists (from a workplace supervisor or assessor)

Written statements or references (including workplace supervisors, community leaders)

Job descriptions

Work journal

Work samples

Finished products

Product descriptions or specifications (supporting the product samples included)

Statutory declarations

List others (or delete any from above not provided)

 All work submitted to be word processed and spell checked.

 There must be at least two samples of evidence for each

Element within the Unit of Competency. This is sample 1 / 2

All work submitted must be of a high quality and meet the requirements of the Unit of Competency.

Other evidence (List each piece):

Assessor to complete

Evidence is Valid Sufficient Authentic Current

□ □

Assessor signature: _________________________________Date: _____________

Peter Faulks,

BA Soc Sci, Grad Dip Ed, Cert IV AWT

Certificate II in Business assessor/teacher

Assessor to complete

Student is declared Competent Not Yet Competent

□ □

Keep a copy of this report with your file for evidence

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