REPRESENTATION Representation-how do children of different ages represent their world? This is a question considered both by Piagetians and information-processors. Mental representation through infancy- babies weren’t believed to be able to make symbolic representations until they are 18 – 24 mo. old. New research is disputing this concept, though. o Expressions of the symbolic functionsymbolic function originates in sensorimotor operations. It’s expressed in a number of forms: Deferred imitation means observing a model and imitating that behavior after some time. It requires symbolizing & storing a representation of a behavior in memory. Language is obvious symbolizing, but simple two-word sentences don’t appear until 18 mo. Symbolic play means pretending, and even 18 mo. olds pretend what they’ve seen. Mental imagery refers to any saved sensory images- internalized imitation. Reproductive images refer to previously experienced images. Anticipatory images are transformations of an image, possibly in novel ways. These images don’t appear until concrete operational stage- 7 yrs. Old, since preschoolers’ images are ikonic-perceptionbound, as opposed to school age children’s representations being symbolic- using language to represent events. So preschoolers can reason only about literal properties of the stimulus, but older children can see the problem in more abstract ways. (Similar to the concept of the shift from verbatim to fuzzy trace gists during childhood). What do infants know? o Neonatal imitation- invisible imitation (Piaget believed this wasn’t possible before 12 mo. old, but babies as young as 6- to 21days old have mimicked facial expressions. These imitations decline in the first year, however, indicating they may be reflexive. But the more advanced theory is: Active intermodal mapping- meaning that newborns have the ability to integrate information from two senses. There is some evidence of tactual-visual integration in infants as young as 1 mo. Innate releasing mechanisms are inherited sets of behaviors (reflexes) that are elicited by specific stimuli. Since every form of intelligence prepares us for later, more complex forms, early reflexes will drop out when more voluntary, controlled behaviors develop. But imitation does not seem to prepare us for any other behavior pattern. So maybe they merely reflect oral exploration. These behaviors aren’t needed later, as they can explore in more sophisticated ways later. Transient ontogenetic adaptationsthe concept that babies live in a very different world than adults, and that world requires different neural organizations for coping. So these behaviors are specific to that time of development. Matching an adult’s facial expression may serve to keep the adult’s attention, producing bonding. Later the infant can voluntarily produce expressions independently. But it’s also true that babies develop a more social orientation around 2 mo. old, so they begin to play social games. Deferred imitation was not observed by Piaget until 18 mo. old. But new experiments have demonstrated this behavior in 12- to 14- mo. babies. (Even as long as 5-weeks later for 9 mo. olds. Imitation is greater for older infants, as well as length of memory. Knowledge of physical objects Object permanence is not displayed by most infants, as far as searching for a hidden object until 8 mo. But infants as young as 3.5 mo. seem to have greater knowledge of objects than Piaget’s task reveals. Since this task is physically impossible for younger infants, it is more effective to use looking time in habituation studies. Violation-of-expectation method Baillargeon used habituation to assess what babies expect from the worldshowing them possible vs. impossible events and assessing their looking time at impossible events to determine what they know to be impossible. Even 3.5 mo. old babies showed this violation of their expectation in increased looking time. So in the drawbridge-block experiment it suggests that the babies realized the block still existed, but somehow the drawbridge went through it anyway. Spelke demonstrated infants’ knowledge of properties of objects by manipulating the behavior of objects and revealing babies looked longer at objects that violated their beliefs. (Life article). They understand solidity, continuity of motion, support, collisions, cause-effect (the pushing effect) and containment. Early number concepts are shown by even 5-mo.-old babies detecting differences in numerosity- telling the difference between two arrays that differ in number of objects. But Karen Wynn used the violation-of-expectation method to show infants can add and subtract at a simple level. She did it by showing babies possible and impossible events regarding objects. These events involved adding-the right answer being displayed or not (impossible answer). They look a long time at the wrong answers, indicating not just logic but memory as they assess what should be the logical outcome. o Subitizing is what babies are doingquantifying small numbers without conscious counting. What is infant cognition made of? Infants are given some basic skills in understanding their world, such as focusing on faces, which set them up for learning at a more sophisticated level as they progressively interact with the world. These innate structures are like tools that are best suited for certain skill development in specific contexts. This predisposition also allows babies to develop concepts (schema) that they use to categorize and understand new stimuli (Mandler’s experiments with babies discriminating the bird from the airplanes- understanding on some primitive level the difference in natural and manufactured items) o Representational persistence is the term given to a memory of an event. Some theorists believe this is only a first step toward full representational knowledge. So violation-of-expectation studies don’t fully explore representation in babies, but more likely show representational persistence. The philosophical conflict is whether babies come into the world with “innate knowledge” of how the world works, or merely a set of basic mechanisms that allow us to process perceptual information in a meaningful way. Learning to use symbols (stand-ins for the actual thing- words, numbers, or images) Representational insight is the knowledge that one thing can stand for something else. So at what point do babies understand pictures or models as representations of other things? Young children’s interpretation of pictures and models are studied through showing a child a model of a room with a toy shown clearly, then putting them in the room with the toy hidden in that location. If they can find the toy on the model, but not transfer that information to the real room, it indicates an inability to use the model as a symbolic representation. Three-yearolds can manage this task. Younger children can’t. Using pictures instead of the model, 2.5 yr. olds could manage it, but not 2 yr. olds. Dual representation (dual orientation)- the answer to the differences in using a model or picture as a representation have to do with dual representation. A model is interesting as a stimuli in itself, but a picture is less interesting- only valuable as a representation. So if you make the model less interesting, more concrete, children use it more effectively. This was shown when the model was viewed through a window, and 2.5 yr. olds were better able to make use of it in the task. Likewise, when 3 yr. olds were encouraged to play with the model (making it more salient and interesting within itself) it no longer functioned well as a representation. (This explains why using an anatomically correct doll to get child-abuse victims to describe their molestation did not work with young children. They could not transfer their concrete experience to the doll- it was too salient and interesting within itself.) With 2.5 yr. olds, the concept was introduced that the room was being shrunk to display the hidden toy. First they were allowed to find the toy in the real room. Then the room was “shrunken” and they saw the model with the toy hidden. Then they reentered the room to find the toy again and were very successful. The model did not represent anything to them, it was the thing. So it did not trigger dual representation - confusion. So very young children cannot shift in seeing an object as both a thing itself and a symbol (abstractly). It takes 18 – 19 mo. for babies to understand a picture represents another thing. Until then, they may try to pick the object off the page, thinking it is on the page. The appearance/reality distinction takes awhile to develop. It requires interacting with objects to understand that not all things are as they seem. The liquid conservation tasks challenge this concept. Conservation means understanding that even if things seem different, if nothing has been added or taken away, they are the same. These properties come into understanding in a certain order: number, length, weight, volume. Once they have this understanding it reflects identity- a realization that an entity stays the same even if it looks different in some way. Object permanence is the first identity- 18 – 24 mo. Generic identity-Maynard the cat experiment shows that 3 yr. olds believed the qualities of the cat actually changed to those of a dog when Maynard was fitted with a dog mask. 5 – 6 yr. olds weren’t fooled. This very closely relates to 3 yr. olds confusion about gender constancy, since they believe if you dress a girl like a boy, she becomes a boy. (Loved the story about the little boy asking gramma to dress like papaw so she could drive his stick-shift car!) Likewise, if they wear a costume they will believe they now have the abilities of that character- appearance is reality. (If you dress like Batman, you can jump off the house and fly.) Phenomenism errors: involve color tests (milk poured into the red glass makes it seem red to a 3 yr. old) Dual encoding is the problem 3 yr. olds have representing an object in more than one form at a time. It produces: Intellectual realism errors: When they can’t act on more than one representation of an object at a time. It is a centering problem, to be so focused on one form of an object. So notions of “looks like” don’t come in until closer to age 5. Distinguishing between imagined and real events develops over time, also. 3 yr. olds often believe that imagined events are reality. By age 4, they are better able to separate the two. Source monitoring is the awareness of the source of one’s memories or knowledge. There is a progression in developing this awareness. And even adults can be made to input as memory things they had suggested to them (many repressed memories were actually implanted memories) Children especially have a problem with remembering their imagination as memory. It is the basic problem of distinguishing between fantasy and reality. So fantasy figures (Santa) are popular with the preschool set, and when school-age children come to understand the fantasy nature of these people and want to “educate” their siblings. Even 4 – 6 yr. olds have some problems with discriminating fantasy and reality. The experiment with imagining the bunny or the monster in the box showed the reality of their imaginings when the researcher said he needed to leave the room for a bit. The children who imagined the monster displayed fear if he was going to leave – their imaginings might be real. (If I can imagine it, it might become real!) So if I imagine a monster under my bed at night- it could be real! This is also described as magical thinking, since their belief in magic is very concrete. This doesn’t necessarily disappear in adulthood, as many (50%) adults are superstitious, and also have beliefs in the paranormal or higher powers that can intervene in reality. As children learn more about the physics of the world, they lean less on magical thinking- they have reality-based explanations for phenomena. Children’s theory of mind is all a child’s concepts of mental activity- concepts of how to organize facts and make predictions, how we attribute intention, predict the behavior of others, as well as belief-desire reasoning. It also means understanding different categories of mind: dreams, memories, imagination, beliefs, explanations for people’s behavior. Belief-desire reasoning means explaining and predicting what people will do based on what we understand their desires and beliefs to be- in reference to their wants, wishes, goals. Children have to develop an expectation in order to explain behavior. Research has followed 2 lines of thought: Children as mind readers Metacognition-knowing what it means to think and how I think differently from you. Children as mind readers means that children figure out that other people have beliefs and desires that are different from their own, so they will act differently. False-belief tasks are set up so a child must infer that another person doesn’t know what s/he knows. They know the person believes something false. If a 3 yr. old and another (Maxi) is in a room when a piece of candy is hidden by another party, but when Maxi leaves the candy is hidden in another place- the 3 yr. old will think Maxi will somehow know what he knows- where the candy is now hidden. Most 4 yr. olds will know that Maxi couldn’t know that anything changed, since he was not present when it was changed. (3 yr. olds can’t read the minds of other people.) Representational change refers to children’s memory for their initial beliefs. In the Smarties task, 3 yr. olds can’t remember that they thought the actual candy was in the box, once they are shown there are pencils in the candy box. This memory deficit is specific to beliefs, not concrete things (a representational deficit) But they also have the dual representation problem, so they can’t hold 2 different beliefs or representations in their minds at the same time. Another problem 3 yr. olds have is switching focus. In a card-sorting task, once they have learned to sort cards according to color, they cannot easily switch to sorting by picture. (Another example of centering) Likewise, they have problems switching from their own perspective to another person’s. Curiously, developing false-belief abilities relates to family size- kids from larger families develop this earlier. Dealing with older siblings facilitates developing theory of mind. This offers opportunities for pretend-play and learning differences in beliefs. IT also makes a difference if a child has more adults to interact with. There is evidence that children as young as age 3 have an implicit understanding of false-belief, but can’t act on it until later (they look at the correct place, but answer the wrong place.) Even more interesting is the goldfish-vegetable task for 14 and 18 mo. olds- they saw an adult try both and make a happy face for one food and a grimace for the other- then the subject asked the baby to give her some food. The 14 mo. old baby gave her the food the baby liked. The 18 mo. old gave her the food she appeared to like- very sophisticated integration for an 18 mo. old. Deception is a social skill that is useful in oiling the wheels of society, love, career, etc. It reflects an understanding of differences of knowledge/mind. Deception will only appear when a child knows that other people don’t hold the same beliefs they do. It indicates a child is reading another’s mind. Hide-andseek tasks assess this. In these tasks children have an opportunity to leave tracks to the hidden object or cover them up. More sophisticated children will leave false tracks to fool the searcher. There was evidence that children as young as 2 could offer deception if they felt it was useful. They are better able to maintain the deception if they participated in the planning, not if they merely observed the trick. Do three-year-olds have a theory of mind? Their understandings of others’ beliefs seems close to that of adults. When they make errors, it may be because they emphasize another’s desires over their beliefs. (Wishes are more important than knowledge.) Piaget’s idea of wishful thinking suggests the same thing- 3 yr. olds believe their wishes work to get them what they want. So if they want something, they can have it- it also contributes to their heightened beliefs in their abilities (preschoolers believe they can learn to do anything). Theory of mind, evolved modules, and autism. There is a modular theory of mind that suggests that different modules develop at different times allowing us to read other people. The intentionality detector interprets objects as having intention of its own. The eye-direction detector detects eye-like stimuli, determines whether the eyes are looking at me, and infers that it means that object sees me. So we learn that knowledge is gained through the eyes. These 2 modules develop between birth and 9 mo. The shared-attention mechanisms refer to how we learn about 3-way communications ( I can know about a 3rd party by reading the 2nd party’s eyes). (9 – 18 mo.) The theory of mind module is the beliefdesire reasoning shown by passing false-belief tests. (18 – 48 mo.) children with autism do not develop the 3rd and 4th module. They show their disability in not connecting to others socially, living in their own world of perception: Mindblindness is an inability to read minds. Autistic children must feel lost in a world consisting of other people with unfathomable beliefs. Even their art and music is very basically representational, offering no emotional value, yet being accurate. Understanding thinking- this is a chief component in cognitive therapy- learn how to change your thinking, choose to frame things in a less disturbing way so as to feel control over your emotionality and actions. This ability must develop (and not all adults manage it- deficit of Rick’s friend in debate.) Young children have a hard time distinguishing between concepts of thinking- forgetting, knowing, remembering, guessing. Representational changes over childhood: Evidence from classification Classification refers to grouping of objects on the basis of some characteristics. Then when children tell you on what basis they grouped the objects you can determine their concepts. There are 4 phases of classification: o Idiosyncratic classification is the first phase (2 – 3 yr.olds) in which they randomly group things and can’t tell you why. o Perceptual classification is when children group items on the basis of some perceptual quality- something similar between the 2 in how they look. (3 – 4 yr. olds) o Complementary relations are groupings based on items that are different but share some relationship- in the experiment or in the child’s experience. (6 – 9 yrs.) o Conceptual relations is when children group on the basis of similarities, category membership, shared function (6 – 10 yr. olds) This follows formal schooling experiences. (Interesting dialogue of the Uzbekistan person in categorizing) Without formal schooling, people categorize at the 5 – 6 yr. old level. They don’t need that sort of categorizing to function well, and often think of it as the way a foolish person thinks. As we age we see more relationships by which to categorize phenomena, which complicates categorizing (which is why well-educated people tend to be less judgmental, realizing that one person’s perception of another is likely to be wrong, influenced by idiosyncratic experiences.) Children will use a variety of categorizing justifications as they group items, indicating a flexibility based on using all concepts to understand the world and items in it. Pp.227. In many of these sorting tasks children use very creative justifications for their last grouping, indicating a failure to plan or organize the objects in the beginning. Older children will examine all the objects and plan the groupings based on some overriding connections. There are also individual differences in sorting based on how children most easily think (verbally or functionally) Development of natural language categories Natural language categories refer to categorical terms that a language uses to describe or group large numbers of words/ concepts. They may be hierarchical, networks, or conceptual. Superordinate categories are broad, higherlevel categories- animals, clothes. Basic-level categories are composed of objects that are perceptually similar. 3 – 4 yr. olds could categorize at the basic-level when they couldn’t at the superordinate level. Even 2 yr. olds show understanding of basic-level categories through primitive sorting tasks. Category prototypes are abstract representations of a category- the best example, most typical example of a category. It requires children to recognize common characteristics of different but similar objects and screen out unique characteristics of different members. Our prototypes develop from our personal experiences with members of the category. It requires broader experiences to develop categories that resemble those of adults. o Category typicality means how much does an item in a category resemble the prototype. Even 13 mo. olds were more likely to group more typical items than atypical items. But grouping becomes more sophisticated as older children put more items together in networks according to perceptual similarity or concept or functionality. Their prototypes develop along the lines of adults as they come to emphasize different features in categories. REPRESENTATION Representation-how do children of different ages represent their world? Mental representation through infancy o Expressions of the symbolic function Deferred imitation Language Symbolic play Mental imagery Reproductive images Anticipatory images What do infants know? o Neonatal imitation- invisible imitation Active intermodal mapping Innate releasing mechanisms Transient ontogenetic adaptations Deferred imitation Knowledge of physical objects Object permanence Violation-of-expectation method Early number concepts o Subitizing What is infant cognition made of? o Representational persistence Learning to use symbols Representational insight Young children’s interpretation of pictures and models Dual representation (dual orientation) The appearance/reality distinction Dual encoding Distinguishing between imagined and real events Children’s theory of mind Belief-desire reasoning Children as mind readers False-belief tasks Representational change Deception Do three-year-olds have a theory of mind? Piaget’s idea of wishful thinking Theory of mind, evolved modules, and autism Mindblindness Understanding thinking Representational changes over childhood: Evidence from classification Classification o Idiosyncratic classification o Perceptual classification o Complementary relations o Conceptual relations Development of natural language categories Natural language categories Superordinate categories Basic-level categories Category prototypes Category typicality