Problems and Solution in Experimentation A.P. Psychology Name: Date: Hour: Problem: Experimenter Bias or Inability to Replicate Solution: Operationalize all definitions in procedures and concepts. o Example: hunger = hours without eating; knowledge = score on Stanford-Binet Test Problem: Placebo Effect o A change in participant’s behavior or perceptions because they believe a treatment will have an effect. o Examples of placebo effect: Solution: Single-blind procedure in experimentation o Experiment in which participants are unaware of which group (experimental or control) they are in. Problem: Expectancy Effect (self-fulfilling prophecy) o Experimenter’s expectations influence participants behavior Solution: Double-blind procedure in experimentation o Experiment in which neither the experimenter nor the participant know which group the participants are in. Hawthorne Effect o Participants improve an aspect of their behavior from the mere fact of being under observation. o Is there a Hawthorne Effect? Problem: Practical considerations, such as space, time, order Solution: Counterbalancing o In experimental design, a method of controlling for the effects of an extraneous variable by ensuring that its effects are equal in all treatment conditions. For example, administering the various procedures in different sequences can counterbalance order effects. Problem: How do you tests changes over time? Solution: Longitudinal Study – observe a group of participants over a long period of time, usually in intervals. Cross-Sectional Studies – observe different samples that includes people of different ages, i.e. 12 year olds, 14 year olds, and 16 year olds