HEADQUARTERS, NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU 27 JUNE 2007 COLLECTIVE TRAINING AND EVALUATION OUTLINES (T&EO) FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD CBRNE ENHANCED RESPONSE FORCE PACKAGE (NG CERFP) DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only. Other requests will be referred to the National Guard Bureau, J-3, Attn: MAJ Harold Molbert (CBRNE 3/5/7), 1411 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202 1 The purpose of this document is to provide a descriptive, performance-oriented training outline to assist unit leaders in training the National Guard CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package (NG CERFP). Unit leaders may increase the level of difficulty as the unit gains more experience and proficiency in performing the tasks and training exercises included herein. Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men. TABLE OF CONTENTS COLLECTIVE TASK TITLE Establish Area of Operations Establish Communications Conduct Incident Operations TASK NUMBER 03-2-0101-CERFP 03-2-0102-CERFP 03-2-0103-CERFP Conduct Sustainment Operations Conduct Search & Extraction Deployment Operations Conduct Rope Extraction Operations Conduct Lifting/Hauling Operations Conduct Search and Extraction Operations Establish CBRNE Response Decontamination Site Conduct Casualty Collection, Stabilization/Triage, Log-in, and Log-out Procedures Conduct Ambulatory Decontamination 03-2-0104-CERFP 05-3-0001-CERFP 05-3-0002-CERFP 05-3-0003-CERFP 05-3-0004-CERFP 03-3-0001-CERFP Conduct Non-Ambulatory Decontamination Conduct Military Personnel and Equipment Decontamination Establish a Hazardous Waste Site Prepare for Treatment of CBRNE Casualties Provide Emergency Care 03-3-0004-CERFP 03-3-0002-CERFP 03-3-0003-CERFP PAGE 3 6 8 10 11 14 17 19 24 31 34 38 42 03-3-0005-CERFP 03-3-0006-CERFP 08-2-0001-CERFP 08-2-0002-CERFP 46 48 50 2 ELEMENT: COMMAND TASK: ESTABLISH AREA OF OPERATIONS (03-2-0101-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a CBRNE event, the Incident Command System (ICS) has assigns the Task Force an adequate area of operation. TASK STANDARDS: Task Force completes site arrival preparations and establishes an area of operations within 90 minutes of arrival of the main body at the incident site in order to provide decontamination and medical support. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO *1. Advance Party conducts preparations to establish an area of operations. a. Conducted initial meeting with Incident Command System in order to determine strategic goals. b. Provided initial briefing to TF Commander. c. Identified location to establish decontamination site and area of operations. d. Prepared site occupation plan. e. Prepared safety plan for integration into Incident Command System’s safety plan. *2. Commander develops a plan to support the Incident Command System’s Incident Action Plan (IAP). a. Conducted mission analysis and mission planning. (1) Synchronized the IAP and the Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR). b. As required, provided the Incident Command System with personnel status report to include training and medical certifications. *3.Operations personnel establish the area of operations. a. b. c. d. Established internal/external communications. Established reporting procedures with the Incident Command System. Initiated Incident Log. Posted the situation map sketch. 4. Operations personnel monitor the marking of projected Hot, Warm and Cold Zones within the decontamination area. a. Posted safety cones. b. Posted safety tape (red, white, or yellow). c. Established water and electrical requirements. 5. Commander adjusts CCIRs to support the ICS Incident Action Plan (IAP) goals. 6. Operations personnel request copies of building diagrams, blueprints, water/gas utilities and/or any other building information through the ICS. 7. Commander provides liaison capability to the ICP. a. Establishes & maintains liaison with the ICP. b. Coordinates the integration of the unit into the incident action plan. c. Briefs the Incident Command System on unit capabilities & limitations. 3 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO d. Obtains current incident information for the unit. e. Advises as to security forces available for force protection to the Incident Command System. f. Provides public affairs information to ICS, as required. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title TBD Approve Unit Site Safety Plan TBD Coordinate Site Security TBD Develop a continuity of operations plans in support of site operations TBD Develop strategies and action plans to support Incident Command Systems objectives Develop work rest cycle FM 3-4 TBD TBD Direct Compliance With Federal, State and Local Environmental Laws and Regulations Direct Resources in a Domestic CBRNE Incident TBD Identify additional resources required for response to a domestic CBRNE incident TBD Identify Hazards, Risks and Protection Measures TBD Implement Operational Security Measures TBD Operate Within the Incident Command System TBD Perform Mission Analysis of a Domestic CBRNE Incident TBD Submit Requests to the ICS for Additional Assets TBD Supervise Service Support Functions During Operations 01-401.21-11 Perform Command and Control Procedures 031-506-3001 Plan Decontamination Operations 031-627-3010 Select a Domestic CBRNE Incident Decontamination Site 031-627-3012 Developmental (CHEM) 031-627-4011 Developmental (CHEM) 03-2-0005 Coordinate Medical Evacuation for a Domestic CBRNE Incident 03-2-0010 071-326-3049 Provide Logistical-Support Operations (Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] - CivilSupport Team [CST]) Conduct Troop-Leading Procedures for an Operation 071-326-5021 Prepare a Situation Map 081-832-0024 Perform six functions of Combat Stress Control (CSC) 101-92Y-3111 Supervise Property Administration in Units 154-385-6263 Conduct a Risk Assessment Manage Continuity of Operation Procedures (COOP) Conduct liaison with Incident Command System 4 191-000-0005 Implement Basic Measures to Reduce your vulnerabilities to Terrorist Acts/Attack 191-376-4114 Control Entry to and Exit from a Restricted Area 301-S97-6201 Implement A Communications Plan 71-326-5502 Issue a Fragmentary Order 71-3-C231.03-1031 Perform Risk Management Procedures 850-001-2000 Employ Accident Prevention Measures and Risk Mgt Process SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE 5 ELEMENT: COMMAND TASK: ESTABLISH COMMUNICATIONS (03-2-0102-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a threatened or CBRNE event, orders, unit mobilization, and specific guidance from Higher Headquarters and Task Force preparation. TASK STANDARDS: Communications personnel establish internal and external communications. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO *1. Develop a communications plan. a. Planned the employment of information-technology systems. b. Planned and prepared the signal portion of the OPORD and signal operation instructions (SOI). c. Provided recommendations for communications support. 2. Establishes internal and external communications. a. Established initial communications with the Incident Command System within 15 minutes of arrival by advance party. b. Established communications with the JOC or higher headquarters within 45 minutes of arrival by advance party body and mission assumption. c. Integrated additional communications resources as available. 3. Provides communications support. a. Operated organic communications equipment to provide communications support to the commander. b. Determined incident-specific communications requirements and assessed existing capabilities: (1) Assessed civil and military communications interface requirements. (2) Assessed civilian capabilities to support operations. c. Manages communications-related matters. (1) Managed the assigned frequencies IAW FCC regulations. (2) Developed the call signs and radio nets from SOI. 4. Performs troubleshooting procedures on the assigned equipment and software. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step 6 SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS Task Number Task Title Conduct pre operations checks and inspections 03-2-0004 301-S97-6201 Establish Communications Operations (Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] - CivilSupport Team [CST]) Implement A Communications Plan 331-916-0028 Develop A Communications Plan SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS: NONE 7 ELEMENT: COMMAND TASK: CONDUCT INCIDENT OPERATIONS (03-2-0103-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a threatened or occurred CBRNE event, orders, area of operations, and specific guidance from the Incident Command System. TASK STANDARDS: Task Force successfully integrates into the NIMS/Incident Command System in support of the Incident Command System’s objectives. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Operations personnel conducts mission tracking. a. Coordinated follow-on meetings with the Incident Command System. b. Updated CCIR information from the liaison officer or Incident Command System. c. Maintained incident log. d. Established reports control and information-management procedures. *2. Commander establishes company’s protective posture. a. Established a minimum level of protective posture. b. Directed the emplacement of monitoring equipment based upon METT TC. 3. Operations personnel provide commander with an updated situation report. a. Provided status checks of the CCIR. b. Provided the status of communications with civilian response agencies. c. Provided a briefing on the site safety plan upon arrival. d. Provided the status of force protection (protective posture level). e. Maintained communication and reporting procedures. f. Adjusted contingency plans as necessary. (1) Provided updates to the incident safety plan. (2) Refined operational objectives for follow on forces. (3) Maintained incident log. (4) Updated Risk Assessment. (5) Updated the situation map or sketch and the information display. *4. Operations personnel requests the following information: a. Time of incident. b. Type of contamination. c. Type of CBRNE hazard from the CST/ICS. d. Number of ambulatory and non-ambulatory casualties. e. Obtained signs and symptoms. f. Obtained type of release or agent (if known). g. Obtained information on other known or suspected hazards. h. Obtained name of other response agencies on the scene. *5. Maintain equipment readiness to react to subsequent CBRNE events. *6. Establish operational exposure guidance. 8 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO *6. Brief exposure levels to the TF commander. *7. Commander verifies certification of the decontamination line by the Incident Command System’s Site Safety Officer and validated the search and extraction team and medical capability are prepared to conduct operations. *8. Operations personnel maintain situational awareness. a. b. c. d. Monitored Incident Command System (ICS) CBRNE mitigation activities. Monitored force protection condition (FPCON) level. Monitored augmentation from both civilian and military forces. Complied with federal, state and local laws and regulations pertaining to operational safety and health. e. Advised commander on the current situation and proposed courses of action. f. Tracked ambulatory and non-ambulatory casualty and evacuees. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS Task Number Task Title TBD Operate Within the Incident Command System TBD Recommend Requests to the ICS for Additional Assets TBD Submit Requests to the ICS for Additional Assets 03-2-0005 Conduct liaison with Incident Command System SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS: NONE 9 ELEMENT: COMMAND TASK: CONDUCT SUSTAINMENT OPERATIONS (03-2-0104-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a threatened or occurred CBRNE event, orders, area of operations, and specific guidance from the Incident Command System. TASK STANDARDS: Operations and logistic personnel coordinate sustainment, logistics and maintenance support for the Task Force to facilitate all required operations. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Monitor and report equipment readiness status to the Incident Command System, JOC and/or higher headquarters. 2. Monitor water supply for decontamination operations. *3. Plan and coordinate requisition and distribution of supplies and equipment: Classes I, III, VI, VIII, IX and maintenance operations. 4. Logistics accountability: a. Maintain property accountability. b. Initiate reports of survey for all property lost, damaged, or destroyed. 5. Coordinate for equipment recovery operations. *6. Coordinate for additional incident site resources as required. 7. Coordinate with the Incident Command System for disposal of contaminated materials. *8. Institute work/rest cycles. a. Monitored wet bulb temperatures (provided by medical personnel). b. Implemented measures to reduce operational stress. 9. Track line of duty injuries (LOD’s). a. Coordinate chaplain support services. b. Initiate casualty feeder reports for LOD’s. 10. Ensure pre- and post- entry medical assessments are completed. 11. Coordinate support for mortuary affairs with the Incident Command System, as required. 10 ELEMENT: EXTRACTION TASK: CONDUCT SEARCH & EXTRACTION DEPLOYMENT OPERATIONS (05-30001-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a CBRNE incident, there are mass casualties that have resulted. Victims may be located inside structures, confined spaces, collapse voids or even in open areas. The victims may be contaminated and/or contagious. The Decontamination lines for S&E teams and casualties have been established. Tasks should be performed in various levels of personal protective equipment and limited visibility. TASK STANDARDS: The Search and Extraction personnel prepare to search for and extract casualties without casing further injury to the casualty. While correctly identifying and mitigating potential hazards, team safely enters the collapsed structure areas and conducts rescue operations. Issue applicable respiratory protection, protective clothing, puncture resistant steel toed boots, approved headgear, safety goggles/glasses, knee and elbow pads, hearing protection, harness/tag line and work gloves. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Leadership reports to Incident Staging Area and/or Incident Site. a. Received brief from Incident Command System or Operations Chief. b. Established contact with on site CST OIC for additional information. c. Personnel utilized time in staging area to conduct equipment checks. d. Coordinated security as part of a developed Force Protection Plan. e. Completed a written Risk Assessment. f. Developed plan for Search and Extraction operations to include the following: 1. Create sketch of assigned area (sector sketch). 2. Objectives to be accomplished. 3. Entry control point. 4. Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIRs). 5. Personnel protective equipment requirements. 6. Communication and reporting procedures. 7. Rehabilitation and decontamination procedures. 8. Emergency / contingency plans. 9. Determine Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE). g. Operations Plan and Site Diagram approved by IC or OC. h. Briefed Extraction Team Leader (ETL) prior to team movement forward to Incident/Work Site. i. Assigned personnel to teams and establish work rest cycles. 1. Ensure proper rest and rehabilitation of rescuers. 2. Maintain continuity by Conducted shift change briefings. j. Established contact with Chain of Command (higher) and report as required. *2. Extraction Team Leader (ETL) conducts an assessment of the collapsed/damaged structure and develop plan. a. Ensured work area is secure and marked off a minimum of 100 feet. 11 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO b. c. d. e. 3. 4. 5. 6. Verified all unnecessary people have been removed from the area. Verified that all surface victims have been evacuated. Coordinated for the placement of equipment cache and work areas. Ensured all non-essential personnel and equipment kept back a minimum of 150 feet or a safe distance as required by site constraints. f. Assessed structural stability. 1. Consulted with structural engineer. 2. Requested structural plans and drawings. 3. Identified type of construction. 4. Identified collapse pattern. 5. Identified likely void spaces. 6. Determined requirement for shoring/cribbing. g. Determined potential victim locations. 1. Questioned witnesses and survivors. 2. Evaluated structural plans. h. Requested additional support, if required. Prepares to perform search of collapsed/damaged structure. Conducts risk assessment. Prepares proper tools and equipment for operation. Reports as required. a. Advised operations/command of activities, progress, and problems. b. Identified logistical requirements as early as possible. c. Utilized a Battle Roster to track exposure times and rates. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” TOTAL “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title 031-503-1003 031-503-1004 031-503-1024 031-503-1025 031-503-1026 031-503-1029 Perform PMCS on AN/VDR-2 Perform PMCS on AN/PDR-77 Replace canister on M-40 Pro-mask Protect Self Using Pro-Mask with Hood Maintain M-40 Pro-Mask with Hood Perform PMCS on AN/UDR-13 031-503-1030 Prepare the Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) for Operation 031-503-2022 031-503-3008 031-506-2060 031-627-0040 031-627-4004 051-249-1105 071-326-0608 091-357-0002 154-385-6263 Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set Implement Mission Oriented Protective Posture Prepare M41 Protective Assessment Test System (PATS) for Operation Operate a Portable Radio Identify Toxic Industrial Materials Tie Knots for Hoisting Operations Use visual signaling Supervise Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Conduct a Risk Assessment 12 TBD TBD 093-401-5000 093-55D-1120 154-385-6263 301-371-1000 Identify Building Assessment and Search Team Markings Identify Special Rescue Equipment Identify Unexploded Ordnance Hazards Recognize Hazards Associated with Confined Spaces Conduct a Risk Assessment Report Intelligence Information 13 ELEMENT: EXTRACTION TASK: CONDUCT ROPE EXTRACTION OPERATIONS (05-3-0002 CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a CBRNE incident, there are mass casualties that have resulted. Victims are located in areas that are accessible only by ladder or by rope. CERFP Search and Extraction will not typically operate independently and will work under the direction of the Incident Command System (ICS). CERFP personnel are on scene to assist and augment first responder/Urban Search and Rescue personnel. Some iterations of this task should be performed in various levels of personal protective equipment, some should be performed in limited visibility and iterations should also be performed in both high and low-angle situations. TASK STANDARDS: The team/teams will gain access to and safely remove the victim using rope and cable techniques. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO * 1. Rope Extraction Team Leader determines and prioritizes assigned tasks, evaluates systems already in place and ensures the following are conducted and performed. a. Established the type of anchor system necessary. b. Utilized a minimum of two separate anchor points. c. If additional rope is used from local responders, Rope Extraction Leader will verify current Rope Log. d. Assigned a Rope safety Officer and ensured all systems are appropriate and identified any safety violations. e. Demonstrated the ability to choose the best available anchor system, considering the system’s purpose, maximum load and the direction of loading. f. Inspect anchor point was for cracks, looseness or other weak points prior to establishing. g. When using multi-point anchors, the team ensured that the angle between anchors points was minimized (which does not exceed 120 degrees). 2. Lower the rescuer to the victim using a lowering system with a descent control device on a fixed rope system. a. Established a minimum level of protective posture. b. Directed the emplacement of monitoring equipment based upon METT TC. 3. Operations personnel provide commander with an updated situation report. a. Rescuer descent was controlled with either a safety line attached or a belay system utilized. b. Rescuer descended in a controlled manner so it will not dislodge debris, causing it to fall on the victim. c. To prevent rope chaffing pad locations where the rope passes a stationary object or where the direction of the rope will be altered 4. Victim is properly secured in appropriate stretcher. 14 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO a. All four cross straps and foot straps were properly tightened and buckled. b. Horizontal lifting/descent straps were properly equalized using carabineer. c. Shortest of the horizontal lifting/descent straps was located at the head end of the stretcher. d. If patient is lifted vertically, attach the static kernmantle rope to the stretcher. 5. Stretcher raised/lowered to a safer location for further removal. a. When possible during the lowering/hoisting operation have attendant accompany victim b. Rescuer/attendant and the victim were supported by separate lines. c. To prevent rope chaffing pad locations where the rope passes a stationary object or where the direction of the rope will be altered. d. Rescuers utilized appropriate protective equipment-helmet and gloves. e. Utilized a mechanical advantage system appropriate to the situation. 6. Team recovers equipment used in the rescue operation. a. Inspected all rope, webbing, harnesses and hardware prior to restoring. b. Make entry in the Rescue Rope Log for each Life Safety rope used. c. Removed immediately from service any Life Safety Rope that sustained the load of a falling person, or contaminated, or damaged. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” TOTAL “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 093-398-1118 093-401-5000 154-385-6263 301-371-1000 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 031-503-1025 031-503-1027 031-503-1035 031-503-3008 Task Title Wear Appropriate Level of Personal Protective Equipment Identify Unexploded Ordnance Hazards Conduct a Risk Assessment Report Intelligence Information React to a Breached Suit Inspect Vertical Equipment Identify Special Rescue Equipment Package and Transport Patient using a SKED Tie Rescue Knots, Bends and Hitches Construct a Single-point Anchor System Construct a Multiple-point Anchor System Operate a Simple Rope Mechanical Advantage System Utilize a Lowering System Operate a Belay System Operate a Compound Rope Mechanical Advantage System Operate a Fixed Rope System Complete an Assignment While Suspended from a Rope System Descend a Fixed Rope System Protect Self Using Pro-Mask with Hood Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself From Chemical/Biological Contamination Using assigned PPE Implement Mission Oriented Protective Posture 15 031-627-0040 031-627-0042 051-249-1105 071-326-3049 071-328-5301 081-831-1046 093-398-1118 Operate a Portable Radio Operate the Video Camera Tie Knots for Hoisting Operations Conduct Troop-Leading Procedures for an Operation Inspect Personnel and Equipment Transport a Casualty Wear Appropriate Level of Personal Protective Equipment 16 ELEMENT: EXTRACTION TASK: CONDUCT LIFTING AND HAULING OPERATIONS (05-3-0003-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a CBRNE incident, there are mass casualties that have resulted. Victims may be located inside structures, confined spaces, collapse voids or in open areas. The victims may be contaminated and/or contagious. CERFP Search and Extraction will not typically operate independently and will work under the direction of the Incident Command System (ICS). CERFP personnel are on scene to assist and augment first responder/Urban Search and Rescue personnel. The team must move various objects using equipment in the CERFP rescue toolboxes. Task should be performed in various levels of personal protective equipment and some should be performed in limited visibility. TASK STANDARDS: The team/squad maintains control of the item/casualty being moved at all times. The team must move various objects to standard. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES *1. Team/squad leader conducts troop-leading procedures. *2. The team/squad leader conducts preoperational and safety checks. The team/squad leader conducts troop-leading procedures. a. Determined the proper tool or rigging for the mission. b. Calculated safe working capacity of rigging material. c. Maintained rigging equipment. d. Ensured proper installation of attachments. 3. The team/squad positions and prepares equipment for operation. 4. The team/squad conducts lifting/hauling operations. a. Used manual lifting devices as needed. 1. Pinch/pry bar. 2. Chain hoist. 3. Cable hoist. 4. Rollers. 5. Hydraulic jack. 6. Mechanical jack. 7. Choker/sling. 8. Load binder. b. Rigged the load to ensure a balanced lift. 5. The team/squad submits provides situational updates to operations. GO NO-GO team/sq uad leader conduct s troopleading proced ures 17 TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” TOTAL “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 051-200-1010 031-503-1025 031-503-1027 031-503-3008 031-627-0040 071-326-3049 071-328-5301 071-990-0004 093-398-1118 154-385-6263 TBD TBD TBD TBD Task Title Use and Maintain Rigging Equipment Protect Self Using Pro-Mask with Hood Operate the AN/UDR-13 Implement Mission Oriented Protective Posture Operate a Portable Radio Conduct Troop-Leading Procedures for an Operation Inspect Personnel and Equipment Conduct Pre-Combat Checks Wear Appropriate Level of Personal Protective Equipment Conduct a Risk Assessment React to a Breached Suit Install Cribbing and Crib Beds Wear Personal Protective Clothing Operate a Hoist/come-along 18 ELEMENT: EXTRACTION TASK: CONDUCT SEARCH AND EXTRACTION OPERATIONS (05-3-0004-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Given a CBRNE incident, there are mass casualties that have resulted. CERFP Search and Extraction will not typically operate independently and will work under the direction of the Incident Command System (ICS). CERFP personnel are on scene to assist and augment first responder/Urban Search and Rescue personnel. Victims may be located inside structures, confined spaces, collapse voids or open areas. The victims may be contaminated and/or contagious. Search and extraction personnel will wear the appropriate level of PPE based upon the CBRNE hazard(s) present and adjust TTPs as necessary. Some iterations of this task should be performed in various levels of personal protective equipment and some should be performed in limited visibility. The decontamination line will be established as needed. TASK STANDARDS: Search operations conducted in accordance with Incident Action Plan ensuring that victims, sensitive items and potential hazards are identified, marked and reported; protocols and guidance are followed; and rescuer safety is maintained. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO *1. The CERFP Commander and/or Extraction Team Leader receive all available information from the Incident Command System or Operations Section Chief or operation center to accomplish the Incident Command System's (ICS) Incident Action Plan (IAP) goals. a. Leaders have received Incident Command System’s (IC) brief and mission assignment. b. Requested structure blueprints, photographs, drawings, etc. c. Consulted with ICS representative with knowledge of victim locations. d. Implemented the commander's information objectives in the search plan. e. Selected the appropriate monitoring and extraction equipment. *2. Develop an Incident Search Plan (ISP) using the following. a. Reviewed witness intelligence. b. Assessed/sized up the scene. c. Reviewed available drawings, blueprints, photographs. d. Evaluated terrain, weather, air, surface, and/or actual /potential hazards. e. Determined need for confined space operations. f. Determined priority of effort. g. Determined appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) h. Determined type of collapse, if able/necessary. i. Determined stabilizing (cribbing/shoring/tieing back)requirements. j. Assigned personnel to, or request shoring team. k. Estimated/determined victim and/or sensitive item location(s). 19 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO l. Published/distributed Incident Search Plan to Extraction Element members. 3. Search teams donned the appropriate PPE. 4. Conduct search operations. a. General area/building search. 1. Identified likely victim/sensitive item locations (i.e. approached victims from below and if capable: provides an attendant for each victim) 2. Systematically searched all areas. b. Victim/sensitive item location identification established and maintained communications with operations. 1. Identified victim/sensitive item location. 2. Reported victim/sensitive item status and location to higher. c. Hazard identification. a. Hazards reported to ICS and CERFP operations. d. Conduct shoring operations (as applicable): 1. During search, determined need to stabilize structural components 2. Built and installed shoring as necessary. 3. Applied and properly annotated masking tape, as needed, to measure structural shift after completing a shoring operation. 4. Reported location of masking tape shift indicators to operations. 5. Checked status of masking tape shift indicators as operations permit in order to determine shoring effectiveness. e. Employ search camera: 1. Checked void spaces and rubble. 2. Located victims/sensitive items. f. Employ Thermal imager: 1. Checked void spaces (especially in limited visibility environment). 2. Located victims. g. Employ listening device use: 1. Used listening device in low noise environment, as and where appropriate. 2. Coordinated with other search teams to maximize device effectiveness. h. Conducted Hazard Management Steps (taking into consideration the physical characteristics of the CBRNE agent) 1. Mitigated hazard(s) as appropriate 2. Avoided hazard(s) when appropriate 3. Protected against the hazard(s) 4. Utilized proper personal protective clothing/equipment. 5. Conducted leader’s recon of work site. 6. Utilized shoring/cribbing to stabilize structural components that were not properly supported or in danger of falling. 7. Established rally points. i. Gain access to voids, victims, or sensitive items. 1. Breaching efforts were planned prior to being undertaken. 2. Identified type of material to be breached. 3. Potential for the breach to cause a shift in the structure was evaluated and shoring/cribbing used accordingly. j. Steps were taken to minimize hazards created by breaching operations (dust, exhaust, fire, etc.). 20 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Alternated means of access considered. 2. Utilized appropriate ventilation. 5. Executed victim extraction. a. Attempted/established communications with victims. 1. Used search camera to check voids. 2. Monitored atmosphere. 3. Determined if it is safe to proceed. b. Medical personnel conducted victim triage. 1. Determined nature of victim’s injuries. 2. Reported victim status. 3. Requested special medical equipment required. 4. Stabilized and/or demobilized victim prior to movement . 5. Immobilized and packaged victim to prevent further injury. 6. Removed victim. a. Moved victim to casualty collection point for triage. b. Medic/EMT advised triage section of victim’s status. 6. Entry personnel prepare to enter a confined space. a. Initiated/continued continuous atmospheric monitoring. b. Completed pre-entry medical exam on entrants by medical personnel. c. Attempted/Established communications with victims. d. Performed PMCS on appropriate PPE. e. Prepared rescue equipment for entry. 7. Entry personnel enter into confined space. a. Donned appropriate PPE. b. Located and contacted victim(s). c. Entry and/or attendant personnel conducted continuous atmospheric monitoring. d. Attendant personnel logged results of atmospheric monitoring and reported results to operations. e. Performed shoring operations when necessary to stabilize the space. f. Performed breaking/breaching operations, as necessary to effect search and/or rescue operations. g. Assessed victim(s) mental and physical status. h. Initiated patient care as appropriate. i. Packaged patient, as appropriate, for removal. j. Removed patient from confined space. k. Completed decontamination when required. 8. Respiratory Protection. a. Entry/Rescue Personnel. 1. Used appropriate respirator and filter, if required. b. Victim(s) - Provided respirator or air supply (if available) as early as possible. 9. Entry and Egress Procedures. a. Entry team assigned. b. Rapid Intervention Team (RIT): 1. Identified team name/number on Entry Permit. 2. In PE and prepared to respond during entry. 3. Established work/rest cycle to reduce fatigue. c. Briefed primary and alternate entry and egress routes. d. Ensured proper use of PPE. e. Secured all lids, covers, and hatches to prevent accidental closure. f. Each entry team employs monitoring equipment. 21 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO g. Following removal/evacuation, each entry team briefed entry supervisor/Extraction Element Leader and next entry team on conditions, hazards, and difficulties encountered. h. Medically evaluated entry team/rescuers after exit from space, then sent to rehab area. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” TOTAL “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 031-503-1025 031-503-1027 031-503-1031 031-503-1035 031-503-2022 031-503-2023 031-503-3008 031-505-3001 031-627-0033 031-627-0040 031-627-0042 031-627-4004 051-249-1105 091-357-0002 093-55D-1120 154-385-6263 TBD TBD TBD 113-610-2044 093-401-5000 301-371-1000 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 051-200-2104 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Task Title Protect Self Using Pro-Mask with Hood Operate the AN/UDR-13 Operate the Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) Protect Yourself From Chemical/Biological Contamination Using assigned PPE Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set Measure Radiation Dose Rate and Total Dose Implement Mission Oriented Protective Posture Operate the AN/PDR-77 Radiac Set Operate the Multigas Monitor Operate a Portable Radio Operate the Video Camera Identify Toxic Industrial Materials Tie Knots for Hoisting Operations Supervise Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Recognize Hazards Associated with Confined Spaces Conduct a Risk Assessment React to a Breached Suit Identify Building Assessment and Search Team Markings Identify Special Rescue Equipment Operate commercial GPS Identify Unexploded Ordnance Hazards Report Intelligence Information Operate Thermal Imaging Camera Operate Listening Device Operate Combination Tool/Conduct Forcible Entry Operations Construct a single-point anchor system Construct a multiple-point anchor system Operate a Simple Rope Mechanical Advantage System Utilize a lowering system Operate a belay system Operate a Compound rope mechanical advantage system Operate a fixed rope system Complete an assignment while suspended from a rope rescue system Demonstrate the Ability to Ascend or Descend a fixed rope system Operate the APD-2000 Conduct Shoring Operations Direct Equipment in Obstacle Removal Breach Reinforced Concrete 22 TBD TBD TBD 05-3-0014 CERFP Breach Steel Obstacles React to a Secondary Collapse Conduct Cribbing Operations Operate an Equipment Cache TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE 23 ELEMENTS: DECONTAMINATION TASK: ESTABLISH CBRNE RESPONSE DECONTAMINATION SITE (03-3-0001CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. Company is ordered to establish the decontamination site. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site (local hospital or near incident site). TASK STANDARDS: Company establishes the decontamination site. Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones are identified. The decontamination site is accessible by vehicle. The decontamination site is set up and ready to receive casualties within 90 minutes of arrival of main body. Site is established in a clean area. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO * 1. Commander receives, analyzes, and plans the mission. a. Determined support requirements. b. Coordinated for medical, force protection, security support, and any other support as required. c. Coordinated for logistical and re-supply support. d. Configured equipment based on updated mission statement. e. Conducted equipment checks and deployed to decontamination site. 2. Decontamination personnel set up three decontamination lanes (ambulatory and non-ambulatory) consisting of the stations in paragraphs below. NOTE: Triple lane configurations allow for maximum through-put of casualties. a. Determined placement of ambulatory and non-ambulatory tents with regards to wind direction, water runoff, and wastewater collection. b. Established the placement and initiates operations of the decontamination apparatus or other decontamination equipment. c. Coordinated monitoring equipment locations. d. Directed the construction of the decontamination showers. (Decontamination showers/tents are the base tents and constructed first based on site lay-out by the Advance Party). 3. Decontamination personnel established the following stations/tents in the Hot Zone: a. Casualty Collection Point. b. Triage and Emergency Treatment (as directed my medical personnel). c. Log-In and personal effects collection. d. Non-ambulatory clothing removal (non-ambulatory tent). e. Ambulatory clothing removal (ambulatory tent). f. Hazardous waste and collection areas (solid & liquid). 24 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 4. Decontamination personnel established the following stations in the Warm Zone: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Non-ambulatory neutralization (non-ambulatory tent). Non-ambulatory rinse (non-ambulatory tent). Ambulatory neutralization (ambulatory tent). Ambulatory rinse (ambulatory tent). Non-ambulatory contamination monitor/check. Ambulatory contamination monitor/check. Equipment/Property (sustainment area). Responder decontamination lane (part of the non-ambulatory tent). Hazardous waste water routes. 6. Establishes the following stations in the Cold Zone. a. b. c. d. e. Redress/cover (non-ambulatory tent). Redress/cover (ambulatory tent). Patient Disposition/Log-out. Equipment Reconstruction area. Admin/Logistics area. 7. Establishes the casualty collection point in the Hot Zone. a. b. c. d. Identified ingress and egress to the collection point. Prepared litters and litter dollies for use. Established communication with operation center to receive casualties. Prepared containers to hold decontamination solution (kill/rinse buckets) and contaminated waste. e. Established control lines using engineer tape or existing obstacles. f. Coordinated hand-off point with Triage Officer. g. Prepared spray bottles for radiation and biological hazards. 8. Medical personnel along with decontamination personnel, establish triage and emergency treatment stations. NOTE: Medical personnel perform triage and emergency treatment. Decontamination personnel will assist. a. Identified locations for expectant, immediate, delayed, and minimal casualties. b. Established an equipment storage site to handle multiple casualties. The station contained litters, litter stands and waste containers. c. Litter Transfer Team establishes litter cache and “dirty” litter location. d. If rollers are not available, two wheel dollies are prepared for use. e. Prepared decontamination solution to clean “dirty” litters. f. Coordinated with the Log-In Officer for casualty pick-up. g. Prepared rinse/kill buckets. 9. Decontamination personnel establish the log-in station. a. Established communications to log-out. b. Prepared container for decontamination solution. c. Prepared log-in sheets for casualty accountability. 25 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO d. Prepared personal effects bags for issue. e. Coordinated with the Triage Officer for best site location. f. Coordinated with Incident Command System to determine what personal effects will be destroyed and what will be decontaminated. g. Prepared rinse/kill buckets. 10. Decontamination personnel establish the non-ambulatory clothing removal station. a. Erected the non-ambulatory undress tent with lighting. Plastic sheeting over the ground where the shelter will be set up. b. Prepared waste containers to hold contaminated clothing. c. Station equipped with scissors or cutting tool to remove contaminated clothing. d. Prepared containers (rinse/kill buckets) to hold decontamination solution. e. Prepared rollers (litters on stands or saw horses if rollers are not available). f. Installed light set. 11. Decontamination personnel establish the ambulatory clothing removal station. a. Erected the ambulatory undress tent with lighting. Plastic sheeting over the ground where the shelter will be set up. b. Established partition walls to separate male and female personnel. c. Installed light set. d. Prepared saw horses or handrail stands. e. Emplaced waste containers. NOTE: The waste containers are set outside of undress tent to hold the contaminated clothing. f. Prepared decontamination solution for male and female undress area. 12. Decontamination personnel establish the ambulatory and non-ambulatory decontamination shelters. a. Placed plastic sheeting over the ground where the shelter will be set up. b. Emplaced the containment berms and pumps to capture contaminated liquid waste. NOTE: Contaminated wastewater is pumped directly from the decontamination shelter into the contaminated waste container. The drainage lines and container are clearly marked "contaminated waste". The contaminated waste site is located 50 meters from the entrance of the decontamination line in the Hot Zone. a. Erected decontamination shelters. b. Established the non-ambulatory roller system from entrance to exit of the shelter. c. Installed and secured floor pallets. d. Installed lane divider for male and female ambulatory entrance. e. Installed light sets. 13. Decontamination personnel establish the shower systems for ambulatory and non-ambulatory decontamination tents/stations. a. Installed shower apparatus within shelters for ambulatory and nonambulatory decontamination. 26 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO b. Connected shower apparatus to water and decontamination solution delivery systems to delivery system for neutralization solution and final rinse for ambulatory and non-ambulatory decontamination stations. c. Connected the wands for the non-ambulatory decontamination to the auxiliary ports of the decontamination apparatus located in the Cold Zone. d. Ambulatory decontamination station contained backboards, sponges, and decontamination (rinse/kill buckets) solution. e. Non-ambulatory decontamination station contained sponges, cutting tool, contaminated waste containers and decontamination (rinse/kill buckets) solution. f. Prepared decontamination solution in buckets (kill/rinse) with brushes and sponges. g. Tested showers and equipment. 14. Decontamination personnel establish the male and female ambulatory contamination/monitoring check stations. NOTE: Twenty feet between decontamination tent and redress tent. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Emplaced monitoring equipment on tables adjacent to Cold Zone. Prepared decontamination buckets (kill & rinse) solution. Emplaced chemical agent alarm to monitor the vapor control line. Installed dividers between male and female areas/lanes. Prepared handrails or sawhorses. Defined the liquid control line and the vapor control line. Installed portable lighting. Placed plastic containers with absorption pads next to liquid control line. 15. Decontamination personnel establish the non-ambulatory contamination/monitoring check station. NOTE: Twenty feet between decontamination tent and redress tent. a. Positioned rollers (litter on stands or saw horses if rollers are not available). b. Emplaced monitoring equipment on tables adjacent to Cold Zone. c. Prepared decontamination buckets (kill & rinse) solution. d. Placed chemical agent alarm to monitor the vapor control line. 27 e. Installed portable lighting. f. Defined the liquid control line and the vapor control line. g. Prepared decontamination (kill & rinse) solution. 16. Decontamination personnel establish the military equipment/property decontamination station. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Protected the ground from contamination at the decontamination station. Prepared the neutralization station. Prepared the equipment/property wait time station. Prepared equipment/property rinse station. Prepared monitoring equipment for the contaminated check station. Emplaced chemical agent alarm at vapor control line. Positioned station parallel and between the decontamination tents. Placed waste containers (solid) for discarded waste items. Designated personal effects collection station. Prepared personal effects collection containers. 17. Decontamination personnel establish the military/operational decontamination site. NOTE: Military personnel will perform decontamination at the wash and rinse stations not used in the non-ambulatory decontamination tent. a. Prepared containers for equipment drop. b. Prepared personnel decontamination and rinse stations. c. Prepared portable sprayer for Level C suit decontamination if a decontamination area is not already identified in the non-ambulatory tent. d. Established monitoring station with monitoring equipment. e. Emplaced containers and plastic bags at the suit removal station. f. Established the mask removal station. g. Placed plastic containers with absorption pads next to liquid control line. 18. Decontamination personnel establish a hazardous waste site in the Warm Zone. a. Protected the ground from contamination at the waste site. b. Prepared and clearly marked waste collection site. c. Routed all hoses to the waste (liquid) collection site. 19. Decontamination and medical personnel establish the ambulatory redress/cover station. a. Erected the ambulatory redress tent. Place plastic sheeting over the ground where the shelter will be set up. b. Established partition wall to separate male and female personnel. c. Installed light set. d. Emplaced heater systems. 20. Decontamination and medical personnel establish the non-ambulatory redress/cover station. a. Erected the non-ambulatory redress tent. Place plastic sheeting over the ground where the shelter will be set up. b. Prepared litters and stands or rollers. c. Installed light set. 28 d. Station contained temporary clothing, towels, or blankets to cover casualty. e. Placed plastic containers with absorption pads next to liquid control line. 21. Decontamination and medical personnel establish the patient disposition/log-out station. a. Set up table and chairs for casualties. b. Established communications with log-in personnel and operation center. c. Prepared log-out sheets for casualty accountability. d. Treated casualties until they have been transported to medical facilities. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title TBD TBD Calculate Amperage Usage by adding all equipment that requires electricity Install Light Set inside tents TBD TBD Set up Portable Sprayer for Level C Suit Decontamination Set Up Shower Set TBD 031-503-1003 Set up Radiation decon equipment i.e., vacuum/lint roller station when required Perform PMCS on AN/VDR-2 031-503-1004 031-503-1029 Perform PMCS on AN/PDR-77 Perform PMCS on AN/UDR-13 031-503-1030 031-506-3001 Prepare the Improved Chemical-Agent Monitor (ICAM) for Operation Plan Decontamination Operations 154-385-6465 159-200-2020 Employ Risk Management Process during Mission Planning Integrate Threat Capabilities into Mission Planning 301-504-3001 850-001-4001 Supervise Positioning of Chemical Agent Alarm (ACADA) Integrate Risk Management into Mission Plans 031-503-1027 031-503-1036 Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask Maintain your assigned Protective Mask 031-503-2001 031-503-2002 031-504-1013 Identify Chemical Agents using M256 Kit Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set Operate the M-22 Automated Chemical Agent Monitor (ACADA) 031-507-4025 031-627-0024 Estimate Decontamination Material Requirements Operate the Oil Fired Decontamination Unit 031-627-0027 031-627-1005 Operate the Generator Implement Protective Measures in a Hazardous Materials Incident 031-627-1022 Operate Tripod Exterior Lights 031-503-1035 29 031-627-1023 Operate the Waste Water Discharge Pump 031-627-1035 113-571-1022 154-385-6263 158-100-1140 Determine Decontamination Solutions for Specific Agents Perform Voice Communications Conduct Risk Assessment Communicate Effectively in a Given Situation 191-376-4114 Control Entry to and exit from a Restricted Area SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 30 ELEMENTS: DECONTAMINATION TASK: CONDUCT CASUALTY COLLECTION, STABILIZATION/TRIAGE, LOG-IN, AND LOG-OUT PROCEDURES (03-3-0002-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. The decontamination company is ordered to conduct ambulatory casualty decontamination. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site. This task is always performed in appropriate level of PPE for the prevailing conditions. For planning purposes, the CERFP the company is capable of processing 40-225 ambulatory and 20-75 non-ambulatory casualties per hour, however, actual throughput is determined by METT-T, hazards present and personnel available. Patient monitoring is based upon the hazards and the capabilities of the monitoring equipment. TASK STANDARDS: The Company conducts ambulatory casualty decontamination. The company limits the spread of contamination by processing the casualties through the decontamination site. The site is located up wind and up hill from the contaminated source. The Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones are identified. NOTE: Site has already been established IAW TASK: Establish Domestic Response Decontamination Site. The decontamination of personal items is based on guidance from the Incident Command System. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Casualty Collection Point Team Leader. a. b. c. d. Maintained ingress and egress to the collection point. Maintained control lines using engineer tape or existing obstacles. Controlled casualties at the collection point. Insured casualties did not bypass the decontamination line. 1) Separated ambulatory and non-ambulatory casualties. e. Escorted or transported casualties to the triage stations. f. Directed litter transfer team. 2. Triage and stabilization. Decontamination personnel assist (as needed) the medical personnel at the triage/emergency treatment station. a. b. c. d. e. Operated medical triage stations. Triaged/stabilized casualties. Identified or mark casualties with proper medical category. Escorted or transport casualties during triage. Escorted or transport casualties to Log-In area and cut-out tent. 3. Decontamination personnel conduct log-in procedures. 31 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO a. Log-In personnel process casualties and personal valuables as directed from the Incident Command System. b. Performed patient tracking of responsive and unresponsive casualties. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. If the casualty is unresponsive, personnel performed a cursory inspection for personal property, i.e., wallet, rings, etc. and assigns the casualty number. Dropped all personal property in designated bags and corresponding casualty identification number for post DECON return. Directed the Litter Transport Team to the next appropriate casualty. Log-In personnel reported casualties processed to Log-Out Station. Established communications with the “COLD” zone to update casualties logged in with available information and identification number. Coordinated with personal valuable decontamination personnel to forward bags to the equipment decontamination line. Maintained Log-In sheets for casualty accountability. Prepared personal items bag and labeled with casualty's identification number. 4. Decontamination personnel process the casualty through the patient disposition/log-out station. a. Established communications with log-in station and operation center. b. Prepared log-out sheets. c. Updated the operation center of the number of personnel processed. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title TBD Calculate Amperage Usage by adding all equipment that requires electricity TBD TBD Install Light Set inside tents Set up Portable Sprayer for Level C Suit Decontamination TBD TBD Set Up Shower Set Set up Radiation decon equipment i.e., vacuum/lint roller station when required 031-503-1003 031-503-1004 Perform PMCS on AN/VDR-2 Perform PMCS on AN/PDR-77 031-503-1029 031-503-1030 Perform PMCS on AN/UDR-13 Prepare the Improved Chemical-Agent Monitor (ICAM) for Operation 031-506-3001 154-385-6465 Plan Decontamination Operations Employ Risk Management Process during Mission Planning 159-200-2020 Integrate Threat Capabilities into Mission Planning 32 301-504-3001 Supervise Positioning of Chemical Agent Alarm (ACADA) 850-001-4001 031-503-1027 031-503-1035 Integrate Risk Management into Mission Plans Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask 031-503-1036 031-503-2001 031-503-2002 Maintain your assigned Protective Mask Identify Chemical Agents using M256 Kit Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set 031-504-1013 031-507-4025 Operate the M-22 Automated Chemical Agent Monitor (ACADA) Estimate Decon Material Requirements 031-627-0024 031-627-0027 Operate the Oil Fired Decontamination Unit Operate the Generator 031-627-1005 031-627-1022 Implement Protective Measures in a Hazardous Materials Incident Operate Tripod Exterior Lights 031-627-1023 031-627-1035 Operate the Waste Water Discharge Pump Determine Decontamination Solutions for Specific Agents 113-571-1022 154-385-6263 Perform Voice Communications Conduct Risk Assessment 158-100-1140 191-376-4114 Communicate Effectively in a Given Situation Control Entry to and exit from a Restricted Area SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 33 ELEMENTS: DECONTAMINATION TASK: CONDUCT AMBULATORY DECONTAMINATION (03-3-0003-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. The decontamination company is ordered to conduct ambulatory casualty decontamination. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site. For planning purposes, the CERFP the company is capable of processing 40225 ambulatory and 20-75 non-ambulatory casualties per hour, however, actual throughput is determined by METT-T, hazards present and personnel available. Patient monitoring is based upon the hazards and the capabilities of the monitoring equipment. This task is always performed in appropriate level of PPE for the prevailing conditions. TASK STANDARDS: The Company conducts ambulatory casualty decontamination. Decontamination personnel limit the spread of contamination by processing the casualties through the decontamination site. The site was located up wind and up hill from the contaminated source. The Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones were identified. NOTE: Site has already been established IAW TASK: Establish Domestic Response TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Decontamination personnel process casualties through separate male and female clothing removal stations. a. Reassured and coached casualty through clothing removal process. Attention is paid to modesty issues. b. Instructed casualties on clothing removal. Have them stand in plastic bags and remove their own clothing. Generally, ambulatory casualties can remove their clothing without assistance, provide assistance only if needed. c. Cut clothing with scissors (if required) and avoid cross contamination. d. Consolidated contaminated waste in containers. e. Transported casualty clothing to contaminated waste collection site. 2. Decontamination personnel process casualties through separate male and female decontamination (solution) stations. a. Directed casualties on proper decontamination procedures. b. Placed casualties in the center of the shower with hands and arms raised to allow water flow to all parts of the body. c. Turned water on and directs upper nozzles to the head and side sprayers to the sheltered portions of the body. d. When casualty is thoroughly washed, water flow is stopped and casualty is directed to the next station. e. Verified the completeness of the decontamination and redirect personnel. 34 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO NOTE: In the event of a casualty’s condition changing, wash or rinse operator stops water flow and summons medical aid. Casualty is moved to a supine or sitting position away from contaminated water. Care is provided by medical personnel and the casualty either continues the decontamination process or is reclassified nonambulatory. 3. Decontamination personnel process casualties through separate male and female rinse stations. a. Rinse Station operator instructed casualties on shower procedures and reassure the casualty of the process. b. Placed casualty in the center of the shower with hands and arms raised to allow water flow to all parts of the body. c. Turned water on and directs upper nozzles to the head and side sprayers to the sheltered portions of the body. d. When casualty is thoroughly washed, water flow is stopped and casualty is directed to the next station. 4. Decontamination personnel process casualties through separate male and female monitoring stations. a. Monitored casualties for contamination. (1) Thorough Chemical Agent Monitor checks (only for weaponized chemical agents). (a) Performed function checks and place the Chemical Agent Monitor into operation. Set the ICAM to monitor G or H based on guidance provided by operations personnel. (b) Established the CAM check at the edge of the “cold” zone. Check both G and H modes. (c) Beginning at the “top” of the casualty’s head and within 1/2 inch distance from the inspected surface, begin a slow thorough monitoring of decontaminated casualty. (d) Forwarded casualties to the redress tent or return casualty for further decontamination. (e) Performed operator procedures if the monitor reports contamination. (2) CAM “spot” checks. (a) Performed function checks and place the Chemical Agent Monitor into operation. Check both G and H modes. Set the ICAM to monitor G or H based on guidance from operations personnel. (b) Established the CAM check at the edge of the “cold” zone. (c) “Spot” check the casualty’s hair, under arms, groin area, and bottom of their feet. (d) Forward the casualty to the redress tent or return casualty for further decontamination. (e) Perform operator procedures if the monitor reports contamination. b. Reroute casualty back through the decontamination line if contamination was detected. c. Periodic sampling of waste water and patient clothing/belongings will be analyzed by the CST GCMS. 6. Decontamination personnel process casualties through separate male and female redress stations. 35 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO a. Issued temporary clothing to cover casualties. b. Provided medical stabilization as required by medical personnel. c. Escorted to log-out/casualty disposition stations. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 031-503-1027 Task Title 031-503-1036 Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask Maintain your assigned Protective Mask 031-503-2001 031-503-2002 Identify Chemical Agents using M256 Kit Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set 031-504-1013 031-507-4025 Operate the M-22 Automated Chemical Agent Monitor Estimate Decontamination Material Requirements 031-627-0024 031-627-0027 Operate the Oil Fired Decontamination Unit Operate the Generator 031-627-1005 031-627-1022 Implement Protective Measures in a Hazardous Materials Incident Operate Tripod Exterior Lights 031-627-1023 031-627-1035 Operate the Waste Water Discharge Pump Determine Decontamination Solutions for Specific Agents 113-571-1022 154-385-6263 158-100-1140 Perform Voice Communications Conduct Risk Assessment Communicate Effectively in a Given Situation 191-376-4114 Control Entry to and exit from a Restricted Area FM 3-5 Chap 8 TBD Chemical Patient Deacon Cut Out Clothing Perform PMCS on PAPR TBD 031-503-1013 Protect Yourself using PAPR Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment using Chemical Decontaminating Kits (M295 and M291) 031-503-1028 031-503-1031 Operate the AN/PDR-77 Radiac Set Operate the Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) 031-507-2038 031-627-0036 Control Contaminated Waste Doff the Level B and Level C Protective Garment 031-627-0037 031-627-1008 Don The Level B and Level C Protective Garment Process Through a Domestic Decontamination Site 031-627-1013 031-627-1034 Protect Yourself from Injury/Contamination with the Level B Protective Garment Route Casualties Through a Domestic Response Casualty Decontamination Site 081-831-1046 Transport a Casualty 031-503-1035 36 093-55D-1339 Operate Radiac Set AN/VDR-2 SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 37 ELEMENTS: DECONTAMINATION TASK: CONDUCT NON-AMBULATORY DECONTAMINATION OPERATIONS (03-30004-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. The company is ordered to conduct casualty decontamination. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site. For planning purposes, the CERFP the company is capable of processing 40-225 ambulatory and 20-75 non-ambulatory casualties per hour, however, actual throughput is determined by METT-T, hazards present and personnel available. Patient monitoring is based upon the hazards and the capabilities of the monitoring equipment. This task is always performed in appropriate level of PPE for the prevailing conditions. TASK STANDARDS: The decontamination company conducts non-ambulatory casualty decontamination. The company limits the spread of contamination by processing the casualties through the decontamination site. The site is located up wind and up hill from the contaminated source. The Hot, Warm, and Cold Zones are identified. NOTE: Site has already been established IAW TASK: Establish Domestic Response Decontamination Site. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Decontamination personnel process casualties through the clothing removal station. NOTE: Litter Transfer Team transports litter casualties to the clothing removal station. Casualties are placed “Head First” on the roller system and rolled into the clothing removal area. a. Reassured and coached casualty through clothing removal process. Attention is paid to modesty issues. b. Using scissors or safety knife cut shirt along sleeve inseam and center of chest. Scissors of knife should be dipped in 0.5 solution after each cut. c. Roll fabric away from casualty’s exposed skin and tuck along side. If under shirt or undergarments exist repeat procedures and remove. d. Cut and removed shoes and socks. e. Cut inseam of trouser legs and zipper line or center of dress, roll fabric away from casualty’s exposed skin and tuck along side. Cut and remove undergarments. f. Consolidated contaminated waste in containers. g. Transported casualty clothing to contaminated waste collection site. 2. Decontamination personnel process casualties through the decontamination (wash station) station. a. Operator received casualty and centers casualty in decontamination shower. Instructs victims of the shower procedures and reassure the casualty. 38 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO b. Sprayed or wiped casualty with neutralizing agent or if soapy water is required, apply soap with sprayer or squeezed liquid. With attention to breathing concerns, the casualty is deluged with water from shower nozzles. c. Raised casualty’s upper body and wipe the under side. d. Removed contaminated clothing and decontaminate litter surface. e. Lowered casualty onto litter. f. Raised casualty’s lower body and wipe the under side avoiding cross contamination. g. Lowered casualty onto the litter. h. Sprayed or wiped casualty with neutralizing agent or soapy water. i. Assisted casualty to the rinse station. 3. Casualty develops complications during wash or rinse procedures. NOTE: In the event of a casualty’s condition changes, wash/rinse operator stops water flow and summons medical aid. a. Rolled casualty on their side (if possible) with top leg ahead of the body, so they remain in a “half rolled over position” and if they vomit, they will not aspirate (inhale) the vomit. b. Care is provided by medical personnel and the casualty either continues the DECON process or is removed from the line for further care. Medical personnel will provide care stabilizing and transporting patient immediately if needed. 4. Decontamination personnel process casualties through rinse station. a. Operator received casualty and centers casualty in decontamination shower. Instructs victims of the shower procedures and reassure the casualty. b. Sprayed or wiped casualty with neutralizing agent or if soapy water is required, apply soap with sprayer or squeezed liquid. With attention to breathing concerns, the casualty is deluged with water from shower nozzles. c. Raised casualty’s upper body and wipe the under side. d. Removed contaminated clothing and decontaminate litter surface. e. Lowered casualty onto litter. f. Raised casualty’s lower body and wipe the under side avoiding cross contamination. g. Lowered casualty onto the litter. h. Sprayed or wipep casualty with neutralizing agent or if soap water is required, apply soap with sprayer or squeezed liquid. i. Assisted casualty to the monitoring station. Decontamination personnel process casualty through the contaminated monitoring station. a. Monitored casualty for contamination. (1) Thorough Chemical Agent Monitor checks. (a) Performed function checks and place the Chemical Agent Monitor into operation. 39 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO (b) Established the CAM check at the edge of the “cold” zone. Check both G and H modes. (c) Beginning at the “top” of the casualty’s head and within 1/2 inch distance from the inspected surface, begin a slow thorough monitoring of decontaminated casualty. (d) Recorded readings and forward the casualty to the appropriate medical personnel for further care or return casualty for further decontamination. (e) Performed operator procedures if the monitor reports contamination. (f) Periodic sampling of waste water and patient clothing/belongings will be analyzed by the CST GCMS. (2) CAM “spot” check. (a) Performed function checks and place the Chemical Agent Monitor into operation. Check both G and H modes. (b) Established the CAM check at the edge of the “cold” zone. (c) “Spot” check the casualty’s hair, under arms, groin area, and bottom of their feet. (d) Recorded readings and forward the casualty to the appropriate medical personnel for further care or return casualty for further decontamination. (e) Performed operator procedures if the monitor reports contamination. b. Rerouted the casualty back through the decontamination line if contamination was detected. 6. The decontamination personnel process the casualty through the redress/cover station. a. Issued temporary clothing & towels to dry & cover casualties. b. Provide medical stabilization as required by medical personnel. c. Assist non-ambulatory casualties to log-out/holding station. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step 40 SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 031-503-1027 031-503-1035 Task Title Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask 031-503-1036 031-503-2001 031-503-2002 031-503-3014 Maintain your assigned Protective Mask Identify Chemical Agents using M256 Kit Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set Supervise Decontamination Operations 031-504-1013 031-507-4025 Operate the M-22 Automated Chemical Agent Monitor (ACADA) Estimate Decontamination Material Requirements 031-627-0024 031-627-0027 Operate the Oil Fired Decontamination Unit Operate the Generator 031-627-1005 031-627-1022 Implement Protective Measures in a Hazardous Materials Incident Operate Tripod Exterior Lights 031-627-1023 031-627-1035 Operate the Waste Water Discharge Pump Determine Decontamination Solutions for Specific Agents 113-571-1022 154-385-6263 158-100-1140 Perform Voice Communications Conduct Risk Assessment Communicate Effectively in a Given Situation 191-376-4114 Control Entry to and exit from a Restricted Area FM 3-5 Chap 8 TBD Chemical Patient Decon Cut Out Clothing Perform PMCS on PAPR TBD 031-503-1013 Protect Yourself using PAPR Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment using Chemical Decontaminating Kits 031-503-1028 031-503-1031 Operate the AN/PDR-77 Radiac Set Operate the Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM) 031-507-2038 031-627-0036 Control Contaminated Waste Doff the Level B and Level C Protective Garment 031-627-0037 031-627-1008 Don The Level B and Level C Protective Garment Process Through a Domestic Decontamination Site 031-627-1013 031-627-1034 Protect Yourself from Injury/Contamination with the Level B Protective Garment Route Casualties Through a Domestic Response Casualty Decontamination Site 081-831-1046 093-55D-1339 Transport a Casualty Operate Radiac Set AN/VDR-2 SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 41 ELEMENT: DECONTAMINATION TASK: CONDUCT MILITARY PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION (03-3-0005-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. The company is ordered to conduct casualty decontamination. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site. This task is always performed in appropriate level of PPE for the prevailing conditions. TASK STANDARDS: Decontamination personnel properly establish decontamination stations for property, equipment, and military personnel. Receive and account for personal property forwarded from the Log-In personnel and determine decontamination priority. Decontaminate unit personnel rotating from contaminated areas and individual masks and prepare masks for additional entries. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Property/Equipment decontamination personnel. a. Coordinated with the Log-In personnel where property and equipment pick-up point is located. b. Established personal property and equipment decontamination site between the ambulatory and non-ambulatory decontamination lines. c. Received guidance from the commander to whether decontamination will occur as items are received or held for later processing. 2. Verification of property received and decontamination process begins. a. Removed items and identification tag from bag. b. Received guidance from commander regarding what items will not be decontaminated and separates for removal to hazardous waste site. c. Forwarded items to next station for processing. 3. Property Decontamination. a. b. c. d. e. Retrieved items from individual bags. Applied neutralizing solution to items. Allowed ample time for solution to function. Forwarded items with tags for contamination check. Equipment decontaminated according to FM 3-5 and FM 8-285. 4. Military Personnel Decontamination. Crew rotation personnel (out processing) will proceed to the sustainment decontamination wash/rinse area. NOTE: Military Decontamination of soldiers will occur inside (one side for casualties/one side for military decontamination) the non-ambulatory decontamination tent when the two-lane configuration is used or outside the decontamination when the one lane configuration is used to decontaminate casualties. 42 TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO a. Personnel conduct wash (solution station) and rinse (rinse station) procedures. (1) Wash hands in the kill and rinse buckets prior to touching the spray heads, wash hood while protecting the air inlet port of the filter, wash frontal (opening) areas of the suit, and wash the boots (pay special attention to the bottoms). (2) Rinse using the same process as above, once the rinse is complete remove the chemical tape from around the boot top, then loosen the boot fasteners. b. Personnel conduct monitoring/TYCHEM removal (monitoring station) procedures. Monitoring operator will direct personnel to step into the run-off containment pan to begin the monitoring process. (1) Spot check hood and all openings of the suit. (2) Secured all draw strings in the hood and begin to roll the hood (3) If no hood, remove the chemical tape form around the face blank of the mask (4) Removed tape from the opening areas of suit, un-secure the Velcro and un-zip the zipper. Secure the suit form the shoulder area and work it down to the elbow area (5) While securing the gloves and the sleeve cuff, direct the individual to work loose their hands out of the glove. (6) Once the hands are loose and free, have person assisting removal, while touching only the inside of the suit have them begin to push the suit down to the knee area (7) The operator will then secure one boot heel at a time and direct the person to step out of the suit and over the vapor control line. The suit will then be placed into the contaminated (solid waste) container (8) Once over the vapor control line the person will loosen the neck straps of the head harness (9) The monitor will secure the mask touching only the nose cup and then directing the person- to remove their head from the harness and step away in to the cold area (10) The mask will be turned in to the equipment decontamination for processing 5. Military Equipment Decontamination. (1) All contaminated solid waste (PPE) will be placed in waste containers in the decontaminated equipment area. Personnel place TYCHEM, boots, and gloves in trash bag and dispose of out of the monitoring area (2) The following solutions will be prepared (if available) in 35 gallon containers for mask sustainment decontamination. Solution will be mixed at the following ratio of 1-5 parts, bleach, soapy water, and rinse water. (Reference FM 3-5 Appendix B-11) (3) Once the protective mask is passed over to the equipment decontaminated area, the operator will disassemble the mask, discarding the hood, filter canister, nose cup inlet valve disks (if required), head harness, and outlet lens 43 (4) (5) (6) The operator will decontaminate the mask face blank or the M40 or PAPR, PAPR rubber belt, PAPR connection rubber hose, and the PAPR system (note: the PAPR system should only be sponged wiped to prevent damage). Once the equipment is thoroughly decontaminated it will be placed in the wait area for drying and monitoring. Once monitoring is completed, the equipment will be forwarded to the equipment reconstitution area for reassemble and reissued to the operator. 6. Military personnel rehabilitation and sustainment. (1) Personnel will establish and maintain an area near the military equipment decontamination area. Preparation for this station requires that the protective-mask prescribed load-list (PLL) parts are needed. The unit NBC NCO/supply sergeant sets up the reissue point to provide the soldier with replacement parts and assistance with maintenance. (2) At this station the protective masks will be reassembled and reissued to assigned military personnel or provided to the soldier for reassembly once the decontamination process has been completed. NOTE: Components for the M40 mask series consist of: hood, filter canister, outlet lens, inlet valve disk, and head harness. Components for the PAPR mask consist of: hood, rubber belt, rubber connecting hose, PAPR system, and head harness. (3) Once protective masks have been reissued, personnel will obtain a new TYCHEM suit, gloves, boots and any other equipment required by the commander. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step 44 SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number 031-503-1027 Task Title 031-503-1035 Operate the AN/UDR-13 Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask 031-503-1036 031-503-2001 031-503-2002 031-503-3014 Maintain your assigned Protective Mask Identify Chemical Agents using M256 Kit Use and Maintain the AN/VDR-2 Radiac Set Supervise Decontamination Operations 031-504-1013 031-507-4025 Operate the M-22 Automated Chemical Agent Monitor (ACADA) Estimate Decontamination Material Requirements 031-627-0024 031-627-0027 Operate the Oil Fired Decontamination Unit Operate the Generator 031-627-1005 031-627-1022 Implement Protective Measures in a Hazardous Materials Incident Operate Tripod Exterior Lights 031-627-1023 031-627-1035 Operate the Waste Water Discharge Pump Determine Decontamination Solutions for Specific Agents 113-571-1022 154-385-6263 158-100-1140 Perform Voice Communications Conduct Risk Assessment Communicate Effectively in a Given Situation 191-376-4114 Control Entry to and exit from a Restricted Area FM 3-5 Chap 8 TBD Chemical Patient Decontamination Cut Out Clothing Perform PMCS on PAPR TBD 031-503-1013 Protect Yourself using PAPR Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment using Chemical Decontaminating Kits (M295 and M291) 031-503-1028 031-503-1031 Operate the AN/PDR-77 Radiac Set Operate the Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) 031-507-2038 031-627-0036 Control Contaminated Waste Doff the Level B and Level C Protective Garment 031-627-0037 031-627-1008 Don The Level B and Level C Protective Garment Process Through a Domestic Decontamination Site 031-627-1013 031-627-1034 Protect Yourself from Injury/Contamination with the Level B Protective Garment Route Casualties Through a Domestic Response Casualty Decontamination Site 081-831-1046 093-55D-1339 Transport a Casualty Operate Radiac Set AN/VDR-2 45 ELEMENTS: DECONTAMINATION TASK: ESTABLISH A HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE (03-3-0006-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Incidents involving CBRNE have occurred. The company is ordered to conduct casualty decontamination. The Incident Command System has designated the location of the decontamination site. This task is always performed in appropriate level of PPE for the prevailing conditions. TASK STANDARDS: Decontamination personnel determine the appropriate location for contaminated waste, clearly marking the location to avoid cross contamination and approach by non-protected personnel. The location must be large enough to facilitate waste in proportion to the number of casualties decontaminated. Commander properly closes the site and reports to the Incident Command System and higher headquarters once mission is completed. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Decontamination personnel. a. b. c. d. Determined suitable location. Designated control lines. Coordinated disposal plan. Coordinated to determine whether contaminated water collection or runoff is authorized. e. Directed implementation of appropriate water handling. f. Coordinated engineer assistance as required. 2. Decontamination personnel. a. Deployed contaminated waste receptacles in the decontamination line. b. Determine the direction contaminated water will flow. c. Deployed appropriate equipment to route and collect contaminated water at least 50 meters from decontamination line. d. Prepared and clearly mark waste collection points. e. Pumped wastewater directly from the decontamination tent into the contaminant container providing adequate distance between decontamination line and container site. f. Placed drainage hoses to carry water into collection site. g. When collecting into a container, clearly mark the drainage line and container “contaminated waste”. h. When collecting into an open site, create a marked perimeter avoid ground absorption by placing tarps or non-permeable material down. 3. Decontamination personnel NOTE: Only done if waste water is not collected in blivets or containers. a. Determined the route contaminated water will run. 46 b. Clearly mark the route that wastewater will take providing a corridor for absorption. c. Conducted ditching or damning procedures to route wastewater to the appropriate location. d. Avoid route that require personnel to ”step over” the contaminated water. e. Reported result or problems to operations personnel. 4. Decontamination personnel close the decontamination site. NOTE: Site closure procedures are dependant on guidance from the Incident Command System. a. Commander requested permission to close the site. b. Personnel decontaminated selected equipment used at the stations, starting in the Hot Zone and working to the end of the Warm Zone. All usable equipment was consolidated at the end of the Warm Zone. c. Decontamination personnel conducted operational decontamination. d. Commander transmitted closure reports to the operation center. TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 47 ELEMENT: MEDICAL TREATMENT TEAM TASK: PREPARE FOR TREATMENT OF CBRNE CASUALTIES (08-2-0001-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: A decontamination and treatment area is identified in the layout plan and is being established to receive the casualties. Task Force medical personnel are prepared to assist with monitoring and/or screening CBRNE casualties for contamination. TASK STANDARDS: Medical personnel are prepared to triage and treat CBRNE contaminated casualties in proper PPE. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO * 1. Commander and medical personnel prepare for treatment of CBRNE casualties. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Directed activation of the hot zone triage and medical treatment areas. Requested additional medical personnel (if required). Coordinated for telemedicine support through command element and/or higher HQ (if required). Identified available assets required for medical treatment. Tasked organized assets for medical treatment. Monitored stress reduction and prevention procedures. Forwarded SITREPs to operations per SOG . Completed Unit Personnel Pre Assessment Medical Screenings IAW NFPA guidance Enforced safety procedures IAW SOG. Enforced environmental protection procedures IAW SOG. Advise command on medical implications, signs, symptoms and treatments of any suspected or identified CBRNE agent. Ensured completion of the Post-Medical Assessments as CERFP personnel leave the hot zone per NFPA Guidelines. 2. Medical personnel establish treatment areas. a. b c. d. e. f. g. Positioned equipment. Erected a windsock (or similar item) for easy determination of wind direction. Posted warning markers. Designated personnel for specific medical functions. Notified operations when areas are operational. Employed safety procedures applicable regulations/laws. Employed environmental protection procedures IAW AR 200-1. 48 TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title 081-831-0033 Initiate A Patient tracking/documentation system References STP 8-91W15-SM-TG 113-571-1022 Perform Voice Communications Stp 21-1-Smct 850-001-2000 Employ Accident Prevention Measures And Risk Mgt Process Stp 21-24-Smct 850-001-3001 Control Mission Safety Hazard Stp 21-24-Smct SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: NONE OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 49 ELEMENT: MEDICAL TREATMENT TEAM TASK: PROVIDE EMERGENCY CARE (08-2-0002-CERFP) COMMANDER/LEADER ASSESSMENT: T P U (Circle) CONDITIONS: Casualties are being received from the incident scene. Patients may, or may not, have received advanced trauma management (ATM) treatment and some patients may require initial resuscitation. Treatment areas are established in a non contaminated environment and adequate staffing and medical supplies are present. TASK STANDARDS: Medical personnel provide treatment of patients IAW SOG. Patients are being re-triaged as they arrive. TASK STEPS AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GO NO-GO 1. Medical personnel provide initial emergency treatment. a. Re-Triaged patients to determine priority of treatment. b. Performed a patient survey c. Provided immediate measures to Stress Management cases. d. Identified treatment rendered by reviewing the patient tracking system. e. Maintained airway. f. Maintained cardiopulmonary function. g. Controlled hemorrhage. h. Immobilized fractures or suspected fractures including neck and back i. Treated burns j. Provided relief from severe pain. k. Treated for or prevented shock. l. Treated chemical casualties, ie. Administered nerve agent antidote m. Initiated Intravenous Fluid Therapy n. Performed life-saving procedures, ie, needle decompression, as required 2. Medical personnel provided continued medical treatment. a. Re-evaluated patients medical condition. b. Managed airway c. Performed wound care d. Sutured wounds as applicable e. Performed burn care f. Perform cardiac monitoring as applicable g. Administered medications (oral, IM, IV, SubQ) as directed h. Treated environmental (hypo and hyperthermia) injuries i. Managed pain. j. Provided treatment as directed by the appropriate authority. k Initiated or Update patient tracking documentation. l. Treated nuclear and RAD exposed casualties m. Treated chemically exposed casualties n. Treated biologically contaminated casualties o. Treated trauma wounds appropriately 50 3. Medical Personnel Insure Medical Capability a. Coordinated transportation of patients based on medical priority b. Reported patient tracking updates to operations c. Requested replacement of equipment and supplies as required d. Coordinated with command for field feeding of patients as needed e. Requested evacuation by patient priority. m. Report periodic patient tracking numbers and location updates to operations. 4. Medical Personnel Perform Duties in the Hot Zone a. Triaged casualties for Decon priority b. Provided limited emergency medical care c. Provided verbal communication to command via radio as needed d. Augmented the Search and Extraction Team with Medical Personnel TASK PERFORMANCE / EVALUATION SUMMARY BLOCK ITERATION 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL TOTAL TASK STEPS EVALUATED TOTAL TASK STEPS “GO” TRAINING STATUS “GO”/“NO-GO” “*” indicates a leader task step SUPPORTING INDIVIDUAL TASKS Task Number Task Title 081-831-0008 Put On Sterile Gloves 081-831-0010 Measure A Patient's Respirations 081-831-0011 Measure A Patient's Pulse 081-831-0012 Measure A Patient's Blood Pressure 081-831-0013 Measure A Patient's Temperature 081-831-0018 Open The Airway 081-831-0019 Clear An Upper Airway Obstruction 081-831-0033 Initiate Patient Tracking/Documentation 081-831-0035 Manage A Convulsive And/Or Seizing Patient 081-831-0038 Treat A Casualty For A Heat Injury 081-831-0039 Treat A Casualty For A Cold Injury 081-831-0046 Administer External Chest Compressions 081-831-0048 Perform Rescue Breathing 081-833-0012 Perform A Wound Irrigation 081-833-0016 Insert An Oropharyngeal Airway (Jtube) 081-833-0021 Perform Oral And Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Of A Patient 081-833-0031 Initiate Treatment For Anaphylactic Shock 081-833-0033 Initiate An Intravenous Infusion 081-833-0034 Manage A Patient With An Intravenous Infusion 081-833-0045 Treat A Casualty With An Open Abdominal Wound 081-833-0046 Apply A Dressing To An Impalement Injury 081-833-0048 Manage An Unconscious Casualty 081-833-0049 Treat A Casualty With A Closed Chest Wound 081-833-0050 Treat A Casualty With An Open Chest Wound 081-833-0052 Treat A Casualty With An Open Or Closed Head Injury 081-833-0054 Irrigate Eyes 081-833-0056 Treat Foreign Bodies Of The Eye 081-833-0057 Treat Lacerations, Contusions, And Extrusions Of The Eye References STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG 51 081-833-0058 Treat Burns Of The Eye 081-833-0060 Apply A Roller Bandage 081-833-0062 Immobilize A Suspected Fracture Of The Arm Or Dislocated Shoulder 081-833-0064 Immobilize A Suspected Dislocated Or Fractured Hip 081-833-0070 Administer Initial Treatment For Burns 081-833-0076 Apply Restraining Devices To Patients 081-833-0083 Treat A Nerve Agent Casualty 081-833-0084 Treat A Blood Agent Casualty 081-833-0085 Treat A Choking Agent Casualty 081-833-0086 Treat a Blister Agent Casualty 081-833-0088 Prepare An Injection For Administration 081-833-0089 Administer An Injection (Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, IM) 081-833-0141 Apply A Traction Splint 081-833-0142 Insert A Nasopharyngeal Airway 081-833-0144 Treat A Diabetic Emergency 081-833-0154 Provide Basic Emergency Treatment For Painful, Swollen, Deformed Extremity 081-833-0155 Perform A Trauma Casualty Assessment 081-833-0156 Perform A Medical Patient Assessment 081-833-0158 Administer Oxygen 081-833-0159 Treat A Cardiac Emergency 081-833-0160 Treat A Respiratory Emergency 081-833-0161 Control Bleeding 081-833-0164 Measure A Patient's Pulse Oxygen Saturation 081-833-0167 Place A Patient On A Cardiac Monitor 081-833-0168 Insert A Chest Tube 081-833-0169 Insert A Combitube 081-833-0170 Perform Endotracheal Suctioning Of A Patient 081-833-0174 Administer Morphine 081-833-3007 Perform Needle Chest Decompression 081-833-3014 Perform Neurological Examination On A Patient With Suspected CNS Injuries 081-833-3022 Insert A Nasogastric Tube 081-833-3208 Suture A Minor Laceration 081-835-3001 Administer Oral Medications 081-835-3010 Maintain An Indwelling Urinary Catheter 081-835-3020 Administer Topical Medications 081-835-3022 Administer Medicated Eye Drops Or Ointments 081-835-3024 Provide Tracheostomy Care 081-835-3030 Determine A Patient's Level Of Consciousness 081-835-3031 Provide Nursing Care For A Patient With A Waterseal Drainage System 113-571-1022 Perform Voice Communications 081-831-1054 Evacuate Casualties STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 21-1-Smct STP 21-24-SMCT SUPPORTING COLLECTIVE TASKS: PROVIDE PATIENT HOLDING (TASK 08-2-0004.08-DRAFT) OPFOR TASKS AND STANDARDS: NONE 52